Maximum auction step. Rules for the open auction

Maximum auction step. Rules for the open auction
Maximum auction step. Rules for the open auction

1. Only accredited in accordance with this paragraph and admitted to participate in this auction can participate in the electronic auction.

2. The electronic auction is carried out on the electronic platform into the one specified in the notice of its implementation and as defined in accordance with Part 3 of this article. The start time of such auction is set by the electronic platform operator in accordance with the time of the hourly zone, in which the customer is located.

3. The day of the electronic auction is a working day, next after the expiration of two days from the date of the deadline for consideration of the first parts of applications for participation in such auction.

4. The electronic auction is carried out by reducing the initial (maximum) contract price specified in the notice of this auction, in the manner prescribed by this article.

5. If the electronic auction documentation indicates the general initial (maximum) price of spare parts for technology, equipment, either in the case provided for by paragraph 2 of Article 42 of this Federal Law, the initial (maximum) price of the unit of goods, work or services, such auction is carried out by Reducing the specified common initial (maximum) price and initial (maximum) price in the manner established by this article.

6. The value of the reducing initial (maximum) contract price (hereinafter - the "auction step") ranges from 0.5 percent to five percent of the initial (maximum) contract price.

7. When conducting an electronic auction, its participants submit proposals for the price of the contract, providing for a reduction in the current minimum proposal on the price of the contract for a value within the "auction step".

8. When conducting an electronic auction, any participant is also entitled to submit a proposal to the price of the contract, regardless of the "Auction Step", subject to the compliance with the requirements provided for by Part 9 of this article.

9. When conducting an electronic auction, its participants submit proposals for the price of the contract, taking into account the following requirements:

1) A participant in such an auction is not entitled to submit a proposal for the price of the contract, equal to the proposal for the price of the contract or more than it, as well as the proposal for the price of the contract, equal to zero;

2) the participant of such auction is not entitled to submit a proposal to the price of the contract, which is lower than the current minimum proposal for the price of the contract, reduced within the "auction step";

3) A participant in such auction is not entitled to submit a proposal to the price of the contract, which is lower than the current minimum proposal for the price of the contract in the event that it is submitted by such a member of the electronic auction.

10. From the beginning of the electronic auction at the electronic platform before the expiration of the proposals for the price of the contract must be indicated on the basis of all proposals for the price of the contract and the time of their receipt, as well as the time remaining before the expiration of proposals for the price of the contract in accordance with Part 11 of this article.

11. When conducting an electronic auction, the time of receiving proposals of participants of such auction is established about the price of the contract, which is ten minutes from the beginning of such auction until the deadline for submitting proposals for the price of the contract, as well as ten minutes after the receipt of the last sentence of the contract price. The time remaining before the expiration of suggestions of the price of the contract is updated automatically using software and technical means to ensure that such auction is reduced, after a decrease in the initial (maximum) contract price or the receipt of the last sentence of the contract price. If during the specified time, not a single proposal for a lower contract price was received, such auction automatically with the help of software and technical means that ensure its implementation is completed.

12. For ten minutes from the moment of completion, in accordance with Part 11 of this article of an electronic auction, any Participant has the right to submit a proposal to the price of a contract, which is not lower than the last proposal for the minimum contract price, regardless of the "auction step", taking into account the requirements, provided for in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 9 of this article.

13. The electronic platform operator is obliged to provide confidentiality of information on its participants during an electronic auction.

14. During the electronic auction, the electronic platform operator must reject proposals for the price of the contract that do not meet the requirements provided for in this article.

15. Deviation of the operator of the electronic platform of proposals on the price of the contract for the grounds not provided for by part 14 of this article is not allowed.

16. In the event that a member of the electronic auction proposed a contract price equal to the price proposed by another participant of such auction, the suggestion of the price of the contract received earlier.

17. In the case of in accordance with part 5 of this article of the electronic auction, its participant who proposed the lowest contract price is recognized as a person who proposed the lowest total price of spare parts for technology, equipment and the lowest price of a unit of work and (or) technical services maintenance and (or) repair of technology, equipment, the lowest price unit of the service.

18. The protocol of the electronic auction is placed on its operator in its electronic platform for thirty minutes after the end of such auction. This protocol shall indicate the address of the electronic platform, the date, time of the beginning and end of such auction, the initial (maximum) contract price, all the minimum proposals for the price of the contract made by the participants of such auction and ranked as descending, indicating the sequence numbers assigned to applications for participation in Such auction, which is filed by its participants who have made relevant proposals for the price of the contract, and indicating the time of receipt of these proposals.

19. Within one hour after placement on the electronic platform of the protocol specified in Part 18 of this article, the electronic platform operator is obliged to send the Customer to the specified Protocol and the second part of applications for participation in such auction filed by its participants, proposals for the price of the contract price when ranking in In accordance with Part 18 of this article received the first ten ordinal numbers, or in case of such auction, less than ten participants participated in such auction, the second part of applications for participation in such auction filed by its participants, as well as documents of these participants provided for in paragraphs 2 - and 8 parts of Article 61 of this Federal Law and the deadline contained on the date and time of submission of applications for participation in such auction in the register of its participants who received accreditation on the electronic platform. During this period, the electronic platform operator is obliged to send also the corresponding notifications to these participants.

20. In the event that within ten minutes after the start of the electronic auction, none of its participants submitted a proposal to the price of the contract in accordance with Part 7 of this article, such auction is recognized as invalid. For thirty minutes after the end of the specified time, the electronic platform operator places the protocol on the recognition of such auction to be invalid, which indicates the address of the electronic platform, the date, time of the beginning and end of such auction, the initial (maximum) contract price.

21. Any member of an electronic auction after placing an online version of this article in a single information system in part 18 of this article is entitled to send a request for an explanation of the results of such auction to the electronic platform. The electronic platform operator within two working days from the date of receipt of this request is obliged to provide this participant with the relevant explanations.

22. The electronic platform operator is obliged to ensure the continuity of the electronic auction, the reliability of the functioning of the program and technical means used to conduct it, equal access to its participants to participate in it, as well as the implementation of the actions provided for in this article, regardless of the end of such auction.

23. In the event that the contract price of the contract is reduced to half a percent of the initial (maximum) contract price or lower, such auction is carried out on the right to conclude a contract. At the same time, such auction is carried out by increasing the contract price based on the provisions of this Federal Law on the procedure for conducting such auction, taking into account the following features:

1) such auction in accordance with this part is carried out until the price of the contract is not more than one hundred million rubles;

2) A participant in such auction is not entitled to submit proposals for the price of the contract above the maximum amount of the transaction for this participant specified in the decision on approval or following the results of such auction of transactions on behalf of the procurement participant, which is contained in the register of participants of such auction that received accreditation on electronic platform;

3) The size of ensuring the execution of the contract is calculated on the basis of the initial (maximum) price of the contract specified in the notice of this auction.

In this section, we will try to show in detail and reveal all moments that may occur when participating in tenders. This article will be interesting first of all to those who are just starting to think about participation in tenders. We will try to figure out what steps should be taken at the very beginning. And is it worth trying to participate in tenders in general?

  • +3

    If you are supplier and participate in tenders, then you have sooner or later you have a need remove Protection S.pDF.file. In this article, we will analyze the reasons that cause customers to put protection and, accordingly, ways as remove Protection S.pDF.file to save your time and accelerate the preparation process of the proposal.

  • +1

    After you have decided that your company needs to participate in it is necessary to choose sites on which it is planned to participate in the auction. Types of electronic platforms.Conditionally ETP can be divided into ...

  • +1 Participation in contests: Application for the Competition, Documents on ...

    Greetings to you, dear readers.

    We continue a series of practical articles in the "Tendering" heading. And today we will deal with you in the competitive kitchen, we will try to learn everything about participation in contests. Consider what is the application for the competition, we will examine in detail what kind of documents for the competition must be applied, in addition, I will share with you my own developments and experience in preparing the application.

  • +1 Protocol for consideration of applications for participation in the competition, in ...

    The application for consideration of applications is an exhaustive document that allows the Supplier to find out how the participant's application was evaluated. Consider the highlights and features, as well as differences between such documents as the Protocol for the consideration of applications for fate in the competition, in the request of quotations, in the auction. In the article, we will also consider the cases in detail in which the report of the sole application is issued, as well as consider an example of a sample of the protocol.

  • +1 Russian auction house: sixth playground for ...

    In addition to the five federal sites, another electronic platform "Russian auction house" was added, on which customers now have the ability to place electronic auctions. In the article you can learn more about this electronic platform.

  • 0

    So, you decided to become a member of commercial tenders or public procurement. What is needed for that?

    Consider two options. The first option is to participate in procurement without prior cash investment, or in other words for free. The second option involves some cash costs.

  • 0 How to make a declaration of the participant's compliance ...

    Hello colleagues. In connection with Andrei Peshkov, the founder of the project Tenderoviki.Ru and today, with the help of this article, we will deal with the features of the declaration of conformity when preparing an application for a tender. To begin with, let's understand what is meant under the conformity declaration. Declaration is a confirmation, a statement of compliance with certain requirements. That is, you make up a document in which you write that you meet the requirements and list them. In the documentation, the Customer may establish the form of such a declaration. It is necessary to fill out and pave the application for participation in the tender.

  • 0 Tender Specialist (Tenders Manager): ...

    Hello, dear readers. The topic of today's article is associated with such a specialty as a tende specialist. There are various variations of the names of such a position, for example, a tenders manager, a tender manager, auction manager, competition manager, but the essence remains unchanged. The main activity is the preparation of applications for various tender procedures from the Supplier. This specialty became popular and in demand, this specialty has been relatively recently, after the entry into force in 2005, 94-FZ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of services for state and municipal needs." This law has created certain conditions under which tenders began to apply everywhere in procurement for state needs. In 2013, 84-FZ "On the Contract Society in the Sphere of Procurement of Goods, Works, Services for State and Municipal Needs was adopted for replacing 94-FZ.

  • Participation in public procurement auctions is still a lot of questions, and therefore we have prepared an instruction that includes five steps. Examine it, and you will defier to win.

    The auction is the most popular type of procedure: with its help in 2015 by the State Parameters according to the law "On the Contract System ..." 56% of the procurement were held. Participation in the auction is still quite a lot of questions, and therefore we have prepared an instruction that includes 5 steps, which will allow you to win.

    Stage 1. Filing an application

    You need to prepare in advance!

    It is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of the customer, making the calculation of the minimum favorable price. Since the auction can make the supply of price offers several times (unlike other procedures), then it is better to calculate the lower limit in advance.

    IP from Samara Oleg Vitalyevich P. participated in an electronic auction for the provision of washing services, ironing and disinfection of linen for the city hospital. The customer was put up with a minimum price for the provision of laundry laundry services - 58.33 rubles. (The total price of the contract amounted to just over 400 thousand rubles.). And the entrepreneur calculated that in his laundry washing 1 kg of linen cost an average of 20 rubles. per kg. (140.0 thousand rubles). Thus, Oleg Vitalyevich could bargain not lower than this amount, and the price of a won contract amounted to 140.8 thousand rubles.

    If the company only lights up in procurement, but will not win them, then this will be an additional confirmation of its integrity. However, after the victory in public procurement, Oleg Vitalyevich came out to representatives of a large state corporation with a proposal to be their supplier in procurement for similar services. Also, it received a profitable offer from a large network of supermarkets and a serious commercial customer. The entrepreneur provided services for the hospital, which played an important role in signing the contract, since medical institutions have rather high requirements for similar services.

    Get a certificate of electronically digital signature, as well as go through the accreditation on the ETP (electronic trading platform) on which the purchase is carried out. Obtaining a certificate of EDS is possible in just a day. At accreditation on any of the five ETP of public procurement will take up to five working days:

    If you have questions about purchasing, requirements for goods and participants, it is necessary to contact customer requests. Do this in the framework of the electronic trading platform three days before the deadline for filing the application.

    Application: Where and when to serve?

    You should study the purchase documentation and notice, then prepare an application for participation in the auction. The application is submitted to the specified in the purchase of ETP in electronic form. Application deadlines are determined by the procurement price:

    • with the initial price of the contract more than 3 million rubles. You are given at least 20 days (calendar);
    • with the initial price of the contract no more than 3 million rubles. At least 7 days (calendar) is given to applications.

    The date of the end of the reception of applications indicate the notice of procurement.

    The application for participation in the auction is better to exercise in the last two days of receiving applications (for this period of time the customer will no longer have time to change the documentation). In order not to miss anything important, you need to configure the change tracking feature. For example, this can be done on our service in favorite purchases. If you change the requirements for an already submitted application from the customer, you will need to withdraw it, and then submit a new one.

    Application: Form and Composition

    The form of an application for auction - electronic, and it consists of two parts. In the first part of it, the consent of the bidder is consent to deliver goods under the Customer's terms, specific specifications and specification. All items should be filled very carefully, because even a minor error often leads to a rejection of the application. The first part of the application should not be information about the price of goods and the supplier. However, if the documents are prepared on a branded form, there are no reasons for deviation.

    As for the second part of the application, there should be information about the participant, including the name of the company, its postal address, INN, as well as other documents, which are provided for by law No. 44 "on the contract system ..." (licenses, conformity declaration, INN Founders , Certificate of SRO, confirmation of the powers of a person submitting an application). The customer has the right to demand all documents established by the legislation.

    The supply of both parts is carried out simultaneously from the Personal Cabinet of the ETP participant, they also assure electronic signature.

    Application: example

    Remember the need to ensure the application! Before it is submitted to the auction, the amount of the application must be transferred to the account of the ETP. Its specific size Customer indicates documentation. The amount will go to the account, which is opened by the bidder when accreditation in the electronic platform, within two days (banking and working). The application may be withdrawn before the expiration date. To do this, you need to send a notification to the ETP operator.

    Stage 2. The first part of the applications of the electronic auction: consideration

    After collecting applications, their first parts are undergoing a procedure for consideration by the Customer's commission, according to the results of which the decision is made to admit or invalid the bidders to the auction. For consideration of the first parts, no more than seven days (calendar) is given. Procurement notification contains an accurate date for the completion of the first parts of the auction applications.

    The supplier will not be admitted to participate in the auction in the following cases:

    • in case of failure to provide information, which is provided for by the first part of the application;
    • when presenting unreliable information;
    • if there is no compliance with the documentation requirements.

    After the first part of the applications are considered, the Customer must issue a protocol that is placed in EIS and on the site. The protocol contains only the participant number. The decision taken by the Customer each of the participants will find out from the notification sent by the ETP operator to the personal account.

    When the participant's failure to the auction trading, the ETP will unlock the money that was providing an application. Unlocking time - one day (working) from the moment the protocol has been published. If you are allowed, then expect the dates of the auction.

    3 stage. Participation in the electronic auction

    According to Law No. 44 "On the Contract System ..." in the obligations of the Customer enters the conduct of procedures two days after the term of consideration of the first parts has been completed. The operator of the site prescribes the time from 9 to 12 hours (up to 14 hours to Sberbank-AST). Information about the date and time of the start of the auction is indicated in the notice, it is also contained in the procurement documentation. For this reason, in order to avoid passing the procedure, it is worth putting a reminder. The notice on the ETP contains Moscow time, and the notice of EIS is the time of the customer's time zone. Entrance to the auctional hall, as well as submitting its price proposals is allowed exclusively to admitted to the participants.

    The auction is carried out in two stages.

    • The winner is determined on the first (duration of 10 or more minutes).
    • At the second stage, the participants, excluding the winner, can make more attractive price proposals or compete for the second place (duration is 10 minutes).

    When a price offer is submitted, which improves the price of the contract, the time of trading in the first stage is extended. If in the first 10 minutes none of the participants nominated the price proposal, then the auction trading is completed, recognizing them failing. In such a case, the customers consider the second part of the applications, and then they define the winner.

    Submission of pricing proposals: Rules

    Price proposals can be started to serve on any of the steps. The step of the auction (or the value of the reduction) of the initial or minimum current price is 0.5 - 5% of the NMC.
    Each participant may be filed several price proposals. With a price sentence, worse than the current price step of the auction may not be taken into account. The participant is not entitled to submit a price offer, which is equally either changing the last proposal in a worst to the customer. The participant has no right to bargain with himself (the participant from which the last better price received is not entitled to reduce it until the best offers will come from other participants). The participant is not allowed to submit a price proposal that is equal to the NMC or zero. On the ETP there is a system checking system, so if the last three points are violated, you will receive a message about the inadmissibility of such a price offer. When falling prices lower than 0.5% of the NMC, the participants begin to fight for the right to conclude a contract: no customer pays for the contract, but supplier. Each new price offer increases the price of the contract.

    If, when trading at the first stage, the last better price offer "lasted" 10 minutes, the auction trading is transferred to the second stage in which participants improve their prices. Then, within half an hour, the auction protocol is published, and the information is sent to the EIS. This protocol still does not contain information about the participants, there is only information about their price offers and numbers.

    4 stage. The second part of the applications: consideration

    Not always the smaller price submitted by the Participant when conducting an electronic auction becomes a guarantee of contracting. The final stage in the electronic auction is to consider the second part of the applications, as well as summarizing. According to the Customer, the second part of the application little corresponds to the requirements of the auction documentation, so at this stage you can reject the winner. This happens in the following cases:

    • the supplier does not provide documents on the second part of the application, including admission to work, licenses, commissioning acts;
    • there are no documents submitted by suppliers during accreditation in the registry, including extracts from the EGRIP / EGRUL, orders, copies of constituent documents, power of attorney, decisions on approval or on the execution of a large transaction and other information and documents;
    • participant presents unreliable information;
    • the participant does not meet the requirements of the Law No. 44 "on the contract system ..." (included in the register of unfair suppliers, is not a small business representative if the procurement was carried out exclusively for this category of participants).
    • On 15.04.2018
    • 223-FZ, 44-FZ, EIS, Purchase of drugs, medical equipment., Procurement at the only supplier, request quotes, request for proposals, NMSC, SMP, electronic signature, electronic auction, etc.

    In this material we collected all the information about electronic auctionwhich is contained in 44-ФЗ. It is no secret that this law is complex in places for understanding, so we tried to set out its positions as much as possible and simple.

    What is an electronic auction and when it is held

    Under the electronic auction, they understand the purchase, which:

    • it is carried out in electronic form and is carried out on the electronic trading platform ( ETP);
    • passes in open trading format In real time, that is, the participants see each other's applications and can improve their price proposals.

    Under the improvement in this case it is understood as submission of an application with the price is lower than that of competitors, since the electronic auction of 44-FZ is carried out to reduce the cost of the contract.

    Registration in EFIS EIS

    From January 1, 2019 to participate in the auctions of 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 615-PP required registration In the EHF registry (the unified register of procurement participants) on the EIS portal (Unified Information System) in the procurement of

    We provide a service for registration in EHF in Eis:

    The electronic auction is considered the most transparent procedure from all methods for determining the supplier. His drawback is that the criterion of selection at the stage of trading is only the price. Therefore, it is possible to buy by means of auction by any goods, work or services, but only such for which you can:

    • accurately describe the procurement object;
    • estimate the application exclusively at a price.

    Such procurement objects are included in the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Goods, services and works that included it should be purchased strictly through an electronic auction. But there is an exception: if the procurement conditions of the object from the auction list "fit" into the request of quotations or proposals or the conclusion of a contract with a single provider, then you can conduct an appropriate procedure. So, if the price of a contract for the purchase of goods from the auction list does not exceed 100 thousand rubles, it is possible to purchase a procurement from a single supplier instead of auction.

    In addition, the customer can buy through an auction and other goods, works or services, if they can be clearly described and evaluated only by price.

    Essence of electronic procedure

    The parties to the electronic auction are:

    • customer;
    • suppliers;

    ETP is a resource on the Internet, which gives the rest of the parties to the technical capabilities for interaction in order to conduct a bidding and concluding contracts. Manages each site operator, that is, owning it by a legal entity. No etc.e is allowed to trading on 44-ФЗ, but only those that meet certain requirements. Currently, there are only 6 sites that are admitted to procedures in the framework of the state procurement. However, soon.

    To become a member of trading on the ETP, you need to go through accreditation. While this procedure is carried out on each site separately, however, after the transition of all purchases to the electronic form, instead, it will be enough to register with EIS.

    Document exchange

    The name of the procedure implies electronic document management. This means all the documents that signed the parties have in electronic format and are signed electronic signature. To get the EDS certificate, customers should contact the Treasury. Suppliers can get a signature in any certifying center.

    Note! From July 1, 2018, suppliers should use a qualified electronic signature. While allowed to use unqualified.

    The exchange of electronic documents occurs through the platform. The exception is the process of concluding a state contract - it takes place in EIS. ETP is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of information about the auction participants until its results be summed up. In addition, the site contains information and documents on all the procedures that have previously held on it.

    The duties of the operator ETP include publishing documents. This is not only applied to the protocols, which is drawn up during the auction, but also on documents that are loaded to the site Customers, namely, to notice and other procurement documents, on their changes, to clarify the provisions of documentation and notice to refuse the auction. All these documents (with the exception of the notice of the electronic auction and the auction documentation, which is placed in the EIS), the operator also sends to the member of the participants.

    Accreditation on ETP

    To take accreditation on the site, you must submit the operator a set of documents. While it is necessary to do on each site. However, the accreditation process will be reduced to the registration of EIS. So far there are old accreditation rules, so we will pay attention to them.

    IN a set of documents submitted to the trading operator, includes:

    1. Statement.
    2. A copy of the statement from the relevant registry (EGRUL, JRIP), obtained no earlier than 6 months ago. If the application is delivered by the physical, instead of extracting you need to submit a copy of the passport.
    3. Copies of constituent documents for a legal entity.
    4. Inn or analog (for foreigners).
    5. If the accreditation passes a foreign person, notarized documents on the registration of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, for the individuality, a copy of the identity of the document is attached.
    6. The document, on the basis of which the representative of Jurlitsa acts on behalf of his company. It can be:
      • decision on the appointment or election director;
      • a copy of the order for appointment.
    7. If the representative acts as another person, then attached with a document confirming its powers. If this is an individual, it is necessary to submit a notarized power of attorney. If the legal is the original attorney, discharged by the company.
    8. Decision on the approval of a major transaction.
    9. Email address.

    Note! From participants who have passed accreditation on ETP, the customer is not entitled to demand the provision of some other documents.

    After submitting a set of documents on the ETP, the operator must accept Decision on accreditation. This is given to him 5 business days. As a result, the supplier must receive a notice of what decision is made. If it is positive, together with him the participant will receive access to the auctions and the account number to enumerate the provisions. If negative, the reasons for this will be indicated.

    Failure can be in several cases:

    • no accreditation documents are presented;
    • documents are presented, but do not meet the requirements;
    • the company is registered in the offshore.

    There can be no other grounds for refusing to accredit accreditation. If the shortcomings are eliminated, the supplier may submit a re-accreditation application.

    In case of adoption positive solution The participant is given accreditation for a period of 3 years. It is important to remember that about the changes be sure to notify the ETP. This is necessary if:

    • requisites of the supplier have changed or changes were made to documents.
    • the electronic signature has changed or its expired.
    • the new power of attorney to work on behalf of the bidder was issued.

    The participant sends a notification on this, and the operator makes changes to its data. If necessary, documents are also placed on the site.

    Important! The auction operator does not check the accuracy of information and documents that participants provide him. All responsibility for it falls on them.

    Having received accreditation, the participant can see all the auctions on the site. To take part in them, he needs list money on ETP. At the time of the direction and applications for one or another auction from these funds will be blocked the amount equal to the size of its collateral.

    The ability to take part in the auction is blocked 3 months before the expiration of the accreditation period. ETP notifies the participant that accreditation must be extended. You can start the process without waiting for this notice, but not earlier than 6 months before the expiration of the current accreditation.

    Operator, in turn, leads Register of accredited participants. It indicates the following data:

    • information from the application for accreditation;
    • documents of the participant, with the exception of constituent and extracts from the EGRULT or EGRIP;
    • the last day of accreditation.

    Information in this registry is sent on the same day when it was decided to accredit the applicant. If changes are made, they are reflected in the registry for 1 hour. Upon expiration of accreditation, the participant is excluded from the registry for one working day. The same will follow if the operator decides to exclude a provider from the registry. The site should send a notification to the provider that it is excluded from the register of accredited participants.


    Auction notice

    The notice of the auction is published in the EIS and in any means of the media in such times:

    • if the contract price is less than 3 million rubles - not less than 7 days before the deadline for accepting applications;
    • if the contract price is more than 3 million rubles - not less than 15 days.

    In the notice turns on information required for all purchases:

    1. The details of the customer are the name, address, contact details, the name of the person responsible for the procurement of the face.
    2. Contract Terms - Procurement Description In accordance with Article 33, information on the number of purchased goods or the amount of work, services, as well as the place of their implementation.
    3. The term of execution of the contract.
    4. NMCC and source of financing.
    5. Identification code.
    6. Restriction or preference for individual groups of participants. For example, carrying out information that the purchase is carried out for small business entities.
    7. The method of determining the supplier.
    8. Information about filing applications.
    9. Information about the amount and procedure for providing an application.
    10. Contract provision information is the size, submission procedure, information on banking or treasury accompaniment.

    In addition, the notice turns on specific procedure information: Eppet address, the date of the end of acceptance of applications and auction, the size of providing the application, the participant requirements are general and additional, conditions and prohibitions for the implementation of the national regime (if established).

    Auction documentation

    The auction documents generally repeats all the information that is contained in the notice. In addition, the auction documentation contains such information:

    1. A complete description of the procurement object, the conditions of the state contract, as well as the rationale for the price.
    2. Requirements for the content of the application, including the Instructions for Filling.
    3. The procedure for calculations, including issues of applying a foreign currency exchange rate.
    4. For information on the contract service of the Customer, the contract manager either face that is responsible for this auction.
    5. Information about changing the terms of the contract.
    6. The deadline for signing the contract.
    7. The conditions under which the winner will be recognized by the outlined from.
    8. The period in which participants can send a request to clarify the provisions of the documentation.
    9. Information about the unilateral termination of the contract.
    10. Draft contract.

    Request for clarification

    If the supplier has questions about individual provisions of the documentation, it can request explanations. This feature is working for any accredited participant. Each of them can serve 3 request Within one procedure. For this, such dates are established:

    1. The request is sent no later than 3 days before the end of acceptance of applications.
    2. ETP transmits it to the customer for 1 hour.
    3. The customer places its explanations within 2 days. At the same time, information about the participant submitted to the request is not published.

    Changes in the documentation

    As a result of clarification, procurement documentation can be changed. In addition, the customer can do it at its discretion. The rules are as follows:

    1. You can change the documentation no later than 2 days until the end of the reception of applications.
    2. Change is published for 1 day After making such a decision.
    3. The time of acceptance of applications is extended in such a way that it remains before 7 or 15 days Depending on the contract price.
    4. Clarification should clarify or make add-ons to the documentation, but not to change its essence.
    5. It is forbidden to change the procurement object, increasing the contract.

    Filing an application

    An application for an electronic auction consists of two parts. We wrote in detail in a separate material.

    The second part of the application consists of information about the supplier and procurement object. The provider provides:

    1. Summing about yourself - the name, finding, contacts and so on.
    2. Documents that will confirm that it meets the uniform requirements for procurement participants.
    3. Documents (copies) confirming the compliance of the procurement object with the requirements of the legislation.

      Note! If such documents are transmitted together with the goods, the supplier should not submit them as part of the application.

    4. Decision on the approval of a major transaction, if applicable to this procurement for this supplier.
    5. Documents that confirm the right of the supplier to receive preferences (for example, for organizations of disabled).
    6. Documents confirming that the product meets the conditions of the national regime if such requirements are established for it.
    7. If the purchase for SMP and Sono is a declaration of accessories to such entities.

    Pay attention! The customer cannot require the provider to submit other documents or information.

    You can apply at any time, including the last day of reception. Both parts of the application are sent simultaneously. Application for ETP is submitted, then the operator confirms the operator for an hour that it is received and assigned to it. Serve more than one application for participation in the auction is prohibited.

    At the first stage, the application is checked by the site itself. The operator cannot reject the application for other reasons., Besides:

    • violations by the participant of the Rules for the signing of the EDS documents;
    • filing a second application by a participant if the first is not withdrawn;
    • violations by the participant of the application for submission;
    • lack of money to ensure the application;
    • the end of the accreditation period of the supplier on the ETP (applications cease to be accepted for 3 months).

    Directing the participant refusal to accept the application, the operator must explain the cause. To withdraw an application until the end of the reception is the participant itself - no restrictions have been established for this.

    When the application for receiving applications is over, the ETP sends them the first parts to the customer. Make it it should not later the next working day.

    It happens that no application has been filed. In this case, the auction is recognized invalid.

    Consideration of the first parts of applications

    No more 7 days From the date of completion of applications, the Customer's commission considers their first parts. The reasons for refusal are only two:

    1. The participant incorrectly issued consent to the delivery of goods, providing services or performing work or indicated the incorrect parameters of the procurement object.
    2. The participant pointed out in unreliable or incomplete information in the application.
    3. Having considered all applications, the Commission is a protocol, which lists all participants with the sequence numbers assigned to them and indicate information about admission or inappropriate to participate in the auction. If the participant received a refusal, this decision must be reasonable. You should specify the position of the documentation or the law that violated this participant.
    4. The protocol is sent to the ETP and is posted in EIS until the end of the consideration of applications. Bid operator within an hour after receipt of the protocol should send all participants notice of the Customer's decision.
    5. It happens that no application as a result of the consideration of their first parts to the auction is launched. In this case, it is believed that the auction did not take place.

    Train procedure

    The auction date is indicated in the documentation. It is held after 2 days After considering the first parts of the applications. If this day falls on the weekend, then in the next day the first working day. Time is assigned by the operator and depends on the time zone.

    All participants admitted to the procedure on the appointed day and an hour are collected in the "Auction Hall" on the ETP. When auction begins, they submit their price offers. The price step cannot be less than half of the percentage of the NMCC or the current minimum participant's offer. Your own application can only be improved, that is, to file another with a smaller price. However, if your best application is yours, you can't even improve it until another participant does this. It is also forbidden to submit an application with a price equal to zero. In more detail, price proposals and price steps can be found in a separate material.

    If within 10 minutes after the last application no one "not interrupted", the auction is considered complete.

    It happens that the two participants fall the same applications. In this case, the winner will be the one whose application is fixed first.

    The next 10 minutes participants can file offers with price, not lower than the winner. It can be any between the NMCC and the leader's price. In this case, the calculation is made that at the stage of consideration of the second parts of the applications, some of them may be rejected.

    Protocol for auction

    According to the results of the auction, the operator generates a protocol, which indicates information on the initial price of the contract and all the latest proposals of participants distributed by increasing prices. I.e the participant submitted to the best application will be assigned the number "1". With regard to each application, the time in which she entered is recorded. In addition, the protocol indicates the address of the ETP, as well as the start time and end of trading. The protocol is placed on the site within 30 minutes after the end of the auction.

    Over the next hour, the operator must send to the customer:

    • auction protocol;
    • the second part of the applications of all participants who are ranked in the protocol under the numbers 1-10;
    • documents from the register of accredited participants.

    In addition, notice on the results of the auction is sent to its participants.

    It happens that for the first 10 minutes no one has filed any sentences. Then it is believed that the auction did not take place. The operator publishes a protocol in which the address of the ETP, the start and end time of the auction and the initial price of the contract.

    If a member of the auction is something incomprehensible in his results, he can send a request for clarification. On the answer, the operator is given 2 business days.

    If the price "crossed through zero"

    During trading, the contract price can be reduced to zero. Submitting the following suggestions, participants will compete with themselves for the right to conclude a contract with the customer. The last price will be paid to the winner to the customer for the conclusion of the contract. Such auction can be carried out up to 100 million rubles. The participant cannot apply for an amount exceeding the cost of a major transaction, which is published in the registry on the ETP. Supporting a contract in this case is not calculated from the price proposed by the winner, but from the elementary price.

    Consideration of the second parts of applications

    The Customer Commission considers the second part of the applications of the participants who have occupied from the first to the fifth place following the auction. The consideration process lasts no more than 3 business days. The only basis for rejecting the second part of the application - the absence of the necessary information in it or the presence of unreliable information.

    When all applications are considered, the customer is the protocol of summing up the auction. It specifies sequence numbers 5 best applications And a mark is made about their compliance. If the application is recognized as not relevant to the requirements, it is necessary to indicate what is broken in it. In relation to each application, the decision of each member of the Commission is indicated.

    Participants who took the first 3 places cannot withdraw their applications. All other participants can do this by sending a notification to the ETP operator.

    The winner of the auction recognizes the participant who proposed minimum price - Provided that the second part of his application meets the requirements. If the auction "switched through 0", then the participant defeats the greatest price.

    The protocol is published in the EIS no later than the next working day. In addition, within an hour, the ETP operator must notify all participants on the results of the consideration of applications.

    If no second part of the application complies with the requirements, the auction is recognized invalid.

    If the participant does not agree with the actions of the customer or the ETP operator, it can.

    Conclusion of a contract on the results of an electronic auction

    With a participant who is recognized as the winner, the customer concludes a state contract. During 5 days After posting the final protocol, the Customer publishes a draft contract in the EIS. It should be made data from the application of the winner and the price offered to them. First, the contract signs the Contractor. He has 5 days From the date of placement of the project in EIS to make provision and put their signature. As a result, it must accommodate a signed contract and a document confirming the contribution.

    The customer puts his signature in the contract. He can do it no earlier than 10 days From the date of publication of the final protocol.

    Fighting dumping and additional measures to ensure

    If the contract price of the contract is descending more than a quarter from the initial, anti-dumping measures come into force. They are as follows:

    1. If NMCC is more than 15 million rubles, size collateral rises one and a half times.
    2. If NMCC is less than 15 million rubles, it is possible to make an increased provision (paragraph 1), or provide contracts fulfilled without fines.

    For some procurement facilities that belong to the category of vital goods, additional requirements are established. These are food, drugs, facilities for emergency, fuel. To confirm the seriousness of your intentions, the participant must provide the customer with one of the documents:

    1. Warranty letter from the manufacturer, which indicates the price and number of goods shipped by the supplier.
    2. A document that confirms that the supplier has the goods needed for delivery.
    3. Other documents confirming that the provider is able to fulfill its obligations and put the procurement object at the price that suggested.

    Drafting the protocol of disagreements

    The law 44-FZ does not allow to change the essential conditions of the contract. However, the supplier may notice in the project proposed by the Customer for a signature, some inaccuracies: the inconsistency of the data is what is indicated in the notice, documentation of the auction or the application of the participant. In this case, the disagreement protocol is drawn up. It indicates what exactly and what does not match.

    Next 3 days Giveted to the customer on the answer. And he may be like:

    • the new version of the contract with corrected inaccuracies, which indicated the supplier (without signature of the Customer);
    • the contract in the old edition plus a document-rationale, why edits cannot be made.

    Now already 3 days There is a supplier to sign a contract or send a new disagreement protocol. You can submit such protocols unlimited number. However, such a rule must be executed: the last protocol can be sent to the customer no later than 13 calendar days From the date of publication of the outcome protocol of the auction.

    When all the disagreements are settled, and the performer has signed a contract, the customer has 3 days to put their signature.


    The winner of the auction will be recognized as a declared contract by concluding, if the rules violates:

    • within the prescribed period will not sign the contract and will not direct it to the customer;
    • will send a protocol of disagreements after 13 days from the date of publication of the final auction protocol;
    • it will not contribute or provide provision that do not meet the requirements.

    The customer has the right to apply to the court in order to refer to the winner of the auction losses, which caused his refusal to conclude a contract. As for procurement, the contract can be concluded with Member No. 2. If he gives his consent, then within 10 days the customer sends him a draft contract. If the participant number 2 refuses, the decision to recognize the auction failed.

    The auction did not take place

    So, the electronic auction is recognized as invalid. What's next? The action plan depends on whether there are applicants for the conclusion of the contract or not.

    There is only one challenger

    Only one application can be filed for auction. Either the applications filed several, but according to the results of consideration of the first parts, it was decided that only one of them corresponds to the requirements. That is, only one participant is admitted to the auction. It is clear that in such a situation it cannot be held, but a contract can be concluded with a participant as with the only supplier.

    The operator of the site should no later than one working day after the acceptance of applications has been completed, send the participant's documents to the customer. Further, the Auction Commission will consider its application - the first and second part - and will decide whether they correspond to the requirements of the auction. As a result, a protocol will be drawn up in which the customer will indicate its solution. If it is recognized that the Customer meets all the requirements, a contract will be concluded with it.

    Participants are, but there are no price proposals

    Another possible option when the auction is recognized as invalid - participants admitted to it during the auction did not file price proposals. In this case, the Customer considers all the second part of the applications and determines which of the auction participants fully complies with the requirements. The contract will be concluded with those of them who are recognized as appropriate and sent the application before others.

    There are no applicants

    This is possible in a situation where, not a single application was received on the auction or, according to the results of the consideration of the first parts, none of them was recognized as appropriate. In this case, the Customer must change its planned documents and spend. If the norms of the law 44-ФЗ allow, it is possible to procure in another way.

    The classic auction in the traditional form with a hammer gave way to an electronic auction. In this case, the concept of "auction step" has been preserved. In the Federal Law on Contracting System No. 44-ФЗ, it is clearly attributed to the definition of the above mentioned term: "The value of the reduction in the initial (maximum) contract price (hereinafter - the" auction step ") is from 0.5 percent to five percent of the initial (maximum) contract price" (Part 6 of Art. 68 44-FZ).

    In accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ, the maximum time interval between the proposals of the participants is 10 minutes. If during this time, not a single proposal was received, the auction is considered completed.

    There are several tactics of supplying a sentence. For example, you can follow the first 10-20 minutes for competitors who started trading. In the process of conducting an electronic auction, it seems that each of the participants behaves. Some participants prefer to make a minimum auction step (0.5% of the initial maximum contract price (NMCC)) and wait until the last seconds to take a step again. Others prefer more active actions - quickly submit their price proposals and (or) to make a step of auction with a significant price reduction (more than 0.5% of the NMCC).

    After observing the development of trading, we can conclude about the number of key participants in the electronic auction, as well as their behavior and tactics. Of course, there are "gray schemes" of trading. For example, two key members and two submers are involved in the auction. Two submarine participants of the electronic auction minimize the price as much as possible, after which the auction is completed. After filing the last sentence, each of the e-auction participants is entitled within 10 minutes to submit its price proposal within 10 minutes, which can not be higher than the last bet. Thus, one of the key participants who was in collusion with two stacked players, submits its price proposal with a small fall. When considering the second parts of the applications of the first two submarine participants of the electronic auction, the Commission is obliged to reject their applications for inconsistency with the requirements of Federal Law No. 44-FZ. Therefore, two key players remain. As a rule, a member of an electronic auction, which did not participate in the gray scheme, does not submit price proposals and exits the end of the electronic auction, because Sees a big price reduction. In most such cases, a key member of an electronic auction, which was declared the winner in collusion.

    Experienced participants in electronic auctions always observe the beginning of an electronic auction without intervention. And after 20-30 minutes of trading can determine among the participants in a particular electronic auction. Facular participants. The step of the auction (its value) of each participant of the electronic auction can give a good tip for winning tactics.

    Articles on preparing for participation in the auction: