Mythology of Iceland. Archive headings: Icelandic legends Iceland myths

Mythology of Iceland. Archive headings: Icelandic legends Iceland myths
Mythology of Iceland. Archive headings: Icelandic legends Iceland myths

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The component of the Scandinavian mythology is Icelandic mythology, the first at the same time itself is a branch of the mythology of German peoples. In Icelandic sagas, this country is represented by the core of the Scandinavian world. But in the next century, Christianity affected her mythology. The main source of knowledge about the mythology of Icelanders is the prose and poetic EDDA.

Initially goes "Elder Edda"where the poems devoted to the gods and heroes of immemorial times are collected. Here are the heroic and mythological songs. In 1643, the Royal Code was found - the only list of these songs. Anonymity is characteristic of eddy poetry - No one knows the authors, it has a fairly simple form, and the content can be concerned not only by the gods and legendary heroes, but also rules of everyday wisdom. Eddy songs inherent saturation of events and actions. Each song tells about one episode from the life of the hero or God, it is folded extremely concise. The conditionally "senior EDU" is divided into 2 parts: songs about the gods concern the mythological side of the past, and the second part is devoted to the heroes. The most famous in the "Elder Edde" song "Division of Vielva"which describes the former world from the moment of its creation to the tragic death of the gods leading to the revival of the new world.

The "younger EDU" can be conditionally called the reference guidance in which the descriptions of the gods and their activities are located, there are some stories about the life of heroes and gods.

According to historians, which constitute the "Poetic EDU" of Sagi gained their present view in the range of 900-1050. At about 1220, the Icelandic Scalid Snorry Sturlson was a "Prosecical EDU". In fact, this ancient mythology was revealed again that all German peoples took enthusiasm. Edda became an invaluable heritage of all mankind.

The gods in Scandinavian mythology are divided into two categories: the younger represent "wannes" responsible for fertility, and the older - "Assa" associated with military affairs. There is a point of view that the aces were the gods of militant Vikings, and Vanya revealed them more than themselves to the relatives. Assa lived in Asgard - the heavenly country of the gods, the supreme among whom was alone. In addition to the same in Pantheon there was still a dozen of Gods: Thor, Ture, Baldr, Braga, Heymdall, Vidar, Hod, Vali, Loki, Freir, Nyěry, Ull. Vanya was hosting for some time with Assa.

Were in Pantheon and women goddess:

  • wife of Odina Frygga, victims of fate;
  • the goddess of Love Freia;
  • keeper of Multi Gold Apple Idun;
  • study Torah's wife Torah Zlatovaya Sif (possibly associated with fertility);
  • there were other goddesses.

The Valchull Musy Valkyrie was sent to the Odin with his friend in the Heavenly Palacewho solved the fate of warriors during battles and bearing heroes worthy of Valchallla. In this palace, Odin, who was in Asgard, was a colossal feast room.

In addition to the ancient gods, Icelanders believed, and many continue to believe in the existence of elves, trolls and dwarvesMoreover, these mythical characters are somewhat different from those that "live" in other parts of Scandinavia. So, Norwegian trolls are small, and Icelanders are giants living in the mountains. Dwarfs, as it should be, live among the cliffs and underground. In Iceland, the latter are called "Holddufoolk", that is, "Underground residents"whose world is like a mirror reflection of ours, otherwise they look like us. Icelanders are deeply believed to all supernatural, so numerous Icelandic fairy tales are full of miracles, and in general they greatly reflect the depth of ancient Icelandic culture.


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Strange, but Iceland is not so popular with tourists. And in vain, because there so much awesome can be seen! Yes, and to get acquainted with habits, traditions and customs of local residents would also be very interesting, because some of them are very unusual. And often the Russians have a misconception of local residents, as a result of which many "myths" appear, associated with Iceland. Much there is absolutely not the way you used to count. This article will consider some features of the lives of local residents, in order to put all the points over "and".
Contrary to popular belief, a completely small number of people live in Iceland. Approximately 300-320 thousand. Agree, this is completely small. Interesting is the fact that there almost everyone comes to each other familiar. Do you know about the famous "six handshake"? So in Iceland, the rule of three, or even two handshakes, is most likely.

It is still very unusual that there are no names in Iceland. Instead of them from local residents an analogue of patronymic. By the name of the father's father, the End of Dottir is added (if daughter) or "Sleep" (if son). Thus, it turns out the so-called patronymic.
Many people think that in Iceland in winter it is very cold, but it is not at all so, because the air temperature is rarely lowered below -6 degrees.
Some of the Iceland habits cannot but surprise. For example, they do not have a manifestation of the evil education of the spit on the streets, so they spit there all the polls, including girls.
Icelanders are very tolerant and polite with visitors. If you did not like local residents, they will never show you this. But the good location to you, they will always demonstrate that it constantly, no dessend to touch you.
Also, the tolerance of Icelanders is manifested in their attitude to the persons of non-traditional sexual orientation. Not so long ago, same-sex marriages were resolved. Gay parades are held annually. Yes, and the percentage of bisexuals is quite high.
Many tourists will seem amazing and strange to this, but the water here everyone drinks from under the tap. Even in restaurants you put ordinary tap water. In fact, there is nothing unusual here, because water comes from local famous thermal sources, and, therefore, water is absolutely suitable for drinking.
As you know, Icelanders eat mostly fish, so in any restaurant you will find a choice of a huge number of fish dishes. However, Icelanders have a strange habit of using various sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup over measures. They pour the dish of sauces so much that the taste of the dish itself can not be felt, so warning the waiter about their taste preferences in advance.

Navigating on records

Ghost from snifted

Icelandic legend

In ancient times, there lived a pastor in the sniffed by Joun, and the nicknamed resistant. He was the son of the Torlava. Pastor Just was a man wise, and in those days it was a great blessing for many. He was married twice, his first wife was called Obssel, she gave birth to a pastor of three children, one of them lived with his father, and his name was also Joune. From the second wife, the pastor did not have children.
It happened so that Joun, the pastoral son, fell in love with their maid. The pastoral shepherd fell in love. As often happens in such cases, Joune and the shepherd was entrusted with each other. Once at the beginning of the winter, the shepherd went to the mountains to drive home sheep, but at that time the Hollyed was started, and he returned home without herd. Pastor decided that the shepherd simply struggle, and began to send his son Just for the sheep. Justa did not want to go to the mountains.
- There, it can be seen, and really do not pass, "he said to his father.
But Pastor did not want to listen to anything, and I had to obey Jouna. He did not return from this campaign, died somewhere in the mountains, and even unknown, they found his corpse or not. Hardly dough he rested him with the world in a cemetery, because he began to attend and the maid and the shepherd. Soon, the ghost was famous for its maliciousness, most often it dwells on the slopes of the snifted and Donimalo the travelers, throws the stones in them. In the pastoral estate, it beat the glass, killed sheep, and sometimes it was sitting together with women, spend wool in a common room, and in the evening he was always put in a meal, like all the households.
One day, the pastor worker heard, how someone jumps the skin with dried fish. She looked and saw a ghost.
"Take a knife, buddy," the employee said.
- Deadians knives for nothing, - answered ghost.
One who shared food with him, it never trottered and did not throw in him stones.
Once in winter, in those edges, it happened so that in all houses, a tobacco margin approached the end. How to help this misfortune, invented Pastor Joun. He found out that he was brought to the north, in Akureyri, and sent a ghost behind him, while he generously supplied him to food on the road. They say that in the north one person saw the ghost is located on the stone and wanted to eat up, on Earth his legs lay tobacco. He take yes, say:
- A kind person who you are, give me a tobacco!
The ghost looked at him with anger, grilled into the Tabak and disappeared, but on the stone, where it was sitting, tobacco crumbs remained.
After this incident, Pastor Joune decided to send a ghost to the east to the breaststar, to Pastor Einaru. It is said that Pastor Einar was a school comrade of Pastor Justa and only with him one Pastor Joun shared his concerns and belonged him his adversity. The ghost was in the breaststar and appeared before Pastor Einar, when he was already lying in bed.
"Do you want to spend the night here?" - asked Pastor, seeing the guest.
- Yes, - answered ghost. The guest seemed to the pastor suspicious. Suddenly, he rushed at the pastor, but he managed to grab the board out of bed and hit the guest, which damaged his hand. Here, the greed had to open the pastor and give him a letter.
Pastor ordered him to get out, but the guest asked him to give him any order. Then the pastor pretended to approve of such a desire, and told him to return home, to meet at the end of the service at the gate of the cemetery of Pastor Jouna and give him a letter from him. I did not want to give up home, but I had to obey. It was met at the gate of the cemetery of Pastor Justa and handed him a letter, and in that letter they wrote spells from ghosts. Pastor Joune immediately began to spend the ghost, so that it leaves alone and the people, and the cattle and shouted in the underground kingdom. In the spell, there was such a force that the ghost immediately disappeared under the ground and, they say, since then no one has caused any damage.
And they also say that one old woman seems to be Goodni from Arnarfjord, he envied the wisdom of Pastor Einar and decided to remove him. The sorcerer Leave advised the old woman not to joke with pastor, but she neglected the good advice. And so, they tell, one evening in the breaststar, a knock on the door rang out. Pastor Einar ordered his daughter to see who came. She went to the door, but there was no one there. Then he knocked the second time and the third, the daughter of Pastor went to each knock, but did not see anyone. For the fourth time she went to the threshold and found a person around the corner of the house, he said that he had to see the pastor. She invited him to the house, but her pastor warned her, so that she would not be ahead ahead, and therefore she missed him first. The room was light, Pastor Einar sat at the table and wrote.
- In what cause did you please? He asked the guest.
- Strangle the pastor from the breaststar! - I barely spent the guest, because I began to lose force at one glance at the pastor Einar.
Pastor laid a guest in bed, which stood in the attic, and expelled an evil spirit from him. And the old day in Arnar Fjord died the Old Man Goodnie, because Pastor sent to her of the very spirit, whom she sent to him on the eve.

Merry and Water Spirit

Icelandic legend

The makeup was the very person who gave her name to Grimsu, is the island lying north of Iceland. Once he went to fish together with his servants and a little son Torir. The boy became cold, and he was put on the shoulders in a bag of seals. Suddenly the hook was caught the water spirit. His face is human, and the body is seal.
"Or you will be predicted to us the future," said Grim, "or never again see you at home."
- First of all, remove me from the hook, "the water spirit asked, and when people fulfilled his request, dived into the water and popped away from the boat.
- For you and your servants, my prediction does not matter! - he shouted. - Your time is expires, makeup, and even before spring, we will jead again with you. But the boy in a bag of seals is waiting for a different future. Let him leave the Grimsy and set out where your mare's scalmes will fall under the brother.
In winter, the makeup and his servants went on fishing, this time without a boy. Suddenly, the sea was excited, although the wind was not in the risen, and they all drowned up to one, as predicted by the water, the Spirit.
Toriir's mother started with him south. All summer mare's scalmes walked under the brother, never lay down. But when they stood up with two red dunes north of Borgar-fjord, the mare suddenly lay down, and the Mragma family settled on the lands of the cold river, between the hill and the sea.
Many years later. The Torire is eased. But somehow since the summer evening he went to the threshold of his house and suddenly he was clear. And the penetration, saw the urching of a huge growth, which sailed in a boat along a cold river. Swimming to the hill, the stranger disappeared into crevices. And on the same night, fire broke out from under the ground, and Lava poured the surroundings and covers them until now. Torire that night died from the volcano eruption, which carries his name. It is said that makeup leaves from the sea and visits his son and that if in quiet weather to make an ear to Earth, then you can hear their voices and snoring a mare scalme, which drinks water from a stone deck for their back.


Icelandic legend

In ancient times, Squa lived on the Mount of Blaufyadl. Traces of her cave are visible and today, but this cave is located so high that people do not rise there. Cracuca hurts a lot of harm to the inhabitants of Mivnsweet, she attacked livestock, stubborn sheep and even killed people.
They said about her that she was not indifferent to men and very much with her lonely life. It happened, Kraukuk kidnapped from the village of Men and kept them at home, but she did not come to my heart to anyone, and they struggled to escape from her and soon they were ready to die than to answer her harassment.
Somehow, the faug kidnapped the shepherd from the farm Baldursheim, his name was Joun. Dentamed Justa to himself in the cave and let him sweep it with all sorts of snake, and he is just a nose grown. She also tried to please him to please him, but everything is also inacted. Finally, the shepherd said that he was not averse to to enjoy twelve-year-old shark. He rooted the cracker, he learned that such a shark is only in Siglune, and decided by anything to get this delicacy for the shepherd. She left him in the cave of one, and herself went down. She passed a little, and suddenly she wanted to check if she had fled the shepherd. Kraushu returned home and found a shepherd where left. She went down again. She went, walked and laughed again: and that if the shepherd ran away. She returned to the cave, sees: she sits the shepherd, where it was sitting. For the third time, the faug was put on the road and no longer doubted anything else. Nothing says nothing about her campaign, except that she got sharp meat and ran home.
And the shepherd walked to the crawfish left, jumped up and rushed out. I saw the faug that his and the trace was cleaned, and went into pursuit. The shepherd runs, and he has a stones behind his back - this is about to catch up with his cracker.
- Wait, Joune! She shouts. - Here's a shark meat! It lay in the ground twelve years and another winter!
The shepherd does not respond, it runs that there is urine. He came running to the farm, and his owner at that time worked in the forge. Joun fell into the forge and hid for the owner, and Kraukuk is already here. I grabbed the owner of the mountain hot iron and ordered the crawfish to be walked away and he never would never touch his people anymore. There is nothing to do, I had to crawl to crash. But if she attacked after that the owner of Baldursheim, nothing is known to us.

Scott with river farm

Icelandic legend

One Bond was called Joun; He lived on a river farm, he had a daughter Gudbjurg. When he lay on a mortal bed, he gave his daughter to sheep a bone in which there were traffic jams, and she told her not to remove these traffic jams, otherwise she would not like her.
Then the old man died, and his daughter Gudbjurg married a person named Eik, and they moved to live on a river farm after Jouna.
In those days at the Church of the Khlisa River, Bond lived, whose name was Sigurd. He was fruitless of him, and he wanted to upset his river farm land. Spouses from the river farm wanted to drive a Sigurd away, but did not manage.
Then Goodbjurg occurred that now time to open the bone. Therefore, she pulled the corks, flew from there a thick smoke. He gathered and turned into a woman, if only you can call it a woman.
Hoodbjurg told her immediately to go and drive Sigurd from the Ferry River. The ghost immediately went and turned so badly with Sigurd that he had to move to another farm, because, he said, there is no rest to sleep at home because of his demons.
The next spring Sigurd left his plot due to this attack. As soon as Scott fulfilled the order, she returned home to Hudbjörg and asked where she would go now. But Hoodbjurg was confused, and then Scott began to torment her, and in the end she went crazy. Madness was often found in her family, and one of her close relatives opened his veins.

Scott with a mosquito lake

Icelandic legend

At the Mosquito Lake, on the Orel Lake, two Bonds lived, which were sorcerers. About these bonds walked bad rumors.
One winter it happened so that the poor girl died on the wastelife during a blizzard, west of the stone fodder, and one of the above-mentioned bonds robbed about what happened, at night I went to the West to the wasteland and revived this girl until she was cooled. Then in the morning he returned home with her, told her to go to the hut in front of him and told her to kill his cohabitant.
Then she went inside, and he later be behind her, but barely entered the Bond unexpectedly sat down in bed and ordered her to attack the one who goes for her, and she did so. She grabbed him and threw him across the room like a ball, and the second was sitting in bed and laughed. However, he ordered her not to kill him, and therefore then she wandered nearby and for a long time he pursued this genus. For example, when Illuga Helgason wrote poems about Ambalez, she hindered him for hours, so he could not compose at that time.
For a long time she pursued a certain Arnator, who lived in the valley of the smoke, and when he died, she appeared on the wall of the charter next to a woman who had minted cows, and said:
- Where to go now, now that Arntor is dead?
Then the woman said:
- went to hell and pursue that kind!
Later she wandered and pursued different people. After a short time, curiosity overcame fear, so I decided to peeling out of the blanket. The moon shone brightly again, and now I saw a girl much better than before. She was undoubtedly closer to the bed than before. Some time I watched her. But suddenly she began to look at me, and it was so terrible that he will remain in my memory forever.
In the end, I managed to wake my grandmother and tell her that I could not sleep, because in front of the bed at the bench costs some kind of girl. Grandma said that I must have dreamed of this nonsense, because I can see now, there is nothing there. And it was true, now there was no one there. I described my grandmother's clothes of this girl and her very much, as soon as he could, because I was offended by what she did not believe me.
She said that we must repeat our prayers, and then I may be able to fall asleep. We did it. Then I moved in bed for my grandmother and soon fell asleep.
In the morning, when I woke up, it was too late. The first thing I saw, barely opened my eyes, was a stranger, who was sitting on a bench directly opposite me.
Later, when I walked nearby, by chance I overheard the conversation between my mother and grandmother. Grandma told about what happened to me at night. Then I heard that Mom said:
- Well, what can you do! It seems she just wanted to break back in front of him.
I learned that something must have been Scott, moreover, later I heard that she pursued one visit and his family.