"Music Ring". Methodical development on the topic: Music ring who led the transfer of music ring

"Music Ring". Methodical development on the topic: Music ring who led the transfer of music ring

Music project NTV - This is an uncompromising musical contest, where each participant will have to show all the power and power of his talent.

Historical reference:

The program "Music Ring on NTV" has a prototype: In 1980, the "Music Ring" program appeared on the Soviet TV. In 1990, it was closed, revived again only in 1997. "Music Ring" existed on the RTR channel until 1999.

Once a week on "Music Ring NTV" Competed by two popular artists or team. Their main weapon - vocals, because singing with stellar opponents to have only burning.

The project for all rules of this Ring will be two: the legendary actor, the favorite of Million, People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Boyarsky and popular showman, musician, TV host Timur Rodriguez.

In the course of several rounds, participants have to be not only competing in the ability to sing without a phonogram, but also to perform the most unexpected musical tasks. Masterfully perform a cover version on songs each other or a popular hit, sing the composition in English or try to keep the room only by the power of your voice - without the help of tools - participants must be prepared for the most bold experiments!

However, one music test for stars will not be limited. In the breaks between the rounds they have to be honest and frankly respond to sharp, tricks, and sometimes inconvenient questions of the legendary "sharks of the pen", among whom Sergei Negro, Alexey Ostudin, Mikhail Margolis and Arthur Gasparyan.

True, not only participants should be prepared for surprises, but also the audience. Each release is waiting for them premieres of new songs and frank confessions from favorite performers.

In the project will take part Valeria, Leonid Agutin, Angelica Varum, Igor Cool, Igor Nikolaev, Mirage groups, "on-on"And many, many others. However, the creators promise - not only recognized stars will compete, but also beginner artists, as well as representatives of the creative underground, so that no new musical battle will turn out to be similar to the previous ones.

First to "Music Ring NTV" Springs will come out Lolita And inimitable Sergey Penkin. The battle promises to be hot, but who will become the winner? His vote will choose the audience themselves!

Mikhail Boyarsky, leading project:

I used to participate in the TV projects - was a member of the jury, entertainer, but as a lead I speaking for the first time, and for me it is definitely an exciting moment. Of course, I was pleased to go over one scene with talented musicians: Igor Cool, Leonid Agutin, Angelica Varum and others.

The first battle: Lolita against Penkin.

On the transfer of "Music Ring" heard absolutely all, even those who during her release "walked under the table". In fact, it was the most popular musical transmission, which for the first time came out on Leningrad television on November 1, 1986.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of the transfer belonged to Vladimir and Tamara Maximov. "Music Ring" began entering the TV screens back in 1983, as one of the headings of the horizon program.

The transmission "Music Ring" consisted of two parts. In the first part, invited performers performed with their compositions. In the second part, the viewers and guests in the studio asked questions to the invited star. It was necessary to joke not only to the asked questions, but also beautifully exit the situation when the question was asked with a certain trick. Despite the fact that the issues of viewers passed through the hands of the editors and carefully selected, the questions that were crushed in the studio did not censorship, and among the audience there were "honorable guests". By the way, that is why the transfer was called "Music Ring", and the studio where the shooting was taken was framed in the form of a ring. Two participants were always invited to the ring, these were either teams or lonely performers. The winner of the musical transmission was determined by the number of votes that "came" to the studio in two numbers of phones. The winner was determined to the largest number of telephone calls to his address.

The first leading program was its creator Tamara Maximov. Later, her daughter Anastasia joined her. Valery Leontyev became the first guest of the program.

In 1987, Tamara Maksimova received a reprimand from the leadership for the fact that in the lives of the inhabitants of the country with Merry Christmas.

The program has existed until 1990. Resumed it in 1997. The program came out first on the "Fifth Channel", and then to "RTR". Closed "Music Ring" in 2001.

Thanks to the "Music Ring", the whole country learned about Boris Greeschikov, Andrei Makarevich, Zhanna Aguzarova, as well as about the BRAVO groups, Aquarium, "Secret", "Alice", "Time Machine", Barda Alexandra Rosenbauma. Alla Pugacheva took part in one of the programs. In the last programs that went out in 1999, participation took: Irina Otiyeva and Soso Pavliashvili, Irina Saltykov and Victor Saltykov, Ilya Reznik, Joseph Kobzon, Nikolay Soskov and Alexander Marshal, "on-on", "Outways", Alexey Glousin, Renat Ibrahimov, Lyceum, Mikhail Circle and Sergey Trofimov, Young Opera Soloists of the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater and the Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater.

In 1999, the KVN team "New Armenians" in the Final Games in their music competition presented a parody of the Music Ring program.

In 2000, a large gaga concert took place in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Music Ring program.

In 2010, the Music Ring program was released on the NTV channel, which did not have anything in common with the Soviet program. This fact did not hide from the owner of the "Music Ring" brand, which later accused the TV channel in the plagiarism and violation of copyright.

Transfer "Music Ring". The authors of the program Vladimir and Tamara Maximov.

"Music Ring" is invented in 1983 as a rubric to popular at the time on the Leningrad TV TV broadcasting "Horizon". But soon Ringu was closely as part of the heading and the transfer became an independent and very successful music TV show 80s. And on November 10, 1986, "Music Ring" enters the entire alliance from the Leningrad Television Studio. Guest of Valery Leontyev's program, leading Tamara Maximov with his famous synthesizer. But the audience naturally waited for Leontyev, who was enough on the Soviet television and the "Music Ring" invited the Soviet rock bands - "Aquarium", "Bravo", "TV", "Secret", "Sounds MU", " Center "," Alice ".

Program "A"

The program "A" - Soviet and Russian musical transmission, published on the first program of the CT, on the RTR channels and TV Center; Lead Sergey Antipov. It was specialized, first of all, on unusual and promising musical phenomena, alternative and non-commercial music, Russian rock. The editors identified the concept of its transfer as "Music for Smart". The program "A" first broadcast on February 5, 1989, in the restructuring era, and reached the peak of its popularity in the mid-1990s, leaving on the RTR channel. Then the program featured numerous Russian artists and rock bands. According to the expression of journalists, the program "A" was a stronghold and a rock generation bunker on central television, and the conversion creators to the tough and uncompromising rock. For concerts live, the editorial office invited only those groups that were interesting to her, and take money from musicians (and, accordingly, to show commercial musicians for money) categorically refused.

What? Where? When?

Game "What? Where? When?" Always was one of the most beloved and long-awaited TV shows on the Soviet television. This intellectual telephone, first appeared on the air on September 4, 1975. This day is considered the birthday of the transfer. Her creators - Vladimir Voroshilov and Natalia Stetsenko. Vladimir Voroshilov and was leading. But at first, the game went on the rules similar to the modern game "Happy case". 1976 The game format has changed a lot, the game has become a "television youth club". And in the first issue of the updated game the lead was Alexander Maslyakov. The first players in the new format of the game were students of Moscow State University, a minute was not introduced on reflection: the player on whom the magician "pointed out" by the arrow, answered without thinking. Such a format of the game remained until the end of 1977. And on December 24, the next innovations appeared: the top began to indicate the issues of the viewers contained in the letters; There was a famous "minute of discussion."

Brans Ring is a television version of the game invented by the Odessa Club of Intellectual Games "Erudite". The first release was released in 1989. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe implementation of "Brain Ring" on TV was born from Vladimir Voroshilov back in 1980, but he was able to punish it only in almost 10 years. The first few releases spent the Voroshilov himself, but later due to the lack of his free time the role of the lead was transferred to Boris a hook, who could not appear on the set, and the leading became Andrei Kozlov. Each Brain Ring issue consisted of several battles. The battle is a separate battle that has been carried out until one of the commands did not pick up a certain number of points. 2 teams of 6 people took part in each battle: one was sitting behind the red table, the other is for green.

In 1974, with a broadcast of the transfer of 9 studio, a system of the most prestigious Soviet journalism - international. The transfer leads a political observer, Professor Valentin Zorin. He is considered to be the main teleantiaricalist.

    - "Music Ring" Soviet and Russian music television. Founded in the 1980s, it was closed in 1990 and briefly revived after an almost eight-year break in 1997 on a RTR, in 1999 it was closed again. Leading: ... ... Wikipedia

    Music express with Sergey Lazarev program, which tells everything about music. The program covers the latest music news in the week, broadcasts music clips, and also tells about take-offs and falls in musical ... ... Wikipedia

    Sports tournament on Brain Ringgua. Ukraine, Lviv, Picasso Club. Brain Ring game between two (or more) teams in answers to questions. The idea of \u200b\u200bplaying two teams belongs to Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov and expressed them in the book "The phenomenon of the game". First ... Wikipedia

    Brane Ring Genre Television game Leading Elizabeth Arzamasov, Andrei Kozlov, MC White. Country of production ... Wikipedia

    This section is missing references to information sources. Information must be checked, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can ... Wikipedia

    Zhanna Aguzarova ... Wikipedia

    Fifth Channel OJSC "Teleradiocompany Petersburg Fifth Channel" Country ... Wikipedia

    Main article: Leontiev, Valery Yakovlevich Contents 1 Vinyl discs (Melodia VG) 1.1 1980: "Olympiad 80. Circling ... Wikipedia


Competition Gaming Program

"Music Ring"

In the hall installed two tables for teams
Leading: Good afternoon to everyone who is present today in this cozy room! And we gathered with you on a special occasion. Today we are holding a competitive game program "Music Ring".
Everywhere, where a person works or rests, music sounds. Probably, each of you asked myself a question: "What is music?". What is it, what do you think?

Responses of children.

Leading: Ancient philosophers argued that music is the greatest strength. She can make a person love and hate, kill and forgive. It helps raise the mood, supports in a difficult moment. Music has some particular power of affecting a person. People knew about it and had no doubt that magic and sacrament hidden in the sounds of music, thanks to which the music manages their actions and feelings.

Today you gathered here
We show our knowledge.
And music now for you
It suits the contest.

For all the right answers you get a note. The more correct answers, the more notes!

And now let's get acquainted with the participants of the Music Ring. I offer you the participants of the Domisolki and Merry Notes.

So that the fervor fun is not ugas,
So that time went faster
Friends we invite you
To the warm-up as soon as possible.

Each team I will ask 5 questions. If the team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer is given to the team - rival. If rivals find it difficult to answer, the question is removed. Guys, in this competition it is not necessary to know the music certificate. Be careful, because in my words there are hints.

First Competition - "Musical Workout"

Questions 1 Domisolki team.

1. Five ropes hang
With them hundred birds vote. (
motor mill and notes)

2. Notch says: "Mercy!"
Rides only for a taxi,
Loves moccasins,
Power and oranges. (
note s)

3. This note is where the rain,
Sweets and plantain,
With her and joy, and burdens,
With her good commander. (
note before)

4. This note is in a walk,
And in Kalyak, and in the mala,
In the strawberry on the clearing,
And in the glass flask. (
note la)

5. Knows notes that she
Inhabits the world alone. (

Questions 2 Team "Cheerful Notes".

1. On five wires
Resting a flock of Ptah. (
notes, music)

2. This note is in every home,
In each booth lives.
It lies in his palm,
Then on the boat floats. (
note before)

3. Note rushes on the ball in the carriage,
Splashes in the sea and in the river,
She is in the winegree,
And in the belt, and in the teremke. (
note re)

4. Note is found in the fireplace,
Eats almonds and goes mini,
May minimize
And in the police to serve. (

5. Note on the console rises
And Solfeggio sings. (
note salt)

The warm-up is completed. Total score:

Teams receive notes for each correct answer.

Second Competition - "Guess the Melody"

Now you will be offered several fragments of children's songs. You will need to guess which cartoon hero sings a song and call it (you can say the name M / f). If the team calls the hero, and the cartoon, then gets an extra point. The first guessing team should raise your hand and only then give your answer. Please do not shout.
Music material:
Song of the crocodile genes "Blue Wag" (from the M / F "Adventures of Cheburashka and Crocodile Genes");
Song Mom's uncle Fyodor "Kaba was not winter" (from the m / f "Winter in Prostokvashino");
Lullaby to the bear (from the m / f "Umka");
Song "Clouds" (from m / f "Stream! Hello!");
Song Vini - Pooh "If I have a scales in the back of the head" (from the m / f "Vini-Pooh and all-all-all");
Song Cat Leopold "I sit all day" (from the M / F "Adventure of the Cat Leopold");
Song of Lion and the turtles "I'm in the sun" (from m / f "Lion and turtle");
Song Mammont & Montrene "in the Blue Sea" (from M / F "Mom for Mammont Hotel");
The song of the guards "Oh, early protection arises" (M / f "Bremen Musicians");
Chastushki grandmothers - Eugene (from the M / F "Flying Ship")

Third Competition - "Riddles about Musical Instruments"

Teams in turn are made by riddles, pictures appear on the slides - answers to musical riddles.
1. It looks Brother Bayan, where fun, there and he.
I will not tell you, all familiar .... (
accordion )
2. What tool has a pedal tool,
What is this? Undoubtedly, these are our nice .... (
piano )
3. I put it on the lips I was drunk in the woods,
The tool is very fragile, called ... (
swirl )
4. Movement smooth bow leads into a thrill strings,
The motive sounds from afar, sings the lunar about the evening.
How clear sounds overflow, joy and smile,
Dreamy motive sounds, its name ...
violin )
5. Box on the knees dances, it sings, then bitterly crying (
accordion )
6. Top leather, below, too, in the middle is empty.
Wooden girlfriends are danced on his painter.
They beat him, and he threatens, in his leg, everyone says ... (
drum ).
7. He loves when he is beaten,
Rest does not give him -
He dances in his hands and rings,
And good people merge! (
tambourine )
8. Touch - came to life
Transparent wing
And we are with you in a fairy tale
Easy so worn. (
harp )
9. From wood cut down,
Smoothly discharged
Sing, pour
What is the name of … (

Fourth Competition - "Musical confusion"

Each team pulls the card with the confused words from the songs. You will need to correctly put words and guess what it is for the song, and then sing a fragment of this song.
- The rain, cry, sad, stops, the most. (Song "Smile" from M / F "Baby Rota")
- In a fairy tale, who comes in good. (Song "Buratino" from the k / f "Adventures of Buratino")

Fifth Competition - "Captain Competition"

The captain of each team takes a step and calls the musical instrument. On thinking 5 seconds.
I want to give you a compliment to you all: you are the most fun, smart and talented children. And now show me your right hand ..., left hand ... and please each other together. Game over. Bye!