Metropolitan Feodosius (pros:). Theodosius value in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree

Metropolitan Feodosius (pros:). Theodosius value in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree
Metropolitan Feodosius (pros:). Theodosius value in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree

Departed to the Lord
former Omsk Metropolitan Feodosius Psyuyuk.
The last scandalous "feat" was then
what leaving on peace Metropolitan Feodosius
i rewrote the entire fleet of Omsk Metropolis and a lot more.

My mini-saga dedicated to one of the most colorful
orthodox hierarchs:
And only one script from this mini-saga:

"Titular printed showcase
russian Orthodoxy "JMMP" -
"Penal thoughts of Pitirimov",
from number to the number
on colorful inlets
representing the edema "Church Princes",
captured in the instrument of "peace-world"
on different kind, europe mother, congressions
and ecumenial wounds
among which
valya impressiveness
for several years we were concerned
in the middle of the 80s
and Archbishop Berlin and Middle Eastern,
Exams of Central European Feodosius Pnceuk:
"Moving the despot of Kirill from Leningrad to Smolensk
also therefore seemed extremely derogatory
that Feodosia Pratsyuk, who squeezed to him
at the Smolensk Department
sent to an executive position
observe in Berlin.
And asked who?
Vessel Derevnia and cattle
with an already thoroughly submissal reputation,
since the former Father Archpriest Igor Pzyuk
already then in an inconsistently overwhelmed his proclution
i was thrown on everything that moves: and on the male floor, and on the female.
And even for the gestures and their wives
introducing prepotion -
"The right of the first novain":
"And this, I will not be afraid of this word, scum,
unable to "BE", nor "ME"
without a referent, express
put in the Middle Eastern Exarch! "

In the exarchas of European chipheodosius psyuyuk
lasted a little over a year when in 86th
"In Berlin, then the scandal happened,
that pros is injured -
he shot him right in the Military Temple,
whose wife twisted the novel with this so-called. "Archbishop".
And P. Pimenu was a telegram from Berlin,
which started exactly these words:
"Prosecut is injured. The criminal case is established ..."

Here is what about this Soviet hierarch,
i heard on the rotten zahide
business card
the then Russian Orthodoxy,
wrote good my complication die_ante_Bellum :
"Yes, truth, first-class geek. Only pardon not from pity ...
No, he sees, in some way scout. Unfigured ways in the collaborative, and methods too. It was necessary to send this creature to Berlin. And then it was necessary to leave him among the archives. Well, it is necessary.
At one time, I was full (tremendous thinking about the fate of my homeland))) I thought for a long time and painfully, trying to understand the meaning and logic of the actions of the secret stationery.
And in the end I thought about the epochal discovery.))) The mystery is not the methods and not the directions of work - about this, to bring observers, reading Spyer's thrillers are quite enforced, and again the methods and directions of secret work are quite logical and amenable to understanding.
The main secret of the secret office is precisely the meaning and logic of their actions is a completely secret meaning and completely secret logic. Without knowing how to see the world through the eyes of workers "Words and Causes" to never guess, for example, why suddenly it is necessary to the role of the honorable arching, stupid, false and depraved degenerate). "

Date of Birth: January 7, 1927 Country: Russia Biography:

Born on January 7, 1927 in p. Top Neckline Relovishki district of Volyn region. Ukraine in the family of the priest. During the Great Patriotic War, he graduated from the courses of Psalmovshchikov, served as a psaller in the temple in the city of friendlyopol, from 1944 - IPodiakon in the Troitsk Cathedral of Lutsk.

From 1945 he served in the Simeonian temple in the village. Selo, since 1947 - the rector of the Trinity Church in the m. Berestchka and the Trinity Church in p. Minds of the Volyn region, since 1949, the rector of the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in p. Kuzmin Krasalovsky district of Khmelnitsky region., Since 1955, the Nikolaev Church, since 1961, in the city of Kamenets-Podolsky and the serve of Kamenets-Podolsky district.

In 1956 he graduated in absentia, erected in San Archpriest. In 1959 he received a degree of candidate of theology.

On December 2, 1962, in the refectory temple, the Trinis-Sergius Lavra Cherotonisan in the Bishop of Chernihiv and Nezhinsky.

From 1964 - Bishop Poltava and Kremenchugsky, since 1967 - Chernivtsi and Bukovinsky, since 1972 - Smolensky and Vyazemsky.

In 1979 he received a Master's degree in theology.

December 26, 1984 was appointed Patriarch Exarch in Central Europe and Archbishop Berlin and Middle Economic.

On July 29, 1986, translated into the Omsk Department with the title "Omsk and Tyumensky", since 1990 - Omsk and Tarsky.

By the decision of the Sacred Synod of July 27, 2011 (), it was written on peace on the basis of a petition filed.

On the morning of May 28, 2016, after a long illness in the Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital. On May 30, in Kripte Nizhny, the Assumption Cathedral of the Acair Monastery of the Omsk region.


1956 - Leningrad Spiritual Academy (in absentia, candidate of theology).



  • 2010 - PRP. Sergius of Radonezh I Art.;
  • order of St. Equal kn. Vladimir I-II Art.;
  • order of the PRP Sergius of the Radonezh II-III Art.;
  • order of St. BLGV. kn. Daniel Moscow II Art.;
  • order Svt. Innokentia of Moscow II Art.;
  • the Order of the Merry Coffin (Jerusalem Orthodox Church);
  • order of St. Equal Mary Magdalene (Polish Orthodox Church).


  • order of Honor;
  • medals and signs of the differences between a number of departments and public organizations.


Probably, in the 80s for many Smolyan, this name was very well acquainted and could not not cause warm feelings. It and today, after 30 years, those who at least somehow got in touch with the Lord causes only bright memories. Thanks to him, there are a lot of people standing on different steps of the social staircase, found the way to the temple. Perhaps the reading this article can say with confidence: "He lit a lamp of faith ...". The carrier is not only a centuries-old Russian spiritual tradition, but also of Christian culture, in any audience, Vladyka Theodosius always found and finds the only trust word, which is accessible to the feeling, hears, can reach the heart of everyone. Remember how breaking through the brands of the police, did you come to listen to his sermons? Remember how you wipted tears, feeling what I said? Remember how it was cold in the temple when, Osaping, he cried himself, and you, too, in empathy? Remember what holiday your soul was given to the Christmas carols sent to them and his colleagues? Remember, what bright were all his services?

Many politicians could take hers of oratory lessons. Many could learn from him how to be an all-seeing owner and truly lead, learn to learn and tolerance. After all, no matter where the Vladyka Feodosius would serve, the most different and unlike each other have always stretched to him.

Being in Siberia, after the service in the Christ-Christmas Cathedral, I was on a fraternal meal, and I was not surprised by the fact that you were sitting on the same table with Metropolitan, and High Rank officials, and pilgrims, and a doctor, and builder, And the old woman is a parishioner, and God knows who else ..., but a sense of unity. Everyone was singing a prayer for the blessing and turned into a single whole. The feeling is indescribable! Vladyka did not adopt anyone with attention. And it became clear that the love of people of various - believers, and atheists, and even the innerians are amazing and explained. She is just a natural answer to his love for his children, the love of the human heart full of the kindness to other people. After all, for many, it is very expensive as an indisputable spiritual authority, father, hope and refuge of earthly in the sorces and troubles, a prayer officer for the essentials of all of us ... in one word of Vosh-ka. And then the question arises: what does this word mean? Where is it from? The answer is simple, Sanskrit gives it. And not even one thing: "the power of God", the "Sun force" and "Soul, flying to connect." In short

N and s t o me and y lladyka invisible power

Amazing power with about b about yu carries

And the power of this is irrevocably

Light Divine Notes are filled.

In December 2012, Vladyka Feodosius celebrated the anniversary - the 50th anniversary of his bishop (the rarest!) Ministry, i.e. 50 years ago, Father Igor became Vladyka Feodosius. The final words, spoken by the Bishop of Feodosius on his adventures, sounded like this: "I am constantly, in my whole life, I will be preducing the Holy Russian Orthodox Church, the Sacred Synod and My Motherland." Apparently, he has never retreated from these words anywhere.

"Vladyka, please tell me a little about yourself, because 28 years have passed, as you left from the city, and many Smolyan do not know you.

I was born on January 7, 1927 in the village of Toplorinsky district of the Volyn Region in Western Ukraine in the family, then the Dyakon-Psalmman John Prosweb. My father is Ukrainian, with all the kind and Orthodox, which was in the Ukrainian people. Mom I have Russian. According to the passport, I am Russian. The family was freely expressing in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Polish. Without any nationalistic tendencies, I will say that the Ukrainian people are talented, but you need to adhere to the truth that has always been inherent in the Russian Orthodox Church - everyone to keep together, because today, unfortunately, they forget that historically Great Mosts, Beloros and Maloros made up a single Slavic people.

We, children, was four: Vitaly, Paradise, Dima and I, the youngest. The first prayer, which I learned, was: "Lord, went to the health of dad and mom, Vite, Rae, Dima, Mount." We lived poorly: a good white bread was at us at home on holidays, but did not lose. The family was rarely friendly and hardworking. The farm was held, kept the cattle, had an apiary. Yes, and the children did not sit on parents for a long time, having matured, tried to decide on further life. Everything that is remembered about my family, all, thank God, very good and instructive. After all, the main science from the father and mother goes. The values \u200b\u200bof family life, assimilated by the child from the first years of life, have a continuous value for a person at any age

- And what role is your mother playing in your upbringing?

My mother, Eva Ierofeevna Provisk - a representative of the ancient nobility of Krzhizhanovsky. She was a teacher. She read a lot, mostly novels, loved the classic literature. I loved very much when she told us fairy tales. Mom instilled me taste to a good book. I love Gogol, Leskova, Chekhov I love, remember, there is such a wonderful story of the "bishop", as he dies alone ... I love the Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov". There's the depth of thought, and such a good Orthodox philosophy ... Mom prepared perfectly. The most delicious dish was a cheese Easter. She was an interesting person and so built relations with us that we had more obeyed than dad. She was enough to say one word. I never remember our mom to condemn someone or told something bad. She was always calm, withstand, always in the writings. Family focus is always in the hands of a woman. A woman makes the most important thing in life - she brings up a person's personality. Birth and education of children is a job without weekends, vacations and hospitals. Nowadays, this task has become more complicated. Double load lay on a woman, because The man almost eliminated the upbringing. Today a real mother-mother need to put a monument.

Once I delivered a lot of trouble to our family. Western Ukraine was part of Catholic Poland, we lived in the Polish environment. And in the teaching of the Law of God, we were alternated by Xendz, Rabbi and Batyushka. Somehow a concert arranged on a big change, made the scene and everyone was invited to him. Someone the poem has begun. I, the science of my father, since childhood, decided to praise with singing. And I sang such a song: "Not far from Krakow, Gay, Gay. It is puzzled Stakhova, Gay. " Further in the song will go on, as Xendz tried to talk to the way. "And the image of him is not a word, gay. Taka was their Rosem, gay. " But the miracle did not happen, the icon did not answer. All schoolchildren applauded me, I felt hero. And the dad was summoned to school, then he told his mother: "Came to school, and there Xendz. And this Xendz: "Father John, you noticed that your son Igor is engaged in communist propaganda, denial of the deity, mockery over the wonders". And the dad did the suggestion, and he, in turn, did a suggestion to me and wanted to punish. And my mother stood up: "He tried, he wanted to show his talent." I forgave me, but the severity of my "amateur" I understood when it became older.

- Why did you choose the priestly path?

It is the Father, you can say that, I set me on the pastoral path and replaced the whole seminard ... he also misunderstand me at night for the Christmas service. And I already sang a little: "Lord, nice!" For me, a great happiness was not only the presence of the presence on the services, but also help: to give a cadyl, to light the candles ... I had my temple at home - in the dining room under a large round table with accurate legs, covered with a large tablecloth. Cadyl was an ordinary lamp. Friends to my services treated well - I had our parishioners and even an older. During the war, after Brother, Dmitry was asked to the front, but refused due to young age. In 1943, having traveled a path of 90 km across the territory occupied by the Germans, I with my comrades A. Kostyuk and A. Kescom came to the Holy Assumption Pocheevskaya Lavra, where in two weeks passed the exam on the psaller. And in the forty-five year to eighteen, he got San. Later and brothers became priests.

- In such a young age? Maybe tell me how it happened and what was the decisive in your monastic fate?

At the end of the war, the first Lord of the Volyn and Rivne Nicholas (Chufarovsky) sent us to Volyn. When he went to the election of the Patriarch on the Local Cathedral, which was held in the winter of 1945, then took me with him like a Clacer. Then 47 bishops, 87 priests and 38 laymen participated in the acts of the cathedral. This composition was unanimously elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy I (Simansky). After the election of Vladyka, Nikolai stood in line again to congratulate him, and holding my hand, presented to Holiness: "Your Holiness, here is a young man from a good church family, I ask your blessing." If Hisi looked at me, I probably would have doubted it, because I had just got sick with a typhus, it was trimmed - such brings on appearance. And the Holy Holy Words heard and, without distracting from the conversation, he said in our direction: "God bless."

So on March 24, 1945, I was hand-made in the Dyakon, and in a week - on March 1 my charifony took place in Ierhea, and I received an appointment to the dad assistant. It was better not for the place and come up with. The dad in a friendly painting was the Dimitrievsky Temple, and I was sent for three kilometers to the village of Silz, on the asscript parish, where I was practiced and passed. Winter, plug, cold, stand up at night and go to the service, and when it moves who, we go there on a wagon. On May 9, 1945, I served my first Easter liturgy that coincided with Victory Day. Then I served in many parishes and twenty years of my ministry to God and people did not have another path except Monastic. After a night, I was taken by the Feodosius-Sergiye Lavra under the name of Feodosiya on Sunday on Sunday on Sunday on December 2, 1962, my Chernihiv and Nezhinsky bishop was committed.

- You were prepared for God's fishery to head 6 departments: in Ukraine, in Russia, in Germany. From December 2, 1962 Bishop Chernigov and Nezhinsky, from March 30, 1964. - Poltava and Kremenchugsky, from October 7, 1967. Appointed Chernivitsky and Bukovinsky, from February 2, 1972. - Bishop Smolensky and Vyazemsky. From September 7, 1977 - Archbishop. From November 1979 - Master of theology. On December 26, 1984, he was appointed Archbishop Berlin and Middle Eastern, the Exarm of Central European. On July 29, 1986, he was appointed Archbishop Omsk and Tyumensky, then from January 25, 1990. - Omsk and Tarsky. February 23, 1997. Erected in San Metropolitan ... Please tell us about your highest, i.e. bishop, ministry.

Each of the dioceses, where it happened to serve, is, figuratively speaking, one necklace of the links, they are all precious, they are all roads.

In Chernihiv was my first department. The experience of the archpastorsky has not yet had, but he relied on the power of God, remembering the words: "Do not be afraid of a small herd ..." When I arrived in Chernigov, all the nuns already evicted from the women's monastery, and they were evicted so that sisters and dying The nun through the window was taken out into the yard ... And here in this monastery, where there were empty monastic cells, still Chernihiv diocesan control remained. And near the closed Trinity Cathedral, in the basement of which were hidden the power of St. Feodosia Chernigovsky. The outside went out the little window, near which fresh flowers always lay, because local believers knew that there, below, the power of the saint. And every evening you walk around the cathedral, you read the rule, and in the soul bitter, I can't be there, I can not pray and make a shrine. This is where there was a bitter year bitter than my stay on that department ... drive up from Kiev - the Holy Grad, where neither loaves - all the dome with crosses, and all closed, and only one small church has a resurrection at the entrance to the bazaar. This church was given to us. The place is lively, the bazaar, the people went to us: put a candle, prayer service. But on holidays and Sundays, she was overflowed - one acting church for the city ... At the same time, I received a appointment temporarily to fulfill the duties of the manager of the Sumy Diocese. In Sumy, there was still a Preobrazhensky Cathedral, built by Sukhanov Sakharazavod. Large cathedral with white beauty iconostasis. And now you could go there and get joy from service in the present cathedral.

And then she was Poltava, the beautiful Poltava, immediately recalled the Sorochinsky Fair and all the places, sneeze N.V. Gogol. In Poltava, I was in the years of Khrushchev "thaw." The Preobrazhensky Cathedral was destroyed and turned into some storage facilities. We gave us the Makarev cemetery church, where we served. And she stood - and still stands there - next to the hospital body. The bell tongue was not. People who lay in the hospital immediately appealed to the statement that they prevent them from the bell ringing ...

From Poltava - translation to Chernivtsi, and here, figuratively speaking, completely different knees. I had to serve both in Romanian, and in Ukrainian: some of the exclamations at the request of the parishioners had to be brought alternately first in Church Slavonic, then in Ukrainian, then in Romanian. The cathedral Nikolsky Cathedral in Chernovtsy was in the "drunk church." Do not be surprised to such a name. According to the architect's project, some kind of architectonic mystery was laid: bevelled windows were made in the dome, and when you look from the side, you will not understand anywhere, where they go out, everything is accurate, clearly designed, but the impression that the windows seem to "falling". So they called it and called "Drunk Church." There we painted the walls with plots from the Old Town and the New Testament - the church received a completely different appearance, transformed. The Lord helped.

Then the translation into Smolensk was followed.

Sorry, let's talk about Smolensk separately.

From Smolensk I was transferred to Berlin and appointed by the Exarm of Central Europe. Well, and then - return to Russia and appointment to Siberia. Omsk was known as the city of exile, where the departures of the Cathedral F.M. Dostoevsky. A native of Volyn, who served many years on warm Ukraine, never thought that I would carry the service here. And when God's fishery was destined to rest in Omsk, to the depths of the soul touched sincere, the good attitude of the clergy, the laity, which in the late December night met me - who came across the bishop. And then I deeply regretted and rushed that six months pulled the trip, I was afraid of Siberia. I remember when I was brought from the airport in late evening on December 13, 1986, I, of course, drew attention to the Nikolsky Cathedral. "What a good temple," say. The driver in response: "This is not a temple, this is an organ hall." And I think: "Nothing, our will be." And the Lord gave.

I confess that I was driving in Siberia with the assurances of the deceased Metropolitan Sergius, while the Patriarchate Manager, who said: "Vladyka, wake there for three years and return to Smolensk." And I had a few times the opportunity to claim the bishop department in Ukraine, but I did not do this. The north requires great work and from the farmer, and from the shepherd. And since to open the parishes and build monasteries - this is a gracious undertaking, and something worked out - where did I seek? And the severity of the climate is only for the fortress of spiritual. So with Siberia, I threatened. Caped heart. And if it's a "swan song", then let it already be over in one place. So God blessed. And these 26 years have passed as one day.

- Vladyka, here, I read that 29 temples are open in Omsk over the years (of which 5 - cathedrals), 13 chapels, 2 prayer rooms, 11 temples and prayer rooms in orphanages and nursing homes, 1 temple in the social center , 7 temples and chapels on the territory of hospitals, 6 temples and chapels in cemeteries, 11 temples in correctional institutions and 5 temples and prayer rooms in military units ... Among them there is a temple with the fate of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the story of which is associated with the name of the Sylvester Sacred ...

This is the Assumption Cathedral. In 1935, the old cathedral blew up, and in his place with the time they built a large fountain. There was a Square Square, beer stalls. But there and the cross stood Poklonnaya, where people carried flowers, and then we began to walk with the godpodes around this place. And when the question already arose about the construction of the temple, we expanded our route. We had a peculiar "groove" as in Diveevo. By the way, the initiator of these daily goddes was a fence.

The governor had long refused to highlight this place under the construction of the temple, saw disagreement in certain circles - after all, our life had a long red cover for a long time. And then the government determined to restore the Assumption Cathedral, and the governor issued a decree, God for health. When I arrived here, I immediately told about the last Omsk pre-revolutionary Silvestre bishop, which was crucified on the floor in Kainsk and buried in the general grave. But it turned out that his good people in their cathedral slowly burned out of the authorities, having taken into bishops. And the cathedral was born again.

- I read that the Metropolitan Clement, who arrived at the consecration of this temple, the Metropolitan Clement said: "We were all amazed by learning about your daily prayers." He was corrected - Vladyka Feodosius served not brief prayers, and full evening and all-sleeping with mandatory excitement ...

It was so. Indeed, I have never stayed alone, no less than hundreds of citizens came to the service in any bad weather ... For two years every day spent evening services at the construction site. Sometimes it seemed that the hand would relieve the brush from the cold, from fatigue, but the hot faith helped. Neither the torrential rain, no heat, nor the laundry frosts never interrupted our prayers. The builders said that they were lifted by the Spirit. And the result? Not a single accident at the construction site, and the unique temple was built in the most unreal period for two years.

And, of course, the indicator of our work is a acair crusade for a monastery.

- The fame of the miraculous properties of water from the holy source of the Acair Monastery, which can heal from a wide variety, scattered far beyond the Omsk region ... You can at least a few words about the monastery.

This is an amazing history of the birth of the monastery in place of the colony number 8 of the Gulag system. The monastery began with the community - the Virgin Mikhailovo-Arkhangelsk Women's community next to the Cossack village of Achair appeared at the end of the 1890s. The funds for the construction of the monastery came from the Emperor Alexander III Foundation specially created for these purposes. Local Cossacks took part in the construction of the temple. In 1913, the new monastery blessed Archbishop Andronik. With the arrival of Soviet power, everything changed. In August 1920, the monastery was arrested. Church property was confiscated and looted, and the monastery ceased to exist. The preserved buildings were chosen by the NKVD and in the late 1930s. On the territory of the former monastery organized the colony number 8 of the Gulag. The prisoners were delivered to the place of content on the supply and water vehicles on the Irtysh. The colony at the same time contained 800-900 people. Prisoners, criminals and "political" were not shot, people died from unbearably difficult conditions. The barracks were built in one board, through the gaps blew the wind, the rain and snow penetrated. Such buildings could not protect against severe Siberian winters. There were no warm clothes, fed badly, people died from cold and diseases. They buried them here, behind the walls of the camp. In the entire 16-year history of the camp existence, only one story of escape is known. Disbanded the colony immediately after the death of Stalin, while all the documents, the archives of the camps were very hasty, and the buildings were blown up.

I was shocked herself and in 1991. He decided to revive the acair monastery. He turned to the leadership of the "River" neighboring with the village with a request to highlight the Earth to install the cross in memory of the dead without repentance and prayer. However, the director of V.D.Meshmaryakov did not just respond to a request, but allocated 38 hectares of land for the construction of a new monastery in memory of his father, the prisoner of the acair colony number 8. Today, 7 temples are erected here, 5 chapels, as well as celi for nuns, a refectory and monastery hotel for pilgrims. Grains, potatoes, vegetables, and also bred animals and birds. After the basis of the Acair Monastery, the source of mineral water was opened on its territory. He was consecrated Alexy II during his visit to Achair. Today, thousands of people come here in the hope of healing. But the most important miracle is the water temperature. It is equal to 36.6 s, that is, the temperature of the human body and does not fall even in the most siberian frosts.

And it also happened that in the Omsk region eleven correctional institutions, and everywhere we opened the temples, I myself served there, communicated with prisoners.

- Well, and helps faith to fix criminals?

On this account, I confess, I myself was a skeptic. Now I am convinced that it can. The positive dynamics of changes in the shoes of prisoners are viewed from the first days of the opening of such chapels. Today, temples are in the second, third, sixth, ninth, twelfth colonies. The colonists erected them with their own hands, painted themselves. The presence of the temple, the meeting with the father is very helpful in the shower. At least, a person begins to think and repent of the raised atrocities. This is a lot. With the leadership, complete mutual understanding, and among the prisoners, too many good people. This is how the people on the prayers of the church gradually comes to faith.

- Vladyka, "Smolensk" - what's in this word for the heart of yours merged?

You know my attitude to Smolensk. Smolensk is the city of Russian glory, ancient city. How much did I have in him?

- almost 13 years old.

This is already a testimony, as far as he was dear to me, and so he remains for me for life.

- Do you remember your arrival in Smolensk? What do you remember most?

First of all, this is a magnificent cathedral - one of the most beautiful in Russia. In the Cathedral of the shrine - the icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" Smolenskaya, which is colorful of Vladyka Minsk Philaret told me: "Vladyka, you have the biggest icon, and I have the smallest." We had "odigitria" Smolenskaya - three and a half meters of height, calculated to stand in the spike of the fortress wall. And in his Belarus - the icon of the Mother of God "Zhirovitskaya", the smallest - the magnitude of the palm and placed in star kyota, as the icon of the Mother of the Mother of Pochaevskaya. Odigitria is one of the most important shrines of the Russian Earth. Believers received and receive abundant harmful help from her: "The Mother of God through his holy image stands up and reinforces us, guiding to salvation, and we appeal to it: faithful people - all-incurate odiritria, you are Smolensk praise and all Russian land - approval! Rejoice, odigitria, Christians in salvation! " Thank God, here, this is the joy of the Great, which warmed me and warms all these years.

In this cathedral there is another shrine - this is a shroud from the workshops of Evphrosnia Starin-Koy. In 1812, the shroud was removed by Napoleon, and the hussars of the legendary Denis Davydov beat it with the French and returned back to Smolensk. The Cathedral has a third shrine - iron sandals of the Reverend Martyr Mercury Smolensky. Only once a year on December 7, they are taken out to worship.

When I arrived in the city, and it was in the 70s, then immediately from the station in worldly clothes went on foot to see him, went to the cathedral, no one else knew me. And there, just a group of tourists stands in front of the ship, and in front of them the guise of a pointer leads through the body of Christ and God's mother ... Well, I can't object, I stand, suffer. I looked and decided that I would not, if I don't get to led by the Cathedral of people, especially since the cathedral is valid. When meeting the Commissioner, expressed his request, and in response to such skepticism: "Can you? Well, that, let's try. " I met the history of the cathedral, read everything that could be. I even learned that somewhere in 1922 there was an anti-iligious museum in the cathedral and in the altar, a scarecrow the goat was put in the biscuits in the biscuits, and portraits of the leader were raised on all walls. Prepared, in one word, thoroughly. And we agreed that all coming important delegations in the cathedral will meet themselves. It was already such a first moral victory that was justified, because there were already all sorts of states of state, we called to the cathedral asking for a tour. And I usually ended my story: "As New York is unthinkable without skyscrapers, Athens without necropolis, and Smolensk is unthinkable without his cathedral." Times those distant were heavy for the church. I remember well about the case during my ministry in Smolensk. I go to the Commissioner for Religious Affairs. He looks at me and asks a question near the standing employee: "How many seminarians in our country have?" He responds that 4. No, "says the Commissioner," five, also Smolenskaya. " 38 priests! " And so I looked at me with dislike ... Because we ourselves prepared and handiccated priests in our city because of the lack of personnel.

Smolensk, of course, played a big role in my fate. There were many tourists here. And even then, in Soviet times, at the railway station one could get a guide to the city in which it was written that there is an acting cathedral. Trains stayed more than two hours. During this time, people managed to come to the cathedral and put to the shrine, and someone - just see. Even who came to the cathedral, we gave a candle in your hands, and he put this candle. Here is such a tight, but already touching faith.

In Smolensk, I had a lot of guests of the Bishops - Chapter Polish, Czechoslovak Church-Wei, Bishops from Bulgaria and Serbia. For me personally, the meeting of Smolensky also because four times visiting us was Metropolitan Tallinn and Estonian, and later Patriarch Alexy.

I also got acquainted with many figures of the Soviet state in Smolensk, with artists and literature, which were in our cathedral.

- Then a few questions about music. I remember how at the concert of the minina in the office of officers you were not alone, but led the whole diocese. A record has been preserved with a record, where Evgeny Nesterenko on the Sectation is a petition "On the Grand Mr. His Holiness Patriarch Pimena and about the Mr. Our High Eminence Archbishop of Feodosia ..."

Yes, then it was like a bomb. In 1983 I had the honor to accompany the patriarch on the holy land. We come to Moscow and at the perrone of the Belarusian station, we encounter artists of the Mininsky Chora, which are going to Smolensk to record, as there, in the cathedral, the best acoustics. I managed to visit the pilgrimage trip, and on diet, because Musicians still work.

Orthodox music I love, voice mess, and if they are in the harmonization of Arkhangelsky, so it's great, it is great. They are easy to serve, they create not just a mood, but a true prayer mood ... A bishop choir should know how to sing. How was not to give.

In our family, we all sang, constantly sounded ancient Ukrainian and Russian folk dogs, carols. Until now, as I hear "That's not the wind, the branch is clone", so I remember childhood.

- I know that it is now high on the front of the Temple of Triptych: the center is a large image of the state of the mother of God, right - Rev. Mercury Smolensky, left - Rev. Abraham Smolensky has once been established thanks to you. How did it succeed?

This triptych was safely stayed there until arrived in Smolensk N. S. Khrushchev. He saw these icons and immediately ordered: "Remove!" What was done on the same night. Thank God, which was far from taken away, and put down in the cathedral. The icons were standing at the bottom of the cathedral, already before me. And so this event occurred. Famous film director Evgeny Matveyev, the kingdom of heaven, arrived in Smolensk to shoot the film "Fate". He had to count the scene in the cathedral, and the Cathedral was acting, and local authorities said: "Go to the bishine. Evgeny Semenovich came to me and so, a somewhat artistically, the knee preclosure, said: "Vladyka, help." And I helped him, of course, but with the "Popovsky cunning", asked to restore Triptych, saying: "Let's raise the icons." And now I serve in the Small Cathedral (Big Cathedral - Sucansky, and the Small - Epiphany) and through the altar window I see how the soldiers on thick ropes lift the icon to the top. Once raised, the misfire came out - flies down. Well, I think, again falls - will bother. From the second time, thank God, installed. Then they said that the icon was fixed forever. And it was our victory.

Now my second homeland is Siberia. Here so much done ... But the Smolensk diocese is very donor to my heart. Roads people celebrated at the time. The city, of course, will always remember.

- Sorry, but Vladyka Sergius constantly comes to Odigitria, and you never visited Smolensk over the years ...

I was very happy when for the first time in 2010. He received an invitation from the lyophylact's lord. I was going to order a car and take a part of the diocese for a feast, but it did not work out.

- You are the son of the priest, half a century an archpastyr. Tell me when it was easier to serve and reach the hearts of people: in the Stalin era, with socialism or today, when, on the one hand, the Orthodox Church legalized, and on the other, the temptations for a person became much more?

What time was it better - difficult to answer. Previously, there were difficulties, but there was also a blessed mood in society, since somewhere faith was pursued, somewhere denied, it means that there were something useful and necessary in the minds of people. This is a distant time. And then everything went well-kept tract, and for today, thank God, the Orthodox Church is abundantly developing quantitatively, and it is difficult ... It is difficult to say. Then, probably, people inclined to take the Orthodox faith, more appreciated it. And all that is permitted is always acceptable. In a word, there is no unambiguous answer. During your life, I had a meeting with good and located to me in particular and to the church in general people. Everywhere: both in Ukraine, and in Smolensk, and here in Siberia.

- You served in Ukraine, in Russia, Germany. Are there any features of the faith of Orthodox people in a particular region?

Undoubtedly. Without long reasoning, I will say that the true Orthodox Vera is in Russia, in Siberia. And in the West, it correlates with local lifestyles. Everything is clean, tidy, under the comb. And we are closer to pain, to the ailments of human. When I served in Berlin, the only old woman came to the temple on worship service, which was sitting in worship with knitting in her hands.

- In the publishing house "Tatiana Day" there is a story about the Serbian Patriarch Pavel, who went to the old boots on foot and once, coming to the building of the Patriarchate, noticed a lot of cars at the entrance and asked whose cars. He was told that these are cars of bishops. What the Patriarch with a smile said: "If they, knowing the Savior Commandment about non-sucking, have such cars, then what cars would they have if there were no such commandments? Now the press is often discussed by the level of well-being of our priests: Mercedes, hours, foreign and other property owned by the servants of the Church ... This is the result of the attention of society to them or is it really difficult to stay from worldly temptations today?

It's hard to answer here. I, for example, "Mercedes" no, and I think, no one we have it. And if one or two somewhere and there are ... it's hard to say. On the welfare of the priests here, the proverb can be said: no one has died with hunger.

- Your Eminence, you meet with the most different people, and what is the audience for you the most beloved?

I love people to make a lot of people so that we all be consonant in our spiritual and heartfelt setting: there is a car bearing, there "Holy God", there "merry the soul of my gentlemen". It all raises the spirit, and I see that it is necessary for people ...

And the audience is children. Children with their innocent eyes are the angels of God.

We have been helping the house of Baby for many years. The efforts of Orthodox women in all children's Du-Machi Omsk are open houses in which Liturgy serve. Children sewed stirremen, they take part in all our big holidays, headed the goddes in the city.

If since childhood, we will not inspire the man of Christian concepts about the good, love, patience and all-things, he will not learn to distinguish the grains from the whores. Today in the Omsk region we have 56 schools, where the foundations of Orthodox culture are taught. After Sunday service in many churches there are lessons designed to specially children and teachers. A special pedagogical seminar was conducted for 130 teachers of Orthodoxy. Children will grow up and will make a decision, go through life with God or not. But only knowledge gives the possibility of such a choice, and only they protect the rapid children's soul from the invasion of hate and evil.

- How to find your second half and create a strong family?

In my opinion, this is a very simple question. In prayer, the great strength is hidden. It is necessary to pray and ask for the Lord to indicate you the right person. And then it remains to wait. Prayer and work - the main thing for a Christian in solving any problems.

- How to find and not lose a prayer attitude? What would you advise people who, meeting once a nonlaskovoy reception, are simply afraid to come to church again?

It is difficult to answer this, especially in a nutshell. Prayer always stems from faith. The prayer attitude should be felt through doing. And not afraid: fell - get up, smoke and go on. I am a supporter of church. Cathedral church prayer very brings clips, soothes and equalizes. Although I do not detract from the greatest importance of Canel Prayer, it is always with us. Constantly pray within yourself, "pray, do not get into the attack", repeat Jesus prayer, immediately for her "Most Holy Mother of God, save us." Even the smallest prayer means much. And the mother's prayer is very strong.

Who is looking for, he will always find: "Look for and gain, stump and cure to you." So here is the one who is looking for and wants to find faith, its place in faith and church, will find, before or later. But in the church, it seems to be like in the temple. After all, we also have ethics of behavior in a restaurant, in some department? And the behavior in the temple should also be special, you are before God.

- According to the Charter of the Church when she reached 75 years old, Vladyov should write a report on clearing on peace. Having considered your report at the meeting on March 12-13, 2002, the sacred synod decided to "ask the Metropolitan of Omsk and Tarski Feodosia to continue his archpastor ministry in the Omsk Department," and therefore, in my opinion, then somehow very strangely sound and cheat: "On the basis of the decision submitted in 2002 by the decision of the Sacred Synod of July 27, 2011 (Magazine No. 66), it was written on peace with the expression of gratitude" For many years of work on the revival of the Omsk Diocese, which expressed in the opening and construction of new temples and monasteries "... It turns out What is the petition satisfied after 9 years?!

How do you live "at rest"?

Now I am very bad, because I do not serve now, and it is hard, very hard. It is difficult to convey, as it is a hard - a person to remain without committing a liturgy ...

- How do you see the perfect future of Russia?

This is the watery of the Mother of God with many Russian saints. God gave Russia such boutic natural and land resources, and we all have anyone to belong to someone. When I look at everyone who is in force and in the power of the point, then immediately one comes to mind: "... Soldatshushki, Brava of the children, ... Who is your father? - Our Father, Brave Well done-Painan Russian king!" Here is the ideal concept of state system. This is my personal and inner conviction. I cannot change the record, she is sacred ... So the song of my childhood, learned under the Polish pick-up, so he brought me a father as a child, and my childhood went into a purely Catholic bourgeois Poland. And although my father was Ukrainian, but did not recognize Ukraine as something independent, but he knew only a great one and indivisible Russia.

- Allow me on behalf of Smolyan to wish you a lot of summer in the health, the help of God, the intercessors of the Blessed Virgin and ask your prayers and wishes.

The most important, good health to everyone: both old, and small, and children, and older people, and all of the Orthodox young people. Give, Lord, you all are good health and soul salvation! And everything else will be applied.

Prepared Giovanna

Metropolitan Feodosius (in the world Igor Ivanovich Prosven; January 7, 1927, Topolet, Polish Republic - May 28, 2016, Omsk, Russia) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Omsk and Tarsky (1986-2011).


On January 7, 1927, he was born in the village of Topolet (now Relovishki district of the Volyn region) in the family of a diakon-psaller, subsequently the Mitrofo Archpriest John Semenovich Pros: 1883-1967), the priest of the Cathedral of Poltava and the priest of the Cross Church under the bishop house. The family lived poorly. According to the memoirs of the future bishop: "White bread was at home on holidays, often could not pay taxes, including in the consistory, so they moved from place to place." Two brothers Igor Prosweb also became priests.

He graduated from elementary school. In 1939 he entered the 1st class of the state. Dressee of gymnasium in Lutsk.

In 1943 he graduated from the gymnasium in Gorokhov. I passed the exam on the psaller in the pasto-theological courses of the Pochaevskaya Lavra and was determined by the Psaller of the Dmitrovsk Church of the Town of Friendship.

In 1944, it was accepted into the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate and was determined by the Verdsky Cathedral of the Troitsky Cathedral of Lutsk.

On March 24, 1945, the Bishop of Nikolai (Chufarovsky) is ordained in Diacon, and on April 1 - in the priest.

Since 1947, the abbot of the Trinity Cathedral of the town of Berestechko of the Volyn region.

Since 1949, the abbot of the church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Kuzmino Krasalovsky district of Khmelnitsky region.

In 1951 he entered the 3rd class of the correspondence sector of the Leningrad spiritual seminary. In 1952, at the end of the seminary, he entered the Leningrad Spiritual Academy.

Since 1955, the abbot of the Nikolaev temple in Kamenets-Podolsk.

In 1956 he graduated from the Leningrad Spiritual Academy and was erected in San Archpriest.

In 1959 he received a degree of candidate of theology.

In 1961, he was appointed abbot of the Pokrovsk Church Kamenets-Podolsk and Genoie.

On November 27, 1962, he was tonsured in monasticism, and on November 28, 1962, he was erected in San Archimandrite.


December 2, 1962 Cherotonisan in the Bishop of Chernihiv and Nezhinsky. Chin Charotonia made: Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Alexy I, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ephraim II, Metropolitan Leningrad and Ladoga Pimen (Izvekov) and Archbishop Yaroslavl and Rostov Nicodem (Rotov).

From November 1979 - Master of theology.

From 9 to 20 October 1980, the pilgrim group of Moscow Patriarchate visited St. Mount Athos.

In 1984 (July 6-21), with a pilgrimage group of the Russian Orthodox church, he traveled to St. Earth.

On December 26, 1984, he was appointed Archbishop Berlin and Middle Eastern, the Exarm of Central European.

On July 29, 1986, he was released from the management of the Middle Eastern Exarchant and appointed Archbishop Omsk and Tyumen. He himself recalls that he was "to the depths of the soul, the sincere, the good attitude of the clergy, laity, who in the late December night met me - who came to the bishop. And then I deeply regretted and rushed that six months delayed the trip, I was afraid of Siberia. " In the diocese at this point there were only 13 parishes.

The definition of the sacred synod of January 25, 1990 is called Archbishop Omsk and Tarsky.

At the meeting on March 12-13, 2002, examined the report on the clearance on peace, according to the charter of the Church and in connection with the 75th anniversary of the birth, the sacred synod decided to continue his archpastorski service in the Omsk department.

The decision of the Sacred Synod dated July 27, 2011 is written on peace with the expression of gratitude "for many years of labor on the revival of the Omsk Diocese, expressed in the opening and construction of new temples and monasteries."

Predecessor: Gideon (Dokokin) Successor: Kirill (Gundyaev)
Bishop Chernivitsky and Bukovinsky
October 7, 1967 - February 2, 1972 Predecessor: Methodius (Menzak) Successor: Savva (Babinet) March 30, 1964 - October 7, 1967 Predecessor: Alpius (Hotovytsky) Successor: Feodosius (Dikun)
Bishop Chernigov and Nezhinsky
December 2, 1962 - March 30, 1964 Predecessor: Ignatius (Demchenko) Successor: Nestor (Tugai) Birth name: Igor Ivanovich Prosven Birth: Jan. 7(1927-01-07 )
Topolo, Polish Republic (now Relovishchensky district, Volyn region) Death: May 28.(2016-05-28 ) (89 years old)
Omsk, Russia Acceptance of sacred Sana April 1, 1945 Adoption of monastics: November 27, 1962 Episcopian Charotonia: December 2, 1962 Awards:

Metropolitan Feodosius (in the world Igor Ivanovich Prosven; January 7, Topolet, Polish Republic - May 28, Omsk, Russia) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Omsk and Tarsky (1986-2011).


In 1944, it was accepted into the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate and was determined by the Verdsky Cathedral of the Troitsky Cathedral of Lutsk.

Since 1947, the abbot of the Trinity Cathedral of the town of Berestechko of the Volyn region.

Since 1949, the abbot of the church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Kuzmino Krasalovsky district of Khmelnitsky region.

In 1951 he entered the 3rd class of the correspondence sector of the Leningrad spiritual seminary. In 1952, at the end of the seminary, he entered the Leningrad Spiritual Academy.

Since 1955, the abbot of the Nikolaev temple in Kamenets-Podolsk.

In 1956 he graduated from the Leningrad Spiritual Academy and was erected in San Archpriest.


December 2, 1962 Cherotonisan in the Bishop of Chernihiv and Nezhinsky. Chin Charotonia made: Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Alexy I, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ephraim II, Metropolitan Leningrad and Ladoga Pimen (Izvekov) and Archbishop Yaroslavl and Rostov Nicodem (Rotov).

On October 7, 1967, he was appointed Bishop Chernivitsky and Bukovinsky.

From February 2, 1972 - Bishop Smolensky and Vyazemsky.

September 7, 1977 was erected in the San Archbishop.

From November 1979 - Master of theology.

From 9 to 20 October 1980, the pilgrim group of Moscow Patriarchate visited St. Mount Athos.

In 1984 (July 6-21), with a pilgrimage group of the Russian Orthodox church, he traveled to St. Earth.

On December 26, 1984, he was appointed Archbishop Berlin and Middle Eastern, the Exarm of Central European.

On July 29, 1986, he was released from the management of the Middle Eastern Exarchant and appointed Archbishop Omsk and Tyumen. He himself recalls that he was "to the depths of the soul, the sincere, the good attitude of the clergy, laity, who in the late December night met me - who came to the bishop. And then I deeply regretted and rushed that six months delayed the trip, I was afraid of Siberia. " In the diocese at this point there were only 13 parishes.

The definition of the sacred synod of January 25, 1990 is called Archbishop Omsk and Tarsky.

February 23, 1997 was erected in San Metropolitan.

At the meeting on March 12-13, 2002, examined the report on the clearance on peace, according to the charter of the Church and in connection with the 75th anniversary of the birth, the sacred synod decided to continue his archpastorski service in the Omsk department.

The decision of the Sacred Synod dated July 27, 2011 is written on peace with the expression of gratitude "for many years of labor on the revival of the Omsk Diocese, expressed in the opening and construction of new temples and monasteries."



  • "Saint Ephraim Sirin as an exegenet of the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament" (Candidate Essay).
  • We are talking in the Bishop of Chernihiv. JMM. 1963, No. 1, p. 20-21.
  • Preaching a week 6 in Pentecost. JMM. 1965, № 7.
  • Sermon in a week of the 9th Pentecost. JMM. 1965, № 9.
  • Word for a passion for a week casponic. JMM. 1966, № 3, p. 31-32.
  • Sermon for the exit of the Holy Easter (1966). JMM. 1966, № 6, p. 40-42.
  • "Spasskaya Church in Poltava." JMM. 1966, № 7, p. 26-29.
  • Teaching on the day of memory of St. Moskovsky. JMM. 1966, № 10, p. 22-25.
  • A week about sneaky. JMM. 1976, № 2, p. 29-31.
  • "For the holiday of the icons of the Mother of the Mother of Smolensk Odigitria." JMM. 1977, № 8, p. 67-69.
  • "Updated movements in the Orthodox Church in Ukraine from 1917 to 1943 (based on the materials of the Kiev, Kharkiv and Poltava diocese)". (Master's dissertation). 1979
  • "Pilgrimage on the Holy Athos and to the shrines of Eldlas." JMM. 1981, № 5, p. 15-20; № 6, p. 12-17.
  • "The consecration of the temple in honor of the Cathedral of Smolensk Saints." JMM. 1984, № 10, p. five.
  • "Pilgrims of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Holy Land." JMM. 1986, № 2, p. fourteen.
  • Separate movements in the Orthodox Church in Ukraine (1917-1943). M.: Publishing House of Krutitsky Mountain, 2004. 635, p., Il.

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An excerpt characterizing Feodosius (Prosin)

- You know her husband? - said Anna Pavlovna, closing his eyes and a sad gesture pointing to Helen. - Ah, this is such an unfortunate and adorable woman! Do not speak with her about him, please do not speak. She is too hard!

When Boris and Anna Pavlovna returned to a common mug, the prince of Hippolit took a conversation in it.
He, having moved forward on the chair, said: Le Roi de Prusse! [Prussian king!] And saying it, laughed. Everyone turned to him: Le Roi de Prusse? - asked Ippolit, again laughed and again calmly and seriously sat down in the depths of his chair. Anna Pavlovna waited for him a bit, but since Ippolit decisively seemed to not want to speak more, she began talking about how Godless Bonaparte kidnapped in Potsdam Spoig Friedrich the Great.
- C "EST L" EPEE DE FREDERIC LE GRAND, QUE JE ... [This is a sword of Friedrich the Great, which I ...] - She began, but IPPOLIT interrupted her with words:
"LE ROI DE PRUSSE ..." And again, as soon as they turned to him, apologized and fell silent. Anna Pavlovna frowned. Mortemariet, the buddy of the Ippolitis, resolutely addressed him:
- Voyons a QUI EN AVEZ Vous Avec Votre Roi de Prusse? [Well, what about the Prussian king?]
Ippolit laughed, as if he was ashamed of his laughter.
- Non, CE N "Est Rien, Je Voulais Dire Seulement ... [No, nothing, I just wanted to say ...] (He intended to repeat the joke, which he heard in Vienna, and which he was going to put a whole evening.) Je voulais Dire Seulement, Que Nous Avons Tort De Faire La Guerre Pour Le Roi de Prusse. [I just wanted to say that we are in vain fighting Pour Le Roi de Prusse. (Unless words of words that are important: "on trifles".)]
Boris smiled carefully so that his smile could be attributed to a mockery or for the approval of a joke, looking at how she will be accepted. Everyone laughed.
"Il Est Tres Mauvais, Votre Jeu de Mot, Tres Spirituel, Mais Injuste," said Anna Pavlovna threatened with her finger. - Nous Ne Faisons Pas La Guerre Pour Le Roi de Prusse, Mais Pour Les Bons Principes. AH, Le Mechant, CE Prince Hippolytel [Your word game is not good, very smart, but unjust; We are not fighting Pour Le Roi de Prusse (t. e. on trifles), and for the good starts. Oh, what is he angry, this prince is Ippolit!] - she said.
The conversation did not subside the whole evening, referring mainly near political news. At the end of the evening, he was particularly revived when it came about the awards complained to the sovereign.
"After all, I received a NN tobackerka with a portrait last year," said L "Homme A L" Esprit Profond, [a deep mind man,] - Why does SS cannot get the same award?
- Je Vous Demande Pardrait De L "Empereur Est Une Recompensse, Mais Point Une Distinction," said the diplomat, un Cadeau plutot. [Sorry, tobackerka with a portrait of the emperor there is a reward, and not a difference; rather a gift.]
- Il Y Eu Plutot Des Antecedents, Je Vous Citerai Schwarzenberg. [There were examples - Schwarzenberg.]
- C "EST IMPOSSIBLE, [this is impossible,] - objected another.
- Paris. Le Grand Cordon, C "Est Different ... [Tape is another thing ...]
When everyone rose to leave, Helen, who spent very little whole evening, again appealed to Boris with a request and gentle, significant orders so that he was on Tuesday.
"I really need it," she said with a smile, looking at Anna Pavlovna, and Anna Pavlovna by that sad smile, which accompanied her words with speech about his high patroness, confirmed the desire of Helen. It seemed that this evening from some words told by Boris about Prussian troops, Helen suddenly discovered the need to see him. She seemed to promise him that when he arrives on Tuesday, she would explain this need.
Having arrived on Tuesday evening to the magnificent salon Helen, Boris did not receive a clear explanation, for which it was necessary to come. There were other guests, the Countess talked little with him, and only saying goodbye when he kissed her hand, she with a strange lack of smile, unexpectedly, a shop, told him: Venez Demain Diner ... Le Soir. Il Faut Que Vous Veniez ... Venez. [Come tomorrow dine ... in the evening. It is necessary that you come ... Come.]
In this visit to St. Petersburg, Boris became a close man in the house of the Beshovaya Countess.

The war flared up, and the theater was approaching Russian borders. Everywhere heard the curses of the enemy of the human bonaparte; In the villages gathered warriors and recruits, and from the theater of war came disgraceful news, as always false and therefore differently broken down.
The life of the old prince Bolkonsky, Prince Andrei and Princess Marya changed in many ways since 1805.
In 1806, the old prince was determined by one of the eight commander-in-chief of the militia, appointed then throughout Russia. The old prince, despite his old weakness, especially the noticeable time at that time when he considered his son was killed, did not consider himself himself to refuse his post, which was determined by the sovereign himself, and this newly discovered activity initiated and strengthened him. He was constantly in the roads in three entrusted to him by provinces; It was executable to Pedantism in his duties, strict before cruelty with his subordinates, and reached the slightest details of the case. Princess Mary stopped to take mathematical lessons from his father, and only in the morning, accompanying the breadwinner, with a little prince Nikolai (as his grandfather called) was part of the father's office when he was at home. Breast Prince Nikolai lived with the breadwinner and nanny Savishnaya in half the deceased Princess, and the Princess Maria spent most of the day in the nursery, replacing, as he knew how, the mother's little nephew. M Lle Bourienne Also, as it seemed, passionately loved the boy, and Princess Marya, often depriving himself, inferior to his girlfriend to nurse a little angel (as she called a nephew) and play with him.
The Altar of the Lisogorsk Church was a chapel over the grave of a little princess, and the marble monument was brought from Italy, portraying an angel, who, who, who was ready to rise to heaven, was delivered from Italy. The angel had a little raised the upper lip, as if he got to smile, and once the prince Andrei and Princess Marya, leaving the chapel, admitted to each other, that strangely, the face of this angel was reminded them the face of the deceased. But what was still more strange and what Prince Andrei did not say the sister, was that in the expression, which was randomly the artist's face of Angela, Prince Andrei read the same words with a meek of the ukrizna, which he read then on his dead wife: "Oh, why Did you do it with me? ... "
Shortly after the return of Prince Andrei, the old prince separated his son and gave him Bogucharsovo, a great estate that was in 40 versers from the Bald Mountains. Part of the heavy memories associated with the Lysi Mountains, part of because, not always the prince Andrey felt in power to transfer the character of the father, part of and because he had to privacy, Prince Andrei took advantage of Bogucarov, was built there and spent most of them time.
Prince Andrei, after Austerlitsky campaign, firmly carried out never to serve more in military service; And when the war began, and everyone had to serve, he, in order to get from the actual service, took the position under the head of the Father on the collection of militia. The old prince with her son as if changed roles after the 1805 campaign. Old prince, excited activities, expected all the best from the present campaign; Prince Andrei, on the contrary, without participating in the war and in the secret of the soul, sorry about that saw one bad.
February 26, 1807, the old prince left around the district. Prince Andrei, as the most part during the opposite of the Father, remained in the Bald Mountains. Little Nichushka was unhealthy for the 4th day. Couter, who drove up the old prince, returned from the city and brought paper and letters to Prince Andrei.
Camderner with letters, not a making a young prince in his office, passed half of the Princess Marya; But there was not there. Camperin said that the prince went to the nursery.
"You came to your beggar, Petrushe with the papers came," said one of the girls of Nanny assistants, referring to the prince Andrei, who was sitting on a small children's chair and trembling hands, frowning, a capal from the stingy medicine in a glass, poured to half the water.
- What? - He said angrily, and carelessly having drinked with his hand, overflow from the stkling in a glass of an unnecessary number of drops. He splashed the medicine from a glass on the floor and asked again water. The girl gave him.
The room was a crib, two chests, two chairs, a table and a children's table and a chair, the one on which Prince Andrei sat. The windows were walked, and one candle was burning on the table, forced by a twisted tank book, so that the light did not fall on the bed.
"My friend," turning to his brother, said Princess Marya from the crib, who was standing, "better to wait ... after ...
"Oh, do mercy, you are all talking stupid, you have been waiting for everything - and I waited," said Prince Andrei with an embittered Shopot, apparently wanting to prick her sister.
"My friend, the right is better not to wake up, he fell asleep," Princess said to the pleasing voice.
Prince Andrei stood up and, on tiptoe, with a glass approached the crib.
- Or not exactly wake? He said hesitantly.
- How do you want - right ... I think ... And as you want, - said Princess Marya, apparently Rabin and string that her opinion trembled. She pointed his brother to the girl, the shopid called him.
There was the second night that they both did not sleep, causing a boy in the heat in the heat. All the days, not trusting your home doctor and waiting for the one that was sent to the city, they took something else, then another means. Exhausted by immolonia and alarmed, they dumped their grief on each other, reproached each other and quarreled.
"Petrusha with papers from Papyk," the girl whispered. - Prince Andrei came out.
- Well, there! He said angrily, and after listening to the verbal orders from his father and taking the supplied envelopes and the father's letter returned to the nursery.
- Well? - asked Prince Andrei.
- All the same, wait for God. Karl Ivanovich always says that the dream is only more expensive, - whispered with the sigh of Princess Marya. "Prince Andrei approached the child and felt him." He burned.
- Get out with your Karl Ivanchych! "He took a glass with a drop-down drops and approached again."
- Andre, do not! - said Princess Marya.
But he is angry and together suffered from her face and looked around with a glass. "Well, I want it, he said." - Well, I ask you, give him.
Princess Mary shrugged, but submissively took a glass and suspected nanny, began to give medicine. The child shouted and stuck. Prince Andrei, wrinkling, taking his head, left the room and sat down in the next, on the sofa.