Men's names olderwood beautiful. Ancient Old Slavonic Women's Names

Men's names olderwood beautiful. Ancient Old Slavonic Women's Names
Men's names olderwood beautiful. Ancient Old Slavonic Women's Names

In recent years, it has become fashionable to give children rare names. Sometimes, of course, parents are very fond of: the rich fantasy is good, but the main thing is not to harm. After all, in addition to the fact that the name carries some sense, it should still correspond to the terrain, be frantic and so on. It is important that the child who bears him does not become the object of ridicule at school.

Whatever it was, the popularity of rare names is growing (some become not so rare), and therefore older names are returned. Parents more and more pay attention to them. In this article we will tell about Slavic women's names and help you choose to choose a beautiful and rare name for the girl.

Olderous names

It is quite difficult to study older names, because they did not always have one value, it all depended on the region, from family traditions and the general way of life. Women's Slavic names are not just beautiful and unusual, it's also a part of our history with you, our heritage.

Choose the name of the child is difficult, especially if you want to somehow stand out, put in it some sense and hidden strength. It is worth noting that the Slavs have a name, among other things, was also a faith. Therefore, it is even more difficult to choose a beautiful Slavic name for a girl, because a woman is a keeper of a homely hearth and a man's continuer.

The present women's Slavic name is now rare. First, many traditions of name were lost in centuries, and secondly, we were already accustomed to giving Greek, Germanic or Roman names to children. However, you can still remember something. And in order to choose the right name, primarily ancient Slavic tradition should be refreed in memory.

How the Slavs chose the name of the child

First of all, it is worth noting that the Slavs did not give names for babies, and if they were given, then it was something like a temporary nickname. Usually at this age, the kids were called - "Child" or "Choo", sometimes at all - the "first", "second" and so on.

And the foundation itself was carried out when children were executed from 9 to 16 years. Up to the same time, it was usually observed for a child, mixed up its quality and character. And they did not always give one name, this tradition, to some extent, alive still in the habit to invent nicknames.

Each girl had its own purpose, it strongly affected the choice of ancient Russian name. All accounted for:

    personal qualities of a child;

    the role of a girl, as a future woman, wife, mother and continuer;

    annunciation with one or another goddess.

The time of the ceremony itself, also chose it is no coincidence. For example:

    if the kids began to manifest themselves the qualities of the future lead, the name was given at 9;

    if signs of princess or warriors were noticed - in 12 years;

    in all other cases, the rite was conducted when the girl was 16 years old.

In general, the names were given on the following principle:

  1. Name based on the nature of the girl;
  2. In honor of the ancestors, for example, grandmothers-leading or prags-needlewomen;
  3. In honor of the generic deity (in this case it was possible to rely on the protection and patronage of the goddess).

Features of female old Slavonic names

Older community names are very beautiful, they are melodious and harmonious. All women's Slavic names can be divided into several species, the most common of which were:

    Binary. In such names, we can very often see the root -slav Miroslav, Yaroslav. But he did not always have attended, for example, there are biennial names of the Svetosar and loved.

    Based on the communions - waiting.

    Taken from the surrounding world of plants and animals.

    Reflecting personality qualities of a person.

    The gods that occurred from the names.

    Special names, so they usually magazed princely children.

The commander of the name of the name was carried out on the Kapshche, did this MOWF. During the ritual from the child, as it were, the former name-nickname was washed, and then they already gave a new one. It is noteworthy that for boys and girls rituals were different: so, the name from the boy was "washed" in the river, and from the girl in the lake. That is, it was needed standing or current water.

Under some circumstances, the name could be changed. Most often it happened when a new name was enshrined at the people, the new name was fixed. The situation is approximately the same as we happen with nicknames.

How to choose a Slavic name for a girl

Always want to give the child a beautiful name. But it must also be pleasant for hearing. This is especially true of female names.

Important moment: our ancestors believed that the name possesses magical strength, especially if it is used out loud. And the girl, as a future mother and the custodian of the hearth, should receive power from the very nature and gods.

By the way, a beautiful name based on the ancient Slavic traditions, you can simply compose. There were such cases. But it is important to take into account all what we talked about in this article, and not get involved in too much non-social synthetics. Plus, "Novodel" is, nevertheless, not an old Russian name.

Slavic women's names: meaning

Not so many female names came to us, and there are many lists in RuNet, in which you can see their hundreds. This is not entirely true, often in such lists get too controversial names, or at all, Greek or Roman.

Below we serve a list of beautiful Slavic names for the girl. Format: Name - value.

Bazhena - From male bar, which means "favorite" or "desired".

Belora - enlightened.

Beloslav - From male Beloslav, in the meaning of "good glory."

Berislava - From male Berislav, that is, "glorifying".

Bleslav (Bless), the name is the same as Beloslav.

Bogdana - From the male Bogdan, which means "desired child" or "given granted by God"

Bogumila - In the meaning of "cute gods."

Boleslav - From Boleslav, that is, "the famous" or "special"

Borislav - On behalf of Borislav, consists of "fighting" and "glory". Literally - "fighting for glory."

Boyana - "Warrior". There is a male analogue of the name - Boyan.

Bratislava - Pair Bratislav, "Nice with its roasted feats."

Bronislav (Bronislav) - "Nice in defense".

Vedan (Vedenoe, Vedeno) - "Knowing". Pair male name Vedan.

Vedovolav - It can be designated as "famous knowledge."

Veliable - "polite."

Velizara - From Velizar, which means "illuminated" or "enlightened".

Velimira - From male Velimir. This name can be translated as a "big world".

Velislav - from Velislav, by analogy with the name Velimir, we translate as "Great Glory".

Vencesslav - On behalf of Vezeslav, that is, "crowned with glory."

Veselina (Merry) - "fun." Pair name - Veselin.

Vladimir - From Vladimir, "owning the world."

Vladislav - Pair Vladislav (Volodislav), that is, "nice, famous".

WISIALA (Vislav), in the meaning "fighting for glory."

Ovuge - "Smart", and if literally, then "Essay".

Heated - From the male videos, literally "cute for everyone."

Vslav - From male Vseslav, "the most nice".

Gorislav - You can literally translate as "flaming in glory." There is a male analogue of the name.

Gradislav - Gradislav. Accurate translation - "City Glory".

Darren (Darina, Dara) - Pair - Daren ("DONATED").

Dzvestislava - Literally "ringing glory", the literary translation is "recreated".

Dobrovlad. - From the male voluntary, which means "owning kindness."

Goodwill - From Dogorn, that is, a "elevator good".

Dobrolyuba (Dobrolyube) - by analogy with the name above, "Loving Good".

Dobromila - On behalf, Dobroil, which means "kind and cute."

Dobromir (Dobromir), the literal translation of "kind and peaceful". Sometimes they translate as "noble".

Dobroslava - From the male Dobros, that is, "good glory."

Dragomir - From Dragomir, which means "the current world."

Zhdan (Waiting) - "The one he is waiting."

Leader - The literal translation is "living for the kind."

Zvenislav - Literally, the name can be translated as "ringing glory", artistic translation - "leading glory" or "glorifying".

Spark - "Sincere". There is a male form name - Sold.

Casimir (Casimir) - "Preaching World" or "Peacemaker".

Krasimyra - On behalf of Krasimir, which is often translated as "beautiful and peaceful".

Lada - "Favorite", "Honey". Lada is the goddess of love.

Ladomila - "Cute Goddess of Lada" can be translated as "merciful".

Ladoslav - "The glorifying Goddess of Lada."

Radlezar - "radiant".

Lyubava (Love) - "Favorite".

Lyomila - "Favorite" or "Cute."

Lyubomir - From male love. The name can be translated as a "favorite world."

Lyudmila (Lyudmil) - "Cute People".

Lyudomira - "reconciling people."

Milada - Sometimes the name is translated as a "sweet goddess of Lada", and sometimes as "young", "cute and okay".

Milan. (Milena) - from Men's Milan, which means "gentle".

Miloslava (Miloslav), that is, "the one who loves glory."

Miroslava - On behalf of Miroslav, which means "famous peaceful".

Mstislav (Mstislav) - "Nice Defender".

Hope - Hope.

Nekras. (Nekras) - a fraudulent name in the meaning "ugly".

Ogneslava - From the male rod, that is, the "nice fire".

Ognayar (Fireyar) - "Fire Yaril".

RESET - On behalf of Peresvet, that is, "light."

Radmila - "Cute, caring."

Radmire (Radimir) - "rejoice in the world" or the "joy of the world", often translate as a "fighter for peace".

Radislav (Radislav) - "Radiant / Careful Glory."

Radosveta - "Carrier joy and light" or "sanctifying joy."

Joy (Rada) - "Joy", "Happiness".

Rostislav "On behalf of Rostislav, that is," the one whose glory grows. "

Siberian (Svyatogor) - "Unstable Holiness".

Snezhana - "Snow".

Stanislav (Stanislav) - "Glory Range".

Tikhomira - On behalf of Tikhomir, that is, "peaceful".

Challava (Cheslava) - from the male name to the chalva. It is translated as "honest glory", "nice honor", but there is a version that it happened from the word "vanity".

Chernava - "Dark-haired", "dim".

Yaroslav (Yaroslav) - "possessing bright glory."

The list fell, of course, not all names, but the most famous and used. You can read more familiar with Slavic names in Labor M. Moroshkina "Slavic nameslas or a meeting of Slavic personal names".

Bava -slow

Baggon -bagulin.

Bagro -the value is unclear, possibly from the "crimson"

Bazhan -adorable, desired: from "Pavita" - wish

Bazhen - T.same

Baiko -govorun.

Bancanbagro paint from Cherwell,

Bakota -joker

Bakula -also

Bakuja -krasnobay

Bald -dubinka, beater. "Bald" is called big blacksmith hammer. Bogatyr from Russian fairy tales.

Balvanie -spoiled, perhaps also that Oh Balia is a doctor

Balomir -in meaning is suitable "People's Heater"

Bauchin -son doctor

Balui -mushroom

Bowreductive from names with the basis of "Balo"

Baran -ram. The custom of calling people "animals" names from deep antiquity and distributed in all Indo-European tribes. For example, Wolf (Wolf) at the Germans; Agnes (sheep) in the Romans; Fock (seal) in Greeks, etc. One can only assume that people took themselves the name of the beast - the patron of tribe (kind). Baran is first mentioned since 1249 in Polish sources.

Barwin -painted, colored. Barwinok - Plant Mogilnitsa, Coffin Grass.

Barm -morning. The name of the Russian architecture of the XVI century, one of the builders of the Christian church of Vasily bliss in Moscow.

Barn(slow). "Bear" - to delay, make a break. Barnar I - West Pomeranian Prince.

Basenok -fabulous: from "Basn" - a fairy tale. Voevod Moskovsky, headed in 1456 to rail to Novgorod.

Basco -pretty boy

Batsh -from "fucking" - swing kicking

Batura -stubborn (Ryazan talk)

Battyka -perhaps the same as the batt

Bakhver -fale lawyer, lon

Bayan -narrator, narrator; From "Bayati" - to tell.

Rogost -looking out guests

Bedislav -mischievous nice. The name of one of the princes, suppressed the risen of the Khopov in Novgorod in the IX century.

Refugee -running

Gloan -gupatic

Illuminated -without friends

Mama -the value is unclear

Oven -the value is unclear

Undertaking -noseless

Ugly -ugly

Spear -unaltered

Beyruck -armless

Chewston -sleepless

Beleut -iz

Greatwhite, whitewash

Belimir -white (rose) world

Whitewood -"The one whose power is signed." White - a suitable color. Belovolod Prosovich - the messenger who told led. Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich about the defeat of Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich from Polovtsev in 1185

Belovuk -white Wolf, Serbian Name

Beloglavan -with white head, gray

Beloglaz -the value is not entirely clear.

Belogor -white (candid) mountain

Whiteness -credited Guest

Belogub -white (colorless) lips

Belozer -greets (bird)

Belozor -white eyes, in contrast to the "Black" gaze, i.e. Schalza

Beloslav -white (candid) and nice

White -white

Belotur -white tour

Belous -having white

White Wolf -white wolves are considered the embodiment of spirits.

White Polynin -fabulous Vityt, who trained Ivan Tsarevich Military cause.

Beloyar -"Created rage"

Belya -light, white

Whisk -white

Belyan -white

Ben -wiles: Perhaps "sharp", angry person

Best -beresian

Beshelen -beresian

Beriva - The value is unclear, it is impossible to determine the value of the base "Ber"

Berudrag - Value is unclear

Berimir - Value is unclear

Berislav. - Value is unclear

Bermyt - severe; from "Just" - the severity

Berne - Log, Berno (Bryansky talk), Reductive benitat

Berren - Gooseberry

Vesko -perhaps from "demon" - evil spirit

Besson - sleepless

Bestume - Shameless: from "Stake" - Shame

Big - Beating warriors. Beggie Beaver is a Czech warrior who has overwhelmed with bare hands of a huge vopery.

Bilug - Reducing from whiteness

Bilyud - Baking people

Blaginian - Dobryak

Blagovest - good news

Thanks - Good (good) Dar

Holyub - Loving good (benefit)

Bolence - the one who is cute good (good)

Bracery. - Good (good) to the world. It is possible that Brunceir and Bogwir one and the same face. Quasura conveyed to the Bureau of the Mystery of Cooking Surius (Suryny).

Sobor - noble, i.e. Born in favor of people. Chief editor of the newspaper "Tips of Baba Yaga."

Bleslav - Nice kindness, nice good

Good - Bless

Spruce - stored good (good)

Bay - good and ugly

Blessed - Blessed

Blazhbor - The value is unclear. From "Blahnoy" (Clell) and "Fight".

Blazhir. - Value is unclear

Blamislav - The value is unclear. Perhaps "satisfied with its glory."

Blazko - Reductive from names with the basis of "good" and "Blaz"

Blazn - Slazen

Glitter - shine

Glittovit - From "Blight" and "To Fall" (live, dwell)

Blind - Related

Nearing - Value is unclear

Nearby - Value is unclear

Blogna - scar from the wound

Near that - Value is unclear

Pancake - Damn, very common name. Pancakes from antiquity served ritual food.

Fornication - Bludy

Dishes - Worker. So Tatishchev was called the Vooropolk ((© Luda), who made her sovereign. After that, in his name "Yu" in popular memory was replaced by "y".

Beaver - Beaver, Sacred Animal Ariev. "The soul of beaver is equal to the souls of 100 righteous"(Avesta).

Bobretz - Bobrow, like Bobru

Bobrock - The same as Bobret. Voivode Prince Dmitry Donskoy, Bebrok Volynets, participant of the Kulikovsky battle.

Bobrynya - The same as Bobret

Bobr - from "bobble" - wander on water or swamp

Boglabla - who owns (by anything) from God the bogshit, authorized (above someone) by the will of God

Bohige - from the "gods" and "acts"; Gunly, making anything in favor of the gods.

Bogolep - Associated (tiny) gods "Bogolyub, loved by the gods

Bogomil - Cute gods. Supreme Priest Sloven at the end of the X century. Dualienary dealers of novgorod residents led the resistance of Novgorod.

Mantis - praying to gods. The word "pray" in antiquity made sense to "bring sacrifice."

Motherman - From the "gods" and "meakshit": literally: "Gods softened" (humbled)

Bogorod - Born after request to the gods

Bogvid. - The one who sees (notes) God

Boguzhiv - One who is alive thanks to God

Bogum - Musty of God

Bogumil - Cute God

Boguir. - In the world with the gods. According to the "Veleskoy Book" - the progenitor of some Slavic tribes (Crivics, Drevlyan, Polyan, Northerners, Rusov)

Bogun. - "Bogun" - a long ride, laid on the racks: they hang up the networks for drying. Also the plant is a rose.

Bogurad - Radying for God

Boguslav - famous God

Boguhwal - praising God. Boguhval (Um.1.153), Poznansky Bishop, wrote Polish Chronicles until 1252

Bogusch - Reductive from names with the basis of "God"

Bohysh - Reducing names with the basis of "God"

Bodan - (prickly) Serbian Prince XI century, who won Bosnia

Bodal - Rogatina, spear.

Bodhen - A tool to strike a tile.

Boolslav. - nice in battle

God - God. Reducing from names with the basis of "Bohs", "God."

Bogan - also

Boziedar - God's gift

Bority - Reductive from names with the basis of "BOG"

Bozhen - God

Bozted - God's house

Bobeslav. - The famous gov

Wash - The consolation of God

Bohdar. - God's gift. Boxed Vukovich is the Serbian publisher who lived in Venice in the XVI century.

God - God's Warrior

Boviz - fighting for the gods

Bozimir - God's world

Bozried - Radying the gods

Bozhko - Reductive from names with the basis of "God", "Boh"

God -also

Boibsis - Specific battle

The battle - fight, militant, fighter

Boydan - warlike

Boykan - Boyky

Boyko - Fighter

Bolubor - Larger (best) wrestler

Bolegord - Greater Gordec

Bolecost - Large merchant

Sick - one who has greasy life

BOLEEST - one who else dismissed

Biolel - more nice

Bioler - more peaceful

Balman - more thoughtful. Word thinkhe had the meaning in ancient times to "defeat the beast cunning. Mystery- Hunter; A person who can get the beast.

Bolerarad - more careful (about com) pain, more honest

Boleslav - more nice

Bolorev,according to the "velebook", Bologuev won and killed Vinitar, the king is ready (according to B. Cressen, Bolorev is a blalamber)

Bolshak -large

Bonat -the value is unclear Borai, the value is unclear Barziva, fast warrior

Borozigord -from "greyhound" (fast) and "proud"

Borzirate -fast warrior

Boreyko -it is possible that it is a diminutive from names with the basis of Bor.

Borgent -czech pronunciation name Borywa. Czech prince IX century. First Czech Prince-Christian.

Borzomensive -"Multiple", smart

Borzong -fast, fast

Bornat -fast. Perhaps a reduction from Borzomysol

Borivit -from "fight" and "dying"

Borignev -harrowing

Bory -winner of warriors. Novgorod Prince IX century, fighting with Varyags. Father of the Gospomyste.

Bori.l - fighting (southern glory, name)

Borim -abbreviated from Borimir

Borimir -fighting for peace

Boripolk -winning regiment

Boris -abbreviated from Borislav.

Borislav -fighting glory. Prince Baltic Slavs.

Boritech -muchy struggle

Borich -borovaya, forestry

Borko -reducing from names with the basis of "Bor"

Burkun -perhaps from "boring", "jogging" - fight with something.

Born -the same as Borich.

Borovin -strushing: from "Borovin" - a lingonberry. "Borovyn in more easily, Yako Syland ..." (VK I.Ka).

Beard -bearded

Boroslav -slaving boron Either "nice struggle"

Borten -bore, bee hollow

Bor Slav -skilly struggling. Prince Bor Slavs mentioned in the velebook (VC III 25).

Boruta -evil spirit, forest sorcerer. The name-wubble. The evil spirit of Boruta died in Poland under the ruins of Langitsky Castle, protecting indiscreet treasures.

Borut -generic elder from the tribe Horutan (VIII century). It was from this kind that the prince was chosen.

Borka -struggling. Perhaps decreasing from Borislav. Botko,knocking, crushing (south. Glory, name)

Book -fat man; From "Botetta" - fat. From here and "Top"

Bochar -stork, or Bondar (Bochar)

Bog -bodun; from "BOST" - Body

Boyan -fighter. Singer Saucer from "Words about the regiment of Igor"

Braclin -sometimes Bravaline is written, pincers: perhaps from "Borovaya" - Lesy, obsessed with an evil spirit. Or "militant", most likely.

Braga- Braga, boring malt, very common name. Reductive Brazhko.

Brad -furrow

Branen -military

Branib -winning in battles, or protective forest.

Branva -fighting warrior

Branvolk -battle wolf

Brany Lanya -amateur battle

Strong -reduction from Branimir

Branimir -fighting for peace

Brahnipolk -fighting for the regiment. Perhaps also had the meaning "fighting in the campaign".

Branirad -rejoice battle

Branislav -having fame in battles

Score -mucing battles

Branco -warlike; From "Branj" - Battle, War. Reductive from names with the basis of "Bran".

Branked -warlike

Barneryood -judicial duel

Brother -gathering warriors

Bratlo- Reductive from Bratislav

Bratimir- Gathering world

Bratislav.- taking glory

Bratodrag -currency brother

Brotheruba -loving Brother

Brother -gracious to brother

Budeg -gentle to brother

Brotherard -caring for brother

Bratoslav -nice brothers

Bratsh -reductive from names with the basis of "brother"

Cut -visited by Bereza or birch birch

Bremislav -the value is unclear. Perhaps the basis of "Bremy" means rent -severity. Then the "burdened glory" is obtained.

Brenko -earth, clay. Boyar Dmitry Donskoy. .

Brizlav -barn Slava

Bristislav -owned fame. Czech prince XI century, expelled sorcerers from his principality.

Brko -barbel; The shortcut from the Serbian fairy tale, who had such huge mustes that the birds were in them 365 nests.

Brocci -edge

Books -life Defender

Bronislav -protecting glory, or "Nice weapon, armor"

Bronuta -defender

Brusilo -talking illegible

Bryachov -broken (ringing) glory. Prince Rostov Bryachval, together with Rurik, suppressed Vadim's uprising in Novgorod in 864.

Budai -bubbling

Budan -lazy person

Budanko -lazy, decreasing from Budan

Budvit -the value is unclear

Boo diva -rising warriors. Either the wish name: "Be warrior!"

Budilivna -rising waves

Wretched -here, perhaps the basis of "Budi" matters be.Then the name can be comprehended as a wish newborn: "Be a guest in this world!"

Budillo -alarm clock; Reductive from Boudilo

Boudo -buddy

Budimil -here, as in the case of the name of the stamp, we are dealing with the name-wish: "Be Mile (Favorite)!"

Budimir -breaking world, that is, cock. Rooster - Bird of semarlang and dazhboga.

Budislav -burly Slav

Budowets - Builder

Budorad - The value is not entirely clear. Perhaps "Radiant (caring) about construction."

Butu - Reduction from names with the basis of "Bud". Princess Olga belonged to the village of Butino (Putin all).

BUDY - awakened. Cordhouse and Voivod Prince Yaroslav Chrome. BUDYY in 1012 mocked the fight over the Polish king Boleslav.

Buoy - Wasy (mad). The name of the prince from White Rus.

Buygrove - Brown in anger

Buchiko - Reductive from names with the basis of "buoy"

Buyimir - The value is unclear. In any case, not the "crazy world", as Slavs did not consider the world "sinful", "crazy" and "vicious". The world is beautiful, and life is beautiful. And the life of those who strive to improve it only for themselves will worsen.

Riot - Delets

Buffalo - possessing violent (insane) power

Buoy-tour - a bright tour. The nickname of Prince Vsevolod from the "Word about the regiment of Igor".

BUEN-BUK - riot bull; Assembly and bold man.

Beslav - Rusty Slava

Bulba - bubble

Bouwong - Dubin

Bun - Pride, sweeping man, rebel. Reduce Bun.

Bunislav - Sophisticated rebellion

Bunko - also. The servant of Vasily II, the Grand Duke Moskovsky, who warned his Mr. about the conspiracy.

Burvoy - "War Buri", perhaps "warrior storms." The Novgorod Prince of the beginning of the IX century, the descendant of Vladimir Ancient in the ninth knee, Burviva was the descendant of Prince Slavny and had the father of Gostomysl.

Bura - Brown

Storm - Storm. Burya-Bogatyr - Cow Son (from a fairy tale).

Bus - fog. On Sanskrit (ancient and ancient language), "Bossa" means fog. So called children born in bad weather (in fog), in bad weather. Bus (in another pronunciation of BOS) was the prince of Ants, the Union of Slavic and other tribes in the Northern Black Sea region. Antairs (so they called the Gothic historian Jordan, as the Union was called, we do not know) reflected the attack of Hermanra-ha, the king is sharp Christians (Rules from 351 to 375 AD) and at the same time fought with the gourech , King of the Gothic tribe of the Era-Lov (Gerulov). The unexpected attack of the Huns (the Union of Turkic, Indo-European and Thro-Finnish tribes) swears and Slavs, and ready. Part of the Slavic Antah goes to Novgorod lands. The grandson of German-narecha Amal Vinitar in the Union with the Gunns to show his strength and preserve the Gothic state, makes several trips to the Slavs and kills Bead. "Amal Vinitari ... was defeated in the first skirmis, then he behaved more bravely and the king of them named Boz with his sons and 70 noble people crucified so that the corpses of hung double the fear of conquered"(Jordan, History Hist). According to Adygei legend, Sister Baksan (Bess) erected his brother a monument on his Mound-Kurgan, made by Greek craftsmen. According to the testimony, S.B. Hammova, researchers Adygea, in the XIX century on the monument could be disassembled the name of Baksan, written in Greek, and at the end of the year, which shows that the monument is erected in the 4th century.

Buslai - Born stork. Either a walk, removed well done.

Busl - stork

Busovolk - grey Wolf

Butco - Swelli: from "Butt" - fast

Bushui - Bush

Bushuju Tour - Bustard tour. Tour - wild steppe bull exterminated in the middle of the XVII century.

Buyun - Porn bull. Name from Novgorod Beresta.

Buyan - riot

Bull - bull

Bykoder - Killer Bulls

Bylla - Experienced, experienced

Byslav - abbreviation from Zbislav; Very nice.

Bychhan Rusper

Women's names

Many women's names derived from male names are not given.

Babura -butterfly

Bazzna -desirable; From "Pavita" - desire.

Trouble -trouble; The name-wubble.

Bela -squirrel

Belarus -white

Beloslav -white (rose) glory.

Snow White -snow-white. Known inscription on the straightst: "University of the coarseness",those. "Take Belleznezh".

Belyan -white

Belyanitsa -white

Birch -birch. Sacred tree in Slavs, giving them force.

Trouble -bless. The name-wubble, given by the parents to protect against evil spirits.

Charity -loving benefit (good)

Blaming -that who is cute good (good)

Comfunction -reductive from names with the basis of "good"

Blazhen -blessed

Bogdan -this gods

Bogloep -pleasing gods

Bogmila -cute God

Boguslav -slavs God

Borishhan -this gods

Bozenarka -god's gift. Decreased from the divorce.

Buemen -pretty gods

Belized -lady. The famous Czech fairy tale of God Nemtsova.

Bozizlav -god's glory

Bologna -more gentle

Bolevlav -more nice. Daughter Svyatoslav I Vsevolodovich (1196-1252), Grand Duke Vladimirsky (1246-1248).

Borislava -struggling for glory

Boyana -combat

Bratislava -glory

Brother -cute brothers

Breslava -opened Slava

Bronislav -protecting Slava

Bryachland -ringing glory

Bug -croatian name. From the river Bug or from "Buga" - make it up.

Budana -lazyka

Beslav - Brown Glory

We all know that the name affects the fate of a person, it even to some extent determines it. Perhaps, therefore, in Russia, people gave two names - false, for everyone, and the secret, about which only the closest. Thus, people wanted to protect their children from the unkind of spirits and people, with time to give the two names to the tradition.

Basically, the first name was unattractive, children could give the name of the evil, for example, the second name was given in adolescence, after the main features of the character of a person are formed. Olderian names of girls were diverse. They were formed from the names of animals, flowers and goddesses, in order of birth, according to human qualities. And also the older names of girls were formed from two bases, for example, love, Dobrynya.

On the territory of Russia with the coming of Christianity, many names, in particular, the old workers were ousted. At the same time, some names church even forbidden to use. At the moment, the old-term names of girls enjoy all the small part of the population. If you want to give your child an unusual old-term name, then you can take advantage of our list, in which many names are collected by our ancestors.

Older Russian Names of Girls:

Alena - Scarlet

Lubomir - Peace-loving

Belva - Sveta

Radiant - radiant

Berislava - Selected Fame

Lana - field, put on

Bazhen - welcome

Ladomila - Cute, Frequent

Bogumila - Mute God

Lyubistlav - Favorite Fame

Blazena - happy

Lada - Harmony, Beauty

Branislav - fame-covered

Lyubomila - Favorite, honey

Beloslav - Bright Glory

Ladomira - Peace-loving

Bogdana - this man

Milan - Honey

Vereya - tied

Miloslav - Cute Glory

Vladimir - owning the world

Mila - Honey

Powerman - owning the world

Militz - Honey

Winds - air

Milawa - Honey

Velimira - Velikomy

Milorad - Cute and Joyful

Vlasta - the ruler

Nezhdane - Unnecessary

Veda - Emirate

Neomila - gentle and sweet

Velislava - Great Glory

Nadezhda - Hope, Waiting

Faith - victim in light, faithful

Otrada - Otrada

Wanda - praise

Olesya - from the forest

Sollava - owning glory

Oislava - around Glory

Vizsylava - Glory Life

Ozar - Illuminated

Veselina - Merry

Ozhan - what is compressed

Ganna - Bird

The discontinuity is beautiful

Godislava - in pity

Posravan - in front of glory

Gordana - Gordaya

Rostislav - grow glorious

Guests - peaceful guest

Radmila - Cute joy

Sasane - mental

Rada - joy

Doggy - a dealer

Radislava - the joy of glory

Draga - Dear

Slavyanka - Glory

Friende - friendly

Svyatoy - Light

Dobroslav - famous good

Snezhana - Snowy

Dana - this world

Svetosara - illuminated by light

Darina - given by God

Svetomir - Light World


Svetielik - light face

Daromil - Cute Dar

Sevenislav - seven times bright

Even - Clear, clear sky

Svetlana - light

Zhdanan - welcome

Tikhosava - quiet glory

Zlatoslav - Golden Glory

Tomir - Multi-Mural

Zlata - Golden

Umila - Honey

Krasimir - Beauty of the World

Ulada - degrading

Beauty - beauty

Stranmire - Store World


Cayana - Cheynya

Crysawa - the beauty of the earth

Yaromila - Young, sweet

Lyuba - Love, Favorite

Yasina - Clear

Lyudmila - Mute People

Yana - to be born, born

Ladoslav - Favorite glory

Yaroslav - glossy glory

Do you want to pick up the son of the Old Slavonic name? We offer you a list of names for boys.

Absier - born on the first day of spring.
Agnechron-keeper of fire
Agnia - fire, light, clean ("Agni" - fire).
Aliya - Scarlet.
Bazhen (Bozhen, Bogun, Bouvod, Boguchar, and more than 45 names) - God; The leader of Ants (the ancestors of Slavs)
Belimir - white, clean, light world (sun-like).
Belogor - from the White Mountains
Beloyar - Yareny
Bogolep - Beautiful as God, Divine
Boguil - a cute God
Bogwir (wisest name) - bear the world to God!
Boleslav - Slaving, the Slav of God!
Borislav - Stormy Glory
Bratislav - Brother, friend of glory
Budimil (wisest name) - Be Mile!
Budyslaw (wisest name) - be glorious!
Beslav (Bouwlvl) - stork (one of the names of Aist)
Vadim - called invited
Vadislav - called, invited to his side of Glory.
Velbor - Great Dar
Venislav - crowned with glory, the crown of glory
Verislav - faithful, reliable than glory
Vitoslav (Vosjoslaw) - Generic Glory, Glory to Life, Vityaz Glory.
Vladimir - owning the world
Vladislav - owning glory
Government - conquer the world
Slaslav - owning the world
Wistoislav - Nice Warrior
Volodar - Giving will, Will Oblasting
Vsevolod - all who own
Vslav - the famous, having taken all the fame
Worldwide - World
Highway - famous; All Glory
Vyacheslav - the famous advice, consent
Gleb - Cute, gentle
Gorisvet - High Light, Mountain Light
Gorislav - famous high light
Gostis - Finished Glory
Gradbor - creation
Gradimir - Most Creator
Damir - the world
Danislav - giving fame given for glory
Danislav - Dan a god
Daniyar - given for shine, glow
Danko - Light, Day
Dar - Dar to the world
Daren - Dar to the world
Daromir - Giving World
Darris - thinking thinking
Daroslav - giving word
Acts - acting, active
Divislav - in Siagani Words
Probula - a vulture, carrying
Dobore - good giving
Dobrolyub - Loving Good
Dobroslav - famous good
Dobrynya - Dobryak, good man
Dragovit - appreciating life
Dragolyub - kind, favorite
Drohomir - Dear World
Drohoslav - Dear Glory
Dudograd - dear joy
Ersh is one of the personified names of the animal world.
Even - Clear Sky
Zhdanimir - waist
Rider - desirable
Zhislav - welcome glory
Zhiteslav - famous life
Zalzar - because of the lazores
Zarya - ascending light
Zvenir - Zonamir - calling to the world, ringing about the world.
Zvenislav - ringing glory; Double glory.
Zdanimir - the creator of the world; Moving Mir
Zepeislav - very nice.
Zlatoslav - Golden Glory
Zlatozar - with a golden, clear gaze.
Ivan -Conno Russian name - to be born, born; having a communication channel with other worlds, so he is open to the door to the world ..
Ivar is close in meaning: the tree of life, the tree of the genus.
Igor - it corresponds to the Scandinavian Ingvar - militant; agriculture.
Jezleslav - be with glory!
Idan - going, overcoming the path.
Krasimir - beauty of the world.
Krasyslav - Krasnoslav - the beauty of glory
Dusting - chosen of beautiful
Ladimir is peaceful, in harmony with the world.
Ladislav - famous beauty, harmony
Lucheslav - in the ray of glory
Love - Favorite
Vidodar - giving love; Dar of love
Luboodron - Favorite, dear
Lubomir - Loving World and World
Lyubomil - Favorite
Lyuborad - pleasing love
Lyoslav - Love famous
Ladislav - famous people, people
People (wispname) - carry people peace
Milawa - Cute, kind
Milan - Cute, kind
Milorad - Cute, kind
Miloslav - Cute Glory
Mirodar - Great Mir
Mirolyuba - Loving World
Young - young
Infant - Young
Might - power, powerful, mighty
Thulemir - who gives the thought of the world thinking about the world
Hope - hope. expectation
Found found
Neroslav - fastening glory
Neetomir - gentle and peaceful
Olanka - near the earth, the country of the earth
Oleg - light, fast; grace, benefit
Ostrich - acutely thinking
Manufacturing - Study Glory
Pervoslav - - ahead of glory
Peresvet - Presfigure, the brightest light
Beautiful is beautiful
Premislav - accept of glory!
Putyslaw - the path of glory
Delay - joy, joyful
Radib - elected from joyful
Radims - Cute joy
Radmil - Cute joy
Radimir - Radent About the World
Radislav - Radent of Glory
Radovage (wisp) - owned joy
Radosvet - Light of Joy
Ratibor - chosen warrior
Ratislav - Ratnaya Glory
Ratmir - Meeting about the world
Rusimir - Russian World
Ruslav - Russian, blond
Light - light, holy
Svetosar - illuminated by light
Light and light
Svyastud - Holy Joy
Holy Big - Saint Fighter, Warrior
Svyagrira - Holy World
Tikhoslav - quiet glory
Traian - Third Son
Umil - Uming
Umir - World, Decience
Sent - Uslada
Khvalimir - glorify the world
Khvaislav - Humped fame
Brave - brave.
Storeir - keep the world
Stranaslav - keep glory
Tsvetimir - Whether in the color of the world
Chesimir - Honor of Peace
Chestislav - honor glory
Chtislav - honor glory
Mi'el - a cute miracle
Shashchalav - happy
Yanislav - Nice
Mnobor - elected from young fierce men
Yaromil - Cute (real) man
Yaromir - be fierce in the world
Yaroslav - glossy glory
Yaropolk - violently faded, hot warrior

The question of how to call a child, worries future parents long before the advent of the long-awaited baby. In the matter of choice, not only the parents themselves are often involved. Appointed grandparents, aunt and uncle, maybe even friends. All of the time you need to express your point of view. Mom wants the child to carry the name of his beloved grandparents, dad insists that the name was beautiful, solid, such as the famous people movies, sports. Grandmothers insist on saints grandfathers can offer something completely original or out of a row out out. The list of names is now just huge. Foreign celebrities are very popular, sometimes there are even nicknames of fictional characters of computer games. But as if miles they were not specifically for parents, it is still necessary to follow some recommendations before calling their child for the whole long life.

Now the old Slavic names are especially popular. However, a lot of Russian names that everyone has a rumor, we do not have a Slavic origin. A large amount is borrowed from Greek, Latin. Initially, Russian names were similar to meaning with any qualities and characteristics of a person (birch, cat, smaller, wolf). With the introduction of Christianity in Russia at the end of the first millennium, there was a gradual displacement, they were mixed with the Byzantine church names. In addition to the Byzantine, and the Hebrew, Egyptian, Ancient Roman, Syrian nicknames were also present. All of them were not a simple set of letters, they designated some specific qualities.

By the middle of the 19th century, all names changed their appearance, transformed under the then Russian pronunciation. Thus, Jeremiah became Eremem, and Diomid turned into a demida. In connection with the new ideology at the beginning of the 20th century, names began to appear, which reflected the time of industrialization: Diamar, Remium. The names of the characters from foreign novels were also borrowed: Arnold, Alfred, Rudolph, Lily. In 1930-1950, a rapid return to the real Russian Maria, Vladimir, Ilya began to occur. The vintage names of the Russian people are popular not only in Russia. Many Russian names are in Europe and Canada.

Name determines the fate of a person?

In Russia, there was a custom to give the child two names. The first was intended for all others, the second was secret, they knew him only closest people. Thus, according to legend, protection was ensured against evilly, bad thoughts and spirits. Evil forces did not know the name-key to a person (that is, his real church name), therefore, could not harm in any way. Upon reaching the adolescence, it was possible to judge the traits of the character of a person. Then the name was given, based on such a list:

  1. The names of the deities: Yarilo, Lada.
  2. Plant names, animals: wolf, nut, eagle, pike.
  3. Names from the Quality Quality Question: Stoyful, brave.
  4. Twisted names: Mirolyuba, Boszhir, Dobrynya, Yaropolk.

What are the most popular Slavic vintage boys names?

The ancient names of the boys are a fairly popular topic for discussion in RuNet in 2013 and early 2014. According to the average estimates in the cities of Russia, such names like Stepan, Bogdan and Makar are gaining popularity. In addition, in this top there were ancient names: Elisha, Miroslav, Gordea, Nazar, Rodion, Tikhon. The most unusual name for boys is diamond.

How to call a boy?

If you want to bring the characteristic features to nature your child, then read the list of the most popular Slavic names. Perhaps this information will become the most important for you to choose the advent of Chad. Old boys names and their meanings:

What are the most popular Slavic

As you know, statistics know everything. So, she defined the most popular Slavic vintage female names of 2013. They became such ancient crying as Alain, Darin, Dana, Hope, Rostislav, Snezhana, Yaromila. Girls are much more often called old Slavic names than boys.

How to call a girl?

And now, see the list of the most popular Slavic female names. Old names and their meanings:

  • given to God - Bogdan;
  • happy - Blazena;
  • praising - Wanda;
  • owning glory - Vladislav;
  • acting - Dobiy;
  • given to God - Darina;
  • peace-loving - Ladomira;
  • beauty - Krasomir;
  • radiant - radlezar;
  • cute - Militsa;
  • forest - Olesya;
  • nice - Rostislav;
  • snowy - Snezhana;
  • young - Yaromila.

Slavic vintage Russian names for the child in time

It is capable of affecting not only the date of birth, but also the corresponding season. Astrologers assure that it is possible to adjust the fate and character traits with the help of the correct name. Vintage Russians are named with thousand-year-old knowledge of ancestors, they have a special meaning.

Serious and talented autumn children do not need a choice of a special name. They can choose both soft and solid name.

Winter children are intolerant, hot-tempered, they have some proportion of egoism. Light names, soft and gentle names are preferred. Vintage names with a soft basis will be able to balance the character traits.

Spring children have a sharp mind, they are self-critical and inconstant. They often have an excellent sense of humor. You should stop the choice for firmly sounding names.

Summer children are easily influenced, they are trusting and easy to rise. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice on solid names.

The meaning of the Orthodox calendar

Picking up the child an old Russian name, you should pay attention to the tradition. And the Orthodox foundations say that it is necessary to name the newborn in honor of the saint. Whose memory is celebrated on the day of imputations with the name (most often this is the eighth day after birth) - and the baby is called. Consider that the days of the memory of the saints are marked by the old style. Therefore, to determine the correct date it is necessary to add the number 13 to the main date. Calendar celebration Named Orthodox Saints and all old names can now be viewed in the sacraments, learn from the confunists and in any other sources.

It is not necessary that the name for the child was exotic or rare. You can not choose old names. A crucial role is played by fraud. For the final choice, make a list of the best names, consult close and friends, learn their opinions. Based on all this, you will choose exactly what you like.