Monthly divination by day of the week. The value of the day of the week

Monthly divination by day of the week. The value of the day of the week
Monthly divination by day of the week. The value of the day of the week

In the old days, each decent witch knew many ways to foresee the future. And in our troubled time, each decent woman should also be a slightly magician. I want to teach you something new and unknown. Probably, you did not guessed that you can guess on the day, which is the beginning of menstruation.

Signs associated with this fortune investment gathered for me one of my acquaintances in Polesie. Unfortunately, I could not check them on my venerable age, but my acquaintances were willing to me. The result exceeded their expectations. Almost all predictions came true.

Of course, the obtained forecast is purely individual. It is possible to guess in this way only once - on the day of the start of the cycle. Next time - on the first day of the next cycle, etc.

The result of the foresight depends on what day of the week, what date and at what time of the day are periodic.

It is believed that love brings morning starts (it may be love not only to her husband or a bridegroom, but also to relatives or just loved ones). This beginning promises warm, pleasant, joyful contact with them until the end of the cycle.

The daytime is also favorably, it paints the entire next period with rainbow flowers of joy.

The second half of the day is less successful: the evening start brings boredom, which will be the main mood over the next weeks, but the night threatens separation.

Now - about the days of the week

The beginning of menstruation on Monday can bring anxiety. This anxiety can be enjoyable, and not very, but may pour into large troubles. Of course, what day in our life costs without hassle, you will say, but it is precisely the concerns that can be at this time can be not quite ordinary, for example, related to the gift.

The beginning on Tuesday promises a meeting with a friend (familiar or unfamiliar) or quite tangible changes in life.

Wednesday promises trouble. But it should not be upset - the cycle is not so long, with it all troubles and will end, and the next one may be more successful. In any case, this trouble will not be a thunder among the clear sky for you, you can tune in to the desired wave and take it more or less calmly.

Thursday promises another surprise. You will be invited to visit, and have to go. Or you will accidentally find yourself at a party in someone else's society. It will be pleasant for you or not, it depends on you, your buddies or new acquaintances.

Friday has a habit of slipping a pig. Together with the receipt of pleasant news, it can happen and something bad. However, take patience and do not panic.

Saturday promises things pleasant: an explanation in love, the exercise of desires. Moreover, the desire can be not only accumulating, but also business.

Sunday promises that the next period will be held in fun. In addition, a conversation can take place, which will be remembered for a long time.

And finally, the number when periods began, also matters. And these are the following:

1 - Will you feel happy throughout the cycle: not life, but a solid holiday.

2 - something or someone will cause you contempt, and this feeling will not forget for a long time.

3 - foreshadows a quarrel. She will delay or turn into a slight misunderstanding, without which there is no life, will depend only on you. But if it still fell a third number, it is better to be more attentive and try not to conflict.

4 - a good number, promotes joy and happiness.

5 - necessarily foreshadows receipt of some kind of gift.

6 - Warns about gossip. If they are in their object, you yourself, then do not mind. Prepare to perceive them with a cold heart.

7 - says that someone loves you true. How to keep this love and after the end of the cycle - that's what you should think about.

8 - this number promises jealousy. Do not let her take possession of you.

9 - If the beginning of the monthly accounted for this number, then you will have to go a little. Some trouble are coming due to gossip. Different with them as calmer.

10 - This number promises that in the upcoming period you will fall in love with your own husband. Why not? The new flash of feelings will only benefit you.

11 - assures that your favorite will be faithful to you. I will not risk talking about all my life, but for some time you can be sure.

12 - the number is complex. Maybe someone will charm you, just captivate, attracts your charm.

13 - this number none of us loves, considering it unhappy. Unfortunately, it is. What can you do. If one time began on such a day - wait for our head unexpected troubles.

14 - foreshadows pleasant news.

15 - also promises news, but this time bad.

16 - This number warns that you will get a bending for your "long tongue".

17 - with sadness reports that you are waiting for separation with your loved one.

18 - suggests that you will be willing to flirt throughout the entire period.

19 - reports not about light flirts and fleeting novels, but rather about real love.

20 - brings, unfortunately, disappointing news: love without reciprocity.

21 - warns that you need to be attentive and careful: fraud lies you. Fell it, do not be lighted.

22 - promises material benefits, and possibly obtaining a significant amount.

23 - The number assures you will be happy.

24 - suggests prepare for the invasion of guests. Even if they get sown unexpectedly, you can accept them well as a prudent mistress.

25 - promises a new acquaintance.

26 - suggests that some kind of good soul will regret you. Well, and it is necessary.

27 - promises that some kind of wish will be fulfilled. But do not be greedy - do not want something supernatural.

28- foreshadowing well-being.

29 - foreshadows tears. And pretty bitter.

30 - assures that your passion for someone is mutual.

31 - promises unexpected love or an unexpected adventure.

All three types of signs should be considered in aggregate.

For example, the monthly began the third number on Wednesday morning. What can be expected in this case? Unfortunately, this is an unpleasant situation that foreshades a quarrel, although your nature is eager for love. Clear business, not with whom you will quit. But love will come or not, they will show signs the next time.

Probably some of you will react to this all skeptical. But should I hurry with the conclusions? Perhaps it makes sense to check?

Emilia Kudlay

Hello expensive girls. I would like to share with you interesting in my opinion fortune-making on menstruation. Or maybe someone already wondered, and can share the truthfulness of predictions? So, let's begin.

It is believed that love brings the morning (it may be love not only to a man, but also to relatives and just close people). This beginning promises warm, pleasant, joyful contact with them until the end of the cycle. The daytime is also favorable, it paints the entire coming period with joy. The second half of the day is less successful: the evening start brings boredom, which will be the main mood during the upcoming weeks. The night threatens separation.

Now about the days of the week.
- The beginning of menstruation on Monday threatens anxiety. It can be pleasant and not very, can pour out in big troubles. Of course, what day without them do during the present life, you will say. But all the same, those predicted for this period, may not be completely ordinary. They may be associated with a gift.
- The beginning on Tuesday promises a meeting with a friend (familiar or not familiar yet) or a rather tangible change in life.
- The environment promises troubles, but it's not worth upset - the cycle is not so much, it will end and trouble with it, and the new one may be much stronger. In any case, this trouble will not be for you, like a thunder among a clear sky, you can tune in to the desired wave and react less calm towards it.
- Thursday foreshadows the surprise of another kind. You will be invited to visit and come to go. Or accidentally fall on the feast in someone else's house. Will it become pleasant or not, it also depends on you and your buddies or new acquaintances.
- Friday prepares a kind of degree program. She promises some kind of pleasant news, but also grief, to overcome which time and patience will help you.
- Saturday promotes things pleasant: explanation in love, execution of desire. Moreover, the desire may be not only accumulated, but also business.
- Sunday promises that the coming period will be held in fun. In addition, some memorable conversation with a friend can take place.

And finally, the number from which menstruation began also matters. And these meanings are:
1 - You will feel happy throughout the cycle. The state during this period with complete confidence can be characterized by the expression "flies like on the wings."
2 - something or someone will cause you contempt and feeling it will not be forgotten.
3 - Sulit Susor. Whether it will acquire a protracted character or turn into a light grinding, which is quite a few, will depend only on you. But still you should be more closely and avoid conflict situations.
4 - the number is good, promises fun and happiness.
5 - foreshadows the indispensable receipt of some kind of gift.
6 - offers to prepare for hearing or rumors. They can be about you or bring them to join the gossip.
7 - promises that someone loves you dedicated.
8 - this number promises jealousy. The whole cycle over you will rule this green-eyed monster, but it is worth trying to keep it in a muzzle.
9 - I'll have a little moving: threaten some troubles because of the gossip, the quietly you will react to their appearance, the easier it will take this period.
10 - This number promises that in the coming period you will be in love. In whom? Perhaps in your own husband, why not?
11 - assures. What your favorite will be dedicated to you. It is unlikely that someone rides about all the lives, but for the upcoming period the number promises you.
12 - the number is complex. Perhaps someone will drive you, maybe just charm, attracting his hoorer.
13 is the number of us often do not like, consider unhappy. Alas! His character does not really change. What can you do if one time began on such a day, a couple of weeks will have to suffer.
14 - But this number is promoting pleasant news.
15 - also foreshadows the news, but this time bad.
16 - Number warns that you will have to get a catching for the "long tongue."
17 - sadness and upcoming separation with cute.
18 - suggests that you are in love throughout the entire period.
19 - reports not about light flirts and fleeting love. This number reports that you will love. (For sure !!!)
20 - carries, alas, not very joyful prediction, love will be unrequited.
21 - warns that it is worth being closer and carefully, a hoax takes you. Take care of it, do not be lighted!
22 - promises material benefits, may be cash receipts. In general, material security.
23 - the number assures that you will be happy. It is always nice to learn about it. Is not it?
24 - suggests prepare for reception. Even if they will visit you unexpectedly, you will be a warninglery.
The corresponding prediction will allow you to take them well.
25 - promises a new acquaintance.
26 - talks about what you will regret. Well, and it is necessary.
27 - promises that your desire will be fulfilled.
28 - foreshadows well-being.
29 - Slitte tears and rather bitter.
30 - assures that your passion is mutual.
31 - promises that an unexpected love or an unexpected adventure will appear. (and it is checked!)

In addition to the most common types of fortunes, there is also a fortune telling on critical days, which allows you to understand the woman that she is waiting for the very near future.

There are several types of such divination. Which option you choose - decide for yourself. The fortune telling is divided into 3 groups: by days of the week, by the time of day and by the number of months. Consider each of the options separately.

Fortune telling

What can be found by week

This is the 1st of all 3 options for divination. If the critical days began on Monday, the week promises to be very restless, unnecessary troubles may arise. If on Tuesday - maybe you will accidentally see your old friend, and the meeting will be very warm.

The critical days that began on Wednesday can give rise to a lot of trouble, but you should not panic in advance: only in the calm and peaceful arrangement of the Spirit, you can avoid failures. If the critical days caught you on Thursday, unexpectedly, the walk in someone else's house unexpectedly. And if on Friday - you will be some kind of news.

If the critical days began on the first day of the weekend, on Saturday, you may be explicitly explained in love, as well as your desires that you have long been placed, can be fulfilled soon. Sunday indicates that the whole next week will be easy and carefree.


Times of Day

2 Options for fortune telling on critical days is also worthy of attention. Critical days started in the morning watches will give you a lot of feelings, you will experience love for your loved ones. If the next cycle began in the afternoon - a lot of joy awaits you.

Not very good if the critical days began in the evening: the nearest week promises to be boring and not filled with all sorts of events. Night time is also unpleasant to start the cycle: foreshadows trouble for several days of the cycle.

Divination by the number of months

The value of numbers in the month

Divination for critical days for women relating to the number of month, more detailed and reliable than two previous ones. Each number is tied to the lunar cycle, and the moon, as is known, affects the female mood.

  • 1 number. Happy happiness to the house.
  • 2 number. You will suspect someone in something.
  • 3 number. There may be a belling in a flat place.
  • 4 number. There will be joy and happiness.
  • 5 number. There will be an unexpected gift from a stranger.
  • 6 number. Gossings will go about you, there will be epiprocal conversations to your address.
  • 7 number. Someone fall in love with you, and you should learn who it can be.
  • 8 number. You will be faithful to your beliefs.
  • 9 number. Perhaps the manifestation of gossip from friends.
  • 10 number. There will be a strong attraction to the opposite sex.
  • 11 number. Means the devotion of a loving person.
  • 12 number. Someone wants to place love networks for you. Be careful, they can be deceptive.
  • 13 number. You will suffer.
  • 14 number. Get good news.
  • 15 number. Get bad news.
  • 16 number. Be careful in your speeches, do not strictly strictly: in the opposite case - you will suffer.
  • 17 number. It is possible for short separation with your beloved.
  • 18 number. Will fly on the wings of love and happiness.
  • 19 number. Feel in love with someone very much.
  • 20 number. Unrequited love: do not waste your feelings ..
  • 21 numbers. Do not cheat, be alert. Perhaps want to deceive you.
  • 22 number. Perhaps improving the financial situation.
  • 23 number. You will be happy.
  • 24 number. Get ready for reception: they can harm unexpectedly.
  • 25 number. Someone will get to know this week, the acquaintance promises to be pleasant.
  • 26 number. Someone will regret you.
  • 27 number. What a long time has dreamed about, will be fulfilled.
  • 28 number. Promises a prosperous outcome of the cases started.
  • 29 number. You will cry.
  • 30 number. Your feelings are mutual, even if you don't know about it ..
  • 31 numbers. You suddenly fall in love, and you will be responsible for reciprocity.

We all know well what fortune telling. Not all truths understand what it is eaten and how it works. But, thanks to various useful articles located in the worldwide network, you can always learn a little more and expand your horizons.

The girls believe the sacraments of life, it means that they will be a little more about them for them with a good stimulus.

Divination there are two types:

  • serious - types of fortunes with a large number of people;
  • friendly, in which almost no one believes.

But this does not mean that they, sometimes, do not give the result you need.

The divination on the month is exactly the second selection criterion. It is rarely practiced and in everyday life almost no one has heard.

Basically, everyone is engaged in tarot cards, tea, runes or coffee. There is also, of course, a narrow layer of people who practice other ways. There are also those who seriously belong to this type of divination.

The divination on a month for a woman is an important and necessary process. How else exactly know what awaits you ahead? And then the result will be approximately accurate. More precisely than fortune telling on the coffee grounds.

It originated for a long time, even during the Old Believers. True, then there was no term of the term, because in Russia they did not particularly believe in divination. Only when paganism moved into the background and Christianity appeared, the culture of the ancestors began to be applied with a note of mysteriousness.

Despite the time of year and technological progress, the divination on a month is still relevant.

The divination on the month is divided into two options:

  • the first is the calculation that the large number of women enjoy;
  • the second is something similar to the coffee grounds. The method itself is somewhat strange, but still, he also takes place.

Many women do not quite understand how they are associated with the prediction of the future of their monthly - but fortune-telling based on clean specifics gives an answer to this question.


It is necessary to watch exactly when you have started critical days. In a different way, it is necessary to guess in the monthly problematic.

We inform you in advance - personal, truthful attitude towards this kind of leisure every person will formulate himself. Our task is to show and tell a little more. Believe it or not.

  • If the menstrual cycle began in the morning - excellent. In your life, everything will be fine and even your body will help you in the future.
  • If they started during the day, it is just as good, but it is worthwhile for the next month. In it, you will have both joy and lesions that you can't cancel in any way. The month will be filled with events pouring through the edge.
  • If the monthly started in the evening, perhaps you should regret. Many women with a similar start of the menstrual cycle are faced with a lot of problems that they attack them this month.
  • If you caught the first allocations at night - hold on. Your future can be safely crossed out and, if under the pressure of a wild squall of urgent cases, you can resist and survive, then you can say, reached a new level of confrontation with fate.

So, as soon as you come across monthly, remember when they started. You will definitely not know your destiny for one criterion, but you will begin your own countdown path and you will have the first segment with valuable information.

Fortune telling

It is also possible to guess the days of the week, it is also very useful for you. The values \u200b\u200bof the day plays a huge role. The day is counted immediately from the beginning of the day, so it's already important to look at the clock, and after the calendar.

  • If everything started on Monday - you will meet your love. If you are already in a relationship with your beloved person - wait for big changes in the positive side.
  • If on Tuesday - love will not be place, but there will be interesting changes at work.
  • If the monthly periods began on Wednesday - from this month you will discover the fantastic world of travel. Exactly telling where it is impossible. Or in local places where you have never been. And maybe in distant countries.
  • If the beginning of the monthly discharge was on Thursday, try not to contact unfamiliar personalities. Perhaps you will try to get either in moral or in a physical sense.
  • On Friday, you do not scatter close people, you will be very necessary for them. Without your support, they will not cope.
  • Forget to visit public places on Saturday. If the monthly started on this day, remember: there is a huge amount of probability that the environment will try to get you with tenacious hands. The house is much calmer, because the spectrum of irritants and dangers is less in quantitative ratio.
  • On Sunday, the choice you will do at any time will completely change your world. Will it lead to a change in life for the better or not - it is difficult to know in advance.

Influence of days of the month

Basically, there is also a fortune telling of the days of a specific month, but, more precisely, in its periods. The month itself is divided into four weeks and, depending on when critical days began, you get the last part of the data.

So, regardless of your desire, the prediction works as it seems necessary.

  • If the time of monthly coincided from the first week of the month - expect pleasant news.
  • If with the second - you will enjoy a pleasant moment, but it lasts it will be very short.
  • Happy Third - You will stop traveling. It will be connected with the work. Maybe you have to postpone an important meeting - in any case, you will have to sit at home.
  • If the monthly starts on the fourth week - this fact foreshadows the receipt of a large monetary bonus to your personal wallet.

It is important to remember: the fortune telling in a month is not a fortune telling for love. Pay and get immediately the result you need will not work. You may be and unhappy with the events that will happen. But, what they will happen - be sure. Always everything comes true, no matter how you wanted the opposite.

Signs in the monthly starts of your critical days completely reflect how you will feel in the near future.

If the cycle began at night, then you are cleared under the sign of the moon. How the Chinese masters of Shao-Line believed - the body cleansing occurs under the influence of the moon, the faithful patroness of the female.

Many belong to the following signs of non-serious, considering their nonsense. Although many of the thoughts of the ancients are already confirmed by medicine, so do not believe them - a strange lesson.

A woman with menstruation is considered a sin to enter the church - you show our imperfection to the Lord disgusting to His Holy Fork.

During the menstrual cycle, it is considered non-disabilities to swim in the water. You can infect with a reservoir negative energy that during the cleansing period comes out of your body.

Fortune telling using menstruation on a loved one

There are other ways to guess one month. A feature of this method of divination on the menstrual cycle is its narrow direction.

Instead of digging in dates and numbers and compare them with each other, you can safely put one goal for yourself, and follow it.

  • If the cycle starts on Monday - your favorite will be strong on the rise, ready to fulfill any idea.
  • If on Tuesday - you're love to trust. But, he will be very sensitive and gentle.
  • If on Wednesday - a stranger will present you a surprise that you will not be able to forget for a long time.
  • If on Thursday - the groom your promises you a strong feeling, which, unfortunately, can not.
  • If the cycle starts on Friday - you will fall into a delicate position from which you will save your dream man.
  • If on Saturday - you will be mistaken with a random man. You will be very shameful, but after, the spark runs between you.
  • If on Sunday - you will find yourself on a merry event where you can talk to a smart guy.

Divination with the help of a monthly desire

The second use of divination over a month - divination at desire. As in the past examples, we are talking only about the next month and no other speech is simply coming.

  • If the monthly started on Monday - the fact that you will make sure it will come true.
  • If on Tuesday, it will come true, but you will be very unhappy result.
  • If on Wednesday - you will learn a certain number of reasons why your desire will not come true. Their number foreshadows the receipt of new options to solve the complications arising, but it is not necessary to work with them - to solve you.
  • If on Thursday - you will be waiting for a full failure. After him, you never want to deal with this desire again.
  • On Friday - your sweaty dream will come true half. The rest you have to do with enhanced attention to detail.
  • On Saturday - you never achieve the goal. The desire will have to forget forever.
  • On Sunday - you will not be able to achieve the right heights, but very quickly understand why and where you got stuck.

Since ancient times, a man sought to manage the future. In the honor there were those who ruled over the coming and waded the past. Numerous oracles, witches and fortune -akers are ready to talk about what to survive, using the most diverse, and sometimes, and ridiculous attributes. But is it possible to sing the curtain of the mystery? What is the fortune telling for the future in a month? How to find out the closest future, relying on the time of the menstrual secretion? Is it possible to relate to such information seriously? Let's answer these questions in this article, relying on the opinion of Esoterikov.

"Power" of menstrual blood at fortune

The fortune telling on critical days is an intimate sacrament, which is practiced by representatives of beautiful sex with almost the beginning of time. Perhaps now many refer to this method of predictions skeptical, preferring to seek help to fortune tellers and clairvoyant or independently lay the tarot, but our great-grandmothers sought to notice the time of day or date, marking the beginning of the regulation.

But what caused a similar trend. The answer lies in the properties attributed to the blood. The ancient religions were based on the confidence that the allay liquid filling the human body has a lifeful energy and keeps the memory of childbirth. It was especially revered by menstrual blood, because the coming of the first monthly marked the beginning of the deteral period.

Our ancestors were confident that blood has vital properties, keeping the secrets of the past and the future. Menstrual blood was used as protection against evil spirits and destructive effects, and a woman in the period of menstruation was a kind of amulet for his family and farm. Giving the cyclical discharges of a special force and formed the basis for various truthful fortune telling on menstruation. Consider the most common of them.

Find out what awaits you in the future in the article by reference ,.

How to guess one month

The divination in a monthly for a woman is sacred. Based on the individual sensations and time intervals of the beginning of the cycle, it is not only possible that the future is preparing in general terms, but also to predict the possible course of developing relationships with a beloved person, material means or "behavior" of its own body.

The "starting" point for divination can serve several factors characterizing the current menstruation. Several varieties of foresigns are most popular, which give the most complete picture of the vital metamorphoses on the nearest cycle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the results of divination can not be perceived literally. Any interpretation is possible exclusively in translating to the realities of a particular woman.

Prediction data do not require additional attributes, skills to handle cards, full moon or new moon expectations. It is enough just to look at the calendar as soon as the first "hints" appeared on the expected menstruation. Consider each other.

You will be interested to know. Go on the link to find an answer to this question.


Relying on astrological treatises can conclude that the planetary location directly affects both well-being and the future of man. Based on the time of day, in which the woman had bleeding, it was possible to make a kind of proven horoscope in a month, characterizing the psycho-emotional background and the peculiarities of relationships with close people in the coming month, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. It is worth noting that, in anticipation of menstruation, it is necessary to constantly check the means of personal hygiene, because the fortune telling will be the most accurate, if you focus at the time of the first blood clots.


The most favorable time to start menstruation. Many astrologists are confident that this early time interval foreshadows the emergence of a love adventure and harmonization of the inner background of a woman. Morning watches foreshadow quickly awakening, and this time is associated with the renewable. The coming month for the girl will be filled with love and mutual understanding of both the opposite sex and with all others. Positive vibrations will fill the person and give an extraordinary tide of vital energy.

Day (up to 13 hours)

The beginning of the menstruation at this time is characterized by the visionary bicon. On the one hand, the "daytime" menstruation-key of success in everything regarding work and self-realization. On the other hand, the monthly, which begin in this phase of the day - the Direct Recommendation of the Universe to pay more time close and beloved, because the family boat can give to flow.


Interpretation of predictions based on menstruation, or rather, not the time of their start, it says that the "coming" of critical days during the twilight does not promist anything good. Evening menstruation is a kind of warning, signing about possible problems and serious conflicts in both business and personal sphere. This phase of the day can give an idea not only about events that approach the woman from the outside, but also characterize its inner state. Monthly, which began closer to the evening - testimony of spiritual discomfort and boredom, tightened by a dense vapor girl.


The most unfavorable time to start monthly from the point of view of esoterica. Having studied on treatises about magic and philosophy, it is possible to conclude that the night is not only the time of the Mysteries, but also a harbinger of death, breeding the domination of the unconscious, "animal" in the nature of man. Monthly, which began at night, foreshadow an ambulance with beloved, possible scandals and a series of financial failures.
It is worth noting that the predictions of the menstrual cycle are not having a fatal character and cannot answer the question of why this or that event happened. Although they are plausible. All that foreshadows menstrual blood can be realized during one cycle, i.e. before the beginning of the following critical days. It is because of its "short-sightedness", this type of foresight is most likely to comic prophecies and are not seriously taken seriously, and the desire to pay out inside the not necessity, and the thirst for fun.

Fortune telling

This method, based on the opinions posted on thematic forums, is one of the most reliable and truthful for women trying to independently predict their destiny. Some sites about magic have online platforms, allowing real-time outlook for free.

It is possible to predict the future and independently, based on the mystical value of days in accordance with the beginning of menstruation. Those who have already used such services know that the truthfulness does not depend on who choose the interpretation of the time of the beginning of critical days. Figures are difficult to deceive. The value of menstruation in the numbers and days of the week is considered the most accurate both among specialists and among girls who have tried this fortune telling on themselves.


Monday - Suit Day, says folk wisdom. Here are the monthly, "coming" in the first day of the week, mean hassle throughout the month. But do not be upset. The bustle of the coming month will be associated with positive troubles. Menstruation started on Monday is a faithful sign of early receiving expensive gift from a young man or husband.


Monthly, which began on Tuesday - harbing a pleasant acquaintance, which will not wait long. A person, hurrying to break into the life of a woman, will definitely become a reliable friend and faithful companion, and friendship can turn marriage. Regulated on the second day of the week can mark rapid changes in life that are not related to a new acquaintance. Remember the climbing wisdom: "All new is well forgotten old." In most cases, connections with friends and relatives are lost in the cycle of domestic worries. Menstruation on Tuesday is a faithful sign that for the coming month will be able to see themselves, about the com lady managed to forget.


Monthly on Wednesday is an alarming mark, not a promising anything positive. Sourid quarrels, worsening health and material well-being, which is what prominent a representative of the weak floor is the beginning of menstruation on Wednesday. Small troubles will be poured both from the horns of abundance throughout the month, "sucking" from the girl both physical and moral forces, sometimes aroused to tears. But you should not despair! This omen is not a sentence, but the reason to carefully monitor and mobilize domestic resources on solving pressing problems.


The beginning of menstruation on Thursday is a harbinger of a noisy feast. According to the majority of esotericists, the role of a hospitable mistress will have to speak. But some experts in the occult sphere are confident that the monthly, who came on Thursday warned a woman from the feasts in the company of unfamiliar people and close acquaintances with unfamiliar guests.


Monthly on Friday - Festi Mestes pleasant. The menstruation cycle, which came on this day, testifies to the immediate attack of a pleasant, and the main, long-awaited event. This phenomenon can be associated with both work and a girl's personal life, marriage. Menstruation, which began on Friday, can fill and small troubles that will accompany the beautiful sex representative during the entire month.


Based on the interpretation of fortune telling on the day of the week of the beginning of the monthly, Saturday is the most favorable day for menstruation. Critical days who came to the sixth day of the calendar week - the forerunners of lightness, coming good luck and carelessness. Throughout the month, the woman will not leave the eight feeling of euphoria and harmony with himself. Problems and minor troubles will be "dissolved" by themselves, and the end of the menstrual cycle will mark a pleasant acquaintance or success in the affairs of the Amur.


The beginning of the menstruation, which coincided with the end of the week is a good sign that foreshadows joy and harmony throughout the coming month. They will be a good messenger for those who pass through a difficult period in relationships with a loved one. The coming month will bring peace and paws in the family harbor and allow you to build strong, trusting relationships, which are happy.

Divination based on the calendar day

To predict the nearest future esoteric, rely on the value not only for the day of the week, but also the calendar number of the start of menstruation. These divination are not mutually exclusive, but rather, complement each other, allowing you to form the most complete picture of the coming. Predictions obtained by analyzing the discharge "valid" until next month. Consider the most common interpretations of calendar days.

  1. The monthly, which coincided with the first days of the month, foreshadows the abundance of positive events and profitable dating throughout the nearest menstrual cycle. Happiness has already broke into the life of a woman, it is only with gratitude to accept it.
  2. Bleeding started 2 numbers - disappointment messengers. Soon the woman, under the pressure of unpleasant events, will have to look at a close man at a different angle, disappointed in it.
  3. Menstruation, which coincided with this calendar day, foreshadows the situation, the further development of which will fully depend on the woman. It will begin their development from a quarrel, but at what direction "turn" the development of an event girl should determine the very.
  4. Monthly foreshadow the coming offensive of a long-awaited event, which will be a real surprise for a woman. Pleasant troubles can concern both business and personal life.
  5. Regulated on the fifth day of the month promise a woman to receive an expensive gift from his beloved person, which means that a good mood throughout the month.
  6. Menstruation, who came for 6 days of the current month - Bulletin of unkinds. According to the majority of esoteric, this coincidence indicates the presence of a serious enemy that is trying to strike with slander or deception.
  7. Monthly, which coincided with the 7th day of the month, mean the appearance of a secret fan and an early advent of a strong light feeling in her life.
  8. The eighth day marked by the beginning of critical days is the harbingers of strong jealousy, which will be tormented by a girl throughout the nearest cycle and certain problems in personal life arising from her background.
  9. Monthly months who came to the ninth day are a warning. This coincidence indicates the presence in relations with the future husband of a third party, aspiring to make a discord.
  10. Menstruation of the 10th - news foreshadowing euphoria from love. Perhaps in the life of a woman a new chosen one will appear or the relationship with the beloved will move to a new level.
  11. Menstrual allocations will be able to tell about the appearance of anxiety and distrust with respect to his beloved man. Esoterics argue that all the waves of this sense are in vain, and the chosen chosen is crystalined before it.
  12. The beginning of menstruation on this day speaks of a possible magical influence, rendered to a woman in order to achieve its location.
  13. Menstruation on 13 day of the month shows the imminent beginning of the "black stripes". Troubles will chase a woman throughout the cycle.
  14. Blood selection - harbingers of pleasant news and many surprises.
  15. Noticing the beginning of the monthly on 15 day of the month, beware, in the near future bad lead to life and spread their plans.
  16. Caution reminiscent of the fact that everything we said can be used against us.
  17. Monthly at 17 days of the month promise a quick parting with a loved one. But you should not be very upset, but simply believe that the separation will be short.
  18. Menstruation, who came for 18 days, foreshadows a strong love feeling.
  19. Deciphering divination on the menstrual cycle states that the critical days started at the 19th day of the month are the deaths of love. But it will be mutual and what will happen in the process of these relationships in unknown and stars.
  20. Monthly, which coincided with the twentieth day of the month, predict ambulance unrequited love. Leave attempts to win the chosen heart and try to switch to the development of a new hobby or journey.
  21. Blood seals indicate a lie emanating from a close person.
  22. The beginning of menstruation in the 22nd number is a harbinger of fast material well-being. Money will be poured on a woman throughout the cycle as out of abundance horns.
  23. Blood allocations at the age of 23 months - happiness and harmony messengers. Throughout the cycle, the girl will be in a state of lightness and bliss, and any undertakings will be doomed to success.
  24. Monthly on this day promise a quick noisy festival with a rich feast and a pleasant acquaintance. The role of the hostess of the celebration will have to perform the lady itself.
  25. Menstruation of menstruation with 25 days of the month promises a woman a lot of new meetings and a very interesting acquaintance that can grow into long-term business cooperation.
  26. Regulated on 26 days of the month foreshadowed a quick acquaintance with a person who will become a true friend who can understand and divide her pain and care.
  27. The monthly, which began in 27 calendar days, foreshadow the execution of a long-standing intimate desire, with the subsequent unexpected positive turns of fate.
  28. The beginning of menstruation of the 28th number promises success in the business sphere throughout the cycle. Or women will find a platform for implementation, and hard work will be assessed in cash equivalent.
  29. Allocations that came 29 do not foresee anything good. In the upcoming cycle, a woman will have to survive frustration and resentment that can cause a strong emotional shock. But remember, Dusk is not eternal and foreshadows dawn!
  30. Menstruation will tell about a possible acquaintance that can turn into a romantic adventure.
  31. The last day of the month, marked by the beginning of menstruation, foreshadows a quick journey and the possibility of the situation in which women will not show themselves from the best side. Remember that before "hacking a spur" you need to think about all possible consequences!

According to most of the most beautiful sex representatives, the 2nd options for divination through monthly are true and help to draw up the most complete picture of the coming.

Remember, in this case, details of the flow of menstruation are not important. Only the exact time began weight.

Practice such fortune tells more than once a month does not make sense, because even when receiving a negative result, no failure will last more than one month. New menstruation marks the ability to make a prediction again.

Mystical meaning of menstruation

Menstruation cyclicity can tell a lot about a woman not only gynecologists, but also specialists in the occult sciences. Studying comments of famous specialists and, it can be noted that the commemorative appearance of menstruation occurs at the same time. Specialists in the field of subtle matters tend to bind this phenomenon with the harmonization of the oscillations of the "internal" frequencies inherent in the world in spirit.

Considering monthly on the teachings of Feng Shui, we note that it is not just a physiological process, but the reflection of the integrity of the universe and the interaction of the main elements of the universe. This teaching is inclined to identify the stages of the menstrual cycle with the elements of nature. There is the following interpretation:

  • Water is identified with menstrual blood, cleansing the body.
  • Earth is identical to the ovulation process, giving new life and personifying fertility.
  • The metal is cold and empty as the reproductive system of a woman after menstruation.

The menstrual cycle both from the point of view of medicine and from the point of view of esoteric is the most difficult process that gives birth to a miracle. It is possible that for a modern woman, divination on the discharge seems ridiculous, but the results of such an anticipation often coincide with the real position of things. Such methods do not require effort, and the decipher will not encourage a woman to go to the fortune tellers, you just need to look at the calendar, which is always at hand.