Maxim and her children. Family Maksim.

Maxim and her children. Family Maksim.
Maxim and her children. Family Maksim.

Regularly singer Maksim (real name Marina Maksimova) pleases numerous subscribers by publications, which makes on its official page in the Instagram social network. The artist lays out photos and videos devoted to the details of its public and private life.


Also Marina publishes the frames where Alexander's older daughter is captured. But the photo of the younger heiress Mary singer for some reason does not show. Numerous subscribers were literally lost in guesses, why, and finally, Marina decided to explain his decision.

In an interview with the transfer "OK \u200b\u200bin touch!" Maksimova said that at the absolute privacy of the life of Mary insisted her father, businessman Anton Petrov. "I show a little younger daughter, because it was the wish of the dad. We respect this wish and go to meet. When she herself wants to appear and will appear somewhere, we will reflect on it. So far, we solve adults," the singer said .

Marina noted that her girls are very different. "The little daughter is completely creative, and she sings it very loud. She is engaged in English tight, says the same in English and in Russian. Sings on the whole house, it is very fun, even teachers laugh. Sasha more thoughtful girl, more serious. Well, and She feels responsible. She is a real older sister - such about which they write about books, "the artist told.

Despite the young age of Alexandra and Mary, Marina is already loading them with various activities. "All the time it seems to me that I give too little education, although everyone who sees how much they do, they say:" Well, give you to children to relax! "A person must adapt to be constantly engaged, and then he does not have enough time. Lost, "I am sure Marina Maksimova.

Recall, Civil husband Maksim Anton Petrov married another. Businessman left the artist to a student Elizabeth Broservina. The fact that the civilian spouse has a different woman has become known thanks to social networks. In his account, Elizabeth Broxin romantically wrote: "How fast the time flies ... already a year with you," accompanying the post with the appropriate image. It is difficult to imagine what shock the actress experienced, having learned that the beloved spends evenings on the other, especially if we consider that she was waiting for Anton the child - was in the seventh month of pregnancy.

When journalists contacted Marina to find out the details, she did not unlock. "Unfortunately, we could not become a family that to hide. Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy," Maksim admitted sadly.

At the end of July, the daughter of the singer Maksim Masha will be 9 months old. The actress has never shown the baby, carefully protecting it from prying eyes. "Starkit" was the first to take a picture of the family on a walk.

Last Tuesday, about noon Maksim with a 6-year-old Sasha and a little Masha came to walk in the park in the west of Moscow. The driver brought the driver on White Mercedes. He helped get and decompose the stroller and stayed to wait at the gate. About an hour, the family leisurely walked around a small pond. All this time, Masha behaved calmly, smiling widely, looking at birds, trees. Baby is similar to both parents - eyes, her nose got from Pope - Businessman Anton Petrov, and blonde hair, smile

- from Mom. Having settled on the veranda of a summer cafe, the singer ordered ice cream to himself and her older daughter, and the younger fed the porridge from the spoon. Sasha volunteered to help mom. "She is a real older sister," said McSim "Starkit" in one of the recent interviews. "When Masha was born, I thought she would quickly get tired of nursing." How! Sasha may take away among the night and see if everything is fine with Masha. He loves her insanely. On the hands takes. Kisses legs-handles. It helps to bathe, sings her lullabies. " In the park Maksim with daughters spent about two hours. Paschers said that Marina often walks here with children - both girls adore this place.

The singer Maksim told how her daughters grow. According to the artist, the girls are completely different, and no one looks like her.

Singer Maksim (real name Marina Maksimova) Grow two daughters: Seven-year-old Alexander and a two-year-old Maria. According to the singer, the girls are completely different. "Sasha with Masha is absolutely not similar, nor externally, nor by nature or behavior. Moreover, no matter how I wanted my daughters to be like me, all three we are absolutely different, "Maksimova noted.

The artist reported that Alexander dreamed of her sister. "It was Sasha's first who ran to me in the ward, and, not even asking how I was doing, as I feel, I ran to look at my sister, I looked at her for a long time, smiled. The bed has always promised to protect it and not to give offense. No jealousy between them. We were very preparing for the emergence of Masha, spent a lot of conversations with Sasha, even bought her a doll like a child to learn to care for her. Now Sasha allows Masha to do with her absolutely everything, and even when she accidentally broke her school notebooks, Sasha only shook her head, "quotes the artist" Childhood ".

Marina Maksimova does not apply to those celebrities, which for the sake of the career deployed a personal life to the background. "With children, I spend more time than moms who work in the office with eight in the morning and before the evening. I can be near the important events, school events. I used to give 30 concerts per month, and at some point I dreamed to give birth to a child in order to relax a little. Now I am myself make up my concert schedule to be able to plan and manage everything, and I take so many concerts to remain an adequate mom, "the singer stressed.

Marina help to raise grandparents daughters, as well as a nanny, when the singer goes on tour.


First, I want to say that it is always difficult to worsen your financial position. With a million to 5,000 thousand, which from 70 to 35. Always. And, oh horror, nosos will not like it.
Read comments. And there is a question.
There is a theoretical opportunity to move to the mother in the two-room. This is not so far away. And theoretically, on weekdays, only dinner and overnight. But it will still be the removal of the brain. And the thousand 15 will take it for us. Is it worth it? Even not to designate that for a year to move to it. The amount during this time will accumulate thousands of 150-200 ... But you can not deprive the child ... Is it worth it - I don't know


Just Marina 69.

Immediately I will say that I don't pose, but I doubt. The transformation of F. Kafki chose to the contest of prose. I was offered to her Bulgakov, but it turns out to be held in the 10th grade, the dog's heart. I have a blast explosion. I read a lot in school, according to the program and out, but I just did not read Kafka and Nietzsche. Can another look for? It is necessary that something special from the classics. To heat the feelings made an impression.



DD! Let's share thoughts on how to bury.
Understanding that the path of man is not eternal and sooner or later, this question will affect us (although most likely, alas affected).
I am gnawing the question, if a person did not voiced his desire, what to choose. Place Russia.
I can be mistaken, for some reason I got the impression that cremation is easier with the organization. And it will be possible will be the urn with the rush "bury" next to the classic burial (place in the cemetery bought).
Perhaps you will tell if faced.
Thank you! All health!



Good day. Boy 10 and a half years old. Not a teenager. Two days ago on the nipple groped a seal, which hurts when pressing. Yesterday showed a friend to a friend, he laughed and said that it was teenage. You do not need to worry. But the child is panic, crying that this is a tumor that the doctor was wrong. I calm down as I can, but already hesitates me. I didn't go to the training in the morning, did not come out to a friend. All the time tales and watching videos on YouTube about children, cancer patients. The husband wanted him to the skates, refused. I do not even know what to do. For teenage frills, it still seems like.


blumen Garten.

Virgin, good afternoon. The situation in the next - now we live with your husband and two different children in a four-room apartment, where everyone has a personal space if necessary. But it is necessary to move to another city, where only enough for a trip, and then "not real". Two rooms and a kitchen combined with the living room. How to place everything wisely? Children on the room and we are in the common passing? On the folding sofa), it is difficult to imagine it ... In the real life, we have a closed door in the room, which is knocking before entering. We'll have to live without doors and change habits) I do not see a rational decision


// Photo: Vladimir Andreev /

Last week, the country shook the news about the difficult situation in the family of the singer Maksim. Her second daughter's father, businessman Anton Petrov, left her with a 11-month-old child for the sake of a 21-year-old daughter deputy Lisa Broservina. The spectacular beauty for a long time does not hide his relationship with an influential entrepreneur and willingly shares information about him in social networks. Starkhit first reported that at the moment McSim is experiencing a personal drama and described in detail how this story developed.

The father of the second daughter of the artist was fascinated by the young special when his chosen was in the seventh month of pregnancy. True, for a long time McSim and did not give the form that she knows about the adventures of his beloved. Nick later, when Anton Petrov finally left the family, the singer learned that he would soon marry the young beloved. According to the friends of the star, she hardly worried a gap with a businessman and tried to keep his best.

Already today, a young chief of the father of the child of the artist, the 21-year-old daughter of Deputy Alexander Buryxina married Anton Petrova, as told in his microblog. The girl published several pictures from the celebration, on which she shone in a luxurious wedding dress on the background of the flower arch, the first letters of the names of happy newlyweds were conquered. Interestingly, the bride has not posted a single picture with a new spouse, but photographs with girlfriends shared eagerly.

Previously, Starhit wrote that the singer McSim himself thinks relative to what was happening. The artist who survived the care of his beloved, found the strength to comment on this situation. "Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide," she shared with Starhit. - Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let it be happy. "

By the way, the friends of celebrities frankly told about how difficult it was to get along with the thought of breaking with Petrov and how she found the strength to live on. "Marina was very difficult to tremble," her friend of Regina shared with "Starhit". - Scary jealous, did not sleep at night, cried in a pillow, but the pain kept inside - even the form did not give the first time that she was all known. Of course, she loved him. And, I think, still loves. Never she said not a single bad word about him. Thoughtful, attentive, with a sense of humor, smart, generous ... Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton apparently decided otherwise. He is a good father, helps her with a little Masha - often comes to visit, nursing, wears in his arms, watches how the daughter grows. Buys her toys, gives marina flowers. But imagine what it is like - share your loved one on the other! Until the latter, she hoped that Anton would come back. But this spring he himself suddenly put the point - signed with Liza. For Marina, who learned about the event through the environment, it was a terrible blow. But she found the strength to live on. Young, beautiful, successful - sure, she will find her happiness. "