The best political strategies on PC. The best global strategies

The best political strategies on PC. The best global strategies

Real Classic is the first three-dimensional game from Blizzard and one of the best strategies in principle.

At the time of release in 2002, Warcraft III was all. Wonderful graphics, which, thanks to a unique style, looks good even now, fascinating gameplay with role-playing elements, which influenced the entire RTS genre, a gorgeous plot in the well-thoughtful universe and support for mods.

If not Warcraft III, there would be no Dota, nor the Moba genre as such.

2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Tactical strategy on a PC in which you need to protect the Earth from the aliens.

The main thing in XCOM is a constant need to take difficult. Who to send to a difficult mission: Veteran who will have more chances to win, or a beginner who is not so sorry to lose? Which of them give more powerful armor or gun? Order fighters to attack the strongest aliens or first to deal with small enemies?

Each aspect of the game - the base management, the change in the execution of the characters and the battle themselves - incredibly fascinates.


It seems that this is the most ordinary strategy about, but in fact Company of Heroes - one of the most humane games about the war. All because under the start of the player, more than several detachments are rare (unlike several dozen units in traditional RTS). For the fighters are worried about how for themselves and build tactics in such a way as to ensure their survival.

Thanks to the best for its time, the graphic engine and thoughtful missions of the company of Heroes shows all the cruelty of war. No matter how hard you tried, people still die - this is the price of victory.

4. Starcraft II.

STARCRAFT II - Main Celebration Strategy in the World. Each millimeter card, each character's special ability, each building, available for construction, is mathematically verified to generate the most exciting matches. No wonder the tournaments on the game take place almost every couple of weeks, and the prize funds reach 700,000 dollars.

If you do not like a microcontrol and multitasking, then in Starcraft II there is also a gorgeous single campaign. There is an excellent plot about the confrontation of three races and a variety of types of missions. Plus, for her passage, it is not necessary to climb so much to the mouse.

5. Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak


The spiritual heir to Total Annihilation, which improves and expands the ideas of the original. In essence, this is a game about non-refining battles of huge on giant maps.

Matches in Supreme Commander rarely last less than an hour. This time is needed to build a base with a balanced economy and prepare enough combat units to destroy the enemy.

SUPREME COMMANDER in all senses large-scale strategy. The number of fighters of one side sometimes reaches thousands, and it is necessary to think over the actions at least 10 minutes forward.

7. Total War: SHOGUN 2

Among the games of the Total War series it is difficult to choose the best, but the lifechaker stopped on Shogun 2. From all the modern parts, it is probably the most suitable, concentrated and understandable even beginners.

In Total War: SHOGUN 2 Player assumes the role of the clan head in medieval Japan. The goal is to capture the whole country. To do this, you can use diplomacy, economy and even intrigue - send murderers and spies.

But the main thing is, of course, the epic battles, in which it is very important to correctly post their troops on the location.

8. Age of Empires II HD

In Age of Empires II, the player needs to hold a civilization through several epochs: dark centuries, feudalism, the castle era and so on. You can play for one of several fractions such as Japan, Mongolia or Celts.

The main feature of the game is a combination of resource management with military operations. During the battle in Age of Empires II, it is not enough to simply assemble the army, you need to build a powerful economy, removing the houses, quarries and sawmills and cultivating fields.

We have gathered the best versions of the repacks of PC games and created our users a way to download strategies for free.

What is the genre of a strategy?

Strategies - the ambiguous genre of the gaming industry, many consider it a boring, can not tolerate, but not less than him and fans. Sometimes on dynamics, the entertainment of the strategy is not inferior to shooters and action. A lot in the genre of frankly sad projects, but they are everywhere and this is not an indicator for which you can objectively judge. An indicator of popularity is a huge number of browser and client strategies, not to mention the adjacent genres such as MMORPG. On the site We offer download strategies for PC 2017, one of the most popular requests for the strategies has become the search phrase of 2016 :.

How did the strategies develop?

Like other gaming directions, strategies appeared in the era of television consoles. The first truly popular projects were Dune, Mega-Lo-Mania, Operation Europa on SEGA and subsequently War Craft, released for Play Station 1. Today is a whole layer of independent versions, additions, remakes based on the plot of the Stampanovsky opposition of people and orcs .

Strategies require a player to make rapid decisions in terms of the development of their possessions, states, army. From this largely depends on the success of the military company. In addition, each wishing can have the opportunity to download a strategy for PC Torrent. To create it is necessary to solve strategic and tactical military tasks to ensure advantage over the enemy.

The strategy genre has a subsoance:

  • RTS - real-time strategies.
  • Turn-based or Grand - global strategies.
  • Economic simulators;
  • MMORPG - strategies with role component.

In order not to be attached to the global network, you can download strategies without internet and dissolve in an exciting game regardless of external conditions.

Real-time strategy The most dynamic. Events in them unfold on a separate map, locality, the rate is made to a greater extent on the military component. The economic system is mainly present in the form of the need to produce resources for the construction of units and ensure their resources needed to conduct hostilities. An example of such a strategy is a series of COMMAND A CONQUEROR. There are RTS strategies where the focus is on hosting, strategic and tactical components, for example, the famous Sudden Strike - "confrontation".

Global strategies - This is a great option for those who love to think and explore complex interactions between politics, economics, production. All this affects the development of possessions, and they in the games of this subway are quite extensive and manage often accounted for by all states. It is for such a serious approach that the global strategies of driver fans, bloody shooting and total madness are not like. All in global strategies should be done weigly and thoroughly think through every step. A classic example of such a game Hearts of Iron.

Economic simulators At the soul of enterprising gamers who dream of becoming businessmen, but do not know where to start. Some subsoine games literally completely copy the real economic model of the world. In modern online projects, a function has been worked out for earning real money, but it will be very difficult, as in real life.

Well, for a snack MMORPG. - This is the most popular and favorite strategy-loved strategy. It combines all the best features of computer games. There are options for battles to choose from: alone, detachment or army, trade things, weapons, arrange bloody Rubilov, to rob to kill, kill, collect resources and make many more different things. As an example, I will give a step by step MMORPG HEROES MIGHT A MAGIC, isn't the masterpiece beloved by everyone!

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is not necessary to prejudice to the games of the Strategy genre, they can passion, no worse than shooters or arcade races, it is only more close to climb them.

We work in order for you at any time of the day and night can satisfy the desire to download strategies for free and enjoy the gameplay.

In each of these games there is one unchanging algorithm: expand, learn, exploit, destroy. The procedure may vary, but the goal remains unchanged - power, control and dominance.

We present to your attention the best global strategies on PCs - this selection will be interesting as nonophyats, which have not heard about anything other than "civilization", and Oldfags, who will be able to put down in the direction of the rolled imperial rods and find a new position.

15. Anno 2205

14. Age of Wonders 3

Roleplay, step-by-step tactics and a global strategy in one magic bottle. It can be called a fantasy analogue of "civilization", but in contrast to the child of Meyer Side, the peaceful ways of victory are not provided here. Want to win - please leave for a long time and stubbornly fight with elves, dwarves, orcs and other fabulous fantasy. The fighting is held on separate tactical mini-maps in the spirit of King`s Bounty, and in a mass format. In practice, this means that when attacking one hex, all the neighboring armies are tightened to the battlefields, which ultimately flows over the bloody runner, often with siege guns. Not without spells - there are a whole library there. It goes both banal curses and blessings and exotic things, such as a challenge on the head of global warming enemies.

13. Warlock II: The Exiled

Another fantasy clone "civilization" with a hexagon card focused on a military component. The game has both a classic global card and an unusual "exile" mode, in which the world is represented as tiny fragments connected by portals. Starting development from one fragment, you need to capture a whole chain of worlds, while having broken from the crowd of monsters from parallel worlds and competing magicians. At the PC, this project was released relatively recently - in 2014, and not just like that, and under the wing of Paradox interactive - a company that ate a dog on global strategies. Yes, Warlock II: The Exiled has problems (the stupid AI) is especially allocated, but this game has definitely deserved its place in the top with an unusual setting and a powerful editor.

12. Star Ruler 2

Galactic epic with a giant map, animated battles of starflies of accuracy and meticulous micromedge. The volume of all sorts of tabs, tables and parameters is simply frightened, so it is recommended to enjoy this strategy only by an experienced commander. And this is despite the fact that it is impossible to manage specific planets in the game (this rule does not concern resource mining). Star Ruler 2 mechanics constantly pushes the player to expand the borders of the Empire, so it's easy to take and sit down in defense here. Space battles are mainly in automatic mode, but if desired, you can personally take part in them as the Commander-in-Chief. Despite some secondary, the rating of Star Ruler 2 is quite high, not least due to the original (card) system of diplomacy.

11. Space Empires V

This is not even a game, it is rather a simulator modeling of a galactic civilization with hundreds of aspects in physics, culture, economics and cosmology. Entertainment here is about as much as in the textbook on astronomy, but it is by this Space Empires 5 and attractive. Already at the stage of generation of the Universe, you will be charged in the eyes of the number of settings, and if you somehow go to the user's manual, then there you will find 300 pages of roasty text. This step-by-step strategy has a huge technological tree, a powerful editor of ships and solid diplomatic mechanics, in which there are no clean unions or irreconcilable opponents.

10. Hearts of Iron 3

Compared to cosmic global strategies, this game fits in a relatively short period of time - from 1936 to 1948. But during this time you will get completely overlapping the map of Europe, and maybe the world, and not at all be sure to play for the main defendants of the Second World War. The project is distinguished by stunning attention to detail and, in fact, is a visual historical manual for the events of this period. Military actions in Hearts of Iron 3 are so large-scale that you need to resort to AI help, although the most responsible sites will have to take things into your hands. Another reason to download the game is an extremely detailed tree of technology, according to which, if desired, you can track the entire path of development of techniques and theories of military operations.

9. Crusader Kings 2

The wise ruler simulator, the events of which are unfolded from 1066 to 1453. In Paradox Interactive, we went to a brave experiment: Instead of leading the national state, we are offered to manage dynasties, which, at a closer look, are a huge snake tangle, consisting of intrigues, offended, hereditary disputes and dynastic marriages. At the bottom of the food chain - graphs with small land, the highest are the duke, even above - the kings, and the emperor rules on top. To feel comfortable in this mess, you need to be a master of political acrobatics, a virtuoso spy and a brilliant military strategist. This is not the best strategy from "paradoxes", but definitely the most unusual.

8. Endless Space 2

The global strategy can be beautiful - it proves developers from the French studio Amplitude. Taking the basis of the classic 4x-rules as the basis, these guys created a game with a magnificent visual style and musical accompaniment. Cosmos looks amazing here, and even the creation of cashposts on the planet allows you to enjoy their unearthly landscapes. The game came out in 2017, so very demanding of the gland, especially in the later stages, when the galaxy is almost fully studied. The only spoon of tar in the barrel of honey is the inability to directly affect the course of battles. Perhaps this feature will be added in the third part.

7. Endless Legend.

The action of the strategy unfolds in the world of Endless Space 2, but not in space, but on one of the planets. Here you will find a gloomy mix of fantasy and technology, eight original races and understood rules borrowed from "civilization". Each race has its own plot that develops in the course of the party and replete with references to the history of Auriga and the confrontation of local inhabitants. Wars are not limited to maneuvers on a global map - when a collision of two armies is collided with step-by-step tactical mode, remotely similar to Disciples. Separately, it is worth noting the army constructor, in which you can equip the units to various equipment, and the change of seasons, significantly affects the races of races on the global map.

6. Stellaris

This time, Paradox Interactive took and dragged the corporate elements of global simulators into space, adding a random study of technology and a successful idea with administrative sectors to the list of innovations, which are controlled by autonomous AI. Otherwise, Stellaris is a beautiful sample 4x-strategy, with a huge map, battles of colossal fleets and a flexible system of diplomacy. If you do not know what it is - to become a vassal of a stronger empire, to live under her a few hundred years, picking out smashes from her table, and then devour your owner, then this game will explain everything to you.

5. Galactic Civilizations 3

This game returned to the PC 10 years after the release of the previous part (in 2015), but did not lose the branded peculiarities. Complex, like creating a mosaic, planetary construction, the system of the ideology of races with peppers, designing vessels with a flexible system of protective and attacking modules, tested automatic battles - in Stardock simply took and improved everything that could be improved. The result was an excellent 4x-strategy capable of competing with modern projects. It is recommended to love lovers in the editor of ships and fans of the grand cosmic battles.


The magnificent sample, in fact, standing at the origins of the genre. There is everything you need to a sofa strategist: designer of races, construction of ships, a variety of technologies and strong (even today) artificial intelligence. Someone the game will seem archaic (and not surprisingly, it came out in 1996), someone does not suit a small map, someone will smile at the sight of primitive ground battles "wall on the wall", but all these are little things attention. Master of Orion 2 is a cult global strategy with practically infinite referencing, mandatory for the passage for all fans of the genre.

3. Total War: Warhammer 2

When one studio for decades improves the only series in its repertoire, the result is apparent. Each game from the Total War cycle (except for the Napoleonic Wars) is better than the previous one, and Warhammer 2 is the crown of developers efforts. Even if you do not take into account the magnificent picture and extremely realistic battles on tactical maps, there is still a thousand reasons to download this game. For example, the largest global card in the history of the series, a full-fledged storyline or a huge variety of races. Yes, only 4 basic fractions are available for the game: elves, dark elves, lodders and scavens, but also old races from the first part have not been going anywhere. Excellent reason to check, who is stronger, gnomes, rat foreign things or vampires.

2. Civilization VI

The sixth part of the "civilization" did not bring in a series of revolutionary changes - the studio Firaxis slowly, but confidently moves a series forward without sharp televitations. It is all the same old-good "dattle" with a scientific race, expansion of cities and extremely active diplomacy. From innovations, the most noticeable is the zoning of cities, which in turn leads to their specialization. As usual, you can win in several ways to win in several ways: cultural, scientific, diplomatic, military. The last, understandable thing, the most interesting, but also the most difficult, because it requires huge costs of resources and time. If you are not yet familiar with the cycle, Civilization VI is a good reason to try yourself as a historic ruler.


In the list of the best global strategies, this game naturally ranks first. Compared to other games of the Europa Universalis IV genre, it is much more difficult, wider and more realistic. Political intrigues, espionage, dynastic connections, thoughtful economy and trading system ... a more solid simulator of the medieval ruler you will not find. This is the top of all Paradox Interactive activities, which since 2013 serves as a model for other 4x-strategies developers. Yes, the entrance threshold is extremely high, but if you have enough strength to break through hundreds of incomprehensible buttons and tabs, you will find a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the intricacies of medieval European politics.

website / XGO.

Top best strategies in which you can play online or over a network with comrades and random rivals, description of the methods of the game

Strategies are games in which you can feel the king, ruler and even God. They do not differ in the dynamics of the gameplay (as in shooters), but make the player argue logically, develop tactics, take various solutions. The victory in them depends on the abilities of the user to foresee future actions of the opponent, coordinate the actions of their army and calculate their strength.

At another time, strategies are not only battles between thousands of detachments. The entertainment is hidden by a complex economic system, the development of which will also bring you a victory in the game. And sometimes there are no fights at all - some developers produce exclusively economic strategies based on any business (or other fields).

In any case, the strategy can delay you for a long time at the screen. In this article, we presented the top best strategies on the PC for all the time you find decent games. They can be played together with friends, uniting against AI, alone or against other users. For the convenience of strategy presented in the form of a list, which describes their main advantages.

Of course, you can express your opinion in the comments on the article, and who has no time to download PC strategies can see the list of best browser online strategies in which you can start playing right now.

Warcraft III - Online

Released: 03.06.2002

Genre: Real-time strategy with RPG elements

The essence of the game is in a uniform construction of the base, pumping heroes and hiring the army. For each game stage and situations, different actions are prioritized, which are inexorable many, which in itself and led the incredible success of the game of the gamers. It is worth noting that for different races - different priorities, which creates a certain abstract balance.

Of course, the game has achieved success primarily because the history of Warcraft is old enough, and the first game of the series came out back in 1994 on DOS, which made it possible to conquer the crowds of fans at the dawn of the gaming industry. The whole series of Varcraft has a deep and thoughtful story, on which the plot of Warcraft III is founded, although it is not important here, but for the full perception of the game it is necessary.

For the most part, the game received recognition for a good balance of races and atypical, for those years, gameplay, which began the beginning of the new strategy era.

  • Balanced system for pumping heroes;
  • Balanced system of economy;
  • Interesting solo company;
  • Balan races;
  • You can play online;
  • Graphics morally outdated.

On Online in Warcraft you can play on servers: tangle, garle, iccup.

Heroes of Might and Magic III - Online

Released: 28.02.1999

Genre: Step-by-step strategy with RPG elements

Although the "Heroes" series and the old enough, but the notable story she never covered. First of all, in the games of the series, the gameplay and the game component are appreciated, and the plot is absolutely not important.

The gameplay itself comes down to the fact that the player needs to destroy all rivals on the map. Initially, the player in submission is the undeveloped castle and one hero. The castle is gradually pumping through the construction of new buildings, which opens access to new creatures. The hero can be pumped in battle, or by distributing gold from the chests to their troops. For victory, it is enough to destroy all the heroes of the enemy and capture all the castles.

Total in the game (in the third part) 9 races, including:

  • Castle - people;
  • Stronghold - elves;
  • Tower - the residence of magicians;
  • Fortress - swamp;
  • Citadel - Varvara;
  • Inferno - demons;
  • Necropolis - undead;
  • The dungeon - commanded underground beings;
  • Conjugation - command elements of elements.

Each race has its own focus, advantages, special skills. For example, necropolis is able to raise the dead, Inferno knows how to turn their defeated fighters in the demons and so on.

Among the players only the 3rd and 5th part of the game are in demand, the rest are either not reaching the gameplay, or have too good graphics from which the eyes flow. We are talking about excessive details of the 6th and 7th part of the game, which played a bad service. The fourth part did not have to the players to taste because of the terrible models and textures.

The third part of the heroes is considered to be the genius of the series, so there are still large tournaments on it and there is a weighty game community. The problem of the network game in Heroes 3 is the duration of matches, because individual games lasted until a month of real time.

If you want to test your hand in a network format, we advise you to visit the HeroesWorld portal containing all useful information.

  • Extended economy system;
  • Developed pumping of heroes;
  • Balance of game needs (in pumping, building, hiring beings and so on.)
  • You can play online;
  • Balanced milk;
  • The presence of an informal team constantly being modified.

Civilization series

Released: 1991-2016

Genre: Global step-by-step strategy

Initially, the game captured the minds of the players with their interesting gameplay, which comes down to balancing the army, economy and development (and later culture) nation. The game also has some historicity, because all the nations actually existed.

For victory in this game, it is necessary to skillfully create cities, to build trading networks between them, enter into unions and betray the allies, create a balance of the army corresponding to your economic development and competently develop technologies.

A simple example: if you only invest in the army, then a moment may come when your soldiers will fight sticks, and the enemy will already go tanks. You can also invest in development only, but then your civilization can destroy ordinary barbarians, and you will not have time to develop.

It is because of the diverseness of the gameplay and the variations of development, many call the civilization of the best strategy of all time.

At the moment, Steam has a network game with random participants, allowing you to experience your strength and skills.

  • Unique system of economy;
  • Unique research system;
  • Balance of nations and style styles;
  • Advanced multiplayer;
  • Extended political system.

In 2016, the continuation of the legendary line was published, Civilization 6 became the best step-by-step strategy of the year on PC.

XCOM series

Released: 1993-2016

Genre: step-by-step strategy

The famous strategy for the protection of the Earth from the invasion of alien invaders. You are a special detachment of professionals, the only stronghold of humanity in the struggle for survival. Learn the technologies of the aliens, take them to armared and destroy the enemies!

Gameplay games are tied to the tactical and economic component. Tactical includes fighting with opponents, departures to the place of disembarking or falling the ships of the aliens, the development of fighters, choosing the right perks and so on. Economic - the development of the base, the right choice of technology, additional rooms, resource spending and other things. Also, after the battle, the player receives trophies from those killed, which can then be sold in the black market or apply independently in battle.

Many distinguish XCOM as one of the best PC strategies.

  • Interesting system of pumping fighters;
  • A variety of game cards;
  • Many battle strategies;
  • Employed research system, pumping base;
  • Extraordinary endings.


Released: 1996-2008

Genre: real-time strategy

The so-called "cranberry" strategy. For reference, the cranberries consider the unrealistic supply of residents and the ideology of the USSR, including its territory after decay. The game is built on this non-existent ideology. Actions unfold into a parallel universe where there was no Second World War, so all the nations, including the USSR, were able to develop and become incredibly strong.

Later, the time machine was invented to change the course of history. So, for example, the third part of the game unfolds when the Russians decide to kill Albert Einstein in the past. Sending to the past happened successfully, the USSR captured almost all of Europe, but the war was not over - it was only the beginning.

The gameplay is standard for games of such a genre, namely you need to develop your base, hire soldiers, technique for the complete destruction of opponents on the map.

  • Fascinating plot;
  • Balance of nations;
  • Unique combat units;

Space Rangers

Released: 23.12.2002

Genre: "Epic game" with elements of RPG, step-by-step strategy, arcade, text quest.

The game of war in the intergalactic space between reasonable races. Almost all races, the player can play, except for Cleans and Dominators - hostile semi intelligent races receiving orders from the main ships, which and control their behavior. The entire plot of the game tells about the war of peaceful races of the Commonwealth against the above invaders.

The main advantage of the game - gameplay. As you might notice, the game does not have a dedicated genre, since it is absolutely difficult to attribute it to any genre. But often the game is distinguished as the best strategy, because, most time players spends driving with its spacecraft in separate systems. Also in the game there are elements of arcade, namely, the flights between systems can be stumbled on hostile nodes, where the game goes into battle in real time.

RPG elements are manifested in pumping the skills of your captain, playing the role of a good range or an evil smuggler pirate. The elements of the text quest are manifested in some tasks that the NPCs issue a player or, for example, during a visit to prison institutions, where the player balancing in order to quickly enter the freedom and not to die from the hands of the ceamers. In the latest versions of the game, there are also fighting robots on the planets leading in real-time strategy mode.

As you can see, the potential of the game is incredibly high, and it can rightly be called one of the best RPGs of all time not only due to the unique gameplay, but also a pleasant graphics, random generation of cards, planets, tasks, and other things, which allows you to start the game again and again .

  • A unique game world that is accidentally generated in each new game;
  • Developed playing role playing system;
  • A good mixture of a set of genres;
  • Exciting text tasks;
  • Pleasant graphics.

Stronghold: crusader.

Released: 2002-2014

Genre: real-time strategy

The classic strategy in which you act as a ruler of a small town. Your task is equally to develop military and economic power. In gaming companies, you can act as a cruel Arab ruler of Saladin and as a king of England Richard Lion's heart.

The gameplay, as mentioned earlier, was concluded in equal development of the army and the economy. At the expense of an unusual gameplay game and gained recognition. Among the features of the game are allocated, such as:

  • Your servants need to build personal homes that determine the maximum number of army;
  • It is necessary to develop the food industry, because all your military car can die simply because of hunger. It also creates the possibility of a long siege of castles, forcing the enemy to exist from hunger;
  • Almost all the fighters can not hire just like that - for them it is necessary to create weapons, armor, and for this it is necessary to collect resources.

If you play against the computer, then you can see that it creates monotonous locks, which, however, do not easily make it easily if the enemy is one of the strong. Nevertheless, it is one of the minuses that can quickly repel the desire to play. The main potential of the game is revealed on multi-user cards in which you can play online with Hamachi or tangle. It is also worth noting that the definite minus is the player's link to the starting point - it is impossible to build buildings near the castle of the enemy.

  • Unique production and economic system;
  • Advanced construction capabilities;
  • A good company;
  • You can play on the network with friends.

Kings Bounty.

Released: 2008-2014

Genre: Role-playing strategy in real time with step-by-step battles

An unusual combination of the genre makes the game quite interesting for beginners, and beautiful graphics without excessive detail is pleasant for the eye. It is worth noting that in the last parts of the game there is the ability to turn on the 3D game mode to which you want to play in the appropriate glasses.

A player can choose between three classes: Warrior, Paladin and Mag. Each of them conducts battles in their own way. For example, the warrior has an increased number of creatures, the magician attacks opponents by spells, and the paladin is something mean between them.

The actions of the game are unfolded in the fictional fantasy of the world, which inhabited enough canonical magic creatures, such as vampires, demons, elves. The player acts as a treastery, on the shoulders of which the fate of the world's preservation lies. To begin with, he will be to become a great hero, to gain himself an army of mystical creatures in order to fight with evil whims.

The gameplay looks like this: on the world map you go in real time, and when the enemy is stumbled on the squads, step-by-step battle mode is started, where the hero can apply the book of magic, spirits. Looks like in a classic step-by-step battle. When you go around the map, you can communicate with the characters inhabiting the world, to fulfill tasks for them, receive a reward, hire troops, buy objects and so on.

  • Interesting character pumping system;
  • Many artifacts and unique creatures;
  • Interesting combat system;
  • No boring quests;
  • Pleasant animated graphics;
  • Many games in the series are performed in one style.

Starcraft II - Online

Released: 26.06.2010

Genre: real-time strategy

No less exciting game from the creators of Warcraft - Blizzard. The plot of the game tells about the battle of three space races: mings, protoss and terrans. Unlike Warcraft, the game came out more dynamic and there are no heroes in it, which completely changes priorities in battles.

Starcraft also has a rich plot, but it is fed to players during the plot video inserts, which makes you just an observer, and not a history of history.

Each gaming race has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the protoz units have many additional abilities that need to be used at the right time, otherwise the army will be quite weak. Given the fact that the game itself is very fast, for success in the game you need to have the skills of a quick game and thinking.

Starcraft can rightfully carry the title of the best strategy on the PC for all time.

In the game online you can play through the gameloader of the games.

  • Balance of races;
  • Balanced economy;
  • Fast pace of the game;
  • You can play online;
  • Regular tournaments from official developers.

Series of Games Warhammer 40.000

Released: 1999 - 2009

Genre: real-time strategy

Warhammer is a fairly popular game not only in computer form, but also in the card. The game history appeared long before the development of the computer sphere (in 1983) in America, which led the success of the series.

The history of the world tells about bloody wars for control over the galaxy, grandiose betrayals and ascensions, other things. The games of this series are not tied out only on the genre of strategies, because there are CKS, and the action of branches.

The most famous for the wide rangers of the game series: Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War, tell about the war for controlling one highlighted planet between game races. The player chooses one of the parties in a war having unique units and battle tactics. In the future, your task will be capturing control over the entire planet. Some games of the series share gameplay into two stages: global step-by-step management and real-time strategy. The first mode is simply the choice of the attack point, and the second is directly the battle. In battle, you need to rebuild your base, capture key points bringing one of two resources - influence, strengthen them and attack the base of opponents. It is worth noting that the main task of the game is the destruction of all the enemy buildings.

Almost all strategies on Vakha can play through Hamachi.

  • Deep history;
  • Balance of races;
  • Each race has its own, unique features;
  • An interesting system for improving detachments;
  • An interesting company.

Company of Heroes.

Released: 2006-2009

Genre: real-time strategy

The plot of the game repeats such films as "save ordinary district", the "bridge is too far" and the television series "Brothers in Arms". Actions take place during the Great Patriotic War.

The gameplay is a classic RTS with elements of Vurga. Many note that the game resembles a series of Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War due to the fact that the player can choose the weapon on their own, which will fight his platoon. Also in the troops there is a scale of combat morality, which affects the efficiency of soldiers. For example, if the platoon falls under a machine-tube fire, then its morality drops sharply, which reduces the speed of shooting and running. In addition, when death, a member of the squad, who kept any weapon, it does not disappear, but it remains to lie on the ground, where he can pick up. The next feature of the game is a squad rank system, which with each high level of fighters makes it possible to improve their characteristics, which creates some convention that the detachments are not just meat.

The elements of Vargameam also acts that the player can establish defensive structures that increase the effectiveness of fighters. All Rips, Sand Bags, and TD. Can take your fighters to increase their effectiveness. Since a small limit can be maintained in the game, and the battle speed is low enough, then the busy combat simulator comes out. Of course, this game does not allocate this game as an absolutely better strategy, but it is worthy of being at least a nominee.

  • Interesting game missions;
  • Unusual gameplay;
  • A sense of real battles is created;

Series of Cossacks

Released: 2001-2016

Genre: Economic strategy

The game is allocated by the gameplay, which is based on the balance of economic and military force. The correct building of the economy has a key role in the game, because even if you skillfully use military forces, make them up, share them, separate them, opening the horizon for a volley of the guns, it is sooner or later, with a weak economy, you will lose the player who is more rested in Economic component. First, a player with a strong economy can simply spam units - he does not need to think about their safety, because there are always resources. Secondly, the availability of resources such as coal and iron is tied by the possibility of rifle units to the attack. If there is no coal or iron - the fighters can not shoot. Also, the food is also played, which is a constantly consumed resource. Therefore, if the number of population is growing, the food infrastructure should grow accordingly.

Also, the game is distinguished by the fact that each player can hire a huge amount of troops, which allows the use of diverse gaming strategies. Among the types of troops can be found: Connection, units of melee, units of distant combat, artillery. In addition, there is a technical development in the game that allows you to hire stronger and technological troops.

Many players bet on the fact that the third part of the series will be the best strategy of 2016!

  • Dependence of military power from the economy;
  • Many battle strategies;
  • The need for the balance of the economy and military force.

Anno 1404.

Released: 2009-2010

Genre: Economic strategy

The plot is tied to a parallel reality, which, however, repeats real historical prototypes, such as crosses, dawn early forms of capitalism and so on.

The gameplay is tied to the economic war and the development of colonies, settlements. You, as an effective ruler, it is necessary to correctly calculate the distribution of resources on the development of cities, to lead diplomatic relations. The combat component of the game is divided into sea and land battle, however, the possibility of wars is not open immediately, but subsequently speaks one of the elements to help defeat opponents.

All states are divided into two types: European and oriental. The European country cannot fully develop without spices and quartz produced only in the East, which goes by itself the need for active trade, which also acts as one of the main methods of gold earnings. One of the key tasks at urban planning is the construction of large elements of culture, such as cathedrals or mosques.

  • Developed economy;
  • Interesting city planning process;
  • Advanced system of diplomacy.

Total War Series

Released: 2000-2015

Genre: Global strategy

Some similarity historical strategy. Actions are held on the global world map at different periods of time - it all depends on the part of the game. The player can choose any of the countries presented and in the future to capture the entire card, depending on the established victory conditions.

But not for the plot and the historical component of this game is highlighted as a better strategy for PC, and for gameplay. It is built on a step-by-step movement of armies, the development and seizure of cities of various countries. The battles pass in real time, where the player acts as a commander, places his troops on the map and manages directly by the battle. There is also a policy regimen where the player concludes unions, declares the war, exchanges resources and so on.

  • Busy policies;
  • Interesting inside game battles in real time;
  • Developed system of internal events (crusades, jihads, etc.);
  • Advanced cities improvement system, depending on their location.


Released: 1999-2010

Genre: Step-by-step strategy with elements of RPG

The actions of the game are unfolded in a cruel fantasy world of the Nevendar, somewhere else and it is to awaken dark forces. The player for the passage is available to companies for all nations. It turns out that the player himself rides the whole story. In total, the game is available five nations, including:

  • Hordes of non-love - servants of the ancient goddess of the death of Mortis;
  • Empire - Race people under the auspices of the Supreme Angels;
  • Legions of Cursed - Demonic Self-Devils;
  • Alliance Elves - the united army of elves under the leadership of Queen Elllumiel;
  • Mountain clans are a harsh subgorist people led by the Supreme King.

Gameplay is a classic strategy. The task of the player is reasonable to explore the territory, pump the army. Oh yeah, unlike other strategies, here you can only hire the ceremonies of the lower levels, which in the future it is necessary to pump, giving them experience in battle. In general, the battle system in Disciples is unique, which has led to the success of the game. Initially, the player begins with one capital and hero. The capital is a unique city under the protection of a very strong creature, so from the very beginning to break through the capital is almost unrealistic. The war is leading for sources of magic - one of the resources and individual cashpostes that allow you to hire troops in the removal from the capital.

  • A unique system for pumping creatures;
  • Rases are constituting each other;
  • Balance of races;
  • An interesting system of application of magic;

Age of Empires Game Series

Released: 1997-2007

Genre: real-time strategy

A fairly old game, which can also qualify for the title of the best strategy on the PC of all time. The main advantage is the game are user tournaments with large prize funds, reaching up to 100 thousand dollars. The reason for such sums for such an old game is its fans from rich countries that can afford to spend similar amounts on the organization of tournaments.

The gameplay itself is reduced to the balance between technologies, economics and army. Each nation in battle can move between 5 era:

  • Epoch of research;
  • The era of colonization;
  • The era of fortresses;
  • Industrial era;
  • Epoch of the Empire.

Each era opens up new studies, types of troops and buildings. If it is too early to move between the epochs, without spending the army, then most likely they will be given to "homeless people", and if they focus only on hiring troops, then most likely the enemy will ask you a higher-tech limit.

Many players argue that for an effective game in Oo, it is necessary to simply be able to leave the troops from the volunteers of siege guns and archers, which causes the low losses of the army and the increased development of the economy, by reducing the consumption of resources to maintain a combat limit.

To play oo on the network with friends or random players through Steam, Tanggle or Hamachi.

  • The need for skillful balancing of all game aspects (economics, troops, research, construction);
  • Balance of all races (in the latest version);
  • Tournaments with a large prize fund;
  • The average speed of the game.

Age of Mythology.

Released: 01.12.2002

Genre: Real-time strategy

The age of mythology is something similar to the game described above, but still has other roots and features that allow you to build a more interesting game.

The key feature of the game is to replace the epochs on the worship of the gods that give special strength and new mythical creatures with special characteristics and skills, such as fiery or poisonous breath, freezing of key unit and so on.

In contrast to Oo, where the player has only human and siege limit, aome also has a mythical limit consisting of mythical creatures, such as gickers, DRIADA, Ruhi and others. Aom does not have such weighty prize funds as Oo, but also has its community, among which relatively regular tournaments are held.

You can play in aome in the network through Steam, Tanggl or Hamachi.

  • It is necessary to properly balance all the game aspects (economy, troops, research, construction);
  • Balance of all races and deities;
  • You can play online;
  • The average speed of the game.

Settlers 7.

Released: 23.03.2010

Genre: RTS, urban planning simulator

The construction simulator of cities, which subsequently create an extensive kingdom. The main task of the game is to properly place buildings, create transport links between them. The player can develop his kingdom in three directions, among which:

  • Military production;
  • Scientific approach;
  • Trading perspective.

Each way of development will eventually lead a player to victory. For example, if you choose a military path, then the army will be focusing that it will later try to crush enemies. Scientific way will help defeat opponents with technologies, and shopping - to capture the best trading routes on the whole map, which will cause an advantage over opponents. Each of the development paths includes unique units.

Critics highlight a good artificial intelligence, but a weak storyline.

  • Good artificial intelligence;
  • Expanded urban planning;
  • Equality of ways of development (economy, military development and technologies).

26.08.2018 Pavel Makarov

One of the first strategies with the development of Sid Meier's Civilization civilization, published in 1991. The game is designed by MPS Labs studio and MicroProse has been published. The player had to deal with the development of the chosen people. In the course of the game, it is necessary to study technology, deal with diplomacy, participate in wars and develop the economy. Setting included the historical period from the primitive system to a non-farm future.

Civilization has become a game that founded the genre of step-by-step global strategies with elements of economic development, politics and science. In Sid Meier's Civilization, the concept of "Technology Tree" was used for the first time. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with modern representatives of the game genre, in which it is necessary to develop their civilization.

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Release date: 2010 year
Genre: Global Step-by-Step Strategy with the Development of Civilization
Developer: Firaxis Games.

The task of the player is to bring its civilization to one of the types of victory. Victory types in civilization: military, diplomatic, scientific and cultural. Step-by-step strategy (TBS) develops on a global card consisting of hexes. Part of the hexes are assigned to various resources and improvements. Another part is under the wonders of the world, the city-state or controlled by competitors.

Two large additions were released to the game: Gods & Kings and Brave New World, which contribute to significant innovations into the game mechanics. Numerous additions with new civilizations and gaming cards have also come out.

The feature of the game is access to a huge number of mods, downloaded through the menu. Fans created many scenarios, civilizations and cards, the variety of which can satisfy the most demanding taste.

Some disadvantages can be called the weakness of the AI \u200b\u200b(however, the usual for most strategies), but it pale against the background of numerous advantages of this wonderful game. Facts that talk about incredible popularity: sold copies of more than 10 million and a rating for Metacritic 90 out of 100 on Metacritic.

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

Release date: 1999
Genre: Tactical Strategy with the Development of the Medieval Kingdom
Developer: Ensemble Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios.

This game is a continuation of one of the classic series in the genre of real-time strategies RTS. She won many awards. 2 million copies were implemented for the first quarter of sales. Assessment on Metacritic was 92/100. The player is available to control 13 civilizations with its specificity. In addition, The Conquerors added five more. Also in the game there are 5 companies. Civilization passes through four epochs, each of which opens access to new divisions and improvements. The gameplay consists of building cities, collecting resources, army creation. As a result, it is necessary to defeat opponents, by destroying their armies and the destruction of buildings.

In 2013, the game was reissued in an improved HD format, having obtained significantly improved graphics. Later in this format, three more DLCs were released with new civilizations, cards and scenarios.

Forge of Empires.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: online strategy with the development of the city
Developer: InnoGames.
Publisher: InnoGames.

If you are not ready to draw so much in the weave of Sid Meier's Civilization, but you want to spend people from the Stone Age to the world, similar to science fiction, then there is a great option in the face of Forge of Empires. On your shoulders only one city. The game is available for both PCs in the browser and for mobile platforms Android and iOS.

An important part of the gameplay is interaction with players worldwide. You can shoot neighboring settlements on you, but you are not a flasher spit, you can answer!

Cossacks 3.

Release date: 2016 year
Genre: Tactical Strategy with Base Development
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher:GSC Game World

Classic remake RTS 2001. The player is available for managing 12 countries, with 70 types of military units, 100 technologies and more than 140 historical buildings. The gameplay unfolds in Europe on the 17th and 18th centuries, with the corresponding divisions and weapons.

Cossacks 3 - Screenshots

The feature of the game is a huge crowd of armies, worn on the map and destroyed by thousands in brutal fleeting battles. For victory, the management of armies must be combined with skillful management - the extraction of key resources and the construction of the necessary buildings.

For our time, the gameplay of the Cossacks 3 is somewhat outdated, but the fans of the classics are able to deliver pleasant moments.

Total War: Rome II

Release date: year 2013
Genre: Global Strategy for the Development of Antique Civilization
Developer: Creative Assembly.

Total War is one of the most famous series of games for PC, familiar to each strategy lover. In this genre, only the Civilization series is at its level. Rome II is the eighth game in Total War, and one of the most successful. It combines the strategic regime on the global map, which is engaged in macro-management on resources, movement, appointments, with tactical, in which battles occur.

The company begins in 272 BC. And designed for 300 years. In the game 117 of various fractions fighting on a huge map in 173 regions covering Asia, Africa and Europe.

Directly on the battlefield, the main types of troops of the ancient world (cavalry, infantry, elephants, etc.) are fighting, taking into account the historical specifics of different fractions (Greek phalanx, Roman legions, etc.). Different types of battles (siege, river battles, etc.) are available, in which thousands of units are fighting.

In addition to the fascinating Rome II game offers many materials on the history of the ancient world, especially his military unit.

Stronghold Kingdoms.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: Online strategy with the development of a medieval state
Developer: Firefly Studios.
Publisher:Firefly Studios.

What is the control of the medieval castle? Stronghold Kingdoms tries to give this as simple as possible, but an honest answer - this MMORTS (genre that combines the real-time strategy and multiplayer functionality) gives though simplified, but a full-fledged idea of \u200b\u200bhow to contain its fortress with knights and dysentery.

One of the characteristic features of the game is your successful passage depends not only from victory over computer antagonists, but also from interactions with other real gamers over the network.

Rise of Nations.

Release date: 2003
Genre: Step-by-step strategy with RPG elements and nonlinear plot
Developer: Big Huge Games.
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios.

The game is similar to Mechanics with Total War, combining strategic action on a global map with direct leadership troops in battle mode. Visually, it is much poorer Total War, and in the field of battles and strategies is inferior to this classics.

The player takes control of one of the 18th nations, which leads to victory through 8 historical epochs of development. It is available for about 100 different units, each fraction has its own unique fighters.

In 2014, reprinting the game, with updated graphics and multiplayer.

Europa Universalis IV.

Release date: year 2013
Genre: Global Strategy with the Development of Civilization in the Renaissance Epoch
Developer: Paradox Development Studio.
Publisher: Paradox interactive.

Global strategy from Paradox, one of the leading developers of strategies.

The game captures the gap from late Middle Ages to an early new time.

Gaming takes into account the real historical events (geographical discoveries, etc.). A player to achieve victory should skillfully combine trade, diplomacy, colonization and military actions.

The game is characterized by a strong strategic component characteristic of Paradox, with a relatively poor military unit. Tactical battles are absent, and the game goes only on the global map. In this form, the game is similar to chess.

"Fishka" Europa Universalis IV - the process depends on random events, both positive and negative, which are generated every year.

Vikings: War of Clans

Release date: 2015 year
Genre: MMO strategy with the development of Viking settlement
Developer: Plarium.
Publisher: Plarium.

If you often see the videos on YouTube, then you have already known that, they say, since the road to your heart strategy from the nineties and starts zero, you will certainly taste Vikings: War of Clans. Such an obsessive uniform advertising may turn away any desire to try the game.

But for some reason, people play in her several times more than Viking ever existed. And all because it is a well-thought-out military strategy, which is equally enjoyable from favorable unions with other players, and from thoughtless plundering of their lands.

Release date: year 2012
Genre: Global strategy with the development of its own dynasty in the setting of medieval Europe
Developer: Paradox Development Studio.
Publisher:Paradox interactive.

Another Global Strategy from Paradox, covering the medieval period, from 1066 to 1453.

The feature of the game - it is a symologist of the dynasty, not civilization or state. The player using wars, marriages and murders is working hard on a global map to achieve success of its dynasty and eliminate competitors.

14 DLCs already released, adding new dynasties, events and expanding the game period.

The game is similar to strong and weak parties with Europa Universalis IV: The powerful strategic component with advanced AI is connected to the poor military unit.

Throne: Kingdom At War

Release date: 2016 year
Genre: MMO Strategy with the development of the medieval kingdom
Developer: Plarium.

The world of Throne: Kingdom At War can be described as an abstract fascinating Middle Ages without the inquisition, but with knights. In the game you create a hero, and it all depends on it - it improves your possessions and manages your soldiers in battles.

Once in the fictional Amarian kingdom to all the rules of the wise monarch. But his dying was impedled everything in chaos, and the hero is one of the fighters for control over his possessions. You can explore new lands and conquer recalcitable. Whatever, while you yourself are not overthrown.

Release date: 2010 year
Genre: Global Strategy with the Development of Civilization in the New Time Epoch
Developer: Paradox Development Studio.
Publisher: Paradox Development

Another global Paradox strategy. The game is greater degree oriented on aggravated fans. The player needs to spend many hours on political and economic decisions.

The player manages the state by combining his political, diplomatic, economic, military and technological aspects. Game Period 1836-1936. The game covers all the Earth, with more than 200 played countries.

Victoria II is more oriented towards the development of economic relations. The game has a challenging system with more than 50 types of goods and factories, prices for which are determined by millet and offer. In the field of politics and diplomacy, the player interacts with 8 different types of governments and 7 ideologies. The military component, for which 20 types of land and marine troops correspond, is less important than in analogs.

Grand Ages Medieval.

Release date: 2015 year
Genre: Real-time strategy with the development of the medieval state economy
Developer: Gaming Minds Studios.
Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital.

Not quite a good attempt to cross RTS with TBS. The global map in real time state is managed. The emphasis is placed on the economy, battles have less significance. The fractions are almost no different from each other, the battle is very boring, the only strongly worked part is trading. To build a strong economy, you need to carefully track prices for goods, compare alternatives, engage in logistics and trade trade.

Grand Ages Medieval can be called a trading strategy to which "for a tick" screwed war and other components.

Medieval II: Total War

Release date: 2006
Genre: Global Military Strategy in the Setting of Medieval Europe
Developer: Creative Assembly.
Publisher: SEGA

The fourth game in the Total War series, one of the tops of the strategic genre.

The game covers the period of the Middle Ages; The company has 17 fractions. In the process, it is necessary not only to deal with competitors, but also take into account global events corresponding to historical periods. For example, the invasions of Mongols and Timur. Religion plays an important role on the global map. For example, Pope can overcome you from the church and declare a crusade against you. If the population of recently subordinate territories professes different from your religion, then the likelihood of uprisings occurs.

The system of agents responsible for the spread of religions, espionage and other components of victory are fully implemented. The decisive battles are better to carry out manually, and not to put the authorship, and then it can be noted that the game engine was finalized in Medieval II. The soldiers received individual filling and a variety of combat techniques. This visually favorably distinguishes battles from the "clone wars" of previous games of the series.

In addition to our article, we suggest a detailed video review of other PC strategies with the development of civilization including settings from the primitive period to modern days.