Literary and historical notes of a young technique. Battle genre in Vereshchagin's work

Literary and historical notes of a young technique. Battle genre in Vereshchagin's work
Literary and historical notes of a young technique. Battle genre in Vereshchagin's work

Vasily Vereshchagin is a famous domestic artist. He became most famous in the genre of battle painting. Was also a writer.

Biography of the artist

Vasily Vereshchagin was born in the Vologda region in 1842. He was born in the small town of Cherepovets. His father was the leader of the local nobility. The family was considered large enough. Vereshchagin had three brothers. The head of the family of all they distributed them to the military school.

As a result, two became professional military, and Senior Nicholas - a public figure.

9-year-old Vasily Vereshchagin entered the Sea Cadet Corps. However, the service in the army never interested him, he dreamed of a creative career. As soon as he graduated from the Cadet Corps, he went to the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. There he studied from 1860 to 1863 years old. After visited the Caucasus, in Paris, everywhere improving your painter skill.

In 1865, Vasily Vasilyevich Vasilyevich returns from France to the Caucasus and begins to write from nature. But officially, he completes his studies only in 1866, passing parallel courses in St. Petersburg and once again in France.

Artist in Turkestan

The first new official job of the work becomes the position of the artist under the Turkestan Governor General. At that time, this position is occupied by the famous military general Kaufmag. Therefore, Vasily Vereshchagin with joy takes this invitation.

He begins to live in Samarkand. In 1868, for the first time in his life, the fighting baptism is withstanding, when, together with a small group of Russian soldiers, withstands the siege of the city against the fractured locals. Vasily Vasilyevich Vasilyevich manifests itself in defense of the fortress so much that the command awards him the Order of St. George 4th degree. With pride, he is proud of this award, even though the whole life itself denied any awards.

In 1869, when battles calm, Vereshchagin organizes one of the first in the history of the city of art exhibitions in Samarkand. On the supernice, he demonstrates his own work that has created during the time being in Tashkent, Bukhara, Turkestan and the immense Kazakh steppes.

Travel in sevenrous

After working in Turkestan, the artist goes on a journey through Semirchy. This is now the area in Central Asia, mainly in the territory of Kazakhstan. Also, the artist Vasily Vereshchagin visits Western China.

From this journey it brings many interesting works. For example, "rich Kyrgyz hunter with falcon", views of rivers and mountains that are found on the way.

At the same time, China is very restless in the west. In these places, Chinese Muslims were settled, which raised the uprising in one separately taken province, in which they hold the defense for 7 years.

Over time, the spark of the rebellious uprising is rented on the neighboring provinces. On city streets begin to meet corpses, as well as piles of human bones. According to the biographers and researchers of artist's creativity, it was these events that served as a reason for writing the painting "Apotheosis of War".

"Apotheosis of War"

This picture is the most famous work that the artist Vasily Vereshchagin created. Master's paintings and today decorate the walls of many art galleries and opening goods. But probably everyone knows only one of his work - "apotheosis of war."

This canvas was written in oil in 1871. At the time, when he finished his job, he was 29 years old. Initially, the painting had a slightly different name. For example, a version of the Tamerlan celebration was considered. As a result, the artist refused him, and one of the domestic banks in advertising of the beginning of the 90s actively used the image of the Terrible War Person, who says goodbye to every stone abandoned by his soldiers before going to battle.

In this case, the picture does not carry a specific historical context. Tamerlan is devoted to the old legend. Two women applied to him allegedly. They complained about the breakdown and drunkenness of their spouses. Tamerlan ordered each of the 200,000 warriors to cut off his head wicked and bring him. As a result, seven pyramids from the heads appeared. Agree, something reminds the famous painting of Vereshchagin.

Participation in military operations

Vereshchagin has repeatedly transferred his impressions of participation in hostilities, many of which became famous. Initially, they were associated with the conquest of Turkestan, as well as travel there in 1869. After these trips, the pictures "attacked by surprise" appeared, "let them come in," "joined", "pursue." They all entered the Turkestan Series.

Work on the eastern plots

In the early 1970s of the XIX century, Vasily Vasilyevich Vasilyevich, the paintings of which are well known to fans, moves to Munich and begins to work on the eastern plots.

In 1873, he conducted a personal exhibition in London. She took place in the Crystal Palace. After half a year, the work was exhibited in St. Petersburg. These works caused a sharp displeasure in domestic patriotic circles. Vereshchagin suspected in sympathy to the enemy and antipatriotic feelings. Emperor Alexander II was dissatisfied personally.

Despite this, the Academy of Arts assigned the head of the professor. Vereshchagin refused him. Not clear in his homeland, he leaves for Tibet, where he spends two years. Only after that the master returns to Paris.

In 1877, the artist learns about the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war. Immediately goes to the location of the army. It is included in the number of adjutants commander-in-chief on the Danube direction. Vereshchagin personally takes part in some battles.


In 1877, Vasily Vereshchagin, whose biography is closely connected with war and art, gets severe wound. The artist enters as an observer to the Martar Ministry "Joke", which is engaged in installing mines on the Danube.

The destroyer is involved in battle with Turkish steamer. In the course of the shelling, the crazy bullet gets a Vereshchagin in the thigh. The injury is very serious. In addition, the artist initially began to treat it wrong. Because of this, he began inflammation, Gangrena developed. Rana had to urgently open. Only after that he went on amendment.

In 1882, Vasily Vereshchagin, whose paintings participated in most Russian exhibitions, again goes on a trip to India. Driving Palestine and Syria, there he creates many gospel plots. He creates his paintings based on numerous trips. In subsequent years, it happens on the North Dvina, the White Sea, goes to Solovetsky monasteries, where the elders live for many years.

In 1901, it goes along with the family to the distant travel Vasily Vereshchagin. Pictures he brings from the Philippine Islands, Cuba, America and even Japan.

Since the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, Vereshchagin goes back to the front. This war for him is fatal. In April 1904, together with Admiral Sergey Makarov, the Batalist artist participates in the external patrols of Port Arthur on the Petropavlovsk battleship. The ship explodes on Mine, most of the crew, including Vereshchagin, tragically die.

Personal life

Vereshchagin was married twice. He first associated himself as marriage in 1871. His wife became Elizabeth Maria Fisher, who in Russia received the name Elizabeth Kondratyevna Vereshchagin. They had a daughter of Claudia.

The second time the Vereshchagin married Lydia Vasilyevna Andreevskaya, who was 23 years old. They were born four children. Three daughters and son of Vasily.

It is noteworthy that the most famous painting "apotheosis of war" Vereshchagin responded that, in fact, she is still life. Describing the genre of his picture, the artist noted that, except for the raven, then everything else in the picture is non-living. So in the literal translation from the French designation "Dead Nature" as it is impossible to suit this unusual canvase.

Despite the fact that the main vocation of Vereshchagin was to write battle paintings, somehow he exclaimed that no more than such a cannist would write. According to him, he takes everything that happens too close to the heart. According to his own recognition of Vereshchagin, he literally flashes the mountain of every killed and wounded soldier and officer. The artist was very hard worried, working on each of the canvases.

Having traveled to the trip to India, he set a kind of record. His picture "Entry Prince Waples in Jaipur", which was completed in 1876, turned out to be the largest artistic belt, written by oil, which is stored in India. At the moment it is located in Calcutta.

Another interesting fact: Artist Vereshchagin is depicted on the postage stamp Bulgaria released in 1978.

Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin - One of the largest Russian realist artists. His creativity received popular fame and won high international authority. In the history of world art, the glory of the famous painter-battleist was firmly entrusted for Vereshchagin.

However, the outstanding art critic V. V. Stasov rightly pointed to the narrowness and inaccuracy of this definition. And in fact, the range of Vereshchagin's creativity is significantly wider than the battle genre. The artist has also significantly enriched and household, historic, landscape, portrait painting of his era. It is not by chance that the world-famous German artist of the XIX century Adolf Mentsell, struck by the versatility of creativity and give the Vereshchagin, exclaimed: "This one can all!".

Vereshchagin was born in 1842. B. 1853 entered the sea cadet corps. At the end of the course, having spent no more than one month in service, resigned and entered the Academy of Arts, where he worked under the leadership of A. T. Markova and A. E. Beiderman. Having received a small silver medal for a sketch of "beating the bride penelos" and the praise of the Academy for the composition, Vereshchagin, without graduating from the course, left abroad.

In Paris, he entered Ecole Des Beaux-Arts and worked under the guidance of the French artist Zheroma. Returning from abroad, he went to the Caucasus and for some time in Tiflis taught drawing in one of the women's educational institutions. Pictures of types and scenes exported from the Caucasus were subsequently printed in French magazines "Le Tour de Monde" and in the Russian "World Traveler"; Some of them were at the academic exhibition of 1867. They are only ethnographic. In 1864, Vereshchagin was on the Danube and then visited the Caucasus again; Arriving in 1865 in St. Petersburg, he asked the Academy to give him a certificate that he was awarded a silver medal and that he traveled through the Caucasus and the Transcaucasian Territory with an artistic purpose - which was done. In 1865, he again went to Paris and stayed there for a whole year, put one of his paintings in the salon 1866.

In 1867, Vasily Vereshchagin went to Turkestan, where it consisted of Governor-General Kaufman; By the way, he distinguished himself in a military case under Samarkand, for which he received the Order of St. George. Returning from Turkestan, he went to abroad for the third time; Part of Paris, part in Munich, lived in Paris.

Almost all Turkestan paintings of Vereshchagin are written in Munich. The public has paid special attention to "after good luck", "after failure", "opio-", as well as on a photo from the picture, destroyed by the artist "Bach with his fans". The whole collection of Turkestan paintings was exhibited in London, in 1873, and made a strong impression. A year later, I saw this collection, where it was set free. In view of the sense and accusations of tendentiousness, V. removed from the exhibition and destroyed three paintings from this wonderful collection: "Surrounded - persecuted", "forgotten" and "entered". The whole collection consists of 121 numbers. In 1874, the Council of the Academy, in consideration to his artistic works, elevated V. to the title of professor, about which Vereshchagin was notified officially; But Vereshchagin, considering all the ranks and differences in artificially harmful, refused this title. Then the Council of the Academy determined the exclusion of Vereshchagin from the list of its members. In India, Vereshchagin stayed two years, and in 1876 settled in Paris, where she began to write paintings on Etudes brought from India. The following year, Vereshchagin went to the Danube; There, he consisted of Square and Gurko and received a wound during his stay at the Martonosce of Lieutenant Hiddlov. Then he was present at the Plevnensky battle and during the cavalry raid on Adrianopol even performed the position of headquarters headquarters. He traveled almost all Bulgaria, brought a huge number of etudes to Paris and worked there over the fulfillment of these military paintings for two years. And in 1879 and 1880. He exhibited both collections (Indian and Bulgarian) in the main cities of Europe, and in 1883 in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Indian paintings of only 32, and Bulgarian - 13. In 1884, Vereshchagin went to Palestine and Syria, continuing to write etudes. Returning to Europe, he in 1885 - 88. Exposed his Palestinian paintings on the plots from the New Testament in Vienna, Berlin, Leipzig and New York. Possessing a remarkable talent (brilliant colorist), V. is a decisive commitment of realism in art, takes the plots only from reality and if they interpret their tendentiously, then only for protest against the horrors of war. In his pictures from the New Testament, he strongly breaks all the relationship with the tradition of religious painting.

In any case, Vereshchagin should not be considered one of the most remarkable artists of modern Europe. His exhibitions in Russia, Europe and America have always initiated a lot of sense, and articles about it, in different European languages, including in Russian, without exaggeration can be said, make up the whole literature. Like a writer, Vereshchagin is known for its travels and memories, like eg., "Notes, essays and memories", "Trip to Himalayas". In the magazine "Artist" Vereshchagin put in 1890 by the article under the title "Realism", in which he performs a hot defender of realism in art

As soon as the Russian-Japanese war broke out, the Vereshchagin found his moral duty to go to the front. The sixty-one-year-old artist, leaving the hot-friendly wife and three young children, headed for the bake of military events in order to once again tell people the truth about the war, to reveal her true essence. Being on the flagship ship Petropavlovsk, he, together with Admiral S. O. Makarov died on March 31, 1904 from the explosion of Japanese mines. And it was, in the full sense of the word, death in the fighting post. The eyewitnesses of the catastrophe of Petropavlovsk Captain N. M.Yakovlev, a miracle saved during the explosion, said that until the last moment I saw a Vereshchagin with an album, where he put the marine panorama who opened his breath.

The death of Vereshchagin caused responses around the world. In print, a lot of articles appeared about the life and work of Vereshchagin. Among them, the article V.V. Lesov was especially bright and meaningful. In St. Petersburg, in the fall of 1904, a large posthumous exhibition of Vereshchagin paintings was opened, and a few years later, a museum of his name was created in the city of Nikolaev, the exposition of which included some works and personal belongings V. V. Vereshchagin.

The heartfelt words said about Vereshchagin I. E. Repin: "Vereshchagin - the greatest artist of his time [...] He opens up new ways in art." "Vereshchagin - the person of colossal, it is really a hero of ... Vereshchagin is a super-artist, like an over-person."

The history of national culture is often the secret for the majority of the population. But many artists not only possessed unprecedented talent, but also lived an amazing life.

Opened in the Russian Museum Exhibition of Artist Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin.

The most interesting person, a stunning painter, an excellent writer, a brave, awarded by the St. George Cross for the fact that he, the artist, led soldiers in attack and saved the situation in the deposited Samarkand, for which his soldiers, stabbing, corrupted. The supervisory traveler who visited China, America, India, Central Asia, Japan, created a lot of masterpieces, of which the public only apotheosis of war knows, and then not as needed. A person fundamentally refused from awards and ranks. However, according to the assignment of the Nobel Prize of the world, he was rolled, saying that he was Russian and therefore was a spy. Well, nothing changes, although more than 100 years have passed.

Jackals. Dead city.

Many works that did not see before. Theater ruins in the defeated city of Chuguchek.
(The uprising was Chinese Muslims - Donggan and Kyrgyz, losses killed from 9 to 15 million people).

Garden wicket. Chuguchak

Ruins of houses. Chuguchak.

Broken statue. Chuguchak.

Mausoleum Shah and Zinda

Sheikh Tomb Selim Chishti in Fatechpur Sicry.

As I thought, there was no queue.
At all.

Dervishi at the door of the mosque.

Do not compare with the embarking on Iivazovsky. Well, it is understandable. Armenians in our city are more than 20,000 and they are, of course, their tribesman comes to a visit, plus sailors who profess Dolg tells on the famous marinist to appear.

And Vereshchagin - he is Russian, the Russian is understandable and will not be harmful. Think, shit, great Russian artist, Eka! Yes, put a hundred times. Well, we don't care on all your poker?

(I got very characteristic in LJ - ethnic Pole on our citizens, the division is given - quite deserved.

Does not understand us. Although a clever person)

And in addition Vereshchagin - he does not exist in the format, and even incomparable in all articles.
For this, the Russian intelligentsia did not love him then and does not like now. And he is also not gourmet to the authorities.

Beggars in Samarkand.

The exhibition itself liked, of course, because he is a genius and a real master. But the trouble is that by the plan of the Vereshchaginsky painting they were created not one - but amounted to a series, it turned out something like a completed work, now such a slide is called, but I don't know the analogue in Russian. Because when the series is crushed and scattered - the impression drops sharply.

A spanish fleet recessed by the Americans.

Well, to understand: here is a series of American works. There, he also painted the war, the benefit of peace-loving America fought and warns always and everywhere. Then Sassh also, naturally, fought.

And in general - tradition is a strong thing.

"In America, the artist was worn in her arms, but this did not prevent merchants -" art pimp "- to beat him as a sticky. He was convinced that the gigantic prices reported in the newspapers - fake, the necessary merchants, then more profitable to trade works. The artist did not go to a deal with businessmen, and they, consistent, shot down the price of auction, and more than a hundred paintings were purchased at a low price.
"Great artist and a perfect baby for life practical," said Stasov about the Vereshchagin.

And the money was needed by the artist. In his life there was a big change. In America, he found his happiness ...
She was twenty-three years old, Vasily Vasilyevich - forty-six. Quiet, thoughtful, diligent, she liked Vereshchagin, but he did not immediately see her nonsense beauty, especially since Lydia Vasilyevna had a closed.

When did his femininity Lydia Vasilyevna captivate him? Then, when he decided that she had to sit at the piano in Russian folk costume, and the pearl of an elegant kokoshnik was forced to glowing with turquoise her bright eyes? Or during a long conversation when he was amazed at her deep knowledge of painting and literature? Be that as it may, Lydia Vasilyevna, Lida, I needed it is necessary for him hourly, every minute, and with the birth of the first child, girls, there were concerns about their own house, which I would certainly build in Russia. Children should grow in their homeland. That's where he needed money ...

The artist did not immediately get a divorce, but it was already no matter. He was overwhelmed with tenderness to lead and children with whom he moved to live for Moscow, in the lower boilers, where the big house grew up with a spacious workshop, "so tells the writer, researcher Creativity V.V. Meresmangin Dmitry Zhukov, about the beginning of the family life of the artist and Lydia Vasilyevna Andreevskaya.

By the way - the nurse, the artist wrote from his wife.

Mother's letter dictates.

The letter is not over.

The letter is not sent ...

If you look at one picture from the whole series - then the impression does not come out at all. The artist himself called his series "epic poke, in which the paintings replace the chapters."

And if this picture is divided into two from another cycle?

After luck.

Bukhara Sarbazi collect trophies - clothes and sliced \u200b\u200bheads of Russian soldiers.

After failure.

They should be near, and if apart - not that already.

Here, Sarbazov did not come out.

These of the early - the Turkestan cycle, a trip to Central Asia, in which Vereshchagin participated. By the way, then we were just the state of Daish on the border, only called a bit differently - Kokand Khanate, Bukhara, Khiva. And the morals and habits are exactly the same - and cutting the heads, and slavery and other joys of obscurantism. By the way, count, how then the refined audience Osrenel, when her - had a disconnected head showed?

Now, people did anyone, en reports from Iraq and Syria - under the cat and in the corner. And here - balls - and ladies faint in front of the picture. And journalists are outraged, how can you?!

There was also such a series of drawn, dedicated to the sad fate of a small Russian detachment who chopped off the column.


They attack surprise.

(He himself got into such a situation. "As soon as I did not see here, I confess, a minute was a little one," Vereshchagin remembered this. The enemies tormented to "scratch her shash, or pico" - he wrote. "I decided, if you can shoot And if it is impossible - you can not get it easy. How suddenly everything fled down and rushed away. It ran up to us for the revenue of soldiers ... "

- Give up!
- Go to hell!

Surrounded. Pursue.

Present Khan Trofy.


Triumph. (And again as in Dais, old traditions - heads on the poles for the publication of the public)

Apotheosis of war.
At the end of such a series, the sound of the picture changed, eh? By the way - this was done Tamerlan, this is true with a smaller number of heads - it was done in more civilized times. Customs, traditions.

Bach to Turkestansk. The edge of the boys dancer engaged in the same profession as we have public women.

Bach with fans.

Sale of slave.


Policy are discussed.

It is clear that the realism of the paintings of Vereshchagin did not correspond to the battalized standards accepted by then - with fluttering banners, beautiful generals in the parade form, lush powder smoke and slender rows of rejuvenated soldiers with a pair-troop beautifully lying vigorous wounded. For this, the artist did not really lovely crazy patriots and generals. What is not only our. By the way, the German Feldmarshal Moltke categorically forbade German officers to attend Vereshchagin's exhibitions.

"Cattle or Persistent", - Alexander Third About the artist V.V. Mereshdygin.

Deadly wounded

But exactly also hated Vereshchagin and our liberals - Westerners. Because the Russian people seemed to them not as slaves and cattle, but as normal men and women, often and preparing for a foreign public, which can be seen by portrait. And the generals are not the butchers stupid, and the soldiers are heroes, it was unbearable for liberals. And to Western civilization, as a shrine and paradise, Vereshchagin did not apply.

La view.

The Roman execution on the cross - caused a very evil response of the clergy, there was not canon. And not only our clergy, Western solidized.

People's execution in St. Petersburg - well, here and so everything is clear.

But the "suppression of the Indian uprising of the British" caused a real hate self in England.

The artist is once again accused of slander, and there were witnesses and even participants in such executions.

"Modern civilization was branded mainly by the fact that the Turkish russeau was carried out close, in Europe, and then the means of committing the atrocities were reminded by Tamerlanovsky times: demolished, cut the throat, precisely the ram.
The case of the British: First, they created the case of justice, the case of retaliation for the filtered rights of the winners, far, in India; Secondly, they did a grandiose: hundreds tied the sieps outrageous against their dominion and not sipaev to the Garls of the guns and without a shell, one gunpowder, they were shot - this is already a great success against the outrage of the throat or breaking the belly.

I repeat, everything is done methodically, in a good way: guns, how many of them will happen, are built in a row, it does not rush in a row, they don't rush and tie for elbows to one more or less criminal Indian citizen, different ages, professions and castes, and then Team all guns are shooting at once.
- V. Vereshchagin. Skobelev. Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 In memoirs V. V. Vereshchagin. - M.: "Dar", 2007. - P. 151.

"The death of this they are not afraid, and they are not afraid of them; but what they avoid what they are afraid, so it is necessary to appear before the highest judge in incomplete, insistered form, without a head, without hands, with a lack of members, and this is exactly not only But even inevitably when shooting from guns.
Wonderful details: While the body is scattered into pieces, all the heads, pulling away from the body, spirally fly up. Naturally, they also bury together, without a strict analysis of the one who belongs to the yellow gentlemen, one or another part of the body belongs. This circumstance, I repeat, very much comes to the natives, and it was the main motive of the introduction of execution by shooting from guns in particularly important cases, such as, for example, with uprisings.
The Europeans is difficult to understand the horror of the Indian high caste, if necessary, only touch the lowest one: he should not close the opportunity to be saved, washed and bring sacrifices after that endless. It is terribly that during modern orders, for example, on the railways to sit elbow about elbow with all sorts, - and here it can happen, no more, no less that the head of Bramin about three cords will fall on the eternal peace near the spine of the Paria - Brrr ! From one of this thought shouted the soul of the hardest Hindu!
I say it is very serious, in full confidence that none of the former in those countries or impartially familiar with them according to the descriptions will not contradict me.
- V. Vereshchagin. Skobelev. Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 In memoirs V. V. Vereshchagin. - M.: "Dar", 2007. - P. 153.

Again the breakdown in time - now the head of the spiral flies up at the death bombers-shakhids.

And the picture of the British was destroyed, apparently how it was accepted by Anglo-Saxons. They all try to shut out that in their opinion they disgrace them. And yes - now by the way it is perfectly visible on the Internet.

In Soviet times, the Vereshchagin also did not understand how to treat. On the one hand, it seems like criticized tsarism and imperialism. On the other hand, he chased the tsarist army and violated internationalism, showing. For example, the same Turkestans are dirty, ribbon and luxury.

It seems that the tsarism predict the local peoples, their heads of goals kefirs and slavery with banditricism towards neighbors ... Basmology was a serious problem in red. I had to go in the footsteps of the king ... Again, with the Turks, then flirted, and Vereshchagin the neighbors did not exhibit in the best light. Although civilized seems to be the same wild thugs as Sarbazy Bukhara Emir.

This period of our history is now little known - neither leads, no films. But the most interesting events. Sharp jumping with the British for influence in the region.

Fuck Allah from new friends!

Even the form of Russian troops is unusual and functional. Kepping with Natlennik, Caper Ermakovka-Gymnaster and Leather Red Pants with High Boots, Hard Snake Beans, Tarantulas, Scorpions and Pickles of Tagged Plants.

Let them come. Defense Samarkand.

They entered! (The picture is destroyed by the artist because of the clutch critics).

Soldier and vultures

The Russian-Turkish war is in the works of Vereshchagin. He was seriously injured there. Operated it and saved from Gangrena just the same Sklifosovsky. The younger brother Sergey - was killed there. The third brother of the artist was injured.

Before attack.

After attack. Lazarene under the splena.

Fragment. Our wounded.

Fragment. Turkish wounded waiting from our help doctors.

Captured Albanians - Bashibuzuki.
The position of the ships defenders was critical and aggravated by the lack of supply - the agents of the Association "Gorwitz, Greger, Kogan and Co.", which was delivered to the army of food, fled from the pass at the first rumors about the approach of the Turks. 9, 10, 11 and 12 August soldiers did not receive hot food, satisfied with breadcrumbs. Quickly approached the end and dressings, and by August 11, it was already saving the cartridges. However, the most important deficit for the Russians was water - there was a forty-portus heat, and water from mountain sources could be taken only at night with a big risk for life.

The Turks arranged ambushes not only from sources, but also throughout the highway, who was walking from Gabrov, from where the saving reserves were waiting. The road was shot, and one of her sites was called the "Paradise Valley", because everyone who stopped there went to the forefathers. Only on August 9, 40 people were injured on the road to Gabrov and killed. No one could understand where there was no fire from, since even powder smoke was not visible. On August 16, the Russian managed to solve this mystery - the cave was accidentally found, from which a group of Turks led fire. All of them were reycole bayonets.

Trenches on a chips.

"Commanders began to order warm things for soldiers, but already on September 26, the first cases of frostbite appeared. In October, the peak of the incidence of the entire campaign was achieved in the Minsk Regiment - 515 cases, that is, almost every sixth had a shelf in the shelf. Finally, in November in the mountains Current frosts came. By that time, the exhausted Orlovsky regiment was replaced by the units of the 24th Infantry Division of the Adjutant General K. I. Gershlman, but on December 19, this division had to be launched with a chip, because she was almost all alone. Although frostbite was rarely fatal, they led to heavy injuries. The sky losses at Herschelmanna were more than 50% of the number of division. By the second half of December, frost in the mountains achieved such power that the bumps were laid out with pieces, and oil was frozen in rifles

Hourly. (From the series "On the thykeka, everything is calm!" - a typical message from there. On three pictures - how the Russian clockwork freezes in PURGE)

Winners (our huge regiment under the cracker got into the west and was crushed. The wounded Turks finished, over the corpses were mocked, removing all the clothes and shoes.)

Restored with terrifying accuracy, with epic realism The true image of the war: blood ..., the brazening of the massacre of the massacre appeared quite complete picture of Turkish atrocities ...
Here it was possible to see, with some sophisticated cruelty, Turks have fun, crumbling body to all the frets.

Belts were cut from the spin and hips, whole pieces of leather were taken out on the ribs, and sometimes the bodies were vague from the diluted fire.

Some outstanding parts of the body were cut off and laid in the mouth, the noses are shot down to the side or flattened, and the soldiers who had a mark on a good shooting were carved, cross-shaped notches on the foreheads ")