Peoples speakers in Finno Ugric languages. Finno-Ugric peoples: history and culture

Peoples speakers in Finno Ugric languages. Finno-Ugric peoples: history and culture

Finno-Ugry is one of the largest ethno-speaking communities in Europe. In Russia alone, 17 peoples of Finno-Ugric origin live. Finnish "Kalevala" inspired Tolkien, and Izhora fairy tales - Alexander Pushkin.

Who are the Finno-Ugry?

Finno-Ugry is one of the largest ethno-linguistic communities in Europe. It includes 24 people, 17 of which live in Russia. Saama, Ingermanland Finns and Setume live both in Russia and beyond.
Finno-Ugry are divided into two groups: Finnish and Ugor. The total number today is estimated at 25 million people. Of these, Hungarians are about 19 million, 5 million Finns, about a million Estonians, 843 thousand Mordlov, 647 thousand Udmurts and 604 thousand Mariers.

Where do Finno-Ugry live in Russia?

Given the current labor migration, it can be said that everywhere, but the most numerous Finno-Ugric peoples have their republics in Russia. These are such peoples as Mordva, Udmurts, Karelia and Marijah. There are also autonomous counties of Khanty, Mansi and Nenets.

Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous District, where comi-perm were mostly combined with the Perm Region in the Perm Territory. In Finno-Ugro Veps in Karelia has its own national volost. Ingermanland Finns, Izhora and Sellocking Autonomous Territory do not have.

Moscow - Finno-Ugric name?

According to one of the hypotheses, Okonim Moscow has a Finno-Ugric origin. From the Komi language "Mosk", "Moska" translates into Russian as a "cow, chick", and VA translates as "water", "River". Moscow in this case translates as "cow of the river". The popularity of this hypothesis brought her support to Klyuchevsky.

The Russian historian of the XIX-XX century Stephen Kuznetsov also believed that the word "Moscow" of Finno-Ugric origin, but suggested that it comes from the Maryry words "Mask" (Bear) and "Ava" (mother, female). According to this version, the word "Moscow" is translated as "Medleang".
Today, these versions, however, are refuted, since they do not take into account the oldest form of the "Mosknian". Stephen Kuznetsov used the data of the Erzyansky and Mari Languages, in Mari Language the word "mask" was only in the XIV-XV centuries.

Such different Finno-Ugra

Finno-ugrons are far from uniform in the language relations or in the anthropological. In terms of language sign, they are divided into several subgroups. The Permian-Finnish subgroup includes Komi, Udmurts and Edmen. The Volga-Finnish group is Mordva (Erizan and Mokshan) and Mari. The Balto Finns include: Finns, Finns-Ingermanlanders, Estonians, Setu, Quene in Norway, water, Izhorstsev, Karelies, Veps and descendants of Mary. Also, Khanty, Mansi and Hungarians belong to a separate Ugric group. The descendants of the medieval vesnets and Murom are most likely belonging to the Volga Finns.

The peoples of the Finno-Ugric Group are inherent in both European and mongoloid signs. Obskie (Khanty and Mansi), part of Marijtsev, Mordva have more pronounced mongoloid features. The rest of these features either equally, or the European divisory component dominates.

What do haplogroups say

Genetic studies show that each second Russian Y-chromosome refers to the r1a haplogroup. It is peculiar to all the Baltic and Slavic peoples (except for the southern Slavs and the Northern Russians).

However, the inhabitants of the North of Russia are brightly presents characteristic of the Finnish group of peoples of the Gaplogroup N3. In the very north of Russia, its percentage comes to 35 (Finnov has an average of 40 percent), but than south, the one is lower below. In Western Siberia, the relative N3 haplogroup N2 is also common. This suggests that in the Russian north did not mix the peoples, but the transition of the local Finno-Ugric population into Russian and the Orthodox culture.

What fairy tales we read

The famous Arina Rodionna, Nanny Pushkin, as you know, has had a strong influence on the poet. It is noteworthy that she was Finno-Ugric origin. She was born in the village of Lampovo in Ingermanland.
This explains a lot in understanding Pushkin's fairy tales. We know them since childhood and believe that they are invoking Russian, but their analysis suggests that the plot lines of some Pushkin fairy tales go to the Finno-Ugric folklore. Thus, for example, the "Tsar Tsar Saltan" is based - the fairy tale of "wonderful children" from the Vepsian tradition (Vepsa - the small Finno-Ugric people).

The first large work of Pushkin, the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". One of his main heroes is an old man Finn, a wizard and magician. The name is called saying. Philologist Tatyana Tikhmenheva, the compiler of the book "Finnish album" also noted that the connection of Finns with a witchcraft and clairvoyance was recognized by all nations. Finns themselves, the ability to magic admitted above force and courage and revered as wisdom. It is no coincidence that therefore the protagonist "Kalevala" Veetemeinen is not a warrior, but a prophet and poet.

Naina, another poem character, also carries the traces of Finno-Ugric influence. Finnish woman - "Nainen".
Another mischievous fact. Pushkin in a letter Delvigu wrote in 1828: "To the new year, it is awesome, I will return to you to Chukhlyandya." So Pushkin called Petersburg, obviously recognizing the originalness on this land of Finno-Ugric peoples.

The origin and early history of Finno-Ugric peoples to now remain the subject of scientific discussions. Among the researchers, the most common is the opinion that in ancient times there was a single grouping of people who spoke on the general Finno-Ugric defense. The ancestors of the current Finno-Ugro until the end of the Third Millennium BC. e. Saved relative unity. They were resettled in the Urals and West Ural, and perhaps also in some areas adjacent to them.

In that epoch, called Finno-Ugorsk, their tribes were contacted with Indoirans, which was reflected in myths and languages. Between the third and second millennia BC. e. Separated from each other uGORSKAY and finno-Permskaya branches. Among the peoples of the last, settled in the Western direction, independent subgroups of languages \u200b\u200bwere gradually separated and aligned:

  • baltic-Finnish,
  • volzhsky-Finnish,
  • permian.

As a result of the transition of the population of the Far North, Saama formed on one of the Finno-Ugric Union. The Ugragic group of languages \u200b\u200bbroke out by the middle of the I millennium BC. e. The separation of the Baltic-Finnish occurred at the beginning of our era. Perm has existed somewhat longer - until the eighth century.

The contacts of Finno-Ugric tribes with Baltic, Iranian, Slavic, Turkish, German peoples played a major role in the separate development of these languages.

Territory of settlement

Finno-Ugric peoples in our day predominantly live in North-West Europe. Geographically, they are resets in a huge territory from Scandinavia to the Urals, Volga-Kamya, the lower and middle tritobol.

Hungarians are the only people of the Finno-Ugric ethno-speaking group, who formed their state aside from other tribal related to them - in the Carpathian-Danube region.

The total number of peoples talking in the Ural languages \u200b\u200b(they include Finno-Ugors, together with the self-ideas), is 23-24 million people. The most numerous representatives are Hungarians. Their world has more than 15 million people. They are followed by Finns and Estonians (5 and 1 million people, respectively). Most of the other Finno-Ugric ethnic groups live in modern Russia.

Finno-Ugric ethnic groups in Russia

Russian migrants massively rushed to the lands of Finno-Ugrov in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Most often, the resettlement process in these parts occurred peacefully, but some indigenous peoples (for example, Mari) have long and fiercely resisted their importance to the Russian state.

Christian religion, writing, urban culture, brought by Russians, began to push local beliefs and adverbs. People moved to cities, moved to the Siberian and Altai lands - there, where the main and general was Russian. However, he (especially his northern dialect) absorbed a lot of Finno-Ugric words - is more visible in the field of toponyms and names of nature phenomena.

In places, the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia were mixed with Turks, adopting Muslims. However, a significant part of them was still assimilated by the Russians. Therefore, these peoples do not care anywhere - even in those republics that are their name. Nevertheless, according to the census in 2002, in Russia there are very significant in numbers of Finno-Ugric groups.

  • mordva (843 thousand people),
  • udmurts (almost 637 thousand),
  • markets (604 thousand),
  • komi-Zyryan (293 thousand),
  • komi-Perm (125 thousand),
  • karelia (93 thousand).

The number of some nations does not exceed thirty thousand people: Khanty, Mansi, Veps. Izhorstsy have 327 people, and the people are water - only 73 people. Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, Saama live in Russia.

Development of Finno-Ugric Culture in Russia

In total, sixteen Finno-Ugric peoples live in Russia. Five of them have their own national publications, and two are nationally territorial. Other resets dispersed throughout the country. On the national and local level, programs are being developed, with the support of which the culture of Finno-Ugric peoples, their customs and dialects are being studied. Thus, Sami, Khanty, Mansiysky teach in primary classes, and Komi, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovsky - in secondary schools of those regions where large groups of relevant ethnic groups live.

There are special laws on culture, languages \u200b\u200b(Mari El, Komi). Thus, in the Republic of Karelia, the law on education that enshrines the right of Episses and Karelov to study in its native language. The priority of the development of cultural traditions of these peoples is determined by the law on culture. Also in the republics of Mari El, Udmurtia, Komi, Mordovia, in the Khanty-Mansiysk JSC there are their own concepts and programs of national development. The fund of development of the cultures of Finno-Ugric peoples (in the territory of the Republic of Mari El) has been created and operates.

Finno-Ugric peoples: appearance

The ancestors of the current finno-thief occurred as a result of the mixing of Paleoevurine and Paleoisian tribes. Therefore, in the appearance of all peoples of this group, both European and mongoloid features are present. Some scientists even advanced the theory about the existence of an independent race - the Ural, which is "intermediate" between Europeans and Asians, but this version has little supporters.

Finno-eel is heterogeneous in anthropological terms. However, any representative of the Finno-Ugric People has characteristic "Urals" features in one way or another. This is usually medium height, very light hair color, "smoky" nose, a wide face, a nursing beard. But these features appear in different ways.

So, Mordvinka-Erzya - the tall, winners of light hair and blue eyes. Mordviny Moksha - on the contrary, below the growth, wiping, with longer hair. Udmurts and Mariers often meet the characteristic "Mongolian" eyes with a special fold in the inner corner of the eye - Epicatus, very wide faces, a liquid beard. But at the same time, their hair is usually blonde and red, and the eyes are blue or gray, which is typical for Europeans, but not the Mongoloids. "Mongolian fold" is also found at Izhorts, Rod, Karel, and even Estonians. Komi look different. Where there are mixed marriages with nonsense, representatives of this people are disclosure and drafts. Other Komi, on the contrary, are more likely to go to Scandinavians, but more broadcasters.

Religion and language

Finno-horses living in the European part of Russia are predominantly Orthodox Christians. However, the Udmurts and Marietsians managed to preserve the ancient (animistic) religion, and the self-foundations and residents of Siberia - Shamanism.

Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bare related modern Finnish and Hungarian. The peoples speaking them make up the Finno-Ugric ethno-speaking group. Their origin, the territory of the settlement, the community and the difference in external features, culture, religion and traditions is the objects of global research in the field of history, anthropology, geography, linguistics and a number of other sciences. Briefly highlight this topic will try this review article.

Peoples included in the Finno-Ugric Ethnic Summer Group

Based on the degree of proximity of languages, researchers share Finno-Ugric peoples by five subgroups. The basis of the first, Baltines-Finnish, make up Finns and Estonians - peoples with their own states. They also live in Russia. Setu is a small group of Estonians - resettle in the Pskov region. The most numerous of the Baltic-Finnish peoples of Russia is Karelia. In everyday life they use three autochthon dialects, while the literary language is considered to be Finnish. In addition, the same subgroup includes Veps and Izhorstsi - small peoples who have preserved their languages, as well as water (there are less than a hundred people left, their own language is lost) and Liva.

Second - Samskaya (or Lopar) subgroup. The main part of the peoples who gave her the name is reset in Scandinavia. In Russia, Saama live on the Kola Peninsula. Researchers suggest that in ancient times these nations occupied a more significant territory, but subsequently they were pushed north. At the same time, their own language was replaced by one of the Finnish laws.

Third The subgroup constituting the Finno-Ugric peoples is the Volga-Finnish - enter Mari and Mordva. Markets are the main part of the population of the Republic of Mari El, they also live in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia and a number of Russian regions. They allocate two literary languages \u200b\u200b(with which, however, not all researchers agree). Mordva - Autochthonous population of the Republic of Mordovia; At the same time, a significant part of Morderov is resettled throughout Russia. The composition of this nation is two ethnographic groups, each with their literary written language.

Fourth The subgroup is called Perm. It includes Komi, Comi-Perm, as well as Udmurts. Even before October 1917, in terms of literacy (though, in Russian), Komi were approaching the most educated peoples of Russia - Jews and Russian Germans. As for the UDMurts, their dialect is preserved for the most part in the villages of the Udmurt Republic. Residents of the same cities, as a rule, forget the indigenous language, and customs.

TO fifth, Ugor, the subgroup includes Hungarians, Khanty and Mansi. Although the dense of Obi and the Northern Ural separates from the Hungarian state on the Danube many kilometers, these peoples are actually the most closest relatives. Khanty and Mansi belong to the small peoples of the North.

Disappeared Finno-Ugric Tribes

The tribes were also treated to Finno-Ugric peoples, mentions of which are currently preserved only in the chronicles. So, people Merya In the middle of the Volga and Oka in the first millennium of our era in the first millennium - there is a theory that he subsequently merged with the eastern Slavs.

The same happened with muromoy. These are even more ancient people of the Finno-Ugric ethno-language group, the once inhabited Oka Pool. For a long time disappeared Finnish tribes, who lived along the rivers of Onega and Northern Dvina, researchers call miracle (According to one of the hypotheses, they were the ancestors of modern Estonians).

Community of languages \u200b\u200band culture

Announces Finno-Ugric Languages \u200b\u200bby a single group, researchers emphasize this community as the main factor that unites the peoples speaking them. However, the Ural ethnic groups, despite the similarities in the structure of their languages, still understand each other far from always. So, Finn will definitely be able to explain to Estonian, Erianian - with Mokshanin, and Udmurt - from Komi. However, the peoples of this group, geographically removed from each other, should attach a lot of effort to identify common features in their languages \u200b\u200bthat would help them talk.

The linguistic relationship of Finno-Ugro is primarily traced in the similarity of linguistic structures. This significantly affects the formation of the thinking and worldview of peoples. Despite the difference in crops, this circumstance contributes to the emergence between these ethnic groups of mutual understanding. At the same time, a peculiar psychology due to the mental process in these languages \u200b\u200benriches the unique culture of their unique vision of the world.

So, unlike Indo-Europee, the representative of the Finno-Ugric people is inclined to treat nature with exceptional respect. Finno-Ugric culture largely contributed to the desire of these peoples peacefully adapt to the neighbors - as a rule, they preferred not to fight, but to migrate, while maintaining their identity. Also, the characteristic feature of the peoples of this group is openness to ethnocultural interchange. In finding ways to strengthen relationships with related peoples, they support cultural contacts with all those who surround them.

Mostly Finno-Ugrics managed to maintain their languages, the main cultural elements. Communication with ethnic traditions in this area can be traced in their national songs, dancing, music, traditional dishes, clothes. Also, many elements of their vintage rituals reached this day: wedding, funeral, remembered.

Peoples speaking Finno Ugric (thro Finnish) yaz. Finno Ugric Yaz. Make up one of the two branches (along with the selfish) ur. Yaz. families. According to the linguistic principle of F. U.N. We are divided into groups: Baltic Finnish (Finns, Karelia, Estonians ... Ural historical encyclopedia

finno-Ugric peoples of Russia Ethnopsychological Dictionary

Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia - Peoples of our country (Mordva, Udmurts, Marie, Komi, Khanty, Mansi, Saama, Karelia), living in the north of the European part, in the northern, central and southern parts of the Urals and leading their origin from the Ananyan archaeological culture (VII III ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Finno-Ugors - Finno Ugorskaya Taxakh: Branch Areal: Hungary, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, etc. Classification ... Wikipedia

Finno-Ugric tribes and peoples

Finno-Ugric tribes - Finno Hungarian peoples (Finno Ugry) A group of peoples speaking in Finno Hungarian languages \u200b\u200bliving worn in Western Siberia, Central and Eastern Europe. Content 1 Representatives Finno Ugra 2 History 3 Links ... Wikipedia

Finno-Ugors - Finno Ugric Languages \u200b\u200bFamily of languages, which is part of a larger genetic association of languages \u200b\u200bcalled by the Urals. Before the genetic relationship of self-identified languages \u200b\u200bwas proven with Finno Ugrics, F.-U. family I. Reed ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Finno-Ugors (or Thro-Finnish) Peoples - Population speaking Finno Ugric languages. The group of Finno Ugric languages, one of the two branches of the Ural language family. It is divided into language groups (relevant ethnic groups): Baltic Finnish (Finnish, Izhora, Karelian, Lyubikovsky, ... ... Physical anthropology. Illustrated Dictionary.


  • Leningrad region. Did you know? . Leningrad region - an edge with a rich history. Do you know that its territory has long been inhabited by the Slavs and the Finno-Ugric peoples who created the North Russia together? Here the Great was held here ... Buy for 380 rubles
  • Monuments of the Fatherland. Almanac, No. 33 (1-2 / 1995). Full description of Russia. Udmurtia. On our land with the centuries of good neighbors there are different peoples. Ancient Finno-Ugric tribes left here traces of their high culture and art. Their descendants are Udmurt - they kept walking ...

Finno-Ugry is not the largest largest, but rather large in the number of peoples, the language group. Most nations live partially or completely in Russia.

Some have hundreds of thousands (Mordva, Markets, Udmurts), some can be counted on the fingers (for 2002, only 73 people are registered in Russia, calling themselves water). However, most of the carriers of Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200blive outside Russia. First of all, it is Hungarians (about 14.5 million people), Finns (about 6 million) and Estonians (about a million).

Our country has the largest variety of Finno-Ugric peoples. This is primarily the Volga-Finnish subgroup (Mordva and Marijah), the Perm subgroup (Udmurts, Komi-Perm and Komi-Zyryan) and the Oryal subgroup (Khanty and Mansi). Also in Russia there are almost all representatives of the Baltic-Finnish subgroup (Ingermanlanders, Setu, Karelia, Veps, Izhorsians, water and Saama).
The Old Russian Chronicles retained the names of three more peoples, not reached our time and, apparently, fully assimiced by the Russian population: Chok, who lived on the shores of Onega and Northern Dvina, Meria - in the interflore Volga and Oka and Murom - in the Oka basin.

Also, the Archaeological and Ethnographic Expedition of the Dalneckonstantian Museum of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the University of Nizhny Novgorod is now investigating more disappearing quite recently ethnic subgroup of Mordvo - the teruhans who lived in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The most numerous Finno-Ugric peoples have their republics and autonomous districts in Russia - Republic Mordovia, Mari El, Udmurtia, Karelia, Komi and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug).

Where live

Initially living in the Ural region and Western Siberia, Finno-Ugrations over time settled the west and north of their original land - up to modern Estonia and Hungary. At the moment, four main areas of their settlement are distinguished: Scandinavian, Kola Peninsula and Baltic States; The average flow of the Volga and the lowerhouse of the Kama; Northern Urals and Northern Priobye; Hungary. However, over time, the boundaries of the resettlement of the Finno-Ugrome are becoming less and less clear. This is especially seen in the last 50 years, and this process with labor migration is associated both within the country (from the village to cities) and with interstate (especially after the creation of the European Union).

Languages \u200b\u200band Anbur.

The language is actually one of the main signs of this commonality, otherwise it is hardly possible to say that Hungarians, Estonians and Mansi are relatives. In total there are about 35 Finno-Ugric languages, divided into just two letters:
UGORSKA - Hungarians, Khanty and Mansi; Finno-Perm - all the others, including the dead Murom, Maryry, Meshchersky, Kemi-Samsky and the language of the Akkal. According to researchers and lingules, all the current Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bhad a common ancestor, named for the language classification of Prafinnoan language. The most ancient of the famous written monuments (the end of the XII century) is the so-called "tombstone and prayer", which is written by Latinian in the Old Hungarian.
It will also be more interesting to the so-called Ancur - ancient-Perm writing, which was used on the territory of Perm Great in the XIV-XVII centuries inhabiting her nations: Komi-Perm, Komi-Zyryan and Russians. It was created by the Russian Orthodox missionary, Ustyungin Stefan Perm in 1372 on the basis of Russian, Greek alphabets and Tamga - Runic Perm symbols.
The Anbur was needed by Muscovites to communicate with its new neighbors in the East and the North-East, since the Moscow state is systematically and quite quickly expanded in the direction as it is found, the cross of new citizens. The latter, by the way, were not particularly against (if we are talking about Permas and Zyryanov). However, with the gradual expansion of the Moscow principality and the inclusion of the Great Anbur with the Russian alphabet in it is completely replaced by the Russian alphabet, since, in general, all competent people in those places are already spoken in Russian. In the XV-XVI centuries, this writing is still used, but already as a ciffine is a kind of cipher, familiar with which a very limited number of people. By the XVII century, Anbur completely comes out of circulation.

Finno-Ugric holidays and customs

Currently, most Finno-Thieves are Christians. Russian - Orthodox, Hungarians for the most part of Catholics, the Baltic peoples are Protestants. However, in Russia there are a lot of Finno-Ugrome - Muslims. Also recently, traditional beliefs are regenerated: shamanism, animism and the cult of ancestors.
As it usually happens during a Christianization, the local holiday calendar timed to the church, the churches and chapels were put on the site of sacred groves, the cult of localities of saints was introduced.
The pre-Christian religion of Finno-Ugroms was polytestic - existed the Supreme God (as a rule, the god of the sky), as well as the Pleiada of the gods "smaller": the sun, earth, water, fertility ... The names of all nations for the gods were different: in the case of the Supreme Divine God The sky among Finns was called Yumal, Estonians - Taevatat, Marytsev - Yumu.
Moreover, for example, Khantov engaged in the main fishing, more worshiped "fish" gods, but the Mansi, which are mainly hunting, are various forest animals (Bear, Elk). That is, all nations arranged priorities depending on their needs. Religion was quite utilitarian. If the victims brought to some kind of idol did not occur, then its same mansi could easily shut up.
Also so far, some of the Finno-Ugrations are practicing the rims in the masks of animals during the holidays, which also considers us during Totemism.
At the Morder, which is mainly agriculture, the cult of plants is strongly developed - the ritual value of bread and cereals, which were mandatory in almost all rituals, are still large. The traditional holidays of the Morder are also associated with agriculture: Lamp-Puchery - Papers for the cleaning of breads on September 15, a week after Lamp-PUE Molyan Ceremet, Cauldaz-OZKS, Velima Biva (worldly beer).

Marities celebrate from Ji Paire (New Year) from December 31 to January 1. Shorekiol (shints) is celebrated shortly before. Shoryjol is also called "Sheep Leg". All because on this day, the girls went home and necessarily went into the sheepni and jerked sheep for their feet - it was supposed to ensure well-being in the farm and family. Shurakiol is one of the most famous Mari holidays. It is noted during the winter solstice (from December 22) after the new moon.
Roshto is also celebrated (Christmas), accompanied by the procession of the scene, headed by the main characters - Valley Kuva-Kugyz and Shurakiol Kuva-Kugyza.
In the same way, almost all local traditional holidays are confined to church.

It should not be noted that it was Marys who gave a strong rebuff to Christian missionaries and still on traditional holidays attend sacred groves and sacred trees, spending rites there.
At Udmurts, traditional holidays were also confined to church, as well as the agricultural work and days of winter and summer solstices, spring and autumn equinels.
For Finns, christmas (as for decent Christians) and Ivanov Day (Yuhannus) are the most important. Yuhannus in Finland is the holiday of Ivan Kupala in Russia. As in Russia, Finns are believed that this is a holiday in honor of John the Baptist, but it is immediately clear that this is a pagan holiday, which was not able to eradicate himself, and the church found a compromise. As we, on Ivanov, the day youth jumped through the fire, and the girls allowed wreaths on the water - who will catch a wreath, he will be a fiance.
It also reverends this day and in Estonians.

Very interesting to Karsikko rite from Karel and Finns. Carsicko is a specially cut or cut-down tree (necessarily coniferous). The rite may be associated with a practically any significant event: the wedding, the death of an important and respected person, good hunting.
Depending on the situation, the tree has grilled or completely cut off all its branches. Could leave one branch or only the top. All this was solved individually, known only by the performer of the ritual. After holding a rite behind the tree watched. If his condition did not deteriorate and the tree continued to grow, it meant happiness. If not - grief and misfortune.

Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bare related modern Finnish and Hungarian. The peoples speaking them make up the Finno-Ugric ethno-speaking group. Their origin, the territory of the settlement, the community and the difference in external features, culture, religion and traditions is the objects of global research in the field of history, anthropology, geography, linguistics and a number of other sciences. Briefly highlight this topic will try this review article.

Peoples included in the Finno-Ugric Ethnic Summer Group

Based on the degree of proximity of languages, researchers share Finno-Ugric peoples by five subgroups.

The basis of the first, Baltic-Finnish, the Finns and Estonians are peoples with their own states. They also live in Russia. Setu is a small group of Estonians - resettle in the Pskov region. The most numerous of the Baltic-Finnish peoples of Russia is Karelia. In everyday life they use three autochthon dialects, while the literary language is considered to be Finnish. In addition, the same subgroup includes Veps and Izhorstsi - small peoples who have preserved their languages, as well as water (there are less than a hundred people left, their own language is lost) and Liva.

The second is the Sami (or Lopar) subgroup. The main part of the peoples who gave her the name is reset in Scandinavia. In Russia, Saama live on the Kola Peninsula. Researchers suggest that in ancient times these nations occupied a more significant territory, but subsequently they were pushed north. At the same time, their own language was replaced by one of the Finnish laws.

In the third subgroup, which is the Finno-Ugric peoples - Volzhsky-Finnish - enter Mari and Mordva. Mariers are the main part of Mari El, they also live in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia and another number of Russian regions. They allocate two literary languages \u200b\u200b(with which, however, not all researchers agree). Mordva - Autochthonous population of the Republic of Mordovia; At the same time, a significant part of Morderov is resettled throughout Russia. The composition of this nation is two ethnographic groups, each with their literary written language.

The fourth subgroup is called Perm. It includes as well as Udmurts. Even before October 1917, in terms of literacy (though, in Russian), Komi were approaching the most educated peoples of Russia - Jews and Russian Germans. As for the UDMurts, their dialect is preserved for the most part in the villages of the Udmurt Republic. Residents of the same cities, as a rule, forget the indigenous language, and customs.

To the fifth, Ugork, the subgroup includes Hungarians, Khanty and Mansi. Although the dense of Obi and the Northern Ural separates from the Hungarian state on the Danube many kilometers, these peoples are actually the most closest relatives. Khanty and Mansi belong to the small peoples of the North.

Disappeared Finno-Ugric Tribes

The tribes were also treated to Finno-Ugric peoples, mentions of which are currently preserved only in the chronicles. Thus, the people of the Merey dwell in the transverse of the Volga and Oaks in the first millennium of our era - there is a theory that he subsequently merged with the eastern Slavs.

The same happened with Murom. These are even more ancient people of the Finno-Ugric ethno-language group, the once inhabited Oka Pool.

For a long time disappeared Finnish tribes, who lived along and northern Dvina, researchers call miracles (according to one of the hypotheses, they were the ancestors of modern Estonians).

Community of languages \u200b\u200band culture

Announces Finno-Ugric Languages \u200b\u200bby a single group, researchers emphasize this community as the main factor that unites the peoples speaking them. However, the Ural ethnic groups, despite the similarities in the structure of their languages, still understand each other far from always. So, Finn will definitely be able to explain to Estonian, Erianian - with Mokshanin, and Udmurt - from Komi. However, the peoples of this group, geographically removed from each other, should attach a lot of effort to identify common features in their languages \u200b\u200bthat would help them talk.

The linguistic relationship of Finno-Ugro is primarily traced in the similarity of linguistic structures. This significantly affects the formation of the thinking and worldview of peoples. Despite the difference in crops, this circumstance contributes to the emergence between these ethnic groups of mutual understanding.

At the same time, a peculiar psychology due to the mental process in these languages \u200b\u200benriches the unique culture of their unique vision of the world. So, unlike Indo-Europee, the representative of the Finno-Ugric people is inclined to treat nature with exceptional respect. Finno-Ugric culture largely contributed to the desire of these peoples peacefully adapt to the neighbors - as a rule, they preferred not to fight, but to migrate, while maintaining their identity.

Also, the characteristic feature of the peoples of this group is openness to ethnocultural interchange. In finding ways to strengthen relationships with related peoples, they support cultural contacts with all those who surround them. Mostly Finno-Ugrics managed to maintain their languages, the main cultural elements. Communication with ethnic traditions in this area can be traced in their national songs, dancing, music, traditional dishes, clothes. Also, many elements of their vintage rituals reached this day: wedding, funeral, remembered.

Brief history of Finno-Ugrome

The origin and early history of Finno-Ugric peoples to now remain the subject of scientific discussions. Among the researchers, the most common is the opinion that in ancient times there was a single grouping of people who spoke on the general Finno-Ugric defense. The ancestors of the current Finno-Ugro until the end of the Third Millennium BC. e. Saved relative unity. They were resettled in the Urals and West Ural, and perhaps also in some areas adjacent to them.

In that epoch, called Finno-Ugorsk, their tribes were contacted with Indoirans, which was reflected in myths and languages. Between the third and second millennia BC. e. Ugric and Finno-Perm branches separated from each other. Among the peoples of the latter, settled in the Western direction, gradually stood out and aligned independent subgroups of languages \u200b\u200b(the Baltic-Finnish, Volzhko-Finnish, Perm). As a result of the transition of the autochthonous population of the Far North, Saama formed on one of the Finno-Ugric Union.

The Ugragic group of languages \u200b\u200bbroke out by the middle of the I millennium BC. e. The separation of the Baltic-Finnish occurred at the beginning of our era. Perm has existed somewhat longer - until the eighth century. The contacts of Finno-Ugric tribes with Baltic, Iranian, Slavic, Turkish, German peoples played a major role in the separate development of these languages.

Territory of settlement

Finno-Ugric peoples in our day predominantly live in North-West Europe. Geographically, they are resets in a huge territory from Scandinavia to the Urals, Volga-Kamya, the lower and middle tritobol. Hungarians are the only people of the Finno-Ugric ethno-speaking group, who formed their state aside from other tribal related to them - in the Carpathian-Danube region.

Number of Finno-Thieves

The total number of peoples talking in the Ural languages \u200b\u200b(they include Finno-Ugors, together with the self-ideas), is 23-24 million people. The most numerous representatives are Hungarians. Their world has more than 15 million people. They are followed by Finns and Estonians (5 and 1 million people, respectively). Most of the other Finno-Ugric ethnic groups live in modern Russia.

Finno-Ugric ethnic groups in Russia

Russian migrants massively rushed to the lands of Finno-Ugrov in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Most often, the resettlement process in these parts occurred peacefully, but some indigenous peoples (for example, Mari) have long and fiercely resisted their importance to the Russian state.

Christian religion, writing, urban culture, brought by Russians, began to push local beliefs and adverbs. People moved to cities, moved to the Siberian and Altai lands - there, where the main and general was Russian. However, he (especially his northern dialect) absorbed a lot of Finno-Ugric words - is more visible in the field of toponyms and names of nature phenomena.

In places, the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia were mixed with Turks, adopting Muslims. However, a significant part of them was still assimilated by the Russians. Therefore, these peoples do not care anywhere - even in those republics that are their name.

Nevertheless, according to the census in 2002, in Russia there are very significant in numbers of Finno-Ugric groups. This is Mordva (843 thousand people), Udmurts (almost 637 thousand), Marities (604 thousand), Komi-Zyryan (293 thousand), Komi-Permyaki (125 thousand), Karelia (93 thousand). The number of some nations does not exceed thirty thousand people: Khanty, Mansi, Veps. Izhorstsy have 327 people, and the people are water - only 73 people. Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, Saama live in Russia.

Development of Finno-Ugric Culture in Russia

In total, sixteen Finno-Ugric peoples live in Russia. Five of them have their own national publications, and two are nationally territorial. Other resets dispersed throughout the country.

In Russia, considerable attention is paid to the preservation of the original cultural traditions inhabiting it in the national and local level, programs are developed, with the support of which the culture of Finno-Ugric peoples is being studied, their customs and dialects.

Thus, Sami, Khanty, Mansiysky teach in primary classes, and Komi, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovsky - in secondary schools of those regions where large groups of relevant ethnic groups live. There are special laws on culture, languages \u200b\u200b(Mari El, Komi). Thus, in the Republic of Karelia, the law on education that enshrines the right of Episses and Karelov to study in its native language. The priority of the development of cultural traditions of these peoples is determined by the law on culture.

Also in the republics of Mari El, Udmurtia, Komi, Mordovia, in the Khanty-Mansiysk JSC there are their own concepts and programs of national development. The fund of development of the cultures of Finno-Ugric peoples (in the territory of the Republic of Mari El) has been created and operates.

Finno-Ugric peoples: appearance

The ancestors of the current finno-thief occurred as a result of the mixing of Paleoevurine and Paleoisian tribes. Therefore, in the appearance of all peoples of this group, both European and mongoloid features are present. Some scientists even advanced the theory about the existence of an independent race - the Ural, which is "intermediate" between Europeans and Asians, but this version has little supporters.

Finno-eel is heterogeneous in anthropological terms. However, any representative of the Finno-Ugric people has characteristic "Urals" features in one way or another. This is usually medium height, very light hair color, a wide face, a non-beard. But these features appear in different ways. So, Mordvinka-Erzya - the tall, winners of light hair and blue eyes. Mordviny Moksha - on the contrary, below the growth, wiping, with longer hair. Udmurts and Mariers often meet the characteristic "Mongolian" eyes with a special fold in the inner corner of the eye - Epicatus, very broad faces, a liquid beard. But at the same time, their hair is usually blonde and red, and the eyes are blue or gray, which is typical for Europeans, but not the Mongoloids. "Mongolian fold" is also found at Izhorts, Rod, Karel, and even Estonians. Komi look different. Where there are mixed marriages with nonsense, representatives of this people are disclosure and drafts. Other Komi, on the contrary, are more likely to go to Scandinavians, but more broadcasters.

Finno-Ugric traditional cuisine in Russia

Most of the dishes of traditional kitchens of Finno-Ugric and Zauralye, in fact, was not preserved or was significantly distorted. However, ethnographers manage to trace some common patterns.

The main product of the finno-thieves was fish. She was not only treated in different ways (fry, boldly, cooked, quasili, dried, eaten with crude), but also prepared every kind of their way, which would be better to taste.

Before the appearance of firearms, the main way of hunting in the forest was forces. They caught a predominantly forest bird (Tetherov, Glumchah) and a small beast, mostly a hare. The meat and birds were tushed, cooked and baked, much less - fried.

From vegetables used turnips and radish, from spicy herbs - growing in the woods, Borschevik, horseradish, onions, young sick. Western Finno-Ugric peoples practically did not use mushrooms; At the same time, for the eastern, they constituted a significant part of the food diet. The most ancient types of grain, known to these peoples - barley and wheat (Probe). Of them were preparing porridges, hot jestes, as well as stuffing for home sausages.

The modern culinary repertoire of Finno-Ugrov contains very few national traits, as he experienced a strong influence of Russian, Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash and other cuisines. However, almost every nation has one or two traditional, ritual or festive dishes that have come to this day. In sum, they allow you to draw up a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe Finno-Ugric cooking.

Finno-Ugric peoples: religion

Most of the Finno-Ugrations confess the Christian faith. Finns, Estonians and Western Saama belong to Lutherans. Catholics predominate among the Hungarians, although Calvinists and Lutheran can also be found.

Finno-Ugry, living in - predominantly Orthodox Christians. However, the Udmurts and Marietsians managed to preserve the ancient (animistic) religion, and the self-foundations and residents of Siberia - Shamanism.