N aseev ilya read a fairy tale. Nikolay Aseev: Poems

N aseev ilya read a fairy tale.  Nikolay Aseev: Poems
N aseev ilya read a fairy tale. Nikolay Aseev: Poems

Near the city of Kiev, in the wide steppe of Tsitsarskaya there was a heroic outpost. Ataman at the outpost old Ilya Muromets, under ataman Dobrynya Nikitich, Esaul Alyosha Popovich. And their vigilantes are brave: Grishka is the boyar's son, Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good.

For three years, the heroes have been at the outpost, they do not let either the foot or the horse to Kiev. And the beast will not slip past them, and the bird will not fly by. Once an ermine ran past the outpost and left his fur coat. A falcon flew by and dropped a feather.

Once, in an unkind hour, the warriors scattered: Alyosha rode off to Kiev, Dobrynya went hunting, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent ...

Dobrynya was going from hunting and suddenly saw: in the field behind the outpost, closer to Kiev, a trace of a horse's hoof, but not a small trace, but half-fired. Dobrynya began to examine the trail.

This is the trail of a heroic horse. A heroic horse, but not a Russian one; a mighty hero from the Khazar land drove past our outpost - in their way, hooves are shod.

Dobrynya galloped to the outpost, gathered his comrades:

What have we done? What kind of outpost do we have, since a strange hero passed by? How did we, brothers, not see it? We must now go in pursuit of the cheater, so that he does not do anything in Russia.

The bogatyrs began to judge and judge who should go for the boast.

They thought to send Vaska Dolgopoly, but Ilya Muromets does not tell Vaska to send:

Vaska has long floors, Vaska walks on the ground, braids in battle and perishes in vain.

They thought to send Grishka boyarsky. Ataman Ilya Muromets says:

It’s not okay, guys, they’ve decided. Grishka is a boyar clan, a boastful boyar clan. He will brag in battle and die in vain.

Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets won't let him:

No offense be told to him, Alyosha is a priest's family, envying priest's eyes, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on the cheater, he will envy and die in vain. And we will send, brothers, better to Dobrynya Nikitich.

So they decided - to go to Dobrynyushka, beat the braggart, cut off his head and bring a valiant outpost to the outpost.

Dobrynya did not shy away from work, sat on the horse, took a club, girded himself with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, drove up Mount Sorochinskaya. Dobrynya looked at the silver tube and saw that something was turning black in the field. Dobrynya galloped straight to the boor, shouted to him in a loud voice:

Why are you passing our outpost?

The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, and galloped towards him. From his skok, the earth shook, water splashed out of the rivers-lakes, Dobrynya's horse fell to his knees. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost. He arrives neither alive nor dead, tells everything to his comrades.

Apparently, I, the old one, will have to go to the open field myself, since even Dobrynya failed, - says Ilya Muromets.

He dressed up, saddled Burushka and rode to Mount Sorochinskaya.

Ilya looked from the brave fist and saw: the hero was driving around, amused. He throws a ninety-pound iron rod into the sky on his face, catches the club with one hand on the fly, twirls it like a feather.

Ilya was surprised and thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka:

Oh you, my shaggy Burushko, serve me faithfully so that you don't cut off someone else's head.

Burushka burst out laughing, galloped to the boor. Ilya drove up and shouted:

Hey you, thief, impudent! Why did you pass the outpost, didn’t pay the esaulu our duties, didn’t beat me, the chieftain, with your forehead ?!

The braggart heard him, turned his horse, galloped to Ilya Muromets. The ground shuddered beneath him, rivers-lakes splashed out.

Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya does not move in the saddle.

The heroes came together, hit with their clubs - the handles of the clubs fell off, but the heroes did not injure each other. Sabers hit - damask sabers broke, and both are intact. They pricked with sharp spears - they broke the spears at the top!

Know, we really need to fight hand-to-hand! They got off their horses, grabbed chest and chest.

They fight all day until evening, fight from evening to midnight, fight from midnight to clear dawn - no one takes the upper hand.

Ilya suddenly waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell to the damp ground. The cheater jumped in, sat down on his chest, took out a sharp knife, and taunts:

You old old man, why did you go to fight? Don't you have heroes in Russia? It's time for you to rest. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect alms, and thus live and live until soon death.

So the braggart scoffs, and Ilya is gaining strength from the Russian land. Ilya's strength has arrived twice - he will jump up, as he throws up a braggart! He flew above the standing forest, above the walking cloud, fell and went into the ground up to his waist.

Ilya says to him:

Well, you are a glorious hero! I’ll let you go on all four sides, only you go away from Russia, and another time don’t escape the outpost, beat the chieftain with your forehead, pay the duties. Do not wander around Russia as a braggart.

And Ilya did not cut his head off.

Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes.

Well, - he says, - my dear brothers, for thirty years I have been driving across the field, I fight with heroes, I try strength, but I have never seen such a hero!

Konstantin Loks Loks Konstantin Grigorievich (1886-1956) literary critic, teacher, member of the Lyrics association.

And you shot up in front of me,

the slumbering stronghold of the Kremlin, -

shuddered with an iron rumble

your sacred land.

and there is no lofty word,

scorched gaze looks around

traces of majestic misfortunes;

you saw my capital,

at these ancient altars

queens tear-stained faces

and the dark faces of kings;

and I am from a distant exile,

where he was accepted and loved,

came to persuade memories

before your silence ...

And you carry, as you once did,

over the noise of vanity steps

cathedrals gloomy gold

and heavy snow bars.

And I see - my path is not accidental,

how Ivan will burst into the night: "Come!" As Ivan will burst into the night: "Come!"- I mean the Ivan the Great bell tower in the Kremlin.

Oh mother! - a child of your outskirts

yearning on your chest.


The ringleader The ringleader. - In the collection of N. Aseev "Zor" (1914) was published under the title "Horse bell, frothy German steel!"

Tulumbasy Tulumbas is an ancient musical instrument, a kind of timpani., hit, hit,

constipation, gay, gay!

Zaporogi-vorogi -

heads are not expensive.

Dolomans - fast, fast,

we will poke around Istr Istr (Istr) is the ancient name of the Danube., Istr!

Kharaluzhie Panovo

re-mark it again!

We will spin the Chubovye,

develop a banner in the way,

but on a tight day

we will mark out before the light!

Is it not a joy

nightingale malt,

whether not happy,

nightingale malt!

They rode over their breasts -

on live gold,

rode, did not fall

on deaf gold!

Nightingale, wei, wei,

constipation, gay, gay!

Zaporogi-vorogi -

heads are not expensive.


Announcement Announcement. - N. Aseev recalled in 1929: “I remember once walking down the street and a sign above the hay shop caught my eye:“ Selling oats and hay ”. The closeness of its sound and the resemblance to the annoying church exclamation: "In the name of father and son" - created in my imagination a parody line of these two closely sounding everyday verbal groups ... "(N. Aseev. Work on the verse. L., 1929, p. 54 ).

I would ban the Sale of Oats and Hay ...

Doesn't it smell like killing the Father and the Son?

And if the heart remains deaf to the troubles of the streets,

chop me, crash, chop my stupid, deaf ear!

Letters flash like fleas

stuck around a white page.

A mind with a habit

attracted dry crumbs.

A welcome home for the wind

or spring hotels -

that's what should sprinkle generously

on the markets of the grown country.


Hungarian song Hungarian song.- N. Aseev wrote a poem about this: “In 1914, shortly after the declaration of war, under the influence, or rather contrary to the influence of the general chauvinistic mood, I tried to answer it with the following poem:“ Simple-haired willows ... ”The verses were lyrical and colored partly with a love theme; therefore, their attitude was not clear enough, but they were written sincerely; their emphasis was against leavened patriotism and soldiery ”(Ibid .: 55).

Simple haired willows

threw their hands into the streams.

Seagulls shouted: "Whose are you?"

We answered: "Draws!"

Perun and Odin are fighting,

in prasini wheezing.

We have no homelands

the seagulls put down the chorus.

So flutter over the rest

wind, harsh refined,

you tearing apart

hundreds of loves ended.

But the eyes will not die -

we saw the world twice, -

will be able to shout "back!"

death to every henchman.

Where willows have withered

where the streams cool

seagulls screaming "whose are you?"

we will turn into draws.




The village is a caged beast

trembles in the darkness, and dreams of the whip,

but a shot will break out, the door will slam,

and - broken bars tremble ...

That was once - and that time

lighted lived so bright smell!

These are not knives and axes

then the claws on the flattened paws.

And only a cry - and so many hands

and this blood seeks Judas,

walking with silver in darkness.

And you who said: "Bullet them!" -

and you, repeating: "Cut them!" -

trembling, leaning against the chairs,

after seeing the hike of these pedestrians.

Who wants to drink from the puddles

he will meet an obstruction of the stream, -

manage the future horror

to know it in an instant!

After all, if there is no mercy in words,

because if you do not swim out of the mud, -

remember: it smells like rust

blunt guillotine knife.

They humiliated me ...

So then Ilya Aseev will explain what he did to the investigators, his parents and relatives of Oleg Eremin, Sergei Flyagin, Alexei Eshmakov, Anatoly Medvedev and Sergei Rubin. Aseev killed them - these five guys - on the morning of May 8, 2016 with a Saiga hunting rifle with a laser sight. For each - three seconds: experts will establish that in total Aseev fired for about 15 seconds.

The killed guys were motorcyclists: they loved motorcycles, lived in them and lived in them. All five are members of the Wild at Heart professional biker club. Ilya Aseev - now he is 29 years old, then he was 27 - vocational school electrician who served as a security guard in an elite cottage. A bunch of complexes. After the army (chemical troops, praise from the commanders for well-aimed shooting), he tried to get a job in the police. They didn’t take it: my father had several convictions. With personal life - disagreement, with the girls did not work out. Sometimes he drank out of grief. And then - tore away the roof: he could beat anyone without looking - a policeman, girls ... Hunting became Aseev's outlet, he was a pro there: he bought a carbine, designed it as expected, dragged ducks home, was proud of himself.

And Ilya Aseev wanted to be a biker. In the village of Chelokhovo, near his native Yegoryevsk, "Wild at Heart" were often gathered. Aseev was brought to their rallies on motorcycles by friends, he asked to go to the club ... They did not take him. Those that bikers ride in passengers are called "sitters" - a shame, right? Very.

On the eve of Victory Day last year, bikers gathered again in Chelokhovo, not far from an abandoned brewery: to celebrate the holiday and at the same time to open a new motorcycle season, says a source in law enforcement agencies. - Aseev also came there. We drank and sat by the fire. Word for word, a quarrel ensued between Ilya and the motorcyclists: they again refused to admit him to the club, in revenge he did not want to congratulate one of the bikers on his birthday, his helmet was taken away from him ... And this was in front of two girls - girlfriends of motorcyclists. Aseev called a taxi and went home. And in the morning he returned with a carbine.

Having shot the guys, Aseev took those girls hostage. That is, how he "took": he forced one - which was in the car - to take him home, the second sat next to him. Having warned: we will come - we will say goodbye.

But in the end he didn't kill the girls, he let them go. They called the police, and then became the main witnesses, - explain in the Main Investigation Department of the TFR in the Moscow region. - Aseev was not hiding, he was detained quickly - near the house. I confessed everything. During the year, more than 20 forensic examinations were carried out and a total of more than 20 witnesses were questioned. The investigation ended last May.

Aseev asked for a jury to examine his case. He also told them about "humiliation", hoped: they would be imbued, he was not just that, with "Saiga" ... But they did not regret him. On November 1, the collegium of the "twelve" gave its verdict: guilty, does not deserve leniency, and now Ilya Aseev faces a life sentence. The final punishment will be meted out by the court in the near future.

Nikolai Aseev, as a poet, left behind about 80 collections of poems, some of which were burned by ill-wishers during the life of the creator. But all the same now we can enjoy his literature.

The main creative direction of Nikolai Aseev was futurism with all its characteristic features and characteristics. This in turn makes this poet a very interesting choice in every reader's library.

The mood of the verses and poems of Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev was a revolution, and everything connected with it. Some of the works were written in the style of Mayakovsky, participation in various literary groups and associations entailed heated discussions of the works and everything that happened in the country. After all, this is exactly what Nikolai Aseev illuminated in his poems.

If until today you were not familiar with the poetry of this poet, then we invite you to go to the literature full of revolutionary sentiments in this section of our site. And from now on, the work of Nikolai Aseev will take a solid position in your own library.

Literary reading grade 4, part 1, p. 89-93

Topic: Reading room. N. Aseev "At the heroic outpost"

Pedagogical goals:

Subject : Expressively read text,to define pace, intonation of reading.Define the main idea of ​​the work,highlight words expressing it.Retell fragments

Personal: Evaluate the actions of the heroes.

Regulatory: Compare

Cognitive: Correlate

Communicative: Read by Role work.

Educational resources:

Technological map of lesson number 37

Teacher activity

Students' activities

Vocabulary warm-up (find an explanation)

Outpost - Ataman-Esaul -

Druzhinniki - Tsisar Steppe-

Beat your brow - Pay the toll -

    Statement of the educational problem.

    Reading information about N.N. Aseev

    N.N. Aseeva"At the Bogatyrskaya outpost"

Where are the events taking place?

Children talk aboutN.N. Aseev

Listen to the text.

Answer the question.

Events take place in Kievan Rus, which united the Slavic peoples, before the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols.

    Primary anchoring.

1. Work on questions to the text.

A) -“Why did the heroes gather at the outpost?”, Answer with the words from the text.

We learn that at the outpost, everyone traveling to Russia must "beat the chieftain with their foreheads, pay duties to the esaul."

B) - Tell us about the individual qualities of the heroes standing at the outpost, explain why Ilya Muromets sent Dobrynya to battle.

C) - "What qualities of Ilya manifested themselves during the battle?"

D) - How has the enemy's attitude towards Ilya Muromets changed?

- “The heroes have been standing at the outpost for three years, they do not let either the foot or the horse to Kiev”.

His understanding of his comrades, courage, connection with his native nature (land), generosity.

It all starts with contempt, a sense of superiority, and probably ends (since these states are not described in the epic) with surprise, admiration and gratitude.

    Work with text.

- Compare the heroes (Ilya - Chuzhenin) according to the plan:

1. Behavior. 2. Mood. 3. Power.

They work (in tandem) with the text, marking the cues according to the plan.

How do folk tellers see Ilya Muromets?


    What are the results?

    What else needs to be done?

    What else needs to be worked on?

    d \ h

Pick up books in which AS Pushkin's tales are printed, prepare a retelling of the content and read your favorite fragments by heart or from text.

Literary reading grade 4, part 1, p. 88-89

Topic: Reading room. N. Aseev "Ilya"

Pedagogical goals:

Planned educational outcomes:

Subject : Expressively read text,to define pace, intonation of reading.Define the main idea of ​​the work,highlight words expressing it.Retell fragments works using the appropriate vocabulary.

Personal: Evaluate the actions of the heroes.

Metasubject (criteria for the formation / assessment of UUD components):

Regulatory: Compare folk and literary heroes.

Cognitive: Correlate literary text and artwork.

Communicative: Read by Role work.listen carefully to the interlocutor and evaluate his statement; perceive the text taking into account the task at hand, find in the text the information necessary for its solution.

Educational resources:

Technological map of lesson number 36

The main stages of organizing educational activities

The content of pedagogical interaction

Teacher activity

Students' activities

I Motivation for educational activities (organizational moment).

II Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial educational action.

Vocabulary warm-up (find an explanation)

Savrasy - Table - Indulge -

Find the lexical meaning of words.

III Statement of the educational problem.

On the blackboard, you see a portrait of the writer. This is Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev

Lesson topic: NN Aseeva "Ilya".

Knowing the topic of the lesson, using reference words, set educational tasks for this lesson:

1) Get to know ... (with information from the biography of NN Aseev).

3) Analyze ... (this work).

IV Discovery of new knowledge (building a project for getting out of difficulty).

    Reading information about N.N. Aseev

    Primary perception of the work N.N.Aseeva "Ilya"

How does Ilya Muromets, about whom N.N. Aseev wrote, to an epic hero?

Children talk aboutN.N. Aseevhighlighting the details that interest them especially.

Listen to the text.

Answer the question.

V Primary anchoring.

    Work on questions to the text.

Explain the meaning of the expression: "This is how he traveled in time."

Let us reflect on the sixth stanza of the poem (p. 88):

So he drove in time,

across the country to all ends;

at his steel stirrup

new fighters stood up.

They reflect, answer the question.

VI Independent work with self-test according to the sample (reference).

Work with text.

- Compare Ilya A.K. Tolstoy and N.N. Aseev

They work (in tandem) with the text, noting how the characters are similar and how they differ.

Vii Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

What do you think the author wanted to show us with this work?

Aseev argues that the best features of the people's hero passed through time, remained close to the Russian people, united him in his readiness to defend the Motherland.

VIII Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (result).

    What task did you set in the lesson?

    Did you manage to solve the set task?


    What are the results?

    What else needs to be done?

    Where can new knowledge be applied?

    What did you do well in the lesson?

    What else needs to be worked on?

IX d \ h

P.82. extracurricular reading assignment. Read the epics about Dobryna Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Think about how these heroes are similar to Ilya Muromets and how they differ from him. Which of the heroes you liked and why.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev - Russian Soviet poet. Was born on June 28 (July 10), 1889 in the city of Lgov (now the Kursk region) in the family of an insurance agent from the nobility. The poet's mother, Elena Nikolaevna, died young, when the boy was not yet 8 years old. The father soon remarried. He spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather, Nikolai Pavlovich Pinsky, an inveterate hunter and fisherman, a lover of folk songs and fairy tales and a wonderful storyteller. Grandma Varvara Stepanovna Pinskaya was a serf in her youth, redeemed from captivity by her grandfather, who fell in love with her during one of his hunting wanderings. She remembered a lot from the life of the old village.

The boy was sent to the Kursk real school, which he graduated in 1909. Then he studied at the economic department at the Moscow Commercial Institute (1909-1912) and at the philological faculties of Moscow and Kharkov universities. Published in the magazine for children "Protalinka" (1914-1915). In 1915 he was drafted into the army and entered the Austrian front. In September 1917, he was elected to the regimental Soviet of Soldiers' Deputies and, together with a train of wounded Siberians, went to Irkutsk. During the Civil War he ended up in the Far East. He was in charge of the labor exchange, then worked in a local newspaper.

In 1922 he came to Moscow. He knew V.V. Mayakovsky and B.L. Pasternak well.

During the war years, as a non-military man by age, he was evacuated to Chistopol.

N.N. Aseev died on July 16, 1963. Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Nikolay Nikolaevich Aseev