Lana Del Rey (Lana Del Rey) - Biography, personal life, photo. Lana Del Rey - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight Photos of lana del rey

Lana Del Rey (Lana Del Rey) - Biography, personal life, photo.  Lana Del Rey - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight Photos of lana del rey
Lana Del Rey (Lana Del Rey) - Biography, personal life, photo. Lana Del Rey - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, height, weight Photos of lana del rey

Lana Del Rey is an American singer and songwriter. The singer's tracks became platinum in the USA and other countries of the world. Critics note the artistry of the girl and the cinematography of her compositions and music videos.

Lana attracts fans with the melancholy mood of the songs and references to American pop culture of the 50s and 60s of the last century. The artist's work was marked by nominations for 28 different music awards, some of which Lana Del Rey received annually.

Childhood and youth

Lana Del Rey's real name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. She was born on the border of two zodiac signs - Gemini and Cancer, on June 21, 1985 in New York. The future star grew up in the village of Lake Placid, where the Winter Olympic Games were held in the 30s and 80s. Her father is a domain investor. He willingly invests the earned millions in his daughter's musical career. The singer's mother taught in high school. The family brought up two more children - the youngest daughter Caroline and son Charlie.

Even at school, Elizabeth showed an interest in music. She liked to sing in the school choir. The girl almost did not communicate with other children, but she enjoyed spending time at home watching old Hollywood films, playing the guitar.

Lizzy Grant entered the State University of New York, but did not forget about her hobbies. She performed jazz compositions in bars. For the sake of music, the girl abandoned her studies, but later became a student of the philosophy department at Fordham University. At one time, the singer lived in a trailer. As Lana later said in an interview, her father, an adherent of various innovations, instilled in her a love for trailer houses.

The stage name of the star came up with her managers. There was a rumor that the actress Lana Turner and the Chevrolet Delray car inspired the creation of the authors' pseudonym. But Del Rey denies this. She says that she just liked the combination, which seemed to her mysterious and suitable for the music she performs.


Not everyone knows that Lana Del Rey began her creative biography under her own name in 2008. The first international performance of the artist was the opening act of a rock band from Sweden at the concert of the TV show MTV Unplugged. The record "Kill Kill" by Lizzy Grant did not gain popularity. The full-length album was on sale on iTunes for two months. Then it was removed, planning to publish in 2012.

In 2011, the song "Video Games", which was presented on the singer's YouTube channel, blew up the music world. According to some listeners, Lana Del Rey took over from the British performer, who tragically passed away in the same year.

Lana Del Rey - Video Games

In a short time, the young singer has become incredibly popular. For her first concert in New York, all tickets were sold out within 30 minutes of the sale opening. Some time later, Tranger Records released the single "Video Games"/"Blue Jeans" on vinyl. In the UK, it was in the top ten best sellers, and in the Netherlands it reached number three.

In the same year, the single "Born to Die" was released. In early 2012, a new album under the same name went on sale. Critics were mixed, but the audience received the work well. Reporters predicted that the singer would easily squeeze out of the starry sky and In the sound of Lana's compositions, the influence of the genres of retro music, lounge, dream pop, indie pop was guessed. After the release, the disc started from the first positions of the national charts in 13 countries of the world, and in the UK it did not leave the top of the charts for a year.

Lana Del Rey - Born To Die

On June 22, 2012, Lana's composition "Summertime Sadness" premiered. The song charted in 15 countries, where it rose to number three. The original track was certified platinum in the USA, Germany and Italy, and gold in Switzerland and Austria.

On July 20, 2012, a music video for the song appeared on Lana Del Rey's official YouTube channel. The video tells about two girls in love and their tragic fate. One of the heroines was played by Del Rey herself, the role of the second was played. For a year and a half, the video scored 120 million views.

Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness

At the end of 2012, Lana re-released the album Born to Die, adding 9 new songs to it.

In the spring of 2013, the singer presented the song "Young and Beautiful" ("Yong Beauty"). Lana Del Rey recorded this composition especially for Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby. In the same year, the singer released the mini-album "Paradise" and shot the short film "Tropico". On December 6, another mini-album was released, timed to coincide with the release of a short film. The disc includes three songs from the album "Paradise" and the soundtrack to the movie "Tropico".

Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful ("Yong Beautiful")

A cover version of the single "Gods & Monsters" was performed in the fourth season of the rating series "". The actress became her performer. The song was later released on iTunes. Music critics and the author of the composition positively evaluated the cinematic interpretation.

The singer's third album, released in 2014, was called "Ultraviolence". The hits "Big Eyes" and "I Can Fly" were used by the director as a soundtrack for the film "Big Eyes". In 2015, she presented Honeymoon. The song "High by the Beach" strives to take the first lines of the music charts.

Lana Del Rey - High By The Beach

Releasing the fourth album, Lana Del Rey does not change her style. She considers herself "the self-proclaimed gangster version of Nancy Sinatra" and holds that label. Her music and videos are filled with references to the 50s and 60s and various pop cultures of that time. Her vintage look graces magazine covers. Often photos taken by her sister get on the Web.

Many criticize Lana's manner on stage. For example, a famous singer and actress wrote on her Twitter that looking at Lana during a performance is like looking at a 12-year-old girl pretending to be a singer in her room. At the same time, outwardly, Del Rey does not look like a child at all - the artist's height is 170 cm, Lana has a feminine figure, and on stage the performer often uses bright makeup.

Juliet Lewis changed her mind the next morning because she woke up singing one of Del Rey's songs.

Lana herself, responding to such attacks, admits that she feels uncomfortable in dealing with the press and during public speaking. So far, she doesn't have much experience.

Some picky listeners are haunted by the artist's plump lips and thin nose. The girl is credited with a passion for plastic. But Lana herself claims that she never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons.

At the end of 2015, Lana Del Rey gave an interview about the upcoming record. The singer stated that previous albums sounded "Californian", but Lana plans to record the new disc in "New York style".

In March 2016, the singer's managers announced that Lana Del Rey was recording a new record. From that moment on, news, announcements and hints about the upcoming release began to appear regularly.

On February 17, 2017, the song "Love", recorded for the new album, was posted on the Web. The following day, the music label Interscope released the song as the first single.

On March 29, the singer revealed to fans the name of the new album - “Lust for Life”. At the same time, a new video was posted on Lana's official YouTube channel as a promotional video for the upcoming album.

Lana Del Rey - Lust For Life

A month later, Lana Del Rey presented the title track of the album. The composition "Lust for Life" was played on BBC Radio 1 radio. The song was recorded together with a Canadian musician, performing under the pseudonym The Weekend (Weekend).

The release of the fifth album of Del Rey's solo discography took place in mid-2017. The new work was again waiting for success - the first lines in the national charts of Great Britain and the USA. After the premiere of the collection, the girl went on tour in support of it.

Personal life

In her youth, Lana Del Rey had problems with alcohol. She herself calls herself at that time "a complete alcoholic." Parents were even forced to send their daughter to a boarding school. At first, she liked having a "dark side" and romanticized her bad habit. But then the "dark side" began to take over, and the girl did not like it.

The singer was saved by charity work. She went to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, helped homeless children. Today, Lana has no problems with strong drinks.

From the age of 20, Lana lived with rocker Stephen Mertins, who promoted the singer's first musical compositions. The union lasted seven years, but Stephen never became Del Rey's husband.

For a while, the artist was torn between New York and Glasgow, where musician Barry James O'Neill lives. They dated for three years, after which they broke up. Lana blames her depressive nature for this.

At one time, Lana Del Rey paid attention and time to Francesco Carrozzini, a photographer. But there was no need to talk about a serious romance.

In general, because of Lana Del Rey's love for mystery, there are a lot of rumors around her personality. The girl was credited with an affair with an actress who had previously announced her bisexuality. Later, speculation spread about the connection of the singer with a Hollywood actor.

In 2017, the artist's personal life was enriched with new relationships. Her boyfriend was a rapper (Gerald Earl Gillum).

Young people even planned to record a joint track "Him and I", but for unknown reasons the couple broke up.

Lana Del Rey loves to decorate her body with small tattoos. This is the letter M, as a reminder of the name of Grandma Madeleine, and the inscriptions Paradise, Nabokov Whitman, Chateau Marmont. Also on the artist’s hand is the phrase Trust no one (“Trust no one”) and the names of her favorite performers Whitney Amy and Nina Billie.

Lana Del Rey now

The creative life of Lana Del Rey is very rich. The girl is already working on her sixth album. Since the beginning of 2018, she has released the songs "God Save Our Young Blood", "Blue Madonna", which she performed in a duet with Børns. Later, the hit "Elvis", dedicated to the king of rock and roll, appeared in the artist's repertoire.

Lana Del Rey - Elvis

Now on the personal pages of the singer in

Now sophisticated Lana Del Rey- a world-class star, a favorite of ordinary listeners and famous people. But her life was not always like a fairy tale. Del Rey, before musical victories, was expected by the fate of an ordinary girl with a bunch of problems and complexes.

She sang in the church choir, suffered from alcohol addiction, dropped out of school and worked as a waitress. But a sincere desire to be on stage made Lana overcome herself and find a way out of a difficult situation. At 18, she was already performing in clubs in Brooklyn.

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant was born in New York on June 21, 1985 to an entrepreneur and teacher.

Lizzie talks little about her childhood, but sometimes she remembers the years spent in the trailer park.

In one interview, she admitted that she drank strong drinks during her teenage years and was subsequently treated for alcoholism. In the photo of young Elizabeth, it is difficult to recognize the sophisticated Lana Del Rey.

Elizabeth's love for music was instilled in her by her father, who wrote songs, and by her uncle, who taught her to play the guitar. The girl, who instantly mastered the lessons of adults, made her way to the stage of underground clubs and performed under different names for a long time. Under a creative pseudonym, the singer recorded an album, but for unknown reasons she never released it. She signed a contract with a well-known producer, and in 2011 a viral video of the singer, who took the name Lana Del Rey, got on the Web. The pretty retro songwriter quickly gained popularity. Fans discussed not only musical compositions, but also Lana's charismatic appearance. People assumed that the facial features of the vocalist were unnatural, and wondered: what did Lana Del Rey look like before plastic surgery?

I have never done anything like this. It's just that my lips are a little puffy, and in general, they are only like that when I sing.

Lana Del Rey before and after surgery (photo)

In the clubs of Brooklyn, a blonde with black-lined eyes, bright red lips and an ill-conceived outfit appeared on the stage. She had a sweet and bright appearance, but hid these virtues with clumsily chosen makeup and clothes.

In 2011, the world saw a completely different Lana Del Rey - a mysterious beauty from the past, whose voice timbre made it goosebumps.

Professional stylists incredibly accurately created a new image of Lana Del Rey: red curls with a chestnut tint, a slight drag in the eyes, sensual lips. But those who saw the photo of Lana Del Rey before the transformation, openly criticized and asked to talk about the plastic.

First of all, fans noted that Lana Del Rey had less plump lips before plastic surgery. Fans explain such a huge difference in appearance by using fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

The singer refutes such statements and says that she has never turned to aesthetic medicine specialists: “I have never done anything like this. It’s just that my lips are a little puffy, and in general, they are only like that when I sing.” When comparing Lana Del Rey's before and after photos, it's hard to believe such words, but perhaps the singer's makeup artists have incredible talents.

Lana Del Rey's sculpted cheekbones were also criticized, and many believe that she used contouring to fill in the area under her eyes and model a clear oval face. But sunken cheeks can be easily explained not by the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, but by weight loss.

Some experts believe that the singer's nose has also undergone changes: a small hump has disappeared, and the tip and back have risen and narrowed.

Probably, a good plastic surgeon worked on Lana's nose, but you should not exclude the professional work of photographers and makeup artists either.

The extraordinary beauty of Lana Del Rey leaves few people indifferent. The exaggerated image of a gangster's girlfriend of the 50s of the last century is copied, criticized and discussed.

The phenomenon of Lana Del Rey lies in the amazing musical talent, and not in the appearance after plastic surgery.

Who is Lana Del Rey?

Real name— Elizabeth Woolridge Grant

Hometown- New York, USA

Nickname— Lana Del Rey

Growth — 169

The weight — 53

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, better known by her pseudonym Lana Del Rey (Lana Del Rey) is a popular American singer and songwriter.


Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, who the whole world now knows under the stage name Lana Del Rey, was born into the family of a millionaire investor on June 21, 1985 in a small village called Lake Placid, which is located near New York.

Already in her school years, the future singer shows interest in the music scene, and it is for this reason that she devoted all her free time to the school choir. Elizabeth grew up a closed child who had practically no friends. And instead of playing with her peers, she stayed at home, watched old Hollywood movies, or played the acoustic guitar.

After graduating from school and entering a higher educational institution, the girl did not forget about her hobbies, sometimes playing musical compositions in the manner of jazz performers from the past, in bars and pubs.

The name for the stage persona for Elizabeth came up with managers working for her. According to the singer, she decided to take the stage name "Lana Del Rey" for one simple reason - it sounded mysterious and musical.

Lana Del Rey parents

Lana Del Rey singer

Almost no one knows, but the young singer released the first music collection under her real name. But the collection, called "Kill Kill", did not gain fame. Shortly after recording, it was taken off the market to be re-released in 2012.

The first popularity for Elizabeth comes in 2012, when a composition called "Video Games" produces the effect of an exploding bomb in the music world. On the wave of popularity, the singer's managers insist on organizing the first concert. Later, Tranger Records received permission to release the single "Video Games/Blue Jeans" on vinyl.

Video Games - Lana Del Rey

In the same 2011, the girl recorded another musical mini-collection, called "Born to Die". In early 2012, a full-length album appears on sale, which received exactly the same name. Despite the fact that music critics perceived it ambiguously, fans of the young singer's work spoke only in a positive way. On June 22 of the same year, the singer finishes work on the song "Summertime Sadness", which immediately hits the top of the music charts in 15 countries around the world. In less than a month, the pop diva shoots her debut video clip for the musical composition, together with Jamie King.

In the first half of 2012, Lana Del Rey presents to the public a composition called "Young and Beautiful", which was written for the movie "The Great Gatsby" at the request of the director. A little later, the young performer finishes work on the mini-album "Paradise" and the short feature film "Tropico".

Lana Del Rey

In 2014, the young American pop star was able to once again delight fans of her work by releasing her third music collection, entitled "Ultraviolence". A year later, the young American pop star finishes work on the fourth album, Honeymoon.

Repeatedly, Lana Del Rey has come under a flurry of criticism from journalists and stage colleagues about how she clumsily holds herself on stage. At first, the singer did not pay attention to the attacks. But after being attacked by Juliet Lewis, she admitted to reporters that she feels out of her element during public events.

At the end of 2015, it became known that the girl was working on another music collection. The singer lifted the veil of secrecy and announced a possible change in her musical style, from the California sound to the New York.

Lana Del Rey personal life

In his youth, the future star of the American pop scene had problems with alcohol. Remembering that period of time, the girl claims that she was one step away from being called a complete alcoholic. Initially, Lana Del Rey liked her "demons", but as time passed, the singer stopped romanticizing bad habits. By helping the homeless and attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Lana was able to overcome bad addictions.

For about three years, Elizabeth dated a musician named Barry James O'Neill. For a long time, lovers tried to save the relationship, but still the couple broke up. The singer still blames herself and her depressive mood for this. It is worth saying that Barry himself denies the guilt of his former lover.

After a hard break, journalists often saw Lana Del Rey in the company of famous photographer Francesco Carrozzini. As young people admitted, talking about close relationships is premature, since there is nothing but friendship between the singer and the photographer.

Lana Del Rey and James Franco

At the same time, journalists create an aura of scandalous and hot romance around the film actor and Lana Del Rey. The media call the actor the reason for the singer's breakup with musician Barry James O'Neill, and sometimes even intrigue the public with rumors about the wedding. But even in this case, all relations do not go beyond friendship.

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, in 2011, a new name sounded among the performers of alternative music - Lana Del Rey. So, Elizabeth Grant (real name of the singer) was born on June 21, 1985 in New York.
Lana's father is a fairly wealthy Internet entrepreneur (he sells domains), and her mother, according to some very scarce information, is a producer.
As a child, our heroine began to sing in the church choir. However, such a well-behaved beginning of life had no continuation.
Elizabeth was the first child in the family, later a sister Caroline (Chuck) appeared, and in 1993 a younger brother Charlie was also born.
As a teenager at the age of 14, Elizabeth became addicted to alcohol. That is why the parents decided to send her to a closed school, which was located in the state of Connecticut. Upon reaching the age of 18, Elizabeth decides to build her life from scratch.
Returning to New York, she begins her new life. Like many aspiring singers, Elizabeth sings in bars and restaurants and in 2008 decides to record her first record.
Although this first attempt did not make her famous, she played a decisive role in the fate of the young Elizabeth.

Still from Lana Del Rey's music video for the single "Kill Kill" (2008)

It was then that producer David Kane noticed her and began to create a future star. It was he who came up with a sonorous pseudonym for the girl. And since then, Elizabeth Grant has become Lana Del Rey for everyone.
In the biography of Lana, 2011 is marked as the year of receiving the first highest award in her singing career in the category "Future Star", which is presented in London at the "Q Awards" ceremony.
The released hit "Video Games" was marked by the authoritative online magazine Pitchfork Media as the best of the new tracks. Over 600,000 people viewed it within 3 weeks.

Freeze frame from "Lana Del Rey - Video Games" (2011)

Preview: Wikimedia Commons - Mike Monaghan (
: (Instagram of Rob Grant)
: Social media
: (Instagram Chuck Grant)
: Lana Del Rey_ Bio and Origins (, still images)
: Lana Del Rey at the 2011 Q Awards (, still images)
Stills from Lana Del Rey's music videos on YouTube
Personal archive of the Grant family

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Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"