Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County Meaning of Work. N.

Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County Meaning of Work. N.

Lesson 10. Subject:N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"


    problem analysis of the story

    comparative analysis of the heroin of the story of Leskov and Plays of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    mastering the concept literary controversy

During the classes:

I love literature as a means that

gives me the opportunity express everything i

i think for truth and for the benefit ...


I. Actualization of knowledge

    Do you know the wordcontroversy? literary controversy?

(Pupils will recall the articles of Dobrolyubov and Pisarev, dedicated to the "thunderstorm" of Ostrovsky. The result of the conversation is a table reflecting the starting point for the appeal of critics to the play A.N. Ostrovsky - the question of the driving force of the Russian revolution - and the positions engaged in Dobrolyubov and Pisarev in the dispute.

The word teacher : N.S. Iplazkov was a passionate in kind. And in no, perhaps, this passionism did not appear as in literary controversy, which he led (more precisely, in which he rushed) from the first of his steps in the literature. "Not knowing Russia, do not beat the revolution in it," said Hercere and Chernyshevsky to the fishing racks. "Not knowing Russia, do not get tried to judge the Russian national character," the Leskov spoke to its contemporaries is Ostrovsky, Pomleyovsky, Pisem.

The challenge of modern playwrights and novelists sounded the words about what love in Russia is: "... Love is not Vashneskaya, not brazy, our Russian, cautious, dried lube, about which these hellish-painful songs come on, for which they frank and cut" ("Nowhere"). And here in the "Lady Macbeth ..." in a straight overground with "Thunderstorm", this love is shown and the main thing - a distinctive Russian female character.

II. Conference title

    What is the oddity of the name of the Leskovsky essay? (Clash of concepts from different stylistic layers: "Lady Macbeth" - the tragedy of Shakespeare, Mtsensky County - Deaf Russian Province)

    Genre? -(Feature article) - Why?(The author is important to convince the reader that everything described actually happened)

III. Problem analysis of the story

    Artistic retelling - monologue "The history of marriage of Katerina Izmailovoy" (Ch. I)

From the image of Katerina Izmailovoy constantly turn to the image of Katerina Kabanova, the results of the comparison are fixed in the table




easy and freedom

    Find a keyword in the I Chapter.(Boredom)

    Boredom and served as passion. Scene from ch. 3 - reading.

    Compare the scene of a date with a "thunderstorm", fix the observation in the table.

Volga expanses

nature, songs

sin is afraid

dark corner

boredom, Zewnota

nothing is afraid

    "Non-nightness" Katerina for her woken love-passion, easily overcoming any obstacles, everything is simple. And the fishing lords persistently emphasizes the animal, the demonic beginning in his heroine, as if relying with the words of the king from Shakespeare's tragedy: "I dare all that a person dares, and only the beast is more capable." Confirm the text of the mention of the author about the beast of the beginning (GL.5, GL.8, Ch.15).

GL.5. "And by the morning he died [Boris Timofeevich], and just as the rat was dying in his barn.

GL.8 "... Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich ... It was terribly rushing ... like a beast, climbed his teeth [Sergey] throat.

Ch.15. "Katerina Lvovna rushed to a sonnet, like a strong pike on a soft dam, and both more did not seem"

    Katerina Lvovna learned the happiness to love and be beloved. "There is a righteous happiness, there is a sinful happiness. The righteous will not cross anyone, and the sinner will overstep everything" (Leskov "Unmembering Golden"). What does Katerina step up through?

"Death of Sobra" - resection

"Death of her husband" - expressive reading on roles

    Compare the behavior of Sergey and Katerina during the murder.("Sergey's lips trembled, and his fever himself was beaten. Katerina Lvovna was cold only.", Gl.8.)

    According to the Bible, the law of marriage is "two - one flesh". And Katerina Lvovna flesh, with his own hands crushed - calmly, even with a bold pride for his irresistibleness.

The heroine of Leskova has no feeling of guilt, only dreams of disturbing dreams. Expressive reading of dreams (GL.6 - first dream, ch. 7 - second dream. Compare.)

And yet dreams are symbolic. As the symbolic words in the mouths of the grandmother Fedi: "Break, katerinushka, you, mother, the car itself, is waiting for God's vessels, worry."

Decipher these words.

How did Katerina bother? (Made another murder)

How does nature, the female nature warns her from the conceived? (chur.10, "Katerina Lvovna suddenly turned pale, his own child had turned under his heart, and she stretched cold in his chest")

Who is the initiator of this murder?(Sergey)

What does the name Fedor mean?(God's gift)

    Eliminated Soul Angelskaya, so retribution comes at once (GL.11)

There are two strengths - two strengths fatal,

All my life they have their own at hand.

From lullaby days to the grave, -

One is death, the other is the court of human.

    Human court, the court has accomplished. Did he make a special impression on Katerina Lvovna? (GL.13)(No, it is only important for her - Favorite Nearby)

    Did you change the heroine of Katorga?(She suffers, but repentance does not come to her)

    Does our attitude to the heroine change?(Yes, feel pity for it)

    B. Show warned: "Fear of man whose God in the sky." How do you understand these words?

Work in groups. Analysis of the episode.

Find keywords, decrypt symbolism.

Golden night

white color

young apple color


darkness gray sky

wind moat

Paradise - in nature

Hell around

In the shower - ?

In the shower - cleansing pain

    How does the leaks show the awakening of the feeling of guilt in Katerina? (gL.15, "And suddenly, the blue head of Boris Timofeevich is shown from one head of Boris Timofeevich, a husband looked out of the other, hugging his headed head. Katerina Lvovna wants to remember the prayer and mechanics with gummami, and she whisper her lips: "As we walked, the autumn long nights succeed, the deaths of people have been convicted with the death")

    Volga immediately makes you remember another Katerina - from the "thunderstorms". Determine the differences in the tragic junction of the Heroin Fate.



Monologue - glowing to freedom


changed life in Kalinov

pulled out the body out of the water

tragic junction

Suicide and revenge at the same time

nothing changed

did not pull out

Such as Katerina Izmailov will go to his passion to the end. Here and Russian dirt, and the Russian soul, there are the most depths of the Russian national nature.

IV. Return to the concept of "controversy"

So, "Lady Macbeth ..." - a central link in the argument of Leskova and Ostrovsky. And it does not turn out to be a member of the participant not a literary dispute of Dobrolyubov and Pisarev. (Return to the scheme created at the beginning of the lesson)

Nor Dobrolyubov, nor Pisarev presented to themselves, what will happen when the bends "will break down with chains" and turn around the entire breadth of his wokeered nature. It will be scary. It will not come apotheosis of freedom, but a chain of sinister atrocities. And prophecy, and warning. So peeps the fishing line of the twentieth century.

V. Let's summarize.

Let's go back to the image of Katerina Izmailov. Who is she? Write down (passionate nature, sore soul, etc.)

Vi. Homework

For all: An essay of miniature (to choose from): "Katerina Izmailov or Katerina Kabanova: Who is closer to me?" Or "What I felt after reading" Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County "

The image of a lady Macbeth is well known in world literature. In the Russian soil, Shakespeare Character suffered N.S. Leskov. His work "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" is popular to this day and has many stages and shields.

"Lady Macbeth of our county" - under this name, the work first appeared in the press in the magazine "Epoch". Work on the first edition of the essay lasted about a year, from 1864 to 1865., the final name was the essay in 1867 after significant copyright.

It was assumed that this story will open the cycle of works on the characters of Russian women: the landowner, the nobleman, the obstacle, - but for a number of reasons, the plan was not embodied. Based on "Lady Macbeth" lies the plot of a widespread lobcker "On a merchant wife and Clap".

Genre, direction

The author's definition of the genre - essay. Perhaps the fishing lines emphasize the realism, the authenticity of the story, since this prosaic genre, as a rule, relies on facts from real life, is a documentary. It is no coincidence of the first name of the county - our; After all, so every reader could submit this picture in his village. In addition, it is the essay that is peculiar to the direction of realism, which was popular in the Russian literature of that time.

From the point of view of literary studies, Lady McBet Mtsensky County is a story, which indicates difficult, filled with events, the plot and composition of the work.

Much relatives Sketch of Leskova with a drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", written 5 years before "Lady ..." The fate of the merchant wife worried both authors, and each of them offers its own version of the events.


Main events unfold in a merchant family. Katerina Izmailov, while her husband went on business, turns a novel with Clawer Sergey. Svokr tried to stop depravity in his own house, but paid for this life. The spouse who returned home was also waiting for "warm welcome." Getting rid of the interference, Sergey and Katerina enjoy their happiness. Soon the nephew Fedya arrives to them. He can claim the inheritance of Katerina, because lovers decide to kill the boy. The stroke scene see passersby, which went from the church.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Katerina Izmailov - Very complex image. Despite the countless crimes, it cannot be considered an extremely negative character. Analyzing the nature of the main character, it is impossible to ignore the unfair accusations of her in infertility, the contemptant attitude of the mother-in-law and her husband. All the atrocities were committed by Katerina for the sake of love, only in her she saw salvation from the nightlife, which was filled with only the troubles and boredom. It is a passionate, strong and gifted nature, which, unfortunately, revealed only in a crime. At the same time, we can note the statement, the cruelty and the unprincipledness of a woman who raised her hand even on the child.
  2. Customer Sergey, experienced "Delichell", Chiter and Alchest. He knows his advantages and familiar with women's weaknesses. He was not difficult to seduce a rich mistress, and then deftly manipulate it, just to enter into the rights of ownership. He loves only himself, and ladies' attention only enjoys. Even at Katorga, he is looking for amur adventures and buys them at the cost of the victim of his mistress, pretending to be what is appreciated in the conclusion.
  3. Husband (Zinoviy Borisovich) and Svokr Katerina (Boris Timofeevich) - Typical merchant representatives, worm and coarse ordinary people who are engaged only by enrichment. Their harsh moral foundations rests only in the reluctance to share their good, with anyone. The spouse does not value his wife, just does not want to give his thing. And his father is also indifferent to the family, but he does not want unflattering rumors in the district.
  4. Sonnet. Sunny, dodging and flirting cortezhanka, which is not averse to have fun even on the cautious. With Sergey, her is a levity, after all, she never had solid and strong attachments.
  5. Topics

  • Love -the main topic of the story. It is this feeling that pushes Katerina into monstrous murders. At the same time, love becomes the meaning of life for it, whereas for Sergey it is only fun. The writer shows how the passion may not exalt, but to humiliate the person, imagine it into the abyss of the blur. People often idealize feelings, but it is impossible to ignore the danger of these illusions. Love does not always be an excuse for the criminal, liar and the killer.
  • A family. Obviously, not for love, Katerina married Zinovia Borisovich. It did not arise between the spouses over the years of the family life of proper mutual respect and consent. Katerina heard only reproaches, called "spray". Ended the contractual marriage tragically. Leskov showed what is neglecting interpersonal relationships within the family.
  • Revenge. For the orders of that time, Boris Timofeevich quite rightly punishes a lustful clerk, but what is the reaction of Katerina? In response to mockery of beloved Katerina, poisoning the swarm of a deadly dose of poison. The desire to take revenge drives a rejected woman in the episode on the crossing, when the current hardwood is attacked on the delight of the sonnet.
  • Problems

  1. Boredom. This feeling arises from the heroes for a number of reasons. One of them is confusion. Katerina Izmaylova did not like to read, and there were practically no books in the house. Under the pretext, ask the book, and Sergey penetrates the hostess on the first night. The desire to bring some kind of diversity in monotonous life becomes one of the main motives of treason.
  2. Loneliness.Most of the days of Katerina Lvovna spent in full solitude. My husband had their own business, only occasionally he took her with him, going to visit his colleagues. About love and mutual understanding between Zinovia and Katerina also do not have to speak. This situation was aggravated by the lack of children, which was sad, including the main heroine. Perhaps if she had more attention to her more attention, affection, participation, and she would not answer close people to the betrayal.
  3. Care. This problem is brightly designated in the image of Sergey. He masked his mercenary goals with love, trying to call pity and sympathy in Katerina. As we learn from the text, the negligent clarifier has already had a sad experience of courtship for a merchant wife. Apparently, in the case of Katerina, he already knew how to behave and what errors would not allow.
  4. Immorality. Despite the displacement religiosity, the heroes do not stop before in achieving the goals. Treason, murder, an attempt on the child's life - all this stacked in the head at the ordinary checkpone and its accomplice. Obviously, life and morals of the merchant province corrupt people with secret, because they are ready to go to sin, no one would have learned about it. Despite the strict patriarchal foundations, reigning in society, the heroes are easy to go on crimes, and their conscience does not torment them. Moral problematics opens up before us the abyss of the fall of the person.
  5. the main idea

    Leskov prevents their work to which tragedy can clarifying patriarchal life and lack of love and spirituality in the family. Why did the author choose the merchant environment? In this class, a very large percentage of illiteracy was observed, merchants followed century traditions, which could not fit into the modern world. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is to point out the catastrophic consequences of the Break of Culture and Milnife. The absence of inner morality allows heroes to commit monstrous crimes, to redeem which can be only their own death.

    At the actions of the heroine has its own meaning - she renues against conventions and borders that prevent her from living. The bowl of her patience is overflowed, and how and how it does not know her. Ignorance is aggravated by debauchery. And here the idea of \u200b\u200bprotest is rendered. If you first empathize with a single woman who do not respect and insult in your native family, then at the end we see a fully broken person, who has no way back. Leskov calls people to be more selective in the choice of funds, otherwise the goal is lost, and the sin remains.

    What does it take?

    "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County teaches one main folk wisdom: it is impossible to build his happiness on someone else's misfortune. Secrets will reveal, and for the deeds will have to answer. Relations created at the expense of other people's lives end in treason. Even a child, the fruit of this sinful love, I don't need anyone. Although it used to seemed to be children in Katerina, she could be quite happy.

    The work shows that immoral life ends the tragedy. The main heroine is extincting despair: it is forced to admit that all the crimes perfect were in vain. Before the death of Katerina Lvovna tries to pray, but in vain.

    Interesting? Save on your wall!

In the image of the most common woman, Katerina Lvovna, originating from the ordinary, Meshchansky environment, the writer shows how the passing passionate feeling completely transforms it and it rises against the conventions of the world, in which he had spent the whole life before. From the very beginning, the author writes that Katerina lived in the house of her wealthy husband is extremely boring, the young woman literally sulfered monotony and longing.

She was still a very young and inexperienced girl in his spouses from the merchant Zinoviya Borisovich, she had never had any feelings for her, her parents gave Katerina only because it was the first thing that was exactly this fiance, and they considered it a suitable party. Since then, five years of life, a woman is actually spent in a dream, every day with an accuracy of a minute resembles the previous one, she has no friends or at least acquaintances, Katerina increasingly covers such a longing, from which she literally wants to "help".

A woman dreams of a child, because with the baby in her house she had at least a lesson, joy, goal, but in her dull marriage fate never brings her children.

But after these five years in the life of Katerina, there is unexpectedly a hot love for her husband Sergey. This feeling is considered one of the brightest and elevated, however, it becomes the beginning of her death and leads too passionate and ardent woman to the sad finale.

Katerina without thinking ready for her dear person to any victims and violations of all moral norms. Woman without any remorse kills not only a long-haired mother and spouse, but also the boy Fedya, who did not cause any evil, an innocent and pious child to anyone. All-consuming passion for Sergey destroys in Katerina a sense of fear, compassion, mercy, because before they were inherent in her, like almost any representative of the weak gender. But at the same time, it is this limitless love that creates courage, cruelty, cruelty and ability to fight for her love in it, for their right to constantly be with her beloved person and get rid of any obstacles that prevent the fulfillment of this desire.

Sergey, beloved Izmailov, also appears to a person without any moral rules and principles. He is capable of going to any crime without hesitation, but not from love like Katerina. For Sergey, the motive of his actions serves that he sees in this woman the opportunity for himself for himself a further occupied existence, because she is a spouse and legitimate heiress of a rich merchant, occurring from a higher, secured and revered in the Society of the class than he himself. His plans and hopes are really beginning to come true after the death of Mother and her husband, Katerina, but suddenly another obstacle arises, a small nephew of a merchant named Fedya.

If Sergey served only by the assistant in murder, now he himself invites his mistress to get rid of the child left for them the only hindrance. He inspires Katerina, that in the absence of a boy Fedi and his birth with her child before the expiration of nine months after the disappearance of her spouse, all the money of the late merchant will benefit them, and they will be able to live happily without any concerns.

Katerina agrees with his beloved, his words actually hypnotic impact on it, the woman is ready to make literally everything that Sergey wants. Thus, it turns into a real host of his feeling, a reliable slave of this man, although initially Izmailov takes a more significant social status than its spouse worker.

During the interrogation, Katerina does not hide that he made several killings exclusively for the sake of her lover, that she pushed her passion to such a terrible astone. All her feelings focused only on Sergey, the baby born does not cause her any emotions, the fate of her child is indifferent to her. Everything around is absolutely indifferent to Katerina, the impact on it is capable of providing a gentle look or the good word of her beloved.

On the way to Katorga, the woman notes that Sergey clearly coats her, although she is still ready for everything, just once again see him. However, a man feels deeply disappointed in Katerina, and in life as a whole, because he never achieved the desired, no wealth with the help of the Izmayelovsky checkpi he will never have to see. Sergey without embarrassment meets with a depraved son in front of his mistress, he frankly shifts Katerina with insults and humiliation, trying to take revenge on what she believes, as he believed, broke his fate and finally destroyed.

When Katerina sees that her beloved, for whom she sacrificed to everyone that had earlier, flirting with another woman, her mind would not withstand trials with cruel jealousy. She does not even understand the meaning of bullying from other prisoners, primarily a sonnet and Sergey, but they have a deep destructive impact on her already completely dismissed psyche.

Before the thought of Katerina, her victims appear, a woman is not able to move, speak, live on, almost unconsciously, she makes a decision to commit suicide to get rid of unbearable flour, which has become all its existence. Without hesitation, she kills a sonnet without hesitation, believing that it was this maiden who took her lover. In his past minutes, Katerina believes that she has nothing to do more in the world, because her love, the meaning of her life, is completely lost for her. Due to the boundless passion, the person's personality is completely destroyed, Katerina Izmaylova becomes a victim of his own feelings and inability to manage them.

Open lesson on literature

(Comparative analysis of the essay "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" and the drama "thunderstorm").

Tragedy of two Katerin.

Maou School No. 46. Ulan-Ude

Objectives lesson:

Educational: Teach schoolchildren to compare the images of heroes; constitute monologic answers; Teach children find in the text artistic detail and explain its role; To introduce students with a literary criticism of the symbol and its meaning in the artistic text.

Developing: develop the skills of comparative analysis from schoolchildren; develop the monologue speech of students;

Educational: to bring up the sense of empathy from schoolchildren, love, compassion.

Type of lesson: Combined

Equipment: Terminological cards (which are given concepts, terms with examples); texts of works; cards with individual tasks; table.


Students are divided into groups

2. The first group (weak students). Find an answer to the question "The position of women in the society of that time." Give a brief reference about works.

3. Second group of students. Track the text image of Catherine Kabanova (portrait, social position, dreams, love)

4. Third group of students. Track the text image of Catherine Izmailova (portrait, social position, dreams, love, actions).

5. Track the texts description of nature, interior and reveal the main color gamut. Why is this color uses the author in works?

6. In the work of "Lady Macbeth ..." find a description of dreams. Reveal their role in thin. Text.

During the classes

1. Org. moment. Setting goals.

- Pay attention to the topic of the lesson. What is a tragedy, how do you understand this word?

(This is misfortune, grief, sadness)

- Let us turn to the sensible dictionary.

Tragedy -heavy shock, experience, misfortune or public.

- Is there always a person experiencing mental experiences only in misfortune?

(No, a person can worry, worry, experiencing different feelings: love, compassion).

- In the works of Leskova and Ostrovsky, what feeling is put forward on the fore?(feeling of love)

- If a person loves, then what is the tragedy of the soul?

- We met another word that requiring interpretation is the word of the soul. What do you understand under this word? If it is difficult, contact your terminological card for help and specify an answer.

Pupils from several formulations choose one or on the database of terms make up the answer. The wording will be recorded in the notebook.

Soul -this is a special intangible immortal force; The inner world of man, his self-awareness.

- At the lesson, we will try to compare two heroes and answer the question. In the previous lesson, each group received its task, group responses are discussed, compare, write conclusions. In the course of the lesson, each fills the table to make it easier to conclude.

The word teacher

Love -great joy and grave cross, revelations and mystery, huge suffering and the greatest happiness, and most importantly, that only she, love, lives and stored a female soul, and a mysterious and mysterious. With love of the Russian woman, there was always a deep religious feeling, raising attitudes towards her beloved, to the family on a special spiritual height.

- Recall the role of a woman in a social environment. Give historical certificate of creating two works ( The group of historians begins)

Historical reference.

19V. Russian literature presented to the world a whole pleiad of poets, writers and playwrights. Among them, creativity is highlighted, the name of which constitutes a whole eroha in Rus. Dramaturgies and the name, the works of which carry the seal of the deepest psychologism and tragidity. Essay "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" first published in the magazine "Epoch" in 1865 - 6 years after reaching the drama of the island "thunderstorm." Essay shows an inseparable connection of capital with a crime. This is the tragic story of the Bunth of the female soul against the dead setting of merchant life. And Ostrovsky and Leskov in their own way raise the problems of the female soul, female passion.

It should be remembered that the woman in Russia was not an independent social unit. Her social status was first determined by his father, and then by her husband. The dissolution of marriage was almost impossible, with a rare exception - to resolve the king or synod. In Russia, a woman had three ways to determine their social. Status: Become Freillan, get married, go to the monastery. Both Ekaterina did not belong to the highest light, so they could not become framework. The choice was only between marriage and monasticism. Both Catherine were married, that is, was the keepers of a family hearth.

3. Problem analysis of works. Understanding the names of works.

- What is the unusual of the name of works?

("Thunderstorm" is not just a phenomenon of nature and a social shock, a clash between new trends and old traditions).

In the sketch of "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" there is a clash of various stylistic formations: "Lady Macbeth" - Association with the tragedy of Shakespeare; Mtsensky County - The Tragedy Association with the Dead Russian Province - the author expand the scale of what is happening.

- Recall the beginning of two works, we define what kind of similarity and the difference? We define social. Heroine status.

Two groups of researchers work (According to the drama "Thunderstorm" and essay "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" ).

Both Katerina belong to one social and domestic estimate. Both live in the world for them, both try to get out of it, violating these stips and foundations. But the start of the works is different.

Group number 2 Group number 3

Output:Internally, the space in the drama is not closed, it is wide, free. In the sketch of Leskova, the space is closed "fence", "dogs", "chains", "boredom".

- Songs play an important role. What songs come around around Katerina? Who sings them?

- Remember the story of marriage of both heroines, their dreams. How does love originate? What pushes them to Boris and Sergey, because from the very beginning, Boris and Sergey are unworthy of these women?

Art retelling with a support for text. The history of marriage and the birth of love. (1-2 students).

Katerina Kabanova

Katerina Izmailov

In the heroine huge potential. When Katya lived in the girls, she "to death loved the church to walk, pray, glance mantis." Without love, she was married, without love, she stirres under a strict eye of the Kabani, her subtle nature does not put pressure, but she also dreams of "why people do not fly like birds?". Boris appears, a person is not similar to other behavior, nor manners nor appearance. Katerina falls in love, afraid, suffer. Her love is clean, trembling.

"Katerina Lvovna had a disgusting character, and, living a girl in poverty, she was accustomed to simplicity and freedom." She dreams of running with the buckets on the river, yes to buy under the pier or sprinkle through the wicket of a passerby, the sunflower Luzgot. "I've been strong in girls in girls ... I even had a man who was not worn ..." (ch. 2). She was a girlfriend poor, and she did not have to go through the groom. Sergey, at a meeting with Katerina, there was already a plan in the head; He generously scatters compliments. From communication with the hostess, he does not lose anything, but if he is lucky, and will receive something. Katerina Lvovna, who does not live sweetly without love, gladly goes to treason. "Passion captured her all."


- Who can sum up? Do not forget to fill in the table.

Both Katerina live without love, without caress, without understanding, but Katerina Cabanrva "is married", and Katerina Lvovna was poor and "sorting out" by Zhinichi did not have to. Both heroines dream, but dream of different: one about prayer, about God, "about wings" it is elevated; Other - about swimming, jokes. Be heroines go to sin for love, violate the biblical commandment, both dream of freedom. Love is also different: Kati Kabanova is clean, bright, sublime, always chaste, poetic; feeling disinterested, rejocent. Her love is the gift of God. The love of Katerina Izmailovova is a passion, painful, invincible, all overwhelming.

- Sin is accomplished, for which the payback should be. What does the love of these women turn around? What feelings do they test?

Collective student work.

Katerina Kabanova

Katerina Lvovna

Katya makes sin. She is afraid of this, no longer afraid of the human court, but is afraid to go against his conscience. Having broken the commandment, she could not live - conscience did not allow. She rushes before her husband, rushes into the pool.

Katerina Izmaylova also makes a great sin, but steps in the abyss without special torment. She is trying to keep Sergey with all their might and is even more crime. "There was a lot in these nights in the bedroom of Zinovia Borisyach and Vints from the mother-in-law Popito, and sweet slasts are joined, and sugar housings are felt kissed ..." (ch. 4,). Katerina Lvovna got freedom.


- What have we saw different? What is the tragedy?

in her holiness, conscience, which are not suitable for the world in which she lives. Even Boris calls her Katya, which translated from the Greek "always clean." God for Kati is a conscience. Katerina Izmailov Sergey calls "Katerina Ilvovna" - officially, alienated, with a fraction of neglect. His tragedy is that passion, freedom has grown the limits of treason. As Leskov writes: "She suddenly unfolded in all the breadth of his wokeered nature and so decisive was that it could not be hugged ...". "It was completely separated. I was ready for Sergey to fire, in the water, in the dungeon and on the cross. She was distraught from his happiness." Katerina Lvovna forgot about God, for the sake of his happiness, she will overcome through anyone.

- What expressions, words use fishing rods when describing Katerina Lvovna most often?

The author in the work when describing the life of Katerina Lvovna uses most often the word "sweet" - sweet Slavs, sugar mouths, sweet speeches. The repeat of the same word is not accidental, the author, as it, emphasizes life for pleasure, and the soul of Katerina does not think.

- For the sake of his love, Katerina Lvovna went to many crimes. Each group find the descriptions of crimes, read them, answer questions in your card.

1. Leskov describes the death of Boris Timofeevich, who stood on the path of Katerina: "Went ... For the night of mushrooms with anchice ... And the morning died, and just as the rats died in his barn, for whom Katerina Lvovna do it yourself Prepared special dishes with white powder ... ". About the death of a person is easy, cold-blooded. This is scary.

2. Cooling the murder Zinovia Borisyach , killed like a beast, clutching into the throat.

- Wakes up a conscience in the soul of a young checkpone?

(No, only the dreams are wonderful disturbing).

- Dreams in works are always symbolic, play an important role in the works. Contact terminological cards, read and write down the concept symbol, symbolism.

- The story of dreams Katerina Lvovna was preparing 4 band. We listen, complement.

4 Group students tell dreams. Their role in thin. Text.

First Sleep - Chapter 6 (Cat, who go)

Second Sleep - Chapter 7 (Cat, similar to Boris Timofeevich Killed)

Dreams are symbolic. They, as it were, warn, warn the heroine about the rules for their sins. In dreams cat - "This is a flattened friend." Dreams warn that Sergey betray her.

- How did the payroll occurred, are not God's back?

Katerina Lvovna for himself, his child, Sergey, and more probably killed a little Fedor because of money.

- Katerina Lvovna passed the highest moral law - killed the child ... It is not by chance of the leaks gives the name "Fedor" - from Greek. "God's gift". It is not by chance that her own child simply moved under his heart. Retribution overtook immediately. The earth court came.

Collective class work.

- Changed Katerina Katorga? How shows the leaks awakening the feeling of guilt? What hood Did the author used the author?

At the beginning of the cathedral does not affect Katerina. She saw Sergey, and her silence and a cauldron flowers with happiness. She loves him as before, even refuses his child. But now a woman rejected from love, Sergey openly mocks her, change, spends her money. Finally, Catherine is clear only when Sergey's meanness passes the borders. She will see her newest stockings on her legs.


Passionate nature that was dominated by the freedom of crimes doomed to death. But the moral drop in the order is still worse.

- In the last chapter, again, the awakening of the guilt of the heroine is symbolic. Clean the episode.

" And that's suddenly from one broken shaft, Boris Timofeevich's blue head is shown, and her husband looked out and quenched from another, hugging down with a drooping head Fedy ... "

And then she rushes at a sonnet, like a strong pike on a soft-fuctive roach and sinking in the Volga. It rushes on the culprit that Sergey cooled to her, his hand did not rise.

- Pay attention to the last comparison. Katerina Lvovna is a strong pike, something predatory is felt, strong, irreversible. So the fate of Katerina Lvovna ends. Pay attention to another detail of the text, Katerina Lvovna sinks in the Volga, where did we meet? (In the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" ).


- Compare tables and summarize. What is the tragedy of two Katerlin? What manifestation we saw? What are moral values, ideals?

The female soul is largely not clear, mysterious, mysterious. Love is very different: one clean, impermanent, sublime. Other love is a passion that thwarted everything around, strong, painful. The tragedy of Katerina Kabanova is that such a bright, clean soul is not suitable for the world in which she lives. The tragedy of Katerina Izmailovaya is largely in crimes, which she makes in the name of the destructive love, in many respects that she forgot all the moral laws and commandments of the Church. What kind of building life, how to love no one can say that everyone makes their choice. Literature only tells us, readers.

Post inspired by reading the story of Nikolai Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County."

Summary of the story of Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"
The main character of the story is Katerina Lvovna Izmailov, a young girl issued married to the rich merchant Zinovia Borisovich Izmailov. Zinovy \u200b\u200bBorisovich is significantly older, it works a lot and does not very much pampers his wife. Katerina Lvovna lives without much joys and seals.

One day, when Zinoviy Borisovich was in a long abolish (revenge the mill), Katerina Lvovna became interested in a young and beautiful clarifier of her husband Sergey. She is inferior to his onslaught and falls in love with him. Sergey becomes her passion. Svetr Katerina Lvovna catches Sergey, who descends from the bedroom Katerina Ivanovna, punishes him and locks it in the basement. Katerina Lvovna pokestit Svetra and frees Sergey. The death of the mother of suspicion did not cause suspicion, and lovers healed further, not much taking.

Meanwhile, Zinoviy Borisovich returns from the abdest. He gave the big way on foot to try to catch lovers together, but he did nothing. He begins to blame his wife in infidelity, and lovers kill him and hide the body in the basement. After that, they begin to live together openly, Katerina Lvovna takes on the management of the man's husband. Soon she will prenten.

The happiness of Katerina Lvovna and Sergey were not unhappy: Zinovia Borisovich appeared a relative applying to part of the state. This relative was a nephew Fedya, living with her grandmother. His Katerina Lvovna and Sergey are slander so that he does not apply for inheritance. Behind this occupation, people find them. Lovers are judged and referred to the cautious.

Many days criminals go through the stage. Katerina Lvovna is trying to be close to Sergey, and he completely cooled to her. The position of Katerina Lvovna worsens the fact that Sergey begins to care for other chains, laughing openly and mocking over Katerina Lviv. The same when crossing the Volga grabs his rival and carries it under the water. Both drows.

The story of Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" talks about the strong and passionate love of a young woman. This passion swept away everything in its path: decency, morality, human life. It all started well, Katerina Lvovna had everything to live the usual, no remarkable life. It was satisfied until she knew what was crazy passion and love. As a result, it turned out completely unsightly and the gloomy final, who gave all the merits.

If I remember correctly, the story of Lady Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County entered the school curriculum. It was at school that I read it for the first time. Now, after a year and a half dozen years, I reread her with great pleasure. I highly recommend you!