Prayer Ephraim Sirin in the Great Post. What prayers read in the post? Prayers to the great post for every day - what to read at home during the post

Prayer Ephraim Sirin in the Great Post. What prayers read in the post? Prayers to the great post for every day - what to read at home during the post
Prayer Ephraim Sirin in the Great Post. What prayers read in the post? Prayers to the great post for every day - what to read at home during the post

The longest and strict post is directed to the spiritual and physical cleansing of a person. It is during this period that the integrity of being occurs. Voluntarily refusing to love habits and products, you are struggling with passions that can destroy the soul. And the restriction in food favors repentance and self-knowledge. But it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to read prayers to the great post of home to get rid of the negative.

The benefits of the post

Post - time to think. Interrupting the familiar lifestyle, a person begins to notice the multiple details he missed the fulfillment of the necessary cases. After looking around and listening to your heart, it will be easier for him to understand how popular spiritual laws are close.

Observing the post, people help themselves to clean the body from slags. Reduced cholesterol, sugar levels. The general condition improves. Mood rises. The body is updated and the soul wants to come to the ideal. However, the post without prayer means nothing. Taking care of the restoration of internal harmony, it is necessary to change thoughts and ideas.

Daily prayer for seven weeks will prompt the correction path. After pronouncing the holy words and phrases, you will notice how the bustle fade gradually, and conceived cases are carried out in the shortest possible time, as if the magic was present. Repentance leads to God's grace and praying soon feels positive results.

In addition to ordinary morning and evening prayers, the prayer of St. Ephraim Sirin is added.

In the end, the phrase says "God, clearing me, sinning," a bow is made - and so 12 times. Then the prayer of Ephraim Syrina is pronounced again and one bow is made.

In this prayer, the struggle of a person against laziness, despondency and condemnation. A person asks for help from God and receives a humility, patience, love in return.

In the morning, light and small prayers are read, capable of raising the mood and give positive for the whole day.

After prayer, be sure to make a bow.

These prayers are read at any time.

Before you go to bed, be sure to read the presenter, appeal to the Most Holy Trinity and complement the Father's prayer to God and to the guardian angel.

And just before bedtime, the words below should be said.

You can read prayers if you wish at any time. There was a sinful thought - it is worth contacting God and repent. Holy words will agree and configure positive. In addition to the prayer for independent reading, the Holy Scripture is useful. In silence, slowly, thinking about every word, plunge into the gospel, comparing your life with what you learned about.

The time of the Great Post is given for thinking, reflections and drawing up plans for the near future. Meeting Easter holidays with clean thoughts, you become sincere in front of yourself and other people.

In the days of the Great Post you need:

  • Pray daily.
  • Help your neighbor.
  • Finish the work began.
  • Pay attention to the native.
  • Run promised.
  • Limit watching television programs and Internet pages.
  • Ask forgiveness from everyone who was offended.
  • Read the Bible.

Now you know what to read prayers to the Great Post at home. But one information is not enough if it is not supported by the desire to change and find the way to God. A person focuses on what is interesting and instructive. Therefore, much depends on patience, perfection and determination. Beware of sharp manifestations of emotions. Reflectance and analyze. Commier difficulties and adversity.

The great post is the longest and strict of all existing ones. This period is directed not only to bodily, but also on spiritual cleansing. In order for the religious tradition to not turn into an ordinary diet, please contact the Lord and Saints daily.

The Great Post is preparing for Easter. During this period, believers can achieve unity with God and clean the soul from sins. Many people mistakenly think that during the post you need to just abandon the prohibited products. However, without prayer appeals and the commission of the post-ordinary diet. Do not forget to visit the church and try to pay more time to prayer than usual.

The meaning of the Great Post

The main meaning of the Great Post lies not in the refusal of meat and dairy products, but in the cleansing of the soul. That is why the church recommends refraining not only from certain products, but also from the usual entertainment.

During the post, it is recommended to spend time in front of the TV or on the Internet. Entertainment and meaningless information only clog our life. Free watches are best held in the church where you can pray and repent of perfect sins.

During this period, you can rethink your life, think about your destination. During the post you can look into your heart and understand what you really want from life.

Take care not only about cleansing your body, but also the soul. Get rid of negative thoughts and try to let go of old resentment. Imagine that every day you appear to start life from a clean leaf, but for this you need to say goodbye to the past.

Morning prayer during the Great Post

Orthodox believers know that every morning it is necessary to start with prayer, especially during the post. With it, you can create a positive attitude and protect yourself from any trouble.

"Lord God, be gracious to me sinful. Clean my soul from sins, get rid of me from evil thoughts. Protect me from enemies and from their atrocities. I believe in the generosity and kindness of you that you give us. Glory to you, God. Amen!"

Evening prayer during the Great Post

"The Lord God, the creator of all living on Earth and the king of Heaven, forgive me for sins, committed by me for a day or case. Even in a dream, I, the slave (a) of God (Iya), not losing faith in you. I believe that you will get rid of me from sins and clean my soul. Every day I hoping your defense. Hear my prayer, answer my requests. Amen".

Before you go to bed, do not forget to turn with a prayer to your angel to the keeper:

"Guardian Angel, My And My Body Defender. If I sinned on this day, get rid of me from sins. Do not let the Lord be angry with me. Pray for me, a slave (y) of God (YU) (name), before the Lord God, ask him to let my sins and protect me from making evil. Amen".

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins

During the Great Post, each believer must repent for the perfect sins - this is an important part of spiritual cleansing. Do not forget to pronounce prayer every day.

"I appeal, the slave (a) of God (II) (name), to you, the Lord, and from the bottom of my heart I ask you to forgive my sins. Men by me, the king of Heaven, save me from mental torment and self-ruling. I will ask you, the Son of God. You died for our sins and risen you to live forever. I hope you help your help and ask for a bless me. Forever you are my savior. Amen!"

Home Prayer in the Great Post

Short prayer Ephraim Sirin - the main prayer for the period of the Great Post. She is pronounced on weekdays, at the end of each brief service. With it, you can repent, save your soul from sins, as well as protect yourself and your closeness from ailments and evil.

"Lord God, the Lord of My Days. The spirit of inactivity, sadness, pride do not allow me. Spirit of sanity and humility, love and patience give me, slave (e) yours (her). Lord God, punish me for my sins, but do not punish my neighbor for them. Amen!"

The temptation is great in despondency: "How I will live without delicious food! Now no entertainment! What long service! " - Whereas there are no reasons for despondency. Long service is the high samples of medieval spiritual poetry, and philosophical reflections on the place of man in eternity, and the feeling of unity with other praying, and communicating with God himself.

No less often, or even more often, the reverse side of the great despondency is found: "I can't fast on the charter. I'm missing service. I am distracted by a worldly vanity. "

Primary, but not less true: remember that God is not needed not a stomach and legs, and the heart, he sees in the soul of a human sincere desire to serve him, sees a weakness.

This is a constant remembrance of God - and will be our incessant joy about him.

No, of course, we all do not need to become the post of Isihastami, but try to become half a half closer to ideal.

Prayer is worth paying a little longer than it is usually. More attention in services - sometimes you should take a book with the texts of worship. Carefully fulfill the prayer rule - to get out of the computer for half an hour before and read the evening prayers. Add On the road to listen or read the psalm.

With numerous forced temptations it is useful to fight prayer: Irritating, anger, despondency to answer yourself with a brief prayer of Jesus.

Home care, road at rush hour, noise at work - Even if we were able to organize our lives so that there are only authorized food, read the prayer rule and even pray during the day, from all this bustle we are scary. And here the temple comes to the rescue.

In the monasteries and in many parish temples in big cities, the Great Watches are made every day in the morning and in the evening. It is before or after work to go to at least part of the service - it adjusts to a completely different from the surrounding right.

There is worship, for whom not sin and to take rid of work early. Such - in the first four days of the Great Post, in the evening on Wednesday, the fifth week, the Akathist of the Mother of God in the evening on Friday, service ...

At least once during the post, to visit well - by the way, in some temples it is sometimes committed in the evenings (for example, in the Sretensky monastery several times for the post begins at 18.00).

Well known: I don't need a post, but we. The Great Post consists of two parts: a quarter and passionate saddemic. The first is the time of repentance, the second is the time of purification, preparation for Easter.

Not in vain the church twice for the third one offers us reading canon Andrei Crytsky. Not in vain every great Saturday for the all-night luck, we hear the chant "repentance of the holes of the door, vitality". Not in vain for three weeks before the post, the church calls for repentance: the parables about Mytar and the Pharisee, the parable of the prodigal son, a reminder of the terrible court and the expulsion of Adam from Paradise.

It is for repentance to us and the time of the third. If you are not going to repent, you should not start and fast - in vain spending of health.

By the way, health. If problems arise with well-being during the post, the degree of abstinence should immediately specify with the confessor.

There is no choice if there can be a speech on the charter or even close to the Charter if there are diseases associated with the stomach or metabolism. In modern conditions, even monasteries in rare cases will be treated with drying, the Lord will not condemn the Lord and a working person who does not shrink the health.

(It is worth remembering that the great post in the temples is made by the sacrament - anointing of specially consecrated butter with a prayer for healing sore.)

In no way bring the gastric ulcer to God, and it can significantly remove - an extremely thin line between the sincere desire for obedience to the church charter, without a germ, and proudly for her diligence.

"Finds - vanitly, and I am not singing - vanit", "sorrows in his" sabler ".

"Vanity fosch" is dangerous with its evidence and hand in hand come with condemnation. Brother rushes fish on the first week of the Great Post, while you sit on bread and water? None of your business. Drinking milk, and you even sugar in tea do not put? You do not know the peculiarities of the work of his body (by the way, in seminary, often students are given dairy products). I ate the sausage and the next day went to pass, where how did you begin the Eucharist post before the all-night vigil? This is his case and allowed him to the sacrament of the priest.

"Vanity inaction" is a more subtle passion. Nowadays, there is such a character like Mytar, proud of the fact that he is not a Pharise. And then another tendency arises: it does not eat vegetable oil - and then I put one hundred terrestrial bowls at home! It does not use any alcohol - and but I repent every weekend!

Therefore, I want to repeat the call of educators in kindergarten: "Look at your plate!"

And in general, less arguing about food. No matter how nearerting this simplest truth, the great post is only in the smallest degree change in the power mode.

Vegetarians never eat animal food - they will neither bring them to God, neither removes, exactly according to the words of the apostle.

The continuation of the famous quote: "But in every word of God," is ideal for a high-grade period, when the reading of the Bible is the words of God - is paying special attention.

For the great post it is customary to read the entire Gospel. Also during this period in the temples, the Old Testament is read daily.

It would be nice to combine a decrease in interest in the contents of foreign plates with an increase in attention to the neighbor in general.

Focusing on its own spiritual state should not turn into indifference to others. The post should go to educate both virtues in both virtues: love for God and love for near.

Called to spend money saved on a laundry meal to help the poor. Several days having listed in the dining room side dish without cutlets, you can buy gloves with an illusiveness or a developing game in an orphanage.

At all, it is not necessary to interrupt communication with people during the post, which it can come in handy, is a pregnant girlfriend, a pregnant neighbor, a lonely relative. The conversation with them for a cup of tea is not entertainment, but the help of neighbor.

Good attitude towards the neighbor is sometimes turning to us the most unpleasant side: humanote. In fact, no good relationship here, as a rule, no - there is own weakness and dependence on someone else's opinion. It is the great post that this passion is exacerbated.

"Let's meet on Friday after working in a cafe!" - She offers a friend, and now you already order a cake with her - you can't hurt!

"Come on Saturday night!" - Name neighbors, and you miss the service, instead of apologizing and postpone the meeting at a later time or Sunday.

"Eat a piece of chicken, otherwise I will be offended!" - frankly a relative, and here you can even cover up to the elders, only it will be a delicacy: the unwillingness to go to the conflict is not always connected with love of neighbor.

To get rid of the sin of a manotea, you can remember the advice, this: we must hide our personal posts, so as not to fast on the patent, but the post is general-worker - this is standing in faith. We must not only respect your neighbors themselves, but also to strive for us and our faith.

Most often, people understand polite explanations and come to position. And more often it turns out that our wisdom interpretations are contrived. The girlfriend in the coffee shop is not at all confused by our empty cup of espresso, the neighbors will be happy to meet and after the service, and the relative will be happy to treat the guest of the Potato with mushrooms.

Finally, the most important rule of the Great Post is to remember, for which this period exists.

The great post is the time of concentrated waiting for the bright Christ of the Resurrection. Waiting for active: Together with the Lord, we will try to walk along the forty days of the post, together with the Lord, come to the tomb of Lazar, together with the Lord we will enter Jerusalem, we will listen to him in the temple, we will meet with the apostles at his secret evening, pass by the harvest, with God's mother and favorite Christ Apostle John will grieve on Calvary ...

Finally, together with myrronians, we will come to an open coffin and again, and again we will survive joy: it is not here. Christ is Risen!

The Great Post precedes the Easter holiday - in 2019, Christians celebrate the bright Resurrection of Christ on April 28.

The meaning of the post is not just a refusal of meat-eating meat, this is self-limitation, that is, a voluntary refusal of everything that constitutes a prominent part of our earthly life. But first of all, in deep self-knowledge, repentance and struggle with passions.

The post makes it possible to think about many ways and much spiritually rethink. This is the time when we can get ourselves to stop, interrupt the endless, daily run, look into your own heart and understand how far we are from God, from the ideal to whom he calls us.

But the post without prayer is not a post, but just a diet. During the post, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the cleansing of the soul and thoughts, and for this you need to pray at home daily and, if possible, attend church services for all seven weeks of the Great Post.

Prayer to the Great Post

Prayer to the Great Post should be given more time than usual. You can read ordinary morning and evening prayers or something else, for example, a psalter, but during the post to these prayers it is necessary to add another - a brief and capacious prayer of St. Ephraim Sirin.

The prayer of Rev. Ephraim Syrina refers to the most frequently uttered during the Great Post.

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"Mr. and Vladyko's belly of my, the spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone. The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and love give you, to her. She, Lord King, Given Mii, my sorts and not condemn my brother, Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen. "

In the brief lines of the prayer of St. Ephraim, the Path of Spiritual Improvement of a person is captured, in which people ask for help from God in the fight with their vices - despondency, laziness, celebration, condemnation of others. And they ask to crowned them with the crown of all virtues - humility, patience and love.

Morning prayer

Mytar's prayer: "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful." (Bow). According to the gospel of Luke, this is the repentance of the prayer that Mytar pronounced in the parable of Mytar and Pharisees. In this parable, Christ led the prayer of Mytar as a sample of repentance and detaining the grace of God.

Presenter's prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Merchant Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen. Thank you, God, glory to you."

Truce: "Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, merry us. (Read three times, with a cross sign and a belt bow). Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are also confessed and in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity: "The Most Holy Trinity, Homes, Mr., Clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; holy, visit and heal our essentials, the name of yours for the sake of. Lord, Homes. (Three times) Glory Father and Son and the Holy Spirit , and now and confessed and forever. Amen. "

The prayer of the Lord: "OUR FAVE, OTHE IN THE SKY! YES WILL HAVE THE NAME WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL YOUR YOUR IN THE REGION AND ON THE EARTH. BREAGE OUR GOOD GIVE LADE MEEMENT AND WILL WILL WILL OUR DISTRICES, YOKERS AND WE HAVE OUR DEPARTMENTS. And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from the evil. Yako is your kingdom and the power and glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen. " This prayer can be read at any time, including before meals and in the evening.

Evening prayers

Prayer to God Father: "God's perpetual and king in any kind of creating, makeful me even at the time of this time, forgiveness of sins, you are so coordinated to this day, the word, word and thinking, and clean, Lord, humble my soul from all sneakers of the flesh and spirit . And Lying, Lord, in the newestness of this dream in the world, yes, with the Smrennago Mi Lodge, the widespread of the Holy Name of yours, all the days of my abdomen, and I apart from the enemies of the enemies carnivia and rarely. And save me, Lord, from thinking Sweet, defilementing me, and lustful things. Yako is your kingdom and the power and glory, father and son and the saint spirit, now and are confused and forever and the eyelids Amen. "

Prayer for the Holy Angel Keeper: "Angela of Christ, the Keeper my holy and the patron soul and the body of my body, all sorry, Elika Sushesty in the last day, and from all sledding of the Rotivnago Mi enemy to get rid of me, yes in no gres of my God; But moths for the sinners are not worthy of a slave, IKO yes deserves me showing the goodness of the grace of all the Trinity and Mother of the Lord of Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen. "

And right before bedtime, you should say: "In the hand of yours, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I am pretending my spirit: you are alone bless, you are me a little and the stomach eternal giving Mi. Amen."

O repentance

One of the greatest saints, Rev. Makariya Egyptian said, if it will be plugged into himself, then everyone from all his heart will have to say the words of prayer: "God, cleanse me sinful, Yako Nikolizh (that is, never) Socratic good before you."

It is possible to pronounce prayers not only during worship or houses - in the morning and in the evening. The laity can pray at any time - when negative and sinful thoughts occur. A short prayer will make it spiritually clear and tune into a positive way.

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God, my God! Give my heart to my ignorance of passions and worship the eye of my mind over the madness of the world, right from now on, the life of my life is not on your fellow and give me pity for me to chasing me. For the joy of yours in the sorces of the knowledge, my God, and the direct soul will submit it, the fate of her from your face comes and there is no reflection of bliss of her. Lord, Jesus Christ, my God, the straight of my way on the ground.

The clergymen advise all four gospels on their own, as difficult to be a Christian, not knowing the Holy Scripture. It is recommended to read Scripture every day, in a relaxed atmosphere where you can focus, and after reading to reflect on read and think about how to relate the Scripture with your life.
The time of the Great Post is given by a specially church so that we can get together, focus and prepare for the meeting of Easter holidays.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The Great Post is a period of repentance and cleansing of the soul. In 2019, the Great Post will continue from March 11 to April 27.

These days, believers read ordinary morning and evening prayers. The prayer of St. Ephraim Sirina is added to the home prayer during the Great Post. In these short rows, the path of spiritual improvement of a person is captured.

We ask for help from God in the fight with our vices: despondency, laziness, celebration, condemnation of the neighbor. And we ask you to crush us the crown of all virtues: humility, patience and love.

Mr. and my belly of my belly,
The spirit of idleness, despondency, lyrics and celebrations are not gone. (Earth Bow).
The spirit of the chastity, humble, patience and lubva give you to Darui Mi, to your slave. (Earth Bow).
Her, Lord King, give Darui Mi, my sorts and not condemn my brother,
Yako blessed Esi forever in centuries, Amen. (Earth Bow).
God, clean, sinful (sinful)!

(Read 12 times with waist bows. And once again all the prayer completely with one earthly bow at the end).

How to pray at home to the great post?

These days, believers also read the Great Conquained Canon of St. Andrei Crytsky - an allegorical product, which includes 250 tropars.

All homemade prayers to the great post should be read, following the following rule: "Whether the great post (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), then WSI entrances of the earth; After the prayer, the "king of heaven" relies between the Great Bow. "

What prayers during the Great Post are read at home? Constantly read these days, for example, one chapter of the Gospel every day, and then think about read.

How to read the psaltry and the gospel to the great post at home?

If you have not yet fully read the Old Town and the New Testament - catch up for the upcoming seven weeks.

Psalm is the Sacred Book of Psalms or Divine Hymns. Reading Psaltiri attracts the help of angels, drinks soul breathing of the Holy Spirit.

To read the Psaltiri, you must have a burning lamp (or a candle) at home. The psalter, on the advice of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, you need to read out loud - in a low voice or quieter, paying attention to the correct placement of stress.