Find the icon of the Virgin. Tsarina Sky and Earth: Why there are so many Icons of the Virgin Mary

Find the icon of the Virgin. Tsarina Sky and Earth: Why there are so many Icons of the Virgin Mary
Find the icon of the Virgin. Tsarina Sky and Earth: Why there are so many Icons of the Virgin Mary

Icon (from gr. - Image, image) - adopted by the church and consecrated image of Jesus Christ, Our Lady, Holy and Different events from sacred and church history. Icons on strictly defined rules (canons) are written with paints (usually tempera) on a wooden (linden or pine) board, covered with special soil.

Asist - Composition used in icon painting for stickers of sheet gold and silver. It has the kind of thick, adhesive mass of dark brown color, is prepared from garlic or beer span by tomturing into the furnace to the desired state. When used, it is divorced by water so that they can be carried away by brush the thinnest lines. On the asist, gold holds very well and does not lose its shine.

Board iconna - Wood base under the icon, usually lime, less freak, spruce, oak or cypressive. Several boards are tightly connected to the side sides into a single shield of the desired size, glue with adhesive animals (for example, casein) and additionally be fastened with knaps from the back side or from the ends (so as not to brew). The front side is made with a flat deepening - ark.

Iconography (Greek - description of the image) - description of the features and canons of the image of a certain person or the plot on icons.

Kyot. - decorated frame for icon or glazed cabinet for several icons.

Levkas (Greek) - White soil for iconic painting. It consists of a gross chalk (or gypsum) and glue. It is gradually applied, multilayer on the surface of the board, designed to write an icon. The surface of Levkas is thoroughly grinding.

Nimbus - Glowing around the head: the sign of God's grace in the form of a disk or light rays depicted on icons as a symbol of spiritual glory.

Salary - Overhead decoration attached to the icon over the colorful layer. It was made of non-ferrous metals, pearls, beads, gold sewing, carved golden wood. Sometimes decorated with precious stones. The salaries cover individual pieces of painting or the entire surface, except the face, arms and legs.

Fold - Like a small iconostasis of several connected loops, folding sash with icons. Designed for traveling.

"Uming" Serafimo-Diveevskaya - The icon of the Mother of God who belonged to Seraphim Sarovsky. He died in front of her prayer. Celebration on August 10.

"Soothed my sorrows" - The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, brought to Moscow with Cossacks in 1640. The Mother of God is depicted on the icon with a few tenden chapter, to which she attaches his left hand. Observing it seems to tell us that the Queen of Heaven listens to tears and prayers of all believers who appeal to her with their mourn, needs and sorrow. The right hand of Our Lady sticks to the feet of the Bogomladse. The Savior holds in his hands the deployed scroll, on which the words of the Divine Guide are inscribed: "The court is righteous of judge, mercy and generotes create ..." Celebration on February 7.

- Miraculous icon. According to legend, the evangelist Luka is written. In Russia, was originally in the Meodorovsky Gorodetsky Monastery. In the invasion of Batya and Gorodets, and the monastery was devastated, the inhabitants fled, and I did not have time to take with the icon. A few decades later, on August 16, 1239, she was the younger brother Alexander Nevsky Kostroma Prince Vasily Yaroslavich in the forest, on the tree, during the hunt. On the eve, many residents of Kostroma saw how a warrior was held through the streets of the city, and he kept an icon in his hands. The face of this warrior reminded the inhabitants of the icon painting image of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Prettylate. The found icon was put in the temple of the Holy Feodorus Pratilate in Kostroma and was called Feodorovskaya. At the site of the search icon, the prince founded the monastery in honor of the destructive image of the Savior. In 1260, the miraculous image saved Kostroma from the Tatar Halley. In 1613, the Feodor Icon was blessed to the reign of young Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the first sovereign from the Romanov dynasty. Currently, Icon is in the Assumption Cathedral of Kostroma. Before this icon, traditions are praying for prosperous genus. The celebration of the icon is performed on March 27 and August 29.

"Healer" - Icon, on which the Queen of Heavenly is depicted standing in Odra of the Patient, the patient's mouth can be seen mammo. The history of this image is as follows. One pious cleric was seriously ill and appealed to the Mother of God with a prayer, at the same moment he saw the Guardian Angel, asking the Virgin about the healing of the sick, and who had a sacrifice, who had drained a patient with a saving drop to the fault of his neighbors and became invisible. The patient felt completely healthy and told everyone about the miracle. Before this icon, pray for healing sick. Celebration icon - October 1.

- Miraculous icon, revered by Orthodox, and Catholics. Written, according to legend, evangelist Luka. In 326, the Holy Queen Elena, having received this icon as a gift, brought her to Tsargrad, where she stayed almost five centuries. Then she was transferred to Russia, where he became famous for many wonders. Torn by the Poles, got into the hands of the Tatars, who began to shoot it out of the onions, but when blood flowed from the icon, fled in fright. Currently, located in Poland in the monastery near the city of Czestochowa. Celebration March 19th.

What kind of measure of grief and suffering is able to bear the earth's woman? Early orphanhood, life at the temple, suspicion of the spouse about treason is the beginning of the life path of the Blessed Virgin. Many grief and suffering suffered the Virgin Mary ... The mockery of the crowd over the son, his martyrdom and for many years of life demonstrates the suffering of the mother. Her sacrificial love and endless patience helped climb the highest spiritual step.

The icons of the Most Holy Mother of God seem to be shining and humble. The experience, deprivation, suffering was replaced by the heavenly glory and the joy of the reunification of the mother with his son. Miraculous Icons of Our Lady are honored in many cities and countries. They make it easier for sorrow and bring faith, heal from diseases and award for forgiveness. Prayers from the image of the Mother of God helps soldiers on the battlefields, save from enemies. At the same time, they give simple family joy and consolation in the troubles.

Four views of the Icons of the Virgin

In the Orthodox calendar, many days are honored by the worship of the miraculous icons of Our Lady. Through his face she creates good deeds, changes the fate of people, saves the fallen. Icons of the Blessed Virginity are different from each other. There are 4 main types of such icons.

Odigitria (translated from Greek - guide). On the icon of this kind, the Mother of God holds the baby of Christ, pointing at him with his hand. In her eyes the whole life path of the Christian is reflected. The most famous images of this species - Smolensk, Georgian and Kazan icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Elyus (translated from Greek - Milic). Here the Mother of God sniffed to the infant, they hug each other. This image is a symbol of the love of mother and son, their unity. The most famous icons of Elyus - Vladimirskaya, the Don Lady Mother.

Oranta (translated from Greek - sign). In the iconography of this species, the Virgin Major made hands to the sky in a prayer impulse. The baby is not yet born, but is already present on the medallion, symbolizing the divine and human principle. The most famous icons are "an inspired bowl", "Yaroslavl Oranta".

Akafiste view icons - collective image. It is created in iconography under the impression of Evangelical texts. It looks more like the illustration of the actions of the Virgin, participation in her son's fate. The bright icons of this species is "inappropriate joy", "unhappy bunk", "about you the delighted whole creature."

Patronage icons

The icons of the Virgin in Russia had the wider distribution. This explains such an abundance of the images of the Mother of God. Her face love and worship in the people. It is considered a protector, comforter and intercession. The image of the Mother of God carries love, forgiveness to all the sinful and reworked.

The holy image is treated in grief and illness, asking to protect against enemies and ill-wishers. Prayers in front of the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary helps women in pregnancy, give light childbirth and health to children. Men come for the patronage and consolation. Each miraculous icons of the Virgin Mary can help after sincere prayer.

Before the "recovery of the dead" pray with head, dental pains, about dying children, a gracious marriage, about disgusting from alcohol addiction.

Before the Icon of the Theodore God's Mother, asking for the facilitation of difficult labor. The Ostrarmian Virgin will protect marriage from evil forces, will make it prosperous. The "unalitable bundle" will save the house from fires. The "sign of the Most Holy Virgin" protects against the nationwide misfortunes, protects the mothers, helps mothers, gives happiness to their children.

The image of the Vladimir Mother of God brought victory by Russian troops over Tamerlane in 1395. It is said that the miraculous icon frightened the enemy, and Horde Hang just fled.

The image of the Don Mother of God helped on the day of the Kulikov battle in 1380. And in the 1558th Ivan the Terrible prayed for a long time before going to Kazan. Icon gave the victory by Russian troops and the capture of the city.

How to pray before the icon of the Virgin

There are many ready-made prayers that are read before the face of the Virgin. These are requests for help, making a mother during church holidays, Akathists. They are so simple that with constant reading they are easy to learn by heart.

There are prayers:

  • when hunger;
  • in grief and ailment;
  • with the danger of saccination;
  • during injury and pain;
  • with eye diseases and blindness;
  • when protecting the house from the fire;
  • in severe diseases and deafness;
  • in cancerous diseases;
  • about low-cost drunkenness;
  • on the date of patience;
  • on relief from thoughts about suicide.

This is only a small part of the prayers with whom the people turn to the image. The icons of the Most Holy Bogoroditsynar are considered miraculous. The facts are known when the image helped in cure from severe diseases, gave faith, patience.

Virgin Mary - Defender and Intercession. If to approach the image with a clean heart, light thoughts, then the remuneration will not make yourself wait. Prayers can be read at home before the home iconostasis. Or in the church, after the service. Formal text pronouncing text does not give a miracle. Only sincere faith due to God will help the execution of a request.

The priests assure that if the text of the prayer is difficult to learn, it can be read in the recorded form. Or give a request in your own words. We should not forget that after the fulfillment of desire it is necessary to come to the icon, thank.

Miraculous icons

Icon personifies the relationship between God and man. This is an opportunity to join the grace and get it. This is a faith in a happy getting rid of flour and sinfulness. This understanding is that only suffering is capable of cleaning the soul, bring calm in the heart, teach patience and all.

Miraculous icon - the concentration of divine power. Not all images have been preserved to this day. And not all icons, being miraculous, recognized as church administration. There must be indisputable facts of healing, the evidence of force so that the image is officially recognized. Only after that icon gets the status of the miraculous. Basically such evidence narrates on the healing during the epidemic, the salvation of the state from enemies or cure from various diseases.

The miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Moor Find in different cities and countries of the world. They come with requests, prayers, hopes. Combines their strength of the image that is able to make a miracle in the usual human life.

Icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin"

Certificates about the audit of (physical resettlement) of the Virgin Mary can be found in different sources. However, in the Holy Scripture, nothing is said. Only the facts are known that during the VI of the Universal Cathedral, it was decided to open the tomb. It saw only funeral clothes and holy belt. The latter can be found on the Holy Mount Athos (Greece) in the monastery watoped.

Before his death, Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin with the news that her life path would end in 3 days. After the Lord will take her to her. The funeral of the Virgin Mary took place in the Garden of Gethsemane. Patients, touching her Odra, healed. And after 3 days after the funeral, the apostles did not find her body in the cave, there were only funeral clothing.

On August 28, there is a celebration of the image "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary". Icon is exhibited in the temples of Moscow, Kiev.

The image helps to cope with the fear of death. You can ask for strengthening faith, humility. Getting rid of diseases also gives the "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin". Icon, among other things, helps to comprehend your acts, strengthen in virtues, worthy of passing your life path.

"The sign of the Blessed Virgin"

This name of the image is associated with the events of 1170. The troops were besieged Veliky Novgorod. The townspeople constantly prayed for salvation. Archbishop Novgorod during a request for help heard the commandment of the Virgin Mary, so that the icon would be raised to the city walls. Lick was taken to the wall, turned to the enemy troops. One of the arrows hit the image. The miraculous icon was angry from the attackers, depriving those light and grace. Turned to besieged, giving them a miracle of salvation. In the same moment, confusion happened in the enemy's mill, their fear, and the enemies were defeated.

  • Velikiy Novgorod;
  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Barnaul;
  • MUROM;
  • Belgorod;
  • Severodvinsk;
  • Nizhny Tagil;
  • Kursk.

The miraculous icon "The Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary" protects the soldiers and the population in military conflicts. Helps traveling, reconciles the warring. Savings from diseases during epidemics, heals with eye diseases, blindness.

Annunciation - good news. Archangel Gabriel informs the Virgin Mary that she was visited by grace. She will give birth to the Son of God and charts by Jesus. The day of the celebration of this miraculous icon comes on April 7.

There is a legend on which on the wall of one of the Kremlin towers at the board of Ivan the Terrible was the phenomenon of the Icons "Annunciation." It was in this tower who was unjustly accused of the governor. He prayed and asked for a miracle. In confirmation of his innocence and was the phenomenon of the Lika Mother of God.

Icon "Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary" survived in the fire in 1737. Then the Annunciation of the Church and King Bell burned. But icon remained intact flame. It can be found in the temples of such cities:

  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Kazan.

The miraculous icon is praying for deliverance from imprisonment and unfair attacks, about the healing of spiritual and bodily diseases, about the sorces and temptations.

By legend, this image was written by the Apostle Luka. Allegedly even during the life of the Virgin, with her blessing, Luka created from 3 to 70 facilities of the mother.

Four cars were at the Virgin Mary - Iberia (Georgia), Athos, Kievan Rus, Diveev Resident. She had to bear the word of God and sermons. Not everywhere in life managed to visit the Virgin. But after death, it was a sign, visions participated in the spread of Christian faith.

Iberian icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The goiter" is a symbol of protecting all truly believers. She appears by the intercession, a keeper, comforter in all troubles and misfortunes.

Iverly icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the temples of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Orel. She is in the churches of the Novgorod, Kursk, Pskov, Tambov regions. Days of the celebration fall on February 25, October 26 and on Tuesday, bright weeks.

There are many written and oral testimony about healing after prayer. Icon helps to find strength for repentance, cleansing. Her sinners come to the search for the righteous road, with requests for protection and consolation. Icon eliminates bodily and mental illnesses. It can be prayed for preserving the house from fires, floods and other disasters.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Goatanitsa" leaves riddles to this day. In 1981, a Greek monk was created an image written off from the original. Icon turned out to be peaceful. Her 1982 brought Joseph Munos Cortes to Montreal (Canada). After akathists, severe, incurable diseases (leukemia, paralysis) were healed in front of the way. Icon returned people to spiritual life, got rid of disbelief. In 1997, the keeper of the Cortes image was killed. Icon disappeared.

"Uming the Most Holy Virgin"

There are several famous miraculous icons "Templement". They made a lot of lists that do not lose their fertile strength.

Smolensk icon "Uming the Most Holy Virgin" appeared in 1103. Polish invaders precipitated the city. As many as 20 months, Smolensk were held by Smolensk with the help of a miraculous image, did not pass it with enemies.

Pskovo-Pechora icon is famous with its wonderful healing. In the chronicles of Pskov and Veliky Novgorod, testimonies dated 1524 were preserved.

Seraphimo-Diveevskaya icon "The Umunition of the Most Holy Mother of God" was located in the Sarley Sarah Sarrefima Sarahm to death. After several lists were made, which later also turned out to be miraculous. We can eat from the lamp, which was burning in front of the icon, the old man Sarovsky smeared patients, and they were cured.

The Novgorod icon "Uming" in 1337 batted in the air over the church doors. Tears drip out of her eyes. Later, on the same year began in the city of shine tetree. Citizens prayers asked the Holy Image to stand up for them. Soon the disease retreated.

Prayer before the icon helps in troubles and misfortunes. Ensures temptations, keeps marriage. Gives pregnancy and light childbirth. This image is considered female and helps in many diseases and sophors. Eliminates eye diseases, blindness. Almost all miraculous images of Virgo are able to heal bodily and mental illnesses after prayers and acafirs.

"Christmas of the Blessed Virgin"

The prophecies about the birth of the Virgin, which will become the Mother of the Messiah, is heard in the Old Testament. It originated from an ancient kind, which he had many high priests, patriarchs, kings. Andokim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin, have not had children for a long time. They prayed Easto to the family appear in the family. After 50 years of life in marriage, they were granted a happy news of the conception and birth of the Queen of Heaven.

Icon "Christmas Blessed Virgin" tells about a joyful event. Birth and the entire subsequent life of Mary are imbued with faith, calmness, patience. No wonder she is considered an intercession, comforter of all Christians and lost souls. Day celebration - September 21.

Often the icon "Christmas of the Blessed Virgin" gave the desperate parents of the long-awaited child. Any prayer in front is able to calm down, heal the soul from the offense and injustice. Particularly effective requests for lost souls, return of faith, cleansing from sins, the gift of spiritual and moral oblats. Prayers about children, family reunification, the elimination of the offense and quarrels between spouses will also be heard.

Meaning icon

The icons of the Most Holy Bogorodittsy are the unity of God and man. As a simple woman, she gave birth to the Savior, like the Holy Virgin Mary stood next to him in heaven. This is the combination of the highest spirituality and understanding of human weaknesses. The image of the Virgin is a collective way of a mother who knows how to forgive their children, to stand up for them, understand them. Therefore, so many icons, prayers, holidays, memorable dates dedicated to the Mother of God.

Priests are taught that there is no greater suffering on Earth, rather than standing near and see the death of his own child. The Most Holy Mother of God was held to spiritual transformation through the flour sacrifice. Icon, the value of the value is not in the external brilliance, but in domestic virtues, teaches the laity a lot ...

In humility and patience spent the whole life of the Virgin. Early lost parents. He married a widow, whose sons did not love her, did not believe in the Divine grace. Her meekness, suffering became an amazing combination of earthly spirituality and heavenly holiness.

Formal reading of a prayer, an indifferent visit to the church will not give the favor of the Virgin. Only repentance, a clean heart, sincere love you can achieve the intercessory of the Virgin.

The miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary teach humanity, the ability to remain virtuous in any life situations. With humility to endure difficulties, testing and knowing that even in sin you can repent and regain grace.

With ancient times, our ancestors believed the most protector and the keeper of the Russian land. Many images are found and glorified in our country, it is not by chance that many of them are associated with military glory and victory over the invaders.

"Vladimirskaya" icon of the Mother of God

"And they fled the hordes of the enemies of the Earth Russian from the city of Moscow, persecuted by the power of the Blessed Virgin ..."

The history of this icon is full of riddles and secrets, even the appearance of it in Russia in ancient sources is described in different ways. According to one of the legends, the image was written by the apostle and evangelist bow on the board of the table, followed by the Most High Deva with her son and the righteous Joseph. Until 450, Icon was located in Jerusalem, and then moved to Constantinople. In the XII century, the Patriarch of Luka Rykvsov granted the preching image Yuri Dolgoruk. In Kiev, the mysterious icon went three times from his place, as if not wanting to be there. The son of Yuri Dolgoruky secretly took an image, because voluntarily residents would not break up with the shrine. According to the chroniclers, God's Mother, herself chose a place to stay in the image - on the steep bank of Klyazma in Vladimir, the horse suddenly stood up and did not move from the place. The Most Holy Virgin appeared to the prince Andrei in a dream and commanded the temple in seplace.

Later, I found my refuge in the Uspensky Cathedral of Vladimir and since then it became known as "Vladimir". For many centuries, the princes, kings, Metropolitans, Patriarchs and simple people were diligently prayed for a great intercession during any disasters: wars, fires, robbery, epidemics. The gracious assistance was revealed against Tamerlane (in memory of this event and the salvation of Moscow, the Sretensky monastery was erected), the Ordane and Crimean Khanov of the Ocean and Kaza-Gire. Today, the image is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Icon of God's Mother "Kazan"

"The Great Intercession of Russia", "Precious National Shrine" - Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God is one of the most revered in the ROC. Having an amazing story of its gain, bright fame of the wondering, protection and support, tragedy of loss and the joy of recovery, this shrine is inseparable from the life of every Orthodox Christian. Kazan icon symbolizes Russia's victory over a timeless time - a period of bloody civil war. In 1579, the most recent appeared in a dream of a ten-year-old Matrona, and pointed out the place of his stay. In gratitude to the deliverance of Moscow from the invasion of the Poles since 1649, the All-Russian commemoration of the image is established and a cathedral is built in honor of the Kazan Icons of the Virgin on Red Square. Before the "Kazan" manner of God's Mother, the Russian army prayed for the granting of victory on the eve of the Poltava battle. During the Patriotic War, the Virgin Mary became the spiritual driver's driver of Russia and the Russian people. After 1812, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg became a temple-monument of the Russian army.

From the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, wonderful healing, amazing cases of gaining vision of the blind, recovery dying, the return of sinners on the path is true.

Icon "Sign of the Blessed Virgin"

The meaning of this icon is revealed even in a special image of the Savior: Jesus Christ appears as a shield - a symbol of victory and protection. And the chronicles tell us the amazing story of this image.

In the Great Novgorod, in 1170, a formidable Suzdal Raint appeared. Saint Elijah, Archbishop Novgorod relied only for the help of Queen Heaven. All residents led by the archbishop tearfully prayed in front of the diagram of the Virgin. At that moment, from all sides of the coaches flew the arrows of the enemy, one of them fell into the icon. Tears ran out of the eyes of the Music, Saint Elijah began to wash them with his fellow, saying "Queen Heavenly, you will be a sign that with tears you pray to your son and God to our deliverance of the hail." People, seeing this miracle, prayed more diligently and called to the Lord. At the same moment, darkness fell to the ground, sudden fear and the confusion were taught by Suzdaltsev. Warriors began to kill each other, without disassembling where the enemy, and where is their own. Inspired by the defenders of Novgorod opened the gate, rushed to the enemy and his head was broken. In memory of the wonderful intercession of the Archbishop of Elijah installed on November 27 (December 10) a holiday in honor of Our Lady of Znamenkaya, calling him a "day of deliverance and punishment." Since then, the miraculous icon began to portray the press of Novgorod Metropolitan. Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Sign" is reverently honored throughout Russia. Many of its lists, such as Kursk-Native and Abalatsky, also became famous for wonders.

Icon of the Mother of the Mother "Smolenskaya"

Smolenskaya is a generic icon of Russian princes, a symbol of continuity, dynastic intimacy of Constantinople and Russia. According to legend, in this way, the Greek emperor Vasily II blessed his sister Anna to marriage with Kiev Prince Vladimir. According to another version, the Greek Emperor Konstantin Porphyurogeneous issued his daughter Anna for Chernigov Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Later, the icon was inherited by the Smolensky Prince Vladimir Monomakh, who put it in the Assumption Cathedral (1103). It was from this time that the image began to be called the "Smolensk" icon of the Mother of God. Icon saved Smolensk during the invasion of the city of Khan Batya in 1238. The legend says that the Markuria's Markuria blessed the warrior to go towards the enemy secretly from the people, the prince and the saint who do not know about the attack of the Tatar: "I will be with you, helping the slave of my son. But together with the victory, the crown of martyrdom, which, accept from Christ, is awaiting you. The warrior snuck into the camp of the enemy and killed the strongest Mongolian hero, for which he was beheaded by enemies. The image of the Virgin inspired Russian warriors on the feat is not one day. On the eve of the Borodino battle, the miraculous icons Smolenskaya, the Iverk and Vladimir procession were applied around the White City and the Kremlin. Unfortunately, the initial ancient image of the Mother of God "Smolenskaya" disappeared in 1929 after the Assumption Cathedral of Smolensk was located an antirefall museum.

"Theodore-Kostromskaya" icon of the Virgin

This is a great symbol of protection of Russia from many historical disasters. The Queen of Heavenly through the farodore icon of God's mother was Rus their special patronage, which manifested themselves through many amazing affairs. This image is the generic shrine of the royal family. The tradition connects it with the election of the founder of the Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich's founder of the Dynasty. From the end of the XIIX century, German princesses, going married Russian princes and taking Orthodoxy, by tradition in honor of the icon received Patronyma Fedorovna. The great miracle of rescue of the Russian land, manifested from the icon, also occurred during the invasion of the Tatar. When the inners approached Kostroma, Prince Vasily Georgievich and all the inhabitants tearfully prayed in front of the help and protection. The Lick of the Mother of God suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, which, like a terrible heat from the sun, forced the enemy to flee. Where the miraculous image was standing during the battle, a cross was put, and the place and nearby lake began to be made saints.

The image of Our Lady "Donskaya"

"The God of Christian and strong the belief of the Russians in the heavenly intercession is truly great!"

Don Icon written by Feofan Greek - Teacher of Rev. Andrei Rublev. The characteristic feature of this image is the legs of the Boggladznz's legs put on the left hand. In the same hand, the Holy Virgo keeps the boards, draining tears and consisting of crying. In addition to this manner, they are praying in difficult times for Russia, about the help of the Russian army, getting rid of the enemy. According to the legend, the Cossacks found an icon floating on the waves of Don. At the site of the acquisition of the icon was served by Prayer, and then she was moved to the temple. Soon the image of the icon became a regimental banner at the Don Cossacks.

With the Grand Duza, Dmitry Donskoy Russian army fought with superior in the number of Hagic Mongol-Tatars. The Grand Duke was a zealous Christian - just asking for the favor before the icon of the Blessed Virgin, the prince commanded to collect the army in defense. Having learned that the prince was heading on the battlefield, dona residents brought him his main shrine - the icon of the Mother of God. Prayers before the miraculous way were raised throughout the night. And during the battle of the icon was constantly in the village of Russian warriors. The historical battle on the Kulikov field, which lasted the whole day and carried out, on the leishes of chronicles, two hundred thousand human lives, is a clear miracle of the special intercession of God's Mother of God. The Tatars fled, frightened by an amazing vision: In the midst of the battle, surrounded by a flame and the sinking boom The sun shelves went on them under the leadership of the heavenly warrior. In 1591, for a given victory and mercy, revealed through the Don Icon on the command of the Tsar Fyodor John (then they attacked Russia at once from two sides - the Swedes went to Novgorod, the Crimean Tatars - to Moscow), the Don Monastery was erected, where the list was erected with Miraculous icon. Since 1919, this wonderful icon of the Virgin is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. Once a year, on the eve of the Day of Celebration, the image brought into the Don Monastery.

Icon of the Mother of God "Insprivitary Bowl"

Icon "Inspromandable Bowl" is particularly revered in Russia as a beloved from the death of drunkenness and drug addiction. Such a specification does not correlate with the Orthodox fault, and sometimes directly contradicts him. It is important to understand - the Mother of God alone and grace too alone. And to share images according to needs, and recipes "from which disease, which icon to pray", as often in the people - the root of the wrong approach.

In the theological sense, the Holy Eucharist is depicted on this icon: Jesus Christ, a half-immersed in the bowl with the Holy Gifts, the people blesses with both hands. This is an image of a compound with the Savior. The current two miraculous list are located in Serpukhov in Vysotsky and the tasteless monasteries. The phenomenon of the image occurred in the Tula province in 1878, a peasant, obsessed with a passion for winepidia to such an extent that his legs were taken away. In a dream, a man saw a monk who ordered him to go and pray before the icon "Insprising Bowl." After many proceedings and searches, the icon was found in the monastery of Serpukhov. After the prayer in front of the shrine, the man not only began to move normally, but was forever freed from addiction to alcohol. In the subsequent icon, he was especially revered in Serpukhov, where the "fraternity of sobriety" was organized.

To date, many cases of fertile care and healing obtained from the icon are known. These cases are recorded in a special book, and they are talking about themselves in letters healed, sharing their joy.

"THE HOLY TRINITY" - written by Andrey Rublev. The symbol of "Trinity" is a god father, the god-son, the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, mind, love. One of the three main icons to be in every home. Before the icon, pray for the forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.

"The Iver of God Mother" - homemaker. She is considered a patronage of all women, their assistant and an intercession in front of the Lord. Icon, with which they remove the "crown of celibacy" with both men and women. Before the icon, also pray for the healing of body and spiritual ages, about consolation in the troubles.

"Kazan God's Mother" - The main icon of Russia, the intercession of the entire Russian people, especially in heavy troubled times. All major events in life take place with it, starting with baptism. Icon gives a blessing to marriage, she also helpers in
work. Icon that stops the fire and helps those whose problems with vision. Prev icon pray for help in various everyday needs.

"Vladimir God Mother" - written by Evangelist Luka. Icon is considered one of the most distortion images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Russia. Tsari crowded before this icon and elected the primitors. It is prayed for the humility of the victims, about mitigating evil hearts, the healing of the physical and spiritual healing, as well as the healing of the rampant.

"Tikhvinian Mother of God" - written by Evangelist Luka. Icon is considered to be a nursery, she also has a "guidebook". It helps children in illnesses, soothes restless and naughty, helps them in choosing friends, protects from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the relationship between parents and children, that is, children do not throw parents in old age. Women helps for childbirth and during pregnancy. They also appeal to those who have problems.

"Seven Stracean" - it is the strongest icon in the protection of the house and any room, as well as the person, on whom it is, from evil, envious

People, from the evil eye, damage and curses. Reconciles the warring, brings peace, swallow, it is also taken to important things. At home, it should be opposite the front door to see the eyes of the incoming. Before installing the icon, you need to read prayer, the subsequent to watch who will stop walking into your home.

"SPRISPERS" - The image was written in the century. Before the icon, pray when needed fast and emergency care, about the healing of spiritual and bodily illnesses, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children
And about the liberation of prisoners.

"Healer" - Icon belongs to the number of the most ancient and distortions. Before the icon, they are praying for the healing of the soul and body, it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, grief, eternal condemnation, cares about liberation from the conclusion. Assistant in childbirth.

"Unfortunate bowl" - God's Materia prays for all sinners and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, he exit that the inspired bowl of heavenly help and mercy is prepared by asking with faith. She is for prosperity in the house, and also helps heal from detrimental habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling.

"Unbreakable Wall" - Located in the main altar of the Kiev-Sofia Cathedral. At the continuation of more than ten centuries, this miraculous icon remained intact. Probably, therefore, so named. Before the icon, for each requirement: Sorry - Healing, Sorrow - Consolation, lost - the insight, fucking babies, raise and teach young, rim and mention husbands and wives, support and sogray old, get rid of all sorts of misfortunes.

"Troyoul"- The miraculous image of the Mother of God was written in the eighth century in honor of St. John Damaskina - Church Piece, innocently slandered. After the icon, they are praying for healing from the pain or their injury, from getting rid of the fire, as well as from illness, grief and sadness.

"Increasing joy" - Icon about the forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. The icon is praying for the treatment of lost, about the health and well-being of children, about the healing of deafness and diseases of the ears, on the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.

"Blessed Matron" - Very strong saint of modernity. They are treated for any heavy question. She is our most "ambulance" and the intercession, a prayerman for us in front of the Lord. The power is in the Women's Pokrovsky Monastery on Taganka,
Where every day comes the random number of people and treat it for help.

"Nikolai wardwriter" - Favorite holy Russian people. He protects against poverty and needs: when his icon is in the house, he ensures that there is prosperity in the house, it will save money from needs. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people who are on the road and honoring Nicholas Wonderworker. The relics of Saint Nicholas are located in Italy.

"Holy Velicheart Pantelemon" - Great healer, patron of doctors. During his lifetime, she brought healing many people from heavy ailments. And now, from Icons with the face of St. Panteleimon, people get a charge for wonderful healing.

"Georgy Victorious" - The patron saint of Moscow, as well as an assistant of those people whose work is related to weapons, risk to life - military, militia, firefighters, rescuers. In addition, they include athletes and people opening a new business.

"SERGIUS OF RADONEZH" - Founder Sergievo - Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. The icon take with me when passing exams and tests. It is very good that the icon always has a handbag or portfolio in my pocket every day when the child goes to study.

"Seraphim Sarovsky"- One of the favorite and revered saints of Russia. All his life he dedicated to the service of the Lord, founded the Diveevian women's monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The prayer of the Holy Father Seraphim Sarovsky helps very well with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, joints.

"GUARDIAN ANGEL" - He pray: for help with headaches; About your patronage, from insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about the breakdown of the deserted spirits, about getting rid of harm from the wizards and sorcerers. On the intercession of widows and orphans, in despair, about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, about the exile of demons. Going to sleep pray to him about getting rid of the prodigal dreams.

The people have long distinguished the "duties" of those or other saints. The same with the images of the List of the Virgin. Each icon of the Mother of God meets the aspirations of praying.

Faces of the Virgin

I will tell you about those miraculous icons with whom I personally had to meet and the strength of which I learned about myself.

As a child, the grandfather told me that the Lord has many assistants - the holy and righteous elders, the prophets and the forces of disembodied. But people get the most advanced help from the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ the Virgin Mary. We talked to him for a long time about how this world was arranged. Grandfather Nikolai told that everything that surrounds us, created the Lord, and he needs to thank it for it.

Grandfather and knew how to do wonderful things. It restored musical instruments and paintings. It was fun to see how a broken violin was brought to him, and he revived her, breathed in her life, and after a while she sang wonderful melodies again, then laughing, then crying, and in the soul became warm and peaceful. And everyone always thanked him!

Once brought a wonderful picture on the board. Beautiful woman with a child - as if who was rooted together in beautiful red clothes. I really wanted to consider her closer, and, putting a stool, I climbed over her bookcase. I had to land on the floor together with the books, one of which hurts the knee.

The entered grandfather grinned in a beard and said: "It's necessary to ask for the Mother of God to ask you to ask you."

So I first met with the revered, today a rarely "addition of the mind" or "the passman of the mind".

This is an amazing image with an amazing story and mysterious iconography, attracting everyone who has ever seen it. Appeared in Russia in the XVI century, this icon has its ancient prototype. Assistant, the Apostle Luke was not only an evangelist, but also wrote icons. He, according to legend, created the sculpture of the Loret icon of the Mother of God, who later became the prototype of the icon "Absorbing the mind." Despite the fact that then it was established that the author of the statue is not the apostle of Luke, nevertheless, the creation of an image is indisputably so far: "Bless the evangelical secrets of the Apostle of the Apostle onions.

In Russia, the first lists of the Loret icon of the Mother of God appeared after the return of Prince Vasily's ambassadors from Pope of Clement VII, which sought to spread its influence and Russian principality. And here a new image was written here, which in the people began to call "the addition of the mind."

They affect that a certain unknown artist became interested in the corrected books of the Patriarch Nikon, as a result of which it was prevented by reason. When the disease retreated, he prayed to the Most Holy Virgin about forgiveness and asked him to send him healing. It also affect that the Most Holy Mother of God was the artist several times, and he created her image, after which the disease returned, returned to the mind and health.

Icon was written in an unusual manner at that time. The Most Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ are depicted by a purple liturgical use. On their heads of the crowns, in the upper corners icons - lamps, under the arch - the starry sky. It is the use that hides the figures of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Baby of Christ, the icon is reminded of his prototype - the statue of Loretskaya Mother of God. Architectural details in the form of the arch at the top of the image and lamps are an image of a richly decorated niche, in which the sculptural image of Loretskaya Mother of God is placed. Under the legs of Our Lady and over her head depicts cherubs with outstretched wings.

Whether it was or only folk folk, it is unknown, but the fact that many from this icon received assistance and the insight - evidence more than abuse.

The icon of the Blessed Virgin "Add Mind" is asked about the implementation of unreasonable, successful studies, exams, soothing crazy, healing ages associated with the brain.

Personally, I believe that it is thanks to the prayer of this icon that I entered the art school and lies myself with art.

Icon is rare. In Kiev, I only know one temple, where there is a list of the image of the Blessed Virgin "Absorbing the mind" - in the church of the Nativity of Christ on Obolon.

Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or Consolation"

Many people received healing from the Watoped Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or Consolation". Miracles occur and now - by prayers from the exact lists of this image.

The history of the icons is: the image of God's Mother was written initially in the form of frescoes. There was a custom, when the monks who came from the cathedral after the prayer were applied to the icon, after which the Igumen handed the keys from the gatekeeper monastery to open the gate of the monastery.

Once, Igumen heard a warning caution not to open the gate, but to stay in the monastery and defend themselves from pirates. The old man looked at the icon and saw the baby Jesus stretches his hand to burn the mouth of the Most Holy Virgin, but she, taking the hand of Christ, repeated the same words. The monks did not dare to disobey the order of the Virgin, as a result the monastery was saved from the invasion of pirates.

Since then, the monks of the Watopeda support the restless lamp in front of this miraculous icon. We see such a plot in the iconography of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Otild or Consolation". The face of Our Lady is performed by the compassionate love and maternal tenderness, and the face of a little Christ, on the contrary, harshs and Grezden.

Many indicate that they cannot fail to turn on this wonderful, truly the delicious image created by God, which gives peace and peace.

In front of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Otrada or consolation" pray and ask for disaster help, when attacking enemies, about deliverance from diseases and misfortunes, as well as on the world's arrangement in conflict situations and in all life affairs.

The Most Holy Virgin is asked to interfere in front of the Lord by our Jesus Christ and forgive the sins of human, save from trouble. It turns to her when dismissed disintegrally, drawn into the scandalous situation, ask to strengthen the spirit and will, help cope with difficulties, survive and overcome the crisis.

Icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or Consolation" - a list stored in the women's monastery of the same name

The exact copy of the wattopid miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Otrada or consolation", written in Athos, was transferred to the same female monastery to the same name in Kiev.

Icon of Our Lady "Troochitsy"

In the Iona Monastery in Kiev there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Troochitsy". This image was written in the middle of the 19th century on the order of the Rev. Ions and was he had a celon. Icon was located with an older Ion and in the Nikolsky monastery, and then in the vytubetsky monastery, and when Ionsky was arranged, took a place on the right column of the temple.

Icon of Our Lady "Troyoulist" - Favorite image of the St. John of Kiev

The image was famous for many cases and healing and miracles, he especially read the old man of Ion.

Here is one of the impressive cases. In 1918, when Kiev passed several times from hand to hand between different political revolutionary forces, while the government was the government of the hetman of the Scoropadian, on the weapons warehouses on the wife, located in the immediate vicinity of the monastery, there was a terrible explosion. The warehouses of the ammunition of the entire South-Western Front of Times exploded.

Now not to establish whether the sabotage was or simply negligent storage of deadly materials. But during the explosion, many people suffered, a huge number of houses and buildings were destroyed. And the icon "Troyoulist" warned Kievans about the upcoming tragic event. On the eve of the explosion during the evening worship and brethren of the monastery, and numerous parishioners saw the icon of the crying. And only the next day, after the explosion, people enjoyed what the Most Holy Mother of God has grown.

And today, the monastery and parishioners are hoping that God's Mother, who loves everyone who prays about those who need her help, merry and Kiev, the mother of the cities of Russians, and Ukraine, and protect the faithful to the Lord of people from sorrows, and those hard tests who fell out to his share, will safely cease.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Troillachitsa" is written in the characteristic style of Ukrainian icon painting in the middle of the XIX century. If you carefully consider it, we will see that the fields are written so-called stimples with images of the heavenly patrons of the Rev. Ion and his parents. They are written very carefully, professionally and with love. This suggests that the icon was written in one of the monastery icon-painted workshops of Kiev. You can see the icon and make it possible on the same place where a hundred years ago, she was located the Rev. Ion.

Troyoulists have in Kiev Trinity Iona Monastery

In general, Troyoulist is one of the most famous and widely revered in the Orthodox world of the Mother of Godody of Odigitria. This is the shrine of the Serbian Monastery of Hilandar in Athos. It differs from other similar icons with the left-sided image of the Baby of Christ (sits on the right hand of the Mother of God).

Sometimes there are several legends talking about where the third hand appeared in the image, and about how Icon was on the Holy Mountain.

According to one of the legends, due to the prayer, this image healed his hand, severed by the naval of enemies, defender and gymnographer John Damaskin. In gratitude, he brought a silver sculpture of the healed hand as a gift, which was raised to the icon, for which she received the name "Troyoul".

According to another legend, the icon painter was twice erased with her image of a third hand, and it appeared again and again on the board. And only then in a dream, the Most Holy Mother of God appeared and commanded to leave an image without change, "the wonderfulness of the sake of the sake of, and not according to the nature."

Despite the contradictions in the occurrence of the image of Our Lady "Troyoulists", the meaning of unusual iconography is revealed when contacting the textpar in honor of the icon. It says that the man is holding the Divine Baby with two hands, and another hand symbolizes the cover and the protection that she gives the praying: "The image of Bo Holy Troins is the Three of the Ruta: the Two of the Son of His Son, the Christ of Our God, wears, the third from Forgiveness and troubles right to you resort to get rides. "

The icon of God's Mother "Troychitsa" will protect from enemies threatening well-being in the house and all living in it. It is praying for her healing and health of loved ones, about the cure of the diseases of the hands, legs, eyes.

According to the prayer in front of Troyorchitsy, the longing of longing and gradual thoughts retreats. Also, this image of the Virgin Mary especially honors those who are engaged in crafts.

Icon "Do not scold me, Mati"

Soon, we all worship another wonderful icon. The Mother of God is depicted sobbing over the Savior who is believed in the coffin. Sometimes the image is called in Greek - "feeding", but it is more famous called "Do not scold me, Mati."

Icon refers to passionate and participates in worship only once a year. On, most often on Friday, it is laid out on anal.

The name is taken from the IMOSOS of the ninth song of the canon on the Great Saturday: "Do not ride me, Mati, in vain in the coffin, I walked in the womb Without Semen, I won the Son in the womb ... Bulk ". So Christ himself comforts mother, telling her about the coming resurrection, through the sorrow hears the message about.

Icon "Do not scold me, Mati" in the Nikolsky temple

The wonderful list of this iconographic plot met recently in the Nikolsky temple in the city of Vasilkov in Kiev. It was written back in the 1870s on the blessing of Nikon's blessing, which served in this church, and donates the hallors of the temple.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Do not ride me, Mati" pray about the suffering, as well as about close relatives and children.

There are icons in the Orthodox world, the number of which is very small. And among them, the icon of the Mother of God "Augustus".

In 1914, Russian soldiers in 1914 were written in the memory of the Mother of God in 1914 (September 15 - October 26, 1914), a battle under the city of Augustus Svalki province of the Russian Empire (now the territory of Eastern Poland).

According to the stories of the soldiers, on the night of July 7-18, they saw in the sky of God Mother with a baby Jesus Christ. The Mother of God pointed to the West. And the subsequent large battle under Augusto was marked by a complete victory. Moreover, in this battle, none of the witnesses of the phenomenon died. The message about this was published in church and secular press and caused inspiration in the troops.

Since 1915, the first icon-painted images of this event appear. His Holiness Synod considered the question of the phenomenon of the Virgin about one and a half years and March 31, 1916, he decided: "Holy Synod, rewarding praise and thanks to the Lord God, who else by the Industing Prayers of the Muslim Mother's Prayers, about all those who appeal to him with diligent and sincere prayer, recognizes the necessary To capture the marvelous event of the Mother of God's phenomenon in the memory of the subsequent generations of the Russian people and therefore determines: to bless Honoring in the temples of God and homes of believers icons depicting the meant phenomenon of the Mother of God to Russian soldiers ... "

Almost every icon is unique and, without exaggeration, one can say, has a huge historical value, since, as a rule, it is associated with those or other historical events. So this is the image of the Mother of God, the firm club and the amateur primitive, which, by the way, never died in icon painting practice, and only at the beginning of the 20th century was recognized as a unique form of art. The result was a rare optimistic compound of high iconographic shape and simple folk art.

I met this unique icon near Kiev, in a pure-white nasty rural temple. Everything is simple, homely, without fussing and stripping. Local rector, Batyushka Guri, always takes everyone with joy - regardless of social origin and material well-being, and the warm memories of these meetings live in memory for a long time.

The "August" icon

So this time, gray veterans received a charge of cheerfulness and hopes and returned to the capital with jokes and smiles on faces, strongly contrasting among the gray mass of the metropolitan people. More than once, and not two Virgin Mary settled, showed miraculous power. So they go to her fearful war veterans to ask for help and intercession from the Lord for their relatives and loved ones, for the people, for the cessation of civil opposition and the wonderful salvation of our sons.

The mother of God is asking for the inspections of those who have something wrong in family relationships who cannot find a way out of seemingly deadly life situations.

Icon of the Mother of the Mother "Spear Silver"

The history of this icon is associated with one of the Afonov monasteries, namely Dohohar, where he was revealed by the graceful strength of this miraculous image. It is assumed that the fresco, served as the prototype of the icon, was written back in the X century at the founder of the Dohair Residents of Reverend Neophyte. It was in the niche of the outer wall, in front of the entrance to the monastery refectory.

In 1664, Tpepezaar Neil, passing at night to the meadow-meal with a burning lady, heard the voice from the icon: "In the future, do not approach here with the burning rays and not a smoke of my image." Inhibition was first frightened, but then, deciding that this joke of someone from brethren, soon forgot about this case. After a while, when Nile passed in the evening by the icon, he heard the same voice: "Monk, unworthy of this name! How long are you so careless and so shamelessly smoking my image?! " After these words, the Nile monk was struck by blindness and relaxation of the body. Repeated ink fell in front of the icon on his knees and all night, before the arrival of the brethren, prayed to the Most Holy Virgin about forgiveness. When Inkoki learned about the miracle occurred, immediately hesitated the restless lamp and fell with a reverence before the miraculous icon.

Neil, in the hope of the great mercy of the Mother of God, remained near the icon and decided not to leave her until he would receive. After a while, standing on the knees before the icon, he again heard a familiar voice: "Neil! Your prayer is heard, you are forbidden, and vision is again given by your eyes. When you get this grace from me, we raise the brethren that I am their cover, industrial and protection of their monastery dedicated to the archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians appeal to me in the need, and I will not leave anyone; I will be a reward with everyone with a reverence of me, and the prayers will be performed by the son and God and God, for my petition, before Him, so that since this will be referred to as Siah, my icon will be silent, because I will defeat everyone who flowed to it and the accuracy of "

In Russia, lists from the miraculous Athos Icons "Svopelist" have always enjoyed great love. Many of them became famous for wonders.

In the sign of unity in Christ and the prayer communication of the Dohohar Arkhangelsk Monastery and the reviving Archangel-Mikhailovsky monastery on the Zvetskyic caves in Kiev, an accurate copy of this ancient miraculous icon was written.

The icon of the Mother of the Mother "Spearburnish" in the Arkhangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery

First of all, in front of the Icon of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother "Spearlessness" pray for spiritual insight when a person is in confusion and does not know how to do, as well as in all cases when especially ambulance and effective assistance is needed.

The Most Holy Mother of God, through his icon, "Spearburnis" gives assistance in cure from various diseases, even oncological. Before it, it is hijacked by a prayer for children and about help in childbirth - about the birth of a healthy child, in front of various operations and the performance of particularly important cases.

Not once and not two had to experience the wonderful assistance to the Most Holy Virgin.

Somehow they asked the interiors of the temple of the Arkhangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery, where the most accurate list of the Athos Icons "Svopelist" is located. The temple itself is small, chamber; The conditions of shooting are such that you need to remove short-focus lenses and without additional lighting. Whoever tried, no one did not work at that time. Appealed to me. And I just had an aggravation of the disease of the spine - let me know how old injury after a serious accident. Yes, it was uncomfortable to deny the Vladyka to refuse, and I, overcome the pain, went.

Yes, it's not enough: no lens captured the ceiling. Then I lay down on the floor and began to take pictures, lying on my back. Outside the window - winter, frost, in the temple is not fan, and I'm lying on the concrete floor in one sweater and I do not feel at all ...

"SPRISPERS" in Kiev Arkhangelo-Mikhailovsky Zverinetsky Monastery

An hour and a half went to the shooting, and the photos turned out! Satisfied with work, I returned home and only then felt that back pain, which were tormented for several months, passed. Apparently, it was not in vain called me the Mosti Mother of the Virgin to Himself!

Thank God to our Jesus Christ and the Mother Mother of His, about all human people truth, for the European care for us, sinful. Yes, it will hire her name now and dream and forever.