Where to watch the entrance door of the house. What is the location of the canvas worth avoiding at all? The door facing in the northern direction

Where to watch the entrance door of the house. What is the location of the canvas worth avoiding at all? The door facing in the northern direction
Where to watch the entrance door of the house. What is the location of the canvas worth avoiding at all? The door facing in the northern direction

feng Shui entrance door

One of the most important aspects in creating a favorable atmosphere for your home or apartment is feng Shui entrance door. The importance of this door is that it acts as the main conductor of the energy entering your housing space. From where is the door to the house, what is the color and the form, from which material is made, where it opens, it depends on how energy will go to your home - negative or positive, and further distributed in it.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that any energy accumulates and is distributed directly before home, and its streams activate people who enter the house either come out of it. To prevent the negative shade to the house and create conditions for good qi, let's understand how to be feng Shui entrance door?

Adverse Feng Shui Entrance Door

bad Feng Shui Entrance Door

Firstlyshould not be aimed at your entrance door. It may be corners of buildings, lamppost pillars, power lines, satellite plates and other any sharp and straight objects. Even a lonely standing tree on the contrary, is considered a "secret arrow", especially bad if it is dry or rotting. You can cut down a tree, if there is no possibility, paint it into red. However, it should be noted that several trees before the outer door in Feng Shui is allowed.

INsecond, There should be no obstacles to the main door, otherwise there will be no energy to accumulate. You can fix it by making good lighting in front of the entrance door and change the color of the door, on the color of it.

Thirdly, If the door is at the foot or comes to the elevator, it is also unfavorable Feng Shui. You can improve the position by lifting the threshold higher by one or two centimeters, to overlook through this barrier, when entering the house.

Fourthly If the entrance door is on top of the stairs, then also a bad hairdry shui. Because of this location of the stairs and the door, the hosts of the houses will "fly away" from them without lingering.

Cope with such unfavorable feng Shui entrance doorYou will help the means of correction, in particular the mirror. Either octagonal or

Feng Shui entrance door as it should be

good hairdry shui entrance door

  • The Feng Shui believes that the outer door of the house should be solid, massive and strong enough. It should not be made of glass, there should be no glass inserts in the door and all sorts of windows on the sides of the door. Otherwise, good energy will not linger in the house. In order to prevent her, hang on such curtain windows or put flowers in pots on the windowsill.
  • A good hairdry shui is considered when the entrance door opens inside the house in a well-lit hall or a spacious hallway. If it happened and your door opens out, then try to outweigh the loops so that it opens into the house. Not very good when the main door of the house opens towards the toilet, the stairs (especially if the staircase is double), solid wall or in a small dark room.
  • As for the size of the outer door, it should not be too big or small. The optimal option is the average door, but more than and have such a height so that the highest member of the family easily passed in the doorway. So all conditions will be observed for the unhindered penetration of good energy into the premises.

In which direction of the light is the entrance door

Location of the entrance door according to compass directions It plays an important role in the life of the inhabitants of the house. For example:

The North-West direction is well suited to the father of a family or a senior man in the family. Such a location of the entrance door will bring him honorable and respect in the family

The northern direction of the door will bring calm and measured lifestyle. Just need to pay attention to that this does not turn into apathy and indifference to each other. If you suddenly have become similar, you can hang in the hallway crystal or paint the door in brown or its shades.

Northeast direction entrance door according to feng Shui, subjects residents at home to external forces. This location is more suitable for young, receiving education and seeking self-improvement.

Eastern direction is very successful for young people engaged in the career and the realization of their desires. Good as for businessmen.

If the front door is drawn to the southeast, it will contribute to the world and Lada in the family, as well as financial well-being. Not immediately, but gradually. Follow patience.

The "South" door will help people who seek to recognize or glory. Only here you need to be careful, as this can lead to troubles in the family. You can "shake" the energy of this fiery direction by adding water symbols.

yellow entrance door

The most favorable direction entrance door For Mother B. feng Shui It is believed to be southwest. This direction will bring harmony in the relationship of residents at home. However, it is necessary to ensure that the mother does not turn into the chapter of the family. To neutralize such a situation, you can add symbols or colors of the elements of the tree.

The western direction is great for a family in which there are small children. They will be creatively developed. Also, this direction for the entrance door is associated with romance and pleasure. In order not to overdo it here, you can bring a bit of stability using elements of the Earth.

The color and form of the entrance door according to the teaching of Feng Shui

Color feng Shui entrance doors Plays an important role in creating a favorable situation in the house. To create this very harmonious atmosphere, you need to choose the shade for the outer door in accordance with its direction regarding the parties of the Light.

West and Northwest. Main color: White, golden, silver. Additional:Yellow, brown. Does not fit: Red, blue, black.

form of the entrance door in accordance with the elements and side of the world

North. Main color: Blue, black, white. Does not fit:brown, yellow, green.

Northeast or southwest. Main color: Brown, yellow. Additional: Red, orange. Not suitable: green, white.

East or southeast. Main color: Green, black, blue. Does not fit: white.

South. Main color: Red Green. Additional: Yellow, brown. Does not fit: Blue, black.

Form Doors are best to choose in accordance with five elements. See on the picture Matching the door shape, light side and five elements.

  • East, southeast - wood
  • North - Water
  • South - fire
  • Southwest, northeast - land
  • North-West, West - Metal
Where the entrance door should not be addressed

green entrance door

  • To places with the prevailing energy yin, pains and grief (church, temple, monastery, hospital, cemetery, prison, and so on). Neutralize the negative energy can be painted the outer door in red. If such buildings or objects are located on the side of your home, you can paint the red wall "looking" towards such an object.
  • Towards the development of roads. This can lead to partners between households. In this case, it is better to transfer the main entrance.
  • It is not desirable that the outer door "watched" on the mountain or hill. This, as a rule, leads to problems financially. In this case, only the transfer of the entrance will also help, and it is better that these objects have behind you and assisted and support.
  • It is impossible that the entrance door is pointing to turn the road or the edge edge. This is a very dangerous "secret boom", which can lead to problems with money and health in residents of the house.
  • Bad when the main entrance "looks" towards a narrow passage between buildings. It will threaten the accumulation of finance at households and can lead to health loss.
  • It is also unfavorable when opposite your entrance door, according to the Feng Shui there is a trash dump or your garbage is composed in front of the front entrance. It also leads to problems in money and in a quarry. Better garbage to keep away from the eye and as far as possible from the central entrance.

Through the entrance door to the apartment or to the house, the main part of positive and negative energy passes. Through the location of the entrance door, it depends on what kind of energy flow will fall into your room.

What prevents the passage of energy into the apartment through the entrance door?

The passage to the apartment or to the house should not have different barriers from things.

The location of the door near the elevator or staircase, the Feng Shui is considered an unfavorable sign. Residents of such an apartment may have health problems. You can eliminate the problem with a threshold where negative energy will be delayed.

It is not desirable that immediately after the last step was the entrance door, otherwise, the money in the house will not linger for a long time. So that money in the house remains, make a small platform.

The most basic cause of various troubles in the house is coming home with a bad mood. Before arrival home, try to leave all your problems behind the entrance door. In exactly the same way, take the accumulated anger from your home to the street and various troubles.

Clean the negative energy (bad mood) in nature. Stroll a few hours in a small forest park, in the meadows or near the reservoir. Even in the first hour of privacy, you can feel the influx of positive and sedative energy. Your bioenergy will start increasing and the damaged chakra of a person will begin to recover.

Where along the Feng Shui should open the door ideally, the front door must be located near the extreme wall. It is desirable that the entrance door be opened on the same wall and inside the room. With this location, a sense of space is created and after penetrating the room, the door is convenient to close (Fig. A).

In modern apartments, in order to fire safety, the entrance door is installed so that it opens the door to outward. In this option, in the corridor or in the hallway there is more useful place, but it is less convenient to open and close it (Fig. B).

In which direction should the door from the direction of the entrance door depends on the health of the owner, and this is talking about the well-being in the family. At all times, the main owners of the house considered the oldest man of male sex. In the modern world, a lot of things changed and some masters of Feng Shui, speaking of the owner of the house, mean the head of the family and in not frequent cases it has a woman.

When the entrance door is located northwest, this means that the head of the family is a good leader and a family man. Neighbors to it relate with respect.

North - a calm and kind person who has not strongly developed leadership abilities, but he loves and appreciates his family. Perhaps, at first glance, calm, but, with time, it can turn into lethargy.

Northeast - due to the drain of two energies, possible problems in mutual understanding in the family. But, this does not mean that the entrance door is located in the wrong direction, even on the contrary, the owner is waiting for new opportunities and active life. To the east - for a young family, this means great opportunities both in business and in family life.

Southeast - this direction of the entrance door will improve your financial condition.

South - such a location of the door speaks of a strong and progressive character. Magic and leadership, these are two components of a person. With this location of the door under the influence of fire, with a big desire, the owner of the house will be able to achieve high results, and to avoid a quarrel in the family, cool its temperament from time to time.

Southwest - here well-being belongs to the mother and women in the family. With this location of the entrance door, the main role in the family often falls on the weak half of humanity.

West is a good direction of the entrance door if children live in the house. The Western side is symbolized with creative development and romantic feelings.

Feng Shui Location

Today, the fencing of Feng Shui was very popular - the ancient Chinese science on planning the living space, uniform and free distribution of natural energy qi. If you try to stick to these rules, you will be interested to find out what the entrance door should be on Feng Shui.

From the location, colors and material of the input structure depends on the quality of Qi's energy. Feng Shui determines whether it will be favorable for the inhabitants of the house or vice versa - will be able to harm them. It is through the design that the design that the energy penetrates our homes and flows out of them, and on which direction will move to a favorable environment, our health and prosperity depends.

Orientation and color

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the number of doors affect the movement of energy in the house, their location, orientation in space, color, material from which they are made. It is impossible that at the entrance to the house the energy met any obstacle: a second tambour structure, close to the wall, a column or simply poured in the hallway. In this case, the positive stream will go back.

It is very important how the door is located in relation to the parties of the world, since the effect of incoming energy on you depends on it. Moreover, the strength of this influence determines the onion shui the color of the entrance door.


Quantity and shape

It is desirable that all the doors in the house, and the entrance - especially, had strict geometric shapes. Arched doors and products of other similar shapes with beveled or rounded corners are not the best option, they can negatively affect the health of those living in the house.

In addition, the design should be wide enough, wider and massive than all other doors in order not to prevent the free movement of positive energy. It is also not recommended to install glazed doors at the entrance, they must be solid and preferably wooden.

You can not hang the mirror opposite the front door. The reflection in it of the front entrance will lead to the fact that all positive energy will push out from the mirror surface and will leave back.

According to Feng Shui, the windows in the house symbolize children, and the doors are parents. If the number of windows exceeds the latter, children will take energy from their parents, and in the family will often begin the troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding.

Therefore, if this situation is in your house, you need to restore the energy of the parents, hanging the bell. He will be able to prevent free challenge at home negative energy.

The most unwanted combination of Feng Shui - when they are located one after another on the same line. It happens in private houses, for example, first goes to the terrace, and behind it - a double tambourine passage to the house. It is believed that such a location opens a negative energy path, while positive fluently flows out of the house.

If you cannot change the planning, then block the path of negative energy, putting barriers between the doors in the form of a light partition, screen or at least a decorative plant in a vase. And do not keep all the doors open at the same time.

Magic Mirror

It has already been said above that it is impossible to hang the mirror opposite the front door - signs here. The fact is that the mirror reflects the energy of qi, pushing it back from the house. But this does not mean that the mirrors should not be in the hallway.

For example, if the toilet door is located opposite the entrance, it is not very good from the point of view of Feng Shui. Neutralize the negative will help very small, diameter 5-6 cm. Round mirrors, which need to hang on both sides of the door to the bathroom, placing them at the level of the navel of the host.

Since the mirror is an excellent corrective agent, the entrance door with a large-sized mirror will help detain positive energy in the house without releaseing it out. It is desirable that the mirror is a rounded form.

If you want to hang the mirror in front of the entrance door, make sure that the clock does not affect it. Hang the mirror near or side from it.

How to locate

If you build your home and you have the opportunity to think about the planning, then consider the following rules Feng Shui:

  • Do not do the door opposite the entrance to the bathroom. And if you cannot change the layout, always keep it closed so that the positive energy and energy of finance do not break down with water into the sewer.
  • Hang the design so that it opens inside the house - This will create favorable conditions for the flow.

For reference. According to fire safety standards, the door must also be opened inside, so as not to create obstacles to evacuating the neighbors in the case of emergency.

Those who are not interested in feng shui

If you are far from overseas teachings and philosophy Feng Shui, and more trust Russian folk signs and customs, probably over your door hanging up the horseshoe. It has long been considered to be a faithful house, a symbol of a family hearth. But the Orthodox Church does not approve such signs, considering their disputes of pagan beliefs and traditions.

Some people believe that to protect the house from evil forces and attacks can icon over the entrance door. This is also not entirely correct - the right place of the iconostasis in the Red Corner. Although the ministers of the Church, answering the associated questions, they say that the icons are not forbidden to hang in any part of the house. The main thing is that they are not adjacent to other images - paintings, photographs of celebrities or family members.

But what icons over the entrance door hide - you are free to choose yourself. It can be the icon of your guardian angel or the Mother of God. But most often this place is occupied by a seven-week icon.

Unsuccessful location options:

  1. Entrance door in front of the toilet room. In this case, the entire energy entering the house will proceed "in the toilet", because the bathroom is the place of purification. In such an apartment, people feel constantly tired, deprived of activity. Yes, and about financial well-being speaks not to speak.
  2. If you already live in such an apartment, the situation can be corrected. To do this, a Chinese talisman needs to hang between the bathroom and the entrance. It will reflect the streams of energy, dissipating them among the surrounding space in the right directions.
  3. In private houses it is undesirable that the main entrance and spare be located opposite each other. Then coming into the space qi will not stay long: it will sweat from the entrance door and go to the backyard.

The entrance door is the gate of Qi, as it is called in Eastern philosophy.

LED location

Much will depend on which side of the light is the entrance to the dwelling.

What does it affect:

  1. North - life in the house will be calm, but can sometimes "slow down", turning residents in apathetic and indifferent personalities. To neutralize such an effect, you can change the color of the inlet door to brown, or hang over the input of the crystal.
  2. Northwest. In this case, the male in the family will always dominate, because active male energy prevails in the house. Family members will be honored and respect him.
  3. Northeast. The ideal option for young people who are just beginning to ripen, study and look for themselves, learn lives and grow spiritually. For active and inquisitive personalities.
  4. East. An option for careerists and ambitious, purposeful personalities that seek to achieve a lot. In business and work, you will always go to the way.
  5. Southeast -. If the door is located on this side, there will always be prosperous in the family, and you will not have to hear about material problems. If you are just planning to buy an apartment, strive to choose such options.
  6. South. This place activates social energy. A good option for people sociable, which wish to find the focus of attention, conquer the authority of others. This space needs to complement the elements of water elements so that there are no conflicts in the family.
  7. Southwest - the Love Sector. If the door is in this place, harmony and mutual understanding will always be in the family. And if a lonely person lives in the apartment, he will very quickly find his second half.
  8. West is the perfect option for families with young children. Energy is aimed at their rapid growth and development, disclosure of mental abilities and creative potential.

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The front door, or as it is often called the entrance door is the main both input and the output for the energy flows of qi. In the ideal situation, the energy of Qi should accumulate, and then distributed in front of the house. Her flows are activated by the movements of people who leave and return to the house. Today we will look at how it should be the front door on a hairdry shui to ensure the conditions stipulated above.

In the time of the ancient China, such a door of the building was called the "mouth of the house," because it was through them all positive and negative energy flows.

Very important moment in terms of the location of the entrance door of the house on Feng Shui are directed to it. "Secret steers". To check the refractable condition, you need to get up in front of the entrance door and look good in the sides.

Warning should attract:

  • any sharp corners;
  • satellite plates;
  • drains;
  • lampposts;
  • spiers;
  • driveway to the house path;
  • a neighbor house, located opposite your entrance door.

All of them will be sent to your dwelling threads of negative energy, which will be concentrated from your parade door.

Any obstacles to the verge of your dwelling will significantly worsen Feng Shui.

No rare cases when there is no place where the positive energy of Qi could occur in front of the front door. This situation is easy to fix by ordering the entrance door identical to the color of the dominant direction to which it comes out. A more economical way is the installation of a flashlight over the entrance to the dwelling, which will be well covered by space in front of it.

The front door, located at the foot of the stairs, will be extremely unfavorable for each family member living in the house.

In this case, the simplest way to avoid negative energy is to raise the threshold to one or two centimeters so that through it it was possible to stop, lifting legs.

By the same way, you can use when your entrance door goes directly to the elevator. After all, this location makes it impossible to accumulate positive energy flows of qi, and also makes it difficult to move.

Direction of entrance door

No less important is the sector in which the front door is located, or rather the direction to which she looks. If it is located on:

Form and color

After the location of the entrance door is selected, you can start the color choosing or the shade of the future central element of the house. With it, the quality of the choice of direction will be supported. If the front door on the hair dry shui is located on:

  • southwest - It should be red. To gain harmony in the family, you can take advantage of brown color;
  • northwest and West - In this case, the metal must be enhanced with golden color or silver tint. Brown apply to support. You should not give preference to red, blue and black colors;
  • north - Here you will be relevant black, blue and white colors. It is necessary to abandon green, yellow and brown;
  • northeast, southwest - The main colors will be yellow and brown, and additional - orange and red. You can not use such colors as white and green;
  • east, southeast - The best option will be: white, blue and black colors;
  • south - In this case, it is worth staying on red or green. It is strictly forbidden to use black and blue. Not recommended, but you can also use brown and yellow.

In order for the entrance door to Feng Shui to be correct, it is necessary to take into account her form, since it is very closely related to five elements that improve the energy flows of qi passing through it. Let's consider all these elements in more detail. If the door is located on the side:

  • north - its element will be water;
  • eastern or Southeast - Tree;
  • south - fire;
  • southwestern, northeast - land;
  • northwest, Western - metal.

For a front door emerging to the north, an element that reinforces its properties will be water, and metal is used to strengthen and support. If the entrance door "looks" to the east or southeast, then the use of tree symbols that activate the possibilities of growth and development are possible. In turn, water symbols are updated and cleaned.

The door overlooking the south is combined with the symbol of fire, which gives the breathtaking of the Spirit and the liveliness to all inhabitants in the house. Additionally, you can use tree symbols. If it is facing the northeast or south-west, then the earth symbols can focus energy flows at stability.

In the case when your front door is drawn to the north-west or west, it is necessary to use metal symbols that attach fortresses and forces. Earth elements are used as additional elements.

Parade door style

The doctrine states that the front door on the hair dry shui is intended to protect the house, therefore it should be not only durable, but also solid. It is strictly forbidden to use glass elements, both in it, and around it. Especially in the house, it should be as large as possible to be able to provide it with a maximum influx of Qi energy into each residential premises.

The same condition concerns the height of the front door. It should be higher than the highest member in the family. This is necessary in order to eliminate any possibility of inconvenience while visiting the house or exit.

The windows located on the doors will contribute to the leakage of the energy flows of qi, which, penetrating through the door, leave the house through the windows near her.

In this case, a lace curtains or plants growing on the windowsill in pots will prevent energy leakage.

Direction of door opening

The ideal option is that the front door on Feng Shui opened with the nearest wall of your home or apartment, or towards it. Such a condition creates a sense of space and also contributes to good energy in the hallway itself.

If the door is hung on the opposite wall, then the one who enters the house falls into a certain closed space and immediately begins to experience discomfort.

If the front door is located opposite the "black stroke", then the energy flows of qi in such a house are completely delayed, and transit pass through it.

To correct this position, it is necessary to install a special barrier in the way of the energy of the energy of qi, which can be a mirror or a decorative lattice. Also, in order to solve the problem, you can take advantage of the construction of a physical barrier, as a hanging curtain will perform. It should not be made of heavy velvet and in the form of curtains, since not just too much the road for this room, but also completely tasteless. We are talking about an ordinary curtain curtain.

If you enter any building, including in the home of your friends, relatives, even in the workstations, you will certainly feel how the interior is harmonious or, on the contrary, carries destructive functions. There are no rare cases when when leaving the room in the corridor, a person rises to the angle of the wall or the edge of the large size cabinet. In this case, there is also an unpleasant feeling capable of spoiling the mood for a moment. A similar negative can be neutralized by using decorative screens, plants, or a variety of, but harmony ornaments.

The front door has always been and remains one of the most important areas in the practice of Feng Shui. That is why it is necessary to protect it in every way. Actually, we told about those methods of protection that can be used in any home or apartment.