Kudryavtseva contracted Friske's disease. Jeanne Friske's son forgot his family and did not recognize his own grandmother And where are the millions collected for treatment

Kudryavtseva contracted Friske's disease.  Jeanne Friske's son forgot his family and did not recognize his own grandmother And where are the millions collected for treatment
Kudryavtseva contracted Friske's disease. Jeanne Friske's son forgot his family and did not recognize his own grandmother And where are the millions collected for treatment
26 december 2017

In the show "Stars came together" on the NTV channel, the presenters Lera Kudryavtseva and Oskar Kuchera discussed the behavior of Dmitry Shepelev, who still does not allow Zhanna Friske's family to see little Plato.

Photo: globallook

Last weekend, Lera Kudryavtseva had a difficult conversation with Vladimir Friske, the father of Zhanna Friske, on the air of the Secret for a Million show. Vladimir, like his entire family, is grieving over the loss of his beloved daughter. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Zhanna's common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev does not allow the singer's relatives to see her son Plato. A lot of not the most flattering words were said to the TV presenter.

Later, the personality of Shepelev was discussed and in the program "Stars converged" on NTV. Leading Lera Kudryavtseva and Oscar Kuchera also disapprove of Dmitry's behavior. Oscar Kuchera wondered how a presenter with such a reputation could lead the program "Actually" on Channel One, which denounces liars. Radio host Alla Dovlatova spoke on this score.

“Just such a scandalous presenter is needed for such a program. They will look and think: maybe he is good? I believe in Jeanne's parents. Shepelev is far from being as white and fluffy as he shows himself to the public, ”Dovlatova said.

Note that Shepelev did not stand aside after several exposing programs, in which he turned to his critics.

“Critics and Commentators. All advisors who know exactly how I should live. Smart guys who know how I am obliged to raise my child. Dirty tongues. Naive viewers who are accustomed to omnivore to believe everything indiscriminately. Outraged guardians of morality. Educators. Petitioners. Counselors. I am very sorry for all of you. For your anger. For your stupidity. For your gullibility. I have nothing to reproach myself with. I have nothing to explain and nothing to justify. My child is happy. I'm happy, ”Dmitry wrote in his microblog.

Alla Dovlatova explained why Channel One hired Dmitry Shepelev. According to her, for the program "Actually" a "scandalous" presenter was needed. In addition, Alla noted, Dmitry "is not so white and fluffy."

In the program "Stars came together", the presenters Lera Kudryavtseva and Oskar Kuchera raised the burning topic of communication between fathers and children. There was a conversation about the fact that Dmitry Shepelev does not allow Zhanna Friske's parents to see her son Plato. Moreover, there are rumors that the TV presenter is turning the boy against his grandparents.


“I was shocked when I heard a question from the boy that he asked his grandfather:“ Why did you take our house and money from us? This means that the dad of the little child, the host of Channel One, a serious program, says to the boy: “This is why I don’t give you to my grandparents, because they took away the money,” actress Elena Sanaeva asked a rhetorical question.

Oscar Kuchera asked why the disgraced presenter was hired by Channel One and offered to become the face of the program "Actually", where the main characters, connected to a lie detector, answer uncomfortable questions. Note that the show is popular.

"Why do I, for example, need such a presenter with the only scandalous reputation?" - asked Kuchera. The presenter Alla Dovlatova answered him: "Just such a scandalous presenter is needed for such a program. They will watch and think: maybe he is good? I trust Jeanne's parents. Shepelev is not as white and fluffy as he shows himself to the public."

Earlier, in Lera Kudryavtseva's program "Secret for a Million," Zhanna Friske's father Vladimir, together with her friend Anna Gorodzha, spoke very ambiguously about the behavior of Dmitry Shepelev at the singer's commemoration.

Singer Zhanna Friske passed away in 2015. She died at 40 after a long battle with brain cancer. The death of the artist was the beginning of the conflict between her parents and the widower Dmitry Shepelev.

Freeze frame from the program

Zhanna's father Vladimir became the hero of the next edition of Lera Kudryavtseva's show "The Secret to a Million". He spoke about the last days of his daughter's life, and also spoke about the conflict with Shepelev. Friske said that the TV presenter stopped effective treatment that could save his daughter from death. Also, the singer's father is offended by the fact that Dmitry does not allow the family to see his grandson Plato.


On the air, Shepelev received a lot of accusations not only from Vladimir, but also from her family. Apparently, the TV presenter was offended by angry statements, and he hastened to respond to the haters by publishing a post on his Instagram: “I have nothing to reproach myself with. I have nothing to explain and nothing to make excuses for. "


Alla Dovlatova expressed her opinion about the Friske family scandal in the studio of the "Stars came together" program. “I believe in Jeanne’s parents. Shepelev is not as white and fluffy as he shows himself to the public, ”said the actress. Alla also believes that it is not in vain that he occupies the post of the host of the program "Actually" on Channel One: "It is just such a scandalous presenter that is needed for this show. The audience will look at him and think: maybe he is good? "

In December, the lawyers of the Zhanna Friske family achieved another meeting of clients with the singer's son. Recall: Plato is now 4 years old, he lives with his father, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. According to the court, Shepelev is obliged to allow the Friske family to see the child once a month. But he constantly finds reasons to postpone the boy's communication with relatives. Plato's penultimate date with his mother's family took place in September - then the boy talked with his grandfather Vladimir Friske, the singer's father.

"I looked indifferently"

After that, there was a long pause. Shepelev said that Plato was ill. Then, for various reasons, he postponed the meetings. Finally we managed to come to an agreement. But the meeting with the grandson caused only tears of bitterness from the grandmother Olya, the mother of Zhanna Friske.

The meeting with Plato was organized at the playground in one of the entertainment centers in Moscow. The place and time were agreed upon for a long time. As a result, Vladimir Friske, due to a nervous strain, ended up in the hospital and for health reasons could not come. Natalya, Zhanna's sister, had a business trip that day, and she was also unable to attend. One grandmother, the mother of Zhanna Friske, Olga Kopylova, came to meet with Plato. It was she who nursed and fed Plato for the first two years of her life.

Eyewitnesses say: when Plato entered the playground, he did not react to his grandmother. Like a stranger.

Plato got up and squeezed, as if he was scared, - one of Vladimir Friske's lawyers told KP. - When the grandmother approached her grandson, he looked at her blankly. He did not say a word of greeting - it seemed that Plato did not understand at all who approached him. When she addressed him with affectionate words, holding out the toy, the boy turned away. I didn't take the gift. Communication with the child did not work out. Plato behaved tensely - not a word, not half a word. It was clear that he simply did not recognize his own grandmother. This, of course, could not but wound Olga Borisovna. She was very upset. And the whole family is worried.

It is clear that one should see Plato more often. We will write a complaint to the relevant authorities with a request to increase the number of meetings with the child, otherwise the rights of the boy's relatives and himself are infringed upon.

As the Friske family suggests, it is possible that Shepelev does not even remind Plato that he has other grandparents (in addition to Dmitry's parents). And he wants to finally delete the relatives of Zhanna Friske from the life of his son.

Shepelev filed a lawsuit against the bailiff

We do not exclude the possibility that Shepelev may negatively set up Plato against his relatives, - the family's lawyers argue. - It is no coincidence that the child asked his grandfather during one of the meetings: "When will you return the money?" Dmitry claims that he does not object to Plato's meetings with his relatives. But we understood his position, having watched his program "Actually" on Channel One. It was dedicated to the former daughter-in-law of actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, who does not allow her to see her grandchildren. Shepelev told Vasilyeva's former daughter-in-law the following literally:

“I myself am in a similar position, when my child seems to have to communicate with those people with whom I would not want them to communicate. But at the same time, I understand why I do not want this to happen, and put forward my conditions. My conditions are calmness. "

What is he talking about? Grandma Olya (Jeanne's mother) is a very calm and peaceful person who never allows emotional outbursts. But even psychologists confirm: children quickly forget those who are not around ...

By the way, Dmitry Shepelev recently filed a lawsuit against the bailiff, who fined him 5 thousand rubles. for the fact that he avoided organizing meetings of Plato with his relatives. Now there is a trial.


And where are the millions raised for treatment?

Recall: this year, at the suit of Rusfond, the court of first instance ruled that the parents of Zhanna Friske and her son Platon, as an heir, must compensate the fund 21.6 million rubles. This money is part of the amount collected for the treatment of the artist with cancer. The singer's parents could not report on what exactly the funds were spent on.

In response, the lawyers of the Friske family filed an appeal with the Moscow City Court (it left the decision unchanged), then - a cassation appeal. According to the lawyers, there are newly discovered circumstances - “improper work of the Rusfond itself”.

While the court proceedings were underway, the bailiffs blocked the debtors' accounts. These actions were challenged in court, after which the accounts were allowed to be used.

There is no money for them now, - the family's lawyers note.

Thus, by the end of the year, the Friske family came up with an official debt to Rusfond, but with the hope of changing the situation in their favor.


Dmitry Shepelev - to those close to Zhanna Friske: “Calm down, madmen. I have nothing to reproach myself with "

The TV presenter responded to the new accusations of the singer's relatives

The civil husband of the late Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, on his Instagram harshly responded to accusations that he treated the singer unworthily and did everything to speed up her departure. Complaints to the TV presenter were heard in Lera Kudryavtseva's show "Secret for a Million". The guest of the program was the artist's father, Vladimir Friske, who said that Shepelev allegedly stopped giving Zhanna an expensive medicine that alleviated her condition and made the disease recede.


Host Alla Dovlatova: "Shepelev is not as white and fluffy as he shows himself to the public"

The behavior of the former common-law husband of Zhanna Friske is outraged by many of his acquaintances

The presenters of the show "Stars converged" on the NTV channel Lera Kudryavtseva and Oscar Kuchera in the new edition of the program decided to discuss the problems of fathers and children. The conversation touched on one of the most famous boys in Russia - the son of the singer Zhanna Friske and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. In the studio, a heated discussion erupted over the fact that Dmitry does not allow four-year-old Plato to see Jeanne's parents and turns the boy against his grandparents. The latter fact especially outraged the guests of the studio.