Who is the author of the famous poem Vasily Terkin. Working Tvardovsky A.T.

Who is the author of the famous poem Vasily Terkin. Working Tvardovsky A.T.

The Great Patriotic War treats those events in the history of the country, which for a long time remain in the memory of the people. Such events are largely changing the ideas of people about life and art. The war caused an unprecedented surge in literature, music, painting, movies. But, perhaps, there was no more popular work about the war than the poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvordovsky "Vasily Terkin".

A. T. Tvardovsky wrote about the war not at the time. At the very beginning of the war, he, like many other writers and poets, goes to the front. And passing along the roads of the war, the poet creates an amazing monument to the Russian soldier, his feat. The hero of "books about the fighter", as the author of his work genre determined, becomes Vasily Terkin, which is a collective image of the Russian soldier. But in the book there is another hero - the author himself. We cannot even argue that it is always the Tvardovsky. Rather, we are talking about the generalized image of the author-narrator, which is present in the "Eugene Onegin", "Hero of Our Time" and other works that make up the basis of the Russian Literary Tradition. Although some facts from the poem coincide with the real biography of A. T. Tvardovsky, the author is clearly endowed with many features of Terkina, they are constantly together ("Terkin is further. The author is after"). This allows us to say that the author in the poem is also a person from the people, the Russian soldier who differs from Terkina, in essence, only the fact that "the course has passed in the capital." A. T. Teddovsky makes terkina with his countryman. And because words

I tremble from acute pain

Evil bitter and saint.

Mother, Father, Native Sisters

I have for that feature -

become the words and the author, and his hero. Amazing Lorism stains those lines of the poems, which speak of a "small homeland" that was each of the soldiers who participated in the war. The author loves his hero, admires his actions. They are always unanimous:

And I will tell you, I will not hide, -

In this book, there, Syam,

What should be praying

I say I personally myself.

I'm all around in response,

And notice, he did not notice

That and terkin, my hero,

For me it says sometimes.

The author in the poem is an intermediary between the hero and the reader. A confidential conversation with the reader is constantly being carried out, the author respects the "friend reader", and therefore seeks to convey to him "the truth is sorting" about the war. The author feels his responsibility to readers, he understands how important it was not only to tell about the war, but also to instill in the readers (and we remember that Vasily Terkin was published by individual chapters during the war, and the idea goes back to the time of the Finnish war) Faith in the disadvantage of the spirit of the Russian soldier, optimism. Sometimes the author as it would invite readers to check the truth of its judgments and observations. Such direct contact with the reader quite contributes to the fact that the poem becomes a clear large circle of people.

You can live without food.

Can be more but sometimes

In war of one minute

Do not live without booms

Jokes of the Noemudo itself.

The text of the poem is filled with additives, promscripts, sayings, and determine who is their author: the author of the poem, the hero of the Poem Terkin or the people at all is impossible.

The author is striking the observation of the author, the dormant of his view and the skill of the transfer of details of the front life. The book becomes a kind of "encyclopedia" of war written by "from nature", in a marching atmosphere. The author is faithful not only to detail. He felt the psychology of a man in the war, felt the same fear, hunger, cold, also rejoiced and burned ... And the main thing - the "book about the fighter" was written not by order, there was nothing showing, deliberate, she was an organic expression of the need The author to tell the contemporaries and descendants about that war in which the fight is holy and right. The death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth. "

Help, pleasing, write an essay on the work of the TVard "Vasily Terkin"

According to plan:
1) Introduction: Genre (Unusual Book of War), the history of the poem.
2) The image of Vasily Terkina:
-Terkin as a generalized image
- Hero's succession with folkler images
- Home features of courage, calm, seducker, sense of humor, patriotism and where is manifested?
3) Conclusion. The poem is recognized for the people, for soldiers during the war, popularity.

Thanks in advance:)

1. What historical events are the works of Tvardovsky? 2. What does the reader tell the reader of the poem "Vasily Terkin"? 3. What is the main thought

chapters "Cross"? 4. What emphasizes the author in the character of the hero in the chapter "On the award"? 5. In the initial chapter "From the author" there is almost anthem of drinking water. Tvardovsky knew how the soldier's sip of the water was dear. What does the poet talk about water? 6. In the chapter "At the Privala", the poet seeks about Sabanta. what it is?

1) What is the main problem of the story "Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin?

1. Just the people and its role in the development of society
2. Court and duty
3. Rolstered people in the nobility in the formation of the country's history?

2) What represents the confession of MTSERS in the poem of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov?
1. Finding the hero in the actions and actions
2. Delive to abandon the fruitless struggle
3. Protection and rights to the will and happiness

3) What is the story of L.N. Tolstoy "After Bala"
1.o life and fate of the colonel
2.Oo love Ivan Vasilyevich to Varena, his relationship with the family of heroine
3. About the personal responsibility of a person for the life of society, false, emptiness and inhuman cruelty of this society hidden under the mask of good nature

4) The author's focus on the poem "Vasily Terkin" A.T. Tvardovsky is:
1. Real man Vasily Terkin, who visited battlefields during the Great Patriotic War
2. In war in a wide variety of situations and episodes
3. Times of the Great Patriotic War

5) What is the purpose of the target appointment by the Kalmyk tales, told by E. Pugachev P. Grinnev in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter?
1. Recognitive additional characteristics of images E. Pugacheva and P.Grinyev
2. Response of the life position E. Pugacheva: it is better to live a short, but free life than to exist in captivity
3. Additional characteristic E.Pugachev as a good connoisseur of folk legends and legends

6) Which proverb characterized his friendship with Luganovichi narrator ("On love" A.P, Chekhov)?
1. It was a hassle of trouble, so bought the mind
2. And from the good dog flea
3.Friends learned in trouble

7) In what story is the central theme is the topic of love?
1. "Caucasus" I.A. Bunin.
2. "History of the disease" M.M. Zoshchenko
3. "RUNTING" A.P. Platonova

The hero of "books about the fighter", as the author of his work genre determined, becomes Vasily Terkin, which is a collective image of the Russian soldier. But in the book there is another hero is the author. It is difficult to argue that this is always the Tvardovsky himself. Rather, we are talking about the generalized image of the author-narrator. Although some facts from the poem coincide with the real biography of A. T. Tvardovsky, the author is clearly endowed with many features of Terkina, they constantly together
("Terkin is further. Author-trace").
This suggests that the author in the poem is also a Russian soldier who differs from Terkina, in essence, only the fact that "the course has passed in the capital."
A. T. Teddovsky makes terkina with his countryman. And because words

I tremble from acute pain
Evil bitter and saint.
Mother, Father, Native Sisters
I have for that feature
become the words and the author, and his hero.

Amazing Lorism stains those lines of the poems, which speak of a "small homeland" that was each of the soldiers who participated in the war. The author loves his hero, admires his actions. They are always unanimous:

And I will tell you, I will not hide, -
In this book, there, Syam,
What should be praying
I say I personally myself.
I'm all around in response,
And notice, he did not notice
That and terkin, my hero,
For me it says sometimes.

The author in the poem is an intermediary between the hero and the reader. A confidential conversation with the reader is constantly being carried out, the author respects the "friend reader", and therefore seeks to convey to him "the truth is sorting" about the war. The author feels his responsibility to readers, he understands how important it was not only to tell about the war, but also to instill faith in the readers in the disadvantage of the spirit of the Russian soldier, optimism. Sometimes the author as it would invite readers to check the truth of its judgments and observations. Such direct contact with the reader quite contributes to the fact that the poem becomes a clear large circle of people.
The poem constantly serves a subtle author humor. At the very beginning of the poem, the author calls a joke as the most necessary thing in the soldier's house:

You can live without food.
Can be more but sometimes
In war of one minute
Do not live without booms
Jokes of the Noemudo itself.

The poem's text is filled with additives, promscripts, sayings, and determine who is their author: the author of the poem, the hero of the Poem Terkin or the people at all is impossible.
The author is striking the observation of the author, the dormant of his view and the skill of the transfer of details of the front life. The book becomes a kind of "encyclopedia" of war written by "from nature", in a marching atmosphere.
The author is faithful not only to detail. He felt the psychology of a person in war, felt the same fear, hunger, cold, was also happy and burned ...
And the main thing is "the book about the fighter" was written not by order, there is nothing ostentatious, deliberate, it was an organic expression of the author's needs to tell contemporaries and descendants about that war in which the fight is holy and right. The death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth. "

The author and his hero in the poem "Vasily Terkin". Movement of the plot of the poem

In "Vasily Terkin" there are few opposition, but a lot of movement, development - primarily in the images of the main character and the author, their contacts among themselves and with other characters. Initially, they are distanced: In the entry, Terkin is combined only with a good saying or a promotion - and vice versa, the words about the truth author utters exponentially from himself. Nightness is even more destructed in the chapter "At the Privala", where two characteristics of the hero do not coincide. At first it represents

Terkin - Who is he?

Let's say frankly:

Just the guy itself is ordinary.

And then the self-characteristics are given, sharply different from its previous undoubted, albeit lucava, fabulous:

I was surrounded three times

Three times - here it is! - came out.

This is not a contrast - rather, complementary, but the roles in the exposure are still clearly distributed. So "crossing" is opened by the author's narrative, and before the appearance of Terkina and in terms of the situation, and on the tone it is tragic. A moment is taken when the soldiers are most dependent on fate - they are in her hands, and fate ruthless:

And the post put water

Suddenly a projectile. Pontoons in a row.

Gusto was there people -

Our short guys ...

And saw for the first time

It will not forget:

People warm, alive

Went to the bottom, on the bottom, on the bottom ...

On such a bitter note, the first part of the story is completed: the death of everyone equalized, everything was opposite - now

... Unknown

Who is a timid one who is a hero.

The fracture in the plot and the mood makes the terkin sailing on November water. Not only an icy crust off the coast - he rushes a feeling of fatal hopelessness, tightened by obscurity. While thinking by the poem, A. Tvardovsky wrote in the spring of 1941: "The difficulty is that such" funny "," primitive "heroes are usually taken in a couple, for contrast to the hero of the present, lyrical," high ". More deviations, more in the poem itself, "that is, he assumed a special, more raised position. In the chapter "Cross", and not in it, it happened, however, the opposite: it was the hero that he supported the author, instilled in him, in his fellow soldiers hope. Completion is gradually replaced by interpenetration.

Parity of the heroes, well-known both by "Don Quixhot", and by Til Urenshpigel, in the Twardowsky eventually manifested himself peculiar. The functionality of itself exhausts in the first two chapters. High and low, tragic and comic - that, according to the initial ideas, it was supposed to be distributed between two images - combined. First of all, it is also combined into a hero, which is already in the third chapter, "before the fight", exhibits in addition to the unsuspecting spirit, evenness, tacty, acute sense of personal guilt.

The Great Patriotic War treats those events in the history of the country, which for a long time remain in the memory of the people. Such events are largely changing the ideas of people about life and art. The war caused an unprecedented surge in literature, music, painting, movies. But, perhaps, there was no more popular work about the war than the poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvordovsky "Vasily Terkin".

A. T. Tvardovsky wrote about the war not at the time. At the very beginning of the war, he, like many other writers and poets, goes to the front. And passing along the roads of the war, the poet creates an amazing monument to the Russian soldier, his feat. The hero of "books about the fighter", as the author of his work genre determined, becomes Vasily Terkin, which is a collective image of the Russian soldier. But in the book there is another hero - the author himself. We cannot even argue that it is always the Tvardovsky. Rather, we are talking about the generalized image of the author-narrator, which is present in the "Eugene Onegin", "Hero of Our Time" and other works that make up the basis of the Russian Literary Tradition. Although some facts from the poem coincide with the real biography of A. T. Tvardovsky, the author is clearly endowed with many features of Terkina, they are constantly together ("Terkin is further. The author is after"). This allows us to say that the author in the poem is also a person from the people, the Russian soldier who differs from Terkina, in essence, only the fact that "the course has passed in the capital." A. T. Teddovsky makes terkina with his countryman. And because words

I tremble from acute pain

Evil bitter and saint.

Mother, Father, Native Sisters

I have for that feature -

become the words and the author, and his hero. Amazing Lorism stains those lines of the poems, which speak of a "small homeland" that was each of the soldiers who participated in the war. The author loves his hero, admires his actions. They are always unanimous:

And I will tell you, I will not hide, -

In this book, there, Syam,

What should be praying

I say I personally myself.

I'm all around in response,

And notice, he did not notice

That and terkin, my hero,

For me it says sometimes.

The author in the poem is an intermediary between the hero and the reader. A confidential conversation with the reader is constantly being carried out, the author respects the "friend reader", and therefore seeks to convey to him "the truth is sorting" about the war. The author feels his responsibility to readers, he understands how important it was not only to tell about the war, but also to instill in the readers (and we remember that Vasily Terkin was published by individual chapters during the war, and the idea goes back to the time of the Finnish war) Faith in the disadvantage of the spirit of the Russian soldier, optimism. Sometimes the author as it would invite readers to check the truth of its judgments and observations. Such direct contact with the reader quite contributes to the fact that the poem becomes a clear large circle of people.

You can live without food.

Can be more but sometimes

In war of one minute

Do not live without booms

Jokes of the Noemudo itself.

The text of the poem is filled with additives, promscripts, sayings, and determine who is their author: the author of the poem, the hero of the Poem Terkin or the people at all is impossible.

The author is striking the observation of the author, the dormant of his view and the skill of the transfer of details of the front life. The book becomes a kind of "encyclopedia" of war written by "from nature", in a marching atmosphere. The author is faithful not only to detail. He felt the psychology of a man in the war, felt the same fear, hunger, cold, also rejoiced and burned ... And the main thing - the "book about the fighter" was written not by order, there was nothing showing, deliberate, she was an organic expression of the need The author to tell the contemporaries and descendants about that war in which the fight is holy and right. The death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth. "

Other works on the topic:

The monument to the literary hero is the thing is generally rare, but in our country such a monument was installed by Vasily Terkina, and, as it seems to me, the Hero of Tvardovsky deserved this honor to rightfully. This monument can be considered, delivered to all those who did not regret the years of the Great Patriotic War of their blood, who always found a way out of a difficult situation and knew a joke to brighten the front weekdays who loved to play harmony and listen to music on a privala who approached the price of life Great victory.

Vasily Khorkin - the Hero of the poems of A.Ttvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" (1941-1945) and "Terkin on that light" (1954-1963). Literary prototype V.T. - Vasya Terkin, the hero of the Faken series in satirical pictures with signatures in verses published in the newspaper "guarding the Motherland" in 1939-1940. It was created with the participation of the Tvardovsky in the editorial office of the newspaper by the type of heroes of the "Corner of humor", one of the usual characters of which was "Pro-Tyrkin" - from the technical word "rubbing" (the subject used during weapon lubrication).

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn in his literary memories "waved calfs with oak" admired a sense of action by A. T. Teddovsky, he wrote that, not having freedoms to say the full truth about war, the Twardowsky stopped before any lie almost in the last millimeter, but nowhere This barrier did not stop.

The hero of the poem A.T. The Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin" became a favorite folk hero during the war years and continued to remain many years later. This is a simple soldier, a rustic guy who has faced his homeland. He is a man from the people close to those fizzles who read the poem somewhere at the front to rare free minutes.

(According to the poem A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"), the fiction of the period of the Great Patriotic War has a number of characteristic features. Its main features - patriotic pathos and installation for universal accessibility. The intended example of such a artistic work is considered to be the poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin".

Poem A.T. The Tvardovskiy "Vasily Terkin" became the author's immediate response to the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War. The poem consists of individual chapters, united by a common hero - Vasilya Terkin, a simple rustic guy, like many others who have stuck to defend their homeland.

(According to the works of A. T. Tvardovsky) in the work of Alexander Tvardovsky, the topic of war is very bright. Especially in his poem "Vasily Terkin" A. Solzhenitsyn wrote about him: "But from wartime, I noted" Vasily Terkina "as an amazing success ... Twardovsky managed to write a timeless, courageous and unpolluted thing ...".

During the Great Patriotic War A.T. Tvardovsky writes the poem "Vasily Terkin" - about this war in which the fate of the people was solved. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people in the war. Tvardovsky - the poet, deeply understood and assessed the beauty of a folk nature. In Vasily Terkina, images of large-scale, capacious, collective, events are enclosed in a very wide time frame, the poet turns to the hyperbola and other means of fabulous convention.

Poem Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" is one of the central works of the poet. The first chapters of the poem were published in 1942. The success of the work was associated with a successful writer by the character of the main character. Vasily Terkin - a fictional face from beginning to end, but this image was described in the poem so realistic that readers perceived him as a real living next to them.

In the midst of the Great Patriotic War, when our entire country defended his homeland, the first chapters of the poem A.T. appear in the press The Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", where a simple Russian soldier, the "ordinary guy" was denied in the image of the chief hero.

The hero of the poem of the Twardowsky is a simple Russian soldier. But is it? At first glance - so, Terkin is an ordinary ordinary. And yet it is not true. Terkin is like a calling, a calling to be an optimist, a tank, joker, harmony and, ultimately, is a hero.

War is a complex and terrible time in the life of any people. It was during the period of world opposition that the fate of the nation is solved, and then it is very important not to lose a sense of self-esteem, respect for yourself, love for people. In the godin of heavy tests, during the Great Patriotic War, our entire country rose to the protection of the Motherland against the general enemy.

The poem of Alexander Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin" is devoted to the Great Patriotic War and people in the war. The author from the first lines aims the reader to the realistic image of the tragic truth of the war in his "book about the fighter" -

The Russian soldier in the poem of Tvardovsky Vasily Terkin from the newspaper pages of the poem Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" stepped into a number of immortal works of Russian literature. The poem, like any great work, gives a reliable picture of the epoch, the picture of the life of his people.

A.T. The Tvardovsky All Great Patriotic War worked in the front-line press, and throughout the military period created his most prominent and popularly beloved poem "Vasily Terkin" (1941 - 1945).

The poetry of Alexander Tvardovsky is distinguished by simplicity and piercing truth, taking the soul of lyricity. The author is not Lukavit, but goes to us with an open soul and heart. The poem "Vasily Terkin" uses special love of readers.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is a big and distinctive poet. Being a peasant son, he knew well and understood the interests, sadness and joy of the people.

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky distinguishes liberties, the truth of life and the wonderful, sonorous and figurative language. The author is organically merged with his heroes, living their interests, feelings and desires.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Tvardovsky was among the fighters, the military correspondent passed difficult roads from the west to the east and back. He told about this in the poem "Vasily Terkin".

Poem Alexander Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin" with a newspaper sheet stepped into a number of immortal works of Russian literature. Like any great work, the poem of Tvardovsky gives the truthful picture of the era, the picture of the life of his people.

Posted by: Tvardovsky A.T. In "Vasily Terkin" there are few opposition, but a lot of movement, development - primarily in the images of the main character and the author, their contacts among themselves and with other characters. Initially, they are distanced: In the entry, Terkin is combined only with a good saying or a promotion - and vice versa, the words about the truth author utters exponentially from himself.

(1910-1971), Russian poet. Born 8 (21) June 1910 in the village of Zagorje Smolensk lips. The Father Tvardovsky, the Kuznets Peasant, was smoked and exiled. The tragic fate of the father and other victims of collectivization is described by Tvardovsky in the poem on the right of memory (1967-1969, publ. 1987).

Poem Alexander Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin" - a book for all it can be read at any age, in minutes of joy and | Sorrow, worry about the future day or carelessly indulging in peace.

There is a Wardowski poem "Trip to Zagory", written in the 30s. The author, who is already known to the poet, comes to his native farm near Smolensky.

An image of a folk nature in the works of A.Ttvardovsky and M.A.Sholokhov (Vasily Terkin and Andrei Sokolov) Recall the time in which the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov were created. In the country, the inhuman Stalinist policies, universal fear and suspicion penetrated all sectors of society, collectivization and its consequences were destroyed by century-old agriculture and undermined the best forces of the people.