Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Mystery Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Mystery Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Mystery Mona Lisa

"From a medical point of view, it is not clear how this woman lived at all."

Her mysterious smile fascinates. Some see the divine beauty in it, others - secret signs, third - challenge standards and society. But everyone converge in one - it has something mysterious and attractive. Of course, about Monet Lisa is the favorite creation of the great Leonardo. Portrait with rich mythology. What is the secret of Joconda? Versions - countless. We chose the top ten most crowd and intriguing.

Today, this picture of 77x53 cm in size is stored in the Louvre behind the thick bulletproof glass. An image made on a poplar board is covered by a cracker grid. It survived a number of not very successful restorations and was noticeably darkened in five centuries. However, the older the picture becomes, the more people attract: Louvre visits 8-9 million people annually.

Yes, and Leonardo himself did not want to part with Mona Liza, and perhaps this is the first case in history, when the author did not give the customer a job, despite the fact that he took the fee. The first winner of the painting - after the author - the King of France Francis I was also delighted with the portrait. He bought it at Da Vinci for incredible money at that time, 4,000 gold coins and placed in Font Blo.

Napoleon was also fascinated by the Mrs. Liza (so he called Jocona) and moved her to his rest to the Palace of Tuileries. And in 1911, Italian Vincenzo Perugia in 1911, drove the masterpiece from the Louvre, took himself to his homeland and had been hiding two years old, until he was detained when he was trying to transfer the picture to the director of the Uffizi Gallery ... In short, at all times the portrait of the Florentine lady attracted, hypnotized, delighted. ..

What is the secret of her attractiveness?

Version # 1: Classical

We find the first mention of Monet Lisa with the author of the famous "Besties" George Vazari. From his work, we learn that Leonardo took the portrait of Mona Lisa for Francesco del Jocondo for Francesco, his wife, and, having traced four years over him, left him an incrofulbye. "

The writer is delighted with the skill of the artist, his ability to show "the smallest details that can transmit the subtlety of painting", and most importantly, a smile that "is given so pleasant that it seems that it seems to be more likely to the Divine rather than a human being." The secret of her charm of the historian of art explains that "during the Scripture of Portrait he (Leonardo) held people who played on Lira or sang, and there were constantly jesters who supported the fun and removed melancholy in it, which is usually reported by portrait." There is no dispute: Leonardo is an unsurpassed master, and the crown of his skill is this divine portrait. In the image of his heroine, there is a duality inherent in life: modesty poses is combined with a bold smile, which becomes a kind of challenge to society, canons, art ...

But are you really before us by the wife of a silk Francesco Del Jokondo, the last name of which became the second name of this mysterious lady? Is it true a story about musicians who created the desired mood of our heroine? Skeptics challenged all this, referring to the fact that Vazari was an 8-year-old boy when Leonardo died. He could not personally know the artist or his model, so outlined only the information given by anonymous author of the first biography of Leonardo. Meanwhile, the writer and in other lives there are controversial places. Take at least a history with a broken Nose Michelangelo. Vasari writes that the Pietro Torridzhani hit a classmate because of starting to his talent, and Benvenuto Chellyn explains the injury to his climbing and arrogance: copying the frescoes of Mazacho, in the lesson he ridled every image for which he got into his nose from Torridzhani. In favor of the Chelney version, there is a complex character of Buonaroti, which legends went.

Version No. 2: Mother Chinese

Really existed. Italian archaeologists even argue that they found her grave in the monastery of Saint Ursula in Florence. But is she in the picture? A number of researchers argue that Leonardo wrote a portrait from several models, because when he refused to give a picture to the tissue merchant Jocondo, she remained unfinished. Master all his life improved his work, adding features and other simulators - thereby got a collective portrait of an ideal woman of his era.

Italian scientist Angelo went on Pratically. He is sure that Mona Lisa is Leonardo's mother, which was actually ... China. The researcher spent 20 years in the east, studying the connection of local traditions with the Italian Renaissance, and found documents testifying that the father of Leonardo, Notarus Piero had a rich client, and that he was a slave that he brought from China. Her name was Katerina - she became the mother of the genius of the Renaissance. It is the fact that in the veins Leonardo flowed oriental blood, the researcher explains the famous "Handwriting of Leonardo" - the ability of the master to write to the right left (thus recorded records in his diaries). I saw a researcher and oriental features in the face of the model, and in the landscape behind her back. Parastiko proposes to hold the exhumation of Leonardo remains and analyzing its DNA to confirm its theory.

The official version says that Leonardo was the son of Notary Piero and the "local peasantry" of Katerina. He could not marry faded, and picked up a girl from a notable family with dowry, but she turned out to be fruitless. Katerina brought up a child for the first few years of his life, and then his father took his son to his house. About Mother Leonardo is almost nothing known. But, indeed, there is an opinion that the artist separated from the mother in early childhood, all his life tried to recreate the image and smile of the mother in his paintings. Such an assumption expressed Sigmund Freud in the book "Childhood memories. Leonardo da Vinci "and it gained many supporters among art historians.

Version # 3: Mona Lisa - man

Spectators often note that in the image of Mona Lisa, despite all the tenderness and modesty, there is some kind of masculinity, and the face of the young model, almost devoid of eyebrows and eyelashes, seems to be a boyish. The famous researcher Mona Lisa Sylvano Vincheni believes that it is not good. He is sure that Leonardo posed ... A young man in a female dress. And this is not someone else, like Salay - a student da Vinci, written by him in the paintings "John the Baptist" and "Angel in the flesh", where the young man is endowed with the same smile as the Mona Lisa. This conclusion of the art historian, however, did not only because of the external similarity of the models, and after studying photographs in high resolution, which allowed to see Vincons in the eyes of the model L and S - the first letters of the author's names of the picture and the young people depicted on it, .

"John Baptist" Leonardo da Vinci (Louvre)

In favor of this version, they speak a special relationship - there were still vazari - models and artists hinted on them, which may have connected Leonardo and Salay. Yes Vinci was not married and did not have children. At the same time, there is a donom document, where Anonymous accuses the artist in Sodomy on some 17-year-old Junior Jacopo Saltarlelli.

Leonardo had several students, with some of them he was more than close, approves a number of researchers. Leonardo homosexuality argues Freud, which reinforces such a version of psychiatric analysis of the biography and a diary of the Renaissance. Notes Yes Vinci about Salay are also considered as the argument "for". There is even a version that Da Vinci left the portrait of Salay (as the picture is mentioned in the testament of the masters's student), and already from him the picture came to Francis I.

By the way, the same Silvano Vincheni put forward another assumption: as if a kind of woman was depicted in the picture of Sforza, at the courtyard of which in Milan Leonardo worked as an architect and engineer in 1482-1499. Such a version appeared after the Winches saw on the turnover of the canvas numbers 149. This, according to the researcher, the date of writing the picture, only the last figure erased. Traditionally, it is believed that the master began to write Jocondu in 1503.

However, there are a lot of other candidates for the title of Mona Lisa, who compete with Salay: This Isabella Gualandi, Ginevra Benchi, Constanta D "Avalos, a libertine Katerina Sforza, a certain secret mistress Lorenzo Medici and even Leonardo's cormalitsa.

Version No. 4: Jocona is Leonardo

Another unexpected theory, which was still hinting Freud, found confirmation in American studies Lilian Schwartz. Mona Lisa is a self-portrait, I am sure Lilian. The artist and consultant on the schedule of the School of Visual Arts in New York in the 1980s compared the famous "Turin Self-portrait" already quite a meal artist and the portrait of Mona Lisa and found that the proportions of persons (the shape of the head, the distance between the eyes, the forehead height) is the same.

And in 2009, Lilian, a couple with an amateur historian Lynn Picnett presented to the public another incredible sensation: she claims that the Turin Cloak is nothing more than a leonardo face imprint, made using silver sulfate on the principle of the chamber-obscura.

However, not many supported Lilian in its research - these theories are not among the most popular, in contrast to the following assumption.

Version No. 5: Masterpiece with Down Syndrome

Joconda suffered from Daun's disease - the English photographer Leo Vala came to this conclusion in the 1970s after the method came up with the "turn" to the Mona Lisa to the profile.

At the same time, the Danish doctor Finn Becker Christianson put his diagnosis to Joconda: congenital paralysis. Asymmetric smile, in his opinion, speaks about the deviations in the psyche right up to idiocy.

In 1991, the French sculptor Alain Roche decided to embody Monu Lisa in marble, he did not come out. It turned out that from a physiological point of view, everything in the model is incorrectly: both face, and hands, and shoulders. Then the sculptor appealed to the physiologist, Professor Henri Guppo, and he attracted a specialist in the microsurgery of the hands of Jean-Jacques Conte. Together they came to the conclusion that the right hand of a mysterious woman does not relieve on the left, because it may be shorter and could be susceptible to cramps. Conclusion: The right half of the body of the model is paralyzed, and, therefore, a mysterious smile is also only a cramp.

A complete "medapant" of Joconda gathered Gynecologist Julio Cruz and Hermita in his book "View on Jocona's eyes with the eyes of a doctor." As a result, it turned out so terrible picture that it is not clear how this woman lived at all. According to the versions of different researchers, she suffered from alopecia (hair loss), a high level of cholesterol in the blood, the exposure of the neck of the teeth, their loosening and falling out and even alcoholism. She had Parkinson's disease, lipoma (benign fat tumor on his right hand), squint, cataract and heterochromia iris (different eye color) and asthma.

However, who said that Leonardo was anatomically accurate - suddenly the secret of genius just in this imbalance?

Version No. 6: Children under the Head

There is another polar "medical" version - pregnancy. American gynecologist Kenneth D. Kil is sure that Mona Lisa crossed his hands on the belly reflexively trying to protect her while not born baby. The probability is great, because Lisa Gerardini had five children (firstborn, by the way, called Piero). A hint of the legitimacy of this version can be found in the portrait name: Ritratto di Monna Lisa del Giocondo (Ial.) - "Portrait of Mrs. Liza Jocondo." Monna is a reduction from Ma Donna - Madonna, Mother of God (although also means "my mistress", lady). Art historians often explain the genius of the picture just the fact that it depicts the earthly woman in the image of the Mother of God.

Version No. 7: Iconographic

However, the theory that Mona Lisa is an icon where the place of God's mothers took the earthly woman, and in itself. Therefore, the genius of the work and therefore it became a symbol of the beginning of a new era in art. Previously, art served churches, power and nobility. Leonardo proves that the artist is above all this, which is valuable to the entire creative intent of the master. And the great idea is to show the duality of the world, and the means for this is the image of Mona Lisa, in which divine and earthly beauty is combined.

Version No. 8: Leonardo - Creator 3D

The combination is achieved with the help of a special technique invented by Leonardo - Sphumato (with Ital. - "disappearing as smoke"). It is this picturesque technique, when the paints are applied by a layer behind the layer, and allowed Leonardo to create an air perspective in the picture. These layers artist inflicted countless, and each was almost transparent. Due to this, the light is different in different ways and dissipates on the canvas - depending on the angle of view and the angle of falling light. Therefore, the expression of the face model is constantly changing.

Come to the conclusion researchers. Another technical breakthrough of the genius, which foresaw and tried to implement a variety of inventions, embodied centuries later (aircraft, tank, diving suit, etc.). This is evidenced by the portrait version stored in the Madrid Prado Museum, written whether Da Vinci himself, or his student. It depicts the same model - only the angle is shifted by 69 cm. Thus, experts believed, it was to search for the desired image point, which will give the effect of 3D.

Version No. 9: Secret Signs

Secret signs are the favorite theme of Mona Lisa researchers. Leonardo is not just an artist, he is an engineer, inventor, a scientist, writer, and certainly encrypted some universal secrets in his best picturesque creation. The smallest and incredible version sounded in the book, and then the movie "Da Vinci". This is, of course, an artistic romance. Nevertheless, researchers constantly build no less fantastic assumptions based on some symbols found in the picture.

Many assumptions are due to the fact that under the image of Mona Lisa is hidden another one. For example, the figure of the angel, or the pen in the hands of the model. There is also a curious version of Valery Chudinova, who discovered the words of Yara Mara in Monet Lisa - the name of the Russian pagan goddess.

Version No. 10: Cropped Landscape

Many versions are connected and scenery, against which Mona Lisa is depicted. Researcher Igor Ladov found cycles in it: it seems it is worth holding several lines to connect the edges of the landscape. Little literally couples of centimeters so that everything comes to. But after all, on the version of the picture from the Prado Museum there are columns that apparently were in the original. No one knows who chopped the picture. If you return them, the image is folded into a cyclic landscape, which symbolizes that human life (in the global sense) is enchanted as everything in nature ...

It seems that versions of the simplicity of the secrets of Mona Lisa as much as people trying to explore the masterpiece. The place was found to everything: from admiration for unearthly beauty - before the recognition of full pathology. Everyone finds something in Jocond and, perhaps, it was in this that the multidimensionality was manifested and the meaning of the canvas, which gives everyone the opportunity to include its fantasy. Meanwhile, the mystery of Mona Lisa remains the property of this mysterious lady, with a slight smile on the mouth ...

Portrait of Mrs. Lisa Del Jocondo (Ritratto Di Monna Lisa del Giocondo) was written by Leonardo da Vinci around 1503-1519. It is believed that this is a portrait of Liza Gerardini, Francesco's wife del Jokondo - a merchant fled from Florence. Del Giocondo translated from Italian sounds like a fun or playing. According to the Scriptures of the biographer Georgeo Vazari, Leonardo da Vinci wrote this portrait of 4 years, but it was not unfinished (however, modern investigated that the work was completely finished and even carefully brought to the end). The portrait is made on a poplar board with dimensions of 76.8 × 53 cm. Currently hangs in the Paris Museum of the Louvre.

Mona Lisa or Dzhokonda - the Liberty of the Great Artist will be the most mysterious piece of painting today. There are so many mysteries and secrets with him that even the most experienced art historians sometimes do not know what is actually painted in this picture. Who is Joconda, what goals pursued da Vinci when created this canvas? If you believe all the same biographers, Leonardo, at the time when it painted this picture kept around myself various musicians and jesters that entertained the model and created a special atmosphere, so the canvas turned out so refined and unlike all other creations of this author.

One of the riddles is that under ultraviolet and infrared radiation, this picture looks completely different. The initial mona Lisa, which was dug up under the layer of paints with the help of a special chamber, was different from the one that the visitors are now seeing in the museum. She was a wider, a more dipped smile and other eyes.

Another secret is that mona Lisa has no eyebrows and eyelashes. There is an assumption that the majority of women looked in the Renaissance Epoch and this was a tribute to the fashion of that time. Women 15-16 centuries got rid of any vegetation on the face. Others argue that eyebrows and eyelashes were actually actually, but over time. Someone researcher Cott, who studies and thoroughly researching this work of the Great Master, which brought a lot of myths at the expense of Jokunda. For example, once got a question about the hand of Mona Lisa. From the side, even inexperienced Gaza shows that the hand is bent very bizarre. However, Cott discovered on his hand the smooth covers of the capes, the colors of which over time were blocked and began to seem that this hand herself has a strange unnatural form. Thus, it is safe to say that Joconda during her writing was very different from the one that we see now. Time mercilessly distorted the picture to such an extent that many are still looking for such secrets of the Jocona, which there are simply no.

Interesting and the fact that having drawn the portrait of Mona Lisa, da Vinci kept him with him, and then he moved to the collection of French king Francis I. Why, after having completed work, the artist did not give it to the customer, remains unknown. In addition, at different times there were various assumptions about whether Mono Lisa is correctly considered to be Lisa - Lisa Del Jocondo. In her role, such women as follows: Katerina Sforza - the daughter of the Milan Duke; Isabella Aragonsky, Duchess Milan; Churchille Gallerani she is a lady with mountainous; Constanta d'avalos, which also called the fun or La Gioconda; Pacifici Brandano Mistress Juliano Medici; Isabel Halada; Young man in the female robe; Self portrait Leonardo da Vinci. In the end, many are inclined to the version that the artist simply portrayed the image of an ideal woman, which is what is in his opinion. As you can see, there are a lot of assumptions and they all have the right to life. And yet, the researchers are almost 100% confident that Mona Lisa is Lisa Del Jokondo, as they found a record of one Florentine official who wrote: "Now, Da Vinci works over three paintings, one of which is the portrait of Lisa Gerardini."

The greatness of the picture, which is transmitted to the viewer, is the result also the fact that at first the artist painted the landscape and on top of him the model itself. As a result (it was so conceived or happened by chance, unknown) The figure of Jocond was very close to the viewer, which emphasizes its meaningfulness. There is also an existing contrast between the delicate bends and flowers of women and the bizarre scenery behind, as if fabulous, spiritualized, with an inherent Sphumato master. Thus, he combined the reality and a fairy tale, reality and a dream to one thing, which creates an incredible feeling of everyone who looks at the canvas. By the time of writing this picture, Leonardo da Vinci reached such skill, which created a masterpiece. The picture acts as hypnosis, elusive to the eyes of the secrets of painting, mysterious transitions from light to the shade attracting demonicance smile, act per person as a glance at the rabbit.

The secret of Joconds is associated in the exact mathematical calculation of Leonardo, which by then developed the secret of the formula of painting. With this formula and accurate mathematical calculations, a terrifying work came out of the masters brushes. The power of its charm is comparable to alive and animated, and not drawn on the board. There is such a feeling that the artist drew the Jocona in an instant, as if she had climbing the camera, and did not draw it for 4 years. In an instant, he caught her crammed look, a mumbling smile, one only movement that was embodied in the picture. As it managed to solve the great mastera of painting, it was not destined to solve and remain a secret forever.

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Everyone has their own riddles, and art has not exceeded. One of the unsolved secrets is a picture of Joconda (Mon Lisa) Leonardo da Vinci.

Around her numerous discussions relative to beauty and smile character character. Only in one converge all the audience and critics - the picture produces an amazing and unusual impression. Explanations of a mysterious smile appear very often. There are those who believe that the effect of a flickering smile is associated with the distinguishing features of human vision. Others argue that the smile of a picture of Janne, when the observer looks at any details of the face of a girl, except lips.

Be sure to go to the Louvre, being in Paris, and look at the masterpiece Leonardo da Vinci. However, try not to stay with the picture alone, because with it is connected many strange cases. Some people felt longing, sadness or began to cry after a long viewing of the painting. Although, it is almost impossible to stay with this picture alone today, the hall is usually literally scored by tourists.

Leonardo da Vinci was drafted in Rome Juliano Medici for writing portrait Signora Parchifiki Brandano. She was a widow Spanish nobleman, with a meek and fun character, a good formation and was a decoration of society. For the artist, equipped the workshop. The girl was necessary to save the unchanged facial expression, for the sake of this, during sessions, the music played, the songs were filmed and poems were read.

Portrait wrote long, carefully drawing the smallest detail. Therefore, the girl in the picture looks like a living. Some people had a sense of fear that a monster could arise in the picture or something else. The famous smile fascinates with his mysteriousness, bringing unusual feelings, she calls the viewer. Despite this, the picture is converted in the world more than any other, it is everywhere, including a smartphone wallpaper (there are such for example on

Many argue that a similar smile was at Leonardo himself. It can be noted on the picture of his teacher, where the model served da Vinci. It was because of this that some suggested that Joconda is a self-portrait of the artist in the women's appearance. Computer comparison of the painting with a self-portrait did not refute this assumption. However, despite this, it is too early to argue that this is a truthful version.

The fate of the pachifiks can not be called easy. Marriage was short-term because of the death of her husband, Juliano Medici did not want to take his mistress in his spouse, and the son was poisoned. Soon, the Medici had to marry the calculation, he did not want to upset the bride by the portrait of his mistress, so Leonardo had to change the picture that was already finished.

Pacifici had a tendency to attract men and as if to take their lives. There is an assumption that her nickname was "Joconda". This word is translated as "playing". Signora Paccica left a trace not only on his beloved, but also on the artist, who after writing a portrait became worse. Da Vinci begins to feel strange. His apathy, which was previously not, and fatigue. The hand shakes all stronger and becomes more difficult to work.

After the expiration of the portrait and departure to France, Leonardo created a new palace for the king, but the work was no longer a high level as before. His energy disappeared, Apathy appeared. Then he does not get out of bed with weeks, and the right hand ceases to obey. At the age of 67, the artist dies.

It was originally believed that the girl depicted in the picture is 25-year-old Lisa - the spouse of the Florentine magnate Jocondo. Actually, so the portrait in some albums and reference books had a dual name - "Jocona. Mona Lisa.

A. Venturi in 1925 allowed that the portrait shows Constanta d'Avalos - Lover Juliano Medici. The assumption was based on the poem of the poet of Eno Irpino, but there are no other evidence of the truthfulness of this version.

Only in 1957, K. Pedretti proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bParchifica Brandano. It is considered the most faithful, thanks to the documents and the circumstances described above. There is an opinion that Pacifici was an energy vampire. These are people who have the volume of aura less than that of ordinary people, as a result, they can be the absorbers of the vital energy of their relatives, causing apathy, weakening the body and serious impairment of well-being. That is why the unusual portrait of the Pacific so affects people who are brought to him for a long time.

Do not forget about Leonardo experiments, who wanted his paintings to cause strong emotions. He dreamed of making the viewer to horrify or, on the contrary, to be awesome him. His knowledge in the anatomy, "Sphumato", lighting, the mysterious smile of a woman in the portrait and drawing the smallest details - all this created a living creation.

The destruction of the "smile of Joconda" would be a crime, because there are many paintings in the world that affect the person. You just need to take measures to have these pictures less influenced people. For example, limit the time spent next to them, or to warn visitors.

A mysterious smile is far from the only secret of "Mona Lisa". For many years, art historians could not come to the opinion who was depicted in the picture. Until now, there are several of the most common versions. According to one of them, a woman in the picture - Lisa del Jokondo, the third wife of a rich Florentine dealer Silk Francesco del Jokondo. There are asserting that in 1503, the start date of work on the picture, Leonardo was ordered by the portrait of Mrs. Jokondo.
Jocondo translated from Italian means "carefree".

Others believe that the wife of a silk dealer Da Vinci depicted on the other, which did not reach us a portrait, and the mysterious lady, whose portrait he painted about 4 years, is Isabella Aragon, the spouse of the patron of the artist, the Duke of Milan.

Third argue that the picture is dated wrong. Her time - 1512-1516 and the lady shown on the canvas, - the wife of Juliano Medici, who ruled in these years Milan.

Mona in the title of the picture means Madame or Mrs. In Russian, the picture can be called "Mrs. Liza".

Another version is that "Mona Lisa" is at all the artist himself in a female image. According to some kind of digital analysis, the features of the Great Painter on one of the self-portraits exactly coincide with the appearance of his most famous and all this is a kind of genius.

The mystery of her smiles

Yes, a woman who has faced our scientists, has a mysterious smile. However, art historians argue that there is no secret, but the whole thing is only in the unique technique of Sphumato, the name of which is translated as a smoky or disappearing. This is a unique combination of smears, which artists transmit the feeling of air, softening the outlines of figures, tones and halftone. According to neurobiologists, our peripheral vision is capable of perceiving only large parts, while the central is small. If you are listed on the "JoconDa" right, focusing the eyes of the model, leaving the peripheral vision of her mouth, then it seems that a smile slides on them, but it is worth looking at the lips, that is, to translate them to them and see the central eyes - it disappears. The same effect also explains the joycle smile when removing or movement in different directions from the picture.

But a simple scientific explanation is not suitable for romantics, considering unimportant how Joconda smiles, and much more mysterious why she smiles. It is known that in the first version of the picture Mona Lisa, and did not think about a smile, only later the artist introduced to the faction facility. The melting smile gave rise to the myth of the novel of an excellent model and a great artist, carefully hidden from the jealous-husband, former, for all the laws of the genre, much older than his charming spouse. The legend does not withstand critics, because all possible painters of the painter husbands and beloved were much younger than Leonardo, who was for the moment of writing the canvas already in fifty.

What is the smiling Joconda? Apparently, this is destined to remain mystery, without which great art is unthinkable.

"Mona Lisa", she "Joconda" - a picture of Leonardo da Vinci, located in Louvre (Paris, France), one of the most famous paintings in the world.

Portrait of Mrs. Liza Dia Del Jocondo (Ritratto Di Monna Lisa del Giocondo) was written by Leonardo da Vinci around 1503-1519. It is believed that this is a portrait of Liza Gerardini, Francesco's wife del Jokondo - a merchant fled from Florence. Del Giocondo translated from Italian sounds like a fun or playing. According to the Scriptures of the biographer Georgeo Vazari, Leonardo da Vinci wrote this portrait of 4 years, but it was unfinished.Mona Lisa or Dzhokonda - Liberty of the Great Artist Leonardo da Vinci will be the most mysterious painting today. There are so many mysteries and secrets with him that even the most experienced art historians sometimes do not know what is actually painted in this picture.
One of the riddles is that under ultraviolet and infrared radiation, this picture looks completely different. The initial mona Lisa, which was dug up under the layer of paints with the help of a special chamber, was different from the one that the visitors are now seeing in the museum. She was a wider, a more dipped smile and other eyes.
Another secret is that MONY Lisa has no eyebrows and eyelashes. There is an assumption that the majority of women looked in the Renaissance Epoch and this was a tribute to the fashion of that time. Women 15-16 centuries got rid of any vegetation on the face. Others argue that eyebrows and eyelashes were actually actually, but over time. Someone researcher Cott, who studies and thoroughly researching this work of the Great Master, which brought a lot of myths at the expense of Jokunda. For example, once the question was about the hand of Mona Lisa. From the side, even inexperienced Gaza shows that the hand is bent very bizarre. However, Cott discovered on his hand the smooth covers of the capes, the colors of which over time were blocked and began to seem that this hand herself has a strange unnatural form. Thus, it is safe to say that Joconda during her writing was very different from the one that we see now. Time mercilessly distorted the picture to such an extent that many are still looking for such secrets of the Jocona, which there are simply no.
And with the help of infrared transmission, the engineer managed to see the preliminary sketches, which did the Renaissance genius on the canvas. According to Cotta, these drawings prove: yes Vinci was an ordinary person, and he was characterized by difficulties in the creative process, the lack of inspiration. "He doubted, changed the position of the hands of the model," says researcher. In addition, he managed to know that Leonardo first depicted a landscape, and then wrote a human figure on top of him.
The secret of Joconds is associated in the exact mathematical calculation of Leonardo, which by then developed the secret of the formula of painting. With this formula and accurate mathematical calculations, a terrifying work came out of the masters brushes. The power of its charm is comparable to alive and animated, and not drawn on the board. There is such a feeling that the artist drew the Jocona in an instant, as if she had climbing the camera, and did not draw it for 4 years. In an instant, he caught her crammed look, a mumbling smile, one only movement that was embodied in the picture. As it managed to solve the great mastera of painting, it was not destined to solve and remain a secret forever.