Like Nastya where lives. How to hit the blogger on cerebral palsy, or financial success of the five-year-old Nastya Like

Like Nastya where lives. How to hit the blogger on cerebral palsy, or financial success of the five-year-old Nastya Like
Like Nastya where lives. How to hit the blogger on cerebral palsy, or financial success of the five-year-old Nastya Like

The channel "Like Nastya" and the thematic vlog produced a real exterior on the expanses of Russian-speaking YouTube. Approximately 13,000,000 people were signed on the main channel of Nastya, and on the additional and at all 30,000,000. This is all despite the fact that the little leading Nastya Radzino from the Krasnodar Territory was barely five years old.

Many fans are concerned about the question, how did the channel become a million miner? How much does the baby earn, and also, who is her dad and mom - the second question of people who accidentally hit the children's channel?

Not enough about the life of Nastya's parents, since she has an inactive page in Instagram. The work of the Like Nastya group in the social network Vkontakte was suspended two years ago.

Why did the Nastya Like channel appear?

A little girl is considered the highest paid blogger on the Youtube Channel. The World Jam Agency indicates that Nastya receives 1,500,000 Russian rubles every month.

Parents of the girl are famous Krasnodar businessmen, and Mom Anna was the hostess of the wedding salon, the profit of which per month was 300 thousand rubles. Who dad is a little Nastya is unknown, but he is the owner of a construction company in which twenty people worked.

Anastasia was born at the beginning of winter 2014, and after a year the parents have implemented the firms during the crisis. At this time, money in the house has become much smaller, since weddings also postponed until better times. The woman began to look for additional sources of earnings and found them when her daughter was two.

Channel "Like Nastya" - entertainment channel in YouTube, where you can see life and leisure of the funny five-year-old Girls Anastasia Radzinskaya from Krasnodar (Russia). Together with his mom and dad, she tells about his impressions from visiting the parks of attractions and children's leisure centers, introduces his friends and shows all his adventures.

According to December 2019 statistics canal Like Nastya. It has 15.1 million subscribers, which is an unconditional indicator of stunning success in the network. Target audience of Vloga - children from 3 years and their parents.

In parallel, Nastya and her parents have another channel - Like Nastya Vlogwhere you can also see cheerful travels, endless entertainment, games and many, many all sorts of funny series from the life of the girl.

Chip in uniqueness

Anastasia Radzinskaya Channel was created in January 2015 and since then has won the love of subscribers.

Here you can see everything for myself and your child:

    unpacking toys;

    parodies on the cartoon "Masha and the Bear";

    description of the most crazy parks of the world's amusements;

    Nastya will tell you about shopping in exotic countries, gifts for any holidays;

    learn to sing cheerful songs together and play fascinating games.

This also acts as a unique channel of the channel in Russian-language YouTube. Today, all copyright rollers in this video blog collected 4,889,909,543 views, and this figure is growing every day.

Traveling with the family of Radzino

For three years of the lighter of Like Nastya, the family managed to visit many countries, including Singapore, China, USA, Malaysia, Italy, Spain, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Island Republics of Thailand, Indonesia (about. Bali) and other states.

Also on this channel Like Nastya you can find a whole series of experiences for children and scientific experiments who will be interested in any little traid. Nastya loves and will gladly tell you about:


    baby Born dolls;

    Peppe pork;

    about the cartoon about Masha and the Bear;

    Elsa from the "Cold Heart" and a puppy patrol.

High quality shooting and installation, bright places and creative rollers approach on canal Like Nastya. - Those raisins that attract the attention of the fans of the fans. All the videos were removed with the soul and for the soul, and sincerity, immediacy, artistry, sense of humor and creative ideas bribe the audience.

Join the Site, and discover the world of entertainment and unforgettable impressions! And do not forget to subscribe to canal Like Nastya (Like Nastya).

If you still have not heard about a five-year blogger from Krasnodar, who some miracle managed to defeat the cerebral palsy and take the third place in the list of "the richest bloggers", it means that you just did not open YouTube. And the reality is as follows: Nastya Radzinskaya to school for several years, she was diagnosed with a severe form of cerebral palsy, along with her parents, she was safely settled in Florida, which in the United States, and has more than 34,000,000 subscribers on YouTube. How much does the likes do Nastya earn, and what is the secret of her success?

  • birth name - Anastasia Yuryevna Radzinskaya;
  • second name (blogger nickname) - Like Nastya / Like Nastya Vlog;
  • date of birth - January 27, 2014;
  • place of birth - Krasnodar (Russia);
  • parents - Anna and Yuri Radzinsky dedicated themselves to the shooting of the daughter;
  • diagnosis - children's cerebral paralysis (now does not detect symptoms);
  • kind of activity - a video cell child on YouTube;
  • subscribers - 42,500,000 people;
  • the total number of visual views on the Like Nastya VLOG channel - more than 10.3 billion views;
  • target audience - children;
  • social network - YouTube. - Instagram.

How much does the likes earn nastya

It would seem that this is possible: a child who is only 5 years old, managed to overcome the almost incurable disease - cerebral palsy, get into the list of Forbes, earn millions of dollars, and all this, simply opening different gifts in the video and breaking down in children's amusement parks around the world ? But this is the 21st century, when children are far from conscious age, can earn ten times more serious uncle from offices.

So, for 2019, with the help of YouTube and the camcorder, Like Nastya earned $ 19,600,000.

Period Earnings (dollars) Earnings (Euro) Earnings (rubles)
Year19 600 000 17 683 156 1 218 478 854
Month1 633 333 1 473 596 101 539 884
A week408 333 368 399 25 384 955
Day58 333 52 628 3 626 404
Hour2 431 2 193 151 129
Minute40,51 36,55 2 518
Second0,7 0,6 42

Brief biography of the project Like Nastya

Yuri and Anna Radzinsky met in 2009 as many modern young people - on the Internet. Cut away, got married and acquired a family nest in Tuapse that in the Krasnodar Territory. In order to create a strong soil under the legs and financially prepare for the birth of a child, each of the spouses took earning with a private business.

On the video you can see how the birthday of Nastya Like celebrates

Suddenly, for all videos began to rapidly type views. In addition, at the courtyard stood 2016 and the children's segment on Youtube developed more actively. In part, that is why rollers with a pretty girl and an uncomplicated plot have become so popular.

In the summer of 2016, the first 20,000 rubles arrived at the expense of parents. At that time, it was forbidden to sell or buy advertising on video hosting. YouTube himself found popular rollers, integrated advertising in them and part of the money sent to the owners.

Yuri and Anna Radzinskie understood that this is just the beginning, they abandoned their businesses and all the forces devoted to the shooting of daughter and development canal Like Nastya. . Already in December 2016, the spouses earned $ 10,000.

For the first half of 2017, more than one and a half million people subscribed to the canal, and the monthly income of the family began to exceed $ 50,000. The second half of the year increased the number of subscribers, views and earnings twice.

That such a crazy pace was developed by the Canal Like Nastya. Family earnings for 2019 ranges from $ 200,000 to $ 500,000 monthly. The amount depends on the number of views of the videos.

What is owned by the young millionaire

So, in just 3 years, Like Nastya turned from a child, a sick cerebral palsy, in the owner of the Forbes list. Where spends earned money Baby and her family:

  • penthouse in Florida - just over $ 3,000,000;
  • machines for parents Porsche Panamera and Porsche Cayenne, a total cost of about 15 million rubles ($ 240,000);
  • children's car Audi for Nastya - $ 39,000;
  • equipment for video filming in the amount of $ 400,000;
  • the collection of outfits and jewelry is about $ 500,000.

YouTube is a new television, Vlogier - new stars. However, if Ivangay or Sasha Spielberg seem too young and overly popular, you are simply not familiar with the most small bloggers of the new wave

Photo: Mister Max / YouTube video

Little boy and little girl 16.5 minutes looking for toys in an inflatable pool filled with polymer balls - in two years this video scored about 80mm views. Six-year-old Odessa Mister Max and his sister, four-year Miss Katy - one of the first video blocks in Russian-speaking YouTube. Their channels were created at the end of 2014, at the time of preparation of the material on them, more than 8.2 million people were signed on them, and the rollers looked at 9 billion times. For comparison: IVANGA, the most popular Russian-speaking blogger from the "adult" YouTube, 11.6 million subscribers and 2.5 billion views. According to Wildjam bloggers, Max and Kati's parents earn on the channels of children about $ 200 thousand per month.

New business

Another top children's blog - Canal Like Nastya - Anna Radzinskaya, Mom Three-year-old Nastya, created in January 2016. By June 2017, about 2.5 million people subscribed to the canal, and the number of views of the video of a small blogger exceeded 1.5 billion.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking Nastya Hero Blog came Anna after similar overseas projects became popular on YouTube. "It seemed that it was a good opportunity to combine a pleasant pastime for a child and a chance to earn," she recalls.

Nastya's parents had their small businesses: Anna is a wedding salon in Krasnodar, her husband Yuri is a construction company in which about 20 employees worked. Salon brought an average of 300 thousand rubles. A month, says Anna, the construction business was able to bring several times more, but worked very unstable. In 2015, both companies experienced a crisis, and the family decided to try to do something new. Radzinsky sold their stakes in businesses and created a children's channel on Youtube.

Photo: Like Nastya / YouTube video

The first rollers were very popular with the audience did not use, recalls Anna: the unpacking toys on the camera was already engaged in very many. I had to experiment and look for my concept. The channel began laying out the playing story video, where Nastya, along with dad, disguised into a bear suit, played scenes based on the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". True, other bloggers began to take the rollers very soon, and the creators of Like Nastya had to look for their chip again.

"Once a thought came to my head: What if you show all the children's amusement parks in the world in the blog?" - tells Anna. This in Russian-language YouTube did not do anything else, she remembers. Traveling the family began with Asia and visited Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, on Bali, in Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates. First, our own savings invest in the organization of the trip, then all expenses for travel and shooting - from 1 million to 1.5 million rubles. a month - began to be covered with income from the channel. "We were able to improve the housing conditions and buy a new car," says Anna, without calling the accurate figures of revenue. According to her, now the channel on Youtube brings Radzinsky more than both of their business two years ago.

Channel earning comes from the YouTube affiliate program, which pays popular bloggers for watching, it adds. The channel can bring at least 5 million rubles to its owners. A month - such an assessment gives Yaroslav Andreev, the founder of the Wildjam blogger agency, with whom, including popular Youtube-bloggers Nikolai Sobolev and Dmitry Maslennikov (Ghostbuster canal).

According to Andreev, for a video with one advertising insert Youtube in the Russian-speaking segment pays about 7 thousand rubles. For 1 million views. Third-minute roller may have both three, and five such inserts that multiple the cost of viewing.

Amateurs and professionals

In the first hundred of top global video blocks, several children falls stably. For example, at the Ryan ToysReview channel, on which the little American unpacks the toys, about 8 million subscribers. Rollers Ryan looked more than 13 billion times. There are stars in Russia.

Photo: Ryan ToySreview / YouTube video

Not only amateurs are engaged in the development of children's blogs - youtube operate about 150 channels of the company "First Project", which also removes cartoons. Children's channels of the company summarically collect about 1 billion visits to the month, tells the co-founder of the "First Project" Vladimir Nabatov. One of the most successful multiplication projects of the company is a cartoon "LEVA TRADE", who climbed on the TV "TV children" of 1.3 billion views.

The company's channels are filmed invited children. "We constantly spend listening, it is important for us that the child liked what he does in front of the camera, for him it first should be playing," says Nabatov. For shooting in one roller, young actors receive about 1 thousand rubles. - Pure symbolic fee, he recognizes. One of the most popular channels of the company is "Kapuki Kanoku". In the rollers, the leading Masha girl is the general producer of the "First Project" Mary Podbnaya - plays with dolls, goes to the festivals of toys and falls into the children's cartoons that the company does.

One of the formats tested on this channel, as a result, it was allocated to a separate channel - "as a mother", whose video looked 275 million times. "The idea is that adult leading plays in dolls and creates game models for children, which a child can repeat himself," says Nabatov.

"Children and for bloggers themselves, and for advertisers - a grateful audience: they do not switch and do not wake advertising, watching rollers to the end," says Yaroslav Andreev. - And this is a very effective tool for promoting brands, because the child will shout "I want" exactly what I saw on your favorite canal. And in the end it will be not one child, there will be a million. "

Advertising on popular children's channels costs from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles. Depending on the format: preroll, a commercial, which is loaded before the start of the main content, for example, it is cheaper than advertising the goods to the blogger himself in its copyright video.

But now, not all children's blogs cooperate with advertisers: few large companies - manufacturers of toys and other goods for children - have already learned how to work with such instruments, like channels on YouTube, says Nikolay Raginets, Director of Marketing Affiliate Media AIR for YouTube-bloggers. Among the companies that have already paid attention to this segment in Russia are Hasbro toys (Marvel Toys, Nerf Brasters and Play-Doh Blusters). The Marvelous Advertising Agency, which is engaged in promoting the company's products on the Russian market, cooperates with bloggers, such as Vlad Crazyshow, but mostly on Barter, the head of the Marvelous Maulat Bulat Ayups says. Children get toys for free and use them in rollers.

The largest Russian-speaking baby blogs

Vlad Crazyshow.
3.3 million subscribers
Views for the month: 492 million
Monthly income from views **: 6.1 million rubles. *
Specialization: Production gaming video with comic heroes, Challenge

5-year-old Nastya Radzinsky barely had a thousand subscribers. Today, 34.5 million people are waiting for the rollers of a small native of Krasnodar, and around the world. Each video literally in a couple of hours collects hundreds of thousands views. For the young blogger and her parents shooting - this is a favorite hobby, which is also brought to everything else and good income. But there are few who knows that the channel initially was created in medicinal purposes.

Parents of the famous girl is called Anna and Yuri. Before the birth of her daughter, a couple had a business, though absolutely not related to shooting video. Yuri led a small construction company, and Anna had an agency for organizing holidays and a wedding salon.

On January 27, 2014, their daughter Nastya appeared. True, in the first months of life, doctors diagnosed in crumbs a heavy form of cerebrals. Parents doctors said that the girl would not walk and talk.

I seriously agreed, Anna and Yuri drove her daughter to rehabilitation centers, constantly engaged in it. When the Nasta turned two years, it became clear - there are no fears.

Whether the treatment and our love helped, whether the doctors were mistaken with a diagnosis, but everything was normalized, - Girls Mom shared in an interview

It was at that moment that the parents of the girl and decided to shoot the video to "consolidate the effect" and help her interact with the outside world. In addition, the rollers could watch all relatives who have no opportunity to come to visit.

Nastya in the park near the house.Today we will show you our amusement park, carousel, ride off the slides on the playground.

The first rollers did not use very popularity. Mom removed in the main video about unpacking toys. Spectators, saturated with such content on other family channels, were not delayed for a long time.

One of the first rollers on the channel is unpacking and overview of the speaker doll Nastya.Congratulations to Nastya happy birthday. What did we prepare for her for a gift? Let's see a surprise in a pile of balls. So we already unpack the interactive speaking big doll, playing with her and ask questions.

Then Anna decided that she had to change a little tactics and give the opportunity to develop acting abilities. On the channel began to appear gaming storylines, where Nastya, along with dad, disguised into a bear suit, played scenes based on the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

And later, the usual home background was changed to colorful locations - the rollers appeared on the channel about how Nastya travels. Here it is in Thailand, in a month - in Malaysia, and in time - on Bali.

In each country, the girl certainly attended entertainment parks and all sorts of establishments for children, tried the local cuisine and simply shared his impressions about a new place.

The public came to the public to taste, and the views sharply crawled up. Parents could choose which country you can go on vacation, and have a good time with your chance.

The organization of trips flew to a penny - the family spent about a million rubles a month on trips and shooting, but soon the costs began to be covered by the fees from the canal.

Everything else, a small blonde girl began to learn, and all over the world.

Nastya rides in the UAE Dubai.

On vacation, we often ran up and asked to take a picture, "says Anna.

When the number of subscribers on the channel passed Million, the business spouses went to the background. All forces they began to invest in the existing channel of his beloved daughter. Once Nastya is watching children from all over the globe, they decided to translate all their rollers, and to the audience it was convenient, created channels in English, Arabic and Spanish.

To constantly please the audience, the family began to produce videos every day. For this, however, it was necessary to ask for the help of professional installations. Required props, which Radzino could often could not find in Russia.

The meager choice was. And order something on the Internet was not always possible. Because at the end of 2017 decided to move to America. In Miami there is no winter, harsh temperature drops, there is everything you need for filming, - continues Mom Nastya.

In Miami, they rented a big house in which they remove their videos, which were like small films with thoughtful plots, cool special effects and bright locations. The family added useful videos to the channel for children. For example, how to swim, how can not behave children. Separate issues dedicate the rules of the behavior of small spectators.

Song for children about how to swim in the pool.Nastya and dad are shown how to swim in the pool. They learn to swim, use tanning cream and scuba diving glasses. Subscribe to Like Nastya Vlog -

Pope Girls became a regular partner in the rollers. He is engaged in finance and legal moments. And mom is responsible for the creative part. It is she who writes a script, orders props and hires designers. The creation of one roller sometimes costs a family of 60-80 thousand rubles, but the income from blogging is 100 times more.

Nastya and dad sleepy walk on a sheep farm.Nastya and Dad - Sony Walk On Farm Sheep Video For Children Nastya and Papa Sleeping AT Farm Sheep Family Fun Trip

But still it is worth noting that the channel management is a titanic work. The blog takes most of the time - sometimes more than any work in the office. But the most important thing is that the shooting brings pleasure in Nastya. For her, this is the most favorite occupation. For the girl, parents never press - only what deserves her approval.

About the future of a little asterisk to speak too early - Nastya goes only to the preparatory school. True, it is already clear now, the girl has every chance of becoming an actress.