Unrivaled quotes from the novel "Master and Margarita. Unsurpassed quotes from the novel "Master and Margarita to share the fate he loves

Unrivaled quotes from the novel
Unrivaled quotes from the novel "Master and Margarita. Unsurpassed quotes from the novel "Master and Margarita to share the fate he loves

All his wives had a direct attitude towards his works - someone gave valuable advice about the storyline, someone became the prototype of the main characters, someone simply helped in organizational issues - he always felt the support of the one that was near. It was also exactly 88 years ago, when in the Odessa magazine "Shkva" began to print passages from his novel "White Guard". In the novel, "Master and Margarita" he invested in the mouth of Woland phrase that "the one who loves must share the fate of whom he loves" and all his life proved the right point of this statement ...

Tatyana: First love ...

They met in the summer of 1908 - a friend of the mother of the future writer brought his niece of Tasu Lapta from Saratov to the holidays. She was just a year younger than Michael, and a young man with great enthusiasm took up a young young lady - they walked a lot, went to museums, talked ... They had a lot in common - despite the external fragility, Tasya had a firm character and always had something to say , believed in good luck.

In the family of Bulgakov Tasya felt at home.

But the summer ended, Mikhail went to study in Kiev. The next time he saw Tasu only in three years - when she fell a chance to go to Saratov, accompanying Grandma Tatiana. Now it has come to act as a guide - show the Bulgakov city, stroll through his streets, museums and speak-speak-speak ...

Mikhail family accepted ... as a friend, but to marry a poor student and a young schoolgirl could not be speech. But in a year, Bulgakov returned to the house of the government house manager of Nicholas Lappa ... and found suitable words, convinced the future testing to send the daughter to study in Kiev.

It should be noted that on arrival in Kiev, Tatiana had a serious conversation with the writer's mother and their relationship. But here, in love, I managed to calm Varvaru Mikhailovna and explain that their union is not just a trick or fag. And in March 1913, the Student Bulgakov filed a petition in the name of the rector in the University's Office of the University of Permission to enter into marriage with Tatiana Nikolaevna Lappa. And the 26 numbers it was rooted: "Let me".

During a trip to Saratov on Christmas holidays, young people appeared in front of the parents of Tatiana with a fully established married couple. "Tasya" remained in the past, and now there was a "student's wife - Mrs. Tatiana Nikolaevna Bulgakov."

We lived in a gust, mood, never saved and almost always without money. She became the protopision Anna Kirillovna in the story of "Morphy". She was always there, kept, supported, helped. They lived together 11 years, while fate did not bring Mikhail with love ...

Love: Mature love ...

They met in January 1924 at the evening, arranged by the editorial office "On the eve" in honor of the writer Alexei Tolstoy. Mikhail already felt that it was - to be a writer and searched for his muse, able to inspire and send his creative impulse in the right direction, capable of soberly appreciate the manuscript, give advice. Unfortunately, Tatiana did not possess such talent (as, however, and no other related to literature). She was just a good man, but this was not enough for him.

The Love of Evgenievna Belozerskaya, on the contrary, has long revolved in literary circles - her then Her husband released his own newspaper "Free Thoughts" in Paris, and when they moved to Berlin, then they took up the release of the Soviet newspaper "On the eve", where essays and fekelons were published Bulgakov.

By the time of their personal dating, love was already divorced with her second husband, but continued to actively participate in the literary life of Kiev, where they moved with her husband after Berlin. When meeting with Bulgakov, she struck him so much that the writer decided to divorce with Tatiana.

Mikhail's relations and love reminded that the creative union was reminded. Love helped him with plot lines, was the first listener, reader. The couple was married only a year after the acquaintance - April 30, 1925. Happiness lasted only four years. She dedicated her writer's story "Dog's Heart" and the play "Kabala Svyatosh".

But on February 28, 1929, fate prepared him a meeting with a girlfriend of love - the one that the writer subsequently will say: "I loved only the only woman, Elena Nuremberg ..."

Elena: Love forever ...

They met the apartment at the artist Moiseenko. Elena herself many years later will tell about that meeting: "When I met Bulgakov by chance in the same house, I realized that this is my fate, despite everything, despite the insanely difficult tragedy of the gap ... We met and were there. It was fast, unusually Fast, in any case, on my part, love for life ... "

They were both not free. Elena was married to his second husband - deeply decent man, brought up two sons. Externally, marriage was perfect. Actually, he really was so - Evgeny Shilovsky, an offacarious nobleman, with an incredible trepidation and love treated his wife. And she loved him ... In his own way: "He is an amazing person, there is no such thing ... I feel good, calm, cozy. But Zhenya is busy almost all day ... I stay alone with my thoughts, fiction, fantasies, poor forces ... I feel that such Quiet, family life is not quite for me ... I want life, I do not know where I run ... My former "I" wakes up in me with love for life, to the noise, to people, to meetings ... "

Roman Bulgakov and Shilovskaya appeared suddenly and irrevocably. For them both it was a grave test - on the one hand, insane feelings, on the other hand, an incredible pain for those whom they were forced to suffer. They diverged, they returned back. Elena was not triggered to his letters, did not answer calls, never went outside one - she wanted to save marriage and not hurt her children.

But, apparently, you will not leave destiny. During the first independent walk after a year and a half after the rapid explanation of Bulgakov with her husband, she met Mikhail. And his first phrase was: "I can't live without you! .." She also could not without him.

This time, Evgeny Shilovsky did not prevent his wife in her desire to divorce. In his letter to parents, he tried to justify the deed of his wife: "I want you to correctly understand what happened. I don't blame Elena Sergeevna and I think that she did right and honestly. Our marriage, so happy in the past, came To your natural end. We have exhausted each other ... Once Lucy had a serious and deep feeling towards another person, she did right away that he did not sacrificed them ... I am infinitely grateful to her for the great happiness and joy of life that she gave me at one time ... "

Fate prepared a difficult life, Elena became his secretary, his support. He became for her the meaning of life, she is his life. She became a prototype of Margarita and remained with him to his very death. When the health of the writer worsened - the doctors diagnosed he had hypertensive nephrolerysis - Elena completely devoted himself to his spouse and fulfilled the promise given by her in the early 1930s. Then the writer asked her: "Give me the word that I will die in your hands ..."

On a thorny, a tortuous path of life, we have to make a choice, and not one. Frames or relatives affect the adoption of one or another solution, but often all the difficulties we are forced to overcome themselves, guided by the voice of the mind or gusts of feelings. What is right, and what not? This question is very important, for the consequences of our solutions sometimes tremendously affect the fate of the people expensive to us. Cold reason, it happens, will make you quit in trouble loved ones or forget about obligations for your own gain. Help to understand the subtleties of the human soul and, perhaps, avoid mistakes, we are called on literature. So Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov in his famous novel "Master and Margarita" wrote: "The one who loves must share the fate of whom he loves."

And indeed, this is a sacred duty that is obliged to perform anyone who is experiencing a bright sense of love. But debt - the word is rather harsh and strict - it is capable of performing and not all; It is not an inaccessible to man. A good example is an example - the story of Alexei Ivanovich Kurin "Olesya", and her main character is a novice writer Ivan Timofeevich. He falls in love with a thinly feeling young girl named Olesya, - a sorceress, child of nature. Their feelings are mutual, but be together young, alas, not destined. Vanya pulls into the city; He dreams of wedding in the church, which is forbidden for his chosen. The hero does not even think about staying in the forest near the village and spend the rest of the years with the beloved. All because the mind was stronger than feelings. To divide the fate of the one that loves, Ivan Timofeevich could not. And Olesya, entering the church, having committed such a sacrificial act - an example of true love, remained slandered by evil people for life.

But, of course, there are stories with a happier end. Generous, merciful love Margarita - Heroine Roman M.A. Bulgakova, makes believe in miracles. "So strikes lightning! So amazes the Finnish knife! ", - describes the master feeling that captured lovers. For love, margaritis do not exist obstacles: neither the loss of a loved one, nor the meeting with Satan, neither the bloody ball nor the transformation into the witch, in the end, did not become an obstacle for her. For the power of his love, this great woman will handle the chosen one from the crazy house and swear to heal him, and if he does not come out, decides, without a second, not thinking: "I dare with you."

Divide the suffering of Master Margarita helps true love.

The one who loves must share the fate of the beloved. The predominance of the mind in love is failing. True love lives only by the power of feelings, so sometimes you abandon the cold voice, the only way to know true happiness.

Through the entire Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is held by the leitmotif of Mercy Margarita, mercy dictated by the Great Love. Her feeling is all-consuming and impossible. Therefore, the phrase issued in the name of my essay accurately characterizes the history of the Master and Margarita relations. I believe that this may be called only the love that does not require anything in return. This applies to any love (and not just a relationship between a man and a woman): love children to parents (and on the contrary), love for friends and in general love to neighbor. After all, just such disinterested love preached Jesus Christ. Good deeds that we create, moving with love, benefit your neighbor, and sometimes made good returns to us by storm. But still, creating good, it is impossible to be guided by the mercenary goals, because love does not imply the concept of "must" or the conclusion "if I will help him, then at the right moment it will be obliged to help me." All the good deeds are made only in the call of the heart.

So Margarita - always acted, listening to the veins of his own heart, and all her impulses were sincere. For her, the whole world was concluded in the master, and in the novel of his beloved - the purpose of her life. Margarita is full of determination to accomplish anything for the sake of the Master, and love is inspired by this determination. It makes it wonderful things: Margarita is ready to go with the master on the last path, and her self-sacrifice is most brightly manifested in this act. She is ready to share the fate of the master, she is ready to even conclude a deal with the devil for the sake of salvation of his beloved. In addition, even becoming a witch, she does not lose good motivations. Love Margarita never demanded returns, she was granny, not taking. This is the essence of real love. There can be no other way. And God forbid to experience such a real feeling to those who are worthy of this. In the life of every person are enthusiasm. First the spark lights up, and then it seems that it happened - this is exactly the long-awaited high feeling. Sometimes a feeling of love lasts long, sometimes illusions are broken almost immediately. But true love, no matter how much it sounded, it happens once every 100 years. Such love describes Bulgakov. Such love describes the Kuprin in the story "Pomegranate bracelet". The difference between the loves of love depicted in these works is only that in the novel "Master and Margarita" this feeling is mutually.

I also believe that the phrase "who loves should divide the fate of whom he loves" consonant with the expression of Saint Exupery "We are responsible for those who have tamed." We must be responsible for our feelings and, therefore, always to share the fate of our favorite people.

All his wives had a direct attitude towards his works - someone gave valuable advice about the storyline, someone became the prototype of the main characters, someone simply helped in organizational issues - he always felt the support of the one that was near. It was also exactly 88 years ago, when in the Odessa magazine "Shkva" began to print passages from his novel "White Guard". In the novel, "Master and Margarita" he invested in the mouth of Woland phrase that "the one who loves must share the fate of whom he loves" and all his life proved the right point of this statement ...

Tatyana: First love ...

They met in the summer of 1908 - a friend of the mother of the future writer brought his niece of Tasu Lapta from Saratov to the holidays. She was just a year younger than Michael, and a young man with great enthusiasm took up a young young lady - they walked a lot, went to museums, talked ... They had a lot in common - despite the external fragility, Tasya had a firm character and always had something to say , believed in good luck.

In the family of Bulgakov Tasya felt at home.

But the summer ended, Mikhail went to study in Kiev. The next time he saw Tasu only in three years - when she fell a chance to go to Saratov, accompanying Grandma Tatiana. Now it has come to act as a guide - show the Bulgakov city, stroll through his streets, museums and speak-speak-speak ...

Mikhail family accepted ... as a friend, but to marry a poor student and a young schoolgirl could not be speech. But in a year, Bulgakov returned to the house of the government house manager of Nicholas Lappa ... and found suitable words, convinced the future testing to send the daughter to study in Kiev.

It should be noted that on arrival in Kiev, Tatiana had a serious conversation with the writer's mother and their relationship. But here, in love, I managed to calm Varvaru Mikhailovna and explain that their union is not just a trick or fag. And in March 1913, the Student Bulgakov filed a petition in the name of the rector in the University's Office of the University of Permission to enter into marriage with Tatiana Nikolaevna Lappa. And the 26 numbers it was rooted: "Let me".

During a trip to Saratov on Christmas holidays, young people appeared in front of the parents of Tatiana with a fully established married couple. "Tasya" remained in the past, and now there was a "student's wife - Mrs. Tatiana Nikolaevna Bulgakov."

We lived in a gust, mood, never saved and almost always without money. She became the protopision Anna Kirillovna in the story of "Morphy". She was always there, kept, supported, helped. They lived together 11 years, while fate did not bring Mikhail with love ...

Love: Mature love ...

They met in January 1924 at the evening, arranged by the editorial office "On the eve" in honor of the writer Alexei Tolstoy. Mikhail already felt that it was - to be a writer and searched for his muse, able to inspire and send his creative impulse in the right direction, capable of soberly appreciate the manuscript, give advice. Unfortunately, Tatiana did not possess such talent (as, however, and no other related to literature). She was just a good man, but this was not enough for him.

The Love of Evgenievna Belozerskaya, on the contrary, has long revolved in literary circles - her then Her husband released his own newspaper "Free Thoughts" in Paris, and when they moved to Berlin, then they took up the release of the Soviet newspaper "On the eve", where essays and fekelons were published Bulgakov.

By the time of their personal dating, love was already divorced with her second husband, but continued to actively participate in the literary life of Kiev, where they moved with her husband after Berlin. When meeting with Bulgakov, she struck him so much that the writer decided to divorce with Tatiana.

Mikhail's relations and love reminded that the creative union was reminded. Love helped him with plot lines, was the first listener, reader. The couple was married only a year after the acquaintance - April 30, 1925. Happiness lasted only four years. She dedicated her writer's story "Dog's Heart" and the play "Kabala Svyatosh".

But on February 28, 1929, fate prepared him a meeting with a girlfriend of love - the one that the writer subsequently will say: "I loved only the only woman, Elena Nuremberg ..."

Elena: Love forever ...

They met the apartment at the artist Moiseenko. Elena herself many years later will tell about that meeting: "When I met Bulgakov by chance in the same house, I realized that this is my fate, despite everything, despite the insanely difficult tragedy of the gap ... We met and were there. It was fast, unusually Fast, in any case, on my part, love for life ... "

They were both not free. Elena was married to his second husband - deeply decent man, brought up two sons. Externally, marriage was perfect. Actually, he really was so - Evgeny Shilovsky, an offacarious nobleman, with an incredible trepidation and love treated his wife. And she loved him ... In his own way: "He is an amazing person, there is no such thing ... I feel good, calm, cozy. But Zhenya is busy almost all day ... I stay alone with my thoughts, fiction, fantasies, poor forces ... I feel that such Quiet, family life is not quite for me ... I want life, I do not know where I run ... My former "I" wakes up in me with love for life, to the noise, to people, to meetings ... "

Roman Bulgakov and Shilovskaya appeared suddenly and irrevocably. For them both it was a grave test - on the one hand, insane feelings, on the other hand, an incredible pain for those whom they were forced to suffer. They diverged, they returned back. Elena was not triggered to his letters, did not answer calls, never went outside one - she wanted to save marriage and not hurt her children.

But, apparently, you will not leave destiny. During the first independent walk after a year and a half after the rapid explanation of Bulgakov with her husband, she met Mikhail. And his first phrase was: "I can't live without you! .." She also could not without him.

This time, Evgeny Shilovsky did not prevent his wife in her desire to divorce. In his letter to parents, he tried to justify the deed of his wife: "I want you to correctly understand what happened. I don't blame Elena Sergeevna and I think that she did right and honestly. Our marriage, so happy in the past, came To your natural end. We have exhausted each other ... Once Lucy had a serious and deep feeling towards another person, she did right away that he did not sacrificed them ... I am infinitely grateful to her for the great happiness and joy of life that she gave me at one time ... "

Fate prepared a difficult life, Elena became his secretary, his support. He became for her the meaning of life, she is his life. She became a prototype of Margarita and remained with him to his very death. When the health of the writer worsened - the doctors diagnosed he had hypertensive nephrolerysis - Elena completely devoted himself to his spouse and fulfilled the promise given by her in the early 1930s. Then the writer asked her: "Give me the word that I will die in your hands ..."

Love is one of the most beautiful and no explanation of feelings. She treats the soul, fills her caressing, warm and kindness. It is a multi-belt. After all, the concept of "love" means not only the relationship between a man and a woman, but also the love of children and parents, love for friends, love for their homeland. And no matter to who we experience this feeling, it always awakens ready to help us, protect and sacrifice for your beloved.

"The one who loves must share the fate of whom he loves,"

- These are words of Voland from Roman M.A. Bullhakova "Master and Margarita". He utters them when he shows the master of his hero - Pontius Pilate. But this phrase belongs not to the procurator itself, but to his dog Bangga. This is a faithful, disinterested and infinitely confident in the power of his owner being. Fearless dog trusts Pilate and only from thunderstorms, from the only thing he is afraid, looking for protection from the procurator. Bang feels and comforts his master, trying to express his eyes that he was ready to meet misfortunes with him. In the end, only a devotee on four paws remains to share the fate of instigation with the procurator. After all, they, dog and man, truly love each other.

This thought is also brightly reflected in the storyline of the Master and Margarita. Great love inspires her for decisive acts. Obrarates found on its paths are not obstacles to it. The disappearance of the beloved, transformation into a witch, meeting with Satan, a bloody ball - nothing prevents her to save her master. Margarita returns him from a madhouse, swear to heal him, and most importantly she is ready to die along with him. Without thinking about for a second, she shares the fate of his beloved, as it cannot live and breathe without him.

Indeed, because if you chose a person and truly love him, you can not have any obstacles. But, like everywhere, there is also the opposite side in this thought: sometimes the obsession with feelings erases all the verge of morality, and the person goes to the random and terrible acts for her beloved or with him. Someone will say that they are guided by a mind, and not feelings - these are young, and to become happy, you need to abandon the voices of the mind. I believe that love needs to live by the power of feelings, and man - the power of love and mind.

The right thing of this statement by Mikhail Bulgakov proved his women. Many believe that his last wife Elena Sergeyevna Shilovskaya became the prototype of Margarita in the novel. When they met, she was the same as Margarita, was married, then left the spouse, the house, former life and went to the master. And with Bulgakov, they met the same way as in the novel:

"Love jumped out between us, how from under the ground pops up the killer in the alley. And struck us at once both! So amazes lightning! So strikes the Finnish knife! "

She was a music writer. He dedicated her romance to her. And she devoted all her husband and work. Elena Sergeyevna helped him as she could: he wrote under dictation, read, comforted. After his death, she did everything that the works of Bulgakov saw the light. After all, she promised. And kept promise.

Another greatest example of dividing the fate of the beloved are the female of the Decembrists. Women who did not have any relationship to her husbands, women carefree, noble, rich renounced their prosperous life and voluntarily followed the husbands of the Entip. About the exploits Zhen Demborstov wrote Nekrasov in the poem "Russian women":

"Not! I'm not a pathetic slave,

I am a woman, wife!

Let Gorky, my fate -

I will be true to her! "

Love can be different and manifest can in different ways. But whatever this feeling, if it is real, we will be without rapid and flavor n. y divide like your favorite people.