Saddina's shop. Bookshop Smpdin Bookshop Smpdina

Saddina's shop. Bookshop Smpdin Bookshop Smpdina

During his flight from Moscow, Smpdine had a case met with V.A. Madiller, a large Petersburg book service, who, having studied pre-with P.A. Ilyin and receiving a good recommendation from him about Smpdine, invited the last to himself in the clerks.

In 1817, Smpdin began working at the Madelikov store.

"Here is an intensuring, accuracy, knowledge of the case and the ability to contact the buyers of Smpdin acquired the location of the Meltelikova, who made it the main clerk and manager store." (A brief overview of book trade and publishing activities Glazunov in a hundred years, 1782-1882, C.-Petersburg, p. 52).

On August 15, 1823, the melters died and left the spiritual testament, in which he, by the same version, provided Smpdine "For his service the right to buy all book goods at that price, as he was pleased, but Smpdine, for his goodness, made his challenge of all books To evaluate the product, and then prescribed the price most expensive than everyone. " (V. Funeral of the bookSeller Alexander Filippovich Smpdina. "Russian disabled", 1857 № 203, p. 841).

It seems to us a more reliable version of which Smpdine was provided "or get for his mind from the reversed money from the sale of goods a rather decent amount, or to take on all the trade, with those, however, the condition to pay for all the debts of the Meltelikov, designed as if To a significant amount of 30,000,000 assignments. A.F. Smpdine elected the latter, taking on all the affairs and bookstore Meltelikov, who was at the blue bridge (a brief overview of the book trade and publishing activities of glazunov in a hundred years, 1782-1882, C.-Petersburg, p. 52-53).

In the books of the St. Petersburg merchant council, it is that Alexander Filippovich Sirddin 28 years old by decree of the Duma of December 31, 1824 for № 23891 recorded in St. Petersburg Mercury.

The success of Smpdina Publisher started printed by Roman F.V. Bulgarine "Ivan Ivanovich Lyszhin" in 1829.

The novel was printed in the number of three or four thousand copies (the circulation for the then book market is huge) and is offset or, more correctly, "praise" for three weeks.

We first give the testimony of Grech:

"With the success of his own ages and small stortes, he conceived (F.V. Bulgarin) of his" Ivan Ivanovich Svygina ". He wrote him for a long time, prettily and had a great success in him. Two years went up to seven thousand copies ... Seeing the success of Ivan Vyshigina, the book serviceman Alexei Zaicin ordered Bulgarina "Peter Lyzhigina", which was incomparably weaker and did not bring the benefits "(N.I. Greek. Notes about my life. SPb ., Ed. A.S. Suvorin, 1886, p. 451).

It is much more accurate that this case is set out in the already quoted collection on the activities of the Glazunov Knogovyvyvyvsky:

The success of "Ivan Vyshigina" to such an extent struck the then bookSerships that they rushed to offer A.F. Bulgarine has its own services for the publication of his writings, and Bulgarian, having a different novel - "Peter Lyzhin", took it from the Knikovka of Ivan Iv for him. Zaicina, or Actually, with the excited son of his Alexey Ivanovich (which the old man did not forgive his son for a long time) thirty thousand rubles to the assignments, while the first edition of Ivan Vyshigina was sold to Smondin thousands for two.

"Peter Lyzhinin" by printing, as they say, did not meet at all and instead of Barysh, he gave his owner along with the publication of a loss of thousands of 35. (A brief overview of the book trade and publishing activities Glazunov in a hundred years, 1782-1882, C.-Petersburg, c. 50-51).

Success Smpdina by publishing "Ivan Vyshigina" is unconditional success. It was the fulfillment of a historical order, and the story generously paid for him. Purchase from A.S. Pushkin "Bakhchisarai fountain" printed by the KN. Vyazemsky and, as you know, who had an unprecedented success, and several other successful publishing and trading operations contributed to the prosperity of Alexander Filippovich.

"A.F. SMDDIN, which has reducing the respect for all bonseous writers honesty in affairs and the noble desire to successes of literature, acquired the power of attorney and the love of the public with rich and cheap editions of the writings of favorite authors, old and new, and accuracy of their duties A.F. Smpdine wanted to give a decent shelter to the Russian mind and founded the bookstore, which was not yet in Russia. About fifty years before SIM for Russian books did not even have benches. The books were kept in the basements and sold on the tables as the goods from the vehicle. The activities and mind of the unknown in the chronicles of Russian enlightenment of Novikov gave another direction of book trade, and book benches were founded in Moscow and St. Petersburg according to the sample of ordinary shops. Madillers started at finally a warm shop and a library for reading, and I.V. The slanin, following the driver, also founded the store in the part of the city, where the Russian goods did not dare to appear in stores for a long time. Finally, G. Smpdine approved the triumph of the Russian mind and, as they say, put him in the first angle: in Nevsky Prospect, in a beautiful new building owned by the Lutheran Church of St. Peter, in Lower accommodation there is a book trade in Smpdina. Russian books, in rich bindings, stand proudly behind the glass in mahogany cabinets, and polite clarifiers, guiding our bibliographic information, satisfy the need for everyone an extraordinary speed. The heart is comforted at the idea that finally, our Russian literature entered the honor and from the basements moved into pags. It somehow animates a writer. - In the upper housing, over the store, in the vast halls, the library for reading is arranged, the first in Russia for wealth and completeness. All printed in Russian is located in Smpdina, all that ahead will be printed by decent attention, without any doubt it will be at the city of Smpdina before, rather than others, or with others. There is also a subscription to all magazines. " (New bookstore G. Smpdina. "Northern Bee", 1831, № 286).

Moving Smpdina to Nevsky Prospect and a luxurious store for that time was perceived as a sharp jump in the history of Russian book trading.

Smpdine, therefore, "canonizes" book trade, makes it a "high genre."

For the belt of the house of the Petrovsk Church, he pays a huge housing fee for that time - 12,000 rubles for bankruptcies in the year. "There was no such an excellent store to Nammdina, no after his Russian book services," the book trade observer writes.

Clappers from Smpdina served asks and the Bibliotan and Bibliophile Fedor Frolovich Tsvevaev at the time. According to the contemporary, Tsvetaev was "a very non-good person and who won the surprise memory, which can only be degraded in an extremely limited number of chosen. His memory was amazing that he gave him the opportunity to accurately, by heart, without any reference, point to the pages of various places from huge writs and know in the finest details the story of every little relief edition from among those several thousand volumes, which was the library a . Smpdina, the best in the city. In addition, he printed with these books and the placement of them in a book storage, which he knew where which of them stands on the shelves, and pointed it with his young boys helpers without knocking and difficulty "(V.P. Burnashev. Memories." Russian archive, "1872, p. 1786).

Fyodor Frolovich, according to some information, participated as an assistant Anastasivech, in the compilation of the famous "Russian books to read from the library Alexander Smpdina, a systematic order located".

... "By the vast of revolutions of their own and most demands of different books by buyers, Smpdine needed editions of other books and this forced him to let me on Menu or other calculations of the mass of their good editions, which were distributed everywhere and, being acquired by the Customers who were profitable, came true with concessions, They were not fired, and it loved the mass of buyers and increased the appeal of books in the public "(a brief overview of the book trade and publishing activities of glazunovy for a hundred years, 1782-1882, C.- Petersburg, p. 62-63).

The major merit of Smpdina was the expansion of the book market, the orientation on the wide reading masses. Previously, book Trade was, in the advantage of "metropolitan" (with the exception of the luxury literature and literature "Lacées") and was calculated mainly on the noble and rank layers. Smpdine also increased the capacity of the reader market at the expense of the province, adding to the objective reader.

Another major reform of Smpdin was a decline in book prices due to an increase in circulation and imparting a commercial editions. According to Belinsky, Smpdine "produced a decisive coup in Russian book trade and as a result of this in Russian literature. He issued the writings of Derzhavin, Batyushkova, Zhukovsky, Karamzin, Krylova - as they were never published in typographic attitude, i.e. It is neat, even beautiful, and - for poor people. In the last respect, the merit of G. Smddina is especially great: the books were sold terribly expensive and therefore they were accessible to the magnitude part only to those people who are always less read and buy books. Thanks to the city of Smpdin, the acquisition of books more or less was available to the person who are most read and, therefore, most needed books. We repeat, this is the main merit of G. Smpdina in front of the Russian literary and Russian education. The cheaper books, the more they read them, and the more readers in the society, the Society formed. In this regard, the work of the bookcipher, which is based on capital, is noble, is beautiful and rich in the most beneficial consequences "(V.G. Belinsky. One hundred Russian writers. Full. Collection of op., t. IX. St. Petersburg, 1900, p. 493).

But Belinsky's praise was hidden the graceful and concluded secret attacks against Bulgarin, Grech and Senkovsky. Noting the merits of Smpdina in the cheapening of books, Belinsky immediately attacked him for the commercial nature of publications:

"The history of the state of the Russian" Karamzin, thanks to the city of Smpdin, cost only thirty rubles to the assignments instead of the previous two-year-old and more rubles, therefore, five times cheaper. She came out at twelve small books in the 12th share of the sheet printed, however, not too small and very clear font. What does it seem better? And indeed, on the side of the book service, one is only the merit of the Great. But the educated, enlightened, scientists and gifted writers who took part in the editorial office of Karamzin, gave him the good and wise council - to dilitate the part, we increase the notes to increase the notes ... Why was it done? Then, so that the book was thinner, the publication cost cheaper, and it could be paid for sale cheaper "(V.G. Belinsky. One hundred Russian writers. Full. Collection Op., T. IX. SPb., 1900, p. 493 -494).

* See T. Grits, V. Train, M. Nikitin. Literature and commerce. Book Shop A.F. Smpdina.
M.: Agraf, 2001. Edited by VB Shklovsky and B.M. Eikenbauma. Series: "Literary Workshop". c. 178-194.

** Earlier book trade took place in open premises. In winter, in such premises was very cold, the number of buyers fell to
minimum. On old engravings, the book serviceman often depicted with a glass of smoking tea, which drank for heating.

Yu. Zagrevsky, film director and book.

Portrait of A. S. Pushkin (watercolor 20,5x17 cm). 1831. The artist is unknown.

Book publishing and bibliophile Alexander Fedorovich Smmddin. Portrait of the middle of the XIX century.

V. Gau. Portrait of Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkin. 1842 year.

The title leaf of Almanaci "Household" with the image of the Smpdin's shop, located on Nevsky Prospect next to the Lutheran Church.

A. P. Bryullov. "Lunch for the opening of the new Smpdin's bookstore." 1832-1833 years.

A. P. Sapozhnikov "In the book shop by A. F. Smpdina."

On the watercolor N. G. Chernetsov - St. Petersburg, Academy of Arts. 1826 year.

The title sheet of the first issue of the Library for Reading Log.

About cute satellites that our light
We lived your car
Do not speak with sadness: they are not!
But with gratitude: B s l and.
V. Zhukovsky

S.-Petersburg, Washing embankment, house 12. January 1837. On the second floor there is a seriously wounded Alexander Pushkin. The bed of doctors - Spassky and Dal, Friends - Vyazemsky, Danzas, Zhukovsky, Rant, Zag, Zhukovskaya. In the next room, the wife and children - their Pushkin did not want to disturb. The staircase and the front is full of people, people of all states.

The dying torments pain and even more - long-term meal. A few minutes before the death, I tried to climb. "I gave me that I was climbing up on these books and regiments!", "Remembers the Zhukovsky word of the poet. It can very well, that Pushkin rushed and with friends-books. Did not finish, did not read, did not return the books to the library ... Each is a sticker: "From the library A. SMDINDIN. Wishing to use in favor of subscribe and pay: for a whole year - 30 rubles, and with magazines are over - 20 rubles. ". Pushkin was her frequenter, although he was frightened over the owner:

To Smpdine, no matter how you come
Buy nothing
Il Senkovsky will find,
Ile in Bulgarin will come.

Alexander Filippovich Sirddin Bentworked the poet, and he was saddened:

SMDDIN I'm in trouble
Torgash seven Fridays in the week,
His Thursday is actually
There is a "after the rain on Thursday."

What shocked Pushkin this "Torgash"? Separated for poems a little later? So after all, the poet more than once was in his debt.

Who is A. F. Smpdine?

He is a little older Pushkin (born in 1795), but his childhood also proceeded in Moscow. Did not belong to the noble class, from the fifteen years he served in the book bench. The goods were motley: from the "History of the Vanka Cain" and "Story of English Milorda" to the magazines "Drone", "hellish post office", "Northern Bee", "useful and pleasant", "and that and Sio" ... Future writer Standal , clinging together with the Napoleonic army in Moscow, was amazed by an abundance of books. And Sasha Sashamdin, together with friends, had to save them from fires. I wanted to join the militia - did not take it, and the enemy already "removed the ravis". In late autumn, 1812 went to St. Petersburg. Previously there was not there, but I knew a lot about North Palmir - from books and magazines.

The Mastyatsky Publishing House and the publisher was then heard by Vasily Alekseevich Madillers (1768-1823). Together with my brother, he rented theatrical printing house since the beginning of the XIX century, expanded trade, created a library at the store. We also had a Lyceist Pushkin, in one of the first poems he recorded:

Virginia, TASS with Homer,
All together are coming.
Here lakes with racine,
Rousseau and Karamzin,
With a giant magic
Fonvizin and Princess.
You are here, lazy care,
Sage is purer
Vanyusha Lafonten.

Of course, Sasha Sashamdin was refunded to work at the meltelikov. And he took it on the recommendation of the bookseller of P. Ilina, as a knowledgeable scribe, in clerks, and then made the manager of the store.

"From the face he was a person constantly serious, focused, extremely tied to his work and hardworking to funny," one of his contemporaries wrote about Smpdine. In the store and in the library, almost all writers, historians, artists were taught. They attracted them not only books, but also honest, conscious, striving for an enlightenment. Wings and Karamzin, Zhukovsky and Batyushkov, Fyodor Glinka and Karl Bromlov subsequently became his friends. And the melts, having a clarity of their trade, for a small amount sold him a library. True, I left after myself and considerable debts: about three million rubles, the assignment of mi had to pay Smpdine to keep the bookstore in the blue bridge.

It was 1823. Over Russia, "From the Cold Finnish Waters to Flame Colchida," the "Sun Pushkin" boiled. From the southern expulsion, the poet sent the poem - they called her "key", then "Fountain". The poem was diverged in the lists, and soon was published with a picture on the title. Having received a book, Pushkin wrote to a friend Vyazemsky: "... I start to read our books and think that our craft, right, no worse than others."

Obvious in the merit of publishers of brothers Glazunov, Shiryaev and Smpdina. On the writings of Derzhavin and Capnica, the company's firm brand appeared on the perfectly illustrated fables of Krylov: "Published by dependency A. F. Smpdina. Then he was "recorded in St. Petersburg Mercury."

A kind of "Handwriting Smpdina" appeared - Quality and beautiful taste of the publisher. The Commonwealth of Writers and Poets with Smpdine guaranteed that the book would be quickly sold out and the work of the author was adequately paid. The special generosity of the publisher was manifested in relation to the works of Pushkin: he perfectly understood the desire of the poet to live at the expense of literary labor. Smpdine was one of the first to realize the enormous importance of the poet's creativity for the spiritual life of Russia. Therefore, he became a voluntary mediator between the "Creator" and "People". In 1827, for considerable by that time the amount - 20 thousand - he buys three poems from Pushkin. Pays no matter how they are sold out. Poles published individual books with illustrations. In "Ruslana and Lyudmila", a portrait of the poet of the work of Keesta Cymensky appears for the first time. A little later, Smpdina also overlook Boris Godunov, "Belkin's story" and seven Heads of "Eugene Onegin".

But Pushkin is far from everyone satisfied. It was outraged, for example, by the fact that Smpdine published O. Senkovsky and F. Bulgarin. On the relationship of the poet to the publisher later, Natalia Nikolayevna also influenced. Avdota Panayev in "Memories" (Publishing House "Academia", 1929) leads to this story of Smpdina himself:

"- Characteristic-s, lady-s. I happened to talk to her. I came to Alexander Sergeevich for the manuscript and brought money; he set me a condition so that I would always pay gold, because their spouse, except gold, does not want to take Other money. Alexander Sergeevich himself says: "Go to her, she wants to see you herself." I don't dare to cross the threshold, therefore I see a lady standing in a trumulous, and the maid lands her satin corset.

I called you to myself to declare that you would not get a manuscript from me until I bring one hundred gold instead of fifty ... Farewell!

All this spoke soon, without turning the head to me, but looking into the mirror ... I bowed, went to Alexander Sergeevich, and they told me:

There is nothing to do, you need to please my wife, she needed to order a new ball gown. "

On the same day, the required money Smpdine brought.


In 1832, the Smpdine "shop" and the library moved to Nevsky Prospect (next to the Lutheran Church). Only for the hiring of the BELECTAGE was paid by 12 thousand banknotes. For that time, the store was all perceived as an unprecedented leap in the history of Russian book trading.

Before the opening of the store "Northern Bee" reported: "A. F. Smmddin, which reducing the respect of all bieldy writers honesty in affairs and the noble desire for the success of the literature and the love of the public .., wanted to give a decent shelter to the Russian mind and founded a bookstore, which is not yet It happened in Russia ... Books of the late Meltelovka finally found a warm store ... Russian our literature was in honor of. " Former, books trading occurred in an open-air or indoors of unheated. Smpdine reset it "from the basements into the panels."

His attitude to the literature is the most more interesting that he himself was not a widely educated person, not even strongly silent. But his clarifiers had bibliographic knowledge with him, the Bibliophiles of the Showers and Tsvetaev, the translator and the poet Vasily Anastasevich were held with him - with his participation later, the so-called "painting" was drawn up, that is, the catalog of the Smpdine Assembly. Four Tomika this painting has been preserved to this day in the Russian Foundation of St. Petersburg Public.

The solemn opening of the store and the library took place on February 19, 1832. In the large hall in front of massive cabinets, filled with beautiful foliants, covered the dining table. About a hundred guests gathered. Then the "northern bee" published their names with their comment: "It was curious and fun to see here representatives of the events of the past, expiring and coming; see the journal opponents expressing the feelings of respect and pleasures, critics and criticized ..." at the Chairman - The librarian and the basin of the wings, nearby - Zhukovsky and Pushkin, on the other hand - Greek and Gogol, slightly away - humbly-bowed the head of Smpdine. So the artist A. P. Bryullov was captured on the sketch of the title list of Almanach "Novosella" (1832-1833).

Ensured veteran of poetry Count D. I. Tailov read the owner of poems:

Rub Russian Muses,
your celebration of the anniversary
Guests of champagne
For housewarming;
You doda,
Karamzin from the coffin
To the immortal life again appeal.

Finally, champagne was robged in the glasses and a toast sounded in the health of the emperor's head. Then - for the owner. They drank and for his guests-friends. "Freshness, frankness, wit and unconditional fraternity animated this celebration," Grech recalled. The cozy "Smpdina's shop" very soon became the place of meetings of St. Petersburg writers - the ancestral of writing clubs.

On the same solemn dinner, it was decided to create almanacs with general works. Invented the name - "housewarming" - and asked Smpdina to head it. In addition to the poems and essays, the Dramatic Opus of the historian is picked and part of the Gogol Mirgorod. "Novosella" went up to 1839.

Magazines Smpdina

At the same time, Smpdine began to publish the Library for Reading Library. He was criticized for the "motley" content, but he liked it to many exactly - the number of subscribers quickly reached five thousand.

The Smpdinian magazine is named, maybe, and unsuccessful - "Library for reading" (and for what is the libraries exist, if not for reading?), But its diverse sections: "poems and prose", "Foreign Literature", "Science and Art "," Industry and Agriculture "," Critica "," Literary Chronicle "," Mixture "- was invariably attended all rooms (only" fashion "with colored pictures was added; increased and volume: from 18 to 24 printed sheets).

According to the example of the "library" and "domestic notes", then Pushkinsky and Nekrasovsky "Contemporary" and our "fat" magazines were published.

Lee Pushkin was directly involved in the publishing activities of Smpdin, it is unknown, but without mutual advice, apparently did not do.

The most serious reform of Smpdina can be considered a decline in prices for books and magazines by increasing their circulation. In 1838, A. F. Sirddin took the publication of works of modern writers to him - "One hundred Russian writers", "" In order for the public to see the features of everyone and judged his syllable and features. " I had a chance to flip these three volumetric volumes printed on kindup with portraits of writers and engravings.

Already then the true democrat, the fan of Pushkin and Gogol Vissarion Belinsky wrote about the new period in Russian literature, calling him "Smpdinsky". He defended his activities from the attacks aispective: "There are people who claim that as if G.Smmdin killed our literature, seducing the young talented representatives. It is necessary to prove that these people are malicious and hostile to any disinterested enterprise." And as if confirming the thought of Belinsky, one of the newspapers of that time wrote: "Smpdine we are obliged to the fact that now literary classes give means for life ... He is a truly honest and kind person! Our writers own him pocket, as a rent. He can go broke ".

The selflessness of Smpdina is obvious. For example, publishing the Karamzinskaya "history of the Russian state", he was able to reduce the cost of its twelve books five times. Thanks to Smpdine, the books were also available to this class of people who needed most of them. The second component of its activities is obvious: the more reading, the more educated society. A lot of effort attached Smpdin to the publication of the compositions of the works of those who are close to us today - I. Bogdanovich, A. Griboyedov, M. Lermontov.

Smpdin has competitors - far from disinterested. One of the main - Adolf Plushvar, who started with the printing of posters and ads on entertainment in the capital, and then transferred to the publication of the Encyclopedic Lexicon, who was successful. The intrigues began, who led Smbadin to a plush quarrel.

Alexander Filippovich started the publication of the "Picturesque Travel in Russia", engraved to Him ordered in London. For a long time, they were waiting for them, and I received for some reason from Leipzig and very bad. In order not to go out, Smpdine organized a book lottery. It was in it, however, not only commercial intent, but also the desire to consume the population of many areas of Russia. At first, the lottery was successful, but for the third year thousands of tickets remained unsold. There was a general crisis in book trade, caused by a sharp increase in the number of booksRelivers and publishers: many people have appeared in this case. Market speculative character takes almost the entire book industry.

One way or another, and Smpdine (like a plush) broke. He wrote then: "For old age, I stayed like falcon - this is all the lecturer." But the books managed to preserve with their fullest bibliographic description. However, after the death of Smpdina (in 1857), and then his heirs, the Sirddy Library disappeared - 50 thousand volumes! Biblies of the beginning of the twentieth century tried to find it, but in vain ...

Paths of books are non-defined

In 1978, a tiny note of the chief editor of the "Almanach Bibliophile" of Evgenia Ivanovich Ostrov, who attacked the library was appeared in the "evening Moscow", who was attacked by the library. He managed to find out that the pocket of books by the name Kimel acquired her from someone cheaply and sent it to Riga. Something sold to bukinists, and Bo "We have sold his heirs to the twenties in the twenties twenties of the twentieth century to the Ministry of Foredoms of the Czech Republic.

The story is almost detective, but not so unusual: the books are tried to travel. I traveled a lot and removing geographical films and essays in the "Almans of Film District". We met with Evgeny Ivanovich and decided to write a bid for a film about fate and search for the library of Smpdine. At my studio, I looked at Kosos: this is if something about technical progress ... sent an application to the Prague film studio "Demoles film". There, the joint statement willingly agreed and sent their representatives to sign the contract.

The literary scenario was written and sent to the "brief". And then it is time filming ... Fabulous fubed Prague! Five more than a century counts the time of the chimes on the Old Town Hall. The toy cock has just shouted, and the apostles appeared in the windows, as at that time, when Pushkin admired white nights on the distant Nevsky banks, and Smpdine was in a hurry in his shop. And here and there is love for books and to wisdom of experience. The alphabet created by the "Solun Brothers" Kirill and Methodius - those stand in bronze on the Karlovy Bridge, "helped rally Slavs. And the monastery has become a treasury of Czech and other written languages: the books of the centuries of the seventeenth, sixteenth, fourteenth, twelfth!

In Clemetinum, the monastery of the Dominicans, at the beginning of the XVII century schools and printing house were opened. Now there are placed libraries: national, musical, technical. One of the largest assemblies of books in Slavic languages, and the main thing in it is Russian literature.

Yes, it is ExLibris Smpdina! So she is, the Smpdine Library!

No, it's only her half, "answers me, smiling, headed by the Russian sector, the milestly Jiri Warta.

Then he told how these books came to them.

We even have ancient Russian manuscripts, something from the published Ivan Fedorov-Moskvitin. From the beginning of the twentieth century, we send almost all your magazines and almanacies. And when the Sirddy Library was purchased in Riga, it turned out that there was not enough much in it. In painting made the missing across Europe - the Sirddy Foundation was formed.

There were second copies - they were sent to the Broadcasts, where our film crew and decided to go. Once in the Bratzian Castle, the sister of his wife Pushkin Alexander Goncharov, who became the wife of the Austrian Messenger in Russia, Gustav Frisengood in Russia. Children and grandchildren of Pushkin were located in the castle - they are captured in the drawings of a family album. In the dining room traditional family portraits and watercolor - Natalia Goncharova, Pushkin and his friends. They appeared here already in our years: when the Museum of Russian literature was created in the castle, they were brought here with the Sirddy books.

The days of late autumn were covered with fallen foliage, the sun played in the crowns of Oaks and Elm. "Autumn time - eyes charming!" But the poems of N. Zabolotsky were remembered:

Oh, I no wonder in this world lived!
And sweetly me strive
From the dot,
So, taking me in the palm,
You, the far descendant,
Complete what I did not trust.

And he thought: after all, Alexander Smpdine thought about descendants, making noble, the most important thing. Changes, morals, ideologies, but a Russian literature remains living for us. And if you, the kind reader will bring to visit the St. Petersburg Public Library, ask the Russian Fund to show the only picturesque portrait of A. F. Smpdina. Bow and from me his memory.

Years of existence: 1825 - 1857




In the store Smpdina, the cover of Almanach "Novoslaby" (engraving, galaktions)

Portrait of A.F. Sirdina and Exlimbris, which is affixed on the books of his public library.

Smpdine Alexander Filippovich (January 21, 1795 - September 16, 1857) Born in Moscow (now Bakhrushin Street) in the family of the Filippope Filippe Sergeevich Saddina. The father of man whose last name later with the light feather critic Vissarion Belinsky will give the name to the whole period of Russian literature ("Sirdinsky period of Russian Literature" - the article "Literary dreams") for some reason for the leaded reasons decided not to acquire the Son to Family Cause, but, Having learned a diploma, identified it (13 years old in the middle) to work in the book shop of his relative - Bookseller Ilina.

Then Smpdine served as a clerk in Shiryaev's bookstore in Moscow. In 1817 he went to the service for the St. Petersburg book! Vasily Alekseevich Madiller who provided him with endless trust and soon instructed him the maintenance of all his affairs. In 1825, melters died, there are two versions of how the spiritual testament of the merchant was composed. One - he suggested two options to Alexander Philippovich: or take on all the enterprise, aggravated by the debts, who the heir was obliged to pay, or with the benefit for himself to sell the goods of the company and go ravoisi. Alexander Filippovich chose the first. According to another version, Smpdine received a privilege to buy a melteller business for the price, which he himself will appoint. As one literary legend says, noble Smpdine did not use this right, but convened a meeting-auction of its metropolitan colleagues, where he suggested the greatest price.

From this time, independent book-made and publishing activities of Smpdina begins. Its first publishing was the novel "Ivan Lyzhihin" Faddeya Bulgarin. Not without good reason, the reasons "lucky" to become the hero of numerous caustic epigrams of their great contemporaries, but by the strange irony of fate unloved and despised by many Bulgarian, whose surname became nominative with a minus sign in the history of Russian literature, wrote the first Russian adventurous novel, not slow Become the first to our bestseller. The adventures of the main character of this book were published for those years in circulation and so fascinated by the Russian reader, that MiG was bought up and made the popular and the author, and the publisher.

Soon, Smpdin expanded trade - moved from the living room to a blue bridge, and then to Nevsky Prospect, to the house of Petro-Pavlovsk Church. At this time, he was already in close acquaintance with many modern writers and at the celebration of the Novoseli, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Wings and other writers were present. In memory of this holiday, a collection of "Novoslaby" (1833) was published, compiled from the works of guests who were present on this to the housewarming and printed in Typography A. Plyushar

The fruit of the continuous and tireless publishing activities of Smpdina was an extensive number of a wide variety of publications: scientific books, textbooks, works of graceful literature - he published writings of Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Krylov and other outstanding contemporaries, as well as some of these writers who may be They would never have been published, do not be Smpdina. In 1834, Smpdin founded the Library for reading Library, which was the most common magazine of his time and placed the beginning of the so-called "fat" journals. After the death of Smpdina, one edition estimated that in all his publishing activities, he issued books by 10 million rubles, while about 2 million went to prepare and print publications and about 1.5 million on fees. Such unheard of generosity, often bordering with unconscious, according to many, and was one of the reasons for the ruin of the publisher.

The generosity of Smpdina in relation to the fee attracted the best modern writers in his journal and their attitude to Smpdin was the character of imaginable friendship. Appreciated in it read and educated in many respects of man, almost all the well-known writers of his time constantly visited him, holding whole hours in conversation with him. For its part, Smpdine, devoted to the interests of literature, was a wonderful welcome to its representatives and did not miss the case to provide them with one or another service. Each good essay found a publisher in him, each starting talent could count on its support.

A rather long time of the publication of Smpdina was widely spread and the company went successfully, but then he was shaken. The reason for this was its excessive credulity and selflessness in trade turnover, and most of all his extraordinary generosity in paying literary labor. So, he paid for each line of poems "through Chervonz", and for the "Gusar" poem, placed in the "library for reading" in 1834, paid 1200 rubles. In total, according to the estimated writers, bibliographer and the historian of the book Nikolai Pavlovich Smirnova-Sokolsky, during the years of cooperation, Alexander Filippovich paid Pushkin 122 thousand 800 rubles. - Almost half of the amount that the poet earned in his entire life with literary labor and, at the same time, going to meet him literally in everything - see Typography Department of Folk Education .

The wings for the right of publication of his Bassen in the amount of forty thousand copies of Smpdin paid 40,000 rubles. Today, the commercialization of Smpdinist writer is considered one of his greatest merits, but in the XIX century this step was not so unequivocal. Non-successors were accused of Altruist Smpdina that he was destroyed by Russian literature with his unheard of fees, forcing creative people to work for money.

In addition to the "Library for reading", Smpdine from 1838 published the "Son of the Fatherland" (edited by Field and Grech). The bibliography was a favorite occupation of Smpdina - with its closest assistance, Anastasiewsvich was compiled "painting Russian books for reading from the library A. Smeddina" (1828-1832), which served the only reference book on the Russian bibliography. Until the last days of life, Smpdine did not cease to compile additions to this bibliography. The main merit of Smpdina, all his life dedicated to the disinterested ministry of the book case, is to reduce the cost of books, in a worthy assessment of the literary works "as capital", in strengthening the solid connection between literature and booksellers. His activity played a significant role in the history of Russian education.

In 1841-1843, the lights saw the collections "Russian conversation, a meeting of the compositions of Russian writers, published in favor of A.F. Sirdina," the desperate attempt of domestic writers to help Alexander Filippovich. In the preface to the first collection - the emotional article V.G. Belinsky, where there were such lines: "The youngest way to apply for a public dominated by the public is doing a great honor to Smpdine. He asks the public with no benefits, but attention to the publication, which should deliver benefits to him if everything disperses. Russian writers did their job: forgetting about any pass sacredness, they are in a hurry to connect their wraps in one book. Now the public remains to pay their duty to Smpdin and support the glory of Russian society ". However, this good start-up of success did not have - the audience remained indifferent to him. Help Smpdine tried and the power that favored him and appreciated his merit - the state issued a loan to the publisher of 30 thousand rubles. Silver. But it does not help and in 1847, Smpdin sells part of his case - the premises and funds of their library - their trustee Peter Ivanovich Krashinnikov at which he opens up his bookstore.

In the end, Smpdine lost all the capital accumulated on them and came to full ruin. He was forced to gradually cut, and then completely stop his book trade. Burdened by heavy debts, he did not lose hope to pay them and resorted to the most ruining for himself means, clinging, then another enterprise. During this period, Smpdine started publishing the writings of Russian writers, starting with Lomonosov, Tredianakovsky, etc. in a possible completeness, but in perhaps a small format and roasting font, in order to be able to sell each volume at a cheap price. In total, 70 books 35 authors were published. "The full collection of the works of Russian authors" turned out to be in demand and quickly separated, but the funds reversed from the series, as expected, was not enough for repayment of debts.

Even the support of the government did not help, which at all went to an unprecedented step, allowing Smpdin in 1843 to arrange a win-win lottery from books in its favor. The lottery ticket was worth the ruble, its owner received the right to purchase a book in the book shop by Smpdina in the amount of 1 to 50 rubles., One lottery ticket was with a major monetary gain - 1 thousand rubles. The first circulation of the book lottery was successful, and in 1844, Smpdine started the second lottery. However, its tickets were not fully sold out. In total, Alexander Philippovich was able to rescue about 150 thousand rubles from two lotteries. - To cover all his debts of this catastrophically lacked and he was declared an insolvent debtor. Most of his books switched to the merchant L. Zhebeliev, but by 1864 they replenished the library under the "Earth-Wolish" bookstop SERNO-SOLLYVEVICH .

The last years of the life of the publisher and the enlightement were sad. Poverty and unsuccessful struggle with failures poured his health. According to the memories of contemporaries, the spiritual state of Smpdina at this time was extremely difficult. Alexander Filippovich Sirddin died on 16 (28) September 1857 in poverty and almost complete oblivion, he was 62 years old. The publisher was buried on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. Money for a monument, as well as to help the family of the enlightement, was collected by St. Petersburg booksellers, which westing the publication "Collector of literary articles dedicated to Russian writers of memory of the late bookproker-publisher Alexander Filippovich Smpdina".

The case of Smpdina tried to continue his eldest son Alexander, the heir of what was left from Father's enterprises. In 1854, he along with the publisher V.E.genkelem Founded a well-known company A. Sirdin and Co.. At the singing pores, Alexander succeeded, but by the beginning of the 1860s he broke and he.


In 1823-1832, the bookstore and the library A.F.Smddina were located on the Naberezhnye Washing, 63 in the house of Gavrilova at the blue bridge (the building was preserved and suckoned). In 1832, they moved to the Nevsky Prospect, the house of the Lutheran Church (the building was preserved and prescribed).

The publisher has stopped its existence.

Voltaire From the writings of the city of Water, the mixture containing articles of philosophy, moral, allegorical and critual: translated from French: [at 2 h. 1]. - In St. Petersburg: Printano with a declaration, 1788. -, 1-24 ,, 25-156 c. \u003d s.

A. F. Sirddin expanded the book-trading case of the predecessor and began publishing. Published in large circulations of the writings of Pushkin, Gogol, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, and other contemporary writers, released new editions of Lomonosov and Derzhavin, three collections "One hundred Russian writers" (1839-1845) and much more. For the first time in Russian press, Alexander Smpdine introduced a permanent Polystive payment of copyright (famous writers paid huge fees). Smpdine lowered the prices of books and magazines by increasing their circulation. In the history of Russian literature, the 1830s received the name of the Smpdine period.

The major event of the St. Petersburg literary life of the early 1830s. The movement of the Smpdina's book shop was moving from washing (at the blue bridge) to the Nevsky Prospect, where he posted a perfectly equipped store on the first floor, and on the second is a first-class commercial library. The library and books shop Alexander Filippovich Smpdina were a kind of club of famous Russian writers (Pushkin, Wings, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Gogol, Oroevsky, languages, etc.). On the occasion of the Novoseli, on February 19, 1832, they presented as a gift to Smpdine their works, which were published by Smirdin as Almans "Novosella" (Part I, 1833 and Part II, 1834).

In the early 1840s. As a result of the crisis in book pub and a shameless financial situation, Smpdine was constantly under threat of ruin. He had to sell first typography, then the library, he repeatedly stopped the book trade, but nevertheless continued the publication of the works of Russian writers. The last grandiose project of the publisher was the release of the mass series "Complete collected works of Russian authors" (1846-1856); Within its framework, he released over 70 small formats of the works of more than 35 Russian writers (K. N. Batyushkov, D. V. Venevitinov, A. S. Griboedov, M. Yu. Lermontov, M. V. Lomonosov, D. I. Fonvizin et al., As well as Catherine II).

A. F. Smpdine finally broke up and moved away from the publishing. Heavy material circumstances and constant failures undermined Smpdin's health. 16 (28) September 1857 died in poverty and oblivion.

The Smpdina Library was an extensive meeting of the works of Russian literature. By 1832, there were 12036 books in the library (in the Meltelikov library in 1820 they were numbered only 7,009). This includes libraries V. A. Plavelikov, a meeting of books about the theater P. A. Meltelikova Brother V. A. Madelikov. The meeting featured the Russian Book of Civil Printing XVIII - the first quarter of the XIX century, forbidden editions.

In 1842, when the case of Smpdina came into decay, his library moved to M. D. Olkhin. The library was purchased by parts of P. I. Krasheninnikov, V. P. Sekkin, L. I. Zhebelhev. Since 1847, the owner of the library of Smpdina becomes his order of P. I. Krasheninnikov. Smpdina's "painting" and published two more adds to it (1852, 1856), Krashennikov brought the number of titles to 18,772. This figure characterizes the expansion of the SMDDIN library in the period from 1832 to 1842 and later, when it belonged to M. D. Olkhin and P. I. Krasheninnikov. When the latter died (1864), the increased library was chosen in the basement. In 1869, the widow of P. I. Krasheninnikova was sold by the remaining A. A. Ckekesov, and in 1879 the surviving part of the library in Cherkessov acquired a bukinist from Riga N. Kimmel.

By purchasing the library A. F. Smddina, N. Kimmel published a catalog of its humanitarian part, which was put into retail sales, but it was still not completely bought. Books on machinery and natural science, as obsolete, did not have a special sales. In 1929, to free the warehouse, the owners decided to sell the remaining books in bulk. The surviving part of the library, Smpdina showed interest shortly before the Slavic Library (1924) formed in Czechoslovakia (1924), whose task was the acquisition of special book funds on the history and culture of Slavic peoples. In 1932, the Slavic library purchased Smpdina's books and took them out of Riga to Prague. From the Library of Smpdina to the main composition of the Slavic Library, 11,262 units were included in the exchange fund - 5,741 units of doublet (including 647 defective).

Currently, the "SM" Foundation (Library of Smpdina), according to documents, consists of 7,809 rooms (ciphers) or 12,938 books; Among the last 8,938 are genuine from the Smpdina library and its successors and 4,000 replenished fund in accordance with the "painting" and four addresses to it. The books of the Smpdina Foundation in the Slavic Library have the same as in the "painting", numbering and occupying 11 bilateral racks, which is approximately 340 browstone meters of bookshelves.

The value of the Smpdina library is best indicated by the fact that its catalog published in 1828 on more than 800 pages, together with the additions, released in 1829, 1832, 1852 and 1856, has always been and remains one of the main bibliographic directories in the Russian preceding time literature.

  • Svarevsky, Yu. In the footsteps of the Smpdina publisher / Yu. Zagrevsky // Science and Life. - 2004. - № 11 // Access mode:
  • Kishkin, L. S. Book Assembly A. F. Smpdina in Prague / L. S. Kishkin // Access Mode:
  • Smpdardalexandrfilippovich -\u003d1275800780
  • Exclibers and stamps of private collections in the Foundations of the Historical Library / State. Publ. East. bd Russia; Cost. V. V. Kozhukhova; ed. M. D. Afanasyev. - Moscow: Publishing GPIB, 2001. - 119 p. - P. 70.

1 Playlists Vasily Alekseevich (1768-1825) - St. Petersburg book service and publisher. Together with his brother, he rented theatrical printing house from the beginning of the XIX century. Created at the store library (1815).

SMDDIN, Alexander Filippovich, famous bookcipher-publisher, born. In Moscow on January 21, 1795, he died in St. Petersburg on September 16, 1857. Thirteen years of Smpdin decided on the "boy" in the book shop of the Moscow bookPrice P.A. Ilya, and then served as a customer in the bookstore Shiryaev, earlier in Moscow. In 1817, he went to the service for the St. Petersburg book P.A. Playlist who provided him with endless trust and soon instructed him the maintenance of all his cases. In 1825, the smelters died. The testament left by him provided Smpdinu right, for his service, buy all the goods of the bookstore, the library and the printing house at that price, as he wants, but deeply honest Smpdine did not take this right, but made the challenge of all books to evaluate the Meltelikov property and appointed himself The price is above all. Since that time, an independent book-class start and, at the same time, the publishing activities of Smpdina (his first edition was "Ivan Lyzhin" Bulgarin). Soon, Smpdin expanded the trade, moved from the living room to the blue bridge, and then to Nevsky Prospect, to the House of Peter and Paul Church. At this time, he was already in close acquaintance with many modern writers, and at the celebration of the Novoseli, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Wings and other writers were present. In memory of this holiday, a collection of "Novosella" was published (1833), compiled from the works of guests to the housewarming.

The fruit of the continuous and tireless publishing activities of Smpdina is a long number of a wide variety of publications: scientific books, textbooks, works of graceful literature. Sirddin Iddal works of Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Krylov and friend., As well as some of these writers who may have never been published, do not be Smpdina. In total, Smpdine issued more than three million rubles. In 1834, he founded the Library for Reading Library, which was the most common magazine of his time and placed the beginning of the so-called "fat" journals; The generosity of Smpdina in respect of the fee attracted the best modern writers in his journal. The attitude of modern writers to Smpdine was the nature of peaceful friendship. Appreciated in it read and educated in many respects of man, almost all the well-known writers of his time constantly visited him, holding whole hours in conversation with him. For its part, Smpdine, devoted to the interests of literature, was a wonderful welcome to its representatives and did not miss the case to provide them with one or another service. Each good essay found publisher in it; Each beginner talent could count on his support. A rather long time of the publication of Smpdina was widely spread and the company went successfully, but then he was shaken. The reason for this was its excessive credulity and selflessness in trade turnover, and most of all his extraordinary generosity and pay for literary labor. So, he paid for each line of poems "in Chervonz", and for the 1834 "Gusar library" placed in the "Library for reading" paid 1,200 rubles; Kryonov for the right to publish it fables in the amount of forty thousand copies of Smpdin paid 40.000 rubles (assignments). In the end, he lost his entire capital accumulated and came to full ruin. He was forced to gradually cut, and then completely stop his book trade. Burdened with heavy debts, he lost hope and resorted to the most ruining for himself means, clinging, then one enterprise. During this period, Smpdine started, by the way, publish the writings of Russian writers, starting with Lomonosov, Tredyakovsky, etc. in a possible completeness, but in perhaps a small format and roasting font, in order to be able to sell each volume at a cheap price. The support of the government, which was allowed to make a lottery from books in his favor, did not save him, and he was declared an untenabolic debtor. The last time he spent his life in perfect poverty. After his death, the St. Petersburg book governors were published "Collection of literary articles dedicated to Russian writers of the late book Publisher-publisher Alexander Filippovich Smpdina", in favor of his family and on its placement on his grave of the monument. Smyddin was buried on a wolf cemetery. In addition to the "Library for reading", Smpdin has published since 1838, edited by Field and Grech, "Son of the Fatherland". The bibliography was a favorite occupation of Smpdina. With his closest assistance, Anastasiewicz was compiled "painting Russian books for reading from the Library A. Smpdina" (1828-1832), which served the only reference book on Russian bibliography for a long time; Until the last days of life, Smpdine did not cease to compile additions to this bibliography. The main merit of Smpdina, all his life dedicated to the disinterested ministry of the book case, is to reduce the cost of books, in a worthy assessment of literary works, as capital, and in strengthening the strong link between literature and booksellers. His activity played a significant role in the history of Russian education.

V. Greek (Russian Biographical Dictionary. - SPb.: Type. V. Deckova, 1904. - T.: Sabaneyev - meaning. - P. 646-647)