Negative thoughts and programs. How to erase them

Negative thoughts and programs. How to erase them
Negative thoughts and programs. How to erase them

We invite to the 1st level of "School of conscious development", founded by S.I. Solev.

Losev Stanislav Ivanovich - Academician, a valid member of the International Academy of Bioenergy Technologies, Ph.D., member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, author 10 books.

What is studying at the first level of school:

2. "Breathing of life."

The advantages of the proposed methods of study:

1. Easy in mastering methods. There are enough 2 days to explore most people and only a few weeks to understand all nuances (directly practicing methods).

2. Do not need fundamental psychological, esoteric or other knowledge. Any average person can easily master the techniques.

3. Accessibility. Seminars are available for people practically with minimal financial supply.

4. You are trained once and then do yourself. You do not need an assistant, psychologist, consultant or some other specialist to solve any questions and situations ("problems") in your life.

Look at the video presentation of the school and the method:

Briefly about the school of conscious development S.I. Losev:

Part of the introductory lecture on the first level of the school of conscious development. Maria Crivitskaya, 07/21/2016:

The practice of "Eraser" is a simple and effective practice to protect against the negative, to resolve various situations and the harmonization of relations and space around you. This is one of the first level tools:

Fireless method of erasing negative programs from subconscious:

Tools and techniques:

The "keyword therapy" or "warring method of erasing negative programs" works with the first three chakras, eliminating their locks:

The 1st chakra is blocked through stress, fear, hatred (legs, vital energy).

The 2nd chakra is blocked through shame (urinary system, kidneys).

The 3rd chakra is blocked through the guilt (gastrointestinal tract).

The method is based on accurate knowledge about the possibilities of the human brain.

Opportunities tool "keyword therapy" or "harvest way to erase negative programs":

1. Erase the negative event (the death of a loved one, an accident, disaster, lost, theft, fire, parental divorce), an accident (drowned in childhood, bit the dog, knocked down the car).

2. Programs imposed (fool, thick, brake, urodin, unlucky). People often unconsciously utter these programs.

3. Getting rid of negative habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Imagine a detail on which large physical exertion comes. She was given an accurate form (physical training), covered with varnish (psychological training), but no one from the specialists took the head to explore it for the presence of the smallest cracks. It is clear that only one such a crack at the time of the highest voltage can cause destruction and failure. Such cracks in the memory of each person, as a rule, is an excellent set: from severe stresses to offensive and everyday everyday problems. Without a doubt, they need to get rid of them.

And to start the deliverance stands with the strongest shocks of the past and will help in this "harvest way to erase negative programs."

Another tool, which is studied at the 1st stage of the "School of Affected Development" - the method "Removing an offense or revision of relationships". This method works with the locks of the 4th and 5th chakras:

The 4th chakra is blocked through resentment, claims (heart, lungs).

The 5th chakra is blocked through unspoken offenses, deception (throat, thyroid).

Even if you remove all your fears and shocks, thousands of other, smaller cracks, will not leave your consciousness. These cracks are insults, discontent, bad words and thoughts in someone's address.

Each negative appeal (even a fleeting negative impression) immediately connects you with the object of your discontent. Your energy will now flow the finest ridge, to nowhere. If you collect all these trickles, like the finest strings, you will get such a rope that is stringers and an elephant.

Therefore, it is worth starting to practice the technique of "revising relationships", and from the event to the event to get rid of all these threads.

So, at the first level of school studies:

1. Fireless way to erase negative programs.

2. Health practice "Breathing of life."

3. The method of revising relationships.

4. Protection against negative inclusions.

At the second level, school studies:

1. Search for the sources of negative programs or relationships.

2. Turning method (elimination of negative impacts, damage, etc.)

3. Cutting channel.

4. Return of own will.

5. Method "Self -isting".

6. Healing of relatives of the direct channel.

7. Development with not born children (in particular after abortion, miscarriages, etc.

8. Elimination of subsidence and obsession.

9. Search and erasing negative episodes of childhood.

10. Develop relations from third parties.

11. Work with cash flow, increasing the ownership.

At the third level, schools are studying:

1. Elimination of a negative well of life (from the moment of conception to today). Awareness of personal depth problems.

2. Search for sources of depth problems using keywords and the method of revising relationships.

3. Elimination of deep negative problems. Cleaning a personal "I".

4. Elimination of negative generic programs and cleaning of the genus.

5. Opening financial flows.

6. Launch of the Sorocyvny Cell Reversing Program.

At the fourth level, schools are studying:

1. Deep energy cleaning.

2. Removing negative character traits.

3. General cleaning (work with a family cleaning of the Earth's energy).

4. Entrance to the stream of live time.

5. The "asterisk" method.

We recommend passing the 1st level of "school of conscious development", study the above-described methods and techniques, erase from its subconscious of destructive programs, revise relationships and start living even happier and harmonious life! The first level is studied on a 2-day live seminar or online.

Training is carried out both by the Stanislav Losev himself and his students (method teachers) in different cities and countries. Training is carried out in: Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Sevastopol, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Voronezh, Tyumen, and other cities. Also gaining groups for online learning (you need Skype, microphone and webcam).

Official site Academician Stanislav Losev:
The site has a seminar schedule (both online and by cities). To get a discount - when registering for training, specify our promotional code: PROMO40

We wish you harmony, the full disclosure of your creative and spiritual potential!

With respect, Anna and Alexey Sterligov.

Many people do not even suggest how destructive destructive programs on a fine field. And they believe that "everything can cope with themselves." However, the problem is that before creating, you need to understand what you are fighting, to know the methods and understand the consequences.

The negative program can be called differently. In the spaciousness, it can be called a spill, a slogony, a hobbling program, lyricular or maflock, entities or negative, field distortions and in general. The main point does not change: destructive information harms the field, corrosive it, as an acid, gives an energy breakdown and, that the worst thing, attracts similar programs to the field, which fate.

How does the negative program manifest?

First of all, the presence of negative is easy to feel in the absence of stable comfort in life. Permanent hanging in a negative or permanent overcoming it is already a sign and very serious to get help. In more detail, the principle of operation of negative programs is described below.

Why don't people come and do not cure?

Many people who come to me with their problems are already vaguely guess, otherwise they know that they are not all right with them. But do nothing to do with it anything. And there are two reasons for it.

Because no strength

The first: a negative program on a thin field is an essence that has its own mind. That is why clairvoyant can see programs in the form of real entities close to the inhabitants of a low astral, that is, any insects, snakes, dragons and other uncleans. A person feels the consequences of his essence in his body. When she lives on a thin plan, she begins to dictate a person's behavior. Question - what?

Destructive! Because the goal of the essence is to consume human vital energy, its positive emanation. There is no one and not foresee. And that is why the man first loses the joy of life, which is trying to fill out with painful efforts. The destructive work of programs is very multifaceted. The thin field, if distorted, disrupts the work first of all invisible bodies of the body, then physical. A man is sick, gaining weight.

By the way, it is for this reason to discharge the weight until "shades" holes in the field are difficult and dangerous for life. Because fat is the accumulation that does not consume a person. Hence the expression "eats, as not in itself." Indeed - not in yourself! And although only weight! Chronic diseases begin, including oncology. By the way, the cancer on a thin plan looks like ... Cancer! All problems begin not on the physical body! A man begins to be treated, run around the doctors, he is tired, he is sick, his thoughts are engaged in chaos of cyclical experiences: from "where to get money for treatment" to "cheers, finally night, I can sleep."

As a result, a person is simply not before changing himself. It just becomes a zombie vegetable, which is trite engaged in survival. But the change is needed forces, jerk. And it often simply nowhere to take. And only a powerful volitional effort, desperate desire to stop this tickling pushes a person to find help.

Because they prevent them

The second reason why people cannot do anything. Entity (negative program) also wants to live. And she will dictate false healing paths with any ways. And running in a circle, visiting specialists who cannot help. Sometimes a person leads to Charlatans, sometimes he falls into negative situations, he is simply deprived of money, he takes loans, begins to drink, play gambling and so on. It is put in the slave conditions in which he is forced to squeeze the vital essence and give, give, work, seek means for feeding and so on.

Many people when the time comes to change their lives, put a question with an edge: I have no money. But it's not that! There will be no money and never, until the person realizes that he first wants to change something, then looking for. After all, when he wants to eat, he finds money on bread? There is the same. These are just questions of acute necessity. He wants a person to change or wants all his life to continue to boil in the horror of these situations.

And these thoughts about their despair, that "I will never have the opportunity (money, time, strength, etc.)" to help yourself, also in part inspired by negative programs. It is convenient for them that you are. You are food. Why do you change. Stay a meal!

Negative emotions are also emotions, this is the lifeful power of man. And the entities do not care, in what form to consume power - in a negative or positive context. When joy ends, pain, malice, experience, anger, fear, resentment begins. And these are also very strong energy splash. It ends with the fact that a fully exhausted man first crumbles, spoils relationships with others (it's not surprising with such a character!), Loses faith in a bright, destroys all the spheres of life, then begins to hurt, can fall into the accident. Ultimately, the physical body does not withstand overloads and dies, but before that life becomes simply unbearable. At the same time, a person will persistently resist help.

You noticed that the worse the man lives, the harder it is to help him and to convince something? In many cases, this is not his fault.

Essence will be any way to carry a person from a specialist who carries light. This can be compared with how the kitchen cockroaches are scattered when the light is turned on. So it is on a thin plan. Negative afraid of light, avoids it, and makes his donor, a man, to leave help, inspires him that he is so smart and he himself knows what to do. Knows Only the results do not please something.

How to remove negative programs?

Of course, bring the situation to such a deplorable finals - you need time. All this lasts not one day, but for years. And the sooner the disposal of programs started, the better.

Now the question is how to remove programs. In fact, there are almost no effective methods for removing programs. Many healing technicians only move away the problem on a thin plan away, and in the end everything is returned again and requires "refinement". But so should not. It is necessary to remove the problem once and permanently and block your access to your thin field. If this technique does not, it means it is not effective.

If you have to constantly overcome obstacles to stabilize situations, if your life does not improve constantly and systematically, and you need from time to time to make powerful efforts so that everything becomes quite good, not to mention that it is good, it means that the negative program is not Removed !!

Remove programs by applying effective techniques. As a rule, it can make only dedicated people who will clean your field from negative, and then create effective protection that will remain with you for life. After that, life will start steadily to improve every day. In other words, you do not have to lap the flowing roof forever and wipe the floors from the roof of the rain.

Having dedication to workers and powerful techniques, I guarantee my customers withdrawing negative programs and blocking their access to your field. Rituals that I use, more than 2000 years old. Absolutely all my clients received effective assistance and forever forgot about how difficult life they had ever lived.

What will happen after the removal of programs

1. You will stop suffering and feel the entire cargo of negative, which is constantly disturbing and torments the soul and occupies thoughts.

2. Situations in your life will start steadily to change for the better.

3. Your life will be similar to the open road with which they removed the entire Burner to make it easy to go without needing to overcome obstacles.

4. He will gradually begin to equalize health, will become a stable emotional background. You will be in the comfort zone - to explain it is fully very difficult, because it just needs to feel. The man who passed my help is in a state of a blasphemy sensation constantly, even if it feels current emotions, its background almost immediately aligns.

5. Change to the best way to relatives with others. Relations in the family are harmonized. Unnecessary people are automatically drained from the environment, the person is already never falling into unnecessary circumstances.

6. Gradually clarifies consciousness, not immediately, but the conscious perception of the world is constantly increasing, pink glasses are removed. A man rises from his head to his feet, if we are expressed by comparisons.

7. From life, situations are leaving, which delay a person in destructive events.

8. The nightmares disappear, as a person does not fall into a dream to the territory of Low Astra.

9. Personal life scenarios are changing for the better, as something: scandals with children. It becomes easier to find a job to cover a corporate loan. A man ceases to conflict with his spouse. Etc.

I wish you to live happily and consciously!

In the 21st century, the ideas of managing their subconscious are becoming increasingly developed. This is no longer just ideas, but entire scientific research, directions, schools, practical techniques. Today, no one will surprise the idea that all human problems are associated with his thinking, with the hidden work of the subconscious. The non-constructive subconscious programs violate the harmonious course of vital energy, which is consumed to combat their own fears and conflicts.

Throughout life, we absorb parental installations, the rules of the Company, someone else's opinion, manipulating advertising. Most of this information do not meet our inner desires. But the lack of experience is especially in childhood, the significance of our teachers / loved ones or simply noncriticality is forced us to take these installations on faith. And then the rest of the lives to deal with the contradictory programs of our subconscious:

  • I want to marry - no in the light of good men;
  • I want to be rich - not much money to earn an honest way;
  • I want to feel free - I must be a good (right) girl / woman;
  • I want to be successful - I have no abilities ...

Such installations each of us is a reasonable amount. They determines what we have in today's life. And the more information around, the less critical we treat it, the more contradictions "stuck" in the subconscious.
And, as you know, it is the subconscious that gives us energy, the strength to perform the conceived.

And when a woman is looking for all possible ways to her husband, her subconscious makes everything to be alone, protecting it from bad men. Or allows her to find bad (after all, there is no good), performing a prescribed program.

And when a person puts all the forces to become rich and successful and he does not work anything - this subconsciousness performs the program - do not carry, do not get rich. And it gives the amount of energy enough for minimal accommodation. And why spend more, if you still honestly get rich!

When a woman loads herself with work, domestic responsibilities, exorbitant care for children and about her husband, falling from the legs and not allowing himself a vacation, favorite classes and just joy from life - this subconsciousness makesone to be good for others, forgetting about himself ...

The young man believes in the absence of his abilities to success and does not take action, or his actions do not bring results - after all, the subconsciousness clearly fulfills the prescribed task to hide all the abilities.

The programs recorded in our subconscious have great strength and therefore stronger than our conscious plans, desires and goals. That is why the intentions start a new life, change behavior or become more successful, healthier, is optimistic than once at once, without bringing real results. While they live in our subconsciously "Files" negative installations, it is they who are stronger than conscious ideas, plans and goals.

The output is to endure these hidden installations / programs from the subconscious on our own review, realize, understand where they come from and to "rewrite" them to more suitable for today's life.

There are many ways to clean the subconscious of the "garbage" of unnecessary installations. But more efficiently, in my opinion, new technologies of energy psychother work with this. With the help of the technician of this direction, you can easily and quickly see the contradictions in your own thinking, free from old programs and embed a new one that will help in an important life for you.

These techniques are available for self-use. Main steps you are leaving for half an hour. I regularly practicing and developing experience, you will improve all areas of life - health, relationship with loved ones, career, wealth, taking yourself. Get rid of negative character traits. Acquire new qualities that you do not have. Exit the limits of your today's capabilities.

You can work with your subconsciously both independently and with the support of the lead. There is no influence of the lead, only help and tip the steps. 2-4 hours it is possible to solve a rather complicated problem. Particularly deep problems require more time, but it pays off by improving the spiritual and physical condition, the establishment of cases, improving the mood and achievements in life. You will notice how your life has been highly improved with each new occupation.

The result affects not only those who work with their subconscious, but also others, because amazing real changes occur.

A lonely woman breaks up with the thought that all men are bad, sincerely begins to believe in the possibility of a meeting with a good person and "miracle" meets his only one, creates a happy family.

A unlucky employee in a short time organizes its resources, experience and skills and turns into an honest and successful businessman with a solid turnover of money resources.

The tired mistress of a large family is freed from the need to like everyone, it begins to live for himself, it feels the tide and the joy of life. At the same time, its relatives only welcome these changes and the relationship in the family is improving.

Such successful examples can be given a lot, but is not better to free his subconscious from negative programs, clearing own way from restrictions and brakes and go to the exercise of your most bold desires and goalsUsing energy psychothechnics for this.

Hello, dear blog readers! In many sometimes there are periods of powerlessness, when, only waking up, you already feel fatigue. There is no desire to do something and at the same time overcome different diseases. It is believed that we have not only a physical body, as well as mental and astral, that is, thoughts and feelings. So, when many negative thoughts or intense, destroying emotions are accumulated - then there are difficulties with health and energy. After all, they do not disappear without a trace, and postponed in our subconscious, periodically letting themselves to know in this way. And today I will tell you about how the withdrawal of negative programs from the subconscious occurs.

About what is the subconscious and how it works, you can read in the article. So, "drove."

Best techniques


This is a very important exercise, because withheld anger, offense and wines sometimes very much destroy our body and personality. It is important to be able to release these emotions. For example, without a long time at someone, we do worse, but not to him, and myself, acquiring chronic diseases. Threatening over the years, which prevents moving. And with the help of this exercise, I will teach you to discount extra and unnecessary cargo. You can free your mind and subconscious from the destructive information.

To do this, it is necessary to highlight at least 40 minutes so that no one distracts you, it is convenient to sit comfortably and close your eyes. Then imagine the closest person, and, starting from the very first day of dating until today, remember every moment when he offended you, or you. And in each situation, after they scrolled before our eyes, tell yourself "I (my name), I apologize to you (the name of that person) and fully forgive you."

You can do it every day, it is only important to complete with one person fully, and only then go to the next one. The very last remember yourself, because we are too unfair in relation to yourself, although we are the most significant figures.

In the process of execution, listen to your feelings, you can easily notice the changes at each level, both in feelings, new thoughts and in physical manifestations. It can be tingling in the legs, trembling on the body, a feeling of heat in some one plot, burning, and sometimes even makes itself felt some kind of patient organ.

Will we want to cry - do not hold back yourself, anger will appear - beat the pillow. It is important to get rid of these feelings, not to carry with you, allowing you to harm you. After all, your task is to free yourself, that is, shouting and fling. To make the opportunity to breathe full of breasts, and enter the new day updated. Not to be loaded with difficulties and insults so that energy appears, the desire to create and live, inspiring others.


Just as in the previous exercise, it is necessary to allocate the time when nothing bothers you, and no one can prevent. Close your eyes, make a couple of deep breaths and imagine that the bright warm ball was formed inside you. He slowly, starting from the head, moves into the neck, shoulders, hands, internal organs, and so, until it reaches the tips of the fingers on the legs. And where he falls, you feel warm and relaxation.

When you feel that thoughts slowed down, and all your attention is directed deep into yourself, count from 10 to zero, giving the installation to the subconscious, that at the end of the equipment you will set. Get out of the house and lose the accumulated stress over many years, eliminating the right, and then left foot. And with these movements, you get rid of all of your failures, negative experiences, diseases, and, of course, negative thoughts.

Then imagine this situation, with the slightest details, as you dress up, go out of the house, come to the garbage bake and begin to shake your legs and arms near it. Dropping accumulated and unnecessary. Finger as it looks, can like black clots, or some kind of dark mass that flows, either split from your actions and falls into this tank with garbage. After graduation, take a few deep breaths again, and when you are ready, open your eyes. It is important that you really come out of the house to the place where you will not see and vigorously shocked right, then the left foot.


Almost everyone knows that many difficulties we brought to the present from childhood. Some installations, fears of parents, unsuccessful experience and bitter experiences. It can all be very pregnant to be happy and healthy. Not everyone is lucky to have loving parents and a healthy, strong family. Although even in such families sometimes one unpleasant word, accidentally said to the kid, can bring a deep injury that deeply falls in the subconscious. To that, because of the intensity of pain or resentment, inability to still cope with such feelings, will be ousted by consciousness for self-preservation purposes.

Therefore, I want to offer another method that will help heal. To do this, the sheet should be divided into two columns. In the first, write out absolutely all words that pop up in your memory, and who once brought you pain, fear, disappointment, insult and similar. This can some kind of nicknames of classmates, the characteristic of your personality damn by other people, or the appeal of parents at the time of a quarrel in relation to you. And then, opposite each expression, you write a positive statement completely opposite.

For example, his father loved to argue that you are not capable of anything, and the hands grow out of one place. Write the opposite so: "I am successful and I get absolutely everything for which I take. I am full of energy and achieve my goals. "

If you decide to disassemble the work of the subconscious, then on the blog you will find many more articles on this topic. Well, if this is not enough ,.

Today, all, dear readers! I want to recall that a very strong and effective practice is meditation, with the help of which we not only can remove negative programs, but also to improve, fill yourself with energy and increase stress resistance. I recommend to read my article to make sure of its positive impact on our body and spirit. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon.

We invite to the 1st level of "School of conscious development", founded by S.I. Solev.

Losev Stanislav Ivanovich - Academician, a valid member of the International Academy of Bioenergy Technologies, Ph.D., member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, author 10 books.

What is studying at the first level of school:

2. "Breathing of life."

The advantages of the proposed methods of study:

1. Easy in mastering methods. There are enough 2 days to explore most people and only a few weeks to understand all nuances (directly practicing methods).

2. Do not need fundamental psychological, esoteric or other knowledge. Any average person can easily master the techniques.

3. Accessibility. Seminars are available for people practically with minimal financial supply.

4. You are trained once and then do yourself. You do not need an assistant, psychologist, consultant or some other specialist to solve any questions and situations ("problems") in your life.

Look at the video presentation of the school and the method:

Briefly about the school of conscious development S.I. Losev:

Part of the introductory lecture on the first level of the school of conscious development. Maria Crivitskaya, 07/21/2016:

The practice of "Eraser" is a simple and effective practice to protect against the negative, to resolve various situations and the harmonization of relations and space around you. This is one of the first level tools:

Fireless method of erasing negative programs from subconscious:

Tools and techniques:

The "keyword therapy" or "warring method of erasing negative programs" works with the first three chakras, eliminating their locks:

The 1st chakra is blocked through stress, fear, hatred (legs, vital energy).

The 2nd chakra is blocked through shame (urinary system, kidneys).

The 3rd chakra is blocked through the guilt (gastrointestinal tract).

The method is based on accurate knowledge about the possibilities of the human brain.

Opportunities tool "keyword therapy" or "harvest way to erase negative programs":

1. Erase the negative event (the death of a loved one, an accident, disaster, lost, theft, fire, parental divorce), an accident (drowned in childhood, bit the dog, knocked down the car).

2. Programs imposed (fool, thick, brake, urodin, unlucky). People often unconsciously utter these programs.

3. Getting rid of negative habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Imagine a detail on which large physical exertion comes. She was given an accurate form (physical training), covered with varnish (psychological training), but no one from the specialists took the head to explore it for the presence of the smallest cracks. It is clear that only one such a crack at the time of the highest voltage can cause destruction and failure. Such cracks in the memory of each person, as a rule, is an excellent set: from severe stresses to offensive and everyday everyday problems. Without a doubt, they need to get rid of them.

And to start the deliverance stands with the strongest shocks of the past and will help in this "harvest way to erase negative programs."

Another tool, which is studied at the 1st stage of the "School of Affected Development" - the method "Removing an offense or revision of relationships". This method works with the locks of the 4th and 5th chakras:

The 4th chakra is blocked through resentment, claims (heart, lungs).

The 5th chakra is blocked through unspoken offenses, deception (throat, thyroid).

Even if you remove all your fears and shocks, thousands of other, smaller cracks, will not leave your consciousness. These cracks are insults, discontent, bad words and thoughts in someone's address.

Each negative appeal (even a fleeting negative impression) immediately connects you with the object of your discontent. Your energy will now flow the finest ridge, to nowhere. If you collect all these trickles, like the finest strings, you will get such a rope that is stringers and an elephant.

Therefore, it is worth starting to practice the technique of "revising relationships", and from the event to the event to get rid of all these threads.

So, at the first level of school studies:

1. Fireless way to erase negative programs.

2. Health practice "Breathing of life."

3. The method of revising relationships.

4. Protection against negative inclusions.

At the second level, school studies:

1. Search for the sources of negative programs or relationships.

2. Turning method (elimination of negative impacts, damage, etc.)

3. Cutting channel.

4. Return of own will.

5. Method "Self -isting".

6. Healing of relatives of the direct channel.

7. Development with not born children (in particular after abortion, miscarriages, etc.

8. Elimination of subsidence and obsession.

9. Search and erasing negative episodes of childhood.

10. Develop relations from third parties.

11. Work with cash flow, increasing the ownership.

At the third level, schools are studying:

1. Elimination of a negative well of life (from the moment of conception to today). Awareness of personal depth problems.

2. Search for sources of depth problems using keywords and the method of revising relationships.

3. Elimination of deep negative problems. Cleaning a personal "I".

4. Elimination of negative generic programs and cleaning of the genus.

5. Opening financial flows.

6. Launch of the Sorocyvny Cell Reversing Program.

At the fourth level, schools are studying:

1. Deep energy cleaning.

2. Removing negative character traits.

3. General cleaning (work with a family cleaning of the Earth's energy).

4. Entrance to the stream of live time.

5. The "asterisk" method.

We recommend passing the 1st level of "school of conscious development", study the above-described methods and techniques, erase from its subconscious of destructive programs, revise relationships and start living even happier and harmonious life! The first level is studied on a 2-day live seminar or online.

Training is carried out both by the Stanislav Losev himself and his students (method teachers) in different cities and countries. Training is carried out in: Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Sevastopol, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Voronezh, Tyumen, and other cities. Also gaining groups for online learning (you need Skype, microphone and webcam).

We wish you harmony, the full disclosure of your creative and spiritual potential!