People above 2 meters. The highest people in the world

People above 2 meters. The highest people in the world
People above 2 meters. The highest people in the world

01/15/2016 at 16:24 · Johnny. · 58 930

Top 10 highest people in the world

They were always interested in others and left their marked track in the history of the highest people in the world. Unfortunately, high growth brought them not only fame, but also serious health problems due to the huge load on the spine and the cardiovascular system. Not all people whose growth over 2.40 meters were listed in the well-known all.

Most often, the fact of their giant growth remained captured on images that have been amazing and surprised by contemporaries for several years, or in medical maps. We present the top 10 highest people in the world for 2019.

10. Bernard Koin (USA) | 2.49 meters

In the tenth place of the list of the highest people in the world is Bernard Koin, according to the official version, its growth reached 249 centimeters, and according to unconfirmed facts amounted to 2.53 meters. Bernard continued to grow throughout his life and is unknown, what growth can it be achieved, but Koin died quite at the young age. A so long young man died in the USA. The rapid growth of the guy was accompanied not only by the problems with the spine, like most of the high people, and also behind the lag in its sexual development.

9. Don Keler (USA) | 2.49 meters

The ninth place of our rankings occupies Don Keler, who was quite a long time was the highest man of the planet. Don in the USA was born, an anomaly in the growth began to manifest itself when the boy was 10 years old. An interesting point in the family Keler turned out that the anomaly did not touch his twin sister at all, it was quite normal growth. Keler also reached 2 meters 49 centimeters, which delivered him huge problems with the health of the spine.

8. Vikas Apal (India) | 2.51 meters

This man became famous thanks to the height of his own growth in 251 centimeters and takes eighth place in the list. All his life, Vikas lived in India, although his growth did not record the Guinness Book of Records. Local health workers led to the observation of him and recognized him the highest in India. Vikas died at 21 during the operation.

7. Sultan Kesen (Turkey) | 2.51 meters

At the seventh place of the list with a growing 251 centimeter is Sultan Kesen. To date, the Turk is the highest person among living on the planet. Successful pituitary treatment led to a stop of the growth of Sultan, which increases the chances of living a longer and healthy life than the rest of the representatives with such anomalies who lived earlier. At the moment, Sultan is engaged in farming, and its main difficulty is to find clothes and shoes, which must be sewed under the order.

6. Eduard Bopres (Canada) | 2.51 meters

The sixth place in the ranking is occupied by Eduard Bopres from Canada. In comparison with other people of anomalous growth, Bopre had and enormous force than and earned money, working in a circus. The growth of silica reached 251 centimeters. Despite its strength, Eduard lived for a short time and died by the young age of 23 years from the incurable in 1904 tuberculosis. But after his death, he did not cease to amaze, because his body was concerned, and it served as an exhibit in Montreal University until 1990. After long judicial litigation, he was cremated and burned in their homeland.

5. Wayino Mulirinena (Finland) | 2.51 meters

The top five of the longest people in the world opens Weino Mulirine from Finland. Finn's growth also reached 2.51 meters only about 40 years. And at younger aged, his growth was not so outstanding: at the age of 21, 2, 22 meters. Finn lived 54 years old and found his fame as the highest person served in the army.

4. Leonid Stade (Ukraine) | 2.57 meters

In fourth place is Leonid Stade, living in Ukraine. The growth of the highest Ukrainian was 257 centimeters. In 12 years, Leonid suffered an operation on the brain and its growth began to abnormally increase. He worked as a trees with a veterinarian surgeon and died at 44 years from sudden hemorrhage into the brain. Last years, Leonid suffered from problems with the musculoskeletal system and could not move without additional assistance.

3. John Carroll (USA) | 2.63 meters

The top three of the world's highest planets opens John Carroll with stunning growth of 263 centimeters. Huge problems with the spine greatly made it difficult to measure the growth of John. John's first leap was in adolescence, then in just a few months he rose 17 centimeters. John lived 37 years old and died in 1967 in Buffalo.

2. Joe Rogan (USA) | 2.68 meters

The exact date of the birth of a person who occupies the second place of our list is unknown. Joe Rogan was born in the family of former slave and was 12 child. The estimated date of his birth is 1865-1868. The approximate age of the first abnormal jump of his growth was by 13 years. Making money guy began, photographing and selling photos at stations and railway stations. Approximately 20 years old, the guy could move only with the help of crutches, the reason for this was the ankylosis of the joints. Joe's growth increased to death (1905). He until today is considered the highest black man on the planet.

1. Robert Wadlow (USA) | 2.72 meters

The first place of one of the highest representatives is occupied by Robert Wadlow. The American was born in 1918 and became the main record holder with an increase in 272 centimeters. Directly the record itself was captured in less than a month before the death of Robert. Despite the tremendous growth, Wadlow not only graduated from the university, but also was a massone for which the most huge ring had to create the very history of the lodge. During the funeral, the coffin carried 12 people. Robotra's parents were very worried about the death of his corpse after the death of his son, so Vadlow's grave was concreted.

+ Fedor Makhnov | 2.85 meters

It is impossible not to note another giant in world history. His growth was not fixed in the Guinness book, but, according to some of the following, it was Fedor Makhnov the highest man on earth In the history. According to untested data, Fedor's growth was 285 centimeters. The whole family of Fyodor was distinguished by unprecedented growth, although such giants, as he was no longer observed. At the same time, he joined the circus arena, entertaining the people, and when he was tired of riding the world, Fyodor went home and married. He died at the age of 34.

Choosing readers:

Think, basketball players are the highest people on Earth, but they are very mistaken. As not paradoxically, the real "giants" do not play basketball, moreover, most of them are desirable to avoid avoiding any physical exertion, and due to serious health problems and congenital pathologies, do not live even up to 30 years. Meet the ten biggest people on earth, the growth of which exceeded 2 meters of 40 centimeters.

10. Bernard Koin (Bernard Coyne)

Bernard Koin The only person in our rating suffering from Enuchoid giantism (rapid growth is accompanied by a lagging in sexual development), which on the official papers had a height of 2 meters 49 centimeters. Bernard continued to grow to his very death, according to some data, at the end of life, its growth was 2.53 meters and wore shoes 25 of the American size, which he was sewed to order. He was born on July 27, 1897 in Iowa, the United States and died in 1921 at the age of 23.

9. Don Caler (Donald A. Koehler / Don Koeehler)

Don Keler wore the title of the highest person in the world from 1969 (when the doctors began to closely follow it) in 1981 (the year of death), the growth of which was 2 meters of 49 centimeters. Don began to grow abnormally rapidly from 10 years old, but the most interesting thing is that his sister twin had a height of only 1.75 meters. They even fell into the Guinness Book of Records, as the twins with the greatest difference in the growth, which made 74 centimeters. The giant was born in 1925 and died in 1981 at the age of 59 years from acute heart failure.

8. Vikas Uppal (Vikas Uppal)

Vikas Appeal, or as his friends "Vic" called, had a height of 2 meters of 51 centimeters, was the highest person of India to his very death. Unfortunately, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records never measured his growth, so you have to rely on the honesty of physicians and acquaintances. Vick was born in 1986 and died in 2007 at the age of 21, during the operation to remove the brain tumor.

7. Sultan Kösen (Sultan Kösen)

The Turk of Sultan Kösen is the highest person in the world, from now living, whose growth is 2 meters 51 centimeter. Due to the successful treatment of pituitary hyperactivity, the abnormal rapid growth was able to stop in 2012, the chances are great, that he will live much longer than other people from our rating. Sultan Kesen could not get a certificate of graduation from high school because of his very high growth, was forced to enjoy farming. The main problem has become the purchase of clothes, because pants with a bomber long 113 cm, and shoes 28 of the American size, sew only to order.

6. Eduard Bopres (Edouard Beaupré)

In the sixth place in the ranking of the biggest people of the world, Canadian Edward Bopre turned out to be at the end of life, he had a height of 2 meters 51 centimeters. He suffered an increased hyperactivity of the pituitary glade, however, unlike other "giants" was a very strong man who earned money in the circus with lifting weights and the struggle in the ring. Edward Bopre was born in 1881 and died in 1904 at the age of 23 from tuberculosis, incurable disease at that time. After the death of Edward Bopre, his breathed body became the exhibit of the medical faculty of Montreal University. Only in 1990, after numerous court proceedings, the body was cremated and buried in the town of Willow Bunch at the Motherland of Giant.

5. Vayino Myllyrinne (Väinö Myllyrinne)

Finn Wayino Mulijna had a height of 2 meters 51 centimeters was the highest person in the world from 1961 to 1963. The most interesting, unlike other people of our rating, his growth did not increase hoppy, and he grew slowly throughout his life. At the age of 21, he had an increase only 222 centimeters and began to grow strongly only closer to 40 years. By the way, Vayino Mylyrinn is the highest person ever served in the army, and also became a man with the biggest impact of the hands of the world, reaching 4 meters. He lived 54 years old, born in 1909 and died in 1963.

4. Leonid Stadnik

Ukrainian Leonid Stade had a height of 2 meters 57 centimeters, however, due to unwillingness, they did not want to communicate with representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, which was added several times and removed as the largest person in the world. He began abnormally to grow from 12 years after he suffered an operation on his head. Leonid died in 2014 by age at 44 due to the hemorrhage of the brain. Last years, "Giant" moved only with support and had large problems with clothes, which was to sew to order.

3. John Carroll (John Carroll)

On the third place we had American John Carroll had a height of 2 meters 63 centimeters, who, in addition to giantism, suffered from the strongest spine curvature, which made it difficult to measure its growth. In a standing position, his growth was 239 centimeters, he could be straightened if I could have a few centimeters more. John began to grow strongly in adolescence, he adding 17 centimeters in the growth of 17 centimeters. The giant died in 1967 aged 37 years.

2. John Rogan (John Rogan)

Joe Rogan born between 1865 and 1868 had a height of 2 meters 68 centimeters. The exact date of his birth is unknown, because it was born in the family of the former slave, and there was also 12 child in the family. He began abnormally growing up at the age of 13, earning his life taking care of exotic lovers for money and selling portraits at railway stations. In 1882, he stood and move only on crutches, due to the ankylosis of the joints (the surface of the joints was sprouted due to the destruction of the articular ends). Joe continued to grow until the end of his life dies dies in 1905. By the way, it is still considered the highest black in the world.

1. Robert Wadlow (Robert Wadlow)

The title of the highest person in the world to wear an American Robert Wadlow born in 1918 and had a height of 2 meters 72 centimeters. The record was recorded 22 days before death on July 15, 1940 aged 22. The giant died of infection of blood began due to scuffs on the leg of the crutches. Robert was a massone, for the rite of initiation, I had to make the biggest ring for the whole story of the existence of the Masonic lodge. Despite the health problems, the Giant was able to enter the University of the Faculty of Law. At the funeral procession, the coffin of Robert Wadlow carried 12 people, and the grave was concreted at the request of his parents, so that the body was not painted.

At least, so consider some scientists who decided to check where the truth, and where the fiction in the legends about the giants who inhabited the Earth in ancient times

This mysterious story occurred in 1912 near the small American village of Lowlock in Nevada. In an abandoned cave, splitting on fertilizers a four-meter layer of bats of bats, local farmers suddenly stumbled upon ... Mummy of huge red-haired people. The growth of mysterious giants exceeded a two-meter mark. Later it turned out that the local Indians Pytyti had long known about the existence of the tribe of red-haired giants and called them the "Dead Eaters." Why the tribe extinct is unknown. 60 huge skeletons extracted by farmers from the cave, burned and put on fertilizers, and one of the few evidence of existence on the land of giants disappeared.

But others remained. So, the legends of the giants are in the folklore of many nations and even ... in the Old Testament. In addition, strange structures are scattered throughout the land, which, in the opinion of some researchers, could be created by the hands of the giants, once probably dominated on Earth.

Ancient British called Stonehenge "Dance Glitenov"

The surface of our planet is littered with gigantic structures created by many thousands of years ago. They are in the deserts, valleys, at the bottom of the ocean, in the mountains. Even the skeptics arise a negligence question - who, if not a giant, could build these wonders of architecture?

In Bolivia, not far from Lake Titicaca, huge stone platforms are scattered everywhere. The length of the largest of them once reached 29 meters, and the mass is 900 tons. This place is located in Andes, at an altitude of 4100 meters. There is no tree around. It is impossible to move the 900-ton platform without wooden rollers. But even with wooden rollers it is extremely difficult.

At the other end of the world, in the UK, it is probably the most famous megalithic structure - Stonehenge. The circle of massive stone pillars (the length of the largest - nine meters, the mass - 50 tons) erected here thousands of years ago. The ancient British called this stone circle of "danger giants" and believed that he was built by giants. Who and how actually built Stonehenge, remains a mystery.

Among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean Island Malta will believed that their island was the last stronghold of the giants.

Malta has a giant temples, which at least seven thousand years old, says the author of the Bestseller "Sphinx Eyes" Erich von Danikin, who devoted a lot of time to studying megalithic structures. - One of them to this day is called the temple of the giants. The local legend states that the temple erected the Giant Sunsun. The blocks are so huge and heavy that no normal person could move them.

Those who erected all the megaliths of the ancient world inhabited this world to us, "said Bruce Raxa, the author of Bestseller" Underground Architects ". - Some called them gods, other giants. Only now we can truly appreciate these creations of architecture.

"We saw gigids there and were before them ... like a locust"

The history of the two amazing megalithic structures, erected in the Middle East, is reflected in the Bible. The first is the Grand Temple of Baalbek in Lebanon, the mention of which is in the book of kingdoms. On his ruins are the biggest stones ever used in construction. Even their true mass is unknown. These blocks somehow carved, moved to a distance of eight kilometers, raised a few meters and laid so tightly that even the blade or sheet of paper could not be imposed between them! According to legend, the temple has been erected after the great flooding of the giants for the Biblical Tsar Nixel.

Spiral hyilgall Refim is located on the Golan altitudes near Damascus. Built from any non-stones with a total mass of 40 thousand tons, he resembles Stonehenge. Both megalithic structures were erected about five thousand years ago. It is said that Hilhol Refaym was also created by giants, and there is a quote from the Bible that confirms it.

When the Jews came here and wrote the Bible, the construction was already standing, "says the Israeli archaeologist Daniel Herman. - They documented the name of the place, indicating that the OGG, Tsar Vashansky managed this area. OGG is described in Deuteronomy: "For only OGG, Tsar Vasana, remained from Refimov." In Hebrew "Refim" means "gigid".

The Old Testament tells about how, wandering around the desert with his people, Moses sent scouts to find a place where you can settle. Scouts headed to the north, in Hebron, and returning, they said: "We saw gigids there, and we were in front of them in our eyes, like a sarant."

But the most famous biblical giant was Goliath-Philistine, one of five giant brothers.

Archaeologist Vandil Jones dedicated life to the study of the history of Goliath and the Ark of the Testament of the Lord, who, according to the Holy Book of Jews, stole Goliath.

As legend says, Goliath was fighting David, the future king of Israel, in the field, 24 kilometers south-west of Jerusalem, "says Vandil Jones. - just three kilometers from the place where the famous battle occurred, the overgrown mound rushes a 24 meters high. It is believed that Goliath is resting here, but no one knows it for sure, because the excavations have never been held here.

In the US Middle West, skeletons of huge people with two rows of teeth were found.

On the American Middle West, there are also many large mounds that are told by graves.

Since 1850, a number of giant mounds were excavated in the Midweld, "says Archaeologist David Hatcher Childress. - In many cases, there were skeletons of people whose growth exceeded 2.10 meters. They had two rows of teeth, as well as in some cases six fingers on each hand and leg.

In the second half of the XIX century, in California, the team of miners discovered the wall and began to break it, hoping to find an old treasure behind it. But there were ... Mummified remains of a very high woman who kept a child coated with fur and strange dust. The mummified remains of high women were found in the valley of death in Texas and other corners of California. But alas, everything that remains from these finds is photos and old newspaper cuttings. However, there is also a documentary evidence of one mysterious story that happened in Nevada. She began in 1912. Farmers came to a remote cave near the village of Lavlock to get the excrement of volatile mice for fertilizer. Inside, they were waiting for a surprise. Obtaining a four-meter layer of excrement, they stumbled upon a mankey on ducks, baskets and ... Mummy of red-haired giants tall two meters and above.

It turned out that the tribe of the Redheads was known for a long time lived in the districts of the Indians Pytyti. In 1883, Princess Sarah Winnimuk wrote a book called "Life among Pytyti", in which he told about huge red-haired people who lived in the cave: "This tribe devoured the dead. They went to my people. My people began to work and gathered firewood to close the entrance to the cave. Then they spread the fire and shouted: "Give up, or die!" Nobody answered. No one".

What happened to the red-haired giants is one of the great secrets of the Midwest of America. About 60 skeletons removed from the cave. But they disappeared. It is possible that together with tons of buses buses, they were burned and used as fertilizer, and the proof of the existence of giants disappeared.

In the barocamera, recreated atmospheric conditions on Earth millions of years ago, grew up ... Semi-meter Piranhas

Among us today, too, people are of unusual growth. There are giants, the high growth of which is due to heredity. Maybe their genetic roots need to be sought in the giants tribe? A scientist from the Israeli Institute of Weisman, Dr. Marvel Antelman believes that he has an answer to this question:

If we all carry the genetic material of the first person, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that we live giants. Because there is a recessive gene, which leads to the emergence of such people. For example, the growth of men from the African Vatussi tribe reaches two meters of 10 centimeters.

Today there is a theory that in ancient times the environment favored the emergence of giants.

Optimal genetic manifestations are the best that is in the DNA of the body, and they arise in favorable atmospheric conditions, "says one of the supporters of this theory of Dr. Carl Boh. - Thousands of years ago, the ozone layer around the earth was much thicker. Since then, it has decreased almost seven times, and this affected the life expectancy of biological creatures. In the ancient times, plants and animals lived longer and were larger. That is what we see in fossils. Elephants, for example, the growth of which today is 2. 40--2. 70, reached 5--6 meters. The scope of dragonfly wings is about 10 centimeters, and at her direct ancestor of Meganoropsis - about 1.5 meters.

After 35 years of research, Karl Beoch built a bocker with a double atmospheric pressure, increased electromagnetic energy (it increases the oxygen content) to recreate the atmosphere that existed around the Earth many thousands of years ago. Experiments brought interesting results. For example, Piranhas, which in our time to three and a half years reach the length of 20--30 centimeters, died in the barocamera to half a meter! At first glance, this experiment looks convincing, but ... other scientists for it, alas, not reproduced.

On the ancient-aware image of the solar system there is a planet Pluto, open by astronomers only in 1930

There is also such a fantastic, theory explaining the appearance on the land of giants.

The territory of this Iraq is called the cradle of civilization. One of the most ancient among the famous historians of states is the Sumerian kingdom, which emerged six thousand years ago. The list of inventions of the Sumerians is similar to the list of achievements of our society: the first two-permanent parliament, the first writing, the first system of education ... Where did it all come from?

In the surviving samples, the writing of the Sumerians says that they were taught the ancient creatures that came down from heaven to Earth. Sumerians called their ananocy. Records and pictures that Sumerians left are depicting people who came from the planet Nebira. In many pictures, they are significantly higher than the average person.

In the Berlin Museum is kept very notable cylindrical Sumerian seal. It depicts three human figures - two stand, and one sits. If we assume that those who are worth the usual growth, the growth of the sitting is approximately three meters! In addition, in the corner of the seal is shown ... Our sunny system with the sun in the center and planets around it. But the structure of the solar system has become aware of European science just a little more than three hundred years ago! The press also depicts Planet Pluto, which was opened in 1930. And another planet, which Sumerians called Nebira, and from where they believed, and the heavenly giants of Ananocy.

Ancient Hummer text tells how more than 400 thousand years ago, Ananoky flew from space, landed in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates and founded the colony that Eden called. According to the Book of Genesis, in Eden, or Eden, Adam was created from the dust of the earth. However, some researchers adhere to a more "high-tech" theory of human origin: supposedly the first people are created with the help of genetic engineering. As the initial one was taken by the generic material of theanoks and humanot creatures that have already existed on Earth. The hybrid, in the end, became a Cromanone, or a modern man.

According to the TV channel "Discovery" prepared

Lyudmila Zaglada, "Facts"

Fairy tales and legends tell us about giants. But it turns out that fiction has a good basis. Looking into the nearby past, we will make sure that such truly giants lived and live next to us. The highest people of the planet cannot be unnoticed by both ordinary people and the scientific community.

From a physiological point of view, it is, of course, anomaly, and people highly grow have various diseases. A person has and purely household difficulties with a selection of clothing and movement.

I rub the photos of the past, look into the book of unique global records, and find out what the highest person on the planet, because a rare case with such people in real life.

The highest people of the planet:

Bernard Koin. USA

When Bernard was born, and this happened in 1897, records have not yet been fixed, for this reason there are discrepancies in the exact growth of the American. Official sources of the United States argue that his growth was 2 meters 49 centimeters, unofficial, they say that Bernard was 4 centimeters above.

Doctors noted that Bernard grew throughout his short life. From the very birth, the boy had various diseases, which was the cause of early death at 23 years.

Don Keler. USA

Born in 1925, Don Keler remained the highest person in the world for a long time. High growth almost two and a half meters was a consequence of acromegaly.

Anomaly in physiology manifested itself at Don at a young age. An interesting fact, the disease did not touch his twin sister, which was ordinary growth.

Don Keler died at the age of 55, the reason for which the heart disease became.

Vikas Appal. India

Like other high people, Vikas added new centimeters every year, and every year specialists recorded new indicators. In the summer of 2005, the growth of the high Indian was 2 meters 63 centimeters.

The young man had truly gigantic sizes, limbs. Palm 33 centimeters, and the feet reached half a meter.

Doctors constantly led the Vikas observation, and when the brain tumor was discovered, offered to make an operation. During her holding a large Indian, the favorite of all of India, died, and was at the time of the operation of only 21 years.

Eduard Bopre. Canada

Canadian, unlike other giants, had excellent health and possessed an incredible force. Eduard used his unusual parameters, settled in the circus, and became money to make money.

When heighting 2 meters, 51 centimeters he surprised the public, writhing with touring all Canada and the United States. But in 1904 he fell ill with tuberculosis, which at that time was incurable. Canadian giant died and silly aged 23 years.

Until 1990, the disheveled body of Eduard, contracted all the principles of morality and ethics, was the exhibit of the university in Montreal. The descendants achieved through the courts of cremation and the burial of their famous relative.

Vinaino millinar. Finland

Finn Vale with a height of 2 meters 51 centimeter The only of the high people who served in the army.

From the small years, the guy developed quite normally, but after 21 years began to grow due to the violation of the pituitary work. Doctors began to watch the man, and noted that every year its growth increases. The highest Finn lived only 54 years old and died in 1963.

In history, the Finnish giant entered, as the only high person in the country and the world, which served in the army.

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Leonid Dryer. Ukraine

A boy was born in the Zhytomyr region, who in 2007 headed the list of the highest people of modern times. The growth of the Ukrainian, by the time the 2 meters of 57 centimeters.

When Leonid was a teenager, he conducted an operation on the brain, after which he began to grow. But he confidently went to his dream, graduated from school, became a veterinarian.

The last two years of life, Leonid could not move without any assistance, was also added to the growth and excessive weight. Sudden hemorrhage in the brain led to the death of Ukrainian Giant in 2014.

John Carroll. USA

American John Carroll has friends, whom friends called "Red Carroll" was the curvature of the spine. Because of this, the accurate growth was fixed very difficult to fix it.

Doctors noted its height of 2 meters 63 centimeters, but 274 centimeters could reach due to illness. Development in development began at the age of 16 and continued all their lives. John died in his native buffalo aged 37 years.

Joe Rogan. USA

One photograph of the late XIX century has kept in the history of Joe Rogan, who was born in the family of liberated slave, and only imagine he was the 12th child in the family.

According to unconfirmed data, an abnormal leap in development was recorded from the 13th age. By 30 years, the growth of the dark-skinned American was already 2.68 meters.

With such parameters, it was difficult for him to move, because of which a number of diseases developed. Joe died in 1905, presumably aged 40 years.

Robert Wadlow. USA

An American with an increase in 2.72 meters rightfully occupies a leading position among the highest people ever walked on the planet.

Robert proved to the world that an abnormal growth is not a hindrance for a successful career. He graduated from the university, played with Circus, was a member of the Masonic lodge.

"Good Giant," as gentlely called his compatriots, a lot acted with speeches across America. During one of the speeches, the silt is a leg, causing blood infection. This was the cause of the death of Robert in the summer of 1940.

Sultan Kesen. Turkey

In the photo: the highest person and the lowest person of modernity.

Turkish citizen Sultan Kesen with a record height of 2 meters 52 centimeters today is the highest person in the world among contemporaries.

The current development of medicine made it possible to make a successful operation on the pituitary gland, and the Turkish farmer has ceased to grow. Perhaps it will save him in the future from a variety of health problems that such giants experienced.

But problems still exist. Sultan complains of the inability to buy clothes and shoes, because everything has to do under a special order.

Fedor Makhnov. Russia

The growth of the native of the Vitebsk province was officially not officially recorded, but according to the stories of his contemporaries, Fedor grew under 2 meters of 85 centimeters.

Like all the giants of that time, he acted in a circus, traveled polim. But over time he is tired, and the giant returned to his native edges.

It is noteworthy, but his wife, Teacher Efrosinia Lebedev also had a big increase in 215 centimeters. An unusual pair had 5 children, also not small thanks, but none of them grew above 2 meters.


In conclusion, we note that medicine recorded anomalies of growth and women. For example, the growth of Lee Yu-Jin, who lived in the first half of the twentieth century, presumably 2.8 meters. But nowhere, except for the book "Acromegaly and giantism," where the highest people are collected, it is not fixed.

Today's medicine may in the early stages diagnose diseases associated with violations of the work of internal secretion, which makes it possible to stop the abnormal growth of the body.

High growth is, undoubtedly, anomaly, but scientists fix a constant growth of humanity, and possibly, hundreds of years, growth under 3 meters will become the usual phenomenon. On this, our article came to an end. We hope that the highest people of the planet at any time will be healthy and happy ..

Robert Pokhing Wodloe is the highest person in world history, which there is undoubted information about the growth.

Parents Wosela were rather medium height (father was height 180 cm and weighed 77 kg); He (firstborn) had two younger brothers and two sisters, normal growth. Up to 4 years, Robert had a normal growth and weight for its age, but from that moment began to grow quickly and attract universal attention to himself. At 8, he had an increase of 1 m 88 cm, at the age of 9 could carry his father on his hands on the stairs, and in 10 years reached 198 cm of growth and 100 kg of weight. At 18, he already had an increase of 254 cm, weighed 177 kg and wore shoes of size 37aa (75 European); By this time, Wodlow, who has already become an all-American celebrity, made shoes for free.

Over time, the health has worsened: due to rapid growth, he had limited leg sensitivity, crutches were required by him. On June 27, 1940, his growth was last measured in Saint-Lewis - the growth of the Giant was 2.72 m. July 4, 1940. During a speech on the occasion of Independence Day in the manist, Michigan, Kostyl Sather's leg of Robert, which caused infection and quickly developed sepsis. Doctors tried to save the life of the famous American with the help of blood transfusion and operation, however, on July 15, the highest man in the world died in a dream.

At the funeral, Wodlow was attended by 40 thousand Americans: the coffin weighed him half, and 12 people carried it. The grave of Wesloe was carefully concreted at the request of his family, which feared that Robert's remains would kidnap. Only written on his grave: "concentrate" (AT REST); His monument is twice as standard on the cemetery.

Source: Guinness Book of Records

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