Michael Jackson: Funeral live .... Under Los Angeles passed closed for the press ceremony of the funeral of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Funeral

Michael Jackson: Funeral live .... Under Los Angeles passed closed for the press ceremony of the funeral of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Funeral
Michael Jackson: Funeral live .... Under Los Angeles passed closed for the press ceremony of the funeral of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Funeral

Shortly after the farewell ceremony with Michael Jackson - one of the most magnificent and pompous in the history of the United States - FoxNews TV channel suggested that an empty coffin was demonstrated at the farewell ceremony, and the body of the singer relatives hid in a secret place. On such a thought of the channel journalists, white spots were pushed in this story - and the fact that the cause of the death of the pop king was still undoclaimed (perhaps and not clarified), and the fact that the place and date of burial are carefully hidden, transfers RIA News.

On July 7, there were 17 thousand people in Los Angeles in Los Angeles, 17 thousand people were observed, more than 31 million people were watching on television for a farewell ceremony. On the Internet, the farewell ceremony watched twice as many users than the inauguration of Barack Obama - more than 3 million.

What is happening in Staples Center resembled rather colorful and expensive show than a farewell ceremony. His audience could see numerous clips and giant images of Jackson. For three hours, gravestone speeches of relatives and friends of the singer, among whom were Mariah Keri., Stevie Wander and Janet Jackson, accompanied by songs and jokes. The atmosphere has changed a little after the appearance on the scene of the singer's children.

11-year-old Jackson's daughter Paris Michael Catherine appealed to those present with the words: " I just want to say that since I was born, Dad was the best father you can imagine. And I just want to say - I love him so much" After that, the girl loosened and hugged her aunt - Janet Jackson.

Throughout the ceremony in the center of attention of the audience was the coffin of Michael Jackson. Covered with 14-carat gold and the coffin crowned with luxurious flowers was closed, and it also served as the source of the next rumors.

According to one of the assumptions, the relatives of the king pop music hid his body until the excitement is falling around the funeral. After that, they plan in a relaxed atmosphere to fulfill the will of the singer - to bury it on the territory of the Californian estate Neverland, although it is prohibited by the laws of California.

Investigative circumstances of the sustainable death of the singer Specialists suggest that his funeral is postponed because relatives icons of pop culture expect the return of his brain.

Currently, experts plan to use the brain for a whole series of neuropathological tests that can shed light to the cause of the death of 50-year-old Jackson. Among the versions of the death of the singer, the media most often called drugs, medical error, as well as the consequences of numerous plastic operations.

For one more of the assumptions, the relatives of the singer on his death have already earned more than in life, and it is unlikely that it will soon break out with such a source of income, writes Themorningnews.. Perhaps Mausoleum Michael Jackson will define on the territory of his ranch of Neverland. Despite the fact that official information about this has not yet been received, there are actively rumors on the Internet that the entrance to the mausoleum will be paid.

According to rumors, the persons interested in the Mummification of Jackson began to actively direct contacts with Russian doctors, which have these technologies.

man who made his children famous. Funeral Father Michael Jackson passed on Monday, July 2. The site will tell who attended the farewell ceremony and where it took place.

Funeral Father Michael Jackson

Joseph Jackson's funeral took place on a small closed ceremony, which was held on the private cemetery "Forest-Lown" in Glendale, Los Angeles. Immediately resting with the world and pop-king Michael Jackson, who died from the deadly dose of medicines in 2009.

Photo: Instagram Butyouwannabebad

Joe Jackson's funeral was closed, where the press was not allowed. He was held on the last path to his spouse, eight living children and his grandchildren. Catherine Jackson, Mom Michael, arrived at the funeral in a wheelchair, and her eyes covered with large sunglasses.

Photo: Instagram MJTHEKINGOF_P0P

Photo: Instagram Johvonniejfan / Joe Vonyni and her older sister Rebb

Janet Jackson is the daughter of the deceased, came to the burial with his son. La Toya Jackson arrived in a broad-breasted black hat hiding her face. The ceremony also attended the singer Stevie Wonder.

Conflict Paris Jackson and her aunt Janet

Photo: Instagram Parisjackson.mj

At the funeral of Michael's daughter and his native sister, according to Radaronline, did not communicate. This is due to the fact that Paris robbed with her grandfather and called for his children to forgive the dying. Janet did not agree with the niece.

It is known that in childhood all children Joe got good, the head of the family did not hesitate to apply his hand.

Photo: Instagram Moonwalkinwith_stranger_thi

The 20-year-old beauty stood aside from the brothers and sisters of his father and was cold with them. The girl is saddened that they all did not support the grandfather in the last years of his life.

After the funeral, the family went to Pasadena's hotel, where they were waiting for a mourning lunch. The younger son Michael Jackson arrived there - Prince Michael Jackson II. The boy for today is 16 years old.

We will remind, earlier it became known that the other day got rid of the pursuer. The 20-year-old daughter legend man threatened with the use of weapons.

Amend text size: A A.

Jackson himself wanted his funeral to remember as an enchanting spectacle. Tens of thousands of fans came to Staples Center to spend their idol on the last path. Even hundreds of thousands of people around the world were watching what was happening on large screens raised on the central streets. A mourning ceremony was held, on which stars and family members of the artist were performed.


Mystic around the funeral pop king

Many were sure: after the farewell ceremony in Staples Center, the native Jackson will be buried at the Forest Lawn cemetery. Because of the police cordons, people could not trace where the coffin was lucky. But the Forest Lawn Jackson was not buried, local paparazzi is sure. Some versions immediately appeared:

1 Michael buried in a secret place so that the fans do not arrange a year-round pilgrimage to the grave.

2 The body was betrayed by the land to the ceremony, and the coffin was empty.

3 Rodni decided to secretly bury the body of Jackson on his ranch of Neverland: after all, California's authorities prohibit burials outside the cemetery without special degree.

Guinness book

Records of Michael.

Michael Jackson hit the Guinness Book of Records several times. For example, as the most generous sponsor in the world of pop music. He also got the title "The most successful performer of all times" and "The youngest vocalist who headed the American National Music Chart" (after all, Jackson appeared in American charts at 11 years old). He is also "the world's first musician who sold 100 million copies of its albums outside the United States" and the owner of the "most successful video of all times" - for the Triller clip. Jackson, he managed to become "the first musician in the world who was able to earn more than $ 100 million for the year" and the "highest paid advocating person of all times."

View from the 6th floor


Dance on Kostya

Honestly, I confess: The death of my peer of Michael Jackson me was not very hijacking - all the same, I have other tastes and other music I listen. Well, the famous escapades of pop idol with a variety of appearance (plastic operations, repeated skin lightening, etc.), as well as noisy scandals with a tint of pedophilia that have fluffed from states, nothing but bewilderment.

But he hardly hooked me the protracted farewell procedure with Jackson. In our eyes, the sacrament of death and the sad funeral ritual turned into a noisy bary show, in fairing Balagan, just in Kitch.

If, as declared, Jackson did not accept Islam so long ago, then why didn't they buried him on the Muslim rite, that is, on the day of death before sunset? If the farewell organizers followed the Christian canons, then the funeral should have taken place no later than the third day after death. The answer - they need, it was necessary to carry out medical studies of the reasons for the heart stop - does not pass: in the end, quite ordinary opening and histological samples. No, we are talking about the fact that two weeks that dragged with the rite were needed for the injection of hysteria among fans, to increase the sales of discs and posters, and, in fact, for organizing a show.

And it happened! With all cheap (not in monetary terms) attributes - the sale of tickets for the ceremony (!), The lottery (!!!), finally, with the Golden Coffin ...

Almost three-hour farewell ceremony with pop cumier, which lived the MTV channel live, in general, became apotheosis - not a memorial song, and the ritual songs and dances of pop stars on the bones of the king left them. And even the touching farewell speech of the younger daughter Jackson on this background seemed like a so-old direct directorial find ...

In general, everything for sale. And the death of the idol - too ...

Sergey Ponomarev

Jackson used to be right

A person brought up in European culture, farewell to Jackson - yes, shocking slightly. What are these people on stage scene, put on and even - horror! - Smile? After all, at the funeral, it is necessary to cry, mourge and kill. We - yes. They dont have. Not always.

Michael Jackson alleged the skin, but it remained black - according to the cultural traditions that could not be erected. And American Negroes have been singing at the funeral for two hundred years, play jazz and dance. (They jerk in the church - remember the film "Trip to America".)

And this is not cynicism, not indifference and not fun in the genre "buried the mother-in-law, two bayan broke." This is just another way to experience grief, roots stretching as much as an African ritual tradition. The ideology is completely unusual for us: "The deceased - in the sky, and we have to die", "Having had the spirit of the deceased", "Rejoice in the death and mourning birth."

It is not by chance that the coffin with the body of Jackson was brought to the hall under the singing of Mosnov-Chora (We are Going to See The King - "We are going to see the king"). The main installation of the Negro church hymns in the genre of gospel is not to draw in despondency, but, on the contrary, pull out of it. Installation at hope.

You say: But after all, the Jackson family sobbed on stage. Yes. Well, it is impossible to drain such a mountain alone with music. But they did everything right. Michael's spirit is peaceful. Sperance.

Elena Duda

We offer you a transcript that happened in Staples Center, as well as a story about what happened next. Read also columns of our browsers Denis Korsakov (Michael Jackson finally became a legend) and Anna Baluva (Michael, why did you do that?)

Dear readers! The transcript should be read below up.

04:04 Many were surprised to find out that the singer's close friend Diana Ross did not come to farewell. Although it was waiting for her - as well as refucing from the visit to Staples Center Liz Taylor. Both women meant a lot for Michael - he once wanted to marry him, and Diaan did his children at all - in case his mother, Catherine, will not be able to look after them. Diana handed the appeal, which was read from the scene.

I feel that I have to take a pause and silence - it is right for me. And although I am not today for goodbye, my heart is there. Michael was a special, favorite, cherished part of my world. That part that I can not explain. Michael wanted me to be there, next to his children. I will be near - as soon as they call me when they need it. Thanks to Michael's parents for giving me and the world of His Son. I am sending my love and condolences to the whole family of Jackson.

03:36 Many stars visited a farewell, but they did not go to the scene. Actress was seen in the hall Kim Kardashian, Larry King, Pi Diddy, Wesley Snipes and even boyfriend Rihanna, Chris Brown. Some of those present stars on a par with those who watched the broadcast on TV, unsubscribed in their microblogging on Twitter.

Kim Kardashian: Michael's children are so brave - stand on a huge scene, saying some words can not every adult ... I spoke as a farewell word at the funeral of my father - it was the hardest test for my life.

Pi Diddi: I'm at the funeral of Michael. Out of the Lord his soul. Terribly sad.

Serena Williams: Today we thank Michael for his love, for music, for being a genius. I'm still shocked. Please listen to the favorite songs of Jackson. I believe that "Thriller" is a great composition. Remember The Time is a classic thing. Life is short, but the music will never die. To Michael, the public was sometimes Surov, but I would ask to try to understand him and stop condemning.

Paris Hilton: Watched funeral on TV, rubbing tears. It was so touching. Michael, everyone loves you!

Paul Abdul: I remember MD, and the fact that he was a real legend in life. He will live forever in mind ... I need some time to survive his death.

Larry King: Surprised that the body of MD was there, but it was really touching. Al Sharpton uttered a life-affirming speech, terribly dramatic tone and with the appropriate content. It was very exciting to look like Asher and Brook Shields on stage. I hope noise around this soon subsides. Give Michael at least a little from this rest.

03:20 Michael Jackson's family left Los Angeles in Beverly Hills. The family went to the hotel Wilshire, in order to cast Michael in a relaxed private atmosphere.

01:10 It became known how to accompany the pop king in other countries. IN Australia The main action took place in Melbourne At three o'clock at night local time. On large screens broadcast what is happening in StaPles Center. IN Japan About one hundred fans gathered at Tower Records's sound recording company, to view what is happening in Los Angeles on the big screen. In Peru, fans simply gathered on the street and shouted the name of the singer.

IN Hong Kong Fans laid flowers to the wax statue of the singer at the local Madame Tussao Museum. Shopping centers in the hour of the day were broadcast a mourning ceremony on televisions standing in the halls. On the Philippines The organizers of the longest TV-Show Eat Bulaga held a dance competition in honor of Djeko.

IN Sweden Fans arranged memorable events for candles. IN NorwayRather B. Oslo, artist fans offered a special "memorable" menu in sports grooves. In Belgium, one radio station arranged a contest - came video with their "lunar walk" to the site, dedicating his dance Michael.

01:00 The Los Angeles authorities ask the fans of the singer to discharge to compensate the city's expenses for the event. Overtime labor of police, janitor and the cost of designing Staples Center must be somehow paid. Need "just" $ 4,000,000. By the way, fears about the crown and death did not justify. Either because of competently placed cordons, or due to the fact that fans warned - "there is no ticket - do not come," the people were much smaller than planned.

The network appeared a copy of the death certificate of the artist. By the way, it is still not clear where Michael will be buried. Many doubt that this will happen in Fores Lawn, as was announced in advance. We'll see...

00:30 Fans all over the world give proper singer. Those who watched the broadcast on large screens on the central streets, hide the songs of Jackson, cry, hug. Surprisingly, many brought tape recorders with them - in proof that they grew on these records.

The American embassy in Moscow - no one. Three fans frown under the drizzling rain for 300 meters without reaching the embassy. Russian fans have built a real memorial - with photographs of artist, candles, flowers. At the most building, the wolves walk militiamen, stiffering in passing cars. Apparently, such dislike for those who wish to honor the memory of the idol is connected with a visit to Russia of US President Barack Obama and his spouse with kids.

Moscow fans released thousand white balloons in the sky

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In Moscow, Jackson fans released white balloons in his honor.Jackson himself wanted his funeral to remember as an enchanting spectacle. Tens of thousands of fans came to Staples Center to spend their idol in the last way. Mila

23:50 Family friend, pastor Smith:

Never there will be no other Michael Jackson. It was often paroded, but no one was able to create anything like that. We must look at the mirror, and think about our uniqueness and try to change something, starting from today. His music unites and brings us closer. Michael's family asked me to finish this ceremony with a small prayer. I want you to celebrate the life of Michael again, taking your neighbor's hand. Thanks for the music, for this man who showed us how to live. Thank you for helping to send a message to the whole world. Let's stop evaluating people by their accent, skin color. Let's try to treat each other with that love, as Michael did. We pray that this moment will not forget. This is not a show, but a reminder that we can change. Thank you, we pray.

23:44 Singer's daughter 11-year-old Paris:

From the very birth, I wanted to say - the daddy was the best Father you can imagine. I just want to say - I love you, very much ...

Singer sisters, La Toya and Janet pick up a sobbing girl and lead from the scene.

The singer's brothers carry the coffin with the body.

Michael Jackson's daughter burst out during his speech

23:40 On the stage - members of the family of Michael Jackson. Jesse Jackson Thanks everyone who came to carry Michael on the last path. Another brother Marlon, can not find words. Touching on sobs, says:

Michael, part of you will live forever, in me. In all of us. I appreciate all the times we spent together. When we came home, my grandmother was fed, and we watched the series. Then we went to the studio. I also remember how the records went to the store. And some elderly man missed all the records with such a hairstyle strange, and I told him - Michael, what are you doing here? He was so surprised that I learned it. I told him - your pair of shoes betrayed you. He always put on the same shoes wherever he was driving. We will not be able to understand what he survived how much pain he felt (applause). Michael was a voice that will sound in heaven. And he is waiting for us there. I remember when we were forgiven, and I said that I love you, he answered - and I love you more. Michael, you finished your work on Earth, the Lord called you. Thank you for all the smiles, for all you have done for everyone. I have only one application - I want you to hug my brother Randy (Marlon can no longer speak, the whole family hugs him and comforts)

23:30 Michael's choreographer, Denny Ortega:

We were here quite recently .... Jackson family turned to me to help organize this event. When we became a team, they realized that they should be conducted. We worked with him for many years. We have seen that the Triumphal return of Michael will soon be. In this room, everyone did ... Fastes always talked about this moment, and for him it was the most favorite part of the show. He will always live in our hearts.

Performed by the song WE ARE THE WORLD by all participants of the ceremony. Even the artist's family is rising on the scene. All Choir Sing - We Are The World, We Are The Children ...

23:17 Smokey Robinson:

I wrote this song, and it even seems to me that I sang her ... In two years a boy appears for 10 years, and I am going home to him. And there are 5 young guys - they dance, sing ... A few days later they wrote my song. I heard her. And I thought - yes, this guy can not be 10 years old ... someone had someone, a song about experiences, someone wants to return someone .. (the hall laughs). I walked over to the boy, I wanted to see the metric. I could not understand how such a little boy so much soul. And he could not imagine that I would stand on this scene ... I do not think that the day would come when a friend won't. But he will be forever with us. He influenced our lives, on all of us. One of the most important moments of my life is that I was familiar with this family that I lived at a while when I could see this person. I believe in God so much that this is not the end. Life continues, even when everything is done. So, my brother is now in such a place where he will live forever. I love you, my brother.

The winner of the British "Star Factory", 12-year-old Shahin Jafargoli.

23:08 On the stage rises Asher With the song Gone To Soon. He is in black fruce with an attachment to it with a yellow rose. Asher descends from the stage and goes to the coffin. It stops, relies on it ... Indeed, the composition "left too early" as no other approaches this event. Can not hold back sobs, breaking the song. He gets up the whole family of Michael, hugs. Asher gets his knees in front of Mama Jackson, kisses her hands. The screens are broadcast by the performance of an eight-year-old Michael as part of Jacksons 5.

22:53 Martin Luther King Third, Son of the Great Political Worker:

My father spoke - in life you need to decide, find your calling. After that - go ahead. Father always threw us a challenge so that we were the best. If you remove the streets, as Beethoven wrote his music or Shakespeare - his verses. You need to clean the streets so that everyone says that you are the greatest. On June 25, the land suspended and we realized that the great artist died, who did his job well.

Colleagues with MTV reported that US President Barack Obama, which is now in Russia, also looks to the broadcast with a mourning ceremony.

22:34 On the stage rises John MayerPerformed on the guitar the composition dedicated to Michael. Human Nature. Former girl of Michael, the star "Blue Lagoon" rises behind him Brooke Shields.

I remembered those times when we hang out together. We were photographed by the press, and then under the photo all the time something wrote - "strange couple" or something like that. But for us it was the most natural and innocent. I was 13 when we met, and from now on our friendship grew. He knew that he could rely on me, and I - that we would take exactly the time. And maybe because we both understood - how to be - under the cameras from childhood, I teased him and said - you know, I started when I was 11 months old, and how much did it happen to you, 5 years? It so happened that we were early matured, but together we were like small children. We never performed together, did not dance on the same stage, although he once tried to teach me the "lunar gait", but after several attempts washed his hands. But what we did often - we laughed. And competed - who to make the first to get cold ...

He liked to listen to stories in my life, he had a wonderful sense of humor. When he began to wear a glove, I asked him: - "Friend, what are you? I would like to keep me bare hand for your hand!" He loved to tease him, podkalavali. For the outside world, he was a genius. And for those who knew him personally, he is a man. Who never tired love life. He often said that he was king, and that Michael, whom I knew - rather he was a little prince. He saw all his heart. His family is Catherine, Joe, as well as his children - I pray for you ... Michael's favorite song was Charlie Chaplin's song - smile. There were such words - smile, even if your heart hurts. Look up - maybe he is somewhere there, sits on the month. And let's smile to him. (crying, comes from the scene, hugs Michael's mother. Neither sisters nor father approached the actress, they say they do not tolerate her)

Officers Michael's brother Jermaine, With the very song Smile, which Michael loved so much.

22:30 Kobe Brown, "La Lakers":

Never nobody surrendered to the scene like Michael. He like we beat a lot of records writing gold plates. He gave everything so much. And it will be forever.

Medzhik Johnson: We met a hundred years ago. During the speech, I saw a genius. In her hands he kept the whole hall, he is the greatest artist. Once he called me, they say - I want to talk to you so that you take part in the shooting of the clip Remember The Time. I had to make sure it was he. But I was afraid of him, he was my idol. I went to "try to try the soil." His chef came, asked what I would eat. I asked the chicken. In the meantime, we started talking about Tom - about this. And then the cook brought me a well-trained chicken, and he is also a bucket of wings "KFS" (Popular Fast Food - Aut.) I thought how so? It was all! We perfectly spent time - sat on the floor, ate from this bucket of chicken ... Today we celebrate his life. I want to thank him for the fact that he opened as many doors for African Americans ... The children for him were all. As Michael is lucky that his mother will be followed by them. Well, of course, they will have a lot of relatives - they fall into good hands. We pray for you ...

Jackson's brothers go hugging Johnson and Brian. The singer Jennifer Hudson comes to the scene, performs the song I LL BE THERE. Outside the preacher El Sharpton and hesitate the situation with a special "convincing" voice.

22:20 Singer Stevie Wander It turns onto the scene and sits down the piano:

Yes, I did not expect this ... Apparently, Lord Michael is needed more than we. Michael, I love you very much, I told you about it once.

Begins to play Never Dreamed You d Leave in Summer, written in 1971.

Stevie Wadder says goodbye to Michael Jackson

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Stevie Wonder on a farewell to Michael Jackson.

22:00 Founder of the label "Motun", Berry GordyWho risked and released the Jackson record, soaring for the first places in the charts:

Michalu was 10 years old when he was taken to take to us at the Studio Motun. His speech was not like the speech of a little boy. He sang with such a feeling that we immediately understood that he was special. He sang the song "Who S Lovin You" Smoky Robinson with such a feeling that it survived (show smoky sitting in the hall). ... When I saw his "lunar gait," I understood: it is a magic. He went to orbit and did not return. It all ended very early.

When Michael accepted strange solutions - it was sad times. But he lived a very bright life. In 10 years he had a passion - to become the best artist in the world. He became the king of pop music. Michael loved all moments of his life - to create a new, all, and all, especially their fans. He was very timid behind the scenes, but when he went on stage, turned into another person. He worked until the latter. The title "King of Pop Music" is not too cool for him. He is the greatest artist of all times and peoples.

Hall applauds standing. The singer's brothers are sitting in the first row - in the same suits, black glasses. Everyone on the right hand is a white glove ... on the screen shows the most important points in the scenic life of Michael - frames from the clips, with a premium. Meanwhile, people gathered in a huge crowd around Staples Center, but the police are carefully monitored.

21:45 Michael's sister Queen Latifa:

I loved him all my life. I remember, my brother and I bought a plate "Dancing Machine" and tried to portray his movements with my brother ... He was the greatest star on this planet (the hall is exploded by applause). At the moment we learned that Michael is no longer. Nothing can convey our emotions, we lost something huge. We remember that he was for us a big gift. He came as a gift from our creator. And despite all the difficulties of life, he knew what love was family and he existed. Whether we knew who he was or not, but he pleased our eyes, corrected his hat, played eyebrows and took the pose. And we rejoiced, laughed. And in Tokyo, and under the Eiffel Tower, in London and Alabama - we do not miss Michael Jackson.

On the stage rises Lionell Richie With an attachment to the phraka with yellow and red robes, performs Jesus Is Love.

21:40 The first made a close friend of the Jackson family, Pastor Lucius Smith:

He was our brother, friend. He will always be a part of mankind. We are here, where more recently, Jackson rehearsed his last show. We remember these times, we are grateful to him for the love that he gave us. We are very hard today, but the truth is that he did not leave. While we remember him, he will always be with us. His heart was very kind. He wanted to give love to the planet, share his soul, and maybe he wanted to love him in response. Michael wanted to cure our world. And the Jackson family, and all who mourn on Michael - and let this moment be the moment of love and music. Bless you Lord.

It turns out in a beautiful black dress Meraia Keri. And sings the song Michael "I LL BE THERE", she sits on Trey Lorence. In the background - Black and White Children's Photography Michael with "African" hairstyle.

21:30 On the stage, under the singing of the gospel, the coffin with the body of the singer was imported. For him, a special white platform was prepared, where wreaths were already standing from the grief. Staples Center is scored under the eyebreaker and resembles a huge black boiler, highlighted by millions of lights. People take pictures of the scene, each other - for eternal memory. In the gigantic hall is surprisingly quiet. In the center of the stadium - a huge photo of a smiling singer and an inscription in English: "Michael Jackson. King of pop music. We remember, love. 1958-2009." The police already counted about 250,000 people outside Staples Center.

Farewell to Michael Jackson. START

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Farewell ceremony with Michael Jackson: at the beginning of the showroom, the hall is froned.Jackson himself wanted his funeral to remember as an enchanting spectacle. Tens of thousands of fans came to Staples Center to spend their idol in the last path. Shanna Dzugova

21:30 According to preliminary calculations, about 50,000 people are around the center. The whole city is blocked by machines that seek to drive up closer. In the meantime, news on Western sites appear, one way or another associated with Michael Jackson. For example, it is reported that 11-year-old singer's daughter, Paris, believes that "Dad flew along with the angels," what a friend was informed about Mark Lester.

21:02 The coffin with the body was brought to Staples Center. Before skipping the car with a coffin through a police cordon, it was searched. The authorities of La are worried about security, so they take unprecedented measures so that no terrorist attacks occur. So far it seems that the police almost as much as visitors. On the screens that he hung around the perimeter of the center, the photos of Jackson in all periods of his life - from children's to those made at the rehearsal of the show This Is IT, which, unfortunately, did not take place.

20:40 Western sites report that Michael Jackson's body is precisely in a coffin and is now approaching the building, where farewell. Before that, rumors were that the singer secretly buried two days ago. But the "source" reported that it was a lies. The former girl singer has already arrived in Staples Center, actress Brook Shields, and famous basketball player Magic Johnson. One fan that could not transfer voltages already carries out the police. The tuple drives into the territory of the center.

20:33 Gold plated coffin, covered with burgundy roses, load into the car. Around the coffin - relatives and close friends. At the center where the body is now being lucky, a fairly large crowd of people gathered. People stand with posters, get acquainted, discuss the sad news. It is safe to say that people from all continents arrived on the guilty of the artist - the popularity of Jackson was so great. It is not surprising that some talent admirers came, dressed under their idol. Some copied Michael "in Zero" - red shirts, masks on faces, black hair strands, knocking out of the hats. Many of them dance are trying to portray Michael's famous "lunar gait".

20:00 Hello, dear readers! Today we, together with the whole world, we win the last path of the king of pop music. Michael Jackson was one of the most popular artists whose hits exploded hit parades over the years. Its influence on modern estra is invaluable. All night we will follow what is happening in the Staples Center, where the "funeral show" will be held, and promptly tell you about it. The broadcast leads Elena Laptev.

The funeral of Michael Jackson 6 years ago, one of the most famous singers and dancers on the planet, the "king of pop music", Kumir Millions Michael Jackson. This talented person died on June 25 in 2009 at the 51st year of life.

The funeral of the pop king was private and closed to the press. By the way, the funeral themselves were postponed several times on August 29 (Jackson's birthday), on August 31.

One of the reasons was the opinion of the mother of the late Catherine Jackson that her son died due to a medical error, and the results of two openings were still not known. But that day, when a ceremony was supposed to pass, she began late for two hours. Although invited guests came on time, to seven in the evening, all the same coffin with the body of Jackson was delivered at eight in the evening, and the ceremony itself began in 50 minutes. This ceremony was visited by his loved ones and friends whose number reached 250 people. 26 cars needed to deliver the whole numerous pop-king family to the site of farewell.

The coffin, where Michael Jackson's body rests, resembles a sarcophagus. It is gilded and decorated with white and yellow flowers. The coffin was installed on the podium to the guest rows.

Nearby also installed two large portraits of Jackson and flowers. After the relatives spoke to guests with their speeches, a clock service was held, and the coffin with the body of Jackson was transferred to the Glendale Forest Lawn under Los Angeles in a large mausoleum under Los Angeles. Many Hollywood celebrities were also buried at this place, such as Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart. However, one of the singer's brothers, Jermen Jackson, tried to convince relatives in the fact that Michael should be buried in the park of the famous estate Neverland.

But the mother refused this idea, as I am sure that this place for Michael Jackson has not been loved for a long time.

The death of the pop king turned into an incredible shock and a huge tragedy for fans of his work.

At that time, the sale of Jackson albums increased to incredible marks, and the fans of the famous singer went crazy from grief and despair.

Many believed that their idol was alive, just decided to heal on the bottom because of the huge debts and they had problems.

But, in any case, the most devoted fans and admirers of Michael Jackson's creativity will remember him as a person who has changed the world.