Husband and wife Rosenbaum decline. Alexander Rosenbaum: biography, wife, children? What is Rosenbaum's business? Artists should not be a steam locomotive

Husband and wife Rosenbaum decline. Alexander Rosenbaum: biography, wife, children? What is Rosenbaum's business? Artists should not be a steam locomotive
Husband and wife Rosenbaum decline. Alexander Rosenbaum: biography, wife, children? What is Rosenbaum's business? Artists should not be a steam locomotive

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum (September 13, 1951, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian author-performer, actor and writer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).

Biography Alexandra Rosenbauma
Alexander Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of student-classmates from the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Schmarievich Rosenbauma and Sophia Semenovna Milyaeva. Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in East Kazakhstan, to the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was no railway. Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; The profession of Sofia is an obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Father and Sasha's mother were treated by the inhabitants of Zyryanovsk. In the same period, another son was born in the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

Alexander Rosenbaum - Composer, author of his own songs. Many of his early songs belong to the genre of the Blessed Song, and their hero is the classic image of the Odessa Schedule of the time of Nap. This image was compiled based on the "Odessa stories" Isaac Babel. A number of his early songs are also associated with the work of the doctor.

His creativity is also characterized by interest in the history of Russia of the post-revolutionary years of the 20th century ("Romance General Charnot"), Gypsy topics (example - songs "Song of the horse of Gypsy blood", "Ah, if it were possible ...") and Cossacks ("Cossack", "Kuban Cossack", "On Don, on Don"). There is among his songs and philosophical lyrics ("Target Fate"). No side and military topics in which most songs are connected with the Great Patriotic War ("I often wake up in silence," "War,", Dae, and on the war ... ", etc.), marine subjects (" 38 knots " , "The song of the Old Mortgies"). A special part of creativity is devoted to the war in Afghanistan ("Monologue of the Pilot of the Black Tulip", "Caravan", "The Road in Long in Life"). The singer was often in the locations of the Soviet military units, speaking with concerts in Afghanistan. In 1986, on the film studio of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the song "In the mountains of Afghani" was mounted in the film "The Pain and Hope of Afghanistan" to the Chronicles of Combat - in fact, the first clip was created for the songs of the performer.

Although his songs, Alexander Rosenbaum writes almost exclusively for Russian seven-string (he plays in a strict seven-time guitar without a fifth string, such a system is called Open G) guitars, the early thirsty songs were performed by them under the classical "chansoule" arrangement (in particular, at several concerts together with Brothers pearl). The characteristic feature of Rosenbaum's speeches is a spectacular game on the twelve-tore guitar, be sure to use paired metal strings that give the tool bright, whenestically saturated sound. It uses a few varieties of guitar battle. Rosenbaum verses are replete with a specific vocabulary (technical, hunting, military, prison, etc.). During his career, Rosenbaum was the greatest popularity of Rosenbaum in 1985-1990 as a singer "Afghan" (as well as the Leningrad) topics. [Source not specified 1966 days] After the collapse of the USSR, Jewish, Israeli motives appeared in the works of Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum has a strong courageous voice of baritone nature, scenic charm and attractiveness.

All-Union popularity in the late 1980s received the song "Waltz Boston" With original melody and complex harmony, replete with alterated sober. This song was performed by both the author himself and many vocalists, there are numerous instrumental processing.

On the form of the creativity of Rosenbaum close to the genre of the author's (bard) song. However, while the Bardov song in Soviet years was antercilence, Pariya Estrada, spreading only on tape recorders of handicraft manufacturers, Rosenbaum enjoyed official recognition and concerted as the artist Lenconcert long before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the abolition of censorship. In the Anthology "Author's Song" (compiler Dmitry Sukharev) his name is not mentioned.

Family and personal life Alexandra Rosenbauma (Alexander Rosenbaum)
Father - Yakov Schmarievich Rosenbaum (Rod. December 23, 1923) - a urologist, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, was the chief physician of the city hospital.
Mother - Sophia Semenovna Milyaev (1929-2009) - obstetrician gynecologist.
Junior Brother - Vladimir Rosenbaum (March 12, 1956 - July 2005) He worked as an ambulance doctor, died after rejection of the transplanted kidney. Mentioned in the "Ambulance" song. " Vladimir Rosenbau is dedicated to the song "My brother".
The first marriage lasted only 9 months.
Second wife (since 1975) - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya - Cauchersnitsa, X-ray physician Skvortsov-Stepanov Hospital. The teaching - Era Guercene Savshinskaya, English teacher (1927 - December 21, 2006, died from cancer).
Daughter - Anna Savshinskaya (born October 20, 1976) - philologist and professional translator, married a citizen of Israel - Tiberio Chucky - athlete-swimmer, who graduated from a sports career, is engaged in a network of beer "fat franger".
Grandson - David Chucky Rosenbaum (Rod. December 1999), lives in St. Petersburg.
Grandson - Alexander Niki Chucki Rosenbaum (born February 2005).
Grandson - Daniel (born February 2014)
Grandson - Andrey (born February 2014)

Alexander Rosenbaum from Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia
Source photo of biography and personal life Alexander Rosenbaum:

Poet, singer and musician Alexander Rosenbaum In 66, it continues to actively concert activities, pleaseing the fans with new songs and long-faced public hits.

Recently, in an interview with Woman's Day, the artist explained why he calls his city Leningrad, and also spoke about his beloved grandchildren.

The singer noted that he was born, grew up and lived in Leningrad. The leader of the Communists Vladimir Ilyich has nothing to do with the fact that Alexander Yakovlevich continues to mention this name of the city.

The musician has been married to the Elena Savshinskaya doctor for 42 years. Their only daughter Anna managed to give parents of four grandchildren. The artist told about the hobbies of senior boys:

"Middle, Sasha, studying at school in Leningrad. The only one of my relatives and loved ones who want to sing. He has data, hearing, but must be engaged. In the program "Voice. Children "He will not be able to participate yet, he needs to learn."

The musician noted that 12-year-old Sasha loves to sing a classic. The boy went to a music school, which left later. Alexander Yakovlevich wants to show his competent people who are engaged in vocals as teachers.

The singer noted that the strongest will know his features in the senior grandson of David, who will be 18 years old in December. Sports society guy does not get tired of please the star grandfather:

"David learns abroad. Wants to become a lawyer. He likes not only that this profession you can make money, it is important, but for this you have to be a good lawyer, it will not work bad anything. David likes to formulate thoughts, he likes to engage in all sorts of logical fabrications, reach the essence. He is such a humanitarian, but spoken. For him, the word matters. I think he chooses the right way. "

The youngest grandchildren - twins Anthony and Daniela - not yet four years. The artist with tenderness notes: "Small still, but I love them very much."

Photo: Persona Stars Official site Alexandra Rosenbauma @pelemaxx @yantarholl

Alexander Rosenbaum is one of the most striking and memorable executors of the Soviet and Russian pop. This talented person sings himself, writes and ranks his compositions. How old is Alexander Rosenbaumu? The singer was born on September 13, 1951 and in 2017 will celebrate the 66th anniversary.


Alexander Yakovlevich was born in the family of medical students in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Young parents were difficult to combine the upbringing of the Son with a career, so the care of her grandmother took care of her little sachet. The boy has always been fond of music and singing, so as soon as he turned five years old, the young artist was sent to a music school, and he studied the game on piano and violin.

Alexandra, since childhood, was interested in a guitar, but he was able to master this tool only in adolescence. At the same time, Bard began writing his first poems. In the senior classes, Rosenbaum was carried away by boxing, and reached a lot of success in this hobby. By graduation, he had already received the title of Master of Sport, and if desired, he could make a stunning career.

But the artist's parents insisted on the continuation of the family tradition, so Alexander entered the medical faculty.

First successes

The student years of the performer fell on the sixties, and at that time a lot of different groups and VIA were created. Rosenbaum, being a talented young man, of course, got into one of these ensembles. "Argonauts", namely, this team is spent, quickly became popular in Leningrad, and there is a huge merit of soloist, guitarist and the author of songs - Alexander Rosenbauma. The ensemble gave concerts on the most famous and fashionable dance floorings, and his songs became all famous hits.

At the beginning of the seventies, Alexander leaves the team and begins to engage in solo career. At the same time, he graduated from the institute, although he was waiting for "small trouble." The fact is that the artist by chance was expelled, but did not take into the army because of poor vision. The following year, Bard recovered and continued his studies, and in 1974 he graduated from the institute with a red diploma. By specialty Alexander - anesthesiologist and resuscitation.

In the future, in the future, Rosenbaumu had to be broken between the work of the doctor and the pop. This time, the performer considers it a difficult period of his life, because he was the road of medicine, and at the same time, he did not imagine life without music.

All-Union popularity

At the beginning of the eighties of the last century, "thickening" songs began to be enjoyed. Bard wrote several albums in this genre, who diverged "like pies" throughout the union. With this subject, the artist performed in closed clubs while he had no problems with the authorities.

Alexander realized that with such a repertoire he would not be able to reach a large stage, and therefore he created a cycle of new compositions that radically different from the previous ones. Now it was songs about friendship and betrayal, patriotism, war and love. His songs became insanely popular and Alexander toured throughout the country. In addition, many of his compositions were dedicated to combat actions in Afghanistan, and Bard did not attend this country to support Soviet soldiers.

Personal life

With the first spouse Alexander met in the first year of the institute. Young people skidded the novel, and literally after a couple of months they decided to get married. A spelling marriage ended in the same way quickly, and the newlyweds divorced after 9 months. Alexander walked for a long time, and the next year registered his relationship with another student of his institute - Elena Savshinsky. This girl became a companion of the performer's life. In the 76th pair, the only daughter of Anna appeared.

There were a lot of takeoffs and falls in the life of Bard. He had to survive the protracted period of alcohol dependence. This hobby almost worth the life of the artist. But Alexander found strength and coped with this problem, and since then does not use alcohol.

How old is Rosenbaumu now? Recently, the artist celebrated his 65th anniversary. To date, Bard has become a grandfather already 4 times. Alexander remains a popular performer and gives many solo concerts both in our country and abroad.

On Tuesday, September 13, the famous Russian singer and composer notes his birthday Alexander Rosenbaum. The people's artist turned 65 years old.

AiF.Ru leads the biography of the popular bard.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad in the family of student classmates from the 1st Medical Institute, Yakova Schmarievich Rosenbauma and Sofia Semenovna Milyaeva.

Alexander began to make music from five years old. He graduated from school on the street of the uprising - School No. 209, the former Pavlovsky Institute of Noble Maiden, his parents studied here, then a daughter. In 9-10 classes studied at school No. 351 with an in-depth study of French at Vitebsk Prospect 57.

Alexander Rosenbaum in childhood. Photo:

Graduated from music school number 18 in the class of piano and violin first under the guidance Larisa Yanovna Ioffeand then - a talented teacher Mary Alexandrovna Glushko. Her grandmother's grandmother was a famous guitarist Mikhail Alexandrovich Mininwho learned the Azam, the game on the guitar he studied himself, participated in amateur time, then graduated from the evening musical school in the class of arrangements. He played for friends, playing at home, played in the yard. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, he "on stage from five years old."

I went to figure skating, in 12 years I switched to the "Labor reserves" box.

In 1968-1974 he studied at the First Medical Institute in Leningrad.

By chance he was excluded from the institute, but they did not take into the army because of poor vision. Rosenbaum went to work in the hospital. A year later, Rosenbaum recovered at the institute and finished his education.

In 1974, having passed on excellent state exams, Alexander received a general medical-therapist diploma. His specialization is anesthesiology and resuscitation. I went to work in an ambulance driver, on the first substation located on the street of Professor Popova, 16b, near the native institute.

Engaged in the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov. Songs began to write since 1968 at the Institute for Capups, Student performances, vocal instrumental ensembles and rock bands. In 1980 he went to professional stage. He played in various groups.

He performed as part of groups and ensembles: "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six young", "Pulse" (under the pseudonym of Ayarov - from "A. Ya. Rosenbaum").

Alexander Rosenbaum, 1989. Photo:

In 2003, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the Party "United Russia". Stayed in office until 2005.

Vice-President and Artistic Director of the Concert Department of the Society "Great City".

Chairman of the Council of the Foundation for the Development of the Historical Heritage "Kronstadt". "The restoration of the Marine Cathedral of Kronstadt and the return of his people to serve the idea for which he was created is to be the main maritime temple of the country - according to the Chairman of the Council of the Foundation of Alexander Rosenbaum, is the" holy task "."

June 28, 2005 Signed a letter to 50 representatives of the public in support of the sentence to the former leaders of Yukos.

Signed at the number of 42 famous St. Petersburgers an open letter to President Dmitry Medvedev in support of the construction of the "Okhta Center".

In 2011 (March 26), the participant of the annual National Prize "Chanson of the Year" in the Big Kremlin Palace.

Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

In 2014, he took part in the voicing of the Ukrainian documentary film "The Mystery of the Korolev battalion" dedicated to the death of the 1st battalion of the 682th motorized rifle shelf of the 108th motorized rifle division of the USSR Armed Forces in April 1984, during the Afghan war. In this film, Rosenbaum performed as a reference text and the executor of the final song "Caravan".


Rosenbaum as a poet and musician

Alexander Rosenbaum - Composer, author of his own songs. Many of his early songs belong to the genre of the Blessed Song, and their hero is the classic image of the Odessa Schedule of the time of Nap. This image was compiled based on "Odessa Story" Isaac Babel. A number of his early songs are also associated with the work of the doctor.

Also, his work is characterized by interest in the history of Russia of the post-revolutionary years of the 20th century ("Romance General Charnot"), Gypsy topics (for example, "Song of the horse of Gypsy blood", "Ah, if possible ...") and Cossacks ("Cossack", " Kuban Cossack "," On Don, on Don ").

There is among his songs and philosophical lyrics ("Target Fate"). No side and military topics in which most songs are connected with the Great Patriotic War ("I often wake up in silence," "War,", Dae, and on the war ... ", etc.), marine subjects (" 38 knots " , "The song of the Old Mortgies"). A special part of creativity is devoted to the war in Afghanistan ("Monologue of the Pilot of the Black Tulip", "Caravan", "The Road in Long in Life"). The singer was often in the locations of the Soviet military units, speaking with concerts in Afghanistan. In 1986, the Ministry of Defense Ministry of Defense of the USSR, the song "In the Mountains of Afghani", was mounted in the film "The Pain and Hope of Afghanistan" to the Chronicles of Combat - in fact, the first clip was created for the songs of the performer.

For individual exceptions, Alexander Rosenbaum writes their songs almost exclusively for Russian seven-string (it plays in a strictly crated guitar without a fifth string, such a system is called Open G) guitar. Among the exceptions it is worth noting joint concerts along with brothers Pearl). The characteristic feature of Rosenbaum's speeches is a spectacular game on the twelve-tore guitar, be sure to use paired metal strings that give the tool bright, whenestically saturated sound. It uses several varieties of guitar battle, while using the mediator. Rosenbaum verses are replete with a specific vocabulary (technical, hunting, military, prison, etc.). After the collapse of the USSR, Jewish, Israeli motifs appeared in the works of Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum has a strong courageous voice of baritoneal nature.

All-Union popularity in the late 1980s received the song "Waltz-Boston" with an original melody and complex harmony, abundant by an alterated sober. This song was performed by both the author himself and many vocalists, there are numerous instrumental processing.

In the form of the work of Rosenbaum close to the genre of the Bardov song. However, while the Bardov song in Soviet years was antercilence, Pariya Estrada, spreading only on tape recorders of handicraft manufacturers, Rosenbaum enjoyed official recognition and concerted as the artist Lenconcert long before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the abolition of censorship. In the Anthology "Author's Song" (compiler Dmitry Sukharev) his name is not mentioned.


A family

The first marriage lasted only 9 months. Second wife (since 1975) - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya - Cauchersnitsa, X-ray physician Skvortsov-Stepanov Hospital.

Daughter - Anna Savshinskaya(born October 20, 1976) - a philologist and a professional translator, married a citizen of Israel - Tiberioo Chucky.

Grandson - David Chucky Rosenbaum (Rod. December 1999), lives in St. Petersburg.

Grandson - Alexander Niki Chucki Rosenbaum (born February 2005).

Grandson - Daniel (born February 2014).

Grandson - Andrew (born February 2014).


Co-owner of the network of beer "Fat Frare" of St. Petersburg.


  1. "Home concert" (1981)
  2. "Memory Arcadia North" (April 1982) (together with pearl brothers)
  3. "Dedication to dedication" (1983)
  4. "New songs" (November 1983) (together with pearl brothers)
  5. "Concert in Vorkuta" (1984)
  6. "Epitaph" (1986)
  7. "My yards" (1986)
  8. "Draw me a house" (1987)
  9. "Long road" (1987)
  10. "Concert on Lomo" (1987)
  11. "New York Concert" (1987)
  12. "Cossack songs" (1988)
  13. "Anathema" (1988)
  14. "Gop Stop" (1993)
  15. "Nostalgia" (1994)
  16. "Hot Ten" (1994)
  17. "Sliding schizophrenia" (September 1994)
  18. Pink Pearls (August - November 1995) (together with pearl brothers)
  19. "On Love Plants" (March - May 1996)
  20. "Birthday Concert" (October 4, 1996)
  21. "Return to Argo" (February 1997)
  22. "July Heat" (November 1997)
  23. "Trans-Siberian Magistral" (November 1999)
  24. "Real Soldier" (April 2001)
  25. "Old guitar" (2001)
  26. "Strange Life" (2003)
  27. "I see the light" (July - August 2005)
  28. "Travel" (2007)
  29. "Blunt Poet Dream" (February 2009)
  30. "Shirt Naraspil" (May - June 2010)
  31. "Shores of pure fraternity" (July 2011) (together with Gregory Leps)
  32. "Metaphysics" (Record 2014-2015; Release December 11, 2015)

Acting work

  • 1985 - Start first - Kameo
  • 1987 - two hours with bards
  • 1991 - Afghan Fravel - Kameo
  • 1991 - Escape to the Edge of Light
  • 1991 - Insomnia
  • 1992 - To survive - Jafar (dubbing - Viktor Proskurin)
  • 2005 - not bread united - Rostislav Petrovich
  • 2008 - Side Step - Georgy Shakhov.
  • 2011 - the best summer of our life - Kameo

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum - a sign figure of the Russian show business, in the post-Soviet period was marked by fans as the author and performer of many songs of the thyough genre, now the most famous as a bard. Music and lyrics writes and executes himself.

Briefly about the most important from the biography of Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum will be tamed in the article.


A brief biography of Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum we will start from the very beginning. He was born in 1951 in the Soviet Leningrad. Leningrad, and now St. Petersburg, is often the main character in the songs of Alexander Rosenbaum.

Mom and dad singer met at school, and then studied at the same medical institute. Being still students, they got married. Alexander Yakovlevich was also born during the time of the student of his parents. Institute Yakov Schmarievich and Sophia Semenovna Rosenbauma finished only a year after the birth of the first son.

After graduation, they along with little Sasha left to live in a small Kazakhstan city. Yakov worked as a urologist, then became the head physician of the local hospital, Sophia worked by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The second son of Rosenbaumov appeared in Zyryanovsk - Vladimir.

A little later, after the birth of the second child, Rosenbauma returned to their native Petersburg. At about five years old (as he later, he himself said that he had been working on stage from 5 years) Alexander Rosenbaum began to be interested in music. The singer was studied at school No. 209, in which both his parents were learned earlier, and then the same school graduated from the artist's daughter. In parallel, the poet went to the school of music, there he studied the game on piano and violin. Next door to the grandmother of a young composer lived a famous musician Mikhail Minin, who taught the schoolchildren to Sasha Azam guitar skills. But just a guitar game the musician learned himself. And he entered the evening office in a music school that successfully graduated.

In 1968, Alexander Rosenbaum began studying at a medical university, in the same in which his relatives studied. Memories of that student time at the musician remained the warmest, he and now every year organizes his concerts in his native university. And this is despite the fact that him in a ridiculous chance once kicked out of the institute. True, Rosenbauma was restored to study. Rosenbaum graduated from learning to Alma Mater with honors and became a certified physician. He immediately went to work as a doctor in an ambulance brigade, and in his free time rehearsed in the Jazz School. Back in 1968, he began to write songs for his Medin Institute in the first year. On any holidays and evenings, Rosenbaum texts sounded.

In 1980, Alexander Rosenbaum came to a big stage by a professional and began to play in various groups. But the first solo performance happened in 1983. And since then, the solo career of the artist, which continues so far. The singer lives and works in his native St. Petersburg.

Creative line

Initially, phrase songs prevailed in the Rosenbaum repertoire. Thanks to them, the singer and became a popular solo artist. However, in the eighties, Rosenbaum thought that it was necessary to move on and grow in his own creativity. The songs of Alexander Rosenbauma stopped being cooled and became more lyric. In them, the poet challenged his favorite hometown, raised the topic of his country, spoke of the war, about love, friendship, reasoned about the books read earlier. In the song "Black Tulip" affected the topic of war in Afghanistan, Alexander Rosenbaum participated in combat raids. In those days, the singer constantly satisfied the speeches to military people, as well as before prisoners.

At the beginning of the nineties Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich, whose photo was posted in the article, tried themselves in the acting role. He was given the role of a very influential Mafia member in the film "To survive." The film became famous and received many prestigious cinematic awards.

The midst of the nineties was marked for the artist great creative lines - he began to give concerts abroad, his songs now very often performed Mikhail Shufutinsky. At the same time, in the hands of Alexander Yakovlevich, his first statuette of the "Golden Gramophone" was popular for the cult composition "AU".

In 2002, one of Rosenbaum's songs, namely, "the head of the crown", became the soundtrack of the popular series "Brigade". The multi-sieuled project, which gained mad success in the audience, became another jerk for Rosenbaum.

The last album of Alexander Rosenbaum is at the moment - this is "metaphysics" 2015. But the energetic author tirelessly continues to give concerts and promises to release not yet one album.

Most often, Rosenbaum in his hands on speeches can notice a six-stronal or guitar also becomes the heroine of the poet songs. Rosenbaum guitar game style is special, rich, thanks to the use of paired strings.

Rosenbaum very rarely shoots clips to their songs. Most often on the Internet, you can only meet high-quality entries or excerpts of performances. Therefore, for fans, it became a pleasant surprise of his recent video "Evening Tolenna". Alexander Rosenbaum recorded a song together with Gregory Leps and Joseph Kobzon. This is not the only fruit of their joint cooperation. Alexander Rosenbaum and also recorded a whole album together. All songs entered into it were written by Rosenbaum themselves.

At the moment, the singer's discography has 32 collection of songs. The most hot loved for students to this day are the albums of Alexander Rosenbaum: "Memory of Arcadia North" (1982), "Gop Stop" (1993), "Trans-Siberian Magistral" (1999), "I see the light" (2005). The best fans call the most common songs "Duck Hunting", "AU", "Gop Stop", "Waltz Boston", "Foal", "Marusya" and many others.

Petersburg in Rosenbaum's songs

Alexander Rosenbaum became the personification of St. Petersburg for many of its admirers. The fans of his creativity, according to their own admission, visited Petersburg only in order to look at him with the eyes of a beloved poet. The artist is part of the city on the Neva, but St. Petersburg is part of Alexander Yakovlevich himself. The image of the city in verses Rosenbaum is intertwined with the image of his soul. Leningrad brought up him, formed the person of the poet.

Quiet streets of the city, yards and windows, rivers, canals, monuments, neva, granite, bridges, architecture - all this gell by artist. Each line about the rainy city is enveloped by the children's memories of Rosenbaum. That is why he never leaves his native Peter for a long time. The author often sings that he wants to make his city even better. Alexander Rosenbaum wants for many years to walk along the Neva streets and reflect on his life and life of the native country.

Death Brother

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was always very close to his younger brother. Words about the brother are often audible in the songs of the poet. They both learned once for doctors, like their parents. Brothers Rosenbauma have always been very close. They both worked in ambulance with doctors, but the eldest one decided to become a singer at the age of thirty, but the youngest continued to work in the profession until the last day.

According to the artist, he still considers Brother's death with one of the most difficult shocks in his life. Vladimir Rosenbaum died of severe illness at the age of forty nine years. Until the last moment, Alexander hoped that the doctors would be able to save him. However, death suddenly came, after one and a half months of the unreacted combination of cirrhosis, Vladimir did not become. Rosenbaum said that he had lost a ten kilogram after his brother's death. And the point is not that Alexander did not eat, just nerves took their own. The singer frank himself, which still communicates with his own echo on the phone, as if with Vladimir. He said that their votes are similar, and with a bad telephone connection, when Alexander hears the echo of his voice, he represents the voice of the younger brother. The most famous song that Senior Rosenbaum dedicated to Vladimir, - My Brother.


Often, when Rosenbaum's houses took an interview, the parents of the singer appeared in the frame. Yakov and Sophia willingly talked about their own youth, their family, childhood Sasha. Rosenbaum his parents loved and always with pleasure gave them the word in the frame. According to him, the love of parents to each other always served as an artist's example of a strong family. Images of father and mother often appear in his songs. Rosenbaum's father was a member of the Great Patriotic War. He became the most real hero: Savior Life 28 people after the battle, putting them from the field and providing the necessary medical assistance in 1943. In 1945, 39 people again saved from death and again carried them under machine-gun fire.

After the death of the younger brother, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum thought that fate would be easily for her parents. They survived a lot of difficulties, including moving to Kazakhstan in student years with a one-year-old child in their arms, the loss of a forty-year-old son. But in 2009, Sophia Rosenbaum was not. Yakov Schmarievich heavier experienced the death of the spouse. In 2018, the father of the artist was not. However, now Alexander Rosenbaum, who lost his brother, and parents, belongs to the death of philosophically. He said in one of the interviews that we all arrive in this world as guests and leave, passing for a short time.

Wife and daughter

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, who loves his spouse very much, never hid that he was already married once before the wedding. He was 19 years old, and his first spouse was 24 years old when they got married. However, the difference at the age did its job. Sasha's parents were against their relationship, and 9 months after the wedding, Alexander himself realized that all this was a big mistake. They've divorced. And soon after that, Rosenbaum married the second time on his classmate Elena. Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum dedicated a lot of songs to his wife. Love and lyrics in his songs is unshageedly connected with his family, with his beloved woman Elena. She dedicates not only songs, but also just poems. As he himself admits, he feels her support every day, she helped him overcome all life tests, he always inspired him in creative terms. When he decided to leave a well-coherent doctor's doctor and risked to become a singer, Elena supported him and did not say a word against. She herself works until now by the doctor. Alexander and Elena have the only daughter, Anna, who works as a linguist translator. Anna presented Rosenbaumu with his wife already four grandchildren.

Rosenbaum dogs

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum's passion was always dogs. It started since childhood. Rosenbaum admits that when he was a child, wanted to become a zoologist or the head of the zoo.

He considers them the same equal creatures as people. Rosenbaum often talks about the fact that with her favorite bull terrier varnishes they were best friends. Moreover, all 14 years of life lacquer they slept literally on the same bed. Fight dogs liked Rosenbaumu always. The singer denies that they are dangerous. He believes that representatives of such rocks may be evil, only if they raised a bad man.

Lucky brought for Rosenbaum from German breeders. The dog always very much for the poet when Rosenbaum was in departures. The singer dedicated a loved dog song. Once the dog got involved in a fight, and when Rosenbaum began to distribute dogs, his favorite was bitten by the artist. But Rosenbaum was not offended, he calmly admitted that he did wrong, intervening in the dog's disassembly. In the road, Rosenbaum loved to talk with a dog by phone. The death of a pet singer was hard, dug up the grave, put the tree there, dedicated the song - "Laki". And even his named "Bull Terrier". On the guitar belt on the performances of the artist, an embroidered white dog is visible - this is varnishes. And on one of the guitars there is even a photo of the bull terrier.

Now the artist lives Bulldog Don. Rosenbaum spends a lot of time with his dog and says that he also has also become a close friend for him and a constant companion for walks in the bay. The poet family calls Psa Don Alexandrovich and considers him another child Rosenbaum.

The singer dreams that in deep old age he himself will build a wooden house from oak, a stable with horses and will lead no less than six dogs. He loves Rosenbaum and horses, it is worth remembering at least his cult song "Feline". But the horse starts in the near future because of tour and concerts, says that horse is a big responsibility.

House of Alexandra Rosenbauma

Rosenbaum lives in a two-story apartment on Vasilyevsky Island. His apartment does not differ as glamor. The singer does not like Podatage and does not consider it necessary to chase the fashion or useless things in the interior of the house. It only has a room-a room in which you can find a variety of collections, one way or another related to the maritime subject. The artist says that he has no summer cottage, because he is too tied to the city and cannot leave St. Petersburg for a long time.

Hobbies singer

Alexander Rosenbaum loves sports. He has been fond of boxing since childhood, but now it does not have the opportunity to give him more time. And yet Rosenbaum did a sport an integral part of his life. He even became president of one of St. Petersburg basketball clubs.

He loves the singer and hunt, his dog always takes with him. The hunt is devoted to many of the songs of Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, for example, the most famous - "duck hunting".

The singer collects guitars - they have them near the damn dozen.

Among the kindergarters and just dog lovers who may not even be fans of the creativity of Alexander Rosenbaum, has become a very popular song about the deceased PsE Rosenbauma - "Lucky".

Rosenbaum asked himself a passport of a new sample with number 13. The singer considers damn a dozen happy for himself.

The artist was from 2003 to 2005. Member of the Party "United Russia".

Alexander Rosenbaum now

Now the singer continues to actively tour, gives many concerts. But now she is trying to spend more time with his family. Most recently, his father died, and Rosenbaum stoically transferred another tragedy in his life. He admits that he wants to spend more time with his grandchildren, because they grow too rapidly and need a grandfather.