Lyalya full name. "Lyal" - the meaning of the name, origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, talisman stones

Lyalya full name.
Lyalya full name. "Lyal" - the meaning of the name, origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, talisman stones

Synonyms named after Lyal. Lola, Lale, Lala.
The origin of Lyal. Lyalya Russian, Slavic, Muslim.

Lyal's name has several versions of origin. According to the first version, Lyal's name is the Persian name, which is translated from Arabic as "tulip." Some Muslim nations refer to this name of their children. It has various options for pronunciation: Tajiks and Uzbeks - Lola, the Turks - Lale, from Arabs - Lyalya. In Azerbaijani, there is a name Lal, which also means "tulip".

According to the second version, Lyal's name has Slavic roots. So the Slavs called the goddess of spring, which was the daughter of Goddess Lady, the goddesses of beauty, love and fertility. Young Deva Lyala appears in outfits of flowers and greenery with a wreath of primroses on the head. Lyal wins the winter and carries his own kingdom of heat and love everywhere.

Also name Lyal is a fairly common name among the Gypsies.

Very often, Lyal's name is used as a diminutive form to some female names (Olga, Lily, Lyudmila, Larisa, Albina, Aelita, Elaria and others).

In Russia, the name of Lyal became nominal and used in the meaning of something small, most often so called kids, newborns. It is possible that this is one of the legacy from Slavs.

Lyal's name is not mentioned in the Orthodox and Catholic sacraticles. Name days for Lyal name, see the full version of this name.

Lyalya is very bright, playful, sociable girl. She is charming and elegant, seeks to please and delight. The owner of this name is focused on the outside world and it is very important for them to notice those surrounding. Lyalya is always full of ideas, likes to lead the process to achieve the goal.

They laid a born artistic gift, it perfectly adapts to any changes, knows how to imitate various emotions. Lyale has a critical mind and a sharp sense of observation. It is curious and interested in everything that can lead to some instability. But the owner of this name does not make anything to harm to anyone, this instability is needed in order to generate new ideas, find new ways to achieve the goal.

Lyalya loves travel. She rarely happens to melancholic, loves games and fun, ready to play anything and ever, especially in the company. Lyale should listen to the advice of friends, because, oddly enough, it can behave very selfishly, concentrate only on their personal motives and only their own interests, without not at the attention. For harmonious development, it would be very desirable to grow among brothers or sisters. So that the owner of this name has learned to participate in the activities of groups, collectivism and a sense of solidarity.

The girl with the name Lyalya is exquisied, sensitive to harmony or art, it will be difficult for her to please. For her, it is of paramount importance to a sentimental life. Lyalya marries only love. She's husband will seek almost the perfect, but necessarily a loved one.

Some positive qualities that Lala possesses are the ability to resolve disputes, diplomaticity, mediativity, the ability to convince. It has a sense of tact, the ability to cooperate, peaceful, preventing. Lyalya sincere, modest, sensitive, and at the same time in the mode of Pedantic, loves facts, rarely turns on in controversy.

Negative features were to some extent can be called the advantages of its character. She is very conscientious, shy, shy and timid. Its excessive scrupulsiness, the pedanticity can prevent quickly achieving the goal, and the lucavia, excessive femininity to distract from the essence, of true purpose. It is very important to achieve respect and love surrounding.

In the family life of Lyalya will try to please parents, both their own and her husband's parents. Lyalya feels a constant need to feel his beloved, so her spouse should not forget to pay attention to his narrowed.

The owner of Lyal is chosen for themselves very versatile areas of activity. Lyalya prefers to choose who to become. When choosing a profession, Lyal focuses on its preferences, so it can work in areas where support is required for other professions and accuracy and attention to detail (medicine, jurisprudence, education), or the need for communication or contact with other people (speaker, Singer, Professor, Head, Writer, Journalist). Also often finds its calling in creative professions (designer, sculptor).

Name Day Lyaly

Lyalya Namena does not celebrate.

Famous people with the name Lyalya

  • Lyala Black ((1909 - 1982) pseudonym, real name - Nadezhda Khmelev, in Maiden - Kiselev; Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1960), Actress Theater "Roman", a performer of the Gypsy songs and romances. From the day of founding in 1931, Lyal Black worked in The "Roman" theater. Played a number of major roles in the play of the theater, starred in the film "Last Tabor" in the role of Alta. In many respects, influenced the formation of pop dance manner. Played roles in such performances as: "Life on wheels" A.Germano, "Gypsies" on the works of A. Pushkin, "Bloody Wedding" by the town of Lorski, "All about you" A.Afinogenova, "Daughter of Tents" I.RO-Lebedev, "Grushenka" on the story of N.Leskova.)
  • Larisa Town Hall, Lyal Town Hall (1921 - 1944) Soviet underground worker, Hero of the Soviet Union (1965, posthumously). He took an active part in the work of underground resistance. Engitated among prisoners of war, fabrication of fake documents. Her ability to fake German prints and documents, saved many People from death and hijacking in Germany and allowed underground workers to effectively lead their activities. In honor of the town hall, one of the streets in the city of Vinnitsa and the Middle-Educational School No. 6 is named. The name of the Town Hall is also a motor ship type "Moskvich", cruising in southern Bugu, within g .Vinnitsa.)
  • Lyalya (Olga) Pearl ((Row.1969) Russian actress and singer, deserved artist of Russia (2002). Debuted in the cinema in 1982 (the film "Sad Love of Love"). From 16 years he has been working at the Roman theater.)
  • Lyalya Bezhetskaya ((Row.1978) Neenah Leshchenko; First dancer in the entire history of burlesque in Russia. In the mid-1990s, few people knew how to dance striptease. It was mostly performed by former circusages, gymnasts and dancers. Gradually she developed Its unique style. She went out in the most rapid costumes. Eroticism in her rooms bordered by humor, she was a master of inexplicity and reincarnation. With such numbers, Lyal Bezhetsky quickly moved from the twilight of the strip bars to the large scenes of the night clubs and became the most famous, in demand and Highly paid dancer in Belarus. In 2002, Lyal Bezhetskaya went to London, where she realized that her "unique style" turns out to be the name - Burlesque, and that this genre is already 150 years old. She met Miss Immodest Blaise and took the lessons of an old striptease. In the London School of Striptease. For four years, Lyalya Bezhetskaya has honed his style and prepared to return home the real queen of burlesque. She put The goal to convey the burlesque culture to the country, which at that time not only did not participate in the new revival of the burlesque, but in principle never knew him but, of course, in the literary significance of this word from the Renaissance. In 2006, Lyal Bezhetskaya moved to Moscow, where no one knew her. Lyal Bezhetskaya began to attend all sorts of events, surprising and shocking the Moscow public with their vintage outfits and an unusual manner hold. Interest in Burlesque gradually increased. In 2007, Lyal Bezhetskaya created the Burlesk-miniature theater called the "Box". In 2009, the theater was laid by Bezhetskaya "Casket" joined the Estetian-decadent motion "Velvet underground".)
  • Lyal Kuznetsova ((Row.1946) Soviet, Russian photographer. Participates in the meetings of photographers in Lithuania, and in the late 70s adopted to the Union of Photo Artists of Lithuania. In the early 80s, it works as a photographer in the newspaper "Evening Kazan", engaged in issues of modern fashion . Since that time, Lyal Kuznetsova becomes an independent photographer and lives with orders for the Republican Tatarian fashion house. Participant of the legendary photo group "Tasma" (Vladimir Zotov, Edward Khakimov, Riffhat Yakupov, Farit Gubaev and many other photographers). Since the mid-80s Her work was repeatedly exhibited and published in Europe and the United States, including the Gallery of The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington. Member of the Interphoto Festival (1996) in Moscow. In the late 70s, Kuznetsova removes one of the last Gypsy Tibers in the territory The USSR (in Turkmenistan), a little later, her Gypsy series continues in Odessa steppes. Participated in exhibitions in Moscow at Winzavod (2008, 2010), in Kazan in the exhibition hall "Iso-Museum" (2010), in Novosibirsk E in the Museum of Local Lore (2011). The winner of the reward of the city of Paris Leica Medal Of Excellence (Mother Jones) 1997. wrote several books.)

In the section on the question what is the full name of the girl, which is Lyal's name? Posted by the author Neurosis The best answer is Olga, Abbreviated Lyoulka or Lyal

Answer from Sortness[newcomer]
well, neither the feature is not clear! It is possible to call anyone. Lyalya can be just a home name. How Natasha is called Tatah. My daughter did not spoke her full name, and called her Tatoo, Tatulu, Tatasei

Answer from Mirosozart[newcomer]
Lara Larisa, Lyala -aleutina, Valentina; Lelya-Olga, Alena (Lena (Elena));

Answer from Dar "Ya CH[active]
Neighbors daughter called Lyalya (according to documents).

Answer from Evgeny Popova[newcomer]
My mother Olga is called her Lylya, Lyalya, Lelia

Answer from Klim Zagorsky[newcomer]
here you are watching the same answers here, why ??? It is clear that this may be so called Olga and. etc. I will not continue, but also has a full name Lyal and Lelia

Answer from I doubt ..[guru]
i had a neighbor Valentine, which was reduced to Lyaly

Answer from User deleted[guru]

Answer from [Guru]

Answer from Galya[guru]
lyalya or Leil. So usually refer to Elena or Olga.

Answer from Yaadkov Elena[guru]

Answer from $ Lenuska $[guru]
Women's name: Lyalya
1. Arab. "Tulip". 2. Slavyansk. The Goddess of Spring, the daughter of the goddess of beauty, love and fertility of the Lada. According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature, the beginning of field work. The goddess was a young, beautiful, slender and high girl. B. A. Rybakov believes that the second goddess depicted on the Zbruch idol and holding the Ring - Lada in the right Luke. In Folklore, Lada is often mentioned next to Lelle. This pair: Mother's daughter scientist compares Laton and Artemius and with Slavic woman in labor. Two horsemen on Russian embroidery, behind which are sometimes depicted by Sokh, located on both sides of Makoshi, fishermen correlates with the pool and lads (Lyalya). This is the full name-Lyalya.

Answer from Fine[guru]
I think that Lyal is a homemade nickname. I daughter call Leles, and on the documents she is Julia.

Origin of name Lyalya. Name Lyalya Russian, Slavic, Muslim.

Name Lyalya It has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Lyalya - This is the Persian name, which is translated from Arabic as a "tulip". Some Muslim nations refer to this name of their children. It has various options for pronunciation - Tajiks and Uzbeks - Lola, the Turks - Lale, from Arabs - Lyalya. In Azerbaijani, there is a name Lal, which also means "tulip".

By the second version, name Lyalya It has Slavic roots, so the Slavs called the goddess of spring, which was the daughter of Goddess Lady, the goddesses of beauty, love and fertility. Young Deva. Lyalya It appears in outfits of flowers and greenery with a wreath of primroses on the head. Lyalya Wins the winter and carries his kingdom of heat and love everywhere.

Also name Lyalya - This is a fairly common name among the Gypsies.

Very often name Lyalya Used as a diminutive form to some female names (Olga, Lily, Lyudmila, Larisa, Albina, Aelita, Elaria and others).

In Russia name Lyalya It became nominative and used in the meaning of something small, most often so called kids, newborns. It is possible that this is one of the legacy from Slavs.

Name Lyalya Not mentioned in Orthodox and Catholic sacraticles. Name Day for name Lyalya See the full version of this name.

Lyalya Very bright, playful, sociable girl. She is charming and elegant, seeks to please and delight. The owner of this name is focused on the outside world and it is very important for them to notice those surrounding. Lyalya Always full ideas, loves to lead the process to achieve the goal.

They had a born artistic gift, it perfectly adapts to any changes, knows how to imitate various emotions. Lyale has a critical mind and a sharp sense of observation. It is curious and interested in everything that can lead to some instability. But the owner of this name does not make anything to harm to anyone, this instability is needed in order to generate new ideas, find new ways to achieve the goal.

Lyalya Loves travel. She rarely happens to melancholic, loves games and fun, ready to play anything and ever, especially in the company.

Lyale should listen to the advice of friends, because, oddly enough, it can behave very selfishly, concentrate only on their personal motives and only their own interests, without not at the attention. For harmonious development, it would be very desirable to grow among brothers or sisters. So that the owner of this name has learned to participate in the activities of groups, collectivism and a sense of solidarity.

Girl with the name Lyalya It is exquisite, sensitive to harmony or art, it will be difficult for her to please. For her, it is of paramount importance to a sentimental life. Lyalya Get married only by love. She's husband will seek almost the perfect, but necessarily a loved one.

Some positive qualities that possess Lyalyaare the ability to resolve disputes, diplomaticity, mediation, the ability to convince. It has a sense of tact, the ability to cooperate, peaceful, preventing. Lyalya Sincere, modest, sensitive, and at the same time in the mode of Pedantic, loves facts, rarely turns on in controversy.

Negative features were to some extent can be called and the advantages of her character. She is very conscientious, shy, shy and timid. Its excessive scrupulsiness, the pedanticity can prevent quickly achieving the goal, and the lucavia, excessive femininity to distract from the essence, of true purpose. It is very important to achieve respect and love surrounding.

In family life Lyalya It will be treated to please parents, both their own and parents of her husband. Lyalya He feels a constant need to feel his beloved, so her spouse should not forget to pay attention to his narrowed.

Owner name Lyalya Choose very versatile activities for themselves. Lyalya Prefers to independently choose who to become. When choosing a profession Lyalya It is focused on its preferences, so it can work in areas where support is required for other professions and accuracy and attention to detail (medicine, jurisprudence, education) are important, or the need for communication or contact with other people (speaker, singer, professor, Head, writer, journalist). Also often finds its calling in creative professions (designer, sculptor).

Name Day Lyaly

Lyalya Name Day does not celebrate.

Famous people with the name Lyalya

  • Lyalya Black ((1909 - 1982) pseudonym, real name - Nadezhda Khmelev, in Maiden - Kiselev; Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1960), Actress Theater "Roman", a performer of Gypsy songs and romances. From the day the foundation in 1931 Lyalya Black worked in the "Roman" theater. They played a number of main roles in the play of the theater, starred in the film "Last Tabor" in the role of the alt. In many respects, influenced the formation of pop dance manner. Played roles in such performances as: "Life on wheels" by A. Germano, "Gypsies" by works by A. Pushkin, "Bloody Wedding" Lorca, "All about you" A. Athenogenova, "Daughter of Shatrov" I. Rum -Lebedeva, "Grushenka" according to N. Leskov.)
  • Larisa Town Hall, Lyalya Town Hall ((1921 - 1944) Soviet underground worker, Hero of the Soviet Union (1965, posthumously). He took an active part in the work of underground resistance. Engitated among prisoners of war, fabrication of fake documents. Her ability to fake German prints and documents, saved many people from death and Hijacking to Germany and allowed the underground workers to effectively lead their activities. In honor of the town hall, one of the streets in the city of Vinnitsa and the Middle-Educational School No. 6 is named. The name of the Town Hall is also a motor ship type "Moskvich", cruising in South Buguz within the city of Vinnitsa.)
  • Lyalya (Olga) Pearl ((Rod. 1969) Russian actress and singer, deserved artist of Russia (2002). Debuted in the cinema in 1982 (the film "Sad Love of Love"). From 16 years he has been working at the Roman theater.)
  • Lyalya Bezhetskaya (((born 1978) nee - Elena Leshchenko; First dancer in the history of burlesque in Russia. In the mid-1990s, few people knew how to dance striptease. It was mostly performed by former circusages, gymnasts and dancers. Gradually, she developed her Unique style. She went out in the most rapid costumes. Eroticism in her rooms bordered by humor, she was a master of inexplication and reincarnation. With such numbers Lyalya Bezhetskaya quickly passed from the twilight of the strip bars on large scenes of the nightclubs and became the most famous, popular and highly paid dancer in Belarus. In 2002 Lyalya Bezhetskaya went to London, where I realized that her "unique style" turns out to be the name - Burlesque, and that this genre is already 150 years old. She met Miss Immodest Blaise and took the lessons of an old striptease in the London Strip School. For four years Lyalya Bezhetskaya honed his style and was preparing to return home the real queen of burlesque. She put a goal to convey the burlesque culture to the country, which at that time not only did not participate in the new revival of the burlesque, but in principle never knew him, except, of course, in the literary meaning of this word from the Renaissance. In 2006 Lyalya Bezhetskaya moved to Moscow, where no one knew her. Lyalya Bezhetskaya began to attend all sorts of events, surprising and shocking the Moscow public with their vintage outfits and an unusual manner to hold. Interest in Burlesque gradually increased. In 2007. Lyalya Bezhetskaya created the Burlesk-miniature theater called "Box". In 2009, the theater was laid by Bezhetskaya "Casket" joined the Estetian-decadent motion "Velvet underground".)
  • Lyalya Kuznetsova (((born 1946) Soviet, Russian photographer. Participates in the meetings of photographers in Lithuania, and in the late 70s adopted to the Union of Photovoltaikov Lithuania. In the early 80s, it works as a photographer in the newspaper "Evening Kazan", under the issues of modern fashion. From now on Lyalya Kuznetsova becomes an independent photographer and lives with orders for the Republican House of Tatarian fashion. Participant of the legendary photo group "Tasma" (Vladimir Zotov, Edward Khakimov, Rifhat Yakupov, Farity Gubaev and many other photographers). From the mid-80s, her work was repeatedly exhibited and published in Europe and the United States, including the Gallery of The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington. Member of the Interphoto Festival (1996) in Moscow. In the late 70s, Kuznetsova removes one of the last Gypsy Tispers in the USSR (in Turkmenistan), a little later, her Gypsy series continues in Odessa steppes. He participated in exhibitions in Moscow at Winzavod (2008, 2010), in Kazan in the exhibition hall "Iso-Museum" (2010), in Novosibirsk at the Museum of Local Lore (2011). The winner of the reward of the city of Paris Leica Medal Of Excellence (Mother Jones) 1997. wrote several books.)

Lyal's name has several interpretation and education options. Persian roots of this name give him the meaning of "tulip", and it is used among Muslims in various variations, depending on the country and terrain (Lola, Lale, Lal).

Slavic interpretation takes the source from the goddess of the spring, which was informed by the name of Lyal. Indicates it is a beautiful girl who has replaced winter. The name and among the Gypsy nationality are common. It is often used as a decreasing to some female names. In Russian speech, Lyalya also entered as a nominal one, which is often used to small children.

From an early age The carrier of Lyal is manifested with its sociability and playfulness. The girl is so cheerful that she strives to help everyone and please. For our heroine, it is important for her to notice, praised and appreciated. The girl is quite decisive and emotional, sometimes these qualities are manifested above.

The carrier of Lyal is a sociable person, quickly converging with people, so it can get under a bad influence.

A manifesting vanity in Lyale sometimes makesone to go to his principles in order to show and show themselves. That this does not happen at the expense of self-affirmation in a bad company, parents must warn and keep our heroine from the falsely selected direction.

The ideas of the carrier named Lyalya abound and she not only comes up with them, but also implements, at the same time it becomes at the head of the whole process.

Girl By nature, the optimist, with not ababa what artistism. It helps her to adapt to the circumstances, and if necessary, reincarnate and reproduce the necessary emotions.

  • Our heroine has a sharp mind and observation, no action remains without attention to Lyal's carrier.
  • Curiousness and curiosity of the girl sometimes lead to extraordinary and unstable life situations.
  • But these circumstances are not at all aimed at making damage to others, most likely, they occur due to the search for new ideas and their implementation.

The girl who is the name of Lyal Fistorem, Schraist and Cheerfully, for her alien to melancholic notes, not to catch her crying and dull. She loves to travel, discover new countries and cities. Sometimes Lyal behaves selfishly and does not take into account the interests of others. Therefore, it is extremely important for her to raise a sense of responsibility to these moments and think about the sensations of other people.

In this girl with the name Lyal, friends will help, they will tell, where she was cutting, rude and not right. But this state of affairs happens at the heroine that was brought up alone, without siblings and sisters. If they have been lying, it will be more harmonious and less selfish.

Professional belonging

The girl who is the name of Lyal prefers independently choosing a profession, it does not tolerate tips from the outside, and even more so press.

Lyalya Bezhetskaya (the first dancer in the history of burlesque in Russia)

  • Her warehouse of the mind allows you to try yourself in any field of activity.
  • Relatively preferences and inclinations can realize themselves in medicine, education, or to engage in jurisprudence.
  • Lyal loves children, so it can choose the profession of an educator, a children's psychologist, a teacher.
  • The presence of talents and their timely development will allow the carrier named after Lyal Singer, sculptor, artist, writer, journalist.
  • Our heroine can be realized and in private business, it will be a great leader from her.

Love, family, marriage

The meaning of Lyal for family life is primarily the diplomaticity and ability to reduce quarrels.

Our heroine is married exclusively in great love, but at the same time it tries to find the perfect challenger on his hand and heart.

She first meets, it will find out about a man everything, and only then, if the spark pass, she will marry. In marriage, the girl called the name Lyalya, will all please all from her husband and ending with their parents. But what is required to her, so this is the attention of the husband, she must constantly see and feel his love. Lyalya good mistress and mother, her house full bowl. In most cases, the family creates once and lives with her husband in peace and harmony to the oldest.

Probably the loud names of elite houses of fashion exist, including to replenish your vocabulary stock. You should always look like "Comme Il Faut", this is your certificate of belonging to a specific circle, confirmation of your weight and status. Only so you feel "in your plate", and then you can manifest good nature, friendliness, easy to go to any contact.

Lyal's compatibility, manifestation in love

Lyal, your characteristic qualities - charm, romanticism and ability to clothe your feelings in such forms that cannot but cause a response. Love condition gives you a feeling of completeness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find in every alleged partner the features of the beautiful - striking and delights. However, there is a relationship to losing the charm of novelty, becoming ordinary and mandatory, how your interest in us quickly fasses. But although the gap itself often transfers easily, the memories of him for a long time remain quite painful for you, as you like to sort out and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted by bright individuality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing anything else to implement the existing abilities. This desire is often determined by your choice.

But the abilities are a lot, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, the paths of their implementation may be several. Therefore, quite often you find yourself before the need to abandon one possibility in favor of another.

Well, if you have enough courtesy to focus on a particular purpose, and direct all the forces on its achievement. Bad, if you are trying to "chase two hares," not wanting to fall even in a small chance of success. In this case, you risk embrace all your mental potential wasted, "spray" it, to put it in the wind. And - to remain with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. It is not important to him, the whole tinsel, which is usually decorated with the life of artistic natur. Therefore, it is precisely it at the right moment will tell you the only correct decision. Try to "hear" him.