Young opera singer ksenia nesterenko. Ksenia Nesterenko: "There is no secret - only work, work and more work"

Young opera singer ksenia nesterenko.  Ksenia Nesterenko:
Young opera singer ksenia nesterenko. Ksenia Nesterenko: "There is no secret - only work, work and more work"

Young, talented, beautiful and very purposeful - this is how the rising Saratov opera diva can be described in a few words. The owner of one of the lightest and most mobile female voices - lyric soprano - Ksenia Nesterenko is only 19 years old. Despite her youth, the student of the Faculty of Secondary Special Education of the Saratov Conservatory has dozens of prestigious competitions and awards. Since October this year, our compatriot has tested her strength in the popular TV project "Big Opera" on the TV channel "Culture" and not only experienced it, but became its finalist. Eminent professional artists of theaters in Russia and the Near Abroad fought for the title of the best. From the first performances, beautiful, like the play of nightingale trills, Xenia's voice became the favorite in terms of the number of praises from the jury. Even a piano on top notes is given to our compatriot easily and naturally. However, as the girl admits, this is not a natural talent, but the result of great and painstaking work.

It is a pleasure to listen to Ksenia Nesterenko and look at her. The Big Opera is, first of all, a very beautiful project. Luxurious outfits and delightful performances of the best operatic arias in the world - all this looks like a fairy tale. It is hard to believe that after the performances, the fairy-tale princess Ksenia turns into an ordinary Saratov student, who is easily lost in a crowd of classmates. It is not surprising that the majority of Saratov residents know practically nothing about the successes of our compatriot. The Big Opera project is not well known in the regions. And this is a little offensive. For example, the finalist from Belarus, tenor Yuri Gorodetsky is almost a national hero in his native country. There are some pluses in this situation, though. Ksenia Nesterenko does not suffer from star fever.

The girl has loved high-quality music since childhood. She never listened to pop music, but she knew the parts of her idols Anna Netrebko and Olga Peretyatko by heart.

Everyone in Xenia's family loves to sing. And although her parents did not manage to do what they loved professionally (Ksenia's mother is an economist), there are also opera stars in their family. They say that her paternal relative is the famous opera singer, teacher of the Vienna Academy of Music Yevgeny Nesterenko, who is called the second Chaliapin.

Grand opera

A pupil of the Engels School of Arts at once in 4 grades - piano, ballet, folklore and academic vocals - Ksenia Nesterenko continued her studies at the department of choral conducting at the faculty of special education of the Sobinov State Conservatory.

I wanted to do vocals, but my mother and my choral singing teacher convinced me that it was dangerous for the voice, ”says Ksenia. - Previously, they were admitted to the conservatory from the age of 18, so as not to injure the ligaments. Still, vocals are the main part of my career for me.

Even before entering the music school, Ksyusha listened for hours to the recordings of Galina Kovaleva and Anna Netrebko and tried to put her own voice on her own. But the main note in Xenia's vocal experiments was introduced by her vocal teacher Arkady Filippov. A few months later, Nesterenko took 1st place at a prestigious music competition. It was Arkady Filippov who sent the records of his talented student to the Great Opera project. The abilities of the student of the Saratov School of Music impressed the most experienced masters of opera, and she was invited to the casting.

Let us remind you that the next season of the Big Opera project started in October on the Kultura TV channel. Today it is the only professional television competition for young opera performers in Russia, which, in fact, is the opera "Star Factory". The main goal of the project is to discover new names of talented vocalists and to attract Russians to the big opera.

The program of the contestants includes the most famous arias and duets from classical Russian, Western European, Soviet works, as well as duets from popular musicals and operettas. Moreover, all foreign works are performed in the original language.

This year, about 1,500 young performers from Russia and the Near Abroad applied for participation in the Bolshoi Opera. The jury selected only 12 people. These are professional and titled theater artists. Among them was our young compatriot Ksenia Nesterenko. Her voice data was highly appreciated by Dmitry Bertman, director and artistic director of the Moscow musical theater "Helikon-Opera" and one of the jury members.

Starting from the second broadcast, the contestant with the lowest number of points leaves the project, - explains Ksenia. - Arkady Vladimirovich and I assumed that I would reach the 2nd, well, maximum, the 3rd round, and we prepared only two programs. But I gained points and moved on.

The judges were amazed not only by the talents of the Saratov student, but also by the amazing professional calm with which she appeared on the stage under the sight of dozens of television cameras. However, Ksenia herself admits that there are emotions, she just manages to hide them.

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Ksenia Nesterenko was born in Engels. Laureate of the I degree of the VII regional festival-competition "The Path to Success" (Saratov, 2014) Laureate of the III degree of the IV international competition-festival "Spring Chime" (Saratov, 2014) Laureate of the I degree of the international competition-festival "On the Wings of Talent" (Saratov, 2014) Winner of the Grand Prix and the title "Prima opera" of the international competition-festival "Chorus Inside" (Budapest, 2015). Performs solo at the Saratov Conservatory, as well as with various groups and musicians.

The most difficult thing for me is waiting to go on stage, ”she says. - Excitement can affect my voice, I am a very strong person and I know how not to show it.

Getting an education is my goal!

Like every TV project, the Big Opera is fraught with difficulties that the audience does not know about. It happens that the recording of programs stretches until late at night, but the artists, despite the fatigue, need to look and sing perfectly. The approval of the jury added strength to our compatriot. The judges of the Bolshoi Opera 2016, together with Dmitry Bertman, included Romanian opera singer Nelly Mirichoyu, Belgian tenor Axel Eiverart and Honored Artist of Russia Marina Meshcheryakova. The project is led by Sati Spivakova and Andrejs Zhagros.

In the 9th edition of the project, Ksenia sang the most complicated aria "Norma" Casta diva "from Bellini's opera of the same name, and the jury reproached her for the wrong choice for the first time.

I sang this aria two years ago at a competition in Hungary and then received the Grand Prix, - says Ksenia. - Therefore, I took up, as it seemed to me, the proven material. The tight and strict terms of the project do not allow adjusting the program. Even the recommendations that I received from the jury, we did not have time to apply. But I tried. I learned Antonida's aria from A Life for the Tsar in two weeks, and Juliet's waltz in 3 hours.

Light and airy Juliet performed by Ksenia again made her the favorite of the jury. Thus, our compatriot reached the final of the project, where she became the youngest and only representative of the fairer sex and, moreover, the only Russian woman.

For the finale, Ksenia, together with Arkady Filippov, prepared an ideal program for the young performer - an opera hit - Juliet's romance from Bellini's opera "Montagues and Capulet" - and Arietta Snow Maiden from the opera of the same name by Rimsky-Korsakov.

In the hall of the capital's Bolshoi Theater, where the project ended, our countrywoman was supported by her mother and groom. By the way, mother Elena Viktorovna is the main ideological inspirer and PR man of Ksenia from the very beginning of the project.

The final gala concert was supposed to be broadcast live on December 26, but due to mourning for those killed in the Russian Tu-154 aircraft, the live broadcast was canceled. The program of the concert has also changed. Maestro Vladimir Spivakov began the evening with a minute of silence, after which "Lacrimosa" sounded. The opera diva Khibla Germzava performed in front of the audience. Behind the scenes, Khibla admitted that she admired the Bolshoi Opera and was very sympathetic to Ksenia Nesterenko

Wonderful girl! This is my energy! This is the purest fontanelle that will continue to sound for many, many years to come. May God give her good luck! ", - said the singer.

As a reminder, SMS voting ended on December 26. On Tuesday morning it became known that our Ksenia Nesterenko became the winner. Viewers saw the final of the project on November 27. By the way, while the audience was choosing the winner of the Bolshoi Opera, our compatriot managed to film together with the master Vladimir Spivakov in the New Year's Blue Light on the Kultura channel.

In creative harmony

The young opera diva will spend the winter holidays with her family in Engels. Now Ksenia is preparing for the wedding. Her chosen one is Andrei Potaturin, a young artist of the Saratov Opera House. By the way, after the success of his half in the Bolshoi Opera, he is also thinking about participating in the project. Not far off, student Nesterenko has a winter session, where she will also have to work hard, so the girl's rest will be short-lived.

Despite the fact that the opera masters unanimously recommended Ksenia to participate in the most prestigious international opera competitions, she herself believes that she still needs to learn a lot from the Saratov teachers. Marina Meshcheryakova advised Ksenia to build her career in accordance with a repertoire suitable for her voice and age. The winner of the project has already decided to enter the conservatory and dreams of further conquering the opera stage.

There are a great many soprano owners, and it takes an incredible amount of effort to be successful. - Therefore, my primary goal today is to get a decent musical education, and then I'm ready to work hard! I do not dream, I set goals for myself! Of course, I have purely feminine dreams of a large and friendly family, for example. I don’t know what will happen in my career, but I’m ready to work hard, look for my own repertoire. As Axel Eiverart told me, "It's better to sing the right arias in LaSkala than the wrong ones in the bathroom." The ideal of an opera singer is a performer who perfectly knows her voice and knows how to handle it correctly, who can both dance and make laugh, but does not lose her creative harmony.

March 17 2018 (Saturday) at 16:00 in MAUK TsKiOI "Dialogue" the Festival of Classical Music named after S.V. Rachmaninov. The renewed festival will open with a solo concert of a young but very talented singer, laureate of international competitions, soloist of the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theater KSENIYA NESTERENKO(soprano).

KSENIYA NESTERENKO received all-Russian fame a year ago after a brilliant victory in the "BOLSHAYA OPERA" project on the "Culture" TV channel. The Grand Prix in the fourth season of the Bolshoi Opera turned out to be a kind of double record for the singer, because she became the youngest participant in the history of the project - she was then only 19 years old. In addition to the magnificent lyric soprano, recalling the legendary Galina Kovaleva (who, by the way, studied at the same Saratov Conservatory as Ksenia) and wonderful technique, the singer has an outstanding artistry and delicate musical taste.

Ksenia is a 1st degree laureate (Gold Prize) of the 2nd Manhattan International Music Competition (New York), she trained at the Académie lyrique de l'Opéra de Monte-Carlo (Monaco).
The young singer performs at various concert venues in the country with leading conductors and orchestras, including the "Moscow Virtuosi" and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia under the direction of V. Spivakov, the "New Russia" orchestra under the direction of D. Vlasenko, the Chamber Orchestra of the St. Petersburg State Theater Music Hall "under the direction of F.Mastrangelo and others.

At the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theater, Ksenia performed the roles of Donna Anna ("Don Juan" by W. A. ​​Mozart), Arsene ("The Gypsy Baron" by I. Strauss), Prilepa ("The Queen of Spades" by P. Tchaikovsky), Carolina (" Secret marriage of "D. Cimarosa), Antonida (" Life for the Tsar "by M. Glinka), Violetta (" La Traviata "by G. Verdi).
The concert program includes vocal compositions by M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S.V. Rachmaninov, I.O.Dunaevsky, C. Gounod, G. Verdi, G. Puccini.

On New Year's Eve, Ksenia Nesterenko from Saratov became the winner of the Big Opera international competition held by the Kultura federal TV channel. The personality of the laureate aroused great interest among users of social networks from Russia and other countries, who arranged a real interview for Ksenia. We publish the most interesting questions and answers, keeping the copyright spelling and punctuation.

How old are you and where did you study? And who?

I'm 19 years old. I am a fourth year student at the Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov at the faculty of secondary vocational education of the conductor and choir department. My vocal teacher is Arkady Vladimirovich Filippov, my conducting teacher is Aneta Viktorovna Nikolaeva.

It would be interesting to hear about the time when your talent began to open up.

My mother was the first to realize that I would be a singer as soon as I was born and cried (laughs). And I myself thought about this, probably at the age of 5, when it was time to decide which school to go to and what to do besides school. At first I was sent to choreography, but then music happened, with which we have been inseparable ever since. As a schoolgirl, I took part in the Lydia Ruslanova Competition in my native Saratov, competed with very strong vocalists. Perhaps it was at that moment that I realized that there was something in me.

I have a question about the piano on top notes. Is it so beautiful by nature or is it all worked out?

My piano is entirely the merit of my teacher and the result of our many years of work. At first, nothing worked for me at all, something began to appear only a few months ago. Therefore, there is no secret or gift of nature here - only work, work and more work.

How many hours a day do you do vocals? And what kind of regime do you live in?

I practice in different ways, I can do nothing at all, but I can sing for 3 hours in a row. My regime is to get up and run, I do not sit still. In general, I'm terribly lazy.

Ksenia, what are you striving for in life? What is the purpose of creativity? What drives creativity? When do you feel your greatest happiness? Besides vocals, what gives joy in life?

In life I strive for a big family, and in creativity - for a successful career. A successful career for me is, firstly, recognition of myself as a worthy vocalist and theater actress, and secondly, recognition of the public, of course. I want the audience to listen to me and hear what I am trying to convey to them. Probably, this is the most important goal and dream, if we talk about creativity and profession.

When I can't do something, I ask myself: do you want to throw all these years of study in the trash can? This is where the second wind kicks in, the stimulus appears. After all, I have been singing for so many years, studying musical literacy, I will not part with it just like that!

Everything that happens in my life gives me joy. Even negative points. They make it possible to understand that I am a living person. If I find myself in contrasting situations, then this is also good, it means that I am not living in vain. I am a public person, I am beginning to get used to it, to treat with gratitude to the Almighty.

I really liked your performance! You are a gentle beauty with an amazing voice and charisma! Do you go in for sports, how do you spend your free time? What kinds of art do you like? Do you visit art exhibitions?

My relationship with sports is like a cardiogram drawing. At some point, I light up, there is a desire to go to a fitness club, do exercises, and then I burn out sharply, and I don't need anything - again my favorite sofa, a blanket and cats. I have very little free time, but when I have a minute, I can afford to take walks. I love ballet and rhythmic gymnastics, I love watching figure skating. I love painting, I visit exhibitions, but rarely. In Moscow, I really want to go to the Tretyakov Gallery.

Ksenia, have you ever had any doubts that you have chosen the right path, thoughts of trying yourself in another profession? (If so, what did you want to do?) How much competition is felt on the project and in the opera profession in general?

Yes, such thoughts visit me. When something doesn't work out again, I think: did I go there? But these thoughts quickly disappear, and everything returns to normal. In the 9th grade, I wanted to go to study as a philologist, because I love the Russian language and literature. And, perhaps, it will seem strange, I would like to try myself in the profession of a surgeon.

We are all strong and talented on the project. I do not think that we are rivals, we are allies. Therefore, there are no competitors here and there cannot be. We communicate very well. In general, in my life I am not looking for competitors. I'm not interested in this. I am engaged in self-development, and competition is something at the level of natural selection.

Which heroine of the opera is close to you in spirit? What is your dream party? What vocal parts do you like to perform more: which are close to the inner world, or, on the contrary, as opposed to which are completely uncharacteristic? Which of the performed parts is the most unusual and requires more spiritual reincarnation?

Of course, I like games that are close to my inner world. For example, in the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila I really love the part of Lyudmila. She is so lively, playful, especially performed by Anna Netrebko. I am pleased to perform Antonida from A Life for the Tsar. In general, I love Glinka. I also like Violetta Valerie from La Traviata. A beautiful character and, despite her oldest profession, she is very noble. Her party is delicious!

I don’t like the part of Lauretta (Gianni Schicchi), I don’t feel myself in it at all. Mimi from La Bohème can’t understand and don’t see myself in this role. Although the voice of these two parts suits me very much, and the teacher is trying to convince that this is mine.

The dream part, which by nature does not suit my voice at all, is Vanya from Ivan Susanin, and also the Countess from The Queen of Spades. I am madly in love with these images, I want to try them on, but not destiny.

What helps you cope with your anxiety before going on stage?

I have no recipe. I am always worried and very scared of the stage.

Do you believe in superstitions and omens?

I never look in a broken mirror. If a black cat crosses the road, I go back. If I sprinkle salt, cover it with sugar, collect it with a wet cloth and rinse it off under water. And if I forget something and return home, then I definitely look in the mirror. It turns out that I am a superstitious person (laughs). And I also have my own omen. When I miss classes, on that day I will definitely meet all my teachers.

Based on personal experience, tell me how to instill in a child a love of opera without harming the psyche of the child himself, his parents and neighbors in the auditorium.

I think opera is not an art for children. In order to understand it correctly and start treating it positively or negatively, you need to grow up. I myself did not come to the opera right away. My first experience - Sadko - was unsuccessful: I did not like the opera at all. Then I began to attend other performances, began to get to the bottom of the essence, to understand what and how they sing. From the age of 10 I listened to Anna Netrebko and Galina Kovaleva, imitated them. I think that the child should be gradually taught to good music, introduced to different performers and be sure to instill good taste in him.

Ksenia Nesterenko gained fame after winning the Big Opera TV project in 2016. As the youngest participant in the competition (at the time of the competition, Ksenia was only 19 years old), she became a laureate and winner of the Grand Prix, winning the audience vote.

In 2017, Ksenia Nesterenko received the 1st prize at the Manhattan International Music Competition in New York and in the same year undergoes an internship at the Lyric Opera Academy of Monte Carlo (Monaco).

She is currently a 1st year student at the Saratov State Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov, and is also a soloist of the Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. At the theater, she performed parts in the operas Don Giovanni by Mozart (Donna Anna), The Secret Marriage by Cimarosa (Carolina), A Life for the Tsar by Glinka (Antonida), La Traviata by Verdi (Violetta), The Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky ( Prilepa), in the operetta The Gypsy Baron by Strauss (Arsen). The singer's concert repertoire includes works by Bellini, Verdi, Puccini, Gounod, Delibes, Massenet, Donizetti, Mozart, Strauss, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Dunaevsky, Khrennikov and other composers.

Ksenia Nesterenko is actively involved in concerts. Her performances were held with well-known groups of our country: the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, the State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia", the Symphony Orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Chamber Orchestra "Virtuosi of Moscow" and the orchestra of the St. Petersburg State Theater "Music Hall". The singer has collaborated with Vladimir Spivakov, Denis Vlasenko, Felix Aranovsky, Fabio Mastrangelo and other conductors.

Tigran Ohanyan

Tigran Ohanyan became one of the winners of the Big Opera TV project in 2016, by that time he already had the experience of stage performances and participation in competitions. Tigran is the owner of the special prize of the Delphic Games in Yerevan (2010), the bronze medalist of the Delphic Games in Astana (2012). He was awarded a special prize at the St. Petersburg Young Opera Singers 'Competition (2013) and the title "Most Promising Young Tenor" at the J. Vitols International Opera Singers' Competition in Riga (2015). In 2016 he received a special prize at the Galina Vishnevskaya International Competition in Moscow, won the Grand Prix at the International Christmas Vocal Competition in Minsk, and was also awarded the Prize of the President of Armenia. At the Big Opera competition, in addition to the title of laureate, Tigran Ohanyan was also awarded a special jury prize.

Tigran was born in 1994 in Yerevan. In 2016, he graduated with honors from the Komitas Yerevan State Conservatory (class of Raphael Hakobyants). He took part in the Young Artists Program of the Houston Grand Opera (2014), took part in the master class of Montserrat Caballe (Yerevan, 2014). Currently, Tigran is an artist of the youth program of the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Spendiarov (Yerevan).

In 2015 he sang the part of Stepanos Shaumyan in A. Tigranyan's David Beck at the B. Britten Theater of the Royal College of Music in London. In 2016 he made his debut with his first major role on the stage of the Yerevan Philharmonic, singing Rudolph in Puccini's La Boheme with the State Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia under the direction of Eduard Topchyan. This was followed by the role of a Young Gypsy in Rachmaninov's Aleko on the stage of the Yerevan Opera House, the performance of Dvorak's Requiem in a concert dedicated to the memory of the Armenian Genocide, participation in a gala concert on the occasion of Pope Francis's visit to Yerevan. In 2017, Tigran Ohanyan performed at the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus (the role of the Duke in Verdi's Rigoletto), the State Capella of St. Petersburg (the part of the tenor in the Requiems of Mozart and Verdi), opened the concert season at the Verdi Theater in Trieste, singing Lensky in Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin" (conductor Fabrizio Maria Carminati).

National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia

National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia was established in January 2003 by the Ministry of Culture of Russia on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The NPR includes the best representatives of the orchestral elite and talented young musicians. Over the years of active creative life, NPOR has managed to become one of the leading symphony orchestras in Russia, to win the love of the public and the recognition of professionals in his country and abroad.

The orchestra is headed by the world famous violinist and conductor Vladimir Spivakov. Outstanding conductors of different generations collaborate with the orchestra, including Michel Plasson, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Krzysztof Penderecki, James Conlon, Okko Kamu, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Alexander Lazarev, John Nelson, Jan Latham-Koenig, Alexander Vedernikov, Tugan- Sokhiev, Ken David Mazur, Simon Gaudenz, Stanislav Kochanovsky, Alexander Soloviev and others.

The NPR concerts were attended by world opera stars and renowned instrumental soloists: Jesse Norman, Placido Domingo, Kiri Te Kanava, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Juan Diego Flores, Rene Fleming, Ferruccio Furlanetto, Marcelo Alvarez, Matthias Gerneakov, Ildar Abdetaraz Ramon Vargas, Evgeny Kissin, Vadim Repin, Gil Shaham, Arkady Volodos, Martha Argerich, Renault and Gaultier Capucon, Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Victoria Mullova and many others. Anna Netrebko, Khibla Gerzmava, Albina Shagimuratova, Vasily Ladyuk, Dmitry Korchak, Denis Matsuev, Alexander Gindin, John Lill, David Garrett, Alexander Gavrilyuk, Vadim Gluzman, Sergey Dogadin, Nikolay Tokarev, Alexander Romanovsky, Alexander Ramm regularly perform with NPR.

The orchestra's repertoire covers the period from early classical symphonies to the latest works of our time. Over 16 seasons, the orchestra has presented many extraordinary programs, unique subscriptions and concert series, has carried out a number of Russian and world premieres. Confirming its status and name, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia gives concerts and festivals not only in Moscow, but also in various regions of the country, laying routes to its most remote corners. Every year NPOR takes part in the Vladimir Spivakov International Music Festival in Colmar (France). The orchestra regularly tours the USA, Western Europe, Japan, China, the CIS and Baltic countries.

In May 2005 the company Capriccio released a CD and DVD with a recording of a concert for the Yellow Stars orchestra by Isaac Schwartz performed by the NPR under the direction of Vladimir Spivakov, to whom the composer dedicated this work. In 2010–2015 NPOR has recorded several albums for the firm Sony music with works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Rimsky-Korsakov, Grieg and others. In 2014–2018. a number of recordings of Russian music were released under the label SpivakovSound, including the opera "Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky (in the lead roles - Khibla Gerzmava, Dmitry Korchak, Vasily Ladyuk).

A special direction of the NPR's activity is supporting talented young musicians, creating conditions for their creative realization and professional growth. In the 2004/05 season, on the initiative of Georgy Ageev, director of the NPR, a group of trainee conductors, which has no analogues in the orchestral world, was created in the orchestra. Many members of the group have achieved great success in the professional field, have taken leadership positions in leading creative teams and won prestigious awards. In the 2017/18 season, the new conductor-trainee group was headed by Alexander Soloviev and Georgy Ageev.

In 2007, NPRF became the owner of a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation. Since 2010, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia has received a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Spivakov

Outstanding Violinist and Conductor Vladimir Spivakov vividly realized his multifaceted talent in the art of music and many spheres of public life. As a violinist, Vladimir Spivakov went through a brilliant school with the famous teacher, professor of the Moscow Conservatory Yuri Yankelevich. The outstanding violinist of the twentieth century David Oistrakh had no less influence on him.

In the 1960s – 1970s, Vladimir Spivakov became a laureate of the prestigious international competitions named after Marguerite Long and Jacques Thibault in Paris, named after Niccolo Paganini in Genoa, named after PI Tchaikovsky in Moscow and the competition in Montreal. In 1975, after triumphant solo performances in the United States, a brilliant international career as a musician began. He performed as a soloist with the best symphony orchestras in the world under the baton of prominent conductors of the 20th century - Evgeny Svetlanov, Kirill Kondrashin, Yuri Temirkanov, Mstislav Rostropovich, Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, Lorin Maazel, Carlo Maria Giulini, Rikka Mazurdo, Shiardo and others. Since 1997, Spivakov has been playing the violin made by Antonio Stradivari, which was given to him for life by patrons of art - admirers of his talent.

In 1979, together with a group of like-minded musicians, Vladimir Spivakov created the Moscow Virtuosi chamber orchestra, becoming its artistic director, conductor and soloist. He studied conducting with Professor Israel Guzman in Russia, took lessons from Leonard Bernstein and Lorin Maazel in the USA. Bernstein, as a sign of friendship and faith in the future of the musician, presented him with his baton, with which Spivakov performs to this day.

In 1989 Vladimir Spivakov headed the International Music Festival in Colmar (France). Since 2001 in Moscow every two years the festival "Vladimir Spivakov Invites" has been held with the participation of leading figures of the world performing arts and rising stars (since 2010 the festival has also been held in the regions of Russia). The musician has repeatedly taken part in the jury of famous international competitions (in Paris, Genoa, London, Montreal, Monte Carlo, Pamplona, ​​Moscow), in 2016 he organized the International Violin Competition in Ufa.

For many years Vladimir Spivakov has been engaged in social and charitable activities. In 1994, the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation was created, whose activities in 2010 were awarded the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture. Contemporary composers have repeatedly dedicated their works to the musician, including Alfred Schnittke, Rodion Shchedrin, Arvo Pärt, Isaac Schwartz, Vyacheslav Artyomov.

In 2003, Vladimir Spivakov became the artistic director and chief conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia created by him and the president of the Moscow International House of Music. In 2011 he became a member of the Council for Culture and Arts under the President of the Russian Federation. The musician's extensive discography includes over 50 CDs; most of the records are released by firms BMG Classics, RCA Red Seal and Capriccio... Many recordings have won prestigious awards, including Diapason D'Or and ChocdelaMusique... Since 2014, the maestro has been releasing recordings with NPOR under his own label SpivakovSound.

Vladimir Spivakov - People's Artist of the USSR, Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, the Republic of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, the Republic of Bashkortostan. He was awarded the State Prize of the USSR, the Order of Friendship, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of III, II and IV degrees, the highest orders of Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Italy, France (including the Order of the Legion of Honor), as well as many other honorary awards and titles ... In 2006, Vladimir Spivakov was recognized as an Artist of Peace by UNESCO for his "outstanding contribution to world art, activities for peace and the development of dialogue between cultures," and in 2009 he was awarded the Mozart Gold Medal by UNESCO.

In 2012, Vladimir Spivakov was awarded the State Prize of Russia "for outstanding services in the field of humanitarian work" (the prizes were awarded over the years to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Valentina Tereshkova, King of Spain Juan Carlos I and President of France Jacques Chirac ).