Several rules how to learn Russian quickly and efficiently. How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help

Several rules how to learn Russian quickly and efficiently. How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help
Several rules how to learn Russian quickly and efficiently. How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help

You learn Russian is no longer the first month, but still can't say a word, but about watching movies and speech can not go? Probably, you just misite Russian.

Let's talk about simple, but effective rules that will help you speak Russian literally through a few lessons!

Rule 1.. Learn Russian using the immersion method. Listen to the radio, watch movies, look for video tutorials in Russian. The mediator language prevents you from concentrating in the language studied, respectively, slows down the process of mastering Russian. If you want to speak Russian or understand this language, the communicative method will give you much more than any grammar benefit.

Rule 2.. Try to memorize phrases, not separate words. Together with the phrase, you learn and grammar. How to use this or that word in this context and in this situation, how to build offers, how to ask questions - all this comes not with a cramp, but with the memorization of the most used phrases in Russian.

Rule 3.. The aspect of the language you will pay most of all when learning will be developed in your best. For example, if you only perform grammatical tasks, inclined words, hide the verbs, you will be a master in this matter. But you will never speak if you do not try to talk. Want to watch Russian movies? Watch movies! Want to talk with Russian free? Try to talk, find a teacher or interlocutor and work, and you will talk! You can not play on a musical instrument, if you just look like others play. Practice is needed!

Rule 4.. Details of the Russian language lessons at least ten minutes, but every day. If you hear Russian speech and try to speak, the results will not make you wait. Repeat the material passed, try to talk to the Russians. Regularity is very important in the process of mastering the language.

Rule 5.. Find a motivation. If you do not know why you need Russian, you will very soon throw your lessons. Read Dostoevsky in the original? Excellent reason to learn Russian! Go around the whole of Russia alone? Perfectly, you need to know at least the basic phrases to survive. Watch Russian comedy programs and understand the mentality of the Russians? Wonderful motivation. Or maybe you want to find your love in Russia? Or conquer Russian-speaking distant relatives of their family? Look for your personal motivation, and you will not refuse to learn Russian!

Listen, say, read and replenish our large Russian-speaking family!

I think it will help:
step 1. Open textbook
step 2. Complete Rule
step 3. I read again
step 4. 1. Write the letters. A study conducted in 2008 at the University of Kyoto showed: if before proceeding with a van, to remember and record their sad thoughts and the smallest troubles that have occurred in recent times, the effectiveness of studies will increase sharply. The fact is that all negative we are a priori remember very well. And all the information that will come immediately after epistolary events, the brain on the inertia will perceive as "bad", which means reliably fixes. Not the most cheerful method, but really works.
2. Take care of nature. It turns out that the tradition of domestic students to prepare for exams in the country is very wise. Three years ago, psychologists from Michigan University found out: the contemplation of nature increases the cognitive function by as much as 20%. By the way, it is not necessary to travel to this very nature, you can simply look at the photos for 5-10 minutes.
3. Scream louder. Words are remembered by 10% better if they shout. Optionally, of course, yelling on the whole house "Cat!", "Walk!". Enough several times loudly and clearly utter each word.
4. Be more expressive. Another advice for studying difficult languages: Picture gestures all the words and phrases you learn. Literally: if you learn the leasing of the verb "Jump" - jump. And if you need to learn a dialog or a complex phrase, learn the scene. You will see, everything will be remembered quickly quickly.
5. Listen to yourself. Having learned some information, tell her to the recorder. And when you fall asleep, touch this entry quietly - you need to sleep under it. This is a stunningly effective way to fix already familiar, but poorly remembered things.
6. Do not sit on the spot. Learn poems, textbooks and reports, triggered circles around the room. The fact is that walking activates the work of the brain, and your ability to memorize increases significantly.
7. Change the situation. If in one evening you need to prepare for two exams (or meetings), do it in different rooms. The information that we remember under different circumstances is not stirred in the head.
8. Throw words. Superpole to learn a large amount of fusion text, such as lyrics or report. Rewrite this text, leaving each word only the first letter, and learn it, trying to remember these words. Naturally, at first will have to look into the original, but in the end you will sufficiently look at the truncated version and the text instantly pops up in memory. Such a cheat sheet is very convenient to take with you.
9. Sleep more. The longer you sleep after something learned, the better you will remember this information on the outflow. And sleepless nights, on the contrary, significantly worsen the memory. It is better to sleep a couple of hours before the exam, than trying to learn more "a couple of tickets."
10. Give sports! There were a lot of research on this topic, and everyone confirmed: aerobic exercises improve brain circulation and memory. Take a fit-bo or dance before sitting down the books: you can learn by heart at least "Eugene Onegin". Well, or at least the first storm.

How to quickly learn rules in the Russian language and remember them forever? The answer to this question is of interest not only for students, but also for those who have graduated from school. It is hardly there is a person who wanted to write and speak competently. The advice given in the article will help to cope with this task.

Where to begin

How to quickly learn rules in the Russian language? To begin with, it is worth stocking textbook and a collection of tasks, the execution of which will help consolidate the studied. Proper preparation for classes - the key to success. It is necessary to tune in to memorize the rules. In no case cannot teach them in a hurry, under the influence of certain distracting factors (music, tv and so on). The best time to assimize the new information is the morning and evening hours.

Also, a person must understand why he is going to learn this or that rule whether it will need him in his future life and in what situations. Proper motivation is the key to success.


How to quickly learn the rules in the Russian language and successfully apply them? The mistakes make those who try to remember the text without understanding the essence of its content. To begin, it is necessary to carefully read the rule, each word is clearly pronounced out loud. Then you need to determine the value of each word.

Then you need to try to reformulate the rule. Suppose it has the following structure: "We do ... when there is ...". You can say so: "If there is ..., then do ...". Next is to highlight keywords, for example, using color. This will take part in the memorization process. You can also submit a rule graphically, assume in the form of a table or schema. The more actions the person produces with the text, the higher the likelihood that he will remember its content.

How to quickly learn the rules in the Russian language, consisting of several points? To begin with, the content of each part should be understood. Then all items must be tied together.

Connect fantasy

People who have developed imagination can take advantage of this when memorizing the rules. Such a method actively apply primary school teachers, educators of kindergartens. If a person can figure out the text content, he will remember it better.

Fastening material

How to teach Russian rules? Many people forget about the importance of fixing the material studied. You can not neglect the exercises, the execution of which will help apply the rule. It is advisable to choose a variety different types Exercises, this will allow you to remember all possible nuances. During the work, it is necessary to prove the ruler content again and again.

Retelling of the studied material is the shortest way to memorize. The content of the rule can be told to yourself or someone from households. It is also useful to respond to someone's questions regarding the material studied. For example, an assistant can ask a person about what is done or writes something specific, and he must name the condition. If there is no opportunity to resort to someone's help, you can ask questions to yourself and answer them.

Read and write

How to quickly learn the rules of the Russian language yourself? Reading books is the shortest way to achieve this goal. We are talking about books, and not about texts on the Internet, which are often overflowing with grammatical errors. The best choice will be classic literature. While reading books, visual memory works, and the text utilization of out loud allows you to use and memory sound. A person not only expands its vocabulary and develops the combination skill and a combination of lexical units. His brain also records the correct writing of various concepts and terms. This ensures a decrease in the number of spelling errors.

Book rewriting is another way to memorize the rules of the Russian language. It is quite laborious, but the result is worth it. By rewriting on the page per day, a person may become more competent in the shortest possible time. During the execution of this task, it should be necessary to work with the text. It is necessary to track the familiar rules that are found in proposals, control the correctness of the alignment of punctuation marks, writing words. However, even if a person will simply rewrite the texts, the rules will begin to postpone from him in the subconscious without additional effort.

Mnemonica - a quick way to learn Russian rules

Mnemonic - memorization technique, which was used yet to our era. Another antique speakers who needed to learn their long speeches were resorted to this method. Most researchers attribute her invention to Cicero. So, what is the fastest way to learn the rules of the Russian language? The practical examples below will help you figure it out.

  • How to remember the use of verbs "wear and" wear "? "Dress up hope, putting on clothes."
  • "Not wonderful, not wonderful, but dangerously and terribly the letter" T "to write in the words" interesting "and" delicious "in vain. Such text will be able to better remember seven words in which the letter "T" is not used.
  • How to remember the padege of the Russian language? A funny patter will help to cope with this task. For example, "Ivan gave birth to the girl, ordered to drag the diaper." Or "Ivan Rubil Firewood, cooking the oven".
  • How to quickly learn consoles that need to write ply? It is enough to remember the word "AvtomotorPhotoDiomonter".
  • After the letter "C" is always written "and", however, there are exceptions. It is easy to learn enough: "Gypsy on chicken tiptoe gicked ksyz".

The funnier of the phrase, the easier it is to remember it. For example, "who in the verbs writes" Central As "is a real sheep."

Creative methods

The use of mpm is a quick way to learn Russian rules. Of course, there are other creative methods. For example, the rule that is remembered with difficulty can you try to escape. In this case, it will certainly move into memory.

Another effective way is to talk a complex text on the voice recorder. This entry should be regularly listening before bedtime. Finally, the text of the rule can be scrupted, it also contributes to memorization.

I think it will help:
step 1. Open textbook
step 2. Complete Rule
step 3. I read again
step 4. 1. Write the letters. A study conducted in 2008 at the University of Kyoto showed: if before proceeding with a van, to remember and record their sad thoughts and the smallest troubles that have occurred in recent times, the effectiveness of studies will increase sharply. The fact is that all negative we are a priori remember very well. And all the information that will come immediately after epistolary events, the brain on the inertia will perceive as "bad", which means reliably fixes. Not the most cheerful method, but really works.
2. Take care of nature. It turns out that the tradition of domestic students to prepare for exams in the country is very wise. Three years ago, psychologists from Michigan University found out: the contemplation of nature increases the cognitive function by as much as 20%. By the way, it is not necessary to travel to this very nature, you can simply look at the photos for 5-10 minutes.
3. Scream louder. Words are remembered by 10% better if they shout. Optionally, of course, yelling on the whole house "Cat!", "Walk!". Enough several times loudly and clearly utter each word.
4. Be more expressive. Another advice for studying difficult languages: Picture gestures all the words and phrases you learn. Literally: if you learn the leasing of the verb "Jump" - jump. And if you need to learn a dialog or a complex phrase, learn the scene. You will see, everything will be remembered quickly quickly.
5. Listen to yourself. Having learned some information, tell her to the recorder. And when you fall asleep, touch this entry quietly - you need to sleep under it. This is a stunningly effective way to fix already familiar, but poorly remembered things.
6. Do not sit on the spot. Learn poems, textbooks and reports, triggered circles around the room. The fact is that walking activates the work of the brain, and your ability to memorize increases significantly.
7. Change the situation. If in one evening you need to prepare for two exams (or meetings), do it in different rooms. The information that we remember under different circumstances is not stirred in the head.
8. Throw words. Superpole to learn a large amount of fusion text, such as lyrics or report. Rewrite this text, leaving each word only the first letter, and learn it, trying to remember these words. Naturally, at first will have to look into the original, but in the end you will sufficiently look at the truncated version and the text instantly pops up in memory. Such a cheat sheet is very convenient to take with you.
9. Sleep more. The longer you sleep after something learned, the better you will remember this information on the outflow. And sleepless nights, on the contrary, significantly worsen the memory. It is better to sleep a couple of hours before the exam, than trying to learn more "a couple of tickets."
10. Give sports! There were a lot of research on this topic, and everyone confirmed: aerobic exercises improve brain circulation and memory. Take a fit-bo or dance before sitting down the books: you can learn by heart at least "Eugene Onegin". Well, or at least the first storm.

Conjugation of verbs.

To the second hard

We will take away without a doubt

All verbs that is to be

Excluding shaving, string.

And also: watch, offend,

hear, see, hate

drive, breathe, keep, endure,

And depend, and tweak.

You remember friends,

You can not hide them.

And here's also the verbs here.

Who in the verbs is written Central Asian - a real sheep!

With a great desire, any rule can be sent out, but with stars easier and more fun.

Rule - it is the rule that it is necessary to learn, to drive, knock the iron nails to yourself. Other not given!

For this, children in school are taught Russian to speak and write correctly, be able to express their thoughts.

If you failed a fool in school, then this is your problem, because in your future life you will most likely not be time to memorize the rules of the Russian language.

Here is a detailed material on how to memorize the rules of the Russian language. I will not retell an article. Do not be lazy to go through the link.\u003d202948amp ;clear_cache\u003dy

Here is our way that we gave us an old lecturer Russian language.

So I remembered the roots with alternating rash, Razch and Ros.

Here in this word all the sonar consonants - lemonary.

Good luck in Russian.

At school, we were taught to memorize the questions to which the adverb is in order to make it easier to disassemble the proposal. We remembered in the form of a poem:

where, where, when, from where, why, why and how?

About the case, too, have already written, I will not repeat.

There are many interesting examples to faster and better remember the rules. But the most important thing in the study of the native language is (sorry for the banality) permanent training, memorizing and repetition of all (!) Orph and paragraphs. It is not difficult to learn them at all if you start it at least from the fifth grade. In lessons, it is not studied for several rules. And one, small, in 45 minutes of the lesson, you can learn. I am sure that if you are attentive in the lessons, it is possible and without homework to understand and learn all the rules included in the school curriculum.

The Russian language is considered very difficult for training (along with Chinese and Korean) foreigners that there is no specific system for the rules. There are separate poems or phrases for memorization, but they cover only a small part of the Russian language. The rest will have to learn the training and cramp.

Read more. Who reads a lot, not only speaks more correctly, but also writes. Even not always knowing the rules, however, a person writes out of mistakes, something like visual memory. So teach the love of kids to reading: and the horizons will expand, and spelling is pulled. Well, the rules are already a matter of technology.

When parsing suggestions, when the main (subject, subject, the subject) and the secondary (addition, definition and circumstance) members of the sentence are emphasized, the circumstance can be determined on the following issues:

where? where to? where? as?

why? what for? and how much?

But how to remember the stress:

Poured Merlot in Zherlo, it turned out to be a fuffer!

The same (most) as

Also (can be replaced)

Glass, tin, wooden (window: Glass and wood and tin (piece of iron))

That is, do not forget to dash.

I have such a scheme about the prefixes of prefers and at:

athibitors an approach to anything, proximity (pr. Prottery - close to the shore, at being to the station, at riding by car, at the age of guests)

it exceeds exaggeration, prejudice (pre-real, pre-red, pre-flatter).

And the cases can be taught by poem:

Ivan gave birth to the girl, ordered to drag the diaper.

And the rules can be made schematically, then to memorize easily.

How to learn the rule and learn to apply it

Read carefully

The case will not be moved, if you learn to music or with the included TV. Lay in a convenient location and concentrate on the textbook. Thoughtfully read the rule, paying attention to the selected words, examples and schemes. If the essence of what was written in the head did not immediately, read the text again.


Do not zubri, but in the essence of the rule. Each items will say to yourself. Observing with incomprehensible words and wording, try retelling the rule in your own words. Carefully consider examples. In practice, they show the action rule. With them it will be easier to understand the meaning.

On the writing of complex nouns, adjectives, as well as the shortcoming teacher of the Russian language of the educational center Adcuar Victoria Romanova


Confecting the rule, you run the memorization process. It remains only to keep information in the head. This will help the retelling out loud. Memorization is given hard - train memory. Learn to reproduce the topic of the house, and you easily repeat it at the board or to yourself, when you encounter in the text with the spell or the problem of forming a punctuation.

Screshing in practice

Bring to automatism the ability to write competently only in practice. After thoughtfully completed exercises, you no longer have to vote each time. So that it does not destroy, periodically return to theory and tasks on this topic.

What else will help better understand and memorize the rules


Places in the rules where you need to remember a lot of words exceptions are postponed faster in memory with the help of mnemonic phrases (a way to memorize information using associations). One of these: "Larous wound, climbed onto the tree." This line helps to distinguish the words that are in oral speech coincide on the sound. You will find ready-made associations in the book E. A. Lisovskaya "A nodule for memory, or mnemonic ways to study spelling".

Schemes and tables

To collect a great rule in one picture, use schemes or tables. We also look for infographics in the Paby of Adukar in the Russian language.

And also well study the language by video. Rollers in all the rules that will be suitable for the CT, you will find at our online training service in the Russian language.

Understanding the word structure

To apply the rules correctly, you need to see the structure of the word. It is important to understand the orthogram in the root or suffix. The easiest way to disassemble a lex on the morphemes is to pick up single words.

Determination of part of the speech

Writing often depends on the part of the speech to which the word belongs. Learn to clearly distinguish the adverb on behalf of the noun with the pretext or infinitive from the verb in the form of an imperative inclination.

Syntactic skills

To correctly put the punctuation signs, learn from understanding the composition of the proposal and allocate its parts. The correctly constructed scheme of the non-union proposal will save you from a punctuation error.

If a schoolboy is able to disassemble a proposal for members completely, it will help him when setting the punctuation marks. The scheme will be by the way for proposals with different types of communication. It is also necessary to draw attention to the presence of revolutions (involved, consignment), interjections, appeals.

Svetlana Pashukievich, Lecturer of the Russian language educational center Adcicar

In a number of reference books and benefits in the Russian language, a new, fun and sensible appeared. "The non-teacher in the Russian language" promises to go out in several parts (as long as the Spelling textbooks, covering the 5-6th grade program) and help those whom school teaching is only confused. A good help "non-teacher" will also be prepared for OGE and EGE. Each chapter consists of a short ridiculous story, explanations and exercises. We offer an example of the presentation of a complex topic - alternation of vowels at the root.


Kohl, you will play, do not forget to bow, "said the piano teacher.

I'm not used to bowed, "Kolya said proudly. He read these words in the book "Last Mogican".

But this is ... - the teacher was confused. - This is a ...

The concert is over! - interrupted Kohl.

Slapped the piano cap and silently, as the last of the Mogican, left the scene.

Alternation of vowels in the root

Most Russians studying in school are accustomed to the morpheme principle of Russian spelling, which involves the uniform writing of all significant parts of the word - morpheme (consoles, roots, suffixes and endings), despite the difference in their pronunciation. However, in the story of Arthur Givargizova "Rehearsal" there are two single words written by the Morrugal principle: in one word, the letter A is written in the root, in the same root - the letter Oh. It turns out that the same root is recorded in different ways.

These verbs go and bow. In Klach, the emphasis falls at the root, and we write a. To bow the root unstressed, but we will easily recall the words of the lay and the post, where [o] hears under the stress. This is called vowel alternation at the root.

The roots with the alternation of vowels in Russian are not so much. They can be divided into four groups - depending on what affects the choice of a vowel letter denoting unstressed sound:

  • the vowel letter is constant (it needs to be remembered);
  • consonants following vowels;
  • the presence of suffix a, following the root;
  • value.

The exercise. Before you a group of single-colored words containing roots with alternation. However, in each group there is an excess word - not sampled with the rest. Name these extra words.

  1. Turning around, tan, fire, mountain, burn, prigar.
  2. Garling, dawn, Zarnitsa, fool, dawn, dawn.
  3. Jump, jump, squash, pop up, jump, jump off.
  4. Sit, squats, fidget, sat down, gray-haired, nailed.
  5. College, pick up, take it, select, tear, test tube.

When unstressed vowels need to remember

This group includes four roots:

mountains // Gar.
Clone // Clan.
Pilaf // Plav
ZOR // Zar.

In these roots there are also the letter O, and the letter a. Under the emphasis, naturally, we write as hearing: Sarech, capeful, zairevo, as well. In the unstressed position there are special rules. Here they are.

  1. In two of the names of the roots in an unstressed position, the letter is written. These are the roots of the mountains, clone: \u200b\u200bto roam, clone.
  2. In two of the named roots in an unstressed position, the letter A is written. These are the roots of the melting, the charge: fin, Zarnitsa.

For the last rule there are exceptions:

  1. prigar (the word from the colloquial speech means "the taste of smoke, Gary in the burnt food");
  2. blots, swimmer.

About the root of melting // Plov must be said separately. For him, there are also such options - swimming // Swim: Swoll, swim, swim. In their writing, no one is usually mistaken, because even in an unstressed position they are pronounced otherwise. Only two interesting words are to remember - floating (water opossum) and floating (saturated with water soil).

In the school course of the Russian language, usually in this group consider the root creative // \u200b\u200bTsar. Historically, this is indeed one root that had two options. However, over time, options were very much diverged and became independent roots.

The first option is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreativity and creation and is written with the letter of not only in the shock, but also in an unstressed position: to create, creative, creatures, creative, disease.

The second option is found in several words originally connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreation, but essentially lost or losing this connection. He can also meet in the shock, and in an unstressed position: creature, creature, utensils.

The obsolete word utensils means "a set of items necessary in everyday life", that is, dishes, household supplies, furniture, etc. Today in it can no longer be distinguished by the root of the wagon, it is more correct to talk about the root of the utensil: the prefix y was already merged with the root.

The word creature retains a certain connection with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreation in such combinations and expressions, like God's creature or every wary of the pair. However, this connection is hardly felt in common collapse in relation to animals or people (in the meaning of "sneaky, frozen man"): this daze is such a stubborn creature. In general, the word Creature itself, and the creative word of the creature is written with the letter a.

Exercise 1. What statement in each pair is correct?

  1. In the word z_, the vowel oh is missing, since the test word zori.
  2. In the word Z_, you need to write a letter A, because it is a root with alternating and in an unstressed position in it always writes a.
  1. Word Skl_Name Writing with the letter O: Always a clone without stagnation.
  2. Word Schl_Name Writing with the letter A: Always a clan .__
  1. The word is prigid, we write with the letter O: Always Almost Mountains.
  2. The word is prigid, we write with the letter A: the verification word of the Gar.
  1. In the words, there is a root with an alternating vowel mountain.
  2. In the words, there was a different root and river, but it is necessary to write in both words about.
  1. The root of the word pl_vets is written a, since the unstressed vowel in this root is always denoted by the letter a.
  2. The root of the word pl_vets is written about. The unstressed vowel in this root is denoted by the letter A, but the word pl_hold is an exception.

Exercise 2. Insert the missing letters.

  1. Zag_no in the sun, the fishing rod with the population, talked to the ground, bright Z_nitsa.
  2. Stand up on z_re, cluttered Queen, prigoded the porridge, Russian pl_vchikhi.
  3. I rejuvenate from the route, did not sleep from Z_yr to Z_yri, the split forest along the river, r_noy matches.
  4. Pl_vuchi island, oz_r. the rays of the sun, schl_nut over the river, SG_Rel in a fire.
  5. Porridge with prig_reye, bird s_ machine, glue_love to the ground, turn over the bugs.

Exercise 3. In the root of words, checked and unchecked, as well as alternating vowels are missed. Insert them. Words with alternating vowels emphasize. If necessary, refer to the spelling dictionary.

  1. Go to g_arazh, internal engine engine.
  2. Skl_named over the river, cl_Name mammoth.
  3. Keep to pl_v, ul_nign mood.
  4. Mr.Working forest, some kind of bug.
  5. There was an applause, oz_.
  6. Charity. Expectancy, answer the gate.
  7. Large backer_jan, clogging the sun.
  8. I met Z_rew, once the earth.
  9. Sandwich with marg_rinets, prevent revival.

Exercise 4. Rewrite offers from Astrid Lindgren about the Peppy Girl. Stress in the words with alternating vowels in the roots, whose writing in an unstressed position need to be remembered. If necessary, refer to the spelling dictionary.

1. One after another Gasli windows in all the surrounding D_Mima, but in the Peppi house, all G_RELL. 2. Peppi Skl_nil's goal and threw a look at Tommy, Annik and on their T_Rells with porridge. 3. For all the streets, children were used, and Peppi barely Posp_Vala Sek_NFETA. 4. On the terrace of G_RELL Large, and the light of her kr_sively oz_yal snow-covered bushes. 5. In what row to me st_name, if we have no fourteen D_ty in С_ME, of which thirteen - oz_arny boys, and Sh_Kolade Sig_retua so cool to bite the corner of the mouth so that the taste of sh_kolad is mixed with the taste of M_Lin M_RMELDA! 6. From there, a huge pl_vnik leaned, who quickly moved to Tommy. 7. They applied, as if they were sailed to the island at all in order to lead the pearls, but only for the sake of the sky, a pleasant excursion.

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Comment Article "How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help"

Rules of the Russian language. Good evening, not sleeping in the world :) Answer me, connoisseurs of the Russian language, please, on the question: how correctly "according to which" or "according to which" ?? How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help.


This is with any subject so. My I do not understand why biology / geography and ilk with them in the volume that is given at school. Halves would have enough for general development. In the depths of the soul, I agree with her, but I say that knowledge of all items "is necessary, because it is necessary")))

If only because no one knows that it will be there next. I also didn't know the rules in school at all, there were 5-2-5-2 people in Russian ... for dictation - "5". "Explain why you wrote like that" - "2". And then I suddenly realized that there were rules in any language, and if you know the rules of one, it is easier to understand the rules of the other (by analogy or "from the opponent"). And in general, the language is akin to mathematics - logical and interesting.
And I learned the rules later when (suddenly!) I began to teach this language :)

How to memorize the rules of the Russian language: a new textbook to help. The program in the Russian language of the 5-6th class is in the new textbook of spelling with exercises and understandable explanation. Most Russians studying in school are accustomed to the morphemical principle of Russian ...


Ahremenkova "To the top five step by step"

Read books must be more, including parents. Moms and dads should show interest in reading books on their own example. And then, it happens, the last book for school themselves read, but the child is reinforcing that he does not want to read anything. But when you read, there is a visual memory. And during the letter, if it wrote incorrectly, you immediately notice that something is wrong.

There in a very concentrated form were given all the rules of the Russian language and to them exercises. ++ To Shklyaeva and Welded on Foxford and also added a textbook a large "Russian language for high school students and applicants", he unlike Bogdanova ...


I was engaged in my son, really a long time ago, according to the textbook by the Russian "Russian language for the universities." Thin such a book. There in a very concentrated form were given all the rules of the Russian language and to them exercises. We passed this textbook with him in the summer after grade 6. They were engaged in 1.5-2 months to 2-3 hours a day. We did not return to this anymore. But he was enough to finish school with a five in Russian and entered the university.

04/05/2018 04:10:03, MN-Kononova

If there is no time at all, then only the tutor. Optimally - on Skype, so as not to spend time on movement. The rap will identify failures, it will work the necessary topics, will support morally. And it is not too expensive. Play times enough for the eyes.
If you want three, then yes Foxford-Internet self-education. But it is necessary to understand what it is in 10 times at suggest.

Russian tutor in August. Requires a Russian tutor, where to look for a Russian tutor, preparation for the exam. Adult Education: Higher Education ...

Your help is very needed. Recognize, please, tutorial in Russian. Russian language for high school students and\u003e. Russian language for high school students and Russian language - EGE 4 class. At the beginning of the school year, our teacher announced that the authors of the exam in the Russian language in ...

Section: Tutorials (best book Rules of the Russian language). Advise the collection of rules in Russian for the beginning.


I join the request. You need the same, but online. In the computer, the right rule is somehow easier to search. Thank you!

I do not really understand what "the collection of rules for the start" means: are they some special for the first 4 classes? There are just rules of the Russian language. What for me, Better Ditmar Elyashevich is no longer invented yet.

"A response of the reference service of the Russian language is not, writing _ё_ in the word _ heavy_ it is impossible to check with the word _thivo_. Spelling of this word at the ordinary level ...


04/10/2017 14:07:47, Christina

"Russian reference service response
No, writing _O_ in the word _ heavy_ cannot be verified using the word _thly). The spelling of this word on an ordinary level can be checked as follows: _Yent - heavy_ (without accepted - _e_).
However, you are right, _y_ in this case is not part of the root. D. E. Rosenthal so formulates a rule on writing _o, E_ in the subfixes of adjectives after hissing: _After hissing under the stress is written _O_, in accordance with the pronunciation of the implications of the adjectives: -On- (echo, cableing), -On (rid) _ . As we see, the suffix _-e-_ in this list is not included. "

Spotlight. Study of foreign languages. Education of children. Teachers used only a textbook, a workbook and very rarely disk (at first, listened to new words), a collection of exercises if the teacher does not know how to talk with children, it does not matter in Russian or in English, then this grammar is explained by the help of geometric shapes.


Hello, Tasiok.
The problem of this textbook is that its estimated technique does not coincide with the conditions in which you have to train children. The communicative method requires daily communication in the language, and not one hour.
I have not seen the textbook that you are talking about, but I have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe communicative method. In life, I was emigrated to Germany and learning German there, from the very zero level, just by the communicative technique. Six hours of daily classes for six months. And we also had textbooks similar to the comic book. The first month we did not even open textbooks. The teacher first pulled us on oral communication in a master's tendency so that we could give each other elementary tasks what to do. The imperative inclination is the base, the base for the most initial communication. So they communicate small children at the age of two: "Give me this. Take it. Put it here, put there. Put, put, remove, get enough. Tell me, ask, explain, show." All other difficulties, like "My name is Lev. I am 50 years old. I live in Hamburg." "This is all unnecessary at the stage when a person can not yet say to another" Give! ". But when we traded an imperative weary for the month and played out with doll furniture ("Put the chair in front of the table. Put the lamp on the bedside table. Move the bedside bed") - After that, we turned out to be quite capable of ask each other about something, and we have accumulated some Lexicon - And only then we taught the comic book from the textbook. By the end of the sixth month, we, adults with already inflated brains, were able to truly talk in German. I have since made sure that adults can learn the language much faster than small children.
We began to study grammar in the form of rules only after a lot of different grammatical formulas, revolutions, structures have accumulated in our conversational reserve. Without this stock, all the serrated rules would be empty for us. I know this for sure, because in school and at the institution, I taught English, and all the served rules of English grammar without a support on a living conversation weathered from the head immediately after the exams.
In our German group there was a woman from Russia - the school teacher of the German language. You understand, she knew all the German grammar perfectly. But at the same time, she could not say anything about her several first months, they simply did not taught it at the institute. Of course, by the end of the course, it was far overwhelmed by all other cadets, such as I started studying from scratch. But the fact that herself taught in the Soviet school herself, she did not know how to speak, with all its knowledge of grammar.
By the way, by the end of the course it was discovered that our German teacher was very thoroughly owned by the Russian language. But during the first months we, students, did not even suspect about it. All German difficulties, he diligently explained to us only in German and on his fingers.

Impressions - terrible, the child's successes are only due to good memory, she obedience-remember-told-got 5, but in a couple of weeks half words will not remember. I personally have my impressions personally, I am not a teacher, an ordinary mother with English at school level. (many letters:-)
We have divided into two groups, respectively, 2 teachers. Both rejoiced the new course (before that was Biboletova), but the parents are good. The teachers were used only a textbook, a workbook and very rarely disk (at first, he listened to new words), the collection of exercises said not to buy, although it was not enough for me (personally for me, so I bought it myself). All tasks in the textbook and working notebook in English, there is no translation, first there is an acquaintance with sounds (not everyone), which is not very familiar, and then the alphabet, which was given 2 lessons (1-talked, 2-passed learned by heart orally) The reading was not explained, the teacher showed on the example the letter, but that there is an open and closed syllable and the letter read in different ways, as other letters are read-not explained, the child did not understand anything about the syllables, explained herself. The pronunciation is not paid at all, who can hear, he says. Writing letters also did not pass, they refine someone in what is much. English-speaking parents noticed errors in the transcription of some words in the textbook dictionary, how to read transcription - did not explain to children. The main homework tasks are the working notebook (there is easy by pictures), learn the writing of the 6th words on the topic - write to memory (very difficult, because the child is not familiar with the rules of reading combinations of 2-3x letters, for example, remember writing Eight when hears Three letters and it is not clear why two more are needed), make a story on the sample (it coped with it, because it was necessary to replace one word to others and everything, such as a doll on the bear), oral dialogues from the textbook, and in the second group were still asked to learn A poem-song by heart that goes in every topic (for a child who does not know how to really read, teach verse from 10-15 lines, without understanding the meaning, this is hell).
The result of the year of study in the 2nd grade: There are advances in children who are engaged in English outside the school (a personal tutor, as a rule) and who have a well-known parents, children who have not parents English do not have money for tutors, do not eat money 3 With the help of brothers, sisters and other relatives. I learning my child to read on the book L.Komonskaya "Learn to read in English" (thanks to her great for the manual), all summer we will deal with the language, because The teacher did not fulfill his task, I consider the basic knowledge of the child 0.

How to teach use the rules? Son in grade 4. In Russian firm 2. In the dictation, it is stable if you do at home, then it is important not easy to ask the rules, and in order to first in the textbook (buy yours) at first, the child cannot learn something new one, but if he can help him, he will be able to the role of multiplication table, Rules of the Russian language: How to remember?


I read everything, copied. We will work, change tactics. Forces and confidence, it was added, and then the hands were lowered from the lack of result, to be honest!. Thanks a lot, everyone!

28.01.2014 10:32:41, Julia-la with someone else's computer

Julia, we have exactly the same problems spatially visual disorientation. The only thing that saves us at school: the official conclusion of the Commission on the Distraphy, Dyslexia, Discalculia and TEACHER recommendations are all on the form of the Education Committee: the requirement of an individual approach to the child. If you need to tell you how to do it - write to the replacement. Saves the situation really and with a child removes extra stress.

There are just rules of the Russian language. What for me, Better Ditmar Elyashevich is not invented Russian: a competent child - how? Rules of the Russian language: learn in the game.


And we didn't approach the top five step by step (my son in Russian practically in every trimester is decided - between 3 and 4, but in the last trimester I decided to pull it up and took up this case seriously. Every evening !! We wrote a dictation from the Pattern and Nephlab booker (for its 3 class) and did 1 exercise on grammar (sometimes more) from the same pattern and non-refinery (called in my opinion the entire course of the Russian language 3 class). This tutorial is good because Each topic is given a variety of similar exercises, which can be done in the textbook, without rewriting in the notebook. In general, even the teacher noticed that things went better. As a result, the assessment was firm 4. The only difficulty - to make each evening additionally do)))


What is the charm :-) I always said that the phonetic analysis is harmful in elementary school, and exercises for correcting errors - nonsense.

Thank you, wonderful lecture!

I wanted to give a comment there, but I did not understand how to save.
Absolutely accurately: phonetic analysis, as it is served now in elementary school, disorientates the child. What are the exercises in the textbook of the Refector (my son fell misfortune to learn about this manual) to rework competently recorded texts in "phonetically correct"! You might think that in elementary schools, foreigners are studying, and not carriers of the Russian language. For some reason, in the early 1970s there was nothing like that - I remember that we slipped the phonetics with a whistle - and the percentage of competent was at the exit higher than now.

Questions (almost rhetorical) are spinning in the head: when will the end of this madness in teaching Russian? Is it really so corrupt in the field of training techniques of teaching and publishing school textbooks?

Specified for the weekend to learn the rule. To learn, I learned, but it's not to understand. In general, we are not very with the Russians, but as before the analysis of the composition, the case comes up, and now before decolation, in general, we arrived. Honestly, very nervous. Tell me something - a book ...