Lev Tolstoy. Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy Brief biography Report about Alexei Tolstoy briefly

Lev Tolstoy. Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy Brief biography Report about Alexei Tolstoy briefly

Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on January 10, 1883 (December 29, 1882 - according to the old style) in the family of Nikolay Alexandrovich Tolstoy and Alexandra Leontievna Turgeneva. True, in all the biographies of Tolstoy, it is noted that the parenting of the boy was not engaged in his native father, and stepfather Bostr Alexei Apolloovich, for whom Alexei Tolstoy's mother married. On the farm Sosnovka, who belonged to stepmore, and the childhood of the future writer passed. An invited teacher was engaged in education.

In 1897, Alexei Tolstoy's family moved to Samara. There, the young man entered the school, and at his ended in 1901 left to St. Petersburg to continue their education in the Institute of Technology.

The beginning of literary activities

In 1907, shortly before the protection of the diploma, Alexey suddenly decides to quit the institute to engage in literature. Pen sample in 1905, when Tolstoy published several of his poems in the provincial newspaper, he considered great luck, so the decision to quit the institute was given to the future writer relatively easily. In the same 1907, Tolstoy issued a collection of Lyrics poems, and in 1908 the NEVA magazine published the prose of a novice writer Tolstoy - the story "Old Tower".

In 1908, his second book of poems "behind the blue rivers" comes out. Already in Moscow, where in 1912 he moved the writer, he began cooperation with Russian Vedomosti, where he published his prose of a small genre (basically, stories and essays) on an ongoing basis.

When the First World War began, Tolstoy decided to go to the front by the military correspondent. As a journalist during the war, the writer visited England and France.

Years of emigration

The February Revolution caused a lot of interest to the issues of Russian statehood. This event became a kind of push, after which the writer seriously engaged in the study of the Petrovsky era. For a long time he conducted a study of historical archives, studying the history of Peter the first and vividly interested in the fates of people from his closest environment. But the October Bolshevik coup Alexey Nikolaevich perceived very negatively.

In 1918, historical motives appear in his prose. He writes the stories "Day Peter" and "Owning". Even in a brief biography of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy, it is worth mentioning that later this is a passion for the time of Peter the Great, all the knowledge gained about this great era of change will be poured into the wonderful historical novel "Peter First".

In the next two years, the Light saw three more books of the author: Fantastic content of the novel "Aelita", the story "Black Friday" and "Manuscript found under the bed". By the genre of fiction, the author also returned to the book "Garin's hyperboloid engineer".

But a real bestseller was the book "Golden Key", which told about the fascinating adventures of the wooden boy Pinocchio (it is recommended for extracurricular reading to students of grade 5, but the tale is probably suitable for primary school). The fabulous story was written based on the book "Pinocchio" of the Italian author Carlo Collodi. While in emigration, Tolstoy began working on the trilogy "walking in torment", which will become the most important work in the life of the writer.

Return to the USSR

After emigration, old friends turned away from Tolstoy, but in Berlin, in 1922 he acquired a new friend - Maxim Gorky, with whom he met when the latter came to Germany. A year later, in 1923, Alexey Nikolaevich decided to return to his homeland. Here he continued to work on the trilogy "walking on the flour" ("sisters", "eighteenth year", "Gloomy Sky"). Themed to the trilogy is adjacent and the story "Bread", written in 1937, which is considered the most unsuccessful work. In it he distorted the historical truth, the personality of Stalin and the events of bloody and hungry time was fallen. Because of this hypocritical propaganda, the historical truth could not suffer, the moral traditions and the work of the writer.

Tolstoy as a citizen and Tolstoy as an artist is two different people. Of course, he saw his acquaintances and friends from Stalinist repression, but no one had any help, although it was close to Stalin and the authorities. He simply ignored requests for help. Coming

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy was born in 1817 in a notable noble family in St. Petersburg. Soon after the birth of a child, the family of Tolstoy broke up and the mother, along with his son, went to Ukraine. Childhood of Little Alexei passed in the Chernihiv province.

Alexey received a magnificent home education. A significant influence on the nature and worldview of the boy was provided by his native uncle A. A. Petrovsky, who was a fairly famous writer of that time and an active supporter of the Decembrists. It was he who became a prototype in the novel "War and Peace" when creating a Pierre image. Some fairy tales uncle specifically composed for his nephew, for example, a black chicken fairy tale has come down to this day. Under the influence of uncle, Alexey began to be interested in and engaged in literature.

A. K. Tolstoy on the right of birth was part of the aristocratic environment, but in childhood an event occurred, which even more delivered the boy in a special position. At the age of 10, Alexey came to the number of invited to games with the future heir to Russia by Emperor Alexander II, with whom he had in the future friendly, close relationship. In more adulthood, the advantages of the situation as a friend of the king were used by A. K. Tolstoy, but not for personal purposes. So, Tolstoy did everything possible to liberate Taras Shevchenko from the reference, expressed in defense of Chernyshev.

In 1834, A. K. Tolstoy becomes a student at the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of the Interior. In 1835, Tolstoy successfully examines the exam at the university and receives honored rank. The next years of his life from 1837 to 1840 is connected with the Russian diplomatic mission in Germany. During this period of life, A. K. Tolstoy led the stormy life of a famous secular man, in which jokes and draws were present on the verge of permitted. All leprosy A. K. Tolstoy could easily come up with him from hand only thanks to the patronage of Alexander II.

Considive time A. K. Tolstoy dedicates in these years literary creativity. In 1841, under the literary mask, Krasnorogsky enters his first publication of the fantastic story "Ghoul". In 1854, A. K. Tolstoy takes himself a new pseudonym and his poems appear in the "contemporary" under the authorship of Kozma Prutkov. This pseudonym was invented during the youth of A. K. Tolstoy together with his brothers as an image of a not very smart and narcissistic bureaucrat.

The personal life of the young thick thing was not easy. In 1850, he falls in love with the colonel's wife who led the horse guard. The development of relations greatly prevented the husband, who did not allow a long time for a divorce for a long time. It was categorically against the marriage was the mother of Tolstoy, who relate to the bride of the Son with his dislike. For a long time, young people could not officially issue a marriage, which was concluded only in 1863.

From 1860 to 1870, A. K. Tolstoy spent a lot of time abroad. During these years, his literary works in the most famous magazines of that time, such as "Russian Bulletin", "Contemporary", "Journal of Europe" are actively printed. In 1861 his poem "Don Juan" is published. Next years are associated with work on the texts of the historic trilogy "Death of John Grozny", "Tsar Fedor John", "Tsar Boris". In these years, A. K. Tolstoy works on the translations of the works of Heine, Goethe, Bairon. In 1867, a meeting of poems A. K. Tolstoy, which became the last publication of the writer in the years of his life.

The last years of the life of A. K. Tolstoy spent secluded in his estate red horn, tormented by the attacks of asthma and the strongest headaches. These years are associated with a serious deterioration in the financial state of the writer, which has further contributed to the development of diseases. To facilitate the physical suffering A. K. Tolstoy was forced to take morphine, the overdose of which was the cause of his death.


All inherited estates of Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy preferred a red horn. At first, after "finding freedom", he often had a habit of challenging, and in the desert, but over time, it was the red horn that he became a house. True, almost every year Tolstoy traveled from here abroad. In St. Petersburg, after the premiere of the "death of John Grozny", he no longer sought.

It is difficult to believe that a half century ago, the red rog was surrounded by a dense forest. Already it was said that A. K. Tolstoy compared this places an impassable boron with the legendary Sherwood Forest, where Robin Hood was inhabited. He wrote to the German writer Bertold Auerbah, that in the prison from his house roam bears. The poet did not exaggerate.

Letters Alexei Tolstoy is full of admiration for the nature of the Red Horn. He invites the poet of Yakov Polonsky to visit the estate: "If you knew what a magnificence in the summer and autumn: the forests around 50 wool and more, the log and hollows are so beautiful, what I haven't seen anywhere, and in the fall, especially this fall, you do not go away from gold and purple. It was before the solemn that the tears are awakened on the eyes. "

In June 1869, Athanasius Fet came to Red Rog (Major Fet, as the poet of hospitable hosts jicely called), who left detailed memories of this visit. On the way with him there was a curiosity case confirming the truth of the Tolstov Words. Fet writes: "For several stations to Bryansk, the train stopped for a long time, and, without finding places from half-day heat, I stopped in some kind of stupor in the middle of the hall of the 1st grade. Despite the exalted temperature of the whole body, I felt some extraordinarily soft heat that swept the middle finger of the right hand. Having sowing the ball with the book, I saw that a little yellow, like wheat straw, a bear, sitting on the hind legs, looks up with his gray eyes and my finger sucks with selflessness, taking me, probably for his mother. There was a call, and I had to leave my poor guest. "

Bryansk Fet drove on horseback on the forest road along the thick wall of the firs. On the way there were lakes, and large wild ducks took off right from the crew.

About the atmosphere of the Red Horn Fet remembers: "It was difficult to choose between the conversations of the graph in his office, where, speaking of the most serious items, he could suddenly illudine a conversation with a surprise" A la "rods, - and a lounge, where the Countess knew how to revive his tea table "Along with a subtle comment on an old painter or any historical face, or, approaching the piano, the masterfully Igroity and singing to make a listener to make better life." However, a lot of "oddities" was not covered from the experienced landlord eye Feta. So, he was amazed at the abundance of steamings in the fields. He was explained that the hay was accumulated within two or three years, and then in the lack of place burned. Fet sarcastically noticed that he does not understand such a economic method and never understand.

In general, legends were created about the kindness and strainship of the owners of the Red Horn. For example, once the peasants were asked for Alexei Konstantinovich firewood for the winter, and he, without thinking, offered them to cut off the lipovous grove near the estate, and this was understandable, was immediately fulfilled. It happened that, trampled lackeys and vinerov, thick again took them to the house and even drove abroad with them. All this eventually led to the fact that A. K. Tolstoy almost completely broke up and at sunset life was seriously thought to return to the court service.

After lunch, the poet necessarily went to walk in the park. At first, Fet just enjoyed a conversation with Tolstoy, without thinking about the reason for these regular walks. Soon, it turned out that Alexey Konstantinovich suffered all his life from painful headaches, which was a sign or a consequence of diseases that have become in a premature grave - breasting toad and the expansion of the heart aorta. These ailments often comprehend precisely strong and at first glance at extremely strong people.

About lonely walks A. K. Tolstoy peasants have long remembered after his death. According to their stories, "he always walked angry and looked in the ground." They did not forget that Alexey Konstantinovich "could not survive, if we cut the sticky on the lapties or that another ...<…> You, says, wander it under the root, but with live skin are not driving! If, approximately, I will drive with you, it will be good for you? She, too, says, feels ... Chudak was a barin! ".

Fet believed for himself with happiness that he had a chance in life to meet such a beautiful, knightly noble man, like Tolstoy. In turn, Alexey Konstantinovich was proud of friendship with Fetom. On the eve of the arrival of Feta in Red Horn Tolstoy wrote to him: "... I don't think that in all Russia there is someone who would appreciate you, like me and my wife. We thought that we would have left someone from modern foreign and Russian writers and who would be forgotten. The first turned out to be a little, but when your name was uttered, we shouted in one voice: "It will remain, will remain forever."

However, near the estate there was a completely different world. The Poreframe Russian village, mired in poverty and drunkenness, was a gloomy picture. In the lack of law, the situation became just threatening. A. K. Tolstoy wrote Markevich on February 7, 1869: "The famous hunger around, in many villages, die ... Look at what is happening - terrible. Still, they prefer to die from hunger than working. Make out of this any conclusion, but here, at least, Emancipation (that is, exemption, the abolition of serfdom. - V.N.) dropped them away. Does this mean that I am an enemy of emancipation? God keep me! But it seems to me that for each locality there are special laws and that all the terrain cannot be put on one board. Freedom has become here Not blessing, but evil for peasants. For 150 wool from here, in the sorrows, another of our estate, she appeared, on the contrary, blessing, and drunkenness stopped perfect "So the Jews (meaning the owners of Shinkov." - V.N.) Go out from there, considering that it is unprofitable to stay in such a place where they do not drink. "

Especially indignant poet moral drop in the clergy. In the same letter, he asks: "Tell me without any joke, but it is quite serious, there is a dachshund on requirements (christening, funeral, weddings, etc.), which the priest could not break? Our Father Gabriel takes 25 rubles from the peasants for a wedding, and the peasants on the eve of the hungry death. You are standing at the original source, since you serve under the signs of Dmitry Tolstoy. If such a dachshund exists, send it to me, and the father of Gabriel will do it. I ask you quite seriously. This is a shame that the only carrier of the enlightenment, the priest, causes the horror in the villages that he is tyrant, and the peasants do not like him, but are afraid. "

The estate of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev Osttig was located near the Red Horn, about ten woofers. It is with these places that the famous Tyutchev poem is connected 1855:

These poor villages,

This scarce nature is

Land of native long-suffering

The edge of the Russian people!

Will not understand and not notice

Proud gaze invoiced.

What sneaks and secretly shines

In the height of your humble.

A leaning gaze,

All of you, the land is native,

In slavish form king heavenly

He proceeded, blessed.

Almost a fifteen years, in 1869, the hopeless reality inspired Alexei Tolstoy poetic response Fedor Tyutchev:

Odarily is very abundant

Our land, the king of heaven

Be rich and strong

She commanded everywhere.

But so that the seams fell,

So that the noves are empty -

We are blessing

The king of heaven gave hardly!

We are careless, we are lazy,

All our hands roll,

And so we are patient -

This is nothing to praise!

In the 1860s, Alexey Tolstoy's productivity is noticeably reduced as lyrics. Small intimate poems he prefers larger poetic forms. A favorite genre of Tolstoy becomes a ballad, but you should not see only a follower of Zhukovsky in it. The romantic ballad of Tolstoy prefers the historic ballad. The first sample, as we remember, was the famous ballad "Vasily Shibanov", written twenty years ago. The poet seemed that he found a poetry genre, allowing to convey to the reader his own look at the fate and the purpose of Russia.

A stranger unexpectedly appears on the feast of Prince Vladimir, in which it is not difficult to find out Tatarina:

And he began to sing on an unknown way:

"Mastering the bold reward!

You, prince, mighty and casseth is rich,

And remember the rooks of your distant tsargrad -

Oh Lado, oh Ladushka-Lado!

But your birth is not always the fateful,

There will be severe time,

Will hug your Kiev and flame and smoke

And your grandchildren will be my grandchildren

Keep gilded stirrup! "

Universal indignation interrupts the severity, but he, having merged for a minute, again prophesies:

The singer continues: "And the time will come,

Undeate our Khan Christians,

And the Russian people again take up

And the land is one of you will collect

But it will be Han himself!

And he will sit in the terme,

Like a cumiro among the temple,

And he will be back to you to beat Bumpy,

And you knock him yes to knock in bromo -

Oh Schma, oh Gorky Stra! "


And with honest, you will quarrel with an old

And, the ancestors are great on core,

You will say: "Let's become a back to the scary.

Face will turn to the cartridges! "

Dobrynya Nikitich strikes the guest of the arrow, and he, turning into a snake, hissing floats along the Dnieper under the laughter of pouring. Prince Vladimir heads a feast:

"Take the same Chair Major,

Tu Chara, mined in Sich,

Produced with Khan Khazar in battle -

For the Russian custom to the bottom of her drink,

For the ancient Russian evening.

For free, for the honest Slavic people!

For the bell Pew Novalady!

And if he even falls in dust,

Let the ringing in the heart of the descendants live -

Oh Lado, oh Ladushka-Lado! "


And drank Vladimir - and after a circle,

Like swan flock splash,

How in the summer of clouds hit thunder,

The people are responsible: "For the prince we drink!

Oh Lado, oh Ladushka-Lado!

Yes rules in Russian he is Russian people

And you do not need a gift!

And if the Godina will come in adversity,

We believe that Rus will be victorious, -

Oh Lado, oh Ladushka-Lado! "

By sending the "Snake Tugarin" by the editor of the "European Bulletin" by Mikhail Stasyulevich and answering His previously expressed observations that the ballad because of the chorus turned out to be too song and not fully relevant to the "archaeological" spirit of the Kiev Rus, A. K. Tolstoy wrote: "I decided Leave the chorus as it is, that is, "Oh Lado, oh Ladushka-Lado!" ... where it says about knuta, and about bat's., and about tatars And where in general the whole language is a Great Russian, there is no trouble that the chorus will be Great Russian, and not South Russian. Dactyl: ladushki. It is very good because it gives the ease of the chorus and wakes mythological character from him, leaving one character delete and fun. In the whole of this play, modernity is swaying, and therefore I let himself not be a strict historian or archaeologist. Until now, everyone was satisfied with its direction; I am looking forward to Moscow and Nihilistic Brahi. " However, criticism - both in the Slavophils camp, and in the camp of the left radicals - the ballad A. K. Tolstoy ignored.

Kievan Rus was a favorite epoch of Alexei Tolstoy. Working on the "King Boris", he mentally added to the distant historical period: it seemed to him that Godunov tried to first - long before Peter I - turn the story to reverse and return Russia to the number of European states, as it was under Yaroslav Mudrome. It has already been said that the figure of the Danish Prince Christian rose in the Tsar Boris from these reflections. Tolstoy with passion plunged into reading books about the Domongol times of Russia. The poetic fruit of these classes were the two following ballads: "Song of Garald and Yaroslavn" and "Three Easy".

Alexey Tolstoy wrote Boleslav Markevich on February 7, 1869 on the first of the ballads: "Taketing around the Norman period of our history, I came across the fact quite known, but very little used, namely, the marriage of Yaroslav's daughters ... Yaroslav had three daughters - Elizabeth, Anna and Anastasia. Anna married Heinrich I, the King of France, who, to wipe it, sent her bishop of the Shalon Roger to Kiev, accompanied by 12 monks and 60 knights. The third daughter, Anastasia, became the wife of King Hungary Andrei. To the first, Elizabeth, Garald Norwegian, the same thing that fought against Garald English was killed and was killed three days before the battle of Hastings, who was worthwhile to his winner. His named Garald Gardenrad, and since he was then insignificantly, he received a refusal. The fighting and depressed by his failure, he went to pirate in Sicily, in Africa and Bosphorus, from where he returned to Kiev with indiscrect wealth and became the son-in-law of Yaroslav. Here is the plot of ballads. The case takes place in 1045, 21 years before the battle of Hastings. Perhaps Alexey Konstantinovich did not know that this plot had already attracted the attention of Russian poets twice: first Nikolay Alexandrovich Lvov, and then Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkova.

Regarding the second "Norman-Russian ballad" A. K. Tolstoy writes Mikhail Stasyulevich on March 10, 1869: "My goal was only to convey the color of that era, and most importantly, to declare our community at that time with the rest of Europe, called Moscow Ruskets, who chose the most Substantial from our periods, the period of Moscow, representative of the Russian Spirit and the Russian element. "

Earlier, on February 10, 1869, the poet sets out the same correspondent historical context "Three Tracks" ballads: "The death of Garalda Gardena Norwegian in the battle with Garald Godvinson English; Death of Garald English in the Hasting battle; Smashing Izaslav on Alte Polovtsy. These three battles happened: the first two in 1066, and the last in 1068, but I don't have anything before, and I put all three at one time. Garald Norwegian was married to Else, Yaroslav's daughter. The son of Yaroslav, Izyaslav, was married to the daughter of Bolevlav Polish, and his brother, Vladimir, on Guide, Daughter of Garald English. Yaroslav himself - in Ingiger, daughter Olaf Swedish. Anna, Yaroslav's daughter, was henrich I French, and the other daughter, Agmund, for Andrei, King Hungarian. I remind you of these kinship to explain the entire Norman tone of my ballads. "

Hobbating A. K. Tolstoy Kiev Rusy was so strong that he was put out the idea to create a whole ballad cycle. In the already cited letter, Mikhail Stasyulevich dated March 10, 1869, Tolstoy opens his plans: "The Epoch of Iaslav Yaroslavlich is abundant with conjunction with Europe. If you approve this ballad and preceding, I also have other, for example, Izyaslav's intercourse with Heinrich IV (emperor) and with Parer Grigory VII. I very much adds to showing their embassies on the streets of Kiev, Bishop of French Roger de Chalons with its monks and knights entering the princes Yaroslav courtyard. "

Two weeks, March 26, 1869, A. K. Tolstoy about the same, writes Boleslav Markevich, but already in an emotional tone: "Do you know that Gregory VII, the famous Guildbrand, was recognized by Izyaslav? And that his antipapa is a clien, I do not know if the staff sent the embassy to Kiev? What? What do you tell about it? Catholic nunitions on the Byzantine streets of Kiev? And Henry IV, the German Emperor, also sending an embassy to Izyaslav? And monks from the Sweetheart Nuncia, climbing with pechersk inocities? Byzantium and Rome quarrel, but their quarrels could not even touch the peoples, only recently adopted Christianity and friendly among themselves, which is evidence - countless marriages between them and other European dynasties. Countess Matilda de Beloozero - What is? What do you say? Do not color? And is it true of my theory? "

Further in the same letter read: "Scandinavians were not installed, and found already quite established events. Their merit is that they retained it, while his vile Moscow destroyed him - eternal shame in Moscow! There was no need to destroy freedom to defeat the Tatars, it was not worth destroying despotism lessto replace it large. Collecting Russian land! Collect - this is good, but it is asked - what to collect? .. But I already go out of the field of literature in the area of \u200b\u200bpolitics, and my expressions from the convex turn into concave. "

However, Alexei Tolstoy's plans were not implemented. Further "Norman-Russian ballads" did not follow. Apparently, the reason is that not everything in the relatives of the poet of literary circles took the previous ballads and agreed with the author's historosophy. For example, I. A. Goncharov found them mediocre and unworthy of the pen of such a generally accepted wizard as A. K. Tolstoy. Obviously, Kievan Rus was not an exemplary state. The absence of one-owned, strong center, led Kiev Rus to death. The Novgorod vessel seems to be something ideal only through the prism of centuries, but, in fact, the "free willing of the people" often poured into the inner intersbar and ended with hand-to-hand. Be that as it may, Alexey Tolstoy himself his new works "Song about Garald and Yaroslavn" and "Three Easy" continued to appreciate; Certificate is at least that he last translated into German.

Having joined the Norman Knee, A. K. Tolstoy went on. In fact, all his ballads, even those where he again gives away the former lyrical elements, as, for example, the famous ballad "Ilya Muromets", which was extremely liked Dostoevsky and he even read it from the scene on November 30, 1880 on a literary party in favor of Slavic charitable society (and read with great enthusiasm), - Dedicated to the era of Kiev Rus, although over time the poet switched from the history of the eponym.

Especially it should be highlighted on a large, of two parts, the ballad "Song about the campaign of Vladimir to Korsun". The reader at the first acquaintance can embarrass the sharp change of the tonality: the first part is dominated by irony, in the second - patience. The campaign of Prince Vladimir to Korsun (Chersonese) preceded his baptism and the subsequent adoption of Christianity in Russia.

Ready stops, sails raised,

Flow to Chersonese Varyagi.

Pomorie, where the southern ray flowers,

Crywords soon covered shields

And with Russians twigs.

Saw the Greeks in the bay of the court,

The walls are crowded,

We went to interpret and here:

"It has come, as it is, Christians of trouble,

I arrived Vladimir baptized!

And the debate will not keep with us,

In rhetoric he is neither Belmes,

And just posts us riot

And it will probably stand for three years

Yes, rob edges of Chersonesos! "

And in wisdom immediately solves the Senate,

So that the gates were rejected by Russian;

Vladimir Reception is welcome,

Comes with a squad into frightened hail

And Senate palls: "Well, then!"

There is nothing like this blowing tone in the second part. She is festive, full of paphos update:

On Lona Dniprovsky shining water,

Where, celebrating life a friend

In the spring, everything threatens, and blooms, and sings,

Vladimir with a buddy back saves

To the so-in kiev-hail.

All the ringing ptasya flies around,

Littlecock in a thousand sip,

And the prince of multi-pushed by the brow,

Accomplished in the mighty soul fracture -

And the look of His Miren and Muzzles.


Bashes and priesthood and deaciousness choir

With Ladye Vladimir near;

For Kiev Blue Leaving Bosphorus,

They announce the Dniprovsky space

By authorized derelicate Lad.

When sacred canon is silent,

Sevets begin the squad,

And with different circle sides

Cherished songs past times

And the days of the Bogatyr epics.


And fell on the squad of Vladimir's eyes:

"You, friends, stay with me

Just the victory only sword and the ax,

But time has come, and since then

Strongly still by the power! "

And on the shore came out, the soul was revived,

Vladimir for the new power,

And in Russia, he made a law.

The affairs of the Russian, distant times,

Deadian of unbearable glory!

("Song about the campaign of Vladimir to Korsun." 1869)

It is about this ballads Alexei Tolstoy made in the letter Boleslav Markevich dated May 5, 1869 a valuable recognition regarding the nature of his poetic dating; "When I look at myself from the outside (which is very difficult), then it seems I can characterize my creativity in poetry as a major, which is sharply different from the prevailing minor tone of our Russian poets, with the exception of Pushkin, who is strongly major. This happens first of all because in French, I sometimes use unsapt spending, and they are strongly major major. Zhukovsky did not use them never ... it is not necessary to take them in a literal sense, this is just one of the ways to twist the mustache, and when they hang down, then you are being done by plax and emel. " Indeed, Alexei Konstantinovich Pychov Tolstoy Veins Life-affirming vigor.

The last poetic testament was the last ballad A. K. Tolstoy "Blind". The plot of it is: on the hunt, the prince with a friend deepened in the forest thicket; The time of meals came, and the warriors were offered for the settlement of the feast to invite a blind Huslar, who met nearby; But the old man went too slowly, and when it was in place, the hunters had already left; However, blind, I suspected anything, I got my song; When I realized that I was late, the singer confesses to herself that he was still unable to be silent and the song was pouring his chest itself:

She, like a river in a flood, strong,

Like a dear night, beneficial,

Heat, like fragrant in May Spring,

As the sun is attracted as the storm of grim,

How many death is needed!

She caught it can not be silent

He is a servant to him alien spirit,

He fell into his chest inspiration printing,

Unilles Ile Will he should broadcast

What is heard subject to the ear!

Does not know the mountain source when

In the stream he seeks in the steppe

And beats and boils him, foaming, water,

Will the shepherd and herd come to him

Jet to refresh him!


And who listened me, hello to me!

Glory land glory!

Creek, what to go to my word!

You, the stars who flicker through the blue darkness!

You, Mother Crude Dubrava!

("Blind". 1873)

This ballad was translated into German Carolina Pavlova. After reading the translation, Ferenz Leaf caught fire with a desire to put the ballad of his Russian friend to music. Alexey Tolstoy was delighted. According to him, you need to lose your mind, so as not to make sure that such a proposal and not to grab it with both hands. He wrote Carolina Sayn-Wittgenstein from Florence on February 5, 1875: "I do not find words to thank Leaf for his desire to use his genius to present the song of my heart, and the honor he wants to do, fills me with pride and joy; I also can't express to him, as far as I touched and grateful for his friendship. I often see him in a dream, and the feeling that I then feel - feeling unlimited The worship that elevates me in my own eyes. Tell him that I love him - that's all I can express in words. " The sheet has fulfilled his intention, but this music has not been able to hear this music.

Along with the ballads A. K. Tolstoy, put out the idea of \u200b\u200ba new drama. He was looking for a plot from the Dotar period of the history of Russia. At first he was attracted by the figure of Vladimir Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky and his death. But after reading Karamzin, the poet came to the conclusion that Kuchkovichi conspirators who killed Andrei Bogolyubsky, just "drunkards and panties" and, therefore, this is not a topic for a high tragedy. Then Tolstoy turned to legends. He was interested in the epics about Sadko, but he decided that from this legend could be done except the ballet.

Finally in July 1870, Alexey Konstantinovich informs his wife from Dresden: "I purchased health to health for a whole year, finding a plot for drama - human. A man to save the city takes upon himself seeming meanness. But you need to dwell it into the framework, and Novgorod would be the best. You have to collect everything that it was written about Novgorod, the customs of that era, and in general everything is known about vese And about his relationship with the prince ... "The poet constantly emphasized that the drama conceived by him is purely psychological, and not historical, Novgorod is only framing.

The plot of the new play entitled "Posadan", designed by A. K. Tolstoy. In the center of the monumental figure of the actual ruler of Novgorod Planting Gleb Mironich. The city is surrounded by the troops of Suzdaltsev, and there is a question about his fall. Among the citizens, the big weight has a party of supporters of delivery, since many rich merchants are associated with the Suzdal prince trading interests. Gleb Mironich heads the party of patriots seeking all the forces to defend the freedom of Novgorod. In the first action, his authority in the evening is unshakable and it is easily achieved that the defense is entrusted to the young governor, ready to fight to the last drop of blood. But the eve of changeable, impulsively and easily forgets today, what believed yesterday. The landing is collapsed by slander; "Street" accuses him in treason, and he must be removed from his family to expulsion.

Already in November 1870, three actions of the new drama were written in prose. Then the work stopped, and Alexey Konstantinovich was only from time to time returned to the manuscript. The unbearable headaches prevented that the poet called the "lack of moral calm." On February 25, 1871, he reports from Red Horn Yakov Polonsky: "I started writing a Novgorod drama. Posted in Dresden three points of spleen, prose, came here and prominently in business. Then the disease, then the disease of his wife, did not continue. But the other day I looked into the manuscript and the grief began to shift the prose into poems, and about a miracle! Immediately everything was cleared, everything was useless with itself, and it became clear to me that for me to write verses easier than prose! Tug every chatter is so brightly advocating that she is Herish Yes Herish! "

In the correspondence, Tolstoy constantly emphasized that "Posadan" today is his main work. But the matter did not move. The last fourth action remains untidewy. But even in the existing form "Posadan" is a major artwork. The poet showed himself an outstanding master of scenic intrigue. In general, when reading "Postunner" seems to be a complete play, where the basic plot lines are brought to the logical end. That is why she quickly found the road to the scene. The premiere of "Pamedan" took place on the stage of the Alexandrin theater already in 1877. The poet did not see her.

On traveling in Europe, Alexei Konstantinovich pulled all the cup to the places, the received memories of youth. In Weimara, he visited the widow son Goethe, who lived in the House of the Great Poet. About this Tolstoy wrote in his wife on September 4, 1869:

"I was ... From thettiy Goethe, whom I really wanted to meet me and who immediately began to tell me about the" Ivan "and said that it was" the only work that you forgive the absence of love and where you don't notice this "... she lives in Goethe's house, where nothing has changed and breathes the time over 50 years ago: the same furniture and in the same place, and she itself belongs to that time, and says a lot about Goethe. Somehow everything smells like dust, moth, coffee and an old woman - and sad and good.

This house was considered once luxurious, and he is not an example of the poorer of our Krasnorogsky. And plaster statues under the bronze are standing there, and they, right, Goethe proud of. "

The last major work of A. K. Tolstoy became the Poem "Dragon", written by tercins and, according to the author's plan, which is "allegedly translated from Italian." The plot is from the era of Wars of Guelphs and Godchallinov, that is, Dante time.

In a letter Carolina Sayn-Wittgenstein, the poet briefly retells the content of the poem: "The gunsmith from Milan says that he served in the army of the Guelfs during wars with Barbarosse, and after the lost battle, in which their leader was killed, he was entrusted with this dying leader to deliver the news in Kiavenn. He goes to the mountains with his student, and they are knocked down from the way. They go to the top to look around, and there see the sleeping dragon, which is first taken for sculpture. The student throws a stone into it; The dragon slowly wakes up, comes to life, descends into the valley and begins with the fact that he eats their horse, which is tied to the tree. Then he gets to the battlefield and devours the body of their killed comrades - all this they see from the top of the rock. Having reached Kiavenna, they find her in the hands of death; Then the capture and destruction of Milan. The narrator considers the appearance of a dragon with a sign belonging to Barbarosse, and curses that curses those cities that moved on his side. All the dignity of the story consists in big truthfulness of the impossible factwhich my wife, completely diverting with me in literary glances, calls grandiose. On my question, can it be for the translation of the poem, modern incident, my wife replies: yes. As for me, I like it; But where is the author to whom the work did not like, just finished?! "

In the summer of 1875, being in Karlsbad, Tolstoy read the "Dragon" Turgenev and Stasyulevich. The poem admired them, especially Turgenev, who said that Alexei Tolstoy reached a truly "Danov image". However, they considered uncomfortable to issue for the translation of what is actually the original work. Tolstoy, laughing, said that let the one who hunting rushes in old Italian manuscripts in search of the primary source. Nevertheless, he stressed the word "translation", leaving "from Italian." With this subtitle "Dragon" was printed in the "Bulletin of Europe" (1875. No. 10). And this poet has not seen.

After completing the Dragon, Tolstoy began working on the cycle of hunting memories. It is too interesting to say how interesting it was accumulated in his memory and just asked for paper. But, unfortunately, the manuscript was not communicated. The fate of her unknown. It was rumored that she was in Sofia Heathrovo and for an incomprehensible reason was destroyed by it. Perhaps the work did not advance the draft sketches.

At sunset, Alexey Konstantinovich almost moved away from lyrics. Here is one of his last poems:

Transparent clouds calm movement.

As a haze solar admirable light

Then pale gold, then soft blue shadow

Coloring Dal. Us quiet hello

Sailing autumn peaceful. No sharp outlines.

No bright colors. Earth Litus

It's time for luxurious forces and powerful tremors;

Strengths lay down; Other beauty

Replaced the former; Liberate summer

Rays are strong not to be seal,

Nature is all full of last heat;

Almost along the wet bark flowers,

And on empty fields dried epics

Outs the network of trembling web;

Circling slowly in the streets of the forest

On the Earth, the yellow leaf falls behind the sheet;

Unwittingly I follow them with a twum,

And he heard in their fall silent:

Everything has come peace, I accept it and you,

The singer, who kept staging in the name of beauty;

Check, whether its holy seed is hard

You threw the furrows left by everyone,

According to conscience, the task is achieved

And the birthday of your abyss is boring?

"A strange thing happened to me with me, which I want to tell you: during my big sickness in the village, since I could neither lie down, neither stand sitting, I somehow started writing a small poem that I had to mind. I already wrote almost the page, when suddenly my thoughts were embarrassed, and I lost consciousness.

Come to themselves, I wanted to read what I wrote; The paper lay in front of me, the pencil, too, nothing in the situation surrounding me, did not change - and at the same time I did not recognize a single word in my poem. I started searching, turning all my papers, and did not find my poem. I had to admit that I wrote unconsciously, At the same time, I won some painful pain, which is that I certainly wanted to remember something, I wanted to keep someone running away from me.

This painful condition became so strong that I went to wake my wife; She, on his part, ordered to wake up the doctor who ordered me now to put ice on the head and mustard pieces to the legs, - then the balance was established. Poem that I wrote perfectly unconsciously, thoroughly and printed in the January book of this year "European Bulletin" ...

In any case, this is a pathological phenomenon, rather strange. Three times in my life, I survived this feeling - I wanted to catch some elusive memory - but I would not want to go through it again, as this feeling is very hard and even terrible. In what I wrote, there is some kind of severe premonition - close death. "

Approximately a year before the death of Alexey Konstantinovich, to get rid of painful pain, began to injected her morphine; He also hoped that Morphy would resurge his fading creative potency. But it turned out to be a fatal decision. Morphine finally undermined his strength. The poet almost did not rise from the chair. Every day he was taken out in a row for a walk in pine. It became easier for the patient, so they were placed on the whole house with water bits, in which the forest, young conceded pines have risen.

Somehow at night Tolstoy woke up from a strong knock on the table, standing at his bed. It seemed to him that the human figure was bent over him in white. She instantly disappeared, but the knocks continued. The poet believed that this mother came after him.

Premonition did not deceive Alexey Konstantinovich. He died suddenly September 28, 1875. Wife, entering the poet's office in half the nine in the evening with a medicine, saw the dead man sitting in the chair. The writing desk had an empty bubble from the morphine and syringe.

Alexei Konstantinovich buried in the crypt of the rural church of the Red Horn. He himself bequeathed to put him in an oak coffin. But the coffin brought from Bryansk turned out to be small for his heroic bodies. The pine coffin was rushed, and the peasants in their arms carried their landowner to the place of rest. Soon the widow ordered a metal sarcophague in Paris, and now the remains of the poet rest in this ullation. A. K. Tolstoy was only 58 years old.

Among the responses to the unexpected death of the famous poet, an obituary was highlighted, written by Turgenev. He gave tribute to Alexey Tolstoy and as a writer, and as a person:

"He was born in a poet, and this is in our time everywhere - and the forest in Russia is a big rarity ... He has been free, the master of his own language disposed of his native language, only occasionally gives to the temptations of virtuosity - the desire to fit, then archaic, however, sometimes very happy turns , then other, instant reasons, in essence, alien, as in general, all political, his heart and mind. He left an inheritance with his compatriots, excellent examples of drama, novels, lyrical poems, who - for many years - shame will not know any educated Russian; He was the creator of the new literary kind - historical ballads, legends; In this field, he did not have rivals ... Finally - and no matter how to confirm the above about the versatility of his talent - who does not know that in his strictly perfect and slender nature, a fresh key jet of genuine humor - and that Count A. K. Tolstoy , The author of the "death of John Grozny" and "Prince Silver", was at the same time one of the creators of me memorable to everyone "Kozma Prutkov"?

... everyone who knew him is well known what kind of soul it was, honest, truthful, accessible to all kinds of good feelings, ready for sacrifices devoted to tenderness, invariably faithful and straight. "Knight's nature" - this expression almost inevitably occurred to everyone on the mouth with one thought about the thickness; I would allow myself to use the other - in our time there are somewhat suspected, but the most appropriate and in this case is the most appropriate - epithet. Nature humane, deeply humane! "That's what was Tolstoy, and like every true poet, whose life is steadily overflowing into his work, this humane nature is a thick sway and breathes through everything he wrote."

In conclusion, Turgenev was gratefully recalled that he was Alexei Tolstoy, he owes his liberation from the reference to Spassky-Lutovinovo in the early 1850s.

It must be said that not so many at that time were ready to recognize A. K. Tolstoy outstanding poet and playwright. The radical criticism, which set the tone in the literary journals, counted him to the camp of retrograds, seeking to take revenge on satirical attacks at Nihilists. Of course, Tolstoy was not always fair, but his opponents did not allow themselves to understand the position of the poet.

Perhaps the best of all Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy Postig Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov. For him, Alexey Tolstoy was primarily a patriot. According to the thought of philosopher, "True patriotism makes it despondency to wish to your people not only the greatest power, but is the main thing - the greatest advantage, the greatest approximation to the truth and perfection, that is, for genuine, unconditional good."

In fact, the same thought, but in other words, expressed the poet of our time the Nobel laureate Joseph Brodsky. According to him, A. K. Tolstoy, "the poet is unique, flexible and diverse," possessed a valid gift: "Given the incident with the country in the twentieth century, the fact that his contemporaries were taken for the escapical or nostalgic dreams, turned out to be warning and prophecy."

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy in his works defended the value of a whole, independent person, a complete sense of self-esteem. It is enough to remember the Prince of Silver, Vasily Shibowan, John Damaskina. He himself was an personification of such a bold and free person.

A few words in the order of the epilogue. Having buried her husband, the widow left the estate and moved to St. Petersburg. Numerous friends of the late poet remained her friends. In literary circles, she used the reputation of a woman in an unusually intelligent and educated.

Sofya Andreevna managed to quickly surround himself with representatives of the creative world. In addition to the mind, she attracted heartiness, tact, because, as already said, beauty and coquets and in his youth did not differ, and during this period was constantly dressed in black with a mandatory widow veil on gray hair. Having become a domestic, she almost did not leave; After four hours, Countess Tolly could always be found in her lonely monastery. Among the closest familiar Sophia Andreevna and regular visitors to her salon were Fedor Dostoevsky and the young then philosopher Vladimir Solovyov.

Dostoevsky, as you know, has a complex character; As he was at the evenings of Sophia Andreevna, it is possible to judge the memories of his daughter: "Dostoevsky was not a secular man and did not try to seem at all the costly people who he did not like. If he met people's friendly, clean and noble souls, he was so mil with them that they could never forget him and even twenty years after his death repeated the words spoken by Dostoevsky. When one of the snobs turned out to be in front of her father, which were full of Petersburg salons, he was silent stubbornly. In vain, the Countess is thick to interrupt his silence, skillfully asking him questions; Father answered scattered "yes", "no" and continued to consider the snob as an amazing and harmful insect. Similar to intolerance, the father has acquired a lot of enemies, which is usually a little bothered. "

Visitor of the last apartment of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg (now - the Museum) will definitely pay attention to the big photo of the "Sicstinian Madonna" of Rafael, hanging on his writing desk. It was the favorite picture of Dostoevsky, and he dreamed of buying her photocopy to always have before his eyes. During travel abroad, he was in vain sought such a copy as, by the way, in St. Petersburg stores. Fedor Mikhailovich somehow mentioned this Sophie Andreevna and, of course, forgot the conversation. She immediately turned to his numerous foreign friends, and after three weeks the magnificent photo of Madonna with a baby (the central part of the creation of Raphael) was obtained. Vladimir Solovyov Discovery her to the writer's apartment and transferred the request of Sofia Andreevna to accept "for good memory." Dostoevsky house was not; Family decided to bring her Fedor Mikhailovich as a gift on the day of his 58th anniversary - a few days later, October 30, 1879. Dostoevsky was touched to the tears and a wonderful gift and responsiveness of Sophia Andreevna.

Good relations have been preserved at the widow and K. Tolstoy with Afanasius Fetom. Evidence is the nostalgic poems devoted to her old poet:

Where is the meaning of another generation

We are so empty

I catch a grill tired

I have your mouth.

Everything is surrender to me: I passed

Elevation of roses

Flowers last faded

Broke frost.

And hopeless, bent

Trail and there

Where something pale noticeably

On furrows.

("Countess S. A. Tolstoy." 1889)

Perhaps Fet recalled his arrival in Red Horn.

Old age approached inexorably, but in the old years Sophia Andreevna retained a burning interest in art, poetry, philosophical issues. The critic Nikolai Prachi wrote Lerly to Tolstoy, which constantly meets it in the public library. Ladies at that time did not have the habit of visiting such institutions.

Winter Sofya Andreevna usually spent in St. Petersburg or Moscow, summer - in Red Rog, where she went daily to her husband's grave. A school was opened in the village for her funds, the Feldsher's item was opened, a pharmacy was contained with free medicine for the peasants. On the outskirts of its efforts, it has grown the whole street from the His for the so-called pensioners, mostly of foreigners conveyed by A. K. Tolstoy from abroad and served in the estate of gardeners, governors, conferse ...

Sophia Andreevna survived Alexei Konstantinovich for seventeen years. She died in 1892 away from their homeland - in Portugal, where Sophia Heathrovo beds, the husband of which held the diplomatic post in this country. The coffin with the body of Sofia Andreevna was transported to the Red Horn and was placed in the crypt next to the coffin Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Such was their mutual will.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

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VII. Last years "... lovers of good, no hope of hope? Start, awake and boldly proceed to this short life ... "A. Radishchev at 115 versts from Moscow, not far from Maloyaroslavets, located Nemtsovo, who belonged to Radishchev. He came from the link. FROM

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Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich(1817-1875) - Russian poet, playwright, prose.

Born on August 24 (September 5) 1817 in St. Petersburg. Father - Count Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy, brother of the artist Fyodor Tolstoy (Lion Tolstoy on this line had accounted for Alexey Konstantinovich a secondary brother). Mother - Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya - originated from the kind of Razumovsky (the last Ukrainian hetman Kirill Razumovsky brought her native grandfather). After the birth of the Son, the spouses broke up, the mother took him to Malorossee, to his brother A.A. Perovsky, known in the literature under the name of Anthony Pogorelsky. He took up the upbringing of the future poet, in every way encouraging his artistic addictions, and a famous fairy tale was specifically for him Black chicken, or underground residents (1829).

By 1826, the mother and uncle transported the boy from St. Petersburg, where he was elected to the number of comrades for the games of the heir to the throne, the future of Emperor Alexander II (later the warmest relationships continued between them). From 1826, Perovsky regularly took the nephew abroad to familiarize themselves with the local attractions, once introduced him to I.V. Mouth. One Italian Travel Tolstoy described in Diary of 1831. Perovsky before his death in 1836 remained the main adviser in the literary experiments of the pupil, gave them to court V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, with whom he was in a friendly relationship, and there is evidence that these experiences deserved their approval. All his pretty significant state of Perovsky bequeathed nephew.

In 1834, Tolstoy was enrolled by the "student" in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1835 he endured the exam on the Chin at Moscow University. In 1837-1840, he was listed at the Russian diplomatic mission in Frankfurt am Main, but very soon after the appointment overturned vacation and time spent partly in Russia, partly in new foreign travel. Returning to St. Petersburg, from 1840 was listed at the II branch of the Imperial Office. In 1843, he received the court rank of chamber-juncker, in 1851 - ceremoniesser (5th grade).

In 1840, Tolstoy led the life of a brilliant secular man, allowing himself risky jokes and leprosy, who came up with his hands thanks to the patronage of Cesarevich. In winter, 1850-1851 on the ball, he met Sophia Andreevna Miller, wife of the Connogvardea Colonel. A rapulent novel, marked by her quick care from her husband. The husband, however, did not give a divorce for a long time, so the marriage of Tolstoy with Sofia Andreevna was concluded only in 1863. Almost all his love lyrics were addressed to her (including the poem dedicated to their first meeting Near the noisy ball, by chance ...).

During the years of the Crimean War, the volunteer joined the army, but, sick tithe, did not accept participation in hostilities. In 1856, on the day of Coronation, Alexander II, was appointed Flegene Adutant; Soon, due to the reluctance to stay in military service, he was delivered by Egerman (head of the merger of the royal hunt). However, the career of the court and political figure was not like him. Overcoming the resistance of people inhibit about his future and sincerely wanting to him in goodness (including the emperor himself), he in 1859 achieved an indefinite vacation, and in 1861 - full resignation (this everyday collision found an expression in the poem John Damaskin, 1859). After the resignation, he lived mainly in the estates of the desert under St. Petersburg and the Red Horn in the Chernihiv lips., Taking almost exclusively literature.

In print, first spoke in 1841 with a fantastic story Ghoul (signed by Krasnogorsk). Its action takes place in Russia, but the origins of the incident lead in Italy of the 18th century, where the listeners transfers the story of one of the characters. An irreal in the story receives a psychological explanation (the narrator turns out to be mentally ill), but not canceled well. Romantic fantastics are penetrated by two plotted stories written in the late 1830s - early 1840s in French: La Famille du Vurdalak (Family Vurdalak) I. Le Rendez-Vous Dans Trois CENT ANS (Meeting after three hundred years). Their action takes place in Serbia and France 18 V. Not published in the Life of Tolstoy, these stories are considered researchers the most successful among its prosaic writings. Fantastic and tale from times of persecution of Christians Amena (1846), in which the pagan goddess turns into dissection of hell. However, passioned then preferably with religious issues and "mysteries of the coffin", Tolstoy-Prose the tribute and a genuine school: an essay on her manner Artemy Semenovich Bervenkovsky (1845).

His higher achievement in prose was a novel from the era of Odrichnina Ivan Grozny Prince silver (1862). Work on it began, presumably, already in the 1840s. This is a historic novel in Walterskott spirit, with a central fictional hero, rustic, but impeccably honest, who is the victim of the struggle of the King Ivan, establishing unlimited (including moral obstacles) power, with Moscow boyars. Sympathy of the thick on the side of the latter, since it is among them that ancient ideas about honor and justice are preserved. Among them, however, there are also their "renegages", like Prince Vyazemsky, who is conscious of their crime, but a romantic passion with the wife of Boyhar Morozova. However, cynical and immoral attachments are served by the main support of Ivan, among which the gloomy figure of the Malyuts Skuratov is distinguished. They are real robbers, unlike the robbers from the simpleness led by the Ataman Vanka Ring, not deprived by the author's sympathy. The main storyline is associated with love rivalry, and with obvious allusion on Song ... about the merchant Kalashnikov M.Yu.Lermontova. The element of oral folk art permeates the entire text of the novel - from the stylization of the ancient narrative manner in speech from the author, the rethinking motifs of fairy tales, legends and historical songs to direct quoting of genuine folk songs. A modern fat criticism was not perceived, but soon he was among the exemplary, classic books for children and youth reading.

In 1854 Tolstoy began publishing his lyrical poems. In the 1840s among them, elegic complaints were dominated by the launch of noble nests, the irrevocability of the past ( Do you remember whether, Maria ..., Empty house, The rain of the surceded drop ... et al.), In the romantic key, the Russian and Ukrainian history was poeticized ( My bells ..., You know the edge where everything is abundant ...). Software poems about the essence of poetic creativity ( Poet) Later, conjugate with religious motifs, but are usually interpreted in the spirit of "pure art" theory ( In vain, the artist you imagine that your creators are your creations ...). Many love poems ( Do not believe me, a friend when in excess of grief ..., You are a victim of life alarms ..., On the Niva Yellow descends silence ..., Tears tremble in your jealous gaze ... etc.) are associated with the development of relations with S.A. Miller, but not the complexity of these relations is the main subject of them (although it is). According to Remark, V.S.Soloviev, "Only the ideal side of love is expressed in his poems on this topic." In general, for the lyrics of Tolstoy, it is characteristic of the poems of a romance type (not by chance more than half of them is laid on music), to spring landscapes. The desire to capture the moment of sincere lift gives most of them emphasized major sound ( It was early spring ... and etc.). The intentional simplicity, even the carelessness of the rhyme creates the impression of the idleness, the authenticity of lyrical emotion. To a large extent, relying on the people's song tradition, Tolstoy also addressed to direct stylization of folk rhythms and images ( You're my Niva, NIVushka ..., Without God's thunder struck ..., You are mail, evil twisted ..., You use your life - babe old ...), and the sound of them is not a major; The topic prevailing in them is "Tosca-Kulich", the host of the "Good Madrod".

With traditions of oral folk creativity, ballads and epics of thick, not direct stylization are connected (the verse in them is emphasized by "literary": three-sided and - less often - two-sided silhlor-tonic dimensions, identical stains with the right rhyme). In his episons, well-known plots are not simply transferred, and emotionally significant moments, episodes, details, on which the reader's attention is recorded. As a result, the epic beginning is strongly measured lyrical ( Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko). In the ballads of Tolstoy, a whole poetic idealized concept of Russian history is deployed: slavery, tyranny and national closure of Russia, which are explained by the Grave Heritage of Tatar Yeah, are deposited on the change of liberties, universal consent and openness of the Kiev Rus and Veliky Novgorod's openness. Accordingly, opposed to each other, the epochs attract special attention of the poet - the times of Prince Vladimir Red Sunnyh ( Song about the campaign of Vladimir to Korsun et al.) And the reign of Ivan the Terrible ( Vasily Shibanov, Prince Mikhailo Repnin and etc). The epic thickness is saturated with a topical content ( Snake Tugarin), and sometimes they turn into satire at full of concrete phenomena of modernity ( Stream-Bogatyr).

Satyrian his poems enjoyed great success. Among the hostile political and literary groups, the era of Tolstoy reforms tried to maintain independence, which repeatedly declared (see, for example, poem Two are not a fighter, but only the guest is random ...). He directed his satirical arrows to Nihilists ( Message to M.N. Luginov about Darwinisme, ballad Sometimes Merry May ... et al.), and on liberalizing administrative order ( Sleep Popova), and even on the Russian history ( The history of the Russian state from the Genomysland to Timashev). More often in such poems is not a certain "address" of satire (except, perhaps, those where we are talking about nihilists), but sparkles of non-ideological wit, pure, although sometimes not quite complacent humor. In the field of parody of Tolstoy also turned out to be lucky, creating at the beginning of the 1850s with his cousins \u200b\u200bA.M. And V.M.Zhemchuzhnikov, the literary mask of Kozma Prutkova (Tolstoy belongs to OK. 10 PRUKTO POOMS and, apparently, many aphorisms).

If in the ballads and epic a lot about Russian Middle Ages, then the plots of their poems he scream mainly in the European Middle Ages. For example, poems Alchemist (1869) - about the thinker of the 8th century. Raimond Lullya; The Dragon. Story of the XII century (1875), written, in the imitation of Dante, tercins. The leading themes in them is religious. So, in the poem Sinner (1858) It's about gospel times, in the poem John Damaskin (1859) - about one of the fathers of the Church, the author of beading chants. In poem Portrait (1875) - the imprint of children's memories, ecstatic and almost painful experiences of art and in general the sphere is beautiful. Religious theme is leading and in a dramatic poem Don Juan (1862), in the prologue of which the motives of the Bible Book Book of Job clearly sound. It is about love in it as the divine world start (apparently, in the spirit of German romantics). Don Juan is not just a seducer here, he sees her higher, "perfect" image in every woman, but having reached it, it discovers that in reality it is immeasurably below this ideal, and cruelly takes her.

Poetry Tolstoy found due recognition only after his death when she was appreciated by the poets symbolists. Its timely glory partly prevented the lack of lifetime collections (the only one came out in 1867). Wide, incl. And he received European recognition due to dramatic trilogy The death of John Grozny (1866), Tsar Fedor Ioannovich (1868) and Tsar Boris. (1870). In the presentation of events and in the interpretation of the characters of the rulers, Tolstoy almost everything follows N.M. Karamzin. However, this trilogy is not a historical chronicle, not sketching the life and morals of old times: Tolstoy managed to resurrect the genre of the tragedy (it was indicated that his trilogy was more connected with the tragedies of Shakespeare than with his own chronicles where historical issues were made). The main topic is the tragedy of the authorities, and not only the authorities of the autocratic kings, but wider - the human authority over the reality, over their own fate. Russian history appears as a tragedy, only partly due to the moral flaws of the kings - the unbridled dominance of Ivana, braveless and fear of Fedor's responsibility, the moral compromises of Boris, which comes with the "district" paths to the good, apparently. Homemade, devoid, seemingly state significance of the actions of the kings and boyars, the participation of those secondary at first glance of persons, etc. - It turns out no less important, truly fatal circumstances.

The way through the whole trilogy is the image of Boris Godunov, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fatal conflict of inaction and action, the "direct" and "district" paths is connected with it, and the other one and the other are also given to the tragic results. People of the "direct path" (as, for example, Boyarin Zakharin) do not know the goals of the highest than to keep his honor than to do in the truth, and, personally impeccable, are unable to really affect the course of events. The terrible truth is that the "love" trying everyone to reconcile the Tsar Fyodor leads to multiplication of the contention, his kindness, the gullibility and fear of sinner turns out to be a source of public angry. Does not justify yourself and a much more effective, not shy in the means of the "Okol Path" of Boris, even if he leads to the desired and good goal.

In the last part of the trilogy, it turns out that "the path to the goal is easier than the state when it is finally achieved. On the way the funds were justified by the goal. The goal achieved did not justify funds. In the course of dramatic action with Boris, internal rebirth occurs. / ... / Chief, the most skillful and inborn "Decorator" of the story, reaching power, comes out of the game, refused by the means that led him to the goal. That is the result of the tragedy Tsar Boris.which, having fought all the main motives of the historic trilogy, completes it "(Virlaineen M.N . Dramaturgia A.K. Tolstoy.- In the book: The history of Russian drama. The second half of the XIX is the beginning of the XX century. L., 1987. p.359).

The last work of Tolstoy was the drama from the Ancient History Posadan.. Work on it began immediately at the end of the trilogy, but he did not have time to complete. Alexey Tolstoy died on September 28 (October 10) 1875 In his estate, the Red Horn of the Chernihiv province from the overdose of morphine, which was used to facilitate suffering from asthma, chest toad and neuralgia with heavy headaches.

Works: Cathedral So.: 4 t. M., 1963-1964; Cathedral So.: 4 t. M., 1980; Full Cathedral poems: in 2 tons. L., 1984.

Vladimir Korovin

Count, Russian Writer, Corresponding Member of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1873). Ballads, satirical poems, historic Roman "Prince Silver" (publ. 1863), Dramatic trilogy "Death of John Grozny" (1866), "Tsar Fedor John" (1868) and "Tsar Boris" (1870). Penetrated lyrics with a pronounced musical start, psychological novels in verses ("The Nope of the Noisy Bala, by chance ...", "then it was early spring"). Together with the pearl brothers, he created a parody image of Kozma Prutkov.


Born on August 24 (September 5, N.S.) in St. Petersburg in a notable nobility family. Parents diverged immediately after the birth of the Son; He was brought up by his mother and her brother - writer A. Persian (pseudonym A. Pogorelsky). Children's years passed in the estates of the mother, later uncle in Northern Ukraine. Got a good home education.

At the age of 17, he was enrolled in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then was on the diplomatic service in Germany. In 1843 he received the title of cameras-Juncker.

Literary work Tolstoy was engaged from an early age, encouraged by his uncle. He wrote poems, fantastic stories, and already his first published under the pseudonym "Krasnorogsky" in 1841 the story "Ghir" was noticed by Belinsky.

In the 1840s, he began working on the historic novel "Prince Silver", ended in 1861. In the same period, he was glad to be gladly ballad and lyrical poems, who were widely known and subsequently laid on music by Russian composers ("My bells", "you know The edge, where everything is abundant "," Kurgan "," the environment of a noisy ball ... ", etc.).

In 1854, together with his cousins, pearls created a satirical literary mask Kozma Prutkova and a collection of his writings, still popular in Russia.

The service at the courtyard (Alexander II Flegeneutant, then Egermester - Heger Huntsman Hoker Hunting) gave the writer the opportunity to join him close to him (troubled about returning from the link Shevchenko, about Aksakov, Turgenev).

In 1861, he achieved resignation ("Service and Art are incompatible ...", "he wrote to the king) and all his strength and time began to give literature.

In recent years, he appealed to poetry (wrote ballads and political satires in verses).

Having resigned, basically lived in his estates, paying little attention to the economy, and gradually broke. The state of his health has deteriorated. At the age of 58, A. Tolstoy September 28 (October 10, N.S.), 1875 died in the estate of the Red Horn of Chernihiv province.