Leskov. Biography - biographies of famous and famous people

Leskov. Biography - biographies of famous and famous people
Leskov. Biography - biographies of famous and famous people

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Village Gorokhovo, Orlovskaya Province, Russian Empire

Date of death:

Place of death:

St. Petersburg

Russian empire


Proser, publicist, playwright

Novels, stories, stories, essays, tales

Product language:


Literary career

Pseudonyms N. S. Leskova

Article about fires


First stories

"On the knives"




Attitude to the church

Late works

last years of life

Edition of works

Reviews of critics and contemporary writers

Personal and family life


Addresses in St. Petersburg

Geographical names

Some works



Nikolai Semenovich Leskov (4 (16) February 1831, Village Gorokhovo Orlovsky County of the Oryol province, now Sverdlovsky district of the Oryol region - February 21 (March 5) 1895, Petersburg) - Russian writer.

He was called the most national writers of Russia: "Leskova Russian people recognize the most Russians from Russian writers and who knew the Russian people all deeper and wider than it is" (D. P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, 1926). In his spiritual formation, the Ukrainian culture was played a considerable role, which became close in the eight years of Kiev life in young years, and the English, which he mastered thanks to many years of close communication with the senior relative from the wife of A. Scott.

The son of Nikolai Leskov - Andrei Leskov, for many years worked on the biography of the writer, having completed it before the Great Patriotic War. This work was published in 1954. In the city of Orel, his name is wearing School number 27.


Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born on February 4, 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo Oryolsky County. Father Leskova, Semen Dmitrievich Leskov (1789-1848), a leaving from the spiritual environment, according to Nikolai Semenovich, was "... a big, wonderful clever and a dense seminarist." Purviving with the spiritual environment, he entered the service to the Oryol criminal chamber, where he served to the ranks who gave the right to the offacarious nobility, and, according to the testimony of contemporaries, acquired a reputation as an insightful investigator, capable of unraveling complex cases. Mother Maria Petrovna Leskova (Ur. Alfrieva) was a daughter of the impoverished Moscow nobleman. One of her sisters was married to the wealthy Oryol landowner, another - an Englishman who managed several estates in different provinces.


Early childhood N. S. Leskova passed in Eagle. After 1839, when his father left the service (because of a quarrel with the authorities, than, according to Leskov, brought the wrath of the governor), family - spouses, three sons and two daughters - She moved to the village of Panino (Panin Khutor) near the town of Chrome. Here, as the future writer recalled, and his acquaintance with the folk language was held.

In August 1841, in the ten-year-old age, N. S. Leskov entered the first class of the Orlovsk provincial gymnasium, where he studied badly: in five years he received a certificate of ending only two classes. Conducting analogy with N.A. Nekrasov, B. Buchstab suggests: "In both cases, it was obviously acting - on the one hand, hopelessness, on the other, is a disgust for the bunning, to the routine and the desolete of the then treated educational institutions with greedy interest in life and bright temperament."

In June 1847, Leskov entered the service in the same chamber of the criminal court, where his father worked, to the position of the stationary minister of the 2nd category. After the death of the father from cholera (in 1848), Nikolai Semenovich received another increase in the service, becoming an assistant to the columnist of the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court, and in December 1849, in his own behalf, is moving to the state of the Kiev Caudary Chamber. He moved to Kiev, where he lived at his uncle S. P. Alfrieva.

In Kiev (in 1850-1857), Leskov attended the Lecture at the University of Lessels, studied the Polish language, carried away by the icon painting, participated in the religious and philosophical student circle, communicated with the pilgrims, Old Believers, sectarians. It was noted that economist D. P. Zhuravsky was significantly influenced on the worldview of the future writer, the champion of the cancellation of serfdom.

In 1857, Leskov quit from service and began working in the company of her husband A. Ya. Shkotta (Scott) "Shkott and Wilkens". In the enterprise, which (according to him) was trying to "exploit everything, to which the edge represented any convenience," the fishing racks acquired a huge practical experience and knowledge in numerous areas of industry and agriculture. At the same time, in cases of Leskov, the company was constantly departed in "Westings in Russia", which also contributed to its acquaintance with the language and life of various regions of the country. "... These are the best years of my life when I saw a lot and lived easily," I remembered N. S. Leskov later.

During this period (until 1860), he lived with his family in the village of Parasian Gorodishchensky County of Penza province.

Some time later, however, the trading house stopped his existence and the fishing line in the summer of 1860 returned to Kiev, where he was engaged in journalistic and literary activities. Six months later, he moved to St. Petersburg, stopping at I. V. Vernadsky.

Literary career

Leskov began to be printed relatively late, at the twenty-ninth year of life, placing several notes in the newspaper St. Petersburg Vedomosti (1859-1860), several articles in Kiev editions "Modern Medicine", which published A. P. Walter (article "On Working class ", several notes about doctors) and" Economic pointer ". Leskov articles, who have pronounced corruption of police doctors, led to a conflict with colleagues: as a result, the provocations and fishing racks organized by them, which conducted a service investigation was accused of bribery and was forced to leave the service.

At the beginning of his literary career, N. S. Leskov collaborated with many Petersburg newspapers and magazines, simply printed in the "domestic notes" (where he patronized the familiar Oryol Publicist S. S. Gulko), in "Russian speech" and "Northern Pchele" . In the "domestic notes" were printed "essays of the distinguished industry", which the leaks themselves called his first work) considered to be the first major publication. In the summer of the same year, he moved long to Moscow, returning to St. Petersburg in December.

Pseudonyms N. S. Leskova

IN beginning The creative activity of the Leskov wrote under the pseudonym M. St Bnitsky. The pseudonym signature "STEBNITSKY" first appeared on March 25, 1862 under the first fiction work - "Exciration" (later "drought"). She kept until August 14, 1869. At times slipped the signatures "M. C "," C ", and, finally, in 1872. "L. C »," P. Leskov-St Barbnitsy "and" M. Leskov-St Barbnitsy. " Among other conditional signatures and pseudonyms used by Leskov, are known: "Freshitz", "V. Peresvetov "," Nikolai Poulukalov "," Nikolai Gorokhov "," Someone "," DM. Mr. "," N. "," Member of the Company "," Psalmist "," Sacra. P. Kastorsky, "Divyank", "M. P. "," B. Prosozanov "," Nicholas "," N. L. "," N. L .-- in "," Elderly Amateur "," Passage "," Watch Lovers "," N. L. "," L. ".

Article about fires

The article on the fires in the journal "Northern Bee" dated May 30, 1862, which rumored rumors were distributed as arson, the writer mentioned these rumors and demanded them to confirm them from the authorities or to refute that was perceived by the democratic public like denunciation. In addition, the criticism of the actions of the administrative power, expressed by the wish, "so that the sending teams are on fires for real assistance, and not for standing" - caused the anger of the king himself. After reading these lines, Alexander II wrote: "It should not be skidding, especially since this is a lie."

As a result, Leskov was sent by the editorial board "Northern Bee" into a long business trip. He traveled to the Western provinces of the Empire, visited Dinaburg, Wilna, Grodno, Pinsk, Lviv, Prague, Krakow, and at the end of the business trip - and in Paris. In 1863, he returned to Russia and published a series of journalistic essays and letters, in particular, "from one road diary", "Russian society in Paris".


Since the beginning of 1862, N. S. Leskov became a permanent employee of the Nordic Bee newspaper, where he began to write both advanced articles and essays, often on domestic, ethnographic topics, but also - critical articles directed, in particular, against "vulgar materialism "and nihilism. His high assessment of his activity, received on the pages of the then "contemporary".

Writing career N. S. Leskova began in 1863, his first stories "Life of one woman" and "Ovseby" (1863-1864) were published. At the same time, the Roman "Nochud" (1864) began in the magazine "Library for reading". "This is all the signs of hasty and ineptness of mine," the writer himself later recognized later.

"Nowhere", satirically portrayed the life of the nihilistic commune, who was opposed to the diligence of the Russian people and Christian family values, caused displeasure radicals. It was noted that most depicted Leskov "Nihilists" had recognizable prototypes (in the image of the head of the Beloadsev communion, the writer V. A. Sleptsov was guessed).

It is this first that, in politically, a radical debut for many years predetermined a special place of Leskov in the literary community, which, for the most part, was inclined to attribute to him "reactionary", anti-democratic views. The left press actively spread rumors, according to which the novel was written "on request" of the third branch. It is a "vile slander", according to the writer, spoiled all his creative life, for many years he has been deprived of the opportunity to publish in popular magazines. This predetermined his rapprochement with M. N. Katkov, the publisher of the Russian Bulletin.

First stories

In 1863, the story "Life of one woman" (1863) was published in the Library for Reading Library. During the life of the writer, the work was not reprinted and then came out only in 1924 in a modified form under the heading "Amur in lapotychki. Peasant novel "(publishing house" Time ", edited by P. V. Bykov). The latter argued that the Leskov himself gave him a new version of his own work - in gratitude to the writips of writings composed in 1889. There were doubts about this version: it is known that N. S. Leskov is already in the preface to the first place of the collection "Tale, essays and stories M. Stebnitsky" promised in the second volume to print "the experience of the peasant novel" - "Amur in lapotychki", but then The promised publication did not follow.

In the same years, Leskov's works were released, "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" (1864), "Warrip" (1866) - a story, mostly tragic sound, in which the author brought bright female images of different classes. With modern criticism practically left without attention, afterwards they received the highest assessments of specialists. It was in the first charts that the individual humor of Leskova was manifested, for the first time his unique style, a kind of "tale", whose source was, who, along with Gogol, was subsequently considered the elements of the famous Literary Literary Style, and in the story "Cotine Daverc and Platonide" (1867) .

At about this time, N. S. Leskov debuted and as a playwright. In 1867, the Aleksandrinsky Theater set his play "Distributor", a drama from a merchant life, after which the fishing racks once again was accused of criticizing in "pessimism and antisocial trends." Of the other large works of Leskova, the 1860s of Critics were noted the story "overwhelmed" (1865), half aimizing with the novel of N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?", And "Islanders" (1866), the phrase-written story about the Germans living on Vasilyevsky Island .

"On the knives"

In 1870, N. S. Leskov published a novel "On the knives", which continued the evil to make fun of nihilists, representatives of the revolutionary movement folded in Russia, in the representation of the writer struggling with the criminal. Leskov himself was dissatisfied with Roman, subsequently calling him his worst work. In addition, a unpleasant sediment of the writer left and permanent disputes with M. N. Katkov, who once again demanded to redo and edit the complete option. "In this edition, purely literary interests were detailed, destroyed and adapted to the halls of interests that did not have anything in any way with any literature," wrote N. S. Leskov.

Some contemporaries (in particular, Dostoevsky) noted the entanglement of the adventurous plot of the novel, the tension and inappropriateness of the events described in it. After that, to the genre of the novel in the pure form of N. S. Leskov no longer returned.


The novel "On the knives" was a turning point in the work of the writer. As M. Gorky noted, "... After the evil novel" On the knives ", the literary creativity of Leskov immediately becomes a bright painting or, rather, an icon-painting - he begins to create the iconostasis of its holy and righteous for Russia." Representatives of the Russian clergy became the main heroes of Leskov's works, partly the local nobility. The fragmented passages and essays began to gradually fold into a large novel, ultimately called "Sobira" and printed in 1872 in the Russian Bulletin. As noted by the literary critic V. Korovin, Positive Heroes - Svetel Tuberozov Protopopopa, Dyakon Achille Dranznika and the priest Zaharia Beneyaktova, - the narration of which is constructed in the traditions of the heroic epic, "from all sides, they overstalate the figures of the new time - nihilists, fraudsters, civil and church officials new type. " The work, the theme of which was the opposition of the "true" Christianity of the treason, subsequently led the writer to the conflict with the church and secular authorities. It was the first to have a significant public resonance.

At the same time, two "chronicles" were written with the novel, consonant on topics and mood with the main work: "The old years in the village of fruit" (1869) and "Smeutful Rod" (full name: "Smeutful genus. Family Chronicle of Princess Protazanov. From the notes Princess V. D. P. ", 1873). According to one of the critics, the heroines of both chronicles are "samples of a rack of virtue, calm dignity, high courage, reasonable person." Both of these works left the feeling of incompleteness. Subsequently, it turned out that the second part of the chronicle, in which (according to V. Korovin), "sortingly depicted mysticism and the chanting of the end of the Alexandrovsky reign and was approved by social non-altitude in the Russian life of Christianity," M. Katkova was discontent. Leskov, disarmed in views with the publisher, simply did not add what could turn into a novel. "Ranks ... During the printing of the" Smeutful kind "said (the employee of the Russian Bulletin)) Zakoboinikov: We are mistaken: this person is not ours!" - later argued the writer.


One of the brightest images in the Gallery of the Leskovskaya "Righteous" was Lefthew ("Talk about the Tula Space of Lever and about Steel Blood", 1881). Subsequently, criticism was noted here, on the one hand, the virtuosity of the incarnation of Leskovsky "said", a saturated game of words and original non-socialism (often with mocking, satirical subtext), on the other - the multi-layerness of the narrative, the presence of two points of view: open (belonging to one-minded character) and hidden Author's, often opposite. On this "cunning" of his own style himself N. S. Leskov wrote:

As Biographer B. Ya. Buchstab, such a "cunning" manifested itself primarily in the description of the actions of Ataman Platov, from the point of view of the hero - almost heroic, but the author is hidden than hidden. "Lefty" has been crushing criticized on both sides. Liberals and "Left" accused Leskov in nationalism, the "right" found an overly dark image of the life of the Russian people. N. S. Leskov replied that "bring up the Russian people or to polvent him" did not work in his intention.

When publishing in "Rusi", as well as in a separate edition, the story was accompanied by a preface:

I can not say exactly where the first factory of factor of fable about steel flea was born, that is, whether she started in Tula, at Izhme or in Sestroretsk, but obviously, she went out of one of these places. In any case, the Tale of Steel Blook is a specially gunsone legend, and she expresses the pride of the Russian masters of a rifle business. It shows the struggle of our masters with English masters, from which our who came out victorious and the British completely dismissed and humiliated. It also turns out some secret cause of military failures in the Crimea. I recorded this legend in Sestroretsk on the Skhant Skhant from the old gunsmith, the Tula, who moved to his sister-river in the reign of Emperor Alexander First.


In 1872 he was written, and a year later published the story of N. S. Leskova "Imprinted Angel", who narrated the miracle, who led the split community to unity with Orthodoxy. In the work, where there is an essay of ancient Russian "Harnesses" and legends about the miraculous icons and subsequently recognized as one of the best things of the writer, the Leskovsky "Tale" received the strongest and expressive embodiment. "Imprinted Angel" turned out to be almost the only work of the writer who did not undergoes the editorial editing of the Russian Bulletin, because, as the writer noticed, "passed behind their undersion in the shadows." The story, which contained the criticism of power, nevertheless made resonance in the official spheres and even at the court.

In the same year, the story "Enchanted Wanderer" was published, the work of free forms that did not have the complete plot built on the plexus of the scattered storylines. Leskov believed that such a genre should be replaced by something that was taken to be considered a traditional modern novel. Subsequently, it was noted that the image of the hero of Ivan Flyagin reminds the Muromets epic and symbolizes the "physical and moral persistence of the Russian people among the sufferings dropping to its share."

If, until then, the works of Leskov were edited, it was just rejected, and the writer had to publish it in different numbers of the newspaper. Not only rollers, but also "left" critics were hostile to the story. In particular, the critic N. K. Mikhailovsky pointed to "the absence of any center," so, according to him, there is "... A whole range of Fabul, stronged like beads on a thread, and every bead itself and maybe It is very convenient to be removed and replaced by another, and you can still ride a bead at the same thread. "

After the gap with the roller, the financial position of the writer (by this time the married interpretation) worsened. In January 1874, N. S. Leskov was appointed a member of the special department of the scientific committee of the Ministry of People's Enlightenment on the consideration of books published for the people, with a very modest salary of 1000 rubles per year. The duties of Leskova included the review of books on the subject, is it possible to send them to libraries and reading them. In 1875, he had long left abroad, without stopping the literary work.


The creation of the Gallery of Bright Positive Characters was continued by a writer in the collection of stories, published under the general name "Righteous" ("Figure", "Man on the Watch", "Not Meeting", etc.) As criticized later, the Leskovsky Righteous was united by "straightformers, fearlessness , aggravated conscientiousness, inability to reconcile with evil. " In advance, answering critics to accusations in some idealization of their characters, ledkov argued that his stories about the "righteous" worn mostly the nature of the memories (in particular, the grandmother told him, etc.), tried to give narration background of historical accuracy Introducing the descriptions of the really existed people into the plot.

As researchers noted, some evident testimonies that the writer referred to, was genuine, others were his own fiction. Often, the leaks handled old manuscripts and memories. For example, in the story "Unmembering Hangov" used "Cool Vertograd" - the hospital of the XVII century. In 1884, in a letter to the editor of the Warsaw Diary newspaper, he wrote:

Leskov (according to the memories of A. N. Leskova) believed that, creating cycles about "Russian antihives", he performs the Gogol testament from "selected places from correspondence with friends": "Allen in the solemn anthem of an invisible worker." In the preface to the first of these stories ("one-grades", 1879) the writer so explained their appearance: "It's terribly and impervious ... to see one" rubbish "in the Russian soul, which became the main subject of new literature, and ... I went to seek righteous,<…> But where I applied,<…> All answered me in that kind of righteous people did not see, because all the people are sinful, and so, some good people and the other knew. I began to write it. "

In the 1880s, Leskov also created a series of works on the righteousness of early Christianity: the action of these works occurs in Egypt and the countries of the Middle East. The plots of these narches were, as a rule, borrowed to them from the "Prolog" - a collection of the lives of holy and edifying stories compiled in Byzantium in the X-XI centuries. Leskov were proud that his Egyptian etudes of Pamfalon and Azu were translated into German, and the publishers gave him preference to Ebers, the author of the "daughter of the Egyptian king".

At the same time, a satirically accurate line ("Dumbling artist", "Beast", "Bugago") intensified in the works of the writer: along with officials and officers, the clergymen began to appear increasingly.

Attitude to the church

In the 1880s, the attitude of N. S. Leskova has changed to the Church. In 1883, in a letter L. I. Veselith, he wrote:

For the lionesk to the church, the influence of the lion of Tolstoy, with whom he got close to the late 1880s. "I always with him in harmony and there is no one on Earth, who would be more expensive to me. I never confuse me what I can't share with him: I am expensive to generally, so to speak, the dominant mood of his soul and the terrible penetration of his mind, "writing fishing racks in one of the letters V. G. Chtkov.

Perhaps the most notable anti-church work of Leskova became the story "Unscutters", completed in the fall of 1890 and printed in the last two numbers of 1891 Journal of Journal of Europe. The author had to overcome considerable difficulties before his work saw the light. "The story will keep my own in the table. It, in today's times, it will not be true, no one will print, "wrote N. S. Leskov L. N. Tolstoy January 8, 1891.

The scandal caused Essay N. S. Leskov "Popovskaya Czechhard and parish whim" (1883). The expected cycle of essays and the stories of "Notes of the Unknown" (1884) was devoted to the ridicule of clerks (1884), but the work on it was discontinued under pressure from censorship. Moreover, for these works by N. S. Leskov was dismissed from the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment. The writer again turned out to be in spiritual isolation: "Right" was now seen in it a dangerous radical, and "Liberals" (as B. Ya. Bashchhstab noted), before<трактовавшие> Leskov as a writer reaction, now<боялись> Print his works because of their political sharpness. "

The material situation of Leskova was corrected by the publication in 1889-1890 the ten-year meeting of his writings (later the 11th volume was added and posthumously - the 12th). The publication was quickly sold out and brought a significant fee to the writer. But it was with this success that his first heart attack was connected, which happened on the staircase of the printing house, when it became known that the sixth volume of the assembly (containing works on church topics) was detained censorship (later he was reformed by the publisher).

Late works

In the 1890s, Leskov in his work became even more sharply joined than before: his stories and the stories in the last years of life were acutely satirical. The writer himself about his works of that time said:

Printing in the magazine "Russian thought" of the novel "The damn dolls", the prototypes of the two main characters of which were Nicholas I and the artist K. Bryullov, was suspended by censorship. I could not publish fishing racks and the story "Hare Repair" - nor in the "Russian Thought", nor in the "messenger of Europe": it was printed only after 1917. No large later work of the writer (including the novels of "falcony flight" and "inconspicuous mark") was not fully published: the chapters rejected by censorship later after the revolution. N. S. Leskov said that the process of publishing his work, always difficult, at the end of life became unbearable for him.

last years of life

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov died on March 5 (according to the old style - February 21), 1895 in St. Petersburg, from the next attack of asthma that tormented His last five years of life. Buried Nikolay Leskov on the Volkov Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Edition of works

Shortly before death, in 1889-1893, the fishing foresters amounted to and published at A. S. Suvorin "Full Collection of Works" in 12 volumes (in 1897, reissued by A. F. Marx), which included its artwork (and, and, In the first edition, the 6th volume was not missed by censorship). In 1902-1903 in the printing house A. F. Marx (the 36-Tomnoy Collection of Works was published as an annex to the Niva magazine), in which the editors have also tried to collect the writer's journalistic heritage and which caused a wave of public interest in the work of the writer. After the 1917 revolution, the Leskov was declared the "reactionary, bourgeois-well-minded writer", and his works for many years (the exception is the inclusion of 2 stories of the writer in a collection of 1927) were committed to oblivion. During the short Khrushchev thaw, the Soviet readers finally got the opportunity to conquer again with the work of Leskov - in 1956-1958, the 11-Tomny Collection of Writer's Works, which, however, is not complete: for ideological reasons, it was not included the most sharp tone Anti-drug novel "On the knives", and journalism and letters are presented in a very limited volume (Tom 10-11). In the years of stagnation, attempts were made to publish short collections of works and individual volumes with the works of Leskov, who did not cover the areas of creativity of the writer related to religious and anti-drug topics (Chronicle "Sobioshamber", the novel "Nochud"), and which were supplied with extensive tendency comments. In 1989, the first assembly of the works of Leskova - also in 12 volumes - was reissued in the "Library". For the first time, a truly complete (30-year-old) collection of writer works began to go out in the Publishing House "Terra" since 1996 and continues until now. In addition to famous works, it is planned to include all found, previously not published articles, stories and a writer's stories.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov born 4 (16) February 1831 In the village of the Gorokhovo Oryol province. Russian writer, publicist, literary critic. Father Leskova is a harvest of the Orlovsky Criminal Chamber, the mother is a hereditary nobleman.

Leskova's childhood passed in Orel and in the Oryol province; The impressions of these years and grandmother's stories about Eagle and his residents were reflected in many works of Leskov. In 1847-1849. Leskov served in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court; in 1850-1857. She held various positions in the Kiev State Chamber. In May 1857. Entered the economic and commercial company, which was headed by the Englishman A.Ya. Shkot, husband Leskov's aunt. FROM 1860 . He began to cooperate in St. Petersburg newspapers, publishing a liberal focus on abuse and public defects in modern Russia. In 1861. moved to St. Petersburg. The arrival of Leskova in the literature from the medium far from the professional writer community, as well as the impressions of provincial life, alien to the capital's lifefriend, largely determined the originality of his public and literary position.

In 1862 Leskov printed the first artworks: the stories "extinguished business" (in the revised editorial office - "drought"), "Robber" and "Tarantas" - essays from folk life, drawing ideas and actions of ordinary people, strange and unnatural from the point of view of the educated reader . In the first stories of Leskov, there are already features characteristic and for later works: documentaryism, objectivity of the narration.

Since 1862 Leskov - a permanent employee of the Liberal Newspaper "Northern Bee": in his journalism, he was a commitment to the gradual, evolutionary change, criticizing the revolutionary ideas of the writers of the magazine "Contemporary" and believing the anti-governmental moods of the radical-democratic intelligentsia. Leskov were alien to the socialist ideas of property equality: the desire for violent changes in social and political system was presented to him as dangerous as the restriction of liberty by the government. 05/30/1862 In the newspaper "Northern Bee", the fishing races made a note in which he demanded that the government could openly confirm or refute rumors about the part of students to the fire in St. Petersburg. Democratic and liberal intelligentsia perceived an article as a denunciation, comprising a statement about the organization of arson with radically tuned students. Leskov's reputation lay down the stamp of a political provocatetor that supports power in the fight against freedom-lodging and freedomiff.

1864 . - Anti-drug novel "Nowhere".

1865 . - Roman "Armed", the story of "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County."

1866 . - Roman "Islanders".

1867 . - The second essay of the essays "Russian society in Paris".

1870-1871. - The second anti-drug novel "On the knives".

1872 . - Roman "Sobira".

1872-1873. - Tale "Enchanted Wanderer."

1873 . - The story "Imprinted Angel."

1876 . - Story "Iron Will".

1883 . - "Beast".

1886 . - Collection "Saty Stories".

1888 . - Story "Kolyvan's husband."

1890 G. . - incomplete novel-allegory "damn dolls."

In stories the late 1870s - 1880s. Leskov created the gallery of righteous characters who embody the best features of Russian folk nature and at the same time allocated as an exceptional nature:

1879 . - "Stands".

1880 . - "Understanding Hungal".

Fabulous motifs, the plexus of the comic and tragic, the moral duality of the characters - the features of Leskov's creativity, fully peculiar and one of the most famous works - Skaz "Left -sha" ( 1881 .).

In the mid-1880s. Leskov got close to L.N. Tolstoy, dividing many ideas of his teachings: self-improvement of the person as the basis of a new faith, opposition to the true faith of Orthodoxy, the rejection of the existing social order. Late Leskov was extremely sharply responded about the Orthodox Church, exposed modern public institutions with a sharp criticism. In February 1883. Leskov dismissed from the scientist of the Committee of the Ministry of People's Enlightenment to consider the books published for the people in which he served since 1874. His writings hardly passed through censorship. In the late works of Leskov, the criticism of public norms and values \u200b\u200bappears: the story "Winter Day" ( 1894 ), the story "Hare Remiz" ( 1894, Publish. In 1917.).

The work of Leskova is an alloy of various style and genre traditions: an essay, a domestic and literary joke, memoir literature, lower chest literature, church book, a romantic poem and a tale, an adventurous and moral novel. Style discoveries of Leskov, his deliberately wrong, "tangible" the word brought to them to the virtuoso tagging techniques anticipated many experiments in the literature of the 20th century.

Keywords: Nikolay Leskov, detailed biography of Leskova, Critica, download biography, free download, abstract, Russian literature 19th century, Writers of the 19th century

Nikolay Leskov is a Russian writer, publicist and memoist. In his works, he paid great attention to the Russian people.

In the late period of their work of the fishing line, a number of satirical stories wrote, many of which were not censored. Nikolay Leskov was a deep psychologist, thanks to which the masterfully described the characters of his heroes.

He is most well aware of the well-known work "Levsh", which in an amazing way transmits the peculiarities of Russian.

There were many interesting events in Leskova, with the main of which we will introduce you right now.

So, in front of you brief biography Leskov.

Leskov's biography

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born on February 4, 1831 in the village of Gorokhov, Oryol province. His father, Semen Dmitrievich, was the son of a priest. He also graduated from the seminary, however, she preferred to work in the Oryol criminal chamber.

In the future, the stories of the father-seminar and grandfather and grandfather's grandfather will seriously affect the formation of the writer's views.

Father Leskova was a very gifted investigator, able to unravel the most difficult matter. Thanks to her merit, he was awarded the noble title.

The mother of the writer, Maria Petrovna, was from the noble family.

In addition to Nicholas, four more children were born in the fishing family.

Childhood and youth

When the future writer was barely 8 years old, his father seriously quarreled with his leadership. This led to the fact that their family moved to the village of Panino. There they bought the house and began to lead a simple lifestyle.

Having achieved a certain age, the leaks went to study in the Oryol gymnasium. Interesting the fact that in almost all subjects, the young man received low estimates.

After 5 years of study, he was issued a certificate of completion of only 2-grade. Leskov's biographers suggest that teachers were to blame for this who were harshly treated students and often punished them physically.

After studying, Nikolai had to get a job. The father identified him in the criminal chamber by the stationery servant.

In 1848, a tragedy occurred in Leskov's biography. Father died from cholera, as a result of which their family was left without support and breadwinner.

The next year, in his own behalf of Leskov settled in the state chamber in Kiev. At that time he lived at his native uncle.

Being in a new workplace, Nikolay Leskov is seriously interested in reading books. Soon he began visiting the university as a freelancer.

Unlike most students, the young man listened to the lecturers, with greed absorbing new knowledge.

In this period of the biography, he seriously became interested in the icon painting, and also started acquaintance with various Old Believers and sectarians.

The leaks then settled work in the company "Shkott and Wilkens" belonging to his relative.

He was often sent on business trips, in connection with which he managed to visit different. Later, this time of time Nikolai Leskov will call the best in his biography.

Leskov's creativity

For the first time, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov wanted to take over the pen while working in "Shkott and Wilkens". Every day he had to meet with various people and witness interesting situations.

Initially, he wrote articles on everyday social topics. For example, he reigned officials in illegal activities, after which criminal proceedings were instituted on some of them.

When Leskov turned 32 years old, he wrote a story "Life of one woman", which was then published in the St. Petersburg journal.

Then he presented a few more stories that were positively perceived by critics.

He was painted first success, he continued writing activities. Soon, from under the leaving feather, very deep and serious essays "Warrior" and "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" came out.

Interesting the fact that the fishing racks are not only masterfully handed out the images of his heroes, but also decorated with works by intellectual humor. Often, sarcasm and skirfully disguised parody were present in them.

Thanks to these techniques, Nikolay Leskov has developed its own and unique literary style.

In 1867, Leskov tried himself as a playwright. He wrote a lot of plays, many of which were raised on the scenes of theaters. A special popularity has acquired a "wasteful" play, telling about merchant life.

Then Nikolai Leskov issued several serious novels, including "no place" and "on the knives". In them, he criticized the various kinds of revolutionaries, as well as nihilists.

Soon his novels caused a wave of dissatisfaction from the power elite. Editors of many publications refused to publish his works in their magazines.

The next labor of Leskova, which today is included in the obligatory school program, became "left-handed". In it, he described the masters of weapons in the colors. Leskov managed to state so well to state the plot that they began to talk about him as an outstanding writer of modernity.

In 1874, by decision of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, Leskova approved for the position of censor of new books. Thus, he had to determine which of the books had the right to go into print, and which is not. For their work, Nikolay Leskov received a very small wage.

During this period, the biography of them was written by a story "Enchanted Wanderer", published by no publisher wanted.

The tale was distinguished by the fact that many of her plots deliberately did not have a logical completion. Critics did not understand the idea of \u200b\u200bLeskov and quite sarcastically responded to the story.

After that, Nikolay Leskov released a collection of stories "Righteous", in which he described the fate of ordinary people who met on his way. However, these works were negatively perceived by critics.

In the 1980s, signs of religiosity began to clearly appear in his work. In particular, Nikolai Semenovich wrote about early Christianity.

In the late stage of his workshild of fishing, the works wrote the works in which the crushes of officials, military personnel and church leaders.

This period of creative biography includes such works as the "beast", "scarecrow", "stupid artist" and others. In addition, Leskov managed to write a number of stories for children.

It is worth noting that he talked about Leskov, as about the "Russian of our writers", but also considered him one of his main teachers.

Responded to Nikolae Leskovoy so:

"As an artist, N. S. Leskov is quite worthy to stand next to those creators of Russian, what L. Tolstoy, Turgenev ,. Leskov's talent for power and beauty to its little inferior to the talent of any of the named creators of the Holy Scriptures about Russian Earth, and the breadth of life phenomena coverage, the depth of the understanding of household mysteries, the subtle knowledge of the Great Russian language, often exceeds these predecessors and comrades of their own. "

Personal life

In the biography of Nikolai Leskova there were 2 official marriage. His first wife was the daughter of the rich entrepreneur Olga Smirnov, on which he married at the 22nd age.

Over time, Olga began mental disorders. Later, she even had to send for treatment to the clinic.

Nikolay Leskov and his first wife Olga Smirnova

In this marriage, the writer was born a girl faith and a Mitya boy who died at an early age.

Having remained actually without a wife, the fishing foresters began to cohabit with Catherine Bubnova. In 1866 they had a son Andrei. Having lived in civil marriage for 11 years, they decided to part.

Nikolay Leskov and his second wife Ekaterina Bubnova

Interesting the fact that Nikolai Leskov was almost throughout his biography was a convinced vegetarian. He was an eagle opponent of murder for food.

Moreover, in June 1892, in the newspaper "New Time" of Leskov published a call called "On the need for publication in Russian well-compiled a thoroughly compatible kitchen book for vegetarians."


Throughout the life of the Leskov suffered from asthma attacks, which in recent years began to progress.

He was buried in St. Petersburg on the Volkovsky cemetery.

Shortly before death, in 1889-1893, the fishing racks amounted to and published at A. S. Suvorin "Full Collection of Works" in 12 volumes, which entered most of his artwork.

For the first time, a truly complete (30-Tomny) collection of writer works began to go out in the Publishing House "Terra" since 1996 and continues until now.

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Nikolai Semenovich Leskov - one of the most amazing and peculiar Russian writers, whose fate can not be called simple. In the life of his work, they mostly caused a negative attitude and were not taken by most advanced people in the second half of the nineteenth century. Meanwhile, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy called him the "most Russian writer", and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov considered his teachers by one of their teachers.

It can be said that the work of Leskova was truly evaluated only at the beginning of the twentieth century, when they saw the light of M. Gorky, B. Eyhenbauma and others. Truly prophetic words were the words L. Tolstoy about what Nikolai Semenovich is a "writer of the future."


The creative destiny of Leskova largely determined the environment in which his childhood and adult life took place.
He was born in 1831, February 4 (16 in a new style), in the Oryol province. His ancestors were hereditary ministers of the clergy. Grandfather and great-grandfather were priests in the village of Leske, from where it would most likely have the name of the writer. However, Semyon Dmitrievich, the father of the writer, violated this tradition and the title of nobleman received this tradition and for the service in the Oryol House of the Criminal Court. This class belonged to Marya Petrovna, the mother of the writer, nee Alferheva. Her sisters were married to wealthy people: one - for the Englishman, the other is behind the Orlovsky landowner. This fact will also have an impact on the life and creativity of Leskov.

In 1839, Dmitrievich's seeds had a conflict conflict, and he moved to Panin to Panin Kanin, where he began the real acquaintance of his son with a distinctive Russian speech.

Education and start service

Learning the writer N. S. Leskov began in the family of wealthy relatives of insurance, which hired German and Russian teachers for their children, a French governess. Already then the outstanding talent of Little Nicholas was fully manifested. But he never received the "big" education. In 1841, the boy was given to the Oryol Gubernaya gymnasium, from which he came out five years old with two classes of education. Perhaps the reason for this was rooted in the peculiarities of teaching built on a cramp and the rules, far from the living and inquisitive mind, which listened. The biography of the Writer includes in the future service in the Kazan Chamber, where his father served (1847-1849), and the translation of the cholera in the state-owned chamber of the city of Kiev, where his uncle lived by Mother S. P. Alferiev lived . Years of stay here gave a lot of future writer. Leskov by a free listener attended lectures in Kiev University, independently studied the Polish language, for a while he was fond of the icon painting and even attended the religious and philosophical circle. Acquaintance with the Old Believers, pilgrims also influenced the life and creativity of Leskov.

Work in "Shkott and Wilkens"

The real school for Nikolai Semenovich was the work in the company of his English relative (her husband) A. Shkotta in 1857-1860 (before the collapse of the trading house). According to the writer himself, it was the best years when he "saw a lot and lived easily." By the nature of the service he had to be constantly wandering around the country, which gave a huge material in all spheres of life of Russian society. "I grew up in the people," Nikolay Leskov wrote later. His biography is not acquainted with Russian life. This stay in the truly popular environment and personal knowledge of all the lives of life that fell to the share of a simple peasant.

In 1860, Nikolai Semenovich returns to Kiev for a short time, after which it turns out in St. Petersburg, where his serious literary activity begins.

Leskova's creativity: formation

The first articles of the writer dedicated to corruption in medical and police circles were published in Kiev. They caused violent responses and became the main reason that the future writer was forced to leave the service and go to search for a new place of residence and work than and became for him Petersburg.
Here, the leaks immediately declares itself as a publicist and is printed in "domestic notes", "Northern Pchele", "Russian speech". For several years, he signed his works by the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky (there were others, but it was this used most often), which soon acquired rather scandalous fame.

In 1862, a fire happened in Schukin and Apraksinian courtyards. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov responded to this event. A brief biography of his life includes such an episode as an angry Tirade from the king himself. In the article on fires published in the Northern Pchele, the writer expressed his point of view regarding who could be involved in them and what purpose had. He considered to be guilty in all nihilistic youth, which never enjoyed him with respect. The government was accused of not enough attention to the investigation of the fact that the fact was, and the arsonists remained not captured. Criticism immediately on Leskova, both from the side of democratically tuned circles, and from the administration, forced him to leave St. Petersburg for a long time, since no explanation of the writer about the written article was accepted.

The Western borders of the Russian Empire and Europe - these places in the months of Opal visited Nikolay Leskov. Its biography from that time included, on the one hand, recognition is absolutely none of anyone like a writer, on the other - constant suspicions that sometimes reach insults. Especially brightly they manifested themselves in the statements of D. Pisarev, which considered that one name of Stebnitsky would be enough to throw the shadow and on the magazine, publishing his work, and on writers who have found courage to publish together with the scandalous author.

Roman "Nowhere"

The attitude towards the retained reputation of Leskov and its first serious artistic work. In 1864, the magazine for reading prints his novel "Nowhere", started in two years earlier during the Western trip. It was satirically depicted by representatives rather popular at the time of the nihilists, and in the appearance of some of them, the features of really living people were clearly guessed. And again attacks with accusations in the distortion of reality and that novel is the execution of the "order" of certain circles. Critically referred to the work and myself Nikolay Leskov. His biography, first of all, creative, for many years was predetermined by this novel: his works have long refused to print leading magazines of that time.

Number of fabulous form

In the 1860s, Leskov writes several stories (among them "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"), in which the features of a new style are gradually determined, which later became a kind of business card of the writer. This is a tale with amazing, only inherent in humor and a special approach to the image of reality. Already in the twentieth century, these works will highly appreciate many writers and literary criticism, and Leskov, whose biography is constant clashes with best representatives of the second half of the nineteenth century, will be put in one row with N. Gogol, M. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Czech. However, at the time of the publication, they practically did not pay attention, as they were still under the impression of his former publications. The negative criticism also aroused the production of the Piechper on Russian merchandise, and the novel "on the knives" (all about the same nihilists), because of which the fishing races entered a sharp controversy with the editor of the Russian Bulletin magazine M. Katkov, Where, by the advantage, his works were printed.

Manifestation of true talent

Only passing through numerous accusations, sometimes reaching direct insults, I was able to find this reader N. S. Leskov. His biography makes a steep round in 1872, when the novel "Sobiushan" is printed. His main topic is the confrontation of the true Christian faith of the treasury, and the main characters are the priests of the old time and the nihilists opposed to them and officials of all ranks and regions, including church. This novel became the beginning of the creation of works dedicated to the Russian clergy and storing folk traditions of local nobles. Under his pen, the world arises a harmonious and original, built on faith. Present in works and criticism of the negative sides of the system established in Russia. Later, this feature of the writer's style will still open him the way to democratic literature.

"Talk about Tula Spirit Lefters ..."

Perhaps the most bright way created by the writer, the left-handed was drawn in the work, the genre of which is a workshop legend - determined at the first publication of the leaks itself. The biography of one forever became inseparable from the life of another. Yes, and the writer's writer Maneru most often learn precisely on the story about the skillful master. Many critics immediately grabbed the version, put forward by the writer in the preface, that this work is just a retreating legend. Leskov had to write an article about what was really "Left -sham" is the fruit of his fantasy and long observations of the life of a simple person. So briefly sawdust was able to draw attention to the gifting of the Russian man, as well as to the economic and cultural backwardness of Russia, the second half of the nineteenth century.

Later creativity

In the 1870s, Leskov was an employee of the educational department of the Academic Committee at the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, then an employee of the Ministry of Public Protection. He never brought a special joy, so he accepted the resignation in 1883 as an opportunity to become independent. The main for the writer always remained literary activities. "Enchanted Wanderer", "Imprinted Angel", "Man on the clock", "Unmembering Hungal", "Dumbling Artist", "Evil" - this is a small part of the works that writes in the 1870-1880s Leskov N. S. Stories And the story is united by the images of righteous - the heroes of straightforward, fearless, who are not able to put up with evil. Quite often the basis of works was memories or surviving old manuscripts. And among the heroes, along with the fictional, there were also the samples of really living people, which gave the plot of particular accuracy and truthfulness. The works themselves over the years have increasingly gained satirically denial features. As a result of the story and the novels of the late years, among which the "imperceptible trace", "falcon flight", "Zaischy Remiz" and, of course, "damn dolls", where the King Nikolai was served for the prototype for the main character, they were not printed at all or published with Large censorship. According to Leskov, the publication of works is always quite problematic, on the slope of years it became unbearable at all.

Personal life

Family life of Leskov was not easy. The first time he married in 1853 on O. V. Smirnova, the daughter of a wealthy and famous businessman in Kiev. Two children were born from this marriage: the daughter of Vera and the son of Mitya (died in infancy). Family life was short: spouses - initially different people, more and more distorted from each other. The situation aggravated the death of the Son, and at the beginning of the 1860s they broke up. Subsequently, the first wife Leskova was in a psychiatric hospital, where the writer visited her until his death.

In 1865, Nikolai Semenovich came down with E. Bubnova, they lived a civil marriage, but she did not hold his common life with her. Their Son, Andrei, after parting the parents stayed with Leskov. Later he made up the life of his father, released in 1954.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was such a person, a brief biography of which is interesting to every connoisseur of Russian classical literature.

In the footsteps of the Great Writer

N. S. Leskov died on February 21 (March 5 in a new style) of 1895. His body rests on a wolf cemetery (on literary layouts), on the grave - a pedestal of granite and a large cast-iron cross. And the Leskov House on Furstadkaya Street, where he spent the last years of life, you can learn in the memorial plate installed in 1981.

The truly memory of the original writer, who has repeatedly returned in his works in his native places, perpetuated in Orlovshchina. Here, in the house of his father, the only literary and memorial museum of Leskov is opened in Russia. Thanks to his son, Andrei Nikolayevich, there was a large number of unique exhibits related to the life of Leskov: a child, a writer, a public figure. Among them, personal belongings, valuable documents and manuscripts, letters, including the classroom magazine of the writer and watercolor depicting the native home and relatives of Nikolai Semenovich.

And in the old part of the eagle for the anniversary date - 150 years since the birth - a monument to Leskov, Yu. Yu. And Yu. G. Orekhov, A. V. Stepanova. The writer sends on the pedestal sofa. In the background - the church of Mikhail Archangel, who was repeatedly mentioned in the works of Leskov.

Nikolay Leskov Portrait of Nicholas Leskova Work Valentina Serov, 1894. Name when born ... Wikipedia

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov - Russian writer Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born on February 16 (February 4 in the old style) of 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo Oryolovskaya province. His grandfather was a clergyman in the village of Leskey Karachevsky County of the Oryol province. From the name of the village of Leski and was ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

Nikolay Leskov N. S. Leskov. Figure I. E. Repin, 1888 89. Birth name: Nikolai Semenovich Leskov Pseudonyms: M. Stebnitsky Date of birth: 4 (16) February 1831 (18310216) ... Wikipedia

Nikolai Mikhailovich Lyubimov (November 20, 1912, Moscow December 22, 1992) Famous Soviet Translator, mainly from French and Spanish. State Prize (1978) for participating in the publication of the World Literature Library in 200 volumes ... Wikipedia

- (November 20, 1912, Moscow December 22, 1992) Famous Soviet Translator, mainly from French and Spanish. State Prize (1978) for participation in the publication library of World Literature in 200 volumes. Lyubimov translated more ... ... Wikipedia

An outstanding writer, at the beginning of his literary activity, known under the pseudonym M. St Bnitsky. Rod. February 4, 1831 in the Oryol province, in a poor semidenth, half-language family. His father was the son of a priest and only by his service ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Nikolai Semenovich (1831 1895) Russian writer. R. in the village of Gorokhov Oryol lips. In the family he drove the noble title from the clergy. In 1847, after the death of the father and the death of the fire of all small property, throws the gymnasium and comes ... Literary encyclopedia

Leskov, Nikolai Semenovich - Nikolai Semenovich Leskov. Leskov, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov Nikolai Semenovich (1831 95), Russian writer. Anti-nigilastic novels ("Nochda", 1864; "on the knives", 1870 71); The novels of the Chronicles about the Russian province (about the clergy "Sobira", 1872; o ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Leskov, Nikolai Semenovich Outstanding writer, at the beginning of his literary activity known under the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky. Born on February 4, 1831, died on February 21, 1895. His father, the son of the priest, in service with his noble assession ... ... Biographical Dictionary


  • , Nikolay Leskov. "He felt well the elusive, which is called the soul of the people," said M. Gorky about the author of the famous "Lesshey", "Enchanted Wanderer", "Lady McBet Mtsensky County." Original…
  • Nikolay Leskov. Small collected works, Nikolay Leskov. He felt well the elusive, which is called the soul of the people, said M. Gorky about the author of the famous, fascinated wanderer, Lady McBet Mtsensky ...