Interregional campaign "We read Shergin together. Centralized Library System (g

Interregional campaign
Interregional campaign "We read Shergin together. Centralized Library System (g
Share "Read Shergin Together"

On October 30, the library of the Talitsky district of the Sverdlovsk region participated in a large-scale event - the shares "read Shergin together". The initiator of this event was the Solombal Library named after B. V. Shergin Municipal Culture Institutions MO "City Arkhangelsk" "Centralized Library System". The action is timed to the day of the memory of a talented writer, an artist and folklorist, a native of the city of Arkhangelsk. B. V. Schgin - the author of wonderful fairy tales about the fun and resourceful eating, which will give pleasure and children, and adults. A separate page in the work of the writer is his diaries, where he with special love speaks of the beauty of the northern nature, culture, life, traditions and art fishery of the Arkhangelsk North.
The main characters and participants of this holiday reading in our Talitsky district were children. For them, employees of libraries prepared a story about the life and work of a talented writer and folklorist Boris Viktorovich Shergin, organized reading of fairy tales and watching cartoons removed by the author's works.

Children gladly read books about the "Ruddy, Verlor" and Naughty Shishe, Vane Danish and Mishe Laskin, discussed and commented on the adventures of the heroes of Shergin's works, composed rhymes, participated in games and quizzes. For example, readers of the Wheeucheevsky rural library played a fairy tale "Magic Ring": built bridge, I was looking for a ring and saved the Vanka. In the Elansky rural library, the fairy tale about Shishe, children read on roles, and young readers from p. Again - Jurmyt invented fun rhymes.

And all the readers got acquainted with the unique culture of the Russian north, mastered the Pomeranian talk, with surprise to find how many familiar words moved from the distant north to us to the Urals. With great interest, the children discovered the world of Pomeranian tales. At the end of the event, all books B.V. Shergin from library funds were disassembled by young readers.
The action "Read Shergin Together" was held in 11 libraries of the Talitsky district. 403 people took part in it. Everyone had fun and interesting!

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October 30, on the day of the memory of Boris Viktorovich Shergin, writer, artist and folklorist, the native of the city of Arkhangelsk held the All-Russian action "We read Shergin Together", dedicated to this day. The action was initiated by the Solombal Library No. 5 named after B.V. Shergin Muk Mo "City Arkhangelsk" "Centralized Library System".
Demyan City Library-Branch of Moscow State University "Podosinovsk MBS" of the Kirov region supported the share "We read Shergin together."

In the promotion of open reading works of Boris Shergin, 25 people took part. I am glad that of 25 people 14 were students aged 10 to 18 years.
The meeting began with the question: "Do you know the writer Boris Shergin?" Only those who preparing the works of the writer were able to read the works in advance. Of course, almost all participants answered that unfamiliar with the work of Shergin. We are pleased that in the process of the action the present met with the biography of the writer, I heard works by Boris Shergin, wanted to read his fairy tales and stories.
Readers read an excerpt from his story "Childhood in Arkhangelsk", the story "Misha Laskin", the fairy tales "Shchedrate Widow" and "wonderful beeps".
Everyone liked "Proverbs in Stories." In them, the writer for each proverb wrote an instructive story.
Readers read "Collect on the berry - pick up the body", "Long thread is lazy seamstress", "Carpenter thinks ax."

Unusually, in the image, the story "Old old women" was presented. Boris Schgin, a collector of Arkhangelsk fairy tales and tales, reports to us this special, Pomeranian beauty of the Northern Council.

Young readers liked watching the cartoon "Magic Ring" on the fairy tale Boris Shergin, and the older generation remembered his childhood when, being children, watched this cartoon. As the participant expressed the participant: "Cartoons on these fairy tales and tale who voiced by the voice of Evgeny Leonov, I still look with pleasure."

The action ended with the words of Yuri Koval, the Soviet and Russian writer: "Boris Viktorovich Schgin was a Russian writer of an extraordinary northern beauty, Pomeranian power. Stories that he tells in books, funny and sad, there were times long and very close, and there are some majestic calm in all, in general inherent in northern legends ... ".
From the statement of readers, participants of the promotion: "Shergin's works liked, bright, figurative, instructive, peculiar, original."

Details Created: 10/30/2018 13:35

On October 30, the annual All-Russian action "We read Shergin Together" was held. The organizers of the action is the Solombal Library named after B.V. Shergina of the municipal cultural institution of the municipality "City Arkhangelsk" "Centralized Library System". The action is timed to the Day of Memory of the Talented Writer, artist and folklorist, a native of the city of Arkhangelsk Boris Viktorovich Shergin. The purpose of the action is to promote the creativity of a talented northern writer. Central Children's Library named after A.S. Pushkin, urban library Branch No. 17 just accepted participation in it.

Naughty, merry and wise fairy tales Boris Viktorovich Shergin entered the Golden Fund of Russian National Art, among the best creations of Russian literature. The attention of the children was presented a presentation on the life and work of the writer. The children learned when and where B. V. Chergin was born, where he spent his childhood and his youth, who was his parents, which role they played in the formation of the personality of the future writer, where his creative activity began. The guys got acquainted with the books B. V. Shergin at the book exhibition "Holder of the Wonderful Tale."

On this day, children d / s № 3,17, school students № 4, 6, 9 listened to fairy tales: "Shish Talenik", "Rhymes", "Shark, what are you not catching out?", "Long thread - lazy seamstress" "The income does not live without having trouble", "Magic Ring", Misha Laskin's story. The fairy tale "Collect the Berry - to pick up the body", then together with the children discussed the meaning of proverbs found in the fairy tale. The guys discussed with interest all the listened fairy tales, took an active part in the literary quiz on the story of the story "Misha Laskin". 145 people took part in the promotion.

Boris Viktorovich Schgin was a Russian writer of an extraordinary northern beauty, Pomeranian power. Stories that he tells in books, funny and sad, happened during the times old and very close, and on all there is a press of some majestic calm, in general inherent in northern legends ...

Head information and methodical sector

Dear Colleagues!

Solombal Library named after B.V. Shergina of the municipal institution of culture of the municipality "City Arkhangelsk" "Centralized Library System" invites you to take part in the annual All-Russian campaign "We read Shergin together." The action is timed to the day of the memory of a talented writer, an artist and folklorist, a native of the city of Arkhangelsk Boris Viktorovich Shergin (07.28.1893 - 30.10.1973) and the birthday of the Solombal Library. B.V. Shergin: October 22, 2017 marks 95 years since its foundation.

This is a large-scale reading event, whose goal is to promote the creativity of the Northern Writer, will be held on October 30, 2017. On this day, the best works of B.V. will be read in all the participating facilities. Shergin.

B.V. Schgin is the author of the wonderful fairy tales about the cheerful and self-escort, which will give pleasure and children, and adults. A separate page in the work of the writer is his diaries, where he with special love speaks of the beauty of the northern nature, culture, life, traditions and art fishery of the Arkhangelsk North.