Who kills Macbeth in William Shakespeare's play. Terrible curse play "Macbeth

Who kills Macbeth in William Shakespeare's play. Terrible curse play
Who kills Macbeth in William Shakespeare's play. Terrible curse play "Macbeth
Characters Duncan, Scottish king. Malcolm | ) His sons. Donalbine | Macbeth, king relative | ) Scottish commander. Banko | MacDuf | Lenox | Ross | Mentes) Weldling Scottish regions: Angus | Katnis | Flice, son of Bank of Sailor, Count Northumberland, English commander. Young Sivard, his son. Seyon, Macbeth's squire. The juvenile son McDufa. English doctor. Scottish doctor. Sergeant. Gatekeeper. Old man. Lady Macbeth. Lady McDuf. Court lady with lady Macbeth. Hecate. Three witches. The Spirit of Banko and other ghosts. Lords, to know, officers, soldiers, killers, servants and messengers. The action takes place in Scotland and England in the middle of the XI century. Act I. Scene 1 desert place. Thunder and lightning. There are three witches. First Witch When the Lightning Area, in the rain and Thunder we will see you again? The second witch when one of the governor of another will break the battle. The third witch will decide its outcome. The first witch where we go? The second witch is on the wasteland. The third witch Macbeth there will be by that time the first witch purring cat, calling. I am going! I hear the third witch call to the pond. All together evil is good, good is evil. Let's fly, jumping on the pomelo! Disappear. Scene 2 camp near Forres. Combat cliques behind the scene. Contains Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbine and Lenox with a retinue. To meet them the wounded sergeant comes across. Duncan Who is this bloody soldier? It seems to me that we will learn from him about the course of the rebellion. Malcolm He is the sergeant who helped me to avoid captivity. Great, friend! The king wants to know what kinds you leave a fight. The sergeant has not yet revealed, whose will take. Opponents - like two swimmers who prevent the struggle to move in water. Ruthless McDonald, who combined all the bottles of the rebellion, scored a squad of Irish spear and raised the Western Islands. Fate tried to support the rebel, but could not do anything. The brave Macbeth (he is named so right) struck himself bravely way with a sword smoked bloody, and, becoming a face with a traitor to face, did not spend his hands, the farewell words did not spend, but he sneezed him with a sweep and hoisted her on the patoccol. Duncan Our brave birthday! Consiss a sample! Sergeant But as cloudness is replaced by clouds and storms in the sea ships, so the source of our salvation suddenly turned into the death of the spring. Carefully, Scottish King, Listen: Alive only tried the law, turning the Irish to flight, the Norwegian king, who heralds the MiG, the untouched forces believed. Duncan and what, tell me, he frightened by the commander of the bank and Macbeth? Sergeant Yes, frightened like a sparrow - an eagle and hare - lion! To tell you in truth, they, like double power guns, doubled the decisiveness of the blows. They were afraid of the blood, they were in the blood, perpetuate the new Calf, I do not know ... weak. Wounds harness. Duncan Your words and these wounds talk about honor. Deliver the doctor as soon as him. Sergeant lead. Who goes there? Ross enters. Malcolm Rossky Tang. Lenoks like his eyes burn! Probably, he brought the news unusual. Ross Long live the king! Duncan Where do you, worthy of Tan? Ross I, sovereign, from Faif, where the sky was acouzed by the Norwegian stale and crushed the cold on our army. There, Hallehes, Norwegian merged with the Kavdorsian tan who fell from you and tied a terrible fight with us. But Macbeth arrived, the bridegroom Belloni, in his impenetrable armor, came up with them in the hot hand-to-hand, and the enemy is curly. Simply put - we won. Duncan What is good luck! Ross Norwegians are asked. We were not allowed to bury the dead killed while the king did not pay them for ten thousand gold in Saint-Colch. Duncan who made loyalty to us Kavdorsky Tan punish will be death for deception. And with the areas of the ethnic clove and with the title, congratulate it Macbeth. Ross will fulfill everything. Duncan What lost the one worthy Macbeth will acquire. Go. Scene 3 steppe. In the distance thunder. There are three witches. The first witch where were you, sister? The second witch was sent on pigs. Third Witch and you, sister? The first witch was sitting. The chestnuts have a half-one. Knock itself Knock yourself Yes Click! "Give me a prayer," I asked. And this creature as a garking: "Won from here, damned carga!" Flowing on the "Tiger" her husband in Aleppo, and I spend on the bottom of the sieve, like a rat without a tail, behind him, behind him, behind him in pursuit. The second witch and I'm sidewged. The first witch thank you for that. The third witch I will sculpt the winds too. The first witch I am my treat. The dungement of them are all the edges and countries of the world, as the compass steering the direction of B neither kept. I am on a sailor's way to girlfriend sadness, so that, bored, not for an hour, he did not close the eye at night, so that I forget the peace and sleep ninety nine den to melting it and sort, hurry the last sigh. But neither Buryam, nor the waves, do not give it to him. Look, that I have. The second witch let me look. The first witch is a finger of Morelode: near the earth fell into the water. Boy of drum behind the scene. Third Witch hear, hear - drums! Soon we will appear Macbeth. All holding hands, running into the dance, go. Wovens the dance, from under the feet, the earth will leave. Nine times around, around the circle and the circle is closed. The circle is riveted, and the word is firmly! Macbeth and Bank. Macbet is more beautiful and terrible I do not remember the day. Banko far to Forres? Who is it? How pitiful looks of them and as a dick outfit! They are so different from other residents of the Earth, and all that they are on it! Who you are? Are you live creatures? Can you ask you? As if yes. You understood me and put dry fingers to dried lips. You are women, but beards on the faces as if they tell us about another. Macbeth Who You Answer, If it is given to you! The first witch praise you, Macbeth, Glamle Tang! The second witch praise you, Macbeth, Kavdorsky Tang! The third witch praise Macbeth, the king in the coming! Banko why did you shudder? Their words caress the rumor. And please, admit: Do you really exist Ile to see us? You predicted Macbeth over the speedy of the new San and the Royal Title. He is in confusion. And you did not say anything. But if, forever, the fate foresaw, you know that there will be no, that there is no, turn the person who does not wait for the mercy from you and your hatred is not afraid. The first witch praise! The second witch praise! Third witch praise! The first witch is less than Macbet, but also more. The second witch is without happiness, but His happier. The third witch is the ancestor of the kings, but not the king. Praise, praise you, bank and mabet! The first witch praise you, bank and mabet, praise you! Macbeth of the fortunemen are stingy, do not drive! It is clear if my father died, Glamisk Tang, I, it means Tang Glamle. But live and live by Kavdorsky Tan, and it is also impossible to be done, how difficult it is to become the Scottish king. Where do your information come from? Where did you come from, who met us in the steppe prophetic greetings? Tell me. Witches disappear. Banko Land also drinks bubbles as water. Appeared on the surface and spread. Macbeth scattered like steam, and in the air melted without a trace. And sorry that they hid. I would ask them. Is the bank really they stood here, Ile do we have a whitewash with you? Macbeth Your descendants will become kings. Banko you will be at the life of the king. Macbeth as well as Kavdorsky Tan. Truth? Banko yes, exactly. Who goes there? Inpaid Ross and Angus Ross Macbeth! The king was glad to learn about your success. Already and the morning of your victory, he crushed in delighted praise, when you turned out to be in battle with Norwegians, you didn't get the words of death with you, not enough words for the glorification. I flew a hail from the battlefield and added new features and to your merit to the kingdom. Angus King rewards with us did not send, but thanks only and inviting him to him. Ross But he ordered to refer you to Kavdorsky Tan in a pledge of further benefits. Praise you! By right, you deserve a new title. Banco (aside) how! Did the truth know how to talk? Macbeth But Tang Kavdorsky is alive. I do not understand why rid me in someone else's outfit? Angus who was Tana still lives, but his life will pay, so he is harderly accused. Norwegian is an ally or rebellious accomplice, only he is guilty of state treasure, it came out in it, confessed and dies. Macbeth (aside) Glamor and Kavdorsky Tang! And then the crown! (Ross and Angus.) Thank you for the works. (To the side, bank) Well, how are your hopes, the founder of the dynasty! Indeed, I am Kavdorsky Tan? Banko (to the side, Macbeth) on this foundation you could reimburse the crown. But the spirits of a lie, preparing our death, first the likeness of the truth hurt us to destroy the severity of the consequences. (Refers to Ross and Angus.) Listen ... (Falls.) Macbeth (to the side) Two truths came true, introducing to the foresight of the highest power, the beginning. (Ross and Angus) Thank you, gentlemen! (Aside.) Those supernatural encouragements cannot be anyone or good. They are not a houdoo: in these predictions hid the truth. I am Kavdorsky Tang. They can't be good: otherwise, I wouldn't you give up to you to give up, whom the horror hair pleases me and makes the heart in the rib beat? Imaginary fears are worse than valid. I all Olondnel with the commitment of this murder, and life in front of me is obscured by the fruit of imaginion, not enough. Banko (Ross and Angus) you see how he went to himself. Macbeth (to the side) When fate wants to give the crown, let him give without the help of my. Banko he owes to a new honor to get used to. Her like a dress, you need to crash. Macbeth (to the side) ah, be what will happen! Every day will pass, whatever he accepted turnover. Banko we wait for Macbet worthy. Macbeth Sorry, gentlemen. I remembered the missed. Your lenturn I will write on the pages of the heart that I read daily. Come to the king. (To the side, bank.) In a sustainer, think about the case. There will be time, let's talk about it in souls. Banko (to the side, Macbeth) readily! Macbeth (aside. Banko) And until then a word! We go, friends. Go. 4 Forres scene. Room in the palace. Pipes. Contains Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbine, Lenox and Sweet. Duncan Kaznen Kavdor? Returned upwards, who drove orders? Malcolm No, sovereign. But I was told the witness of the death of Tana that he had repeated in everything, asked for your Majesty forgivers and died with the world. Life he completed more than he lived. He died in the consciousness of the inevitability of the end and with life, as with a toy, said. Duncan This is how deluding the appearance of people! After all, a person I believed it unlimited. Macbet. Banko, Ross and Angus. Horious brother! I would not want to be given ungrateful, but for the flight of the feats of your gratitude not to please. The size of your merit is inconsistently, and there is no award equal. Self for yourself, and do not annoy. Macbeth I am your majesty serve from loyalty to the throne, that's the fee. Being a lord is the cause of the king, the duty of the subject - to be a servant and son and together with the rest of doing everything that is required to honor and love. Duncan welcome Guest! I endured you and I will exalt further. - Great, noble bank! Be no smaller guest in your merit. Give me a lot of me to heart. Banko Items I am root in it, the fruits are all - yours. Duncan me to speak tears do not give me. From the preizestness of joy I cry. Friends, comrades and sons, coming from approximate, know: We are the right to the throne inherit the son of the Senner, Malcolm, who was erected in San Prince Comberland. I will add: along with him, like the brilliance of the stars, there are all worthy honors. Macbeth, we are going to Invernsa to you pledge to fasten our close friendship. Macbeth Watches spent not at you are not a rest, but hard work. So that this joy to heal his wife, I will go forward. Duncan Meka Tang Kavdorsky! Macbeth (to the side) Prince Combander Blocks me the path. I have to fall or step over. About the stars, do not look into the soul to me, such lusts there at the bottom! No matter how talked it, it is still, closing the eyes, to accomplish that it is destined. (It goes.) Duncan You, Banko, right. I do not complain. The brave Macbeth is mine - the feast of the soul and the holiday. Let's go after He rushed forward to cook a meeting at the time. Yes, this is an incomparable person. Go. Scene 5 Inverns. Room in Macbeth Castle. Lady Macbeth enters, reading a letter. Lady Macbeth "I met them in a happy day and made sure that the knowledge of them was immensely. I was not able to ask them in more detail, but they disappeared in the air. While I stood, the people who came seen came from the king, who called me Kavdorsky Tan, exactly "Such as shortly before me, these prophetic sisters, moved to a more distant future with an exclamation:" Praise to you, the future king! "I found a debt to inform you this, dear participant of my celebration, so that by ignorance you did not lose the share of the joy waiting for you. Putting it in my heart and farewell. " Yes, you are glamorsky and Kavdorsky Tan and you will be the fact that Rock Sulil, but too saturated with milk hearty feelings to act. You are full of ambition. But you would like, do not pick up hands, raise and sinlessly. You won't become a cheating in the game, but you will assign dishonest win. And you hesitate not because you are an enemy evil, but because you are afraid to make an evil with your hand. Hurry home! I will begin to be nervously in your ears to the courage and the language will destroy all the obstacles between you and the golden crown, which is assigned to you more than in advance. The servant is included. What do you say? The servant is king towards us. Lady Macbeth what kind of nonsense! Isn't your master with him? Then he would have ordered preparations. The servant Macbeth will now come himself. The messenger said that he overtook him on the road. That's all that melting the messenger and could, so litter. Lady Macbeth Be loved with him. He is with an important news. The servant leaves. From the teeth of the wall about the fatal arrival of Duncan, hoarse crows loudly announced. Here, to me, the villainiest, in me, shave, demons, spirits of darkness! Let the woman dies in me. Let me be full of brutality. Consider the blood of my and block the pity path, so that the voice of the voice did not overster a terrible solution and hardness. Here, to me, the invisible geniuses of murder, and instead of milk, I joy fill the chest. Dressing the smoke of hell, a deaf night, so that the knife did not see the Russian Academy of Sciences, which he will apply, and the sky could not be reminded: "Stop!" Macbeth included. Great Tang Glamles and Kavdorsky, the stock edge is a great thing in front! My letter was transferred to me from the current time, and the whole I am in it. Macbeth love my, Duncan will arrive in the evening. Lady Macbeth When will it believes? Macbeth tomorrow in the morning. Lady Macbeth of this "Tomorrow" will never be. My friend, as in the book, on your face it is easy to read wonderful things. They must be hung. To fool people, be yourself like everyone else. See welcome. It seems to be a flower and be a snake under it. We'll have to take care of Guest. You yourself think to give me how to make it better for us a night matter, so that the rest of the nights all the days reigned undivided we are alone. Macbet Let's talk later. Lady Macbeth But not Roby, try to be as you can cheer and give it all. Go. Scene 6 there. Before the castle of Macbeth. Pipes and torches. Duncan, Malcolm, Donalbine, Banco, Lenox, McDuf, Ross, Angus and Sweet. Duncan in a good location castle. The air is clean, and breathing easily. Banko to the label the nest of Strej. This summer guest swores that the sky is favorably to the shelter. There is no protrusion, a post, angle under the roof, wherever the suspected lullets of these birds would not have. And where they nest, I noticed, - a healthy edge. Lady Macbeth enters. Duncan is a lady and herself! Although love brings us concerns, but we all value it. Here you are and even more appreciate, the more we brought you trouble. Lady Macbeth Double Services, Details are not enough in comparison with the Milosts, the sovereign that you first gave us and shook again. For you we are god molim. Duncan Where is Tang Kavdorsky? We rushed after him to overtake and meet here, but he is a good ride, besides spurs in the way his love for his wife served. So today we are your guests. Lady Macbeth We yourself and the house we consider your property, and we will most like guests in it, and not you. Duncan then let me offer your hand. Drive to my husband. He conquered us. We will distinguish it more and more. Come, lady. Go. Scene 7 Macbeth Castle. Pipes and torches. Includes and cross the scene of the Kravychy and several servants with kushans and dishes. Then includes Macbeth. Macbeth welcome to blow, and the cause would be the end, and from the shoulders of a share! Minutes would not be slow. When all the difficulty was to hide the traces and to achieve good luck, I am 6 here, on this weeks, sacrificed by the accident. But we are waiting for us on Earth. A little life you serve the example of the bloody, she will give you the same lesson. You have a poison in the Cup, and justice brings this poison to your lips. - The king will spend the night under double guard. I am a relative and subject to him, and it makes it difficult to the appearance. Then he is a guest. I would have to have a door in his peace to spoil from attacks, and not to sneak into her with a knife. And finally, Duncan was as a ruler so clean and kind, that the prowess of him, like angels, will be treated about the otch. And in a bore pity there will be a whirlwind, and brings the cloud with a naked baby, and, with this news, the whole world sweeps, floods the seas of his tears. I do not see how I regret myself. As a stitching horse, I will take the desire of the power and falls around, stumbled in the same moment. Lady Macbeth enters. Well how are you? Lady Macbeth He's dinner cums. Why did you come out, getting out of the table? Macbeth he asked me? Lady Macbeth asked, of course. Macbeth will give up the idea. I owe it to everyone. I stand in folk opinion so high that I would like to live a little this kind of glory. Lady Macbeth And what's your dream? Was drunk, did not sleep and sees in black, that the eyes pleased to the hangover? So what is the price of your love? In the worst you dare, and how it came to the case - weak. But compatible, to crave the highest power and your own cowardice to conscious? "And I want to ok," like a cat in the proverb. Macbeth I ask you, silent! Decide all that in human strength. Who dares more, that is not a man. Lady Macbeth So for the Beast that time you made me open your intention? Then you could, and you were a man. The earlier you enter this path, the more you will be. Although neither the time nor the place was coming, you were ready to find them once. The desired case was introduced, and now you retreated! I fed and I know that for happiness to keep the sucking child in my hands. But if I gave such a word as you, - I swear, I broke off my nipples from soft gums and would find strength I, mother, child skull to smoke! Macbeth and suddenly we miss? Lady Macbets slip! TOOT TO RETURN, and we do not miss. Traveling the whole day, Duncan is tired, and only falls asleep, I will send it to the squires both so that they will reconcile the couples in brains, as in distillation cubes. When they, chanting dead sleep, will stretch, like two pork carcasses, which we will not be able to make us together over defenseless? What will it hurt the blame on drunken sleepy servants and pay for murder with them? Macbeth give birth to me only sons. Your spirit is so created to give men to give men! To put the murder of the service of the servant, we will use their daggers on it and evaporate the blood of them themselves. Will they believe? Lady Macbeth would still not believe when we take our loud scream about this death! Macbeth is good, I decide. Readiness all the muscles flooded. Let's go back to the hall and the idea of \u200b\u200bits black I will cover the carelessness of the feigned. Go.

D. Verdi Opera "Macbeth"

The Tenth Opera Verdi has become the staged for him and at that time - the main one. Atypical for the Italian opera plot, baritone in the title role, new principles of singing in individual arias, glowing passions, but not loved, as the audience got used, and the most depth and devilish, which only there is in a person - thirst for power, revenge, envy, hatred. All this together with excellent music allocated "Macbeth" from among the set of operas written by the composer in the 1840s.



baritone tang Glamles, Scottish General
Banco bass general in the Army Duncan
Lady Macbet. soprano macbeth's wife
MacDuf. tenor tang Fayer, Scottish Nobleman
Duncan party without words king Scotland.
Malcolm tenor his son


The action takes place in Scotland and in the Anglo-Scottish border in the middle of the 11th century. Macbeth - the favorite of the King Duncan, having a great influence on him. Witches celebrated by Macbeth returning from the battle are predicted that Macbeth will become Tana Kavdorsky and the king, the descendants of Banko will also become kings. Soon he comes from Duncan that the title of Tana Kavdorsky was assigned to Macbeth's victory in the battle - the prophecy begins to come true. Macbeth's thoughts captured the second part of the prediction - about coming to power. He writes about this Lady Macbeth, which plots the killing of the king, which is inclined and husband. This plan is carried out as only Duncan stays spending the night in the castle of Macbeth - in the morning McDuf finds his confused body.

Macbeth becomes the Scottish king, but he does not give peace of witches that the descendants of the bank should take to the throne. They and his wife decide to kill the bank with the heir to the hands of the mercenaries. The killers will wait for their sacrifice in the park, where he appears with his son. Banko dies, and the boy manages to escape. At this time, Macbeth, as a new King of Scotland, suits the reception for the aristocracy, which is the ghost of Bank. Velmazbi begin to suspect that the new king received the government illegally. MacDuf supports them.

Macbeth again refers to the prediction of the wizards. They warn that he must fear McDufu, but may not be afraid of anyone who is born of a woman, and will also be invulnerable until the Birnam Forest approaches the castle. Macbeth ruthlessly straightens with the macduf family. Out of herself, he rises under the banners of Malcolm, the son of the dead King Duncan, who comes from England for a battle with a bloody Scottish ruler, covering his troops with branches of trees. Lady Macbeth under the nest of the deed go crazy and dies. McDuf pursues Macbeth and kills him - so the last prophecy is fulfilled, because he really was not born, but cut out of his mother's womb.



Interesting Facts

  • Verdi all his life creatively looked at the various plays of Shakespeare. At the beginning of the 40s, he intently studied the plots of "Hamlet" and "storms", in the 60s she snapped the idea of \u200b\u200bKing Lear. In the 50s, he even planned to write opera to all major Shakespeare tragedies. But it turned out that the "Macbeth" appeared, and only after many years, at sunset career - " Othello"And" Falstaff"(On the plays" Heinrich IV "and" Windsor Mocking ").
  • Together with F.M. Piaav Verdi Created another 7 operas: "Ernani", "Two Foskari", "Steffelio", " Rigoletto», « Traviata», « Simon Bokkelagra», « Power of Fate».
  • One of the superbly thoughtful opera scenes is the arrival of the King Duncan in the Macbeth Castle. She passes in complete silence under the sounds of a leisurely march, which composer in the scores noted as "Rustic music".
  • The "third major role" opera after Macbeth and his wife Verdi called the witch party written for three choirs from 6 female votes - 2 from each register. Such an ensemble allowed the composer to express the demonic nature of music.
  • The first lady Macbeth M. Barbieri-Nini, in addition to the Two Foskari and Macbeth, participated in another world premiere of Verdi opera. In 1848, she sang Gulnara in Corsaire.
  • After the Paris premiere, some of the press fell on Verdi - and for a non-music plot, and for not understanding the meaning of the Shakespeare tragedy. The composer was determined to publicly perform in the same newspapers with the justification of its position. "Perhaps I didn't all be expressed in Macbeth, but it's unjustly to say that I do not understand or do not feel Shakespeare," he wrote to the French publisher and publicist Leon Escud. "I love him very much and constantly reread, without getting out of the hands from the earliest youth."
  • On December 7, 1952, La Scala opened the "Macbeth" season, where the party of Lady Macbeth first performed Maria Callas for the first time. Exactly 45 years later, Milan conquered the Russian singer Maria Gulegin.

  • The premiere of the opera came to the period when the liberation movement was gained in Italy. The final choir of Scottish exiles in Macbeth was often the public perceived as a manifesto against tyranny, he became a direct follower of choirs from Nabucco and Lombards, full of regrets of the lost homeland. In the version of 1865, when the risor entrance events approached their completion, the new choir had already turned to human suffering in a broader sense.
  • In the 1840s, Verdi compared his intense work in the 1840s, with difficulty slave on the galleys - for this decade, 13 his operas were written and set up - exactly half of those that he wrote in 54 years old. Among some fairly ordinary and even unsuccessful for verdies there are undoubted achievements, the main of which is " Nabucco"And" Macbeth ".

Popular arias

"Pieta, Rispetto, Amore" - Aria Makbeta (Listen)

"Vieni T'affretta" - Aria Lady Macbeth (Listen)

"AH, LA PATERNA MANO" - Aria McDiff (listen)

History of creation and placements

Create Opera on the tragedy of Shakespeare was a long-time desire of Verdi, and by 1846 he became increasingly thinking about Macbeth. Maestro rewrote in prose the story canvas of the future opera and offered Francesco Maria Piava to write poems. They were not just familiar with the librettist, but they understood each other well, having the experience of creating two joint operas by the shoulders. Piava knew the high demanding of the maestro and sometimes for many times rewriting the scene, seeking their compliance with the composer's plan. In September 1846, Verda sends its macbet arrangement to the co-autorator, writing that this tragedy is the greatest of the people created. He asks for Piava to be concise - verses should briefly express what is happening to achieve the greatest effect. Verdi also notes that in the speech of witches he would like to see strange and original nuances that distinguish them from the rest of the heroes.

Verdi entrusted the execution of the title role to one of the best baritons of those years - Felice Varese. The preserved letters indicate how detailed the composer explained the singer not only the nuances of the music, but all the psychological movements of the hero, working with him almost as a director.

If Shakespeare Lady Macbeth is just a catalyst for maligning her husband, then Verda is a direct instigator and equally - a full participant. Its brilliantly discharged party for dramatic soprano is also important as the title.

Macbeth opened a new page in the Italian opera - it was he who was completed by the final transition from the Belkanto era to the era of realism. Many Key Arias composer did not vocal, but spectative with orchestral accompanomate - such is a monologue of Macbeth before the murder of Duncan, such is the scene of Somnambulism of his spouse. It is not by chance that exactly these two scenes of Verdi considered the key in the entire opera. A similar feed speaks of the author's intention to make an emphasis not on music as such, but on the reliability of characters and accurate transmission of the plot.

The premiere took place in the Florentine Theater "La Pergola" on March 14, 1847. The party of Lady Macbeth performed Marianna Barbieri-Nini, it was her second job at the Verdi Premiere - three years earlier she sang the main female party in the "Two Foscari". After the first execution, despite the warm welcome, the opera was criticized by both specialists and the public - as so, not a single decent tenor party and no love intrigue. At that time, both of these elements in the opera were mandatory. However, Verdi ignored this tradition - he was not interested in a love story, but the study of the psychology of power.

That is why before the postulation of 1848 in Naples, he rejected the idea to invite Lady Macbet outstanding singer E. Tadolini - a beautiful woman with a magnificent voice. The composer was needed by the artist, capable of singing so much how much to implement an unpleasant and evil heroine with a deaf, sharp and gloomy chamb. Verdie was looking for a devil, and not an angel. Such was Barbieri-Nini, but not Tadolini.

In the necrologist on the death of Macbeth, his board is called the "fertile period" (The Fertile Seasons); This metaphor in the ancient Celts meant that they were not starved.

The whole of the Pleiad of English historians and politicians began a campaign on the rehabilitation of the King Macbeth, arguing that he unfairly turned into brilliant William Shakespeare

Every thousand years after the birth of the Scottish King of Macbeth (Macbeth), whose name became a symbol of misfortunes and religious prejudices, high-blast Islanders attempted to remove the killer stamp from him. A group of famous historians - headed by John Beatty (John Beatty) from New York City University, who sleeps and sees to declare this year the Year of Macbeth, "convinced 20 deputies of the Scottish Parliament to start a campaign for recognizing his historical merit. They firmly convinced that Shakespeare created an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bhim as an ambitious and merciless tyrant, who, besides, was "under the heel" of his wife - the notorious Lady Macbeth.

The real Macbeth was not the "killer-butcher and her husband of the Zelokozny Queen," and was the wise ruler of the prosperous United Scotland of the XI century. By the way, he strongly contributed to the spread of Christianity. Shakespeare interpretation of the image of Macbeth - the purest water of the artistic fiction and no more, writes Daily Telegraph.

English historians believe that the legend of Macbeth, which she used Shakespeare in his play was created by Scottish bards. Bards under the cartridge of the clan rival with the Macbet clan, tightened the acts of Macbeth in order to throw the shadow on his whole genus. Is not it?

It is believed that this tragedy of Shakespeare wrote in 1606 wishing to Poland to the then King Yakov (a fan of the theater), the playwright appealed to the plot to the legendary history of Scotland. In the tragedy, the author strongly elevated the nature of the innocently killed bank - ancestor of the ruling monarch from the kind of stearts. Holinsheda Banco was one of the accomplices of Macbeth in the kingubius. Shakespeare - he is the ideal of a man who is faithful to the debt and friends, so that his high moral dignity did from him a bunker for the Tsaruby citizens of Macbeth.

Beyond the lack of genuine facts, Shakespeare enjoys separation from the "antiquity deep" legends. He reads the Chronicles Holinshed (Raphael Holinshed. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. 1577). Holinched, in turn, was based on the SCOTORUM HISTORIEE ledge of the Boeation (in the English version - Boys), which were first printed in Paris in 1526.

Macbeth did not kill the king Duncan (King Duncan) in a dream, as written in the play. He could kill his competitor in the struggle for the throne, but this happened in 1040, in the battle of Pitgaveny (Pitgaveny), they write the current exposurers. In turn, Macbeth was killed in the battle with Duncan's son, Malcolm, in 1057. And in fact? Chronicle keeps silence, where Macbeth killed the Scottish king Duncan.

For its part, the poet ignores such facts: after that Macbet is good rules of the country for many 17 years and no one tried to capture his throne while Macbeth performed a semi-annual pilgrimage in Rome. This is evidence that the situation in his kingdom was stable and Macbeth enjoyed respect to the subjects.

In the necrologist on the death of Macbeth, his board is called the "fertile period" (The Fertile Seasons); This metaphor in the ancient Celts meant that they were not starved. "Macbeth quite successfully ruled the country," said Ted Cowan (Ted Cowan), Professor of History from Glasgo University. - Some of the ancient Scottish clans mentioned Macbeth as the last Great Celtic ruler of Scotland. " Professor James Fraser (James Fraser) from Edinburgh University, believes that it is not proven that Macbeth was Tyran, who ruled the kingdom, where he hated him, as written in the play.

Is it worth a gentleman to break a spear? After all, it is well known, the writer is wave at his own discretion to resort to "poetic liberty". Remember the famous "Nail" Duma Father, to which he "hung his novels." The Richelieu "Three Musketeers" is not an outstanding state husband of France, which he really was. Only the insane gaul will take into the head to document duma dummy. However, the legislators of the XIX century models are zealously taucite their amour to the "simple shepherd" from the village of Domremi.

According to the chronicle, the cruelty of Macbeth against Macduff is motivated by the fact that the latter, breaking his duty, began to be demolished with the enemies of the king. In the tragedy McDuff just refused to appear on the holiday. Holinsheda Macbeth personally goes with an army on a dismissed vassal; In the play, he spreads his innocent family with killers. Shakespeare, it seems, he has seen such a retreat from the source, and at the end of the IV Act Ross tells McDiff on the capture of his castle and about the extermination of all his vassals, which, of course, was impossible for hired killers.

In conclusion, a few words, or rather quotes. Augustus Wilhelm Schlegel in his "lectures on dramatic art and literature" is absolutely sure that Shakespeare wanted to portray an ambitious, but a noble husband who is inferior to the devilish claims; All crimes to which he pushes his desire to ensure that the fruits of their first atrocities will not be erased from his way of printing of born heroism.

To see terribly, as the old brave warrior, straightly looked into the face of death, now, of fear of the afterlife, clings to his earthly existence. And yet, despite the disgust that his atrocities inspire, we cannot refuse him in sympathy. Shakespeare wants to show in his drama that the struggle of good and evil in this world is performed by the will of Providence.

In 1840, in his analysis of the comedy Griboyedov, the Great Russian critic Belinsky so determines the two main nature of this tragedy: "Macbeth Shakespeare - the villain, but the villain with soul deep and the mighty, why he, instead of disgust, initiates participation: you see in him, In which the same victory was the opportunity, as well as drops, and which, with a different direction, could be another person. "

And the second: "Macbeth" - one of the most ... The monstrous works of Shakespeare, where ... it was reflected ... all the barbarism of the century in which he lived. "

As far as these statements deeper than the sizes of the Lord from history. Well, continue to rewrite the Bible, Shakespeare, etc. Flag in your hands!

Piece "Macbeth" Shakespeare was written in 1606, three years after the death of Queen Elizabeth. The work based on one of the stories of Scottish history has become a kind of writer's response to the political situation in England.

For a reader's diary and preparation for the literature lesson, we recommend reading online brief content "Macbeth" on chapters. You can check your knowledge using the test on our website.

main characters

Duncan - King Scottish, wise and fair ruler.

Malcolm, Donalbine - Duncan's sons, direct heirs to the throne.

Macbet - Cousin Duncana, brave commander.

Banco - The faithful friend of Macbet, also a commander.

Lady Macbet. - Macbeth spouse, ambitious and cruel woman.

Other characters

Fleens - Son of Bank.

Sivard - English commander.

MacDuf, Lenox, Ross, Angus - Scottish Velmazby.

Hecate - Lady of the Dark Forces.

Three witches - Evil creatures whose fault has occurred.

Act I.

Scene 1.

On the empty "with zippers, under the thunder", three witches agree to meet at the end of the battle in heather, where they plan to meet Macbeth "before the evening gourd".

Scene 2.

In the camp under Forres, which serves as a residence to King Scottish Duncan, the bloody sergeant arrives. He brings a joyful message - the King's cousin and one of his experienced commander, "Pet of Flood Fame, Kverrets Macbeth," defeated opponents, and their leader McDonald "Torchish in half a slam, and head stuck on the tower."

However, the joy of the brilliant victory of Macbeth lasted for a long time. King Norwegian, a former Duncan ally and his mean traitor, using a convenient case, moved his numerous shelves on the Scots.

However, Macbeth and the second commander of Banco "answered the enemy by a double blow" and defeated the enemy.

The sergeant exists from the loss of blood and belong to the doctor. The King appears Welject Ross and reports about the unconditional surrender of Norwegians: the king of Svenon begs about the truce and offers "ten thousand dollars to hand." Macbeth's impressed by courage, Duncan awards him by the title of a defeated traitor - Kavdorsky Tan.

Scene 3.

Three witches fly to the heather field and boast each other in front of each other perfect evil affairs. Hearing the drum fight, they closed the magic circle three times, thereby imposing the spell on the macbet.

On the road to Forres, these "withers and wild creation" come across the eyes of Banco and Macbeth. Witches greet the commander, and predict McBet the coming coronation. Banko also wants to know his future. The witches respond to him: "You are not a king, but you give birth to kings." There are many pleasures surprised that they predicted the old women.

The royal envoys Angus and Ross will meet the commanders to declare the winners about royal grace. Witch predictions are beginning to come true - Macbeth learns about the assignment of new titles. In his dreams, he already sees himself as a king, but Banko warns a friend from such thoughts that can serve a bad service.

Scene 4.

In the Palace in Church, Malcolm reports to Father on the execution of Kavdorsky Tana. The king thanks Macbeth for a manifested courage, but he modestly answers that the debt of all subjects is to "see love and honor from the sovereign."

Duncan informs the gathered that the son of Malcolm in San Prince Cerberland is eating and officially appoints his successor. Macbeth understands that now Malcolm becomes on his way to the cherished throne.

Scene 5.

In Inverness, in the castle of Macbeth, his spouse receives a letter from which he learns about the prediction of the witches. Realizing that her husband could become a king, and she - Queen, Lady Macbeth appeals to evil spirits, so that they would have nailed her "from head to be fed by villain."

Macbeth arrives in the castle, and after him must come to the king. The spouse of the brave commander asks to rely on it, and the most "flower is innocent to look" when communicating with Duncan.

Scene 6.

Lady Macbet courtesy meets the King of Scottish and his retinue. Duncan asks to get it back to Macbeth.

Scene 7.

In honor of important guests, Macbeth arranges a luxurious feast in his castle. His spouse regrets that it is impossible to "one blow" to make atrocities and thereby confirm the prophecy. She assures her husband in the fact that their plan will work. It is only necessary to drink Duncan and his retinue, but all the blame to dump on stupid servants.

Act II.

Scene 1.

After the Fear of Bank, along with the son of Fleens, go on peace. Having met in the corridor of the castle with Macbeth, he conveys him a diamond - a gift of the king for the "best of the owners."

When Banko with Fleens is removed, a bloody dagger appears before the eyes of Macbeth - "the ominous ghost", which is "only to the outstand, and not hand available."

Scene 2.

As you should drink all the guests, Lady Macbeth sweeps behind the gate of the hall of his spouse, who should commit a crime - to kill Duncan. Soon he comes out shocked by what just made.

Lady Macbeth demands that the spouse immediately returned to the hall and threw the blooded servants when he refuses. Then the decisive woman herself throws the instruments of the crime into anything in no obedy people, and smells them with blood, "so that the evil on them is read."

A knock is heard in the southern gate. The spouses are in a hurry to be flushed to wash off the blood stains and take the appearance of people just woken up.

Scene 3.

The gatekeeper is imparting in the castle of the Royal Help Lenox and McDufu. Lenox tells the master of the castle about the terrible bora, which raged the whole night, and McDuf, meanwhile, go to the king. Soon he runs out and tells the terrible news - the king is killed!

Macbeth and his spouse perfectly play horror. Under the pretexts of Lyuto hate to the "killers" of the king Macbeth challenges servants, who had bloody daggers. In fact, he simply eliminates unnecessary witnesses.

The sons of the killed Duncana - Donalbine and Malcolm - do not trust anyone from those present. They are confident that "feigned sadness is easily given by one liars." For its own security, the brothers decide "fate divided": Malcolm goes to England, and Donalbine - to Ireland.

Scene 4.

Ross discusses with a 70-year-old old events of the last night. Seeing McDufu, he asked who was the king killer. He tells that the crime was committed by jangle Macbeth, which brothers Malcolm and Donalbine bribed, fled in a hurry from the castle.

No one doubts that now "be king Macbeth." Not a bag, he goes to Skon, "To take a crown there."


Scene 1.

Banko suspects that Macbeth became the king of an unclean way. It is soothing only the fact that, according to the prediction of the witches, he will become "father and the root of many kings."

Macbeth is divided into the banks of rumors "On the nephews of bloody", who sow the troubled in the minds of people. Left alone himself with him, the newly new king is accepted to reason. He admits that he is experiencing a deep fear of Banco, which suppresses him. Macbeth hires two killers so that those destroyed his main opponents in the struggle for the throne - Banko and his son Fleens.

Scene 2.

Seeing a sad spouse, Lady Macbeth tries to cheer it up, because the "victory of a penny price", if she does not bring joy. The commander hints to her that a new crime is expected soon.

Scene 3.

To two killers who are entrusted to kill the bank and son, the third villain joins. He admits that he is also sent by Macbeth. They manage to kill Banko, but that in time warns Fleens about the danger, and the young man is hidden from killers.

Scene 4.

On the feast in honor of the new king Lady Macbeth meets high guests. In the meantime, the killers will report to McBet about the task completed: the Twenty-Russian Academy of Sciences on the Head, but the Fleence managed to escape.

Suddenly, the Ghost of Bank appears in front of Macbeth, and he begins to talk to him, thereby scaring his guests. Lady Macbeth is trying to explain the strange behavior of her husband with seizures, who still suffer from childhood.

The ghost disappears, then it appears again, and Macbeth "His undergraduate strange" spoils all the feast. Guests diverge. Macbeth notes that there was no McDufa on the holiday.

Sena V.

In the steppes hekata - the lady of the dark forces - scolds three witches for the fact that those beds "Macbet to introduce a secret" to the secrets of death. The king creates evil for his own mercenary interests, and "does not want to be a servant" of darkness. Hekata decides to correct the embossing of its subjects and prepare a terrible fate Macbeth.

Scene VI

Lenox leads with the Lord Destroy Speech: Welject does not doubt that Macbeth is involved in the death of Duncan and Bank. Lord says that Malcolm settled at the courtyard of the English Kol Edward. Soon the faithful McDuf joined him.

Act iv.

Scene 1.

Round thunder, raging thunderstorm. The cave is three witches and boil the potion in a large boiler, throwing a wide variety of ingredients into it: "Medica's eye, dinner's tail, leather wool, a dog's tooth along with a fifox frog." Hekata thanks witch for the effort and advises them to end the cooking faster - Macbeth is approaching the cave.

The king wishes to get answers to his questions, not from the witches, but from the "senior." Broadcasts are accepted for witchcraft, and soon a ghost appears in the helmet in front of Macbeth. He advises the king to fear McDufu.

The second ghost in the bottom of the bloody baby assures that Macbeth can safely pour blood and drink any laws, because he is invulnerable "for those who are born of a woman."

The third ghost is "a child in the crown, with a branch in hand" - predicts Macbeth a great success, but only until then, "while the Dunxinan Hill in the campaign, the trees will not send trees."

Macbeth is interested in the witches, "Does the Tron of the Power put in the throne" Rod Bank? But those do not give the king exactly the answer.

Scene 2.

In McDufu's castle, the spouse Velmazby is killed about the lack of her husband who left her and children. The little son of McDuf is interested in the mother, whether his father was a traitor, and what he relies for the treason to the king.

Suddenly, a messenger appears in the castle, which asks Ms. to immediately run, "capturing children with him." Following the murderer, killers appear in the hall, one of which challenges the boy. Lady Macduf is trying to hide from the pursuers.

Scene 3.

In the palace of the English king, Malcolm offers McDufu to mourn father, but he wants only one thing - to expose swords and "for the depreciation to hurt." However, the battle for the throne is not included in the plans of the legitimate heir, since he considers himself too unworthy to take the place of his father.

Malcolm lists McDufu all his flavors, and honest noblemanship is not able to accept them. Then Malcolm admits that it was specially deceived to check the loyalty of the servant. He is ready to return to Scotland and fight for the throne.

Ross arrives in England and tells how "Tiran's troops are tightened" - Macbeth is preparing for war. He informs McDufu Sealess news - his wife, children and all servants cruelly killed.

Act V.

Scene 1.

In Dunxinan, the court lady informs the doctor that Lady Macbeth suffers with Lunatism. Together, they are watching the woman with open, but blind eyes with the usual movement of rubs their hands - "she seems to her that she washes them."

Hearing the muttering of Lady Macbeth, the doctor is taken over the pen, "to strengthen to keep" in mind everything she says. So the doctor and the court lady will recognize the terrible secret of Lady Macbeth.

Scene 2.

Scottish Velmazbi is discussed by the rapid approximation to the Birnamy forest of the English forces, headed by McDuf, Malcolm and Sailor. In a conversation, they affect Macbeth: someone considers him crazy, and someone is "insane brass."

Scene 3.

Having learned about the flight of their soldiers, Macbeth comes to rage. However, this does not deliver his self-confidence - the king believes in the prophecy of the ghosts.

It includes white as chalk, servant, and reports that under Dunxinan there are ten thousand beautifully armed Englishmen. Macbeth understands that the coming fight "Ile will raise, Ile crushes" him. He orders the doctor to quickly cure the sick spouse, but he assures that medicine in her case is powerless.

Scene 4.

The British army is near the Birnam Forest. Malcolm gives an orders to a soldier to pour branches and cover them with them to knock off "with a use of intelligence" and do not let them know the exact number of troops.

Scene 5.

Macbeth is not worried about the upcoming siege of the castle. Hearing a female cry, he orders to find out what happened. The servant brings sad news: "Queen died, sovereign." However, Macbeth annoys - the death of the spouse is not at all to the place.

A messenger resorts to the king, and reports that "the forest goes to the castle."

Scene 6.

Before the castle, the English warriors drop off the branches and go to the open battle with the Macbeth's army.

Scene 7.

Macbeth compares himself with a bear, "What is tied to the post, but should fight." He fights the son of the commander of Sivard and kills him in the Swatke. Meanwhile, McDuf is looking for his terrible enemy - Macbeth to take revenge for the death of his family.

Scene 8.

Seeing McDufa, Macbeth asks him to leave because he feels guilty of the death of his wife and children. In anger, McDuf attacks him, but the king just laughs and says he will never kill him "the one who is born". To which noble is gloatingly reports that "carved a knife from a knife from a knife", and kills the king.

McDuf brings Macbeth's head Malcolmu and praises a new king.


The Shakespeare tragedy was designed to emphasize the historical friendship between England and Scotland, and thereby strengthen the Union of the two states. To give the work of special mysticism, the writer led the topic of witches and witchcraft in it, which was very popular in those times.

After familiarization with the brief retelling of MacBeta, we recommend reading the Shakespeare's play in the full version.

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Situation - England and Scotland. Actions time - XI century.

The tragedy begins with a conversation of three witches who are discussing when they come together again - decide to gather "As soon as the battle of the victory of the side of one" will be completed.

In a military camp near Forres, the Scottish king of Duncan listens from the bloody sergeant Joyful news: King's cousin, brave Macbet, defeated the troops of MacDonald and Irish, and he himself killed in martial arts. Ross tells the king that immediately after the victory, the Scottish army has undergone a new attack - the King of Norway (Svenon) and his ally, who changed Duncan, Kavdorsky Tan, moved fresh strength against her. And again Macbeth wins the enemies. Norwegians are forced to pay huge contributions, and Duncan's traitor orders to execute and the title of Kavdorsky Tana convey Macbeth.

In the steppes, three witches are bragged in front of the thunderstorms in front of each other perfect vintage. Macbeth and banks appear in Forres. Broadcasts were expected. They greet Macbeth three times - like Gdamis Tana (this is his hereditary title), then as Tana Kavdorsky and, finally, as the future king. Banko is not frightened by sinister old old, he asks to predict fate and him. Witches are brought three times the praise of the bank - he is not a king, but the ancestor of the kings - and disappear. Honest banknotes are not at all embarrassed by the prediction, the witches, in his opinion, just "earth bubbles". Royal envies of Ross and Angus appear, they hurry the commander to appear before Duncan and congratulate Macbeth with the new title - Tana Kavdorsky. Witch predictions begin to come true. Banko advises Macbeth not to give this importance: the spirits of evil lure people into their networks like the truth. However, Macbeth already dreams about the throne, although the thought of the murder of a generous Duncan who discovering him is the murder of a generous Duncan inspires him disgusting and fear.

In Forres, Duncan with tears of joy welcomes their warlords. He grants his older son Malcolmu title Prince Cherbersel and announces his successor on the throne. The rest will also be shrouded with honors. To make a particularly distinguished Macbeth, the king will stop at night in his castle in Inverbanese. Macbeth is furious - another step Malcolm appeared between him and the throne. He is ready to go for a crime.

In the castle of Macbeth, his wife reads a letter from her husband. She is delighted with his predicted destiny. Yes, Macbeth worthy of any honors and ambition to him do not take, that's just not enough willingness to make a crime for the sake of power. But he is not afraid of evil himself, but only the need to make him his own hand. Well, she is ready to inspire her husband the missing determination! When the ahead of the royal tuple Macbeth appears in the castle, the wife immediately declares him: Duncan should be killed at the only night that he will hold them away. When the king appears in the castle, she has already ready for the murder plan.

Macbeth is ashamed to kill the king's crucible with the Milutions under his blood and afraid of retaliation for such unheard of atrocities, but the thirst for power leaves him. The wife reproaches him in cowardice. There can be no failures: the king is tired, he will quickly fall asleep, and his servants she will lead wine and potion. Duncana should be chopped by their docks, it will take suspicion of the true perpetrators.

PIR completed. Duncan, showering homemade macbet gifts, removed into the bedroom. Macbeth penetrates there after him and committing murder, but his traces have to take a lady Macbeth. Tan himself is too shocked. A ruthless woman laughs at the inappropriate sensitivity of her husband, in the castle goal knocking. This is McDuf, one of the most significant nobles of Scotland. The king ordered him to appear a little light. Macbeth has already managed to change clothes into a night dress and with the view of the kind host accompanies McDufu to the royal rest. The picture, which he, entering, sees, is terrible - Duncan is slaughtered, and the crumpled servants are marked by the blood of Mr. Allegedly in the seizure of the righteous anger Macbeth kills did not have time to come in bed. Their fault has no doubt, except the sons of the murdered, Malcolm and Donalbina. The young men decide to escape from the castle of Macbeth in England and to the Irish, respectively. But Escape makes even a noble McDufa suspect them in involvement in the death of his father. Macbeth elected the new king, who went to the Skon, to take a crown there.

In the royal palace in Forres Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (both royal clothes) are scattered in courts to Banko. Tonight, they give dinner, and the main guest on it - Banko. It is a pity that he should leave on a rusty case, and God forbid if he has time to return to the feast. No matter how unstable Macbeth finds out that the son of Banko Flyens will accompany his father on a trip. Banko leaves. Macbeth is aware that the crude and at the same time reasonable bank is the most dangerous man for him. But worse, that if you believe the wits (but so far their predictions come true!), The childless Macbeth stained himself with a vile crime, because of which he now hated himself, so that the grandchildren of the banks were reigning after him. No, he will fight fate! Macbeth already sent for killers. These are two desperate losers. The king explains to them that Banko is the culprit of all of their misfortunes, and spaces are ready to take revenge, even if they have to die. Macbeth requires them to kill and Floss, son of Bank. "Who began evil, he will wake in it.".

In the park of the killer palace, Banko and Floss, heading for dinner to Macbeth. Embeding at the same time, they overcome the commander, but Banko has time to warn son. The boy saves to take revenge on his father.

Macbeth welcoming his close-up at the table, now the circular bowl is already nanite. Suddenly one of the murderers is, but his news is not too pleased with the king. "The snake is killed, and the snakes are alive," says Macbeth and turns again to the guests. But what is it? The royal place at the table is occupied, the bloody bank is sitting on it! The ghost see only for Macbeth, and guests do not understand who their lord is drawn to angry speeches. Lady Macbeth is in a hurry to explain the strangeness of her husband's disease. Everyone diverges, and soothing Macbeth tells his wife, which suspects McDufa in treason: he did not appear on the royal feast, besides, the diagrams (and their king contains in all homes under the guise of servants) report its "cold feelings". The next morning Macbeth is going to three witches to look deeper into the future, but no matter what they predicted, he will not retreat, for him any means are good.

A racate deity speaks with witches and going to kill him.

Forres. Palace. Lenox is talking to another Lord about the death of Duncan, Banko, their children, McDuf, who also fled to England as well as Malcolm. Macbeth called Tiran.

Macbeth in witch cave. It requires a response from the highest spirits, which can cause disgusting old women for him. And the spirits are. The first warns: "McDufu is beware." The second ghost promises Macbeth that none of the woman born will not overcome him in battle. The third says Macbeth will not be defeated while the Birnamsky Forest will go to the Dunxinan castle. Macbeth delighted with predictions - there is no one and nothing to fear. But he wants to know whether the genus of Bank will reign. Music sounds. Before Macbeth, there are a series of eight kings, eighth holds a mirror in his hand, which reflects the endless series of vendrana in the double crown and with a triple scepter (this is a hint of King of England, Scotland and Ireland - Jacob I Stewart, whose ancestor was just a hem-of-little bank . Bank himself goes the last and with a celebration shows Macbeth with a finger on his great-grandchildren. Suddenly, all - ghosts, witches - disappear. The cave includes Lenoks and reports that McDuf fled to England, where the eldest son of Duncan has already found asylum. Macbeth conceived to kill McDufu and his family. In his castle, Lady McDuf finds out about the flight of her husband. She is confused, Ross explains to her that "prudent it is not fearful." She tries to joke with her son. The boy is unchecked by the years, but the jokes are inconsistent. Unexpectedly, the death race warns Lady McDuf: she needs to flee along with children. A poor woman does not have time to take advantage of the Council - the killer is already in the doorway. The baby is trying to memorize the honor of the Father and the Mother's Life, but the villains are hardened and rushes for trying to escape Lady McDuf.

Meanwhile, in England, McDuf is trying to persuade Malcolm to oppose Tirana Macbeth and save the suffering from Scotland. But the prince does not agree, because the dominion of Macbeth will simply be just a paradise compared to his reign, so he is deposited from nature - a consolidation, Zhaden, cruel. McDuf in despair - nothing will no longer save the unhappy homeland. Malcolm hurries to console him - suspecting the trap, he experienced McDufu. In fact, his quality is not at all such, he is ready to oppose the usurper, and the king of England gives him a big army, which will lead the English commander Sailor, Uncle Prince. Lord Ross, Brother Lady McDuf. He brings terrible leaders: People in Scotland took the weapon, tyranny Nesterpim. Scots are ready to rebel. McDuf learns about the death of his whole family. Even his servants cut the minions of Macbeth. The noble tan is eager for revenge.

Deep night in Dunxinan, the court lady talks with a doctor. She is concerned about the strange queen's disease, something like Lunatism. But Lady Macbeth appears with a candle in his hand. She rubs hands, as if wanting to wash the blood from them, which is not laundered. The meaning of her speeches is dark and frightening. The doctor is recognized in the impotence of his science - the queen needs a confessor.

British troops are already under Dunxinan, Malcolm, McDuf and Uncle Prince Sailor. They are joined by the scottish lords against Macbeth. Mentis, Katnis, Angus, Ross, Lenox. In Dunxinan, Macbeth listens to the news of the approach of the enemy, but what should he be afraid? Does his enemies are not born with women? Or put on a campaign Birnamsky forest? And in the Birnam Forest, Prince Malcolm gives an order to his soldiers: let everyone fade the branch and bears in front of him. This will significantly hide the number of attackers. The castle is the last stronghold of Macbeth, the country no longer recognizes tyrant.

Macbeth already so outlined the soul that the unexpected message about the death of his wife causes him only annoyance - not in time! But here is the messenger with a strange and terrible message - the Birnamsky Forest moved to the castle. Macbeth in rage - he believed in ambiguous predictions! But if he was destined to death, he would die like a warrior, in battle. Macbeth orders to drive the collection of troops. In the thicker, the battles of the battle McBet meets young Sivard, but he does not fear his terrible opponent, boldly comes with him in a duel and die. McDuf has not yet exposed the sword, he is not going to "cut the peasants of the hired", his enemy is only Macbeth himself. And here they are found. Macbeth wants to avoid fighting with McDuf, however, he is not afraid of him, like anyone born of a woman. And then Macbeth learns that McDuf was not born. He was cut out from the maternal womb. Macbeth's rage and despair are endless. But he is not going to give up. Enemies fight to death.

The troops of the legitimate heir to Malcolm won the top. Under unfolded banners he listens to reporting his approximations. Sailor father learns about the death of his son, but when he is told that the young man died from the wound in front - in the forehead, comforts. It is impossible to desire better death. Macduf is included, carrying Macbeth's head. All after him welcome Malcolm shouts: "Long live a Scottish king!" Play pipes. The new Lord announces that it is specifically to reward his supporters, he first introduces the county title for the first time in Scotland. Now you should do urgent matters: to return to the homeland who fled from the tyranny Macbeth and to approximately punish his dear. But the first thing should go to the castle of Skon, so that in it according to the old custom, it is crowned.