Who is a charismatic person. What does "charismatic man" mean? What does a charismatic man look like

Who is a charismatic person. What means
Who is a charismatic person. What does "charismatic man" mean? What does a charismatic man look like

Charisma is a special line of personality, which manifests itself in a pronounced individuality. Charismatic man possesses excellent communication skills.

Such people in most cases become leaders in society. They have a special attractiveness and are capable in a short period of time. find a common languagepractically with any person.

Charismatic people try to imitate, but not always such a trait of character work out on your own. Charisma is a combination of certain personal qualities. How to become a charismatic person? There are several techniques.

What does the word charisma mean?

In the broad sense of charisma is a combination of certain external, psychological and communicative signs.

Charismatic identity I\u003e p.

Such a person has an individual lifestyle, perceived as an example for imitation and is distinguished by the purposefulness in its actions.

Historical values \u200b\u200bof Harizma:

  1. Harita called the goddes of beauty and grace.
  2. in the Old and New Testament of Charisma was considered the "God's gift" or "God's grace".
  3. in the ancient Greek mythology of charisma means the ability of a person to provide a powerful impact on the people around others and attract universal attention to themselves.

What does charismatic person mean?

Charismatic person is what? Charisma has nothing to do with the moral and ethical appearance of a person. Such personal qualities may have a law-abiding citizen and a criminal.

Charisma is a feature of character that helps to master the mind of the public due to the combination of bright appearance and communicative skills.

Such a person may not be beautiful, but bright and attractive will be necessary. Features peculiar to charismatic person:


The most charismatic people of the world - who are they? Charismatic people with world fame can be allocated in numerous areas of activity. For example, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin or Napoleon - are the most bright personalities in history.

These people had the ability to belief, oratory, believed in the success of their ideas and forced society to believe in them.

Contributable Donald Trump You can also call charisma. Charismatic people are among modern actors leading or other representatives of show business. For example, Renata Litvinova or Ivan Okhlobystin.


The concept of "charismatic appearance" does not have a clear definition.

In a broad sense, it represents a certain appearance of a person who attracts the attention of othersand causes positive emotions.

Not necessarily, appearance must be bright.

There are many examples of charismatic people who did not try to attract the attention of clothing, hairstyles or other nuances. For example, Steve Jobsit often wore black turtlenecks that became its specific business card.

Charismatic appearance includes:

  • individual style;
  • the presence of a recognizable accessory;
  • the combination of external originality and inner charisma.

Is this quality congenital or acquired?

Charismatic is congenital human quality, but this nuance does not exclude the possibility of developing charisma with certain techniques.

People who have charismatic nature, do not work on their personal properties. If there is no congenital charisma, Its acquisition is possible only by phased self-improvement and labor-intensive process.


What happens charisma? There are several types of charisma.

On the one hand, this character trait may be congenital or acquired, but basic classification It is carried out according to other signs.

The term "charisma" is complemented by a specific feature of a person who becomes the cause of his recognition and the object of love of the public. It may be kindness, oratory art, appearance, etc.

Views of Harizma:

  • charisma authorita (society is considered with the opinion of a person and believes that it is he who is able to take the right decision or to give the necessary advice);
  • charisma Vizier(Such a person is able to inspire society, make him believe in concrete facts);
  • charisma Focus (such a type of charisma is manifested in the form of a person's ability to focus as much as possible on its person);
  • charisma kindness(A person is associated with society with a source of good and spiritual heat).

Theory of charismatic leadership

Who introduced the concept of a charismatic leader into sociology? In sociology, the concept of charismatic leader has appeared thanks to Maxim Weber. A well-known German sociologist for a long time has studied the personal qualities of people who occupy leadership posts and government members.

When describing the personal qualities of individuals, Weber began to consume the term "charismatic personality".

Sociologist believed that the presidents occupy their posts not only thanks to professional skills and the ability to convince, but also at the expense of their special charisma.

Theory of charismatic leadership:

About charismatic leadership in this video:

How to develop it?

How to raise charisma? An integral part of the development of charisma is self-development. First of all, it is necessary to identify their advantages and disadvantages.

Such character traits will become a kind of basis for the further action plan. The development of charismaticness is long proccesconsisting of certain stages.

In addition, the concept of charisma for men and women may differ. Do not try to work out the skills that are characteristic of the opposite sex.

In most cases, charisma is congenital human quality, but if desired such a line character can be developed independently. This process will not be rapid and implies thorough work on yourself and its behavior.

Some experts offer programsHelping developing certain skills characteristic of charismatic people.

Charismas Development Stages:

  1. Drawing up a new life plan(You can write on a sheet of paper the goals and possible ways to achieve them, the plan will have to be implemented in stages depending on the list of the list).
  2. Mandatory installation on the positive perception of the world (Without this property, the charisma will not work).
  3. Mastering technician improvement of self-assessment, self-control and other personal qualities (Programs are in free access and are drawn up by leading specialists in the field of sociology and psychology).

How to become a more charismatic person? It is not difficult to become a charismatic person to theoretically, but the character of man plays a key role.

If there is a closure, indecisiveness or absence of oratories, then change itself is extremely difficult.

If a man active, smart and confident in their forcesThe work on it will require minimal effort. In order to start changing your character, first of all it is necessary to make a plan of action and allocate the moments that will need to be changed.

You can become a charismatic personality using develop the following qualities:

  • friendly attitude towards others;
  • teaching command tone and work with faithful;
  • accustomed to working capacity and purposefulness;
  • creating an individual image;
  • the development of a certain sphere of activity (it is necessary to become a professional professional).

How to raise charisma in yourself? In most cases, charismatic is needed to create a specific image that will be attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Men charisma most often helps to achieve professional SuccessAnd to succeed at representatives of the fine sex, this quality is used to a lesser extent.

A special role for the development of men's charismaticness plays the level of intellect and some personal qualities.

For development of male charismathe following actions are needed:

  • expansion of the horizons and awareness of world events;
  • possession of speech skills;
  • development of various techniques of communication and tools of impact on the interlocutor;
  • perfect ownership of their profession;
  • and confidence in their forces;
  • the ability to take responsibility and seek goals.

Male charisma. Determine the type of your charisma:

Charismatic girls do not always have an external attractiveness, but due to high self-esteem and a special behavior manner, they able to enjoy success At the opposite sex and cause admiration from the people around.

Women's charisma manifests itself in the form cheerfulness, openness, positive setting and maximum naturalness. To gain charismatics, a fair sex is needed to develop these traits of character.

Women's charity development methods:

  1. and self-confidence (there are many psychological techniques that help develop such traits of character, for example, daily compliments to themselves, focusing only on achievements and their advantages).
  2. Positive attitude to life(This technique implies not only the perception of errors as a certain life experience and focusing on positive moments, but also adjusting the circle of communication, to communicate better with positive and cheerful people).
  3. Development of speech abilities (Domestic training can be carried out with a mirror or close people, in the absence of a result, it is recommended to visit special courses or psychological trainings).

About female charisma in this video:


How to train charisma? Professionals made up a lot of charisma. The formulation of the stages of such programs may differ, but the basis and purpose remain unchanged.

The main purpose of the training is the development of the ability in the literal sense to fascinate people and influence their subconscious.

This effect is achieved due to self-development, but methods for developing certain skills are different.

Composite parts of training Charizma:

  • it is necessary to love themselves with all the advantages and disadvantages;
  • exclusion of self-criticism, excessive attention to the disadvantages of character or appearance;
  • continuous improvement of existing skills (the development of advantages);
  • development of a positive attitude to life;
  • improving self-confidence;
  • expansion of the horizons and improvement of intellectual abilities;
  • development and demonstration of self-control;
  • ability to manage your body (non-verbal signals);
  • creating a comfortable atmosphere around yourself.

For the development of charismaticity, you can use various sources of information.

For example, to increase intellectual abilities it is recommended to use literary publications, Internet sources, as well as cognitive films.

Specialized publications, respiratory gymnastics, relaxation or techniques used in martial arts will help master the psychological techniques of self-control. Good efficiency There are trainings developed for managers (the technique of ordering and its achievement).


There are many exercises for the development of charisma. First of all it is necessary learn to express your thoughts, control emotions and actions.

The charismatic person has social sensitivity (the leader does not impose his opinion, but tactfully does that people begin to believe and act according to his plan).

An important role is played by the ability to feel the mood of the interlocutor. You can only find such quality with the ability to listen to a person and allowing him to express his opinion.

To gain charisma you need to learn:

  • look into the eyes of a man during a conversation. Not having a glance;
  • keep smooth posture and relax the body;
  • copy the gestures of the interlocutor during the conversation;
  • communicate on an equal footing with any interlocutor;
  • be able to laugh at your shortcomings;
  • to duplicate the intonation of a person with which communication occurs;
  • demonstrate the maximum interest in the interlocutor.

Charismatic can be developed independently, but in some cases this process may be complicated by certain features of the character of a person. If it does not work with the situation, you can use the help of specialists (Psychologists, special trainings, self-improvement programs, etc.).

How to become a charismatic person? Tips of the psychologist:

Charisma is the exclusiveness, human talency, special psycho-emotional qualities that allow him to influence other people, to be the leader and lead.

Charismatic leaders change the fate of nations and states, define global events and remain in history forever. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and an endless chain of people captured in history - all this charismatic leaders who could convince millions of people, infect them with their ideas and change the world.

However, not only great leaders and spiritual leaders possess charisma. Among the usual people who did not distinguish between great accomplishments, you can also allocate personalities with strong charisma.

As a rule, they have a greater impact on people than others. They are listening to their advice, they respect them and love. Since all people in general are social creatures, and society and place in it are of great importance for human happiness, charisma owners can be called lucky.

But how to determine the degree of your charisma?

Check for charisma

On the Internet there are quite a lot of tests designed to determine whether a person has a charisma, but many of them seem complete nonsense. Questions like "Do you attract people?" Or "What do you think, could you succeed in politics?" Based on the mercy of a person, and not on the assessment of its emotionality.

I propose to go through the Test of Howard Friedman (Howard Friedman), Professor of Psychology from the University of California. This test checks the test on the quality of the "transmitter" - a person who transfers his emotions and sentiment to other people.

So, in front of you an adapted test of 16 questions from the book of Howard Friedman "Project" Lilietie ": the sensational discoveries made on the basis of a study that lasted almost 100 years."

Emotional expressive test

  1. When I listen to cool music, the body begins to automatically sigher in the tact.
  2. I always try to dress fashionable.
  3. When I laugh, it hears everything in the district.
  4. I always pay attention to the details.
  5. When I spend on the phone, I express my feelings loud and open.
  6. I am always prepared.
  7. Friends often tell me about their problems and ask the Council.
  8. I use lists of affairs.
  9. I try to work on something until I bring to perfection.
  10. People say, a good actor would turn out of me.
  11. I am building plans and follow them.
  12. Sometimes I forget to put food back to the fridge.
  13. I feel great to solve charades.
  14. People usually believe that I am younger than in fact.
  15. At parties, I am always in the thick of people.
  16. When I speak with close friends, I often touch them - I embrace, I pat, put my hand on my shoulder or knee.

Consider your points for answers 1,3,5,7,10,13,15,16. These are really important questions, the others simply complement the test to complicate the conscious selection of answers.

And now the results.

From 0 to 37 points. 25% of people are gaining points in this range. Perhaps you are shy from nature or become so via strict upbringing. Or simply you do not like to attract attention and prefer to spend time alone.

From 38 to 49 points. Most people fall into this category. You can have success in communication, but not at the expense of a natural charm, and at the expense of social skills and mind. You can also use non-verbal techniques, but you will have to use them consciously, and not instinctively, as more charismatic people do.

From 50 to 60.People with such points have natural magnetism. You are an extrovert and a born leader, although there are enemies in your environment, as you stand out from the crowd. Sometimes you feel burdened by the attention and responsibility for our followers.

From 61 to 72.You are one of 5% of the lucky ones who scored such a high score. You are from those people in the presence of which in the room becomes lighter. You can emotionally charge other people and at the same time feel that they are experiencing.

Emotions of people with high scores are transmitted instinctive, even without speech. This confirms the experiment of the same Dr. Friedman.

After creating another test, the content of similar with the above, but consisting of 30 questions, Friedman conducted an experiment to transfer emotions with more and less charismatic people.

A scientist took out several dozen people who received high scores as a result of the test, and several people with the lowest scores. Then he asked all the participants to fill the questionnaire, determining their feelings at the moment: joy, sadness, sadness, anxiety.

After that, Friedman placed participants with high scores into separate rooms and twisted with two participants with low scallers. The participants simply sat together for 2 minutes, could not talk and not even look at each other.

In just 2 minutes without a single word, people with low scallals adopted the mood of participants with high results.

This is a high emotional expressiveness that helps people infect others with their ideas and sentiments even without words. However, this is not everything that is considered to be signs of charisma. Even if it is one of the strongest components, there are at least five signs of a charismatic person.

5 signs of Harizma

Emotional sensitivity

Charismatic people can not only infect their emotions, but also to finely feel the original emotional attitude of other people, as well as to build interaction, relying on this mood. They quickly set emotional contact with people, so another person very soon begins to feel "the only person in the room", and who is not nice to be so?

Emotional control

Charismatic people know how to control their emotions. The emotional state becomes their tool, they use it for their purposes, from which, however, their emotions do not lose sincerity.

Ability to express your thoughts

Almost all charismatic people are good speakers, so they affect the interlocutors not only with the help of emotions, but also with the help of words.

Social sensitivity

Charismatic people feel thinly social interactions, know how to listen and be on the same wave with their interlocutors. Therefore, such people are almost always tactful and attentive to their surroundings.

Self-controlling in communication

This is an important skill of charismatic people who allows them to maintain self-control and grace in communicating with any audience. They can establish emotional contact with any population.

So, up to this point we talked about people, charismatic from nature. And what if your charisma indicators are on average or low? Is it possible to become more charismatic?

Develop Harizm

Before infecting ideas and emotions, you need to light up them yourself

It is impossible to infect other people what you yourself are not sure. Therefore, before infecting other emotions and make self-confidence in them, you need to learn everything yourself.

Stop suppress your emotions. If something pleases something - laugh from the soul, not trying to suppress Hichkanny, and if it grieves - do not make an indifferent face, experience emotion in full.

Of course, not all emotions should be flown on the interlocutors, it is fraught with eccentricity, and it will not add it popularity.

All people want to be brave and positive, not doubt their own strength. If you experience these emotions and openly emit positive and self-confidence, it will be transmitted to the surrounding people.

Proper body language

The position of the body during the conversation, the action of the hands, the Mimica - all this strongly affects the perception of you with other people. Even if your nervousness and uncertainty will notify the consciousness of the interlocutor, the subconscious mind will definitely tell him, it is worth communicating with you or not.

Fortunately, the body language is valid in the opposite direction: if you take a more relaxed pose - you begin to feel more relaxed, if you smile - it becomes a little lighter in the soul.

So follow the position and behavior of your body: do not narrow, even during the most tense conversation, do not pull the items in your hands and do not black your fingers, try to smile more often and do not take closed pos.

Respect the interlocutor and listen to him

If the transfer of the emotional state is not so easy to establish, then learning social sensitivity is much easier. All you need to do is stop considering yourself the most important person in the world and pay attention to the interlocutor.

Play other people is real art. If you listen to another person and interest them, he begins to feel special. I think you should not explain how cool it is cool.

And what do you think you can develop a charisma or this innocent gift, with the absence of which nothing can be done?

What is hiding behind the word Charisma? Is it a character trait, acquired ability, art studied or genetic predisposition? Charisma, what is called this word? A charismatic person is born or did this gift for him have to deserve? Let's deal with.

Origin of the term Charisma

Translated from Greek, the word charisma itself sounds like anointing. This is how people "stand out from the crowd" called the Starin. They possess the right appearance, high risening, leadership qualities of character and other unique features. In the Christian faith, this quality was tied to all saints, but meant it - "Divine Grace".

History has many charismatic personalities, which include: Jesus Christ, Stalin, Hitler, Mother Teresa, etc. Based on the list of great people with charisma, it can be said that this quality may be present in both the holy and tyrana.

What is charisma in psychology?

Charisma on the part of psychology, this recognition of the person (person) by the public. If we speak more of different, then there are people who are capable of leading the masses. They can make without coercion, bowing in front of them, blindly believe each of their words. This gives such people not limited power over people.

Charisma is considered natural personal quality. This is such a "cocktail" from confidence, manners to speak, special energy, sociability that attracts people. There is no special effort to a person with charisma, it does not admire its development.

What is charisma in man?

A person with Charisma is called a nontrivial personality, which has a pronounced individuality. This individual, has any supernatural abilities. It is attractive on ordinary people who stretch to him. Charisma "works" by itself, naturally. It comes from the inside of a person, as an immeasurable natural quality. It can be compared with love and admiration, because people simply follow a charismatic person, without requiring any explanations and evidence.

What is charisma in men?

The man around which the friends, colleagues, representatives of the opposite sex, are constantly "drunk", has charisma. He is trusted as colleagues and higher bosses. It is often coming simply to "charge" with energy, positive emotions, self-confidence. Such an individual, knows how to state his thoughts, is always confident, stands out by leadership qualities, ready to always risk. Choosing such a man with him comfortable, good, warm. She, throughout the time of stay together, again and again admires the qualities of this person.

What is charisma in a woman?

Women with charisma sociologists allocate in a separate group, which is called - a mank. These are not necessarily beautiful, outstanding appearance of a woman. But, their special "glow", confidence, manners, force others to see only her. Usually, such women are not indifferent to others. They will always give advice, will be interested in your life, comfort themselves and pick up the words you need.

Women's Charisma can be described as a combination of personal dignity and behavior that causes respect. Charismatic women, it is positive, purposeful, open, cheerful people who are not always trying to become a leader.


What is charisma

Charisma is A set of certain qualities and features of the human person, which allows you to attract, charming, combine around yourself and inspire other people. In itself, the word "charisma" has an ancient Greek origin and literally translates as a "gift from God" or "gifted by God."

What is charisma - the definition of simple words.

Simple words, charisma is The term, which is customary to call the ability of a person to gain attention and admiration among other people. In fact, currently there is no accurate and unambiguous definition of charisma. The thing is that the charismatic character of a person is not some kind of character quality or personality. In fact, this is a combination of various features and personality abilities, which leads to the fact that surrounding people begin to experience an inexplicable sympathy or craving for such a person.

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to determine which specifically the factors make one or another person more charismatic, through observations it was noted that most of these personalities possess the following qualities:

  • Optimism and positive;
  • Self-confidence;
  • Inner calm and confidence at the right of actions;
  • A tendency to dominate in any situation;
  • Exceptional determination;
  • Sincerity and expressive emotionality in statements;
  • High Communicative and Oratoric Skills;
  • Tall (ability to listen and delve into the essence of other people's problems);
  • Self-dedication and reasonable generosity.

It should be noted that this list of qualities is very conditional, and many great charismatic personalities have not possess all these features of nature. This is the main mystery of the essence of Harizma. The fact is that it is absolutely unclear for what reasons, and what a combination of qualities can make one person incredibly charismatic, and the other is absolutely mediocre.

What else you need to know about Harizme.

First of all, it should be understood that the charismatic person is not necessarily a good person. Here the whole thing is that the possession of high charisma can be inserted to the possession of a highly qualified instrument for managing other people. But the motives, and the true goals of people can be different, and as a person will use his charisma depends on them. So, for example, if Mahatma Gandhi sought to make the world of kind and better, then Adolf Hitler brought the world only the horror of the war, and a bunch of troubles. Although, two of these individuals were incredibly charismatic, as we see, the goals and methods they had absolutely different.

Charisma is a congenital or acquired property?

Oddly enough, but this question also does not have a definite answer. Observations show that elevated charisma deposits can really be a congenital property, but the development of the necessary qualities is the result of a hard work on themselves. Thus, it can be concluded that almost every person, with due efforts, can develop a charismatic person in itself. Of course, that not everyone is able to become great figures and idols of millions, but to raise their position in society at the expense of the charisma is definitely possible.

How to raise charisma.

Frankly, the formation of high charisma is a very long and time-consuming process, built on the individual characteristics of each individual person. And if you want to seriously take up this difficult case, then it is worth contacting more relevant literature and resources on psychology. But still, several simple tips can be brought purely for example.


Try to be a more positive and smiling person. People are not too inclined to sympathize forever sullen and pessimistic personalities. In general, despite its true goals, do everything with a smile and a good mood.


Try to emit confidence in all your actions. Even if you doubt inside, do not show it. People like self-confident personalities, it creates some nutrhea, determination, and wisdom.


Feel free to be persistent, but not an aggressive person. Perseverance suggests that a person knows a price, and it likes to people.

The ability to listen.

Learn to listen to other people. Try to delve into what exactly worries a person when conversation. So you will win his trust and sympathy.

Key your ego and pride.

Try not to protrude your achievements, and do not show excessive egoism. And the egoists do not like people too much. The best option is to be at the level: "slightly higher than the prostacle." So people will be able to feel that you are at the same time "yours" and something higher.


If you start some kind of case, then do it with all the passion and dustiness. Such manifestations infect people with your idea and motivation.


Try to be as honest as possible. Many people can recognize false. Better to keep silent about anything than to frankly sit.


Do not be sick, people do not like greedy. But it does not mean that it is worth being a trans. The surrounding should understand that you do not feel sorry for money on standing things, but at the same time you do not tend to throw money into the wind.

Sense of humor.

Humor is quite often a component of high charisma. A timely released good joke is capable of significantly increase the opinion of a person in the company for the better.

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We often hear: "This person has charisma" or "this is a charismatic person." But what is charisma? What do we mean by this term? Who can be called charismatic person?

If you contact various dictionaries, we will find out: "Charisma is the gift of God; High gifts, personal attraction, identity exception in intellectual, spiritual, or some other respect. " In general, this is a person who has such features and qualities that ensure the worship of it, unconditional trust and faith in its exceptional possibilities that can have an effective impact on people.

The quality of the charisma is not so much acquired, as is given by nature, or by some kind of mystical forces.

The term itself occurred from ancient Greek mythology, in which the Harisians were called the ancient Greek goddesses of beauty, graces and grace.

Modern use in sociology introduced Ernst Trelch. The German sociologist M. Deber gave such a definition: "Charisma is called the quality of the person recognized as an extraordinary, due to which it is estimated as gifted by supernatural, superhuman, specifically special forces and properties that are not available to other people."

Charisma most often occurs in extreme historical conditions. The most famous and generally accepted charismatic personalities are Jesus Christ, Buddha and Mohammed.

On the other hand, the characteristics of the charisma does not depend on the kind of activity and its moral content. Charismatic leader may be holy, and a criminal. So, the famous state and military figures - Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Roosevelt, Churchill, Lenin, Stalin, Mahatma Gandhi, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Martin Luther King - recognized charismatic personality.

The everyday expression "He has Charisma" means that a person produces a strong impression on the surrounding impression, they give up his influence and are ready to follow him. The Harizma phenomenon usually occurs in any groups, sparkling in which people allocate the leader and follow it unconditionally.

But there is another point of view that charisma is not congenital or magical quality of personality, but the result of special behavior that can be learned. Men and women want to have charisma to be successful in his career and personal life. And, despite the fact that experts believe that Charisma is a set of certain qualities of a person laid by nature and education, they offer a number of advice, with the help of which a person can develop charismatic qualities in itself:

  • The ability to listen.
    A person will feel comfortable in communicating with you if he will be allowed to finish his thought.
  • The ability to ask the right questions.
    Your interlocutor will feel comfortable if you ask questions about himself or on the topic heard from him.
  • Ability to make compliments.
    Noting the real advantages of a person, you confirm what he already knows about himself.
  • The ability to establish visual contact.
    Looking into the eyes of a person when communicating with him, you exhibit interest in the interlocutor and demonstrate the lack of fear.
  • The ability to be noticeable to others.
    Entering the room, do everything so that people notice your presence.
  • Skill sincerely smile.
    The smile signals that you are confident and appreciate yourself.
  • The ability to live in harmony with himself.
    People like those who are surrounding.
  • The ability to stand out.
    Do not strive to be like that. People are attracted to those who can stand out from the "gray mass".
  • The ability to express your disagreement with someone else's opinion.
    It is necessary to object and join the dispute with dignity, without transition to personality.
  • Ability to be patient.
    Create people the impression that everything goes as it should, easily and easily.
  • The ability to present yourself.
    Confident gestures, gait, posture signals others that you are ready to meet with any difficulties on your way.
  • The ability to "disappear" for the time from the field of view of people.
    If you are near too much time, then your presence will lose its initial value in the eyes of other people.

And remember that:

"True charisma is the ability to call inside itself the strongest inspiration and externally demonstrate it; This ability makes a person as an object of close attention and unconscious imitation by surrounding "/ Leah Greenfield.

"Charisma is exactly what allows one successful seller to sell five times more of his colleagues working in the same industry, this is the essence of the differences between entrepreneurs, at the doors of which investors are constantly interpreted, and their less lucky colleagues who are forced to be disheveled banks Provide them a loan ... Charisma is useful for the Mother-Domeskin, which needs to raise their own children, influence their teachers or other members of the nearest environment "/ Olivia Fox Cabean.