Metro: Last Light. Walkthrough

Metro: Last Light. Walkthrough
Metro: Last Light. Walkthrough

Metro: Last Light is the second game of the metro series, which serves as a continuation of the last part. The developers and publishers were permanently left - 4A Games. and Deep Silver.. This time the game was released on 7 platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PS3 - May 17, 2013, Mac OS X - 10 September 2013, Linux - November 5, 2013 and Xbox One, PlayStation 4 - 26 August 2014. Developed the wishes of gamers and Critics, promising to correct some predecessor's shortcomings, at the same time, and improve the stealth passage.
With the last part, when Artem destroyed all the "blacks", for more than a year, and the time of love came in Moscow - Spring. Sparta moved to D6. In the same place, Khan informs the chief hero that he was able to track down one surviving black, but still a child, and hoping that the last decision was wrong about the destruction of the beehive, asks Arteom to keep his life. Only at Melnik and his piles on their own opinion - he arrests Han, and sends his daughter Anna to the elimination of "black" to the task together with Artyom. But emerging unforeseen circumstances ...

Unlike the first part, in this game you will not meet with such difficulties as I could boast the past work, such as going to the library or how to get around the librarian, what weapon slaughter, etc. And there is also no point in writing, where there are certain chests with buns ... carefully examining the terrain, it will be possible to find everything: starting with the cartridge, ending with the gas masks.


Stealth passage improved and worked in detail. The fastest and most effective instrument in the game is Helsing and throwing knives. They kill all enemies well ... Whether it is a man or monster. If not to miss, they will erase the enemy from the face of the earth quickly and without noise.

Lacks Blade on Artem.

It is rather a jamb than a secret in the subway. If you come to the mirror at the theater station, you can not see the reflection of the main character of Artem. Maybe he is a vampire?

Books Dmitry Glukhovsky

When passing the ray of hope in several locations, you can find books for which the game is made, even more - in addition to 2033, 2034, there are still announced Metro book 2035., More precisely, its cover.

Miracle Watches of the Main Hero

If you carefully look at the article of Artem, then if you do not go to the surface, they show present. As soon as we wear a gas mask, time disappears and the hero activates the oxygen timer.

Semetsky ghost

Lovers of fantastic books, especially about stalkers, heard the name of such a person as Yuri Semetsky. In the works, this character is constantly dying and resurrected. Metro Creators added references to Yuri, which can be heard on the territory of Hanza.

Matryoshka, only without vodka and balalaika.

Lenin is alive ... Almost.

In Metro: Last Light you can find the leader of the proletariat LeninaTrue, it is not well preserved at all. You can get in the mausoleum one by one way from the surface. Here is a video how to get there:

Metro Last Light - Bad and Good Endingbut

As often happens in action, developers from 4a Games added Two endings. Bad or good will come to you depends on the action in the gameplay. The fact is that the moral algorithm is responsible for this and if the character behaves badly, then the moral decreases and vice versa, if well.

So that morality rose:

Cartridges need to be chopping at stations.

In the story of the characters of various stories, Artem appears the vision of the dead city and cannot be passed.

It is impossible to kill the enemies surrendered.

And last - save children and women.

So that morals decreased:

Pey, Warm and ..... Do not compete anyone.

Boobs! (+18)

At the station theatrical station you can find prostitutes and naked actipers. What to do is an apocalypse, and it is necessary to make money on life. Here are some screenshots depravity in Metro Last Light.

, .
Lorovo: Torch , Echoes.
Red: Large , Corbut , The revolution.
On rails: Regina , Bandits.
On water: Dark waters , Venice , Sunset , Night.
Virus: Catacombs , Infection , Quarantine.
The black: Han , Chase , Crossing , Bridge , Depot.
Centre: Dead city , Red Square , Garden , Policy.
The last fight: D6..

  • Achievements. Questions - Answers.
  • general information

    Developer: 4a Games. Publisher: Deep Silver.


    Standard of the genre of action
    W, A, S, D - Movement
    Space - Jump
    Ctrl - sit down
    E. - Interaction
    R. - Recharge weapons
    1,2,3 - Change weapons in your hands
    LKM. - Fire
    PKM. - Film
    Special Actions
    Q. - Use a first-aid kit
    G. (clamp) - To wear, remove the gas mask
    G. - wipe the glass gas mask
    T. - Change the gas mask filter
    C. - throw throwing weapons
    V. - hit the knife
    Tab. (Touch) - Menu Menu
    R. (clamp) (automatic) - charge army cartridges (currency)
    R. (clamp) (Pump weapons) - to pump air into a balloon
    M. - Take a cartridge-lighter
    M. (clamp) - Take a lighter and compass
    F. - Enable, turn off the flashlight
    N. - Enable, turn off the night vision device

    Karma, actions Hero

    Throughout the game, we will have the opportunity to make various actions, receive additional optional information, to solve the fate of people. From our actions depends on how the game will end. There are two endings: conditionally "bad" and "good."

    "Poor" ending will happen by itself if we play Metro: Last Light, as in a regular shooter, killing everything and everything.

    "Good" ending is more difficult to achieve. To obtain it, you need to improve the carma of the main character, making good actions or more thoroughly studying the world of the game (such actions are allocated in the text passing by the framework). Each improvement in karma is marked with a white flash light on the screen. You can kill only animal mutants. The murder of people from any grouping reduces the accumulated positive karma. It is not necessary to fulfill all the good actions and save the lives to all people, the main thing that the amount of white flashes is much larger than the number of killed people.


    In the subway there are special items - notes found throughout the game. These are the thoughts of the chief hero of Artem, recorded on paper. They more fully reveal the plot of the game. Notes look like stationery cardboard folders "Case number __". You can view the found notes in the pause menu (click "ESC" during the game) in the "Diary" section. In total, there are 43 notes in the game. Having collected all these records, we get achievement.

    Passing missions. Start

    Metro: Last Light

    We appear in the tunnel with three comrades. Suddenly, black monsters pop out from the tunnel, and black monsters pop out. Shooting enemies, and after their death, learn that these were our comrades. Black thumalized our mind visions, and after that, suddenly, stretched out his hand.

    Fortunately, the previous event turned out to be only a nightmare. Now we are at the station D6 busy by the Order of the Rangers. Listen to the woken of the Khan, after that we rose from the bed.

    Get acquainted with management. In addition to standard movement, you can use a lighter (M key, the left mouse button) and view the tablet with tasks (key m, right mouse button). There is also a compass on the tablet, the arrow of which indicates the main current goal.

    At the exit from the room, listen to the conversation of two people (+ karma). We go to the corridor, listen to talk and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game. When leaving the residential zone, we listen to the conversation of people playing checkers (+ karma).

    We reach the weapon, where we are issued: gas masks, replaceable filters for it, an orange first-aid kit and army cartridges (local currency). (Army cartridges can also be used for shooting (for this, when recharging, you need not just press, but to clamp the "R" key for a couple of seconds), but it is better not to shoot them, but it is beneficial to exchange for ordinary cartridges). After that, we choose three weapons from five possible, we carry them out by sight and other improvements to your liking. Selected weapons check in practice in a nearby educational dash.

    On the second floor we fall into the command center. We listen to the conversation conversation about BZU in the swamp (+ karma). The leader of the Order - Melnik arranged an operational meeting, collecting all commanders. Hana, who chatting about peaceful contact with black, Melnik orders to take into custody, and with Sniper Anna sends us to the task - to kill the surviving black mutant. Together with Anna, we go to the elevator.

    We enter the elevator. On the next floor we sang in the monorail car.

    Metro: Lost Hope. Walkthrough

    On the monorail, we get to the next metro station. Turn on the flashlight (key "F"). We approach the closed door, pull the cutter on the right (the "E" key), we enter inside. On the inter-storey stairs, we rose to the collector, we go to the right to the vertical staircase upwards.

    Near the stairs we wear a gas mask (key "G"). With a mogue, the clock on the left hand starts to work, they show the time before replacing the gas mask filter (if the filter does not change in time, then you can suffocate).

    The stairs are chosen on the surface. We were on the ruins of the Botanical Garden, where rocket weapons were applied against black. We go forward, we reach the colors of the destroyed building. Here Anna is closed up to take a profitable position, and we go on.

    In the meadow we meet with monsters, which are called guards. We need to shoot three waves of monsters, Anna helps sniper shots.

    We go further, we find a small part of black. It is useless to shoot it, just driven over Nm on narrow labyrinths, prolazis in Nouro (key "Ctrl") and finally catch it up. Black makes up our mind, and shows his story - salvation from explosions that destroyed all other black monsters.

    Passing missions. Fascists

    The turbidity of the mind from the influence of Black passed, and here we discover that during unconsciousness we were captured to the warriors of Reich. In captivity, two soldiers of the red line and a peaceful resident are captured next to us. The officer of Reich begins to shoot prisoners. Together with one of the soldiers, we manage to kill the fascists and stay alive. The surviving communist is called Pavel.

    We follow Pavlom, on the garbage cutting we go to the cellars of the Reich. Below we reach the big round room. We run on the other side in the shade of a slowly rotating fan. Next to the locked grille, we sat Paul upstairs, and then we also climb the stairs.

    We found themselves in a huge round mine, where in the cells at the walls of languishing hundreds of prisoners, and fascist warders patrol on suspended tracks. Slowly crawling after Paul a little higher. Further jump down on the track, click on the back to the Reich soldier. When Paul throws down a stone and distract the second guard, we must stun ("E" key) or kill ("V" key) first. (The choice of action affects the ending of the game. If we do not kill people, but only stun them, we will see a secret "good" ending). The enemy is taking the cartridges.

    Deferaging the enemy, pull the lever to omit the staircase. Upstairs unscrew the light bulb from the searchlight, after that Paul removes one more watch and turns off the light for its part. In the dark pass through the bridge, neutralize the soldier. Upstairs climb into the green tube.

    The messenger in the pipe, hearing the conversation about how the fascist sold the caught black merchant from Hanza. Select from the pipe. From the corpse, we get out throwing knives.

    Remove the light bulb, waiting when the next guard goes to the room, and stun it. We rise to the very top, in front of the huge gateway, press the green challenge button, hurt for the box. The reserved guard is stunning from behind. We enter the gateway, press the lever.

    Paul discounts us pistol with silencer. We go on sewage, silently eliminating enemies, we take away from them machines. There are only three patrolling soldiers here, the rest of four are busy with their affairs and are easily stunned from behind.

    We help Paul to open the gateway - twitch for the right lever on the wall.

    Metro passage: Lost Hope

    We climb the escalator, we see the crowd of fascists chanting your Führer. The leader of the fascists tells the crowd about the d6 base, about its reserves and plans to capture. While the fascists listen to fiery speech, moving through the crowd to the tribune. We listen to speech to the end (+ karma).

    After some time, the Führera reports on the escape of prisoners, and we immediately start running (SHIFT key) from the crowd into the corridor on the left. On the way, one time you will need to jump. It is possible to run away, but we are shooting out. Paul drags us to Dresa, together we go until the next station.

    Passage Metro: Last Light

    You can not get to the station. The lattice comes across the lattice, Paul takes her a ram, as a result, our Dresin breaks, but we get further into the tunnel. We go forward, put the Paul to the pipe, on the other side the guards are enough.

    The goal on the right is open, from there they come out two fascists in search of accomplices of the detaineed communist. Turn off the flashlight, hiding in the corner away. When the guards are examined and go back, we catch up with them and stun at the back. Ahead in a small two-story location is more than ten fascists, but all of them can be stunned, and not kill. To do this, unscrew the near light bulbs, and in the distant light bulbs, we shoot a pistol with a silencer. If the enemies do not raise the alarm, they will easily stun them alone.

    We climb the second floor of the room, from there we jump into the long closed part, neutralize more three enemies, we enter the room on the second floor. Inside the room on the bed sits a fighter not in the form, he immediately surrendered. Do not kill it to get a "good" ending.

    We go to another room, we climb into ventilation.

    Passage Metro 2033: Last Light

    Middle of the ventilation, we find the chamber of Paul. He is leaving for the execution, you need to hurry to save it. Select from ventilation in the next room.

    In the first room on the table we open the box, inside find the first-aid kit and cartridges, next to the hinged locker some more cartridges. We go along the corridor, we fall into a large two-story room.

    In the room behind the glass we see three guards, but there are much more. We go to the right side to the stairs to the second floor.

    Achievement "Gift" (A PRESENT)

    Going into the room, we go to the right corner, hiding behind the boxes. Listen to the conversation of two guards (+ karma). We learn that one of the guards in a personal cabinet is hidden a good weapon. We are waiting for the guard by a radio, then go to the previous room to the cabinet. We go behind him, after opening the locker, we stun the guard, taking the machine with three improvements (+ karma).

    In the central room, where the guards are located, to the left of the entrance musical instrument (3/17) - Accordion.

    There is nothing particularly difficult in unlike the first game, where there were a few moments when questions arose, but what to do next. For example, such as open the door in the library, as best to pass the librarian, what trunks are better and so on. I also do not see the point of telling about the ride in the game. If you carefully inspect everything, then you can find cartridges and filters for gas mask.

    Stealth in the game became more thoughtful and improved. Therefore, the best weapon in the game is throwing knives and Helsing. They are well killed by any opponents like people and mutants. The charm of knives and Helsing is that if they do not miss them kill all enemies from the first time and silently.

    Throwing knives


    Ideally kill them mutant-S.tray.While they do not see you and stand on the hind legs and listen, you can easily kill them with a knife, he does not have time to raise anxiety and a bunch of his relatives will not escape, respectively, we save the cartridges.

    On the Mutants-shrimp, (the most which climb from water), best use focical grenades. Throw them the feeds they quickly burn.

    Incereral grenade

    As soon as shrimps open their belly, shoot on it, if they are closed with clayshes, I stop shooting, we run away from them and wait when they open their belly again.



    The first boss in the game is a big shrimp that will meet us on the swamps. While we will get to the Order She will appear from time to time. In general, the best option is to run away from it and not shoot, hide in the house. Near the church, we throw in the incendiary grenades and shoot in the belly. We put the pd of mine mines, well and stupidly run shooting.

    Big Mama

    The next boss or leader which we will meet literally immediately after the church. The most idiotic boss in the game. In general, it is not necessary to spend a single bullet. This mother will kill himself. Get up so that the bararcades are between you. She runs out and hits their heads, we also do the same. When she leaves them all, he dumps. In the second room, we also do.


    With a bear, everything is clearly running from her. We put the trap mines under it, when the time slows down shoot her back. At the end, when it was lit by Monsters, we can kill them and save the bear or leave her to Rastzaznia. This action affects the ending in the game


    The armored vehicle that appears in the final, is killed literally in a few seconds. We shoot first on wheels they are highlighted in red. After collapsed, the wheels shoot on the tower, it will also highlight red. In general, it can be righthramed for half a minute. Ideally shoot a sniper, which is right there, ate well look around.

    How to get a good ending.

    In essence, in order to get the ending, where Artem and others are waiting, you just need to do good deeds and do not kill anyone. Help the bear to survive, save Paul, do not kill Lesnitsky. Listen to all patients in quarantine, find a teddy bear for a boy in Venice (wins after three victories in dash). Do not kill animals that are not dangerous. When it says black.

    Easter and all sorts of secrets in the game video