Literary Prize "National Bestseller". Prize "National Bestseller" Laureates Prize National Bestseller

Literary premium
Literary Prize "National Bestseller". Prize "National Bestseller" Laureates Prize National Bestseller

The premium was established in 2001 by the National Bestseller Foundation. "National Bestseller" is the main non-state prize of Russia, reflecting the actual trends of Russian literature and the cultural life of the country. The competition covers the entire field of Russian literature, regardless of the political and ideological preferences of the authors. The creation of a completely new and absolutely open procedure is an important point and a guarantee of choosing a better work created in prose in Russian during the calendar year. The motto of the award - "Wake up famous!", The main goal of the competition is to submit worthy of decent writers. "National Bestseller" is a literary award, the results of which are declared in St. Petersburg, and has a reputation as the most independent and no one controlled. In different years, such writers like Pelevin, Prokhanov, Yuzafovich, and others became laureates of "Nacbesti".

The official website of the Russian literary premium "National Bestseller".

2018 year -aleksay oselnikov

The winner of the premium was Alexey Salnikov (Yekaterinburg) with novel "Petrov's influenza and around it." Alexey Salnikov was born in Tartu (1978). Published in Almana "Babylon", magazines "Air", "Ural", "Volga". The author of three poetic collections.

Meet Petrov, Petrova and their eight-year-old son - Petrov Jr.. Petrov - a car mechanic drawing a black and white comics, Petrov - a librarian, Petrov Jr. - a boy who is interested in cartoons and video games. Actually several days from the life of the grip and dedicated to the Roman Salnis. Temperature nonsense Heroes justifies numerous lyrical deviations, memories from the past, children's comics about astronauts, dreams. Details and trifles are discharged quite colorful.

2017 - Anna Kozlova

The National Bestseller Prize received Anna Kozlov for the novel "F20".

Anna Kozlova was born in 1981 in Moscow. In 2003, he graduated with honors from Nubertak MSU. M. V. Lomonosov. The author of six books and numerous cinema and telecerers. The novel "People with a clean conscience" came to the final of the Prize "National Bestseller".

Anna Kozlova's book is called as a diagnosis. F20 - Paranoid schizophrenia in the international classification of diseases. And the author says that it is usually completely unknown to most readers. About children, schizophrenia patients. This is a bright, witty, tragic and at the same time an incredibly life-affirming book about the disease, which we do not have to talk at all and even more so to write. Anna Kozlova is taking a bold attempt to climb into the inner world of teenager-schizophrenic and write about how this fancy world interacts with the world real.

"The great property of large writers is aptly operated with large social problems, transforming them into individual psychologism, and in this sense there is no doubt that Anna Kozlova is a big writer," said the literary critic Apollinaria.

The National Bestseller Prize in 2016 received Leonid Yuzfovich for the historic novel "Winter Road".

This is the second "NatsBest" Yuzfovich - the first received for the novel "Prince of Wind" in the distant 2001, when the award just began.

Over the "Winter Dear", the writer worked all this time and even longer. Twenty years ago, the historian for education, he found in the archive the diary of the White General Anatoly Pepliaeva, who raised the uprising against the Bolshevik power in Yakutsk. Since then, a study was conducted, which included many other papers. But from the documentary, for which L. Yuzfovich, V. Yuzfovich, grew, has grown real artistic work - with a beautiful conflict, a love drama and complex ethical characters of characters. L.Umfovich has already applied to the topic of civil war, for example, in the documentary "desert desert" dedicated to Baron Ungerna Sternberg background.

"What I feel now is very similar to what I felt 15 years ago, when I received" Natsbest "for the first time. Then I have not woken up, but I received literary fame. It is a lot in our time. And now, when I stand on this stage with a bouquet, I remembered the famous aphorism of Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin: "never happened, and here again." I am a little embarrassing: if I were the chairman of the jury, would voted for a person who does not possess literary fame. I will hope that after the ceremony, Mikhail Singlebable will receive it. "

For the first time in the history of the award, the ceremony could be observed from anywhere in the world thanks to the Internet broadcast, which was conducted on the site and on YouTube Channel Prize.

The winner of the Literary Prize "National Bestseller" in 2015 was a prose and playwright Sergey Nosov, nominated for the novel "Figure braces".

Sergey Nosov, graduate of the Literary Institute, was born in 1957 in Leningrad. He began to be published as a poet, later became known as a prose and playwright. His novel "The Mistress of History" entered the final of the Russian Booker in 2001. In 1998, the nosov received a prize of the competition of journalists "Golden Pen" for the transfer of "literary phantas" on the radio of Russia. His most popular pieces are tragicomedies "Don Pedro" and "Berendei".

"Prizes, of course, get nice. Honestly, I assumed that it would be somewhat different. "Natsbest" is famous for its unpredictability, since some expectations were associated with my person, thought that there would be a different result. "

Sergey Nosov

2014 - Ksenia Bulk

Ksenia Bulchshe became the winner of the fourteenth annual competition of the Literary Prize "National Bestseller".

The voices of the main jury were distributed as follows: Actress Julia Auga voted for Roman Vladimir Sorokina Tellluri, TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan gave his vote for "1993" Sergey Shargunova, Writer "Smesharikov" and "Atomic Forest" Alexey Smashnov - For "Return to Egypt" Vladimir Sharov, Founder of the project "Falanester" Boris Kupriyanov and last year's laureate of "Nazbesta" Fighl Migli preferred Roman Ksenia Bulk "Freedom Plant" "and, finally, the artist Nikolai Kopekin voted, like Auga, for the Sorokinskaya Tellluria.

In the superfinal between the two books that scored two votes, the honorary chairman of the jury writer Leonid Yuzfovich was made their choice. Announced his choice, Yuzfovich noticed that in this pair, he was easy to decide, "he chose a novel a young, although not a beginner writer Xenia Bulb" Freedom ".

The winner will receive 225,000 rubles, which it will divide in the proportion of 9: 1 with its nominator criticized Valery empty.

Recall that Ksenia Bulch became the second laureate woman and the fourth writer from St. Petersburg - the National Bestseller laureate for all the time of its existence.

The new novel Ksenia Bulch is based on the actual material, however, with realism (both with old and new), it has nothing to do. The outdated form of a production novel in the hands of a modern writer was completely updated, and each of the forty chapters of the book was written stylistically, which creates the effect of multi-layered text. An additional structural load carry copyright illustrations. With all this, the book turned out extremely alive and exciting, deep and honest.

Winner in the nomination "NatsBest-start"established this year to reward the authors younger than 35 years old Anna Starobinets with a collection of stories "Ikarov Iron".

The General Director of "2x2" Lev Makarov said: "All the books that we got to us were very worthy, Ksenia Bulch won the main NatsBest of this year. In our nomination, we chose the book Anna Starobets for the uniqueness of the genre in which she works, for looking forward with us. "

Anna Starobinets - Journalist and writer, author of books "Transitional age", "Asylum 3/9" and "Sharp cooling". Born on October 25, 1978 in Moscow, studied in an oriental lyceum, then in Moscow State University at the Philological Faculty. Throughout life, it was engaged in a variety of activities, from a synchronist translator and a private English tutor before advertiser and even waitress. At the end of Moscow State University settled in the newspaper "News Time". Since then, engaged in journalistic activities. In different periods, worked in the following publications: "News Time", "Gazeta.Ru", "Arguments and Facts", "Expert", "Bead". He worked as a journalist and editor of the culture department. At the moment it works in the Russian Reporter magazine. In addition, writes scripts for movies and television.

Anna Starobinets is one of the few Russian-speaking authors, masterfully operating in the style of "Horror Fix". Some critics believe that the Starobets is much larger than the Russian master in the Western Field, they believe that it is a pioneer in the genre of the "New Russian Horror" and, perhaps, it is from her that the tradition of new Russian horror will begin.

Together with Vadim Sokolovsky, Starobets worked on the scenario of the domestic fantasy painting "Book of Masters" (2009).

2013 - Fig Migl

Laureate "National Bestseller" - 2013 became a novel Physle-Miki "Wolves and Bears".

The favorites were inacked by Lavr Evgenia Dolazkina and the "Red Light" Maxim Cantor. The decisive voice of the Chairman of the Small Jury Lion Makarova, the Director General of the 2x 2 TV channel, the award was awarded to Fill, the author, before the remaining incognito, appeared on the stage, which caused the perobula among guests and journalists. Understanding that the starry hour has come, she nervously read the list of ironic epithets to its address collected in two years underground and recorded on the library card. Then, the author promised to serve the Fatherland, asked the philosopher and public figure Konstantin Krylov, who, together with the Ukrainian writer, Sergey Dzhadan, preferred her novel, and left the scene, refusing to communicate with journalists.

2012 - Alexander Terekhov

Laureate "National Bestseller" -2012 became Alexander Terekhov For the novel "Germans" "On the horrors of our life" in the form of a life-in-law of a Moscow official. Weighing, sophisticated-poisonous and accurate in social diagnoses, New Roman Terekhova is dedicated not to Moscow 1940s (as the previous book - "Stone Bridge"), - and Moscow is modern.

Natural habitat of Terekhov's Characters - Corruption. Here is its own system of relationships, its own language (in addition to the hurry, it is already "to roll back", there is still a "put", "to determine the questions", "work through such something"). The writer this phenomenon does not paint, he gives the usual background, foaming, moves the reader to understand the metaphysical nature of Russian corruption. On Terekhov (well, according to the national tradition), corruption is akin to art or spiritual practice, because it requires a full ministry, without a residue. This is a phenomenon who is outside the law, but being an indispensable rule of the game. And the condition of existence (and development) of the state in its current form.

2011 - Dmitry Lvovich Bykov

On June 5, 2011, the final of the eleventh "National Bestseller" was held in St. Petersburg. The jury's voices were divided between Roman Pigere-Movie "You love these films so much" and novel Dmitry Bykov "Ostroes, or a sorcerer's student." Chairman of the jury, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, used his right to choose, making it in favor of "Ostromov" Dmitry Bykov. "There are not enough scenarios in the literature," the chairman said, "I vote first of all for good quality."

Journalist, writer and poet Dmitry Lvovich Bykov Born on December 20, 1967 in Moscow. He graduated from the Journalistic Faculty of Moscow State University. He collaborated or published in almost all Moscow weekly and several daily newspapers, regularly in the "light", "Evening Club", "Capital", "General Gazette" and "New Gazeta". Since 1985, it works in the "Interlocutor". Member of the Writers Union since 1991. Author of five poetic collections, novels "Justification" and "Spelling", Collection Essay "Blud labor". In 2006 for the book Boris Pasternak Dmitry Bykov received the National Bestseller Prize. Novel "Evacuator" In 2006 he received the Student Booker Prize.

Jubilee Prize "Super-Nacbest" - Zakhar Prilepin

In 2011, in honor of the decade of existence, the award was decided to present the Jubilee Prize "Super-Nacbest" (in the amount of 100 thousand dollars) for the best book among the winners of the National Bestseller Prize over the past 10 years. The provision of the presentation is the presence of the laureate at the final ceremony on May 29, 2011.

According to the jury's open voting, led by the Assistant of the President of the Russian Federation by Arkady Dvorkovich, the "Super NatsBest" premium of 100 thousand dollars received a writer Zakhar Prilepinfor a decade recognized book collection of stories "Sin".

In addition to the award "sin", Prilepin wrote novels "Black Monkey", "Sanya" and "pathology"He had collections of stories, essays, journalists, his interview with writers and poets. The writer lives in the house near Nizhny Novgorod with his wife and three children, the fourth must be born soon. Prilepin refers to the victory in the Super-Nacbesti competition with humor and does not perceive the prize as a reason to twist on the laurels: after all the literary reputation needs to earn a lifetime, they do not give it together with the prize once and for all. "

2010-Shaduard Stepanovich Kochergin

"The main artist of the Grand Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogova, Edward Kochergin, received a book award "National Bestseller" for an autobiographical novel about the post-war years "Church of the Crosses", "reports ITAR-TASS.

Eduard Stepanovich Kochergin was born in 1937 in Leningrad. In 1960 he graduated from the stage of the Faculty of the Leningrad Theater Institute. From 1972 to this day - the main artist of the Grand Drama Theater (now - to them. G.A. Tovstonogov). Head of the workshop of theatrical and ornamental art Faculty of painting of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the Russian Academy of Arts. Actual member of the Russian Academy of Arts (1991), Laureate of State and International Prizes.

Conducted a personal heading in the Petersburg Theater Journal. Printed as a prose of magazines "Banner", "Star". In 2003, the first book of his stories was published - "Angel Doll". In 2009, they saw the light of "baptized crosses. Notes on the knees."

The basis of the "baptized crosses" was the memories of the author about the post-war years, when he escaped from the Omsk Children's Children for the children of the "enemies of the people" to Leningrad. The name of the book is the old password of the thieves in the law sitting in the crosses along with the political prisoners of the Stalinist era. The novel became the continuation of the autobiographical collection of "Angelova Doll".

We will remind, the following books came to the final "natcable":

    Roman Senchin "Eltyusevy" (M., 2009)

    Andrei Astanzaturov "People in Golcome" (M., 2009)

    Vasily Avchenko "Right Steering" (M., 2009)

    Pavel Cruzanov "Dead Language" (SPB., 2009)

    Oleg Lukinshin "Capitalism" (JL "Ural", 2009, No. 4)

    Edward Kochergin "Captured Crosses" (SPB., 2009).

2009 - Andrei Valerevich Gelasimov

Winner of the National Bestseller Prize 2009 for the Roman "Steppe Gods".

Andrei Gelasimov was born in 1966 in Irkutsk. According to the first profession, the philologist, by the second - theater director. In the early 1990s, published in the magazine "Change" the translation of the novel "Sphinx" of the American writer R. Cook. In 2001, the book of Andrei Gelasimova "Fox Mulder looks like a pig", the title story of which entered the Short List of Ivan Belkin Prize for 2001. For the story "Thirst" (2002), the writer was marked by the incentive Award named after Apollon Grigoriev and again hit the top five applicants for the Belkina Prize. In September 2003, October magazine publishes Rahil's novel. In 2004, this novel awarded the "Student Booker" award. In 2005, the Paris Book Salon was recognized as the most popular Russian writer in France. The works of Gelasimov were translated into 12 foreign languages. Lives in Moscow. Currently engaged only by literary creativity.

At the heart of the novel "Steppe Gods" lies the history of the friendship of the Trans-Baikal teenager and the prisoner of the Japanese - a Hirohito doctor. Transbaikalia on the eve of Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedy. Ten-year hungry kids play war and dream of becoming heroes. The mystery of the mines, where the prisoners of the Japanese die, only a Hirohito doctor knows. He does not believe. The time of the steppe gods ...

"This victory is not mine," said Alexander in a very brief Laureate speech, is a common victory in that war that we won fifty years ago. "

2008 - Zakhar Prilepin

Zakhar Prilepin (real name - Evgeny Nikolayevich Lavlinsky) was born in the Ryazan region, in the family of teacher and nurses. He graduated from NVG them. N.I. Lobachevsky, Philology Faculty. Public Policy School. Journalist. Earlier: Handyman, guard, loader, commander of the OMON department, etc. Published from 2004: "Friendship of Peoples", "Continent", "New World", "The Art of Cinema", "Roman-Gazeta". Zakhar Prilepin - opening in prose of recent years. His novels of "pathology" and "Sanya" became the finalists of prestigious literary premiums - "National Bestseller" and "Russian Booker".

In the novel "Sin", the hero is a young man, talented, bright, able and love, and hate to the very end. Neither the work of the graveman nor the position of bouncer nor Chechnya turn him into a skeptic, "underground character." This book "causes a desire to live - not to stir, but to live on a complete coil" ...

Prizi Laureate: 2005: Award of the Edition "Literary Russia", 2006: Award "Roman-Gazeta" in the nomination "Opening", 2007: All-China Literary Award "Best Foreign Romance of the Year" - Roman "Sankya", 2007: "Clear Polyana" award "For the outstanding work of modern literature - Roman" Sankya ", 2007: the" Russia's faithful "award - for the novel" Sin ", 2008: The Prize" Soldier of the Empire "- for prose and journalism. In addition, the French edition of the Book of Zakhar Prilepina "Pathology" received a prestigious Prize "Russophony" in France for the best translation of the Russian book.

Zakhar Prilepin from those writers that life knows not by obstacle, from those who have repeatedly pumped into her whiskers, passed through the burned armed conflict and other vitality. In 1996 and 1999, he served as a riot police commander in Chechnya, repeatedly participated in hostilities, risked life. This contributed to the establishment of his irreconcilable life position, made it a solid, not wanting to retreat or compromise. It was not by chance that his coming to the National Bolshevik Party, headed by the writer Edward Limonov. His literary creativity is a direct continuation of his life and a bright reflection of his views on society. Zakhar Prilepin is a writer hard, irreconcilable, not hiding his political addictions.

The official website of the writer - The project "New Literary Map of Russia" also introduces the work of the writer, publishing the writer and interviews with Him. Several publications of Zechariah Prilepina can be found in the Russian Life project,

In our library you can get acquainted with the following works of Zakhar Prilepin:

  • Prilepin, Z. Pathology: Roman / Z. Prilepin, // North. - 2004. - N 1 - 2. - P. 7 - 116.
  • Prilepin, Z. Stories: [Content: White Square; There will be nothing; ] / Z. Prilepin // New World. - 2005. - N 5. - P. 106 - 115.
  • Prilepin, Zakhar Sankya: Roman / Z. Prilepin. - M.: Hell Marginem, 2006. - 367 p.
  • Prilepin, Zakhar Sin: Roman in stories / Z. Prilepin. - M.: Vagribus, 2007. - 254, p.

2007 - Ilya Boykhov

In 2007, the National Bestseller premium was awarded the seventh time. Prizes awarded the writer's book Ilya Boyashova "Path Muri".

Ilya Boyashov lives in Peterhof, teaches history in the Nakhimovskaya school, writes historical novels. "We have a beautiful story about Cota Muri from Bosnia. In his house during the war, shell got a shell - now the mustache is in Europe in search of a new dwelling. A lot of cat is not necessary: \u200b\u200ba warm fireplace, soft blanket plus a little milk in the morning and something meat for lunch or dinner. In return, he is ready to provide the owners its location - that is, the very fact of existence with them under one roof. That is how I must be, Muri, who willingly set out this theory to all the relatives, as well as the houses and spirits found to him on the way. The cat sees small fairies, tumbling in the dew, and the angels of death who came by the souls of the soldiers, but their buses do not touch Muri. He has his own way - where the eyes and mustache look. Out wool, tail pipe.

The designer and wise eyes of Boyashov saw in charming shaggy beasts of the true carriers of the Nietzshean spirit of excellence - and such a writer vigility can only be applauding. However, not only to her - the author, before writing a few anti-nightopy, suddenly released the parable, completely deprived of the usual banner for this genre, an exciting fairy tale with travel and chains. And the wonderful knowledge of zoopsychology: after all, according to scientists, cats consider people their animals, and not vice versa. "

The short list of National Bestseller This year was truly representative: it was attended by the novels of three well-known writers - "Day of the Okrichnik" Vladimir Sorokina, "Daniel Stein, Translator" Lyudmila Ulitskaya and "LSD" Dmitry Bykov.

2006 - Dmitry Bykov

Dmitry Bykov received the first prize for the book Boris Pasternak from the "Life of Wonderful People" series.

Dmitry Lvovich Bykov was born in 1967 in Moscow. Writer, journalist, poet. He graduated from the faculty of journalism MSU. The author of journalistic, literary, polemical articles, which were published in a variety of magazines and newspapers, regularly in the "Interlocutor" (works in the journal since 1985), from 1993 it is printed in the "light" (Observer - since 1997). In the "New Gazeta" for many years, interviews with the writer are published, as well as the reviews on his new books - "LDG", "spelling" and others. Actively published in network magazines, such as Russian Life, Session Magazine. Member of the Writers Union since 1991.

The book "Pasternak" - about life, creativity and the miracle, of one of the largest Russian poets of the 20th century Boris Pasternak; Explanation in love for the hero and the world of his poetry. The author does not follow the path of his hero scrupulously, he tries to reproduce for himself and the reader's inner life of Boris Pasternak, so rich and tragedies, and happiness.

The reader turns out to be an invalid major events of the life of Pasternak, socio-historical catastrophes that accompanied it all the way, the creative relationships and influences, explicit and intimate, without which the existence of every talented person is unthinkable. The book gives a new interpretation of the legendary novel "Dr. Zhivago", which played such a fateful role in the life of his creator.

Among the challengers "Shadow Mazepa" Sergey Belyakova, "Life of the killed artists" Alexander Brener, "Rodina" Elena Dolglyat, "F20" Anna Kozlova, "Patriot" Andrei Rubanova, "Golovastik and Saints" Andrei Filimonova and "This Country" Misch.

So far, the results are not supplied, remember the 10 most remarkable authors who in different years became laureates of this prestigious award.

Leonid Yuzfovich

The famous Russian writer was awarded award twice. For the first time in the year of the institution "Nacbesti" (in 2001) for the Book "Prince of Wind".

For the second time, he received a reward after 15 years for a documentary "Winter Road". The book tells about the forgotten episode of the civil war in Russia, when the White General Anatoly Pepeliaev and Anarchist Ivan Rods fought in Yakutia for the last block of the earth controlled by White Guards.

Dmitry Bykov

Like Leonid Yuzfovich, Dmitry Bykov became twice the laureate of "Nacbesti". In 2011, he received him for the novel "Ostroes, or a sorcerer's student." And earlier, in 2006, for the biography of Boris Pasternak in the Zhzl series.

Both times the victory of Bykov caused dissatisfaction with some members of the organizing committee, who believed that the writer "had already taken place as a celebrity, he loved and read it," and the task of the award is to reveal the unrealized potential of beginner authors. "And the more pleasant to win when this does not want the organizing committee so much," said Dmitry Lvovich.

Victor Pelevin

The most mysterious modern Russian writer received "NatsBest" for the novel "DPP. NN. " This year, Pelevin also advanced to her with the novel "Malfusale lamp, or the extreme battle of Chekists with Masons."

However, the book did not enter the short list and dropped out of the literary race. But the novel can well get the "Big Book" premium. The chances of the masters are pretty high.

When in 2005, the novel of Mikhail Shishkin "Veineline Hair", Mikhail Shishkin, received a novel, Many began to speak out that this should be a real bestseller.

Zakhar Prilepin

Zakhara Prilepina was repeatedly called the "writer of the year" along with Boris Akunin and Viktor Pelevin, and his mention in the media was a little more than Lyudmila Ulitsky several times.

Mentioned above Dmitry Bykov called this collection with a modern "hero of our time" for "the continuation of the best tendencies of the Soviet society, with an installation for culture, education, love for life."

Alexander Terekhov

Alexander Terekhov became the winner of 2011 with the novel about the life of the metropolitan officials "Germans".

After his victory, Zakhar Prilepin admitted that Terekhov believes the real classic of Russian literature along with Nabokov. After the release of the book, many expected her speedy adaptation.

According to the plot, the main character is headed by a press center of the Moscow Prefecture and is broken between problems at work and at home. The book was so masterfully written that at the stage of the manuscript got into the number of applicants.

Andrei Gelasimov

Proser and Writer Andrei Gelasimov became known for the Russian reader after going to the light of his story "Fox Mulder looks like a pig" almost 16 years ago. Since then, he has published many excellent novels, stories and stories.

But the main book triumph of Gelasimov - "Natsbest" for the novel "Stepnaya Gods", the book about the prisoner Japanese, who lives in Russia and writes memoirs to their relatives in Nagasaki.

The idea came to the Writer in the head after a personal tragedy when he wrote the letters of his mother from Moscow to Irkutsk, without the opportunity to see, "show grandchildren."

The writer admits that for many years the separation forgot, what his mother looked like. This tragedy has formed the basis of the "steppe gods".

Ilya Boyashov

"Path Muri" Ilya Boyashova is a story about a cat walking through the whole of Europe in search of lost well-being: chairs, plaid and bowls with milk.

Intenitability, light philosophy and love for cats have done their own business, and in 2007 the book was awarded "natcable".

Alexander Prokhanov

The novel "Mr. Hexogen" tells about the tragic events of 1999, in particular, about a series of explosions of residential buildings.

The book was published three years after the terrorist attacks and the beginning of the second Chechen campaign and immediately caused violent discussions among journalists, critics and ordinary readers.

One way or another, Prokhanov became the laureate of "Nacbesti". He handed his money award to the scandalous Eduard Limonov, calling him "the artist on the tie, to which it is impossible to relate indifferent."

Sergey Nosov

Peter Writer Sergey Nosov In 2015, he became the laureate of "Nazbest" for the novel "Figure braces".

According to the author, the book is written in the style of "magical realism", in which the protagonist, mathematician-mentalist, is forced to investigate the death of his friend, which recent years shared his body with the other person seized him.

In the notebook of the deceased thought of "swept" were highlighted with curly brackets - which gave the name of the work.

The annual All-Russian Literary Prize "National Bestseller" was established in 2000 in St. Petersburg.

The founder of the Prize - the National Bestseller Foundation, formed by individuals and attracts funds from both legal and individuals in order of donations (but not from state sources).

Prosisic works (artistic and documentary prose, journalism, essistics, memoirs), first published in Russian during the past calendar year or manuscript, regardless of the year of their creation, can be put on the premium.

The motto of the award - "Wake up famous!".

The goal of the award is to open the market potential of distinguished by high art and / or other advantages of prosaic works with other means.

The timing of all phases of the award is published every year at the beginning of the cycle, along with the list of nominator. Announcement of the results of the award occurs at the beginning of summer, in the completion of a multi-stage procedure, unfolding in the autumn-spring season.

"National Bestseller" is the only nationwide literary award, the results of which are declared in St. Petersburg.

In accordance with the Prize Regulations, the extension of works is as follows: the award organizing committee forms a list of nominators from representatives of the book world - publishers, critics, writers, poets, journalists - who are invited to nominate for a prize for one work. All works presented in this way fall into the "long" list of award.

Further, members of a large jury read all the works included in the nomination list, and choose the two most liked. Each first place brings 3 points award to the seeker, each second one - 1 point. Thus, a "short" list of 5-6 works is formed.

The list of premium finalists is compiled based on simple arithmetic calculations. These calculations, with an indication of who voted, are also published in the media. The members of a large jury accompany both selected products with personal annotation, in addition, they write a brief summary for each of the works read from the nomination list.

At the last stage, a small jury, which is no longer as many of the professional writers, as from readers: authoritative artists, politicians and business - makes a choice from the works of the short sheet. The vote of a small jury is going right at the awards ceremony.

The composition of the Great and Small Jury is determined by the award Organizing Committee. In seven-day period, potential members of the jury must confirm their consent to participate in the procedure, after which an individual contract is concluded with each of them.

The number of nominators and members of both jury is not a fixed nature.

The honorary chairman of a small jury is becoming a public or politician who is not directly related to the literature directly. The honorary chairman of a small jury interferes with the work of the jury only if the voting of small jury members did not reveal the winner. Then his name calls the Honorary Chairman. His decision is in this case final, and the full results of the award leads the Organizing Committee.

The winner receives a cash premium in 250 thousand rubles, which is divided between him and nominated it with the noment in proportion 9: 1.

The right to nominate books on the award is used not only by the official list of nominator list, but also users of LiveJournal Internet resource. In a specially created community, any blogger will be able to influence the formation of long and short lists of the premium. Works put forward at least three bloggers fall into a table for voting.

With the beginning of the work of a large jury of the award in LiveJournal starts National Worst: the election of the worst (the most overwhelmed) book of the year according to LJ users. The work that received the largest number of votes of LJ users becomes the owner of the title of National Worst.
The work of the official prize short sheet, which received the greatest number of bloggers votes, will become the owner of the prize reader's sympathy.

The first winner of the National Bestseller Prize in 2001 was Leonid Yuzfovich with the novel "Prince Wind"; In different years, the winners of the award were writers Viktor Pelevin, Alexander Garros, Alexey Evdokimov, Alexander Prokhanov, Mikhail Shishkin, Dmitry Bykov, Ilya Boykashov, Zakhar Prilepin, Andrei Gelasimov, Eduard Kochergin.

In 2011, the "National Bestseller" award was timed to the 10th anniversary of the existence of the "National Bestseller" award. "SUPER NACBEST" is a competition for the best book among the winners of the National Bestseller Prize over the past 10 years.

In 2012, the winner of the National Bestseller award for 2011 and the owner of the prize in 250 thousand rubles with a novel from the life of the Metropolitan officials "Germans".

In mid-April 2013, it became known that the award had lost the former source of financing and its presentation was threatened. On May 14, 2013, the organizing committee announced that the TV channel "2x2" and a film company "Central Partnership" became the general sponsors of "Nacbesti". On the same day, the composition of the small jury was announced, where Art historian Alexander Borovsky, Poet Sergey Zhadan, philosopher and publicist Konstantin Krylov, executive vice president of the film company "Central Partnership" Zlata Polishchuk, film director of Nina Strizhak and Laureate "Nassek" Alexander Terekhov . The CEO of "2x2" Lion Makarov became the Honorary Chairman of the Small Jury.

In mid-April 2013, which entered six works. The finalists were Maxim Kantor ("Red Light"), Eugene Dolazkin ("Laurel"), Ildar Abuzyarov ("Mutabor"), Sophia Cheap ("Watchflower"), Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina ("Power of the Dead") and Fighl Migl ( "Wolves and bears").

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

One of the most prestigious literary premiums of Russia, which is awarded annually in St. Petersburg. Notes prosaic works, characterized by high art and possessing the potential bestseller.

Prize size - 750 thousand rubles

date of creation - 2001.

Founders and co-founders. The National Bestseller Foundation formed by individuals and attracts funds from both legal and individuals in order of donations (but not from government sources). "National Bestseller" is the only five-five premium from the big five, and in St. Petersburg.

Terms of conduct. Nominee nomination, the formation of long and short lists is deployed in the spring-winter season.
Announcement of results occurs at the beginning of summer.

Prize goals. Open the market potential of distinguished by high art and / or other advantages of prosaic works.

Who can participate. Program is put forward by prosaic works, first published in Russian during the preceding calendar year premium, or manuscript, regardless of the year of their creation, the volume of at least 3-4 copyright sheets. Under prosaic work, the organizers mean artistic and documentary prose, journalism, essistics, memoirs.

Who can nominate. The Organizing Committee forms a list of the well-known and respected representatives of the book world - publishers, critics, writers, poets, journalists, who are invited to nominate a prize for one work created in Russian and existing in the form of a manuscript or first published over the past year. All works presented in this way fall into a long list of award.

Expert Council and Jury. The formation of the list of nominators, the compositions of the Big and Small Jury is the prerogative of the organizing committee. The number of nominators and members of both jury is not a fixed nature. However, replacements and additions after the publication of the respective lists are not provided.

Nominations and prize fund. The winner receives a cash prize of 750,000 rubles, which is divided between him and put forward by its nominator in proportion 9: 1. Other finalists receive 60,000 rubles as a consolation prize.

Laureates of different years. Sergey Nosov ("figured brackets"), Ksenia Bulk ("Freedom Plant" "), Alexander Terekhov (" Germans "), Dmitry Bykov (" acroy, or a student of Correction "," Boris Pasternak "), Andrei Gelasimov (" Steppe Gods "), Zakhar Prilepin (" Sin "), Viktor Pelievin (DPP), Leonid Yuzfovich (" Prince of Wind ").