Ministry of Education License for educational activities. How to get a license for additional education: from preparing documents to a ready-made resolution

Ministry of Education License for educational activities. How to get a license for additional education: from preparing documents to a ready-made resolution
Ministry of Education License for educational activities. How to get a license for additional education: from preparing documents to a ready-made resolution

Educational activities in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing. The process is long and unpleasant, but only teachers can avoid it, individually providing training services. Institutions and IP, organizing a firm with hired pedagogical personnel, are required to obtain a license for educational activities.

Who needs an educational license?

The procedure for licensing educational activities is regulated by a number of legislative acts:

  • education Act (№273-ФЗ dated December 21, 2012);
  • licensing law (№99-ФЗ dated 04.05.2011);
  • regulations on licensing educational activities (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 966 of 10/28/2013).

State and non-governmental organizations providing training and education services through the implementation of educational programs are required to obtain permission from the Ministry of Education. This concerns:

  • pre-school institutions (kindergartens, baby schools);
  • secondary schools (initial, basic, full average);
  • vocational education (college, colleges, universities, postgraduate training);
  • additional education for children and adults (courses, linguistic centers, etc.);
  • other forms of training and upbringing.

Thus, almost all organizations associated with education fall under the regulatory framework for licensing. But there are exceptions:

  • one-time lectures, seminars, trainings, after which the certification is not carried out and are not issued "crusts" on education on official form;
  • IP, self-giving private lessons without attracting other employees (tutors, spectacles, etc.)

Requirements for the educational license

The Regulations on the licensing of educational activities establishes for applicants a lot of conditions, which makes this process very laborious and long. From the moment of registration of Jurlitsa / IP, no one month can pass to the permission, and the collection of the necessary documents here is not the most difficult.

Solving the problem, how to get a license for educational activities, it is worth starting with studying the requirements for the room, equipment, pedcons, training programs and other nuances. They will depend on the type of institution, and from the age of students, and the time that listeners will be carried out in classes. You will need sanitary and fire regulations, guidelines for educational programs, a preliminary schedule, staffed by specialists. But about this in order.

  1. For the educational institution is not enough to have enough legal address. He must have a room suitable for learning purposes from the point of view of all regulations established by the law. Depending on the type of institution, special requirements may be placed in minimal size, the number of rooms, the presence of a separate entry, the territory under the site, etc. Arm yourself with SNiP and Sanpin, look for the norms for your type of activity and select the appropriate room.
  2. To obtain a license, you will need all the right-ending documents for real estate. Even before concluding a lease agreement, check out sales, whether everything is "clean" with papers.
  3. Give the room in the proper form and in line with the standards of fire and sanitary safety. Make repairs using the recommended materials, set the alarm, provide fire extinguishing tools, take care of the correct lighting, comfortable temperature mode, etc. When everything is ready, invite SES and Mrself Protection staff to issue a security conclusion. Particular attention: If students have to receive food, you will have to equip the kitchen and a place to eat, get the resolution of Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Furniture, equipment, inventory must also meet the criteria for safety and sanitary standards. Request certificates for goods purchased for children's institutions.
  5. Without availability of educational programs, the license is not received. If you do not "cook" in this area, it will be difficult for you to independently develop documents that meet state standards. Tell it with your teachers. In the extreme case, take for a sample of the program of other institutions or pay the work of an experienced methodologist. Each program will approve the signature of the head.
  6. The teaching staff should be formed before applying for a license. Education on the profile, qualification, staff experience must be confirmed by the relevant documents.
  7. Do not forget to purchase educational literature, methodological aids, equipment and techniques for conducting classes.

Now you are ready to licensing. It remains to collect a package of documents, write a statement and pay for the duty - 6000 rubles.

List of license documents

To obtain a license for educational activities, LLC, in the Ministry of Education it is necessary to present the following set of documentation:

  1. Charter of Jurlitsa (notary copy).
  2. Certificate of State Registration (OGRN). Certificates of amending the register if they were. All copies are notarized.
  3. Decisions on the creation of Ltd., about making changes (copies signed by the Director).
  4. Certificate of Tax Accounting (INN).
  5. Expanding documents for educational institutions and territories (registered lease agreement, property certificate).
  6. Curriculum approved by the head. If necessary, consistent and certified by profile.
  7. Curriculum: type of education, level, name of the program and the timing of its development, teachers.
  8. Employee information: Copies of diplomas and labor books Pedsostav.
  9. Help confirming the material and technical equipment of educational activities. The document is drawn up in the form approved by the Ministry of Education and Science (Order No. 1032 of December 11, 2012), is signed by the Director.
  10. Sanitary conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the suitability of the room for educational events.
  11. Help on the presence of conditions for nutrition, health care for students (if necessary).
  12. The conclusion of Mrs..
  13. If the license is obtained for a branch, a structural unit - a decision on the creation, registration certificate, the provision on the branch in copies.
  14. Payment order for the payment of state duty.
  15. Inventory

Application with attached documents and passport The head of the Organization should attribute to the licensing authority. In the subjects of the Federation, these are management authorities - regional, republican, regional ministries, departments and committees. It is allowed to send an application by mail.

Similarly, individual entrepreneurs operating with the involvement of third-party teachers are also operating, with the exception of small differences in the list of papers: they have no constituent documents. Otherwise, all the same, but professional registrars argue that IP obtain a license for educational activities is more difficult than a legal entity.

Licensing procedure

The licensing authority accepts an application for inventory, putting a mark on obtaining. The date specified on the inventory is the moment from which the procedure officially begins:

  1. Not more than three days, specialists from the Ministry of Education assesses the applicant's documents on the completeness and correctness of filling. When detecting paper flaws, the applicant for refinement is returned - the term of correction is equal to 30 days.
  2. If there are no complaints about the documentation, the checks stage begins. The accuracy of the information and the compliance of the conditions for the applicant licensed requirements is both on paper and with departure to the place. Exit control is carried out in coordination with the applicant and in compliance with its legal rights.
  3. Approval or refusal to license Supervision Office in the educational sector takes over 60 days from the date of registration of the application. If experts on the results of the inspection considered the issuance of permission inappropriate, such a decision must be justified. Failure is legitimate only for two reasons: providing unreliable information and conditions that are not suitable for maintaining licensed activities.
  4. The issued educational license acts indefinitely, but the Ministry of Education and Science authorities have the right to suspend it, to withdraw in violation by the licensee of established requirements.

Disagreement with negative verdict, as well as the actions of the inspections that go beyond the powers can be appealed to the applicant in court.

Get licensed?

Difficulties in obtaining an educational license cause training organizations a completely understandable desire: avoid this procedure. Commercial firms, studying under-review activities without relevant documents, fall under an article about illegal entrepreneurship. For this offense provides for responsibility:

  • administrative sanctions in the form of a fine of 2000 rubles. for individuals up to 50,000 rubles. - for legal (Article 14.1 of the Administrative Code);
  • criminal penalty - a fine up to 300,000 rubles, arrest up to 6 months, forced work up to 480 hours (art. 171 of the Criminal Code);
  • criminal prosecution for a group of persons - imprisonment up to 5 years, a fine - up to 500,000 rubles.

When it comes to non-commercial educational institutions, other exit, how to work with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science, they have no. But it does not do without disturbances. For them, administrative responsibility is provided for them: a fine up to 250000 rubles. under the COAP article 19.20 Part 1.

In any case, the punishment for the lack of a license is quite serious. The losses that occur as a result of the administrative, and moreover, criminal prosecution are incommensurable with those efforts that have to be taken to obtain permits.

Educational activities are the provision of services in the field of education, learning, personal or professional development. They can be provided by private companies and government agencies.

The main condition for the maintenance of this activity is to obtain an appropriate license, in which there are many nuances.

For what types of activity it is needed

Permission must be obtained in the following situations:

  • non-profit companies (private and state), the main purpose of which is the provision of education services, and not profit;
  • commercial companies whose work is based on the profits received from the sales of services;
  • divisions of working companies (their branches);
  • individual entrepreneurs (IP) attracting employees;
  • scientific enterprises.

All specified subjects must provide services for one or more education programs, the list of which is listed in the Government Decree:

  • professional secondary or higher;
  • preschool;
  • full, basic or initial general;
  • training in the ordinature, graduate school, assistant, adjuncture;
  • passing retraining (qualifying and professional);
  • additional education;
  • training.

The permit does not need to be obtained in individual pedagogical activities, the upbringing and maintenance of children without the implementation of education programs, with one-time classes (seminars, internships or lectures). In the first case, activities are subject to taxation. Therefore, it is necessary, otherwise it is possible to apply criminal liability.

The document provides the right of benefits, including tax. The law "On Education", the relevant activities are exempt from all tax contributions, including land.

Requirements and conditions for receipt

Obtaining permission is time consuming and long-term procedure. The main difficulties of the applicant is experiencing at the initial stage, gaining in the staff of specialists, selecting the room and establishing special equipment in it:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the right-layering documents on the premises, buildings where training will be conducted. All facilities must be responsible for fire and sanitary and epidemiological requirements. They must be built, renovated and operated. Inside, the necessary furniture and equipment must be installed in accordance with age standards and legislative requirements. With the planned feeding of students, a kitchen and dining room should be equipped with sanitary standards.
  2. The following condition is the availability of education programs developed and approved in the institution and relevant standards. All existing profiles must be coordinated to be applied to the document set.
  3. Equipment of staff by specialists with profile education, qualifications, experience, are confirmed in documentary order.
  4. Coordination of the program by the head, the application of the necessary references.

All the collected documents are complemented by the statement, are drawn up into a shared set under the inventory. During the delivery, the original documentation is provided for comparing it with photocopies or wrapped in a notary. When sending documents by mail, they need to be notarized.

After registering the application is carried out verification of all conditions of the Specially Created Commission of Experts within a month. On the basis of the audit, a conclusion is issued, approved by all specialists.

In case of inconsistency of the information provided with the actual implementation of activities, sanctions are imposed. The reason for the failure of the license can be non-payment state duty in the amount of 7.5 thousand rubles (p. 92 tbsp. 333.33 NK).

What documents will required?

The list of necessary documents includes:

  • decorated statement;
  • original document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • for a legal entity - notarized copies of constituent documentation;
  • copying certificates certified by a notary: about making changes, tax accounting and state registration;
  • documentation on the possession of premises, objects, territories;
  • document on logistical equipment, facilities for food, health;
  • developed educational programs and curricula;
  • information about specialists (copies of labor books and diplomas);
  • the conclusions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, fire supervision for the compliance of objects established requirements;
  • document on the availability of conditions for people with limited abilities;
  • information about electronic and remote learning;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • invention of all documentation.

Others may be added to the list of documents, which depends on the type of institution and the selected education program.

The procedure for obtaining permission is disassembled in detail in the following video:

Where to serve them?

A complete set of documents The head of the company transmits to the licensing structure. In the subjects of the Russian Federation, these are regional, republican and regional ministries, committees, departments. Also, documents can be submitted to the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of education and science.

The licensing authority takes a set of documentation in accordance with the description, puts the mark. In addition, the date is indicated from which the verification process begins.

The ministry specialists must no more than 3 days Check the completeness and loyalty to the compilation of the applicant's documents, when identifying deficiencies, they are returned to refinement (within 1 month).

In the absence of claims, their verification begins (reliability of information, compliance with the conditions for regulatory requirements). In coordination with the applicant, exit control can be carried out in accordance with its legal rights.

Failure or approval in granting permission is accepted within 2 months from the date of registration of the application.

Getting refusal

The basis for the failure of the IP license may be:

  • court decision on the prohibition of pedagogical activities;
  • recognition of incapacity;
  • the presence of criminal proceedings;
  • the presence of certain diseases;
  • lack of educational cencing.

The general conditions for refusal treats:

  • non-compliance with the established requirements;
  • providing incorrect or distorted information;
  • the presence of permission annulled earlier.

The applicant is notified within 3 days using the notification by registered mail or personally in hand. The decision should be a substantiation with the indication of legislation.

Composition of document

The license must contain the following information:

  • the name of the structure provided by the document;
  • registration number and date of the decision on the provision;
  • location and name of the applicant;
  • Inn licensees;
  • duration of action.

The document has an application where educational programs, specialty and directions of training are reflected, the duration of development, assigned qualifications, the maximum number of students, etc.

Validity and price

The institution can get permission for some time (for 1 year) or indefinite. The cost of execution of the document (payment of state duty) equal to 7.5 thousand rubles.

If the applicant cannot or does not want to independently work, he can contact the services of a special legal organization.

What will happen when working without a license?

Institutions carrying out educational activities without permission belong to illegal entrepreneurs.

  • In accordance with Art. 14.1 Administrative Code, on legal entities imposed administrative responsibility with a fine of 2 to 50 thousand.
  • According to Art. 171 of the Criminal Code, criminal punishment may be provided for half a year, forced activities for 20 days or a fine up to 300 thousand rubles.
  • Some individuals provide for criminal prosecution with sanctions up to 500 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for 5 years.
  • Under art. 19.20 Part 1 For non-commercial companies, unlicensed activity is subject to a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles.

In each situation, for the lack of a document, serious punishments are envisaged, in which the losses are incommensurable with the cost of registration of documentation.

Licensing educational institutions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education" (Article 33) is one of the forms of providing state guarantees of obtaining quality education.

Over the past years, in accordance with the program "Modernization of the metropolitan education" ("Metropolitan Education -3"), a system of documentary provisions of institutions, which carry out licensing, certification of educational institutions and educational workers.

All these procedures are carried out on the basis of regulatory documents, the main of which is the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and "Regulations on the licensing of educational institutions" approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 No. 796

The right to conduct educational activities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation arises from an educational institution since its issuance of a license (permission)

Based on these documents and other provisions, licensing and certification of educational institutions and education workers are carried out. The license for the right to conduct educational activities is issued by government agencies for education based on the decision of the expert committee.

Licensing is a procedure for identifying the compliance of educational activities to the stated programs. Based on the examination, a certificate is issued for the right to conduct educational activities. The subject and content of the examination is to establish the compliance of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process offered by the educational institution by state and local requirements in terms of construction standards and rules, sanitary and hygienic standards, the health of students, employees of the educational institution, educational equipment, features of the educational process, educational cencing of pedagogical State workers and staffing.

After licensing, a certificate of accreditation is issued to the right, to exercise the final certification of students, issue certificates of the state sample and to assure documents round stamp.

The right of an educational institution for the issuance of a state-owned education document on the relevant level of education, for use of the press with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation arises from the date of state accreditation confirmed by the certificate of state accreditation.

Certificate of state accreditation confirms the status of an educational institution, the level of educational programs being implemented, the compliance of the content and quality of graduates of graduates with the requirements of state educational standards, the right to graduates with graduates of state sample documents on the relevant level of education.

Certification is a process, the result of which is the conclusion on the level and quality of educational activities in the institution. Certification can reveal the causes of failure or designate ways to improve the professional activities of the team. (For example, change the status of the institution). This is one of the levers to improve the work of each educational institution and the development of the entire educational space as a whole. The certification of the educational institution is carried out on his application once every 5 years. The purpose of the certification is to establish the content of the content. Level and quality of training graduates of an educational institution with the requirements of state educational standards.

But how correctly, correctly conduct an examination? Where to get the necessary specialists? This problem is pressing and asked.

Thus, the problem of conducting competent qualified examination, compiling the competent, the least subjective conclusion, reflecting the peculiarities of the educational process in a particular institution.

Such concepts as "examination", "Expert", "Humanitarian Examination", i.e. Approaches, values \u200b\u200bare firmly fixed in consciousness and in educational space.

However, since specific points, scales in assessing the activities of the educational institution for compliance with the stated standards and programs are not, it is very important at the present stage to prepare competent specialists and arm their knowledge of the regulatory framework, the technology of examination, the assessment system, or a methodology for making a conclusion. In addition, it is very important that the expert is psychologically prepared for this procedure, avoided or skillfully allowed the conflicts. Therefore, on the basis of lectures, seminars, practical exercises an attempt was made to summarize the material obtained and practically use it on the example of the preparation of expert opinion.

1. The regulatory legal framework on which the licensing procedure is based on.

Licensing of educational activities is carried out in accordance with the main regulatory documents:

The law of the Russian Federation "On Education", (as amended by the Federal Laws of 1996-2003 with amendments made by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 2000-2002 No. 176-FZ) Art.33

"Regulations on licensing educational activities", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2000 No. 796.

Typical Regulations on general education and educational institutions

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPine 2.4.1. 1249-03 (approved by the Head Sanitary Physics of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2003)

Federal laws defining labor protection regulations.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 210 and 231.

Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection of the Russian Federation"

Family Code

2. Examination as a way to evaluate activities.

Objectives and objectives of expertise.

An expert commission is created for the licensing procedure. The expert commission is created by the state bodies of education, entitled to the powers of the Russian law on the statement of the founder.

The subject and content of the examination is to establish the compliance of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process offered by the educational institution by state and local requirements in terms of construction standards and rules, sanitary and hygienic standards, the health of students, employees of the educational institution, educational equipment, features of the educational process, educational cencing of pedagogical State workers and staffing. The content, organization and methods of the educational process, the subject of expertise are not.

All licensing procedures are humanistic, as it is impossible to determine the activities of a particular educational institution in accordance with the law on an accurate scale. At the end of the twentieth century in Russia, an innovative field has been formed in Moscow.

An examination is needed to assess the activities of educational institutions. Examination applies when:

  • it is impossible to predict how these innovations on the basis of existing laws will affect future. And this situation is very relevant in education.
  • it is impossible to experimentally repeat the experience during the process.

The presence of many uncertain factors that cannot be controlled.

The presence of multivariate ways to solve the problem.

Examination is a kind of study requiring a specialist knowledge in the area that is investigated. Examination is an analysis and evaluation of evaluation judgments, on the basis of which an expert opinion is made. Examination is carried out by people and therefore it is always subjective and is always a personal assessment and requires its expertise in each particular case. For example, an examination in creating an expert opinion in licensing an educational institution, an examination of the assessment of the teacher's activities, examination of the relevance and novelty of work in the highest attestation commission.

The educational institution of expertise allows you to identify the importance of innovation, its focus. If innovation enters the existing regulatory framework, then it is good, and if not, it may be an offense.

It is important how the results of the examination will be interpreted. Often it is also very subjective and can even distort the essence of innovation.

Education, education, education management, advanced training is all areas of innovation in the process of education. Innovation must have the result in the group where it happens and this identifies the examination. For example, innovation in education - the formation of new values \u200b\u200bin children. Innovation in management - Motivation to management or change in delegation of authority. Innovation in training is a project work as a way to achieve the final result.

The meaning of the examination of educational activities is an assessment of possible innovation and obtaining data on the effectiveness of investments in education.

The examination is needed to assess the quality of the educational institution, to obtain judgments about the educational institution, there are compliance with the standards of its work. Examination is needed for the distinction and definition of various educational practices, to understand innovation.

2.1. Expertise functions.

Pragmatic - determine the optimal solution, assume what will be the results

Research - allows you to deeply consider models, innovations, practical achievements, develop evaluation criteria.

Estimated - allows you to give a qualitative or quantitative assessment,

Humanistic - we consider only humanistic innovations, as it is impossible to evaluate the work of the educational institution as a whole on a scale or scores.

Social - reveals the importance of expertise for the educational community, that is, sometimes we do not believe in innovations or do not see them. And the examination does this refute or confirms.

Correctional - involves the transformation of innovation

Motivational - involves the conditions for inclusion in innovation, that is, overcoming the resistance of the team.

Educational - implies an attachment to the experiment and the acquisition of self-study skills, that is, self-reflection, self-analysis and acquisition of significant skills.

Informal - the expertise function was developed by Pinsky A.A.

Developing - ensures the development of members of the process.

Consultative-supportive - supports innovative practice.

Examination is such an activity that is aimed at identifying the depth of the level of development of innovation in educational activities. The result of the examination should be a description of the methods of implementing innovation activities from the point of view of preserving the uniqueness and specificity of the process and may also contain correction of directions and development methods.

2.2. Typology examination.

There is no expertise in the literature that there is no special classification.

However, it is possible to allocate an examination as a kind of scientific method.

Group, individual, reflexive or self-use - by type.

In the form of contact - full-time and preliminary.

In the form of the presentation of materials - written and oral.

In relation to the object - open (the results are communicated to the object) and closed, and semi-closed.

According to the method of exposure - direct and indirect.

By subject - internal and external.

By directionality - the design, predictive, forming.

2.3. Expertise models used in the education system.





2.3.1 Regulatory - controlling expertise

Implies control of the norm. For example, the documents presented by the school are compared with standard provisions. Here you can allocate how stages

2.3.2 Expert documents are compared with higher levels.

2.3.3 The state of the document from the point of view of its positive impact on the development of the educational process.

2.3.4 Examination of the approbation of the document. After that, the document from the discharge of temporary proceeds into the category of permits, regulatory.

Qualifying or interpreting examination. Allows you to determine how much this innovation lies in a sociocultural and educational context. The subject of the examination should be presented not to the standard, but schemes. Goals, values, ways to achieve and the possibility of achieving results of expert activities. Qualifying expertise determines the possibility and need to transfer innovation to new conditions. For example, the transition of educational activities to the conditions of gymnasium, lyceum.

This expertise together with the regulatory control is used when innovation has a holistic design. For example, developing training on the ELKONINA - Davydov system.

Tasting examination - an assessment of innovation activities is carried out on the basis of the taste of an expert, its sensations, significance, originality, the need for the method. This type of examination is very subjective. And it is not fundamentally formalized.

Understanding examination - in this case, not an assessment of innovation, but is assumed to non-innovation, growing innovation to the level of broadcast. In this case, the expert is trying, trying to stand up on the position of the author to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

2.4. Examination concept.

2.4.1 Stages of expertise

The preparatory stage - determines the timing, objectives, tasks, indicators, types of expertise. At this stage, the rights and responsibility of the members of the expert group are determined

The organizational stage - involves the selection of experts under the logic of expertise.

The working stage is to conduct an examination by the help of questioning, interviewing, free conversation, checking the compliance of documents to the claimed application.

Analytical stage - analysis of the results obtained and drafting an expert opinion on the basis of previously implemented stages.

2.4.2. Subject of expertise

Productivity activities - that is, a typical product of activity becomes higher quality.

Increasing the quality of knowledge - implies an increase in the number of excellent students

The mechanism of reflexive self-regulation underlying self-improvement is assumed to appear new competencies.

2.4.3 Examination Criteria

Criterion - a sign, on the basis of which expertise is carried out

General criteria - determine the assessment of significance from the point of view of trends, directions of development. General criteria are assessed by the novelty, innovativeness of the project. In addition, general criteria determine the scale of innovation, the level of significance of the project. The possibility of its distribution on the local, local or regional, or federal level. The ability to change the level of education at each of these levels. General criteria determine the systematic system of the project, the project can be fragmentary or systemic. General criteria can determine the effectiveness of innovation, that is, what will happen with the introduction of this innovation. For example, improvement, enrichment of educational practice or not. General criteria assess the ability to broadcast, replication of achievements, experience.

Special - define the content, the competence of the project in terms of norms and concepts. Special criteria determine how real problems and goals are set, that is, they define the completeness of the project structure. The competence of special criteria includes the degree of earnance of the structural elements of the project. Special criteria determine the coherence of structural elements.

Private criteria - determine the degree of validity of the project in terms of its incarnation and viability. Private criteria evaluate the realism of the educational project in terms of compliance with ideas, objectives and objectives of the educational project to real conditions and resources. In addition, private criteria evaluate the realizability of the educational project. The author must indicate how other subjects will be included in its project. It should be noted that private criteria determine the managementability of the educational project. This means the presence of forms, an action plan for project implementation.

3. Lissengering educational institutions. Features of the procedure, an approximate algorithm

It should be noted that the licensee is an institution, or a private person, the activities of which are subject to licensing, to the licensing procedure, applies to the statement of the established sample to the state licensing service.

Each educational institution should have permission for the right to conduct educational activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Such right arises from an educational institution since issuing it a license that is permits.

The license for the right to conduct educational activities is issued by the state authority of the management of education on the basis of the decision of the Expert Commission. The expert commission is created by the state body of education, empowered by the legislation of the Russian Federation at the request of the founder.

The subject and content of the licensed examination of educational institutions is to establish compliance of the conditions for the implementation of the educational process offered by the educational institution, state and local requirements in terms of building standards and rules, sanitary and hygienic standards, the health of students, students and employees of educational institutions, educational equipment, equipment, equipment educational process. Also, the subject of licensed examination is the educational cents of pedagogical workers and staffing of the states in the institution.

The purpose of the licensing is to establish the compliance of the stated programs (the initial general, the main general, secondary (full) education, additional education). Directions of additional education, for example, artistic and aesthetic, cultural, scientific and technical, socio-pedagogical, physical education and sports, local lore compliance of pre-school education declared priority areas. The conditions of the educational process must correspond to Art. №33 p. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

Licensing is a system that determines the compliance that it is necessary to look in accordance with the Regulations on Licensing, with the Regulations on the School, in accordance with the Law on Education, the Civil Code and other law by these compliance with the stated programs.

Licensing includes verification of the compliance of legal documents, property relations, educational and methodological support, verification of the compliance of the material and technical base, the regulatory training of the contingent of students in accordance with the project load, the level of education of pedagogical personnel, compliance with sanitary standards, and labor protection.

Before entering the educational institution, the expert gets a licensing task. All programs are prescribed in a licensing application. It is indicated by the type of educational institution and its appearance. For example, the type of institution "Community School", type of institution

Primary general education

Basic secondary school

middle School of General education

The expert must comply with the ethical norms of behavior, to be sustained, not conflict.

Legal Aspect of Licensing -

The school charter must be issued in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

The charter must be registered, that is, the registration date is indicated.

It is necessary to have a certificate of entering into a registry.

There must be a certificate of formulation for tax accounting, that is, there must be TIN.

The Charter of the school should have the correct name of the educational institution, repeated in all documents, information on the establishment of an educational institution, the goals and objectives of the educational institution, the organization of the educational process should be noted in accordance with Article 13 of the Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation. In addition, it is necessary to register the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process, aspects of the management of the educational process, types and types of educational programs. Be sure to note the presence of Earth's certificate. The expert should know that state educational institutions have documents on the buildings that are in operational management, and non-state educational institutions must provide documents on the buildings in their business or ownership.

During the examination, it is necessary to check the availability of decorated documents for land use. Earth in public institutions and buildings are in operational use, and in non-state educational institutions may be owned or they enjoy under the lease agreement. All these documents must be checked for the presence and proper design.

In addition, a package of documents should include an agreement with a medical institution, if the school has a medical office, an agreement with a school and basic dining room. Be sure to see the passport of the readiness of the institution, the conclusion of the SES and the state fire supervision.

If school has classes working under a contract with universities, then this contract must be defined. If the School is open lyceum, gymnasic, profile classes, it must be confirmed by the relevant authorizing documents.

The expert is looking at the curriculum, curricula used in the educational process, equipment and equipment of the cabinets, the level of qualification of teachers and compliance with its subject. Be sure to note the characteristics of the curriculum. What items are integrated, to which the school component is used, how students are engaged in high school students, with a weekly load and on the 5th or 6th day school week.

The level of qualification must comply with the subject matter, the teacher must pass professional retraining, if it does not have pedagogical education. In the personal case of the teacher, there must be documents on education, to improve the qualifications, on timely certification.

If there are any courses in school (for example, "hairdressing courses"), the educational institution must submit a license to carry out this service, documents confirming the educational level of courses teachers, that is, teachers of courses must have pedagogical education in the specialty "hairdressing" . If the educational institution employs persons who have foreign diplomas, then they need notarized translation and recognition of this diploma in the territory of the Russian Federation. For example, a diploma is issued on the territory of the Uzbek SSR, during the existence of the USSR.

It is necessary when entering the school to know the form of an educational institution, since under the licensing of non-state institutions, the use of curricula is characterized by the nature of the exemplary.

Licensing begins with studying the package of documents.

The first thing is that this statement is studied, which was given a school for licensing. The statement necessarily writes which programs to declare a school on licensing (primary, secondary, full (general) education, additional education, etc.). It is necessarily checked as a school component is used to preserve the health of students.

Be sure to specify the year of building a school, the estimated capacity of the building and the actual load, that is, the number of students.

The statement necessarily prescribes the contingent of students, that is, the number of children is a corresponding Sanip, which meets the project of the school building. The expert should know that if children are enforced more than the norm, it is necessary to organize the second shift.

The expert in the school survey process conducts a study of the material and technical base of the school. Mandatory in expert opinion indicates the result of the examination of workshops, classrooms, cabinets of biology, chemistry, physics, informatics, housekeeping, a gym. In expert opinion, it is necessary to specify which items are minimally equipped with modern equipment, which maximize, assess the% application of outdated equipment. It is necessary to indicate the expert, what and in what percentage the TSOs and computers are used, multimedia accompaniment, ART teachers, portable computer classes. Special attention should be paid to the availability and equipment of the Housekeeping Cabinet (Cabinet of Service Labor), its modern equipment and appliances and devices. Workshops are also a very important object of expert examination. Recently, the presence of carpentry and plumbing workshops becomes rare, although they must be submitted for the completeness of the expert opinion.

In his work, the expert is guided by the rule: it is necessary to state what I saw, and not to discuss who is to blame why, for example, a fungus developed in the gym on the walls on the walls, and the presence of cracks were revealed. This is a violation of sanitary rules, because the particle of the exfoliated plaster can get a child in the eye and cause injury. And the crack in the floor can lead to a child's leg injury.

When examining the cabinets it is necessary to note the equipment of the cabinets, the presence or absence of old and outdated equipment. Special attention should be paid to the presence of acts on safety, instructions for labor protection. All these documents are updated on September 1.

In each office and the classroom there must be a first-aid kit, its drug set corresponds to the subject matter or character of students' activity. In each class and the office, the instruction on labor protection should be in accordance with the equipment of the Cabinet for the protection of life and health of students. The Cabinet Passport should reflect its filterness and systematization of the material. Such, outsiders, chosen things should not be.

Special attention is paid to physics and informatics in physics and informatics (the presence of antistatic linoleum and squares of at least 6 sq.m. On a person in computer science office, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the storage of reagents of various chemical groups in chemistry, the availability of records of write-off reagents, and compliance with fire safety regulations.

The expert must examine special premises, such as the shield, basement. In the shield must be rubber mats and rubber gloves, there should be no old things or rhocheads.

When entering the educational institution, the expert should necessarily get acquainted with the compliance of the education level of teachers to the subject. In expert opinion, it should be noted how many teachers have higher pedagogical education and how much higher professional education and for what subjects. It is necessary to note the number of teachers with the highest, first and second qualification category. Be sure to reflect the advanced training, that is, how many teachers have passed courses for advanced training on September 1 of the current year and how much is aimed at studying in the current school year. In the personal matters of teachers should be documents on education and retraining. It should be noted that 1 time in 5 years the teacher must undergo training courses. It is necessary to know that the personal matters of teachers must be a copy of attestation sheets confirming the relevant category. There are cases when a teacher has a specialist without pedagogical education. In this case, a decisive role is played by experience on the subject.

When filling out the "Labor Protection" block, in expert conclusion, it is necessary to specify the availability of documents in full or documentation requires any replenishment. There is necessarily the presence of documents on labor protection - instructions, a magazine of the briefing, the regularity of training in labor protection courses responsible on this issue (director, deputies responsible for labor protection, physics teachers, informatics, technology, chemistry, etc.) implementation in practice Instructions for labor protection noted by checking the regularity of the briefing, the presence of labor protection documentation, the availability of documents confirming the timeliness of learning. The documentation include the availability of instructions when working on site, instructions for non-electrical personnel with assignment of 1 group, fire safety (instructions and instructions for briefing), internal labor regulations.

In expert opinion, it is necessary to reflect the date (year) of the last repair, and indicate which it was a capital or cosmetic repair. It is necessary to note the problems and condition of the roof, basement, sports hall, shield, toilets, educational audiences, medical office, teacher, dining room, assembly hall and other premises. Be sure to note the features of the state of these premises.

If there is tenant at school, it is necessary to check the lease agreements and the conditions of compliance with it in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The features of the educational process, such as an elementary school, are specified in a separate room.

The system of additional education is necessarily noted in expert conclusion. Attention is drawn to the nature of providing additional education services, that is, paid or free. If an additional education system is free, it should not repeat the general education program. Each program requires a curriculum, planning of classes, schedule. It is necessary to note that the level of education of additional education teachers must comply with the level of subjects of additional education. For example, if there are classes in the shooting circle at school, they should be like in a specially equipped location that does not have windows. Weapon storage place must be equipped with alarm, special Safety wardrobes for weapon storage. The teacher of additional education is obliged to return retrainance in a timely manner and have a document on pedagogical education (military school diploma)

According to the results of the examination there are conclusions

The conditions for the implementation of the educational process comply with (or not comply with) the stated programs of the initial, general and secondary (full) education.

The Charter of the educational institution complies (or not comply with) the current legislation and allows you to implement the claimed programs in practice.

Materially - technical base allows (does not allow) to implement educational programs

Equipment and equipment are new, but in 50% of cases, obsolete morally. Requires significant replenishment and replacement. Equipment of the Cabinet of Homelandship (Service Labor) is in unsatisfactory condition.

Pedagogical frames The educational process is provided with V.P.O. By 98%, 86% full-time teachers, a 48% level of education was confirmed by the relevant documents.

Documentation on labor protection is presented in full (requires replenishment, not submitted)

After the conclusions, violations and comments are indicated:

For example, a small percentage of high-category teachers 7%

The expert opinion is signed by the Chairman of the Commission and the members of the Commission.

4. Requirements for the personality of the expert.

4.1. Psychological laws of communication.

Any expert leaving the educational institution receives a task in accordance with the stated positions. These positions are involuntarily installed. In the process of licensing procedure, the expert communicates, "reads", decrypts the external data obtained. S.L. Rubinstein wrote: "In everyday life, communicating with people, we focus on their behavior. In the process of communication, a certain psychological plan is produced."

The expert must calmly, without analyzing the reasons for what have seen, to display all the features of the educational institution in expert conclusion.

Not always the installation obtained as a result of a licensing application is faithful. The expert should donate from his school and clearly "take a picture" what is in this educational institution.

It happens that the installation, the opinion of the expert, received from the side, and the condition determined by the state at the moment, the life associations that have developed antipathies or sympathies affects the conclusions or opinions. This should be avoided. Like or not, it does not determine the solution. True or not in accordance with the law or position - that's what the expert should take care.

A person's life luggage develops from identity orientation (targets, installations, needs, values, ideals), from deposit, abilities, knowledge of each person, from temperament, character, style relationship with others. These features of communication may somehow affect the communication process. Many noticed how freely and confidently feels like a person when the conversation comes to the sphere of activity that he successfully owns. However, an unfamiliar subject of judgment will be unsure, not clear. Therefore, the expert must be well educated on various issues relating to the licensing procedure and the preparation of expert opinion.

4.2. Features of the mental warehouse of man.

There are characteristics of the human person, genetically, that is, from the birth, embedded in it. These individual features determine the human ability to communicate, the speed of the response in communicative activities, the type of nervous activity, sharpness of experiences, the emotional perception of success and failures in communication and other activities.

They manifest themselves in temperament, the overall style of behavior.

Temperament - from the Latin word Temperamentum, which means the proper matching of parts, proportionality - the characteristic of the person by its dynamic features: intensity. Speed, tempo, rhythm of mental processes and states. There are four types of temperament: Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.

Sanguine - strong, balanced, movable. It is possible to characterize this: "Run of the mighty stream"

Choleric - strong, unbalanced, rapid. "The flow is powerful and rapidly lower its waters from the rock."

Phlegmatic - strong, balanced, inert. "Calm, smooth flow of a multi-water river"

Melancholic is weak, with weakness, both excitation and braking, brake processes prevail. "Weak rods on the plain, which can turn into a swamp."

Clean temperament is quite rare. More often in man there are features of different types, although the properties of some one are dominated. In no case cannot mix the properties of temperament features. Honest, kind, tactful, responsible, bold or, on the contrary, false, rude, evil, cowardly a person can be with any temperament. True, these positive or negative features are manifested in different ways with one or another temperament.

It is important to take into account that on the basis of a certain temperament, some personalities are produced easier, and others are harder. Knowing its temperament, temperament of colleagues or opponents, can be consciously based on its positive manifestations and overcoming it negative, develop its communicative abilities or creative activities. Therefore, if the expert is required to focus, scrupulously determine the state of the material base, compliance with the academic activity of the claimed program in accordance with the adopted legislation, then this work is better entrusted to phlegmatic. Since the activity of the expert suggests the rapid possibility of fixing the seen state of affairs, then the expert groups are better to include specialists from different temperaments.

4.3. Secrets of productive communication.

One of the needs of human communication is to be an estimated, understood, recognized. This is how never in modern conditions is one of the tasks of licensing and certification of educational institutions and pedagogical personnel. Hence it is very important to give the interlocutor to speak, feel its significance, to take attention to the interlocutor. It is very important to correctly build a conversation, give the opportunity to show yourself from the best side, but at the same time reveal, note tactfully shortcomings. And these omissions and shortcomings need to be reflected in expert conclusion. It is necessary to achieve the correct display in the expert conclusion seen based on the essence of the case, and not from the subjective position of the expert. It is necessary to persist in the purpose of examination, at the same time, by observing flexibility and humanity. It is necessary to strive to achieve what is scheduled, remaining within the framework of decency. At the same time, three main categories should be taken into account: perception, emotions, feeling. Various situations in relations between people fall into one of these three categories of communicative culture.

Perception - identifying the way of thoughts of the opposite side. Hence the rule - put yourself in place of the other, do not decide on the basis of our own judgments. Act a rule - discuss the differences. Let the other Party manifest itself, ask the Council, take into account the image of the participant in communication. This is a requirement of a valid attitude towards the interlocutor of a different level.

Emotions - First of all, you need to realize your feelings and feelings, the mood of partners. Allow the other side if passion is glowed, "release steam", do not react, because the main thing for you to achieve an objective result of the examination.

Communication - Be polite, delicate, restrained. When conducting an examination, it is necessary to point out the shortcomings, but not to discuss why such a state of affairs happened. You can not say: "You are not right!", "You did not fulfill this work!". It is easy to mention in the conclusion seen. The decision takes the Commission, not an expert.

4.4. Conflict, its nature and resolution methods

Conflict, as you know, is a clash of opinions, positions, social and political orientations. In essence, conflicts are different in terms of manifestations and in their influence, positive or negative, on the nature of relationships.

4.4.1 Nature conflict

The history of mankind is replete with international, interstate conflicts that bring grief, destruction, depriving those who are involved in them. In these contradictions there are no reasonableness and humanity. Therefore, recently, special attention is paid to the statement of the culture of the world, the formation of the settings of tolerance in human consciousness and the prevention of extremism in relation to the people.

Another level of conflict is the contradiction between political parties, art fractions, groups, social communities. We witness such conflicts are constantly receiving information from mass communication. Sources of such conflicts are economic, ideological, ideological and even personality contradictions, but somehow they are the nature of political conflicts. Political conflicts are one of the forms of social conflicts that can be different. Special pain and anxiety cause conflicts caused by interethnic, inter-ethnic, interfaith contradictions. Military collisions of recent years are inevitable by human victims, but also in the fact that in many years they leave a trace of omnibration and intolerance in consciousness, non-heaven in the souls of people. One of the detrimental consequences of these conflicts is international terrorism, overshadowing the beginning of the third millennium. The events of recent years in our country and abroad convinced that it is possible to resist the rampant of cruelty and inhumanity by combining.

Third level - interpersonal conflicts. They can also wear a social character. Such a conflict between generations revealed by I.S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Children". We observe a similar conflict today, moreover, in modern conditions, it acquires special acute due to the fact that the range of discrepancies in the interests, values, preferences between older and younger generations is especially sharply.

The manifestation of nationalism, extremism, the approval of the superiority of one religion over the other is all the rejection of other culture, other religion, other ethnos, other traditions, plants, opinions.

Another category of conflicts is also interpersonal and, at its base, has differences in opinions, positions, installations, values, orientations, but their manifestation is not associated with the rejection of another. They may arise due to misunderstanding, hostility towards each other, resentment, incorrect relationships to each other, tactless, spontaneously emerging. Unforeseen situations in the process of communication or due to various attitudes to certain events, phenomena, suggestions.

There are quite often such collisions between the old and new, between the well-minded, familiar and innovative in the pedagogical space. In the communication of the expert with a licensee should not be authoritarian positions prevailing under the conditions of totalitarian regime. The expert should stand in the position of the teacher - Humanist, conducting an open humanistic examination. Discussion about the advantages of teaching on a linear or concentric scheme is also conflict between old and new. This discussion meets the concept of "truth is born in the dispute."

In solving a number of questions, conflicts may inevitably occur. They can wear both positive and negative. From the point of view of the expert, it is important to understand the sources of conflict, the specifics of the contradictions, the way to resolve the conflict. Taking into account the professional culture of the expert.

Often the source of the conflict becomes disagreement with the position of the expert. Aggressive reaction to the remark. Manifestation of disrespect on both sides. Failure to obey the generally accepted order. In 80% of cases, conflicts arise in addition to the desires of the parties, not due to the conflict of individual individuals. The most common cause in these cases is an inadequate perception of the statement, habit to interrupt without hearing.

Specialists in conflicts note that the speed of speaking is 4 times slower than the speed of thinking. If a person is focused not on what he hears, he hurries to sensitize the information is sometimes inadequate. It is noticed that men are interrupted 2 times more often and can listen to only 15-20 minutes carefully.

Another reason is resentment. We are offended at those who mean for us. This is due to the difference of the expected and real.

There is an interpersonal conflict due to hostility, desire to humiliate, to crumble - this should not be in the work of the expert. The expert also has no right to criticize, express its opinion in any form.

Any conflict must be resolved so that there is no equilibrium disorders in relationships, a decrease in psychological comfort.

4.4.2 Conflict resolution methods.

How to learn to preserve composure and calm in an unexpectedly arising conflict situation? Folk wisdom teaches composure and prudence. Remember the proverb: "The morning of the evening is wiser," death seven times, once again ". In other words, do not rush with conclusions, spelling solutions.

Another reception, the ability to switch and switch the attention of the interlocutor in a situation that threatens the conflict. The expert should not be situations associated with incontinence, with tactlessness or rudeness. The expert does not have the right to root, humiliate. You can use the principle of emotional compensation, express emotional sympathy. You can use the principle of the authoritative third, referring to the knowledge of the rules and laws. Often use the principle of forced listening, that is, the next expresses strictly after the first. In this case, it turns out that the conflicting parties often do not hear each other. Another way to avoid conflict is to use the principle of the exchange of positions. In this case, opponents get up on positions of the opposite side. Often, such a casting allows you to avoid conflict.

It should be borne in mind that with any examination, checking should be made of special tact and respect, as people are in tension and of course nervous. It is necessary to master the teles of stress resistance to both parties. Life pretends not few surprises and unpredictable situations. Unacceptably rude, Hamsk relationship, offensive or some criticism. It is necessary to maintain self-esteem. It manifests itself in excerpt, the ability to maintain imperturbability, in no case can be like to make someone who showed rudeness, tactless. It is important to remember that the attitude incorrect to you could be planned in advance to change the course of events, hide disadvantages. It is impossible to be hot-tempered, impatient, in a self-esteem is manifested, in tacty, your power tolerance. Never descend before finding out the relationship. Eastern wisdom is known: "If we cannot change the circumstances, you need to change the attitude towards them."

One of the conditions for the production of self-control and stress resistance is the right attitude towards criticism. The explanatory dictionary defines criticism as a discussion, the analysis of something in order to evaluate, dignity, to detect, identify the shortcomings. Criticism should be constructive. It is constructive if it carries a positive principle if it is not humiliated, but to help and not necessarily a negative judgment about anything.

An example can be various critical articles helping to understand the diversity of prose forms, ways to transfer heroes sentiment, etc.

In business communication, criticism should help, and not beat out of the gauge. Then it can be considered constructive, but in the implementation of any examination, the expert has no right to critical statements. Otherwise, the criticism is constructive to offer options to overcome the situation that has arisen, that is, take over other functions. It is unacceptable to apply any critical statements as a demonstration of its competence, principled and activity.

With any expert examination, it is impossible to diminish the dignity of the partner, it is necessary to be concrete, preventing unreasonable statements. It is necessary to be benevolent, to show respect for the personality of the opponent, you can not give any recommendations, make comments.

Analyzing all the above, you can realize that the expert should hear, see, take the true state of affairs, reflect this condition in expert opinion. At the same time, it is impossible to allow statements, critical comments or take into account justification. The main rule "The main objective of the examination is to establish compliance, and the decision takes the Commission."

Since 2013, commercial organizations and IP received the right to provide services in the field of education on a par with non-commercial organizations. Education services. Earlier we looked full, in This article will tell how to get a license for educational.

Who needs a license

To begin with, we find out when the license for educational activities is not required. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013, N 966, who approved the Regulation on licensing educational activities, indicates only one such possibility. License is not needed if the services have personally individual entrepreneur. These are the services of tutors, private teachers, studios, circles, etc., where classes are conducting an entrepreneur who has an appropriate education and work experience.

We draw the attention of individual entrepreneurs - if you hire other pedagogical workers, the license for educational activities IP is needed. At the same time, employees of another profile that do not provide directly educational services, you can hire without a license.

In the previous edition, the Regulations on the licensing of educational activities allowed another opportunity to work without a license - if, according to the results of the training, the final certification was not carried out and the formation document was not issued. Conduct without a license training, seminars, lectures, which are not issued by confirming documents, it is possible now, but such activities are not called educational, but cultural or leisure.

The list of services for which a license is needed includes such types of education: pre-school, common, secondary, higher education, additional general education, additional professional and education of religious religious personnel.

Obtaining a license for educational activities is a complex and long-term process. Only consideration of documents and making a decision on issuing a license or a refusal of extradition takes 60 days. But before that, it is necessary to prepare another number of permits of other government agencies and develop their own educational programs. And yet, business in education can be called profitable, so if you want to deal with this direction, then you need to go through the licensing procedure once.

License is issued indefiniteAnd if you do not reissue it, then contact officials on this issue no longer have to.

Licensing requirements

Regulations on licensing establishes the following applicants in 2018:

  • own or rented building (room) corresponding to the declared educational programs;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on this room;
  • material and technical support of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of federal standards;
  • compliance with the health conditions of students;
  • own developed educational programs;
  • printed and electronic educational and information resources for these programs;
  • pedagogical workers who have vocational education and work experiences are staffing or attracted by civil law.

A complete list of requirements, depending on the type of education, see the text of the decision.

In regulations governing licensing educational activities, the issue of organizational and legal form of the licensee is not quite clear. The Law on Education No. 273-FZ gives the following concept of educational organization: "A non-profit organization, on the basis of a license, educational activities as the main activity." The concept of "organization engaging" means a legal entity that leads this activity as an additional.

  • educational organizations;
  • learning organizations;
  • individual entrepreneurs engaged in educational activities.

The license for the right to conduct educational activities can be obtained regardless of the legal form and commercial focus of the licensee. At the same time, Ltd. to obtain a license for educational activities may, if this business direction is additional, and not the main one.

Documents for license

The license applicant should document that they have created all the necessary conditions for the provision of services in the field of education. To do this, collect such a package of documents:

  • application for license;
  • a document confirming the right to use the premises (a copy of the certificate of ownership, lease agreement or sublease);
  • copy of the Supreme Ltd. or a copy of the certificate of registration of IP;
  • copy of the list of register EGRUL or EGRIP;
  • copy of tax accounting certificate LLC or IP;
  • copies of the conclusions of the SES and Mrs. Discharge on compliance with the necessary requirements;
  • certificate of conditions for the functioning of an electronic information and educational environment;
  • certificate of printed and electronic resources;
  • certificate of pedagogical workers;
  • certificate of approval of educational programs;
  • certificate of conditions for the education of educational with ABS;
  • certificate of logistics;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty in the amount of 7,500 rubles;
  • list of documents.

Forms of references are available on the website of the Ministry of Education.

Procedure for obtaining a license

Licensing of educational activities carry out Rosobrnadzor and regional executive bodies. In Rosobrandzor, it is necessary to contact if the opening is planned:

  • higher educational institution;
  • federal significance organizations;
  • russian organization located outside the Russian Federation;
  • foreign organization in Russia.

Sign up for reception in Rosobrandzor can be online on the official website.

In other cases, contact the regional state bodies that have the right to issue licenses. Contacts of these institutions are published on the Rosobrandzor website to find them, select your region on an interactive map.

The procedure for obtaining an educational license consists of the following steps:

  1. Examine SNiP and Sanmpin for your direction of training.
  2. Prepare the room and equip it according to the requirements and standards.
  3. Get to the premises of the conclusion of the SES and Fire Inspection.
  4. Develop and approve educational programs.
  5. Make sure the teachers of your organization have the necessary documents on education, qualifications, work experience.
  6. Purchase furniture, equipment, equipment, educational literature, methodological manuals for conducting classes.
  7. Pay the state duty to issuing a license.
  8. Submit documents to the licensing authority.

Documents are accepted by inventory if there are deficiencies in them, they return to the refinement to refine (up to 30 days). After that, the stage of checking the reliability of filed information was begun, and not only documentary, but also with departure to the place. Within 60 days from the date of registration of the application, officials issue permission or refusal to obtain a license.

The refusal must be motivated and possible for two grounds: the unreliability of information or the lack of conditions for the learning process. State duty in case of refusal is not refundable.

What will happen if working without a license

For the provision of education services without a license provides for administrative, tax and criminal liability. The amounts of fines can reach 500 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment is up to five years. Of course, such a harsh punishment is extremely rarely used when work without a license caused major damage or has been income in large amounts.

In addition, the provision of services without a license reduces the competitiveness of the educational organization:

  • there is no benefits when participating in the auction for the right to lease of municipal real estate;
  • does not recognize a document on obtaining education or advanced training;
  • students in an unlicensed organization cannot receive a tax deduction on training costs;
  • serious advertising sources do not accept ads of such organizations.

System operating in the Russian Federation additional education (BE) Allows adulthood and children to gain knowledge leaving for the obligatory state standards of training.

It is possible for a paid and free basis in budget and commercial educational institutions.

Since 2015, the right to provide services in this area received IP.

Programs up to children and adults have different goals. The first are aimed at developing a child, its horizons. Services for children are provided in circles and clubs.

Up to adults is postgraduate advanced training. The need for it arises from specialists from various fields of activity.

Additional knowledge and profession increase the value of any employee in the labor market. Get to you can pay for a paid and free basis. To do this, it is necessary to have a higher or secondary-seat education.

  • Advanced training (designed to teach new skills of workers in various fields of activity within their profession).
  • Retraining (within the framework of the program, people receive a new profession).
  • Internship (the purpose of learning is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice).

Important! Availability is confirmed by a diploma, certificate or certificate.

These documents have legal and imaging effect if they are issued by educational institutions leading their activities on the basis of the relevant license. All additional education programs comply with state standards.

Is it necessary permission?

In 2015, in the Russian Federation was adopted ФЗ №99regulating licensed in the country.

B to it is carried out by type and levels of education, professions, specialties and other indicators. License is the official permissive document.. It can have a paper or electronic format.

The procedure for issuing a license is determined by three main regulatory acts:

  • FZ №273 (2012);
  • FZ №99 (2011 g);

The action of these regulations does not apply to teachers (IP) providing educational services without attracting other persons. Details about reading the article on the link.

Reference! It is not necessary to issue a license to organizations that are not outstanding documents about before, and conducting training trenders and seminars.

Who gives?

The list of organizations issuing licenses for educational activities is defined in article 3 FZ №283. This right is provided to federal and regional executive authorities.:

  • ministries;
  • committees and departments of education.

PP №966Accepted in 2013, provided the right to issue. After receiving an application for issuing a permit document, they must issue a license within 45 days. License validity defined article 9 FZ №99. It is represented indefinitely.

Subject to licensing subspecies to

Organizations providing services to, regardless of the ownership obligations to execute a license for their activities if they are engaged:

  • preschool or general training;
  • professional training of specialists or their retraining.

Services can be provided by both commercial and non-commercial organizations. The current legislation does not require the execution of a license from tutors and private teachers.

It is not necessary to receive it and those organizations that do not conduct certification and do not issue documents on the formation. Their training services refer to cultural or leisure.

Difference to for children and adults

Up to adults Directed on the vocational training of qualified specialists. The programs of their training are drawn up in accordance with the needs of the customer of the service.

Goal to children - Solving the tasks of upbringing. It is aimed at the development of the creative potential of the child and expanding its horizons.

Requirements for applicants

The list of requirements for applicants for the license is defined in PP №966.

They should have:

  1. The room in which the learning process will be conducted. It must be owned or long-term lease of organizations providing organizations.
  2. Material and technical support required for the educational process.
  3. Programs and methods of training that meet state standards;
  4. FEZ on the conformity of the organization of the training process of Sanpin.

The room used for educational activities is presented requirements for safety and labor protection and health standards. In the leading educational activities of organizations should be specialists of relevant qualifications.

The cost of receipt

When making a permit document paid state duty and account for expertise.

The size of the state duty, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is 7,500 rubles.

The cost of expert opinion depends on the volume of work is determined by the Agreement of the Parties.

Required documents

An authorization document is issued based on the application. It has a typical form, which is developed by the regional bodies of the Ministry of Education. Together with him a package of documents. It includes:

  1. Notarized copies of documents providing complete information about the applicant (Charter, Constituent Agreement, INN, Organ, etc.).
  2. Certificate for ownership or a long-term rental contract for the premises intended for the implementation of educational activities.
  3. Training programs and plans.
  4. Certificate of material and technical equipment.
  5. Sanitary conclusion about the suitability of the room.
  6. The conclusion of the state fire supervision authorities.
  7. Receipt of payment of state duty.

After submission of documents, the applicant is issued a license or motivated written refusal.

How to get: algorithm

For the implementation of educational activities register as a legal entity or IP.

The current legislation allows you to provide services for organizations of all forms of ownership. Followed by:

  1. Find a room for work and bring it into line with safety, sanitation and hygiene.
  2. Develop and approve methodologies and training programs.
  3. Pay state duty.
  4. Submit documents to licensing activities.

The decision to accept the application for licensing is accepted within 3 working days Since its submission.

The term of consideration of documents, according to the current legislation, may not exceed 60 days.

You can submit documents personally, in electronic form, via MFC or by mail by registered letter.

Punishment for work without permission

The provision of services before without permits is entitled to administrative or criminal liability under Article 171 of the Criminal Code. It provides for punishment for company executives and IP in the form:

  • penalty before 300 thousand rubles;
  • development of mandatory work in quantity 480 hours;
  • arrest before 6 months.

A more severe punishment is provided for a group of persons who violate the legislation in force in the field of the provision of educational services. The magnitude of the fine for them is increased up to 500 thousand rubles, and arrest - up to 5 years.

Useful video

A small video, which tells about the general moments in, including for additional education:

Requirements for the provision of services for additional education are defined FZ №273. Its action applies to educational institutions of all forms of ownership.