Love Voropaeva Biography. Love Voropaeva: About Star Secrets Show Business

Love Voropaeva Biography. Love Voropaeva: About Star Secrets Show Business
Love Voropaeva Biography. Love Voropaeva: About Star Secrets Show Business

Tomorrow, the love of Voropaeva will noted tomorrow - one of the most popular songwriters of the USSR and Russia. Together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin, they once became the first in the Union with musical producers.

Taking the basis of Western methods of teaching and promoting artists, Love Voropaeva and her spouse helped in the late eighties to burn the stars of Kati Semenova and Belousov's Zhenya. It was their tandem that created such hits like Golden Dome, "" My Sineglasia Girl "," Night Taxi "," For a minute "," Last Tango ".

Over the next three dozen years, Love Voropaeva wrote more three hundred songs for Valery Leontyev, Igor Nadzhiyev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Irina Ponarovsk, Arkady Ukupnik, Willie Tokarev and many other artists.

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Zhenya Belousov

After the English special school, Love Voropaeva graduated from the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bnamed after Moris Toroza. Its graduation work was the translations of Kit's's sonnets. A translator's profession would be a logical continuation, but fate ordered otherwise.

Starting writing poems, Love Voropaeva did not think about songs. She was published in the magazines "New World", "Youth" and was far from pop lights. But one day, the son of Nikita Theological Andrei told any that the poems to write simply, and songs are difficult. The fleeting conversation was in memory of the poets and gave rich shoots.

Nikolay Agutin became the "godfather" of love. He introduced her to the head of VIA "Singing Hearts" by Viktor Vikthein. It is with this team that Voropaeva made his debut as a poet songwriter.

Several hundred songs, more than a thousand publications in periodicals, three collection of poems - many modern Russian poets may envy this track record. Creative and family tandem with Viktor Dorokhin allowed to reveal to other talents of poetess - she became a producer, a PR, a teacher of young tagging.

Love Voropaeva hardly experienced the death of Viktor Dorokhin, but I found the strength and desire to move on. At one time, her husband introduced her with a young composer and an arranger Nikolai Arkhipov (DJ Arhipoff).

Not everyone is given twice to pull the happy ticket twice, but the Voropayeva it succeeded: the creative union conversation in romantic, and then family relationships. For more than 13 years, spouses create new hits together and implement production projects. Among the performers for whom wrote Voropaeva songs and archups, Kirill Andreev, Zlata Bozhen, Sergey Smoke, Andrei Vertuzaev, Alexander Quarta and other artists.

Fulled by Alice Monts Their joint song "Rose Glasses" allowed the singer not only to return this year to the stage after a long break, but also to take the top lines of the charts.

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Love Voropaeva and Alice Mont

Recently, the poetess and producer showed themselves in the new role: her book "Virtual" came to the world, in which poems occupy far from the main place. Under the original cover assess notes, reflections, aphorisms, everyday sketches. Love Voropaeva in the book is extremely frank and indicates what is usually silent:

"I wonder if the pilots are afraid before the next takeoff? Do they have a feeling of fear? I personally, before each "takeoff" I am afraid, I have a cold in my stomach before writing every new lyrics. It would seem, mastered all the top pilot figures, more than 200 successful songs with my back, the sea of \u200b\u200bhits, but no, I'm afraid I'm always afraid. "

A sharp eye, humor and the labeling formulations of the love of Voropayeva - its "branded" secrets, who provided a fascinating reading.

Songs on the poems of love Voropayeva knows the whole country. Together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin, she created one of the first successful projects of the Russian show business - Zhenya Belousov. What is something, and the wrongon of bohemian life studied as his five fingers ...

"When we compose our first songs with my husband, Victor Dorokhin, Night, not a little:" If you want me to continue to write music, our works should like the biggest stars, "says Voropaeva. - Clean - it means I'm not a composer and I will not do this. " And then who were the stars then? Pugacheva and Leontyev. We went to Matrah, what is called, "right from the street." Started with Leontiev. They found out where he had a concert, taken with him a small tape recorder Sony, at which Dorokhin recorded a tool blank song "Women's portrait". And after the concert broke into the dressing room, the full nation: "Valery Yakovlevich, we brought you to the song." Dorokhin includes a tape recorder, pulls out a piece of paper with my text and with all costumes and administrators is taken to sing by its opposite voice. Leontiev looks at us and suddenly says: "Guys, what a cute song! Let's write it! " And really recorded. Moreover, it turned out to be so successful that the record for March 8, which went on the company "Melody", was called in her honor - "Women's portrait". My poems were printed directly on the cover. So, our creative duet was born with Viktor Dorokhin.

Twenty degrees without fruit

Another bastion, which we assimary to conquer, was Pugacheva. "The second song, Dorokhin told me," carry Alle Borisovna. True, she does not dance, and our song is "twenty degrees of frost" - dance, so suggest it for Christina. " Orbakaytely then just started ... I learned the phone on the radio, I learned the phone Pugacheva, I scored her number, introduced us: "I am a poetess Love Voropaeva, I want to show you a song." "Well, bring," she says, "your song." I grabbed a cassette with a demo writing and went to Alle Borisovna. Vitya waited for me down in the car. He was familiar with her. Once he played the drums in the "singing hearts", and Alla was a beginner soloist in the "fun guys," they often crossed on tour. Vitya considered that his appearance would remind Alla those times when they were skipped, rubbed in "funny guys", did not give to sing more than two songs in the program. And I went alone. Igor Nikolaev opened the door to me. The loud-working Alexander Kalyanov looked out in the hallway - in the apartment clearly walled Vezelukha. I was so frightened that Alla had guests! Wildly knocking, stretched out her cassette and immediately retreed. I sat in the car, and Dorokhin says: "Why are you so fast? Why didn't you forced her in your presence to listen? " In general, all the way he scolded me. Go to the apartment - phone call: "This is Pugacheva. Well, what, a good song something! Christina will sing it. " I as stood and froze with this tube. "Who called?" - Vitya came up. I say: "Pugacheva. They take the song. " And then he began to indignant: "What does it mean? Without me take? And who will make an arrangement? Why didn't you ask? " In short, the wild scandal arranged. I think: "Damn it, what are you brazen! Pugacheva likes your song, and you are still outraged. " As a result, he still forced me to call him back alley. She said: "We first need to learn the song, and then we burn. You do not worry. " After two or three weeks I had to call again. Pugacheva replied: "We teach, teach." And then Dorokhina had patience, he stated: "So? So: I'm tired of it. It is unknown, in what studio they will write it, as it will sound. They can spoil the whole song! Therefore, we will write it from Katya Semenova. Come on, call Katka. " Soon we showed the Kate seed "twenty degrees of frost" and at the same time - another our song "For a minute". As a result, "for a minute" in its performance suddenly became the song of the year and went throughout the country. At the same time, if the young author fell into the "Song of the Year" finale and received a Laureate diploma, this meant that his subsequent songs opened the way to radio and tele-ether. Naturally, we were happy with Vite! I keep my laureate diplomas until now, they occupy a whole shelf in the cabinet. We got them every year - sometimes two or three at once ... And then I was interviewed by Young Christina Orbakayte, where she complained that "here were the authors, they brought me a very pretty song, I just fell in love with her, began to work on it, and Suddenly I turn on the radio and hear it performed by another singer. Yes, such authors will not be mad! " In a word, because of Dorokhina, relations with Pugacheva were spoiled "such a person was - everything should be under his control. He wrote so many songs, but they all turned out very noticeable. Vitya said: "I am a predatory beast, I give birth to lion." At the same time, his character was very heavy ...

Tutor for Serov.

In the meantime, Victor and I were the first to be the first producers in Russia who made their own project in the face of Belousov. "My Sinegylazaya Girl", "Night Taxi", "Golden Domes", "Such a short summer" - these songs hung everywhere. Following us, literally nostril in the nostril, went cool with Sasha Serov. About Sasha Serov I want to tell separately ... I introduced us to Igor Krutoy, who my older friend, poetess Rimma Kazakova told that I would speak English fluently. Igor, for some kind of his channels, agreed in the Ministry of Culture that the Serov would submit the USSR at the InterTalant-87 competition in Prague. But to participate in it it was necessary to fulfill the composition in English. The song on the poems of Rimma Cossack Igor has already written, and I asked me as soon as possible to make an English version. Even paid "for urgency" 200 rubles - the then monthly salary of the Soviet employee. It was small: in a short time to teach Sasha Serov singing it in English. So Sasha appeared at us at home, on a small armor, and we began to prepare for the competition. It happened mostly late in the evening - Serov came to me after the concerts. For a start, I wrote to him everything in transcriptions with Russian letters, and only then we took the cramp. But where there ... with the English pronunciation of Sasha had a big problem. And yet I suffered with him not in vain: first, with the song in Sasha, the entire population of nearby streets was met, and secondly, Serov won the "INTERTALANT-87" contest! A few years later he gave me a picture with the inscription on the reverse side of "Lyuboyeva - with gratitude for the" InterTalant-87 ". And then Victor sick seriously. Health problems began after parting with Zhenya Belousov. It was a very strong blow for Dorokhin and an incredibly difficult decision - to abandon the main cause of his life. After all, he from scratch created such a grand project - a real national idol! The state of Dorokhin has worsened rapidly. The heart hurt, refused the legs, they made an operation ... As a result, Vitya could only deal with social activities, did not find the work of the forces. And there was no money at home! Reforms passed in the country, and everything earned burned. In addition, when these crazy money appeared, they were very generously distributed to the right and left. How people are creative, we did not give them much importance. That room, where I have a bedroom now, we used to have a "wallet", we dropped there plastic bags with packs of money. And often at home stood Rugan because of the one who would count them. We and in debt gave bags, and bought everything in a row - the money was depreciated in our eyes, they needed to somehow save. In short, the moment came when it was very hard for us. Just then, one of my acquaintances began to arrange the events in Moscow restaurants, which are now called "Event". And he suggested that I participate in these projects - he took the business part, and I was secular - invited the "star" guests. So the activities have begun so inconspicuous for poeses - to produce events. Soon I began to work independently, I was invited to the Golden Palace casino. My projects went with annual cycles. These were "Star News", and "Star Zodiac", and the "Golden Person", and the Cold Ten Culinary Competition. Gradually, I just began to grab. The stars with whom I collaborated, knew that, firstly, it would be interesting and fun, and secondly, they would get honest PR. Because all the best publications went to me. I am happy that even now, returning to Event in the fall of 2014, I work with the same people with whom I once started. In mid-October last year, the first of my show in the restaurant "Clouds", dedicated to the fortieth of the creative activity of Roxana Babayan. Her business card is the song "Two Women", written by Viktor Dorokhin and me. Everyone was happy to meet again, I was bouwned ... If the crisis does not hit hard at the institution, I hope everything will work out. As long as six shows passed. We presented with great success in the national project of the Folk-Sphere, the 50th anniversary of Sasha Shaganov, the 25th anniversary of the creative activity of Evgenia Fridlyand ... And I dedicated my old comrade, Kola Agutin, Father Leonid Agutin, who I once brought me to show business.

Tangle kissing snakes

Here is how it was. Kolya Agutin had an unofficial wife Lena Gorodov, who then worked in the central office of writers, where I, a young poetess, ran drinking coffee. And now I am sitting with the collection "Day of Poetry" in the hands of where the next my publication was published (the publication was considered very pathetic), and I see Lenka that drinks coffee with some kind of man. She called me at the table, and presented to her cavalier - Kola Agutin. He turned out to be a great connoisseur of elegant literature. And, being married to the mother of Lena Agutin - Lyudmila, the teacher of the Russian language and literature, was very good in this. Moreover, I learned over time that many years Nikolai Petrovich Agutin and Luda, already being husband and wife, led a love correspondence in verses among himself. "After reading the" Poetry Day "my poems, he asked:" And you did not try Write songs? " I said no". - "Do you want to try?" Of course, I did not refuse. Kolya introduced me to the head of VIA "Merry Guys," where he then worked as director. And soon switched to VIA "Singing Hearts". In those years, these were two superpopular ensemble. And suddenly I - as a magic wand, I get there, and there. For me, the competition begins, because I am unexpectedly having a gifted by the author of the songs. Later, over the years, I came across the life, the first director of Belousov was he who was. He was visiting me and after Dorokhin left his life. In general, among the main characters of my show there was not a single person with whom I have a tense relationship. Although I can not say that I am friends with everyone. But the common language can be found. As Boria Zosimov said, "Tusovka" is a "ball kissing snakes." But I am not a snake in character, so people are probably not afraid of me and in my presence relax. Including Matters, Stars of the Older Generation. "

Interesting Facts

"We and in debt gave bags, and bought everything in a row ..."

It was from Valery Leontiev who began a way of poetess into the world of big show business ...

The organization of the 40th anniversary of his creative activity Babayan was able to entrust only Voropaeva ...

Announced Catherine Schitnik

"From the right family, I own languages, merit and friends took not from the ceiling. And also, not with a gun, but with bare hands we went - and more than once! "One on a man," Love Voropaeva extended, meeting the first journalists in the evening in honor of his anniversary.

And although the birthday of poetess and the musical producer himself celebrated on September 16, in November, close friends and colleagues made her a gift and organized a real ceremony and the capital Banquet Hall "Triumph Event Hall". Among the guests visited the Editorial Correspondent "World 24".

Shortly before the official start of the celebration, guests began to go with flowers and gifts, who wanted to personally congratulate their author, an ancient girlfriend and producer without cameras and outbreaks.

A few minutes later, the star queue was lined up in a live sense - many performers arrived on the anniversary, whose peak of Glory came at the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s: Sergey Penkin, Elena Presnyakova, Willie Tokarev, Alena Apina, Alice Mont, Singer Aziza, Alexander Peskov, Igor Nazyov, Bari Alibasov, Victoria Pierre-Marie, soloists of the Singing Hearts Group and the Music team "Dr. Watson".

Love Grigorievna Voropayeva is a famous Russian screenwriter, poetess, author of three poetic books over 200 hits in pop and rock music. Since the beginning of the 90s, together with her husband, Viktor Dorokhin began to engage in produce work and until today, it works independently with young stars. Among the performers on her poems - Zhenya Belousov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Valery Leonyev, Stas Pieha, Alexander Serov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Larisa Dolina, Arkady Ukupnik and other famous musicians.

Leonid Agutin, Vladimir Presnyakov, Katya Lel and Lolita Milyavskaya, who had concerts at that time were held their loaning and bouquets. But among the guests there were not only "experts" of the domestic show business, but also very young musicians - so, in the midst of the holiday, 17-year-old Zhenya Belousov, a junior, nephew and a full namesake of Belousov, performer of hits "Girl My Siegyglazaya" , "Night taxi", etc.

By the way, glorified in the late 80s and bass guitarist opened for the general public, Love Voropaeva, who wrote the texts of several songs for him. Later, already speaking on stage, the conviction of the celebration remembered as director Belousov, Leonid Agutut's father Nikolai Agutin conducted an artist's speeches. "We sat on the bus and waited when our director would come with a suitcase of money," poetess told with a laugh. "In Soviet times, the singers received money with suitcases," Nikolai supported, who was also among the guests of the evening.

In the photo on the left - guests of the holiday Singer Shura and composer Bari Alibasov, on the right Love Voropaeva talks about his new book "Virtual".

To many of their guests of the poetry presented the explay of the book "Virtual", released in the fall of 2017. The cover of Toma is made in the form of a Voropaeva pages in Instagram, and within the text is decorated in the form of posts in other social networks. "I raucled a presentation for the anniversary and decided to spread it among friends. The concept of the book is very unusual - the book is called "Virtual" - that is, I, Love Voropaeva, in the virtual space. Interesting reasoning about relations, female and universal wisdom are collected here, "the birthdaynica told.

Also, the poetess reminded that thousands of subscribers are followed by social networks, with whom she is divided into observations, thoughts and experiences.

"I tell a lot about the Internet, show business - all this statuses from Facebook, Live magazine and Instagram. I advise you to read this book with a pencil to celebrate the "hearts" you liked thoughts and then reread interesting fragments, "Voropaeva shared.

The evening ended with the performance of young stars, including the student of Sergei Penkina. And the victim of the celebration itself, having seen the huge mountain of the flowers brought to her, joked that it was waiting for an equally luxurious holiday to the presentation of his next book.

Poetess Lyubov Voropayeva - about the Russian show-business of the 90s and his beloved student, the star of which untimely faded:

We are with my husband, composer and producer Viktor Dorokhin, I did not know, practically and founded this show business. Even no one knew the word "producer" in Russia - I used the first to use this term and introduced it to everyday life.

On the one hand, the show-business of those years was very romantic, and on the other - completely wild and uneducated. Everyone wanted, I did! Not only lazy soldered!

On the issue of creating your first produce project called " Zhenya Belousov"We came seriously: went to America, flew through the mass of thick books on the show business - American and European. And they began to "do" by Zhenya for all sciences and technologies. The same Baria Alibasovwho created "on-well," repeated us to funny (he was offended because of the care of Zhenya from his "integral" to us). Copied even the PR situations that I came up with Rasiao Belousov - imaginary car accidents, hospitals ...

Each in our triple - I, Dorokhin, Belousov - stood Mountain, while Zhenya did not have problems with star, alcohol and other things. When the moment of star starts, alas, not every person can cope with it. We were in Moscow, Zhenya - constantly on tour, after each concert - the crowd ... Everyone wanted to sit with him at the same table and drink. Here Zhenkin's character and gave Lublish. I justified him - it's hard after the concert calm down.

Zhenya chose to remove alcohol stress. It resulted in the fact that it was impossible to stop it. He, of course, was swear, she was. But then this addiction won so much that it was easier for him to refuse to communicate with us than to quit.

After the marriage of death, we took up Barbie - She was only 17 years old. I confess, sang and moved terrible, but there was a charisma in her - raised the hall with his energy. We were singing her as a native person, hired teachers, brought clothes from America ... I even ran to the market for a cottage cheese when I put on a diet in front of an important performance. They did not let go on tour, protected from intimate encroachments of the organizers. We wanted to make a really big star from it.

But she repressed us with black ungratefulness. You see, hormones played in it. Somewhere in the subway met a man - and went, went ... When the Moscow club "Carousel" was late for his own solo concert, after two hours, arriving there straight out of the bed - all unwitched, I said: "Everything, On this, our relationship is finished! "

A couple of years ago she found me. She said that once again married and very much wants to return to the show-book ...

You know, everything that happens now is so light enough that I just do not see the way of application of my forces - people from me you need my name and my connections, my knowledge is not interested in anyone. I do not accept the situation when people do not seek to take place professionally, but they just want to disrupt Kush and run.

The name of the love of Voropaeva has already entered the history of domestic music. A talented poet, a poet songwriter, producer, she grown up many stars of Russian show business. It was thanks to her, the country recognized Belousov's wife. Songs on love poems performed Leontyev, Semenov, Lolita, Valley, Ponarovskaya, Presnyakov ML., VIA "Funny guys", group "Aria", Naziyev, Ukupnik, Kemerovo and many others. Especially for readers Love shared his thoughts on the theme of poetry, loneliness, female friendship, as well as their branded New Year's recipe.

- Love, as you think, if Zhenya Belousov lived in our days, was a novice singer and would have come, say, to the "Star Factory", could he become a cumier of the current youth?

I do not know ... Maybe I could ... But the heart of the Zhenya Belousov project was then our union. So, if we produced a "factory" with his participation, I could certainly be able to!

- What book do you write? Will she be completely devoted to his wife Belousov? When are you planning to finish and publish?

I am writing a book about how I got into the show business and what I did there. About Belousov's wife in this book will be several chapters, naturally ... The book is very hard speakers. She planned to finish it in December of this year, but it did not work ... all year I was in some other business and projects: it remained little time and emotional forces on the book. So now I can not say when I finish the book ... I will try to finish the work on the manuscript as soon as possible.

- What good poems differ from bad? In addition to obvious, extreme examples. What criteria can you assess your creativity?

No one. Creativity is subjective. I evaluate this: if my goosebumps run from poems, then they are real ...

- Is there a book or film that made you cry?

I cry only from the poems Joseph Brodsky ... And the film that broke through me on tears - "Once in America" \u200b\u200b...

- Love, you are friends with many women, including those with famous (Maria Arbatov). Do you believe in female friendship, free from envy, gossip, rivalry? What do you think real friendship is possible only between "equal" (people of one with

oral status with approximately the same financial position)?

In fact, I do not really believe in women's friendship. I almost all betrayed me in my youth ... as they say, "Women's Friendship, she is up to the first man" ... but we have 30 years of our acquaintance with Masha. And the strong we are both women ... and it happened that we both do not envious and do not love to gossip. Therefore, never quarreled, probably ... well, social status, education and all that are very important, I think ... because it is better to be friends without envy, on equal.

- Comparing himself with Maria, in his LJ you wrote that I would never go to politics. Why?

Because I personally, this occupation is not interested.

- There is an opinion that a man always stands for a successful woman who helps her supports. There is also another, better known, wisdom: a great woman is behind each great man. At the same time, in one of his interviews, you are talking about the fact that loneliness is a satellite of a successful person. What is still closer to the truth?

How many people, so many opinions. In any way in life, it happens ... But most of the great men were exactly the great wives, yes ... For some reason, the husbands of the great women were rarely supported. Paradox.

- Love, if you had the opportunity to choose where to be born in the next life, what country would you choose? Have you lived in the States in the past, why have you come back?

I will not live for a long time in the States. I wanted to stay there, but the former husband squeezed in Russia ... about the next life ... Yes, again in Russia it would be born, probably ... we are interested in living.

- Why "Iron Lady Show Business

suddenly decided to make contact with a huge number of unfamiliar people? I mean LJ (

I generally are interesting. Communication is energy exchange, mutual enrichment. A year and a half ago I left Moscow for the city. I live in the forest, rarely communicate with people in real life now ... because, probably, very much about communication with people in LJ ...

- Love, you are a famous cook, the creator of the culinary show "Cold Ten" ... Does your family have any culinary traditions related to the new year meeting, christmas? What will necessarily be present in the upcoming holidays on your desk?

Fried bird, pies, two or three of my favorite salad, homemade buoy ... Here is a New Year's recipe from my LiveJournal:

Personally, I adore cabbage pie. From any test. From yeast or from a layer. Recently, I, by the way, used the purchase of a bubble dough several times, rolled out by a thin layer. I am preparing this cake in deep counterpart. Fully turns out! Because the whole thing is in filling. I do it like this: chopped cabbage to pour boiling water and boil 10 minutes on a strong fire, then throw it back on the colander, add a lot of roasted in vegetable oil to the pink color of the onion onion, greens (dill or parsley or and that), 3- 4 fine steep eggs, crack oil 100 - until the cabbage is hot, salt. From above the pie flooded with a layer of coarse cheese, and then pour the mixture of 2 whipped eggs and 2-table spoons of sour cream. Well, in the oven, and that's it!

- Please tell me about the most memorable new year meeting in your life. And how do you plan to meet but


Once we celebrated the new year at the composer Yura Antonov in his country house ... Yura bought such a number of Petard and fireworks that we swam up all the districts ... The Christmas tree grew right in the yard, and we drove away around this Christmas tree ... And all the laws of dog died with us And cats ... cool was the new year! And this year we will celebrate the holiday in our country house. Guests will come, and all that ... I will cook, of course, I ... in our gazebo in the yard already hangs the illumination. Soon I will begin to decorate the house ... As for the tree, we have a round forest here - choose anyone ... True, I planted in our yard a little blue fir tree, but she will not grow soon ...

- Love, and let's finish this interview with your verses? What would you like to devote to our readers?

New Year's Eve (from the "Childhood" cycle)

Adjusting on tiptoe, pulling

To the riches of the Christmas tree of the New Year:

Now, immediately, today

Try! And tomorrow, let it be

Scold and fun liste

And in the corridor in the dark angle

Put, and rag dolls

In the closet, the oblivion of the execution -

That will be tomorrow!

I tilt a timid branch

And from delight to get silence,

And in the dark whites the door ...

Behind this door mommy laughter

Crusting the father's newspaper,

There is a tart tea, there is a holiday of light

And the tablecloth is new, like snow ...

And heart - protein in the wheel -

To the top of the tree bruises!

And here the hand is already removing

All "Bears" and all ...

All - In Chocolate: Hands, Roth ...

And I fall asleep in bliss

And somehow I know firmly,

That Santa Claus is about to enter.

1983, from my second book poems "Dictionary of Love".