On the staircase piano. Genesis

On the staircase piano. Genesis
On the staircase piano. Genesis

Mikhail Zaitsev, Sergey Belorussian

House for Guinea

Fabulous story about a very rare bird with an incredibly complex character

There are winter stories, for example, about Santa Claus and New Year, there are summer, for example, about trips to the country, some love the autumn stories about campaigns in the forest for mushrooms or about the first of September, well, we are going to tell you the spring history about very rare Bird.

Our story has happened in April, when the sun is already warming, but someone else is snowing. She began in an ordinary urban apartment, on the most common kitchen.

Friday night was approaching. Preschoolman Marusya sat at the kitchen table, and her mother faith Mikhailovna musically thundered with saucepans at the stove and at the same time cheerfully sang a song of his own essay:

Vera Mikhailovna worked as a poetess in a children's journal, she composed poems, charades and rhymed riddles, but most of all Vera Mikhailovna loved to compose funny children's songs.

"Yes, a wonderful song," the head of the Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor. He just returned from service. Igor Igorevich was Hmur and thoughtfully.

- Dad, did you wash your hands? - thoughtfully asked Maruska.

"Of course," Igor Igorevich answered obediently, sitting down to the table.

- What are you so sad? - asked Vera Mikhailovna, stirring a spoon of porridge in a saucepan.

- Service trouble, - the head of the family admitted with reluctance. "To us in the Biological Institute, the Botany colleagues brought Guine, who fell off from the flock, lost and did not have time to fly to the north.

- Who brought? - I did not understand Vera Mikhailovna.

- I know! - was delighted to Marusya. - Guinea is such rare birds similar to penguins! Winter they spend from us, and in the spring they fly to the Arctic!

Marusya knew a lot about birds, animals and in general about nature, she had long been going to become when he would grow like dad, a biologist. True, sometimes she wanted to become a poetess as mom ...

"That's right," Igor Igorevich nodded. - Guine - distant relatives of penguins. And most importantly, their difference from penguins is that Guy can fly.

- Are there any birds that spring fly to the north? - Faith Mikhailovna was surprised.

- There are! - Marusya said and it was already gathered to list all such birds, however, except Guyov, no one could remember anyone.

"Heat for Guinea is detrimental," Igor Igorevich sighed. "I tried to make a found in the zoo, but for nothing - in the zoo, all the enclosures for the northern inhabitants are busy. Alas, for Guine just did not find a free space.

"Then let your Guine will live with us," Vera Mikhailovna welcomed Vera.

- Guine is vital for the Arctic cold, - Igor Igorevich reminded and clarified: - at least periodically, for sleep time.

"We sleep in our refrigerator," Faith Mikhailovna smiled.

- Hooray, Gwin will live at home! - Marusya snapped into his hands. - The most real, Slim Gwin!

"Yes, a pretty idea," Igor Igorevich thoughtfully scratched his head. - Only if we give our refrigerator Guine, then where will we store products?

"We will buy myself the second refrigerator, a new one," Faith Mikhailovna flew MiG.

"I am now! .." Marusya ran out from behind the table and cleaned up from the kitchen.

Parents first heard the door slapped into the children's room, then, as Marusya runs back. The girl returned, not passed and minutes. In her hands, Marusya kept a toy pig - a piggy bank donated to her grandmother. The young plastic pig has a slot on the back to throw inside the coin, as well as a screwing patch on the thread to extract accumulations.

Svkinin Pigletusculus twisted at one moment, and all marusins \u200b\u200bof savings were poured into the kitchen table: two coins for ten rubles, one ruble and another Piglet, no longer fideline ...

- This is enough for the refrigerator? - Girl asked Deludito.

- Thank you, Marustenka, - Thanked the daughter of Igor Igorevich, gently wound a coin into a fist, after which I got up and headed for the exit.

- Where are you going? - Speaks his faith Mikhailovna.

"To buy a second refrigerator," Igor Igorevich responded to the move.

- Wait, but what about dinner? - shouted to him after Vera Mikhailovna. - For whom I cook dinner?

- Mum! - intervened Marusya. - The refrigerator is much more important than dinner!

- Then, Chur, you, daughter, eat a double portion of the porridge: for yourself and for dad. In vain, what, I poring so much porridge?

For the sake of Guine, Marusya would gladly sleep and the whole pan of porridge, and two servings and inexpressible!

While the mother imposed a porridge in a deep plate, Marusya composed a short poem:

I will burst spoon
And in your hands loudly clap!

Without a doubt, the girl inherited a talent to the poemy.

But let's return to our fabulous history.

Do you know what different is Friday night from all other evenings? The fact that he is the longest evening of the week. Therefore, in the evening, on Friday, Igor Igorevich managed to store household appliances without much difficulty, where sensitive and attentive consultants helped him help him choose a wonderful new refrigerator.

The purchase was taken on another day, in the morning on Saturday. The movers made an old refrigerator from the kitchen in the corridor, and the wonderful new wonderful on his place. Igor Igorevich checked how refrigerators work, and went to the Biological Institute to take home Guinea.

As only dad went, Marusya looked out in the window - it was overcast on the street, windy and cool. The day turned out to be clearly successful for the northern bird, almost winter, not that yesterday, when the bright sun shone with might and main and the temperature showed a big plus.

After conducting Igor Igorevich, Vera Mikhailovna took an urgent matter: began to shift products from the old refrigerator into a wonderful new one. Vera Mikhailovna needed to have time not only to deal with the products, but also thoroughly wash the old refrigerator, to remove all the shelves who have now become unnecessary shelves now, in short, to prepare the residence for Guine.

Marusya, as she could, helped Mom and at the same time prevented, distracting faith Mikhailovna conversations. So that the daughter did not chat without a silence, Vera Mikhailovna took advantage of the reliable and proven way: she began to make marus her riddles.

The first riddle of Marusya solved, thinking only for four minutes. It was a simple riddle:

Hayed red ball,
Over the earth - a balloon

End of a familiarization fragment.

When I come across the eyes of the poet of Sergey Belarusian poet, I anticipate the language joys: I know that I will definitely meet with a special game in words, with tricks, riddles and unexpected answers to them.

Sergey Belorussetz - one of those children's (and adults!) Poets whose soul is completely immersed in the sea of \u200b\u200bour language: he, as a depth researcher, can dive on the bottom and find some old phrase, or catch an unknown science phrase, or Space the real treasure of busy rhymes and expressions.

For many techniques, on which the poems of the Belarusian are built, there are special scientific definitions: Omophones, homonyms, palindromes; He has a lot in the rhyme of the compositions of the tasks and poetic deceptions. And this verbal equilibristics - truly circus art!

Sergey Belorussetz invented a special name for his poems - laughter. And explained: "I just loved very much (and I love) to invent neologisms, of which we sometimes born a ridiculum ... However, my ridiculums can be born in completely different ways. Often completely unknown for their creator ... "

The author of several books for children and numerous publications in newspapers and magazines, Almanahs and collections, Sergey makes us again and again understand the language of the language, in his secret mechanism and learn to manage this mechanism. For no accident, the training poems of S. Belarus are included in school readms and alphabets.

For all his love for verbal games, Sergey Markovich Belarus - a serious man: Secretary of the Union of Writers of Moscow, winner of several literary awards, initiator, creator and chairman of the organizing committee of the festival of children's literature. Kornea Chukovsky, President of the Foundation for the Support of Creativity of Disclaimer Children's Authors "Rada" ...

But this very serious person knows how to write funny poems:

Our neighbor,
Oral Mikhal Mikhalych -
Satir, humorist,
Joker, Hochmach.
His call in the eyes
Mischoal stump,
And he is not smiling.
Although crying ...

Belorussian - laughs, and we are with him.

Dialogue for the partie

- You can not push me our elbow! -
Neighbor stated Artem.
"And elbow," asked, "you can?"
- Push. But only - carefully! ..

Fish day

To the river?.. -
So rod

Behind me
Do not rust! -

Without error

At work
Uncle Bori I.
About her
Now I know everything
Without a mistake:
It is called -
Fisheloria -
Because there -
And fish! ..

Five for a triple ...

Steel figures
Galina Clay:
Troika horses
Galina blind! ..

Choir pigs ...

In the middle of the village
Chushka carried nonsense.
- Where did you carry?
- in the trough ...
- What are you talking about…


- I have this dress any! -
She told Mile Lyuba.
- You look nice in it! -
Answered her sweet ...

Big quiet ...

Big quiet -
This little bear.
Will not become forever
In the bear, he roar
After all, he was born
Not in the forest
Among animals,
And in the city center,
In the toy factory ...

New Zhilts

I took a puppy home.
Was there. Now he is mine.
"My puppy," I said.
- My puppy, "said Ilya ...

My family

Loves mom
Loves dad -
Sheep ...
I can
To swim
Like a dog.
And Polcan -
In humans! ..

Cool lady ...


…But as
Surname -
I do not remember.
Although kill! ..

Not all the same!

Our Anton:

"AB!", -
Does not matter -
Not right!..

He is…

There is a doctor such -
And there is no doctor -
Nervomotologist ...
I'm at my parents -
He is:
Moty nerves
Pope with mom ...

Mal, yes delete!

We gave a puppy
A neighbor in the country.
Dad's nickname gave a puppy:
That is already! -
Able to swim in doggy!
And - more! - is he
Dog says! ..

Sergey Belorussian

Returnal Vision or 1995 ...

Sergey Belorussian was born in 1959 in Moscow. He graduated from the HColiphk (now - RSUFCXIT).

Printed in the "Banner", "New World", "October", "Friendship of Peoples", "Arion", "Youth", "Literary Gazeta" and many other publications.

The author of the collections of lyrical poems "Magic Square" (2007) and "Black and White Book" (2015), one-room prose and poetry "Year of Cat and Tigger, or without a name ..." (2015), Prognise RF and with and "songs for reading" (2013), about a dozen children's books, among which "Igosilov" (2003, 2005), "fun arithmetic" (2005), "hairdressers of grass" (2011), "finger in the sky!. . "(2013).

Winner of the National Competition "Book of the Year" in the nomination "With the book we are growing" (2011), as well as a number of literary premiums, including the Prize name of Chukovsky in the nomination "Golden Crocodile" (2013)), Samuel Marshak Prize ( 2011), "Crown" awards for the Union of Writers of Moscow (2008), Prizes of the magazine "Ring A" (2000).

The holder of the honorable diploma and a memorable medal of the All-Russian competition for the best book for children and the younger "Scarlet Sails" (2006).

Finalist and diploma of award "New Children's Book" Publishing House "Rosman" (2015).

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival of Children's Literature named after Korni Chukovsky.

President of the Foundation for the Creativity of the Creativity of Disclaimer Children's Authors "Rada".

Member of the Russian Penag Center.

Secretary of the Union of Writers of Moscow.

Semi-dry heat

Over the impressive items.

How much water flowed -

Tala, salty and all -

From each side

Each - literally - Delica ...

Mira dry up, -

Talk to the remains ...

Not declared as a villain -

Always wander among people, -


under the edge -

Having no good ...

Staying on the very edge

The axis is invisible, its area -

You will feel next to always.

And someday, after a year,

Maybe you will find this axis,

So that I had to

Keeping the mental balance

Observe an eluding chance ...

One eye looked at just

In the worldly depths, - do not understand

Movement of plans and boosters

By the vectors of blurred niches.

But something after all

Relieve from nothing

Owning not the object itself,

But only - introduction to it ...

Here, where winter is worth, -

City and snow Darkness.

Right above the head -

Toliko Corner -

Stake - on Avos -

Wishes blurry - through

Nest chain -

Cloud smoke skies ...

Part of eternal progress -

Under the carcake and the error

Blind-shaped press

Angughly lying.

Personal faces in numbers

She looks sick.

This is not the second sense,

Double bottom outer.

This is the truthfulness of the view,

All the reduction on no,

Glance that

Prepare an object ...

We are like workers -

Jallets on the pedals.

Well, you miss, -

Where do you disappear?

Dirman explained, de,

It's not a fad.

Long went on land -

They went to people ...

God sees - wherever look -

All your own is inside:

Association of own guilt -

The main condition of the war ...

Every day, non-stop old,

Universal game continues -

Inability to bear your guilt ...

You wander apart in light,

By approximately observing the measure of this.

And how are you in the company nor Watch, -

Clear on the background - as crucified.

It seems that with the only purpose:

Do not comply with the total fun.

Although, rather, in fact -

You are akin to anyone - wrapped ...

Semi-permeable for light

Cellular for full response

Identified who you are

Shadow filling emptiness

Reluctantly living inside out

Lokia retaining posture -

P o l u p r e b n a n and e m in nirvana -

On your sold sofa? ..

Three burners in two rows.

Chephah on the lean oil ...

Jaw swings like nursery,

Disintegrating as an environment ...

Only - flickers in the depths -

Through the cut of the transparent film -

Flame gas column,

Diguly fitted to the wall ...

Perebed the ambitions.

And remains - by tradition -

With longing to listen to the call of them -

Ambitions unrealized ...

Life is adapted under

Koklet and dance,

Under the Promenade and Kavardak, -

So that you could live wrong ...

Son satiant sleeping bag

In a duvet cover with a dilapidation.


Flower pot,

Sky filled with riding ...

External segment - Labor Labor

In the ghostly weather framework.

Standing suffering

With a view of many years ...

Closer to night, almost intrusive

Driving yourself under jet

Our house - in the faces - playing sleeping.

Only wanders in the darkness of darkness -

Half-blooded blood and flesh it

P o l u in z v and n ch e n n i, like a soul,

Target gym counter

cockagoine Pencil ...

All the cracks surface of the ceiling,

Similar from them - on spider.

Chopping, observation-boring life,

Which is not in the live life ...

Mixing scattered reservoirs,

Celon and universal catastrophe

Mikhail Zaitsev, Sergey Belorussian

House for Guinea

Fabulous story about a very rare bird with an incredibly complex character

There are winter stories, for example, about Santa Claus and New Year, there are summer, for example, about trips to the country, some love the autumn stories about campaigns in the forest for mushrooms or about the first of September, well, we are going to tell you the spring history about very rare Bird.

Our story has happened in April, when the sun is already warming, but someone else is snowing. She began in an ordinary urban apartment, on the most common kitchen.

Friday night was approaching. Preschoolman Marusya sat at the kitchen table, and her mother faith Mikhailovna musically thundered with saucepans at the stove and at the same time cheerfully sang a song of his own essay:

Vera Mikhailovna worked as a poetess in a children's journal, she composed poems, charades and rhymed riddles, but most of all Vera Mikhailovna loved to compose funny children's songs.

"Yes, a wonderful song," the head of the Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor. He just returned from service. Igor Igorevich was Hmur and thoughtfully.

- Dad, did you wash your hands? - thoughtfully asked Maruska.

"Of course," Igor Igorevich answered obediently, sitting down to the table.

- What are you so sad? - asked Vera Mikhailovna, stirring a spoon of porridge in a saucepan.

- Service trouble, - the head of the family admitted with reluctance. "To us in the Biological Institute, the Botany colleagues brought Guine, who fell off from the flock, lost and did not have time to fly to the north.

- Who brought? - I did not understand Vera Mikhailovna.

- I know! - was delighted to Marusya. - Guinea is such rare birds similar to penguins! Winter they spend from us, and in the spring they fly to the Arctic!

Marusya knew a lot about birds, animals and in general about nature, she had long been going to become when he would grow like dad, a biologist. True, sometimes she wanted to become a poetess as mom ...

"That's right," Igor Igorevich nodded. - Guine - distant relatives of penguins. And most importantly, their difference from penguins is that Guy can fly.

- Are there any birds that spring fly to the north? - Faith Mikhailovna was surprised.

- There are! - Marusya said and it was already gathered to list all such birds, however, except Guyov, no one could remember anyone.

"Heat for Guinea is detrimental," Igor Igorevich sighed. "I tried to make a found in the zoo, but for nothing - in the zoo, all the enclosures for the northern inhabitants are busy. Alas, for Guine just did not find a free space.

"Then let your Guine will live with us," Vera Mikhailovna welcomed Vera.

- Guine is vital for the Arctic cold, - Igor Igorevich reminded and clarified: - at least periodically, for sleep time.

"We sleep in our refrigerator," Faith Mikhailovna smiled.

- Hooray, Gwin will live at home! - Marusya snapped into his hands. - The most real, Slim Gwin!

"Yes, a pretty idea," Igor Igorevich thoughtfully scratched his head. - Only if we give our refrigerator Guine, then where will we store products?

"We will buy myself the second refrigerator, a new one," Faith Mikhailovna flew MiG.

"I am now! .." Marusya ran out from behind the table and cleaned up from the kitchen.

Parents first heard the door slapped into the children's room, then, as Marusya runs back. The girl returned, not passed and minutes. In her hands, Marusya kept a toy pig - a piggy bank donated to her grandmother. The young plastic pig has a slot on the back to throw inside the coin, as well as a screwing patch on the thread to extract accumulations.

Svkinin Pigletusculus twisted at one moment, and all marusins \u200b\u200bof savings were poured into the kitchen table: two coins for ten rubles, one ruble and another Piglet, no longer fideline ...

- This is enough for the refrigerator? - Girl asked Deludito.

- Thank you, Marustenka, - Thanked the daughter of Igor Igorevich, gently wound a coin into a fist, after which I got up and headed for the exit.

- Where are you going? - Speaks his faith Mikhailovna.

"To buy a second refrigerator," Igor Igorevich responded to the move.

- Wait, but what about dinner? - shouted to him after Vera Mikhailovna. - For whom I cook dinner?

- Mum! - intervened Marusya. - The refrigerator is much more important than dinner!

- Then, Chur, you, daughter, eat a double portion of the porridge: for yourself and for dad. In vain, what, I poring so much porridge?

For the sake of Guine, Marusya would gladly sleep and the whole pan of porridge, and two servings and inexpressible!

While the mother imposed a porridge in a deep plate, Marusya composed a short poem:

I will burst spoon
And in your hands loudly clap!

Without a doubt, the girl inherited a talent to the poemy.

But let's return to our fabulous history.

Do you know what different is Friday night from all other evenings? The fact that he is the longest evening of the week. Therefore, in the evening, on Friday, Igor Igorevich managed to store household appliances without much difficulty, where sensitive and attentive consultants helped him help him choose a wonderful new refrigerator.

The purchase was taken on another day, in the morning on Saturday. The movers made an old refrigerator from the kitchen in the corridor, and the wonderful new wonderful on his place. Igor Igorevich checked how refrigerators work, and went to the Biological Institute to take home Guinea.

As only dad went, Marusya looked out in the window - it was overcast on the street, windy and cool. The day turned out to be clearly successful for the northern bird, almost winter, not that yesterday, when the bright sun shone with might and main and the temperature showed a big plus.

After conducting Igor Igorevich, Vera Mikhailovna took an urgent matter: began to shift products from the old refrigerator into a wonderful new one. Vera Mikhailovna needed to have time not only to deal with the products, but also thoroughly wash the old refrigerator, to remove all the shelves who have now become unnecessary shelves now, in short, to prepare the residence for Guine.

Marusya, as she could, helped Mom and at the same time prevented, distracting faith Mikhailovna conversations. So that the daughter did not chat without a silence, Vera Mikhailovna took advantage of the reliable and proven way: she began to make marus her riddles.

The first riddle of Marusya solved, thinking only for four minutes. It was a simple riddle:

Hayed red ball,
Over the earth - a balloon

End of a familiarization fragment.

The text is provided by LLC LITRES.

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| Sergey Markovich Belorussian was born in 1959 in Moscow. Printed in the "New World", "October", "Friendship of Peoples", "Youth" and many other publications. The author of the book of the poems "Magic Square" (2007) and about a dozen children's books. Laureate of the National Competition "Book of the Year" -2011 in the children's nomination for the book "Hairdressers of grass". Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival of Children's Literature named after Korni Chukovsky. Lives in Moscow.

Sergey Belorussian

One of the women - with a garbage bucket
(Empty), another woman - with oblique ...
And the man is baptized (since - thunder),
And - between the case - the rain goes (oblique), -
And it all nurses in stroke
(Despite the frames - all sorts - tested ...)
And sleeps blind cat on the closet, -
And sees discolored dreams ...

Removing the local equipment
In the light of released years.
Balka stands on the plot
(Dumpet still no ...)
Manki da Vanki.
Yes boys.
Yes Tajigic
Yes Fast Food ...
Every winter in this bathhouse
Mice-launches live ...

We spare with the light
This summer -
As always:
Hurricane passed - and follow
Did not go trains ...
Three hours. Perhaps longer
(In the middle of a blank day ...)
Nothing else more -
No about life
In terms of events
(Unless - turned on the light ...)
I kill me
(From living) -
There is no ...

Day-day - one of the shortens -
Pull twisted thread.
After cool drinks
I want to drink even more ...

What to say about everyday care?
In the list of achievements and loss -
This city was yours forever.
Before the motion of the years - nothing now ...

On the staircase piano
It is worth the year in a row.
And people - shoals - go drunk,
And smoke, and something they say -
And open the lid - between the case -
And the keys are divided by the future ...
... and lasts life - sound black and white,
Denote by the specified lesson ...

Guttachard speech.
Alloy, through the edge ...
Sprimity - at the meeting:
Not Fakir, so the tram ...

Darm litter.
The one with which - Kwyrk ...
Too thin - for a circus.
(However, it is not a circus ...)

Famously slipped mares
Ladders smugs fraction ...

Life from a periodic table
Elements -
Looking at you:
Here it is - your earthly school,
That years and courage is stealing ...
... in the direction of the teacher - Bid -
Plant two-meter wanderers ...

Rain taking me under the canopy
(And at the same time - going by the wall).
Noise effects of heaven
Popolas with feverish earth.

Slightly alive sneezing
Discovered (glimpse) in a notebook.
Endless puzzles of fate,
What (almost) is impossible to collect ...

1. Bedless and quiet Misanthrop,
On escapada vital storm, -
You - scissors -
Speake (all!) Dill
(Washing it under the crane) -
Straight to the soup ...
And soup - boils on slow heat,
And rain - stands wall
(In the morning going ...)
And the street - bezed in the window,
Fullbar squeezing out of the rain ...

2. Opening the packaging with the quiz -
(What the knife is for us ...) -
You think more noticeably
(About what -
It is not possible to understand possible ...)
But - something - open - and inside
And - in the sky, from birth open ...
And - helmet
(Hockey, number 33) -
Keep under the twisted trowel ...

To your attraction is summer
With the weather is lazy and vague,
With patients with luminous lines
In the canvas of non-chosenness.
To your attraction to this flour -
Words to speak for the meaning of ...
And - this invisible hand
(Who hung up ...)

Night of lazy and heat.
Tough alarm,
You are in the subway - first - slept -
All (almost) Road ...
And now - again lifting
(Go out for the front ...)
... on what shoulder is mine
It was easier to sleep? ..

Measurement May on the ground. Far before the fire ...
Closer closer. Already
Very close, perhaps ...
Not warm - hot. And bake - intravenously ...
You put my shoulder shoulder. Kiss. Instantly…

In the evening, not at all in nonsense, almost not puzz, -
In one sock to you come.
Another take back.
Still lame when walking, with one naked foot, -

In one sock I will come to you.
Back pick another ...
Obstacle without seeing
I will come to you, risks, -
In one sock.
To leave at night without two socks ...

Smile in the beard,
Having abandoned from racing
In the city,
What is growing - like a child ...
And you live - not in Butovo,
Not in Orekhov ...
More often - only in Liliputov
(In Gallotorov - less often ...)

Blocking tension under asbestos pairs.
In one air - suspension ...
Alcoholitsino -
Country place.
Time spend you here.
Next to others
In the shade of harvest,
Exactly where the map lay down, -
Spend time
(His speaking
Every night - to the corner ...)
Maybe himself -
Suddenly change overnight?
Will you become white ink? ..
That before the name -
So it is glass -
Spyan -
He composed ...

Time has gone through the core,
Going to the calculated turn.
My homeland is Palindrome:
Whether the mouth, or the source.
RSFSR. Or how
There you are called today ...
Even - not Bardak, but - kabak.
This way to live is the main here.
How much can dripping with roofs
On the brains, inspire that I am a corpse,
Each time to roll out shish,
Tolerance is awesome navel...
Guy again under gun
Peak, madame,
I give to the tooth eyeyour.
Soul - just give God! ..