Who is the devil? Does he exist at all? Who is Satan? History, interesting facts and image.

Who is the devil? Does he exist at all? Who is Satan? History, interesting facts and image.
Who is the devil? Does he exist at all? Who is Satan? History, interesting facts and image.

Between the Lucifer and Satan names there is a difference. Many of them are identified, because in media space they are almost merged. In this article we decided to find both similarities and differences.

In the article:

Lucifer and Satan - what's the difference

The most important difference between these names - age. A much more ancient name that appeared in the pre-Christian era. The exact time its occurrence is unknown, but something researchers can say for sure. In Roman mythology, this name was identified with the morning star, the planet Venus. From the ancient Greek his name, Lucifer., translated as light-touch. It was formed from two words, it - LUX. shine and fero.. nesu, carry. Lucifer, like other names, is a rich history. It, for example, is mentioned even at Virgil, in his famous Aneida:

That sometimes Lucifer climbed the vertices of Ida,
The day withdrawing.

Gustave Dore. Falling rebel angels. 1868.

Here are some rows there an ancient name. And in the time of late Roman Empire, Lucifer becomes not just the name of Venus visible in the mornings, but by the personal name - Praenomen. There is even a holy wearing it - Saint Lucifer, church figure of the fourth century of our era, Bishop Cagliari.

In Christian texts, Lucifer is first mentioned by the Prophet Isaiah, who wrote in Hebrew. But even then it did not carry a negative shade - It was used as a comparison. One of the Cherubimov, which was overthow from heaven, compared with a falling morning star. In general, strictly speaking, Lucifer and Satan began to identify only to the era of the fourth centuries of our era. The fall of Satan compared with the falling morning star. Then these two concepts began to identify. The fact that the Apostle Paul reinforced this comparison with his comment from 2 Cor. 11:14. Satan takes the holy angel - so it says.

What is the point hides this name? Freedom, or thrust for it, an open uprising. Pride and knowledge. Not the most negative sense, right? But the Christian faith perceives them as a believer should not do. Not in vain they call themselves the slaves of God - what then freedom and uprising? It is because of pride, passion for knowledge, Adam and Eve were overthow from Eden.

Satan, Devil, Lucifer - when the first two names of this triumvirate appeared

They began their existence with the advent of the Bible - there is no doubt. At least they are mentioned there for the first time. But, unlike Lucifer, it appears as the name of the nominal and no color, except negative, does not. Initially, it was used as the names of the one who prevents the good and the highest forces. So called ordinary people who did not want to subjugate the will of the Lord. Angel comes with this name only prophet Zakharia. He writes about him, as a prosecutor in the heavenly court.

While you read all this, the question is gravily - as the Lord did not recognize the evil in the angel, whose name is Satan? After all, from the Hebrew it translates as opponent, slander and prosecutor.

Unlike Lucifer, whose name also means and good starts, Satan is only negative. In meaning, it means an opponent of a light man. The one who carries all the evil into the world and lures a person to a murdered path.

If you take the Bible, as a historical source, then the path of Zubiliy Satan, or Lucifer, is simply huge. But everything began with a phenomenon of a devil in the form of a snake that Adam and Eve's artisa. And its analogues are in every religion - in Judaism (which is not surprising), as well as Islam. It is represented as Iquis, the clearest genie, whom the Almighty agreed into the rank of angels. Iblis was Easto believers, but he drunk God, for which he was overthrow. Feel the disobedness thread binds all these names? Let's talk about other Lucifer's names.

What is the real name of Lucifer

We have already mentioned ibis. Is there any other names except Satan, Lucifer? Of course there is, and this list is not so small. Samael, Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Velzevul, Dragon, Ancient Zmiy, Cruel Angel, An Angry Angel, An Angry Spirit from God, the temptist, Prince Besysky, a false spirit, crazy, Father Lie, Man Butter from the beginning. And the most, you can say, ironic nickname - Prince of this world. It hints very thinly on how much humanity is mired in vice and sin.

How to understand this sitmate and answer the question - what is the real name of Lucifer? This question is impossible to give an unequivocal answer. And all because the devil - not a historical figure. This means that it is impossible to find a reliable source. Nowhere to find accurate instructions on the name of Lucifer in fact.

In this case, it is impossible to rely on religious texts. They give too contradictory answers. Some texts say the initial name of Satan - Samael, the poison of God, because he is repeatedly referred to as the service of the Lord. Researchers spend a parallel between this title and the fact that Satan was the prosecutor in the heavenly court. And since he was accused, he could and bring a punishment to execution. Moreover, exactly what Cain was shook, the first killer. Here you can hold an association to another name of the Great Enemy - man bike from start. After all, it was he who pushed Cain to kill his brother, Abel.

Russian family, confessing Satanism, called Son - Lucifer

But this confirmation cannot be thoroughly relying. All because her opponents will be able to bring other evidence. Religious texts for which confirmation is looking for, very ancient. They translated several times, passed from hand to hand, and translator translating. The fact that the ancient interpreters were mistaken in the comparison of the fall of Satan with a falling Morning Star - this is just one of the many errors. The banal human factor has led to the fact that it is almost impossible to get to the truth now.

In general, the difference between the names of Satan and Lucifer is huge, both in historical terms and in terms of meaning. But he has one common thing. - liberalism, open riot against the slavery of the Lord. In general, this connection is traced between all the names of the devil, in which culture it would not appear. Disobedience, the desire of freedom, the rules.

The name "Satan" comes from the Hebrew Word, meaning "oppose". In the early books of the Old Testament, recorded before the Babylonian captivity (i.e., before the VI century, BC), the word SATAN is used in the meaning of the opponent. In the episode, telling about the journey of Valaam, the Angel of the Lord "became ... on the road to prevent (Satan) to him" (Numbers. 22:22). Wherein the word Satan did not necessarily relate to the supernatural enemy. So, the Philistines refused to accept the help of David, fearing that in battle he would move towards the enemy and become their SATAN, that is, the opponent (1 Tsar. 29: 4).

The word "Satan" in a more familiar value appears in two later fragments written after the Babylonian captivity. Here Satan (Satan) is an angel belonging to the surround of Jehovah and acting as a prosecutor of the sinners before God. In the book of the Prophet Zechariah, approximately the dating end of the VI century BC. e., the vision is described in which the High Priest Jesus appears before the court of God. On the right hand from Jesus stands Satan, "to counteract him", that is, to act as a prosecutor. In this fragment, only a hint that Satan belongs to its task is too jealous:

God reproaches him for trying to blame the righteous person (Zeh. 3: 1-2).

In the first two chapters of the Book of Job, created at about a hundred years later than the book of the Prophet Zechariah, Satan still remains the prosecutor of the sinners, but here his malignancy is already quite obvious.

It is told about how the sons of God, and among them Satan, appear before Jehovah. Satan reports that "walked on the ground and walked around her," and, according to the author of the author, these words were to be called ominous: after all, in the functions of Satan, it was obviously a search for unrighteous people. Then Jehovah praises Job as a sinless and god-fearing person; Satan also objects to this that IOVA is not difficult to be a giba-fearing, for he is happy and rich. As a test, Jehovah allows Satan to kill children and servants of Job and destroy his cattle. However, despite all these disasters, Job refuses to curse God, the philosophically stating: "The Lord gave, the Lord took; yes there will be the name of the Lord blessed!" But Satan, not satisfied with this, causally advises Jehovah: "... the skin is behind the skin, and for the life I will give my man all that he has; but for his hand to your hand and touch his bone and flesh, - does he bless you?" Jehovah allows Satan to hit Job to Razozoy, but Job remains faithful to the Lord.

William Blake. Satan creates the troubles of Job

In this episode, Satan shows a solid determination to undermine the faith of Job in God and acts as a direct artist Kar, who collapsed on Job. However, it acts in complete agreement with the indication of God and, it seems to perform a useful function. He seeks to open the sinfulness, from nature inherent to any person. But later, apparently, because of such a fierce zeal of Satan, God contacted no less than people. In the 1st book of Enoch, who did not enter the Old Testament, but had an impact on early Christians, a whole category appears - Satan, who are not allowed to heaven at all. Enoch hears the voice of Archangel Faowila, "who distinguishes Satan and forbidding them to appear before the Lord and accuse the inhabitants of the Earth." In the same book, the "punishing angels" appear to be identical to Satanam. Enoch sees how they prepare tools for the execution of the "kings and the Lord of the Earth of this, in order to destroy them."

Based on this idea of \u200b\u200ban inexorable angel, accusing and punishing people, a medieval and modern Christian image of the devil developed over time. When the Old Testament was first transferred to the Greek language, the word "SATAN" was handed over as "Diabolos" - "Prosecutor", with a tint of the meaning of the "false prosecutor", "discharge", "slander"; From this word and the name "Devil" arose.

Late Jewish authors for the delimitation of kind and evil began and represented Jehovah absolutely good God. Jehovah's deeds in some biblical episodes seemed completely incredible to them, and therefore were attributed to a certain evil angel. The first version of the story about how David calculated the people of Israel and thus brought to the Israelites of God's Kara, contained in the 2nd book of kingdoms (24: 1), which is dated to the beginning of the 7th century BC. e. Here, the idea of \u200b\u200bholding a census inspires David Jehovah himself. But retelling the same episode in the 1st book Paralypomenon, author of the IV century BC. e. shifts responsibility for this act from God to Satan:

"And Satan rebelled on Israel, and put David to make the Israelis numbers" (1 pairs. 21: 1). This is the only in the original text of the Old Testament the case of using the word "SATAN" as a name of its own.

In even later Jewish texts and in Christian teaching, the image of Satan is becoming more distinct. Satan is gradually gaining strength, turning into a great opponent of God and man and almost (but not to the end) leaving the power of the Lord. Many wondered why Satan is originally useful, although a rather unpleasant servant Jehovah, "in the end, the grace of the Lord is deprived of the mercy and becomes his enemy. One of the possible answers to this question gives a legend of so-called keepers, the grain of which is contained in the Book of Genesis. When the human race was multiplied on the ground, "the sons of God saw the daughters of human, that they were beautiful, and they took their wives, which someone elected." In those days, "were gone on Earth", and children who gave birth to human daughter angels, were "strong, sincerversion of glorious people." Perhaps this fragment only served as an explanation of the legends about the ancient giants and heroes; However, volunteer or unwittingly, the next verse tied him to the acceleration of evil on Earth: "and saw the Lord that the great corruption of people on earth and that all the thoughts and thinking of their hearts were evil at any time." That is why God decided to arrange a great flood and exterminate humanity (Gen. 6: 1-5).

Several alluses on this story can be found in other books of the Old Testament, but the first complete (albeit later) version appears only in the 1st book of Enha, in fragments relating, apparently to the II century BC. s. "And it happened that when the human genus was multiplied, they began to be born in those days in people's daughters were beautiful and beautiful. And the angels, the sons of the sky, saw them and walked them, and said to each other: let's go, choose wives among the daughters of human, And let them give us children. " These angels belonged to the rank of keepers who do not seek sleep. The leader was either a family day, or, according to other fragments, azazel. Two hundred keepers descended on the ground - on the Marmon mountain. There they took their wives "and began to enter into them and indulge with them." They taught their wives with sorcery and magic, and also handed them knowledge about the healing properties of plants. Azazel taught men to make weapons - swords, knives, shields. In addition, he introduced people with the vicious art of cosmetics.

Mortals began to give birth to children's keepers - mighty gigids, which eventually ate all stocks of food. "And when people could no longer feed them, the giggles turned against them and drank humanity, and they began to indulge in sin with birds and beasts, reptiles and fish, and devour each other's flesh, and drink blood."

Then God sent Archangel Rafail to conclude Azazel in the desert until the day of the terrible trial, on which he will be convicted of eternal flame.

The remaining keepers were forced to look at how angels kill their children. Then God ordered Archangel Mikhail to sow the keepers and sharpen them in the gorges of the Earth up to the day, when they are plunged into the fiery abyss of eternal flour. The demons were out of the bodies of the dead gigners and settled on the ground, where they live and still, sow everywhere evil and destruction.

In one fragment, it is sympathetically assumed that a sin, perfect by the angels, was not explained not so much as much as the thirst for family comfort, which, unlike people, the celersmen were deprived. This is the first hint of the above-established legend of the envy, which some angels began to nourish. God tells the angels that they are not given wives and children, as they are immortal and do not need to continue. But in the later epoch, the idea that evil, bloodshed and the forbidden arts appeared on earth due to the fact that a monstrous crime against the laws of nature was committed. The carnivie Union of Angelic, the Divine began with mortal, human, gave rise to monsters - gointers. It is possible that medieval beliefs about sexual relations between witches and the devil have arisen on the basis of the keepers. And, in essence, all this legend turns out to be a devilish parody of the major Mystery of the Christian faith - the Mystery of the descent of God to the death woman and the birth of the Savior.

Some Fathers of the Church, including Augustine Blessed, rejected the legend of the keepers and tied the origin of evil with the uprising of the Supreme Archangel, who rebelled against God, Histiped Pride.

Confirmation of this version they found in the famous fragment from the book of the Prophet Isaiah, in fact, representing the prophecy about the deplorable fate of the Tsar Babylonian:

Lucifer - Dennica Dawn.

"As you fell from the sky, Dennica, the son of the dawn! I broke about the land. Pretched peoples. And he spoke in his heart: to go down on the sky, above the stars of God, the throne will take the throne and sit on the mountain in the premium of the gods, on the edge of the north; and go up on the height Cloud, I will be similar to the Almighty. But you are overthrown in hell, in the depths of the underworld "(Is. 14: 12-15).

So the Christian legend was born about the attempt of the devil to be equal to the God and about the expulsion of the rebel from heaven. Such a version of the answer to the question why the earlyBibli Satan-Prosecutor lost the mercy of Jehovah, turned out to be particularly successful, because he agreed with the trend of Late Idudist and Christian authors to raise the initial status of Satan hardly to the position of an independent deity. At the same time, it was argued that before the fall, the rebellious Archangel was named Dennica, and after the fall began to be called Satan.

A quoted fragment from the book of the Prophet Isaiah is associated, perhaps with a legend of the beautiful morning star inhabited in Eden in Eden, clothed in sparkling gems and bright light. Hatwaped insane pride, he kept challenging God himself. "Dennica, Son Dawn" in the Hebrew Original sounded like Helly Ben Shahar, that is, "Day Star, Son Dawn."

Ancient Jews, Arabs, Greeks and Romans identified the morning star (Planet Venus) with the male deity. In Greek, it was called "phosphoros" (phosphorus), and in Latin - "Lucifer" (Lucifer); Both of these names mean "light-header". The hypothesis was expressed that the legend of Lucifer is based on the fact that the morning star is the last of the stars visible at dawn. She seems to challenge the upward sun, because of what a legend has arisen about the rebellion of the morning star and he has fallen.

The legends of the Lucifer and the custodians connect the origin of evil with the fall of celestials who bred to the sin of pride or lust and convicts for punishment in hell. These two legends naturally united:

Keepers began to be considered minions of Lucifer. Hints for such a interpretation are already contained in the 1st book of Enha. In one of the fragments, it says that the keepers were seduced by Satanov, who were shot down with the path of true and led to the path of sin; In another place azazel, the leader of the angels-apostates, is described as a "star, falling from the sky" to the I century n. e. Lucifer, Satan and Keepers united in the framework of a single legend, to which the Edemsky history was added. In the 2nd book, Enha says that Archangel Satanal tried to become like God and seduced the keepers to rebel along with him. They were all expelled from heaven, and Satanal, wanting to revenge God, Jesil Eve in Eden. According to the apocryphate text "The Life of Adam and Eve" ("Vita Adae et Evae"), Satan was expelled from the Song of Angels due to the fact that he had disappeared and did not wish to worship Adam. Mikhail told him that God was angry at him for this, but Satan replied: "If he becomes angry with me, then I will put the throne above the stars of heaven and I will be similar to the highest." Having learned about this, God Lfweight Satan and his adherents to Earth, and Satan was seduced by Eve. Here the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shower of the devil sin of pride is combined with the legend of the envy of the angels to a person.

In the book Being there is no single hint that the snakes, the tempting of Eve, was the devil; However, Christian authors, as a rule, argue that it was either a messenger of the devil, or the devil himself in Circassia. On this basis, Saint Paul has developed a fundamental Christian dogma, consisting in the fact that the Falls of Adam originated all the subsequent generations of people in the power of the devil and eluded them to sins and; But then God sent his son to Earth to free people from this punishment. If Adam, disobeying God, made people mortals, then Christ, voluntarily adopted, granted people a life eternal: "As in Adam everyone dying, so in Christ everyone will come to life" (1 Cor. 15:22).

Jesus and his disciples obviously believed that The devil has power over the world of sim - Or, at least over a worldly fuss, luxury and pride. In the Gospel of Matthew tells about how the devil, the silent of Christ in the desert, showed him "all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them" and uttered the words, which were then formed the basis of Satanism: "... all this will give you if the paddhs worship me "(Matt. 4: 8-9). In a parallel episode of the Gospel of Luke, the devil especially negotiates that he was given power over all the kingdoms of this world:

"You will give you the power over all the so-old kingdoms and the glory of them, for it is predicted to me, and I want to give it" (Luka 4: 6). Jesus calls the devil "Prince of this world" (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11), and Saint Paul - "God's God of this" (2 Cor. 4: 4). Gnostics later interpreted these fragments on their own ways: they argued that the devil rules the world of Sim because he made him, whereas God is alien to a person and far from what is happening on Earth.

Another late trend in the formation of the image of the devil was to identify it with Leviathan - a monstrous pristine dragon or snake, who once called Jehovah to fight. Isaiah says God will amaze "Leviafan, straight running, and Leviathan, bending" (Is. 27: 1). It is possible that the legend of the victory of Jehovah over Leviathan is connected with the Babylonian and Canaan myths. In Babylon, annually celebrated the victory of God Marduk over the Great Tiamat, who tried to overthrow the gods and take their place. In the Canaan myth, Waal kills the sea dragon Lofan (ITN), or Leviafan:

"When you struck Leviafan, slippery, (and) put an end to the silent, Tyran of the seminal ..." *.

In the revelation of John Leviathan and the Devil - the opponents of God who earned the harsh kara, they identify each other. It is a huge dragon about seven heads. The tail is counted from the sky. The third part of the stars and lowers them to the ground. "And the war occurred in the sky: Mikhail and Angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and the angels were fighting him against them, but did not resist, and there was no place for them in the sky. And the Great Dragon, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satanoy, who seduces the whole Universe, is overthrown on the ground, and his angels are overtaken with him. " Then a triumphant voice is heard from the sky: "... Liberate to the slander of our brethren, slandering them before God, our day and night." And this voice hurts the mountain living on Earth, "because the devil came to you in a strong rage, knowing that he didn't have much time" (Rev. 12: 3-12).
In this grand vision, almost all the main motives of the late Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe devil are combined: "Satan", accusing people before God; War in heaven, in which the Lord is headed by Arkhangel Mikhail; Lfolfation of Dennica Lucifer from heaven; Fallen angels (fallen stars) - His minions; Seven-headed Leviathan Dragon; And finally, faith in the fact that the vengeful rage of the devil fell on the ground. It was not quite clear whether the devil description was related to the episode with the Eden Snake, but many generations of Christians who read this fragment of the Book of Revelation, almost certainly identified "Ancient Zmia" with the temptist of Eve.

It was Christians who alive the devil, almost equalizing him with the rights with God.

Convinced in the impeccable goodness of God, they nevertheless felt the frightening proximity of the great supernatural enemy, the quintessence of all world evil. The decline of the Devil Catholics began to explain to the sin of pride; This version has become orthodox and remains so to this day.

In the Middle Ages and at the dawn of the New Time, the devil almost for every Christian remained frightly real and relatives. He appeared in folk fairy tales, theatrical productions and Christmas pantomimes; The priests, now and then remembered him in their sermons; An ominous look he watched parishioners from church frescoes and stained glass windows. And his minions were everywhere - invisible for ordinary mortals, omniscient, evil and insidious.

Evil in its own way attractively, and the greater force the devil was endowed with the imagination of people, the more attractive this image was becoming attractive.

The devil, as well as God, was usually depicted in the guise of a person, and in the uprising of the High Archangel against God, Christians did not last believed because this legend touched upon some hidden strings of the human heart. Lucifer was perceived as a rebellious man, and pride, oddly enough, seemed a more worthy cause of the fall of angels, rather than lusting the keepers. As a result, the image of the devil acquired romantic traits. In the "lost paradise" of Milton, this greatest from the rebels appears as a fearless, volitional decisive rebellion, who did not want to be bowed before superior to his strength and did not respen even after the defeat. Such a powerful image brought up admiration. Given how magnificent and grandiose were the devilish pride and power, it is not surprising that in some people a worse was awakened to worship the devil, and not God.

People who worship the devil do not consider him evil. That supernatural being, which in Christianity acts as an enemy, for Satanist is a good and merciful God. However, the word "kind" in relation to the devil in the lips of his adherents differs in meaning from the traditional Christian understanding. From the point of view of Satanist, the fact that Christians consider good, in fact - evil, and vice versa. True, the attitude to good and evil at Satanist is the weight of the weight dual: for example, it is experiencing a perverse pleasure from the consciousness that he creates evil, but at the same time I am convinced that his actions are actually righteous.

The worship of the devil as a kind to God naturally entails faith in the fact that the Christian God-Father, the Old Testament Lord, was and remains an evil, hostile man, who drinks the truth and morality. In the developed forms of the Satanian cult, Jesus Christ also believes as an evil entity, although in the past sects accused of devil-coat, not always shared this opinion.

Arriving that God-Father and God-son, the creators of the Jewish and Christian morality, in fact, are carriers of evil, Satanists, of course, come to the denial of the entire Jewish-Christian moral law and based on it rules of conduct. Adherents of the devil are extremely concerned about sensual pleasures and worldly successes. They strive for power and self-affirmation, satisfaction of the carnal desires and sensory passions, to violence and cruelty. Christian piety with his virtues of self-denial, humility, spiritual purity and immateriality seems to be lifeless, flexible and sluggish. They are ready to repeat from the bottom of our hearts: "You won, about pale Galilean, - and the world has lost their paints from your breath."

In Satanism, as in all forms of magic, any actions traditionally condemned as vicious, highly appreciated for their special psychological and mystical effects. According to devil-coatrons, it is possible to achieve perfection and divine bliss, for example, by ecstasy, in which participants in sexual orgy (often involving perverted sex, homosexuality, masochism, and sometimes cannibalism). Since the Christian Church (especially Roman Catholic) is perceived as a disgusting sect of adherents of an evil deity, then it is necessary to parody and face her rites. Thus, Satanists do not simply express their devotion to the devil, but also transfer to Satan, which is concluded in Christian rites.

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    The name "Satan" comes from the Hebrew Word, meaning "oppose". In the early books of the Old Testament, recorded before the Babylonian captivity (i.e., before the VI century, BC), the word SATAN is used in the meaning of the opponent. In the episode, telling about the journey of Valaam, the Angel of the Lord "became ... on the road to prevent (Satan) to him" (Numbers. 22:22). At the same time, the word SATAN is not at all ...

"Who is the devil?"- The attitude to this question directly affects our life!

The content of the post:
- first introduction,
- then briefly approved theses,
- Then a detailed explanation with reference to sources.


inscription entitled:
"Hellish funny"

Constantly see how modern television tears us to the fact that the devil is some semi comic characterwho wants to take possession of the human soul but a man is always enough for him just wins (as, for example, in the film "Konstantin" or "blinded by desires"). Or the devil, like a dental fairy does not exist.

BUT deal's devil, and he wants us to seriously relate to himIn order to resist his tricks less.


Devil (Satan) - The fallen angel, whom God Schurd from the sky because he, focused on, wanted to take the place of God.

The devil is not equal to God forces. God allows Satan to be on Earth until the day of the court, when he is devoted to eternal punishment along with those who became on his side (these are other fallen angels and people who have not reconciled with God during their earthly life). The outcome is predetermined by the prophecy of the Bible.

At the moment, the devil is trying to harm people so that they as a result also begone with God. The devil can not do more than he is allowed by God.

Detailed explanation with reference to sources

The devil is a creature that tells usBible , therefore, to figure out who he is, we explore this question inBible.

1. In the Old Testament of the Bible "The devil" is called "Satan", which means "enemy" (the enemy of God and his people).

Here are some places from the Bible confirming this:

"AND rebelled Satan on Israel, and opened David to do The number of Israelis" (Bible, 1 Paraliamentary Book 21: 1) / God was unagnain, so that David did it.

In another book, the Bible says: " And he showed me Jesus, the Great Ierie, standing in front of the Angel Lord, and satanstanding on his right hand it to counteract him. And the Lord Satan said: the Lord will forbid you, Satan, may Lord forbid you, who won Jerusalem! Is he headed from fire?" (Bible, Book of the Prophet Zechariah 3: 1,2) / We see that God may ban Satan /.

Satan (Devil) - Fallen Angel, who has been ingenected, wanting to be the same as God, for which he was improved from the sky:

"In the underworld, the pride of yours with all the noise of yours; Under you, the worm is littered, and worms - your cover. As you fell from the sky, Dennica, son dawn! crashed about the land, poured peoples. And he spoke in his heart: "Walking on the sky, above the stars of God, I will cast the throne and sit down on the mountain in the gym of the gods, on the edge of the north; go up on the height of the cloud, I will be similar to the Almighty "." (Bible, the book of the Prophet Isaiah 14: 11-14)

Jesus in the New Testament explains that here it is about Satan: " He told them: I saw Satan, discarded from the sky, like zipper " (Bible, Gospel from Luke 10:18).

And in revelation repeats: "And the Great Dragon, the ancient serpent, called devil and Satanoywho seduces the whole universe, is lowered to the ground, and his angels are overtaken with him "(Bible, Revelation Book 12: 9)

Also, the devil is called "Apollion", which means "Destroyer":
"By his king, she had angel abyss; His name in Jewish Avaddon, and in Greek Apollion" (Bible, Revelation Book 9:11).

2. Who did not see a movie or a cartoon where the devil is shown as the ruler of hell, but in the Bible it says that he "Prince of this world" and "God of this world" (We are talking about the current world of living people) / Personally, I wondered: how did the devil be displayed everywhere by the ruler of hell, and in the Bible, which is the original source, says not at all? ". What do you say?)) People often give out the desired for valid /:

"Now the court to the world; now prince of the world of this expense will be"(Bible, Gospel from John 12:31),"I already talk a little with you; because it goes prince of this worldand I have nothing in me "(Bible, Gospel from John 14:30),"On the court, that prince of this world convicted" (Bible, Gospel from John 16:11),

"For non-believers who have god of century this blinded mindsSo that the light of the glory of Christ is not excited for them, which is the image of God invisible "(Bible, 2 Message to Corinthians.4: 4),"In which you once lived, on the custom of the world of this, by will prince, dominant in the air, the Spirit, which is currently operating in the sons of opponent" (Bible, Message to Ephesians 2: 2),"We know that we are from God and that the whole world lies in evil"(Bible, 1 Message to John 5:19).

If you compare with some film, I would compare with the matrix. In it, the Agent Smith looks like a devil. Smith tried to capture every person, but he was stopped as well as the devil stopped.

3. When I read in the Bible that the devil is the father of lies, everything fell into place! He always wants to deceive everyone, and the biggest deception that he promotes: "At the end of life, we will not give God a report for our lives. After death, there will be a second chance. Those who with the devil will be with him in his kingdom - in hell where allegedly even better than in paradise. The devil does not exist, like all the spiritual. " But this is a lie! In fact, everyone at the end of the earthly life will give a report to God for his life, it will be judged and there will be no one chance! The devil is real and will be punished with his followers!

Jesus says to people who do not believe in it: "Your father is a devil; and you want to fulfill your father's father. He was a man from the beginning and did not resist in truth, because there is no truth in it. When he says a lie, says his own, because he is a liar and Father Lie" (Bible, Gospel from John 8:44).

I soothes the fact that the Bible is a prophetic book, and the fate of the devil is predicted: "The Dvil, who sedired them, entrusted to the lake fiery and sulfur, where the beast and false prophet, and will suffer the day and night in the eyelids." (Bible, Book of Revelation 20:10).

4. Knowing everything that is written, I do not have illusions regarding the devil. The Bible shows us the devil, as a cruel false opponent, who seeks to destroy all the good, oppresent God. BUTthink that he is stupid and assertist, like a barbarian, misleading, because like the father of all liars and swells, the devil is sophisticated in the art of deception and can take the appearance of an angel of the world, issuing evil for good,

If God is kind, why so much evil in the world?

Cosmonauts, who seen land with orbit, tell what beautiful, calm and majestic it looks. Can something bad on such a beautiful planet occur? But, barely returned to the ground, they understand that there is not all so safe here!

Wars are going, tears and blood flow. Every day we hear the news of new terrible events. This has become so habitual that we are not very worried - until it affects us yourself!

Have you ever wondered why good people suffer on a par with bad? Why are innocents become victims of crime and violence? Why do good people have so hard, and evil enjoy life? Why do innocent people die because of the fault of a drunk driver, and he himself gets off with light bruises?

Planet Earth torchim earthquakes, floods, fires and other disasters! The number of freaks and orphans has increased. Millions of earthlings are starving and do not have roofs above their heads. And the hearts of people are tormented by the question: "If God is so kind, why so much evil in the world?"

Is the reason only in God? And maybe there is another force that opposes the Lord? How is this power called? Where does it start? What does it do? Eternally will there be an end to her?

Only the Bible answers all these questions.

Is there Satan?

Yes, indeed, in the universe there are opposing forces! It is the forces of good and power of evil, the forces of the Heaven and the forces of hell. God is not hanging in evil, curly on the planet Earth! God is the Creator of Love and Blessings. Hate and suffering gave rise to Satan. Let us turn for confirmation to the Bible: "God is love" (1 John 4: 8). "I love you eternally loved you, and therefore sketching for you my favor" (Jeremiah 31: 3). God's love eternal! God never changes!

The Bible gives a characteristic and devil: "He was a man from the beginning and did not resist in truth, because there is no truth in it; When he says a lie, says his own, for he is a liar and Father Lie "(John 8:44).

We are in the center of the cosmic drama - conflict between the authorities and lawlessness, between the Creator and Satan, the fallen angel.

We are not spectators, but participants in action, because they are involved in this fight - we want it or not.

Believing that Satan is just a myth or phenomenon, we stay fully unprepared to a meeting with a reasonable being, which he is actually. Apostle John in Revelation 12:12 Encourages us: "Mount living on Earth ... Because the devil came up to you in a strong rage, knowing that he remains a lot of time."

Ap. Peter compares him with a fantastic lion: "Sober, awake, because your opponent is walking like a roaring lion, looking for whom to absorb" (1 Peter 5: 8).

Is God the creator of Satan?

We need to know: who is Satan, what is the creature and where did it come from? Jesus himself gives an answer to this question:

"I saw Satan, declining from the sky" (Luke 10:18).

The devil died in the sky! Incredible, but this is a fact! Holy Scripture reveals us the most tragic story. Satan, or Lucifer ("light-pointed"), as his name was before, was a wonderful and powerful heavenly angel. So why did he betray sin?

Lucifer occupied the highest position among the heavenly angels. "You were anointed cherub, to autumn, and I put you on that; You were on the Holy Mountain of God, walked among the firebed stones. You were perfect in your ways from the date of your creation, did not have any lawlessness in you ... From your beauty, your heart was a bit, from your vanity you would destroy your wisdom "(Ezekiel 28: 14-17).

This beautiful and wise angel wasveling the glory and respect belonging to only God. He longed for power. This created Angel wanted to manage the universe instead of the Creator!

"And he spoke in his heart:" To go down on the sky, above the stars of God, I will cast my throne, and sit on the mountain in the Song of the gods, on the edge of the north; Walking on the height of the cloud, I will be similar to the Most High "(Isaiah 14: 13-14).

Shortly before that, Lucifer began to spread the spirit of discontent among angels. He began to conquer to destroy love and justice, with the help of which the Lord ruled the universe!

How did our world be prone to sin?

Planet Earth has just left the hands of the Creator in all its magnificence and perfection. The perfect world and in it two perfect people - Adam and Eve, whom God gave dominion over this world. Watching the first pair in their genuine love and perfect joy, Satan conceived to introduce them in doubt and indignation against God.

God told Adam and Eva about his difficulty with Satan and warned from his tricks.

Created with free will and freedom of choice, they were free to choose: to love God and follow him or ignore his instructions. Their loyalty required tests.

God placed a special tree in the midst of Paradise and gave the following indication and warning: "And from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, do not eat from him; For the day, in which you taste from him, death will die "(Genesis 2:17).

People could have fruits from all trees in a huge garden - except for one. And the requirement was not difficult. Human faith, love, loyalty and obedience were inspected by such a simple agent.

Most of all the person is vulnerable when it is caught by surprise. That is what happened to the first people. Satan used his supernatural power to fool them. Prince of Darkness is not always suitable open, and, acting with flattery and cunning, he seduced the first pair. Having disappointing God, they lost all: happiness, perfect love, communication with God, his home and dominion above the ground.

Free person or slave?

Reading the third head of the Book of Genesis, we wonder: "Why did God, know about the danger of the fall, allowed Satan to tempt a man?"

He made it, wanting a man to love him with all his mind and consciously answered his love. Before the first people on Earth there was a choice: to listen to God or succumb to the flattest words of the tempter? What will they escape? The whole universe watched, holding his breath.

And they made a choice, alas, not in favor of good. If God had given a man a difficult test, one could doubt his intention. The easiest of the ban did the sin of the great. Sins, Adam and Eva lost the dominion given to them, and Satan became the "prince of this world" (John 12:31). And to today, he is constantly tempting a person who has become a slave of his own sin.

Since then, everything has come true: diseases, quarrels, confusion, despair, fear, death. After the fall, God came Adam and said: "The earth is cursed for you; With sorrow you will eat from her in all the days of your life. Turning and the wolf creates you ... In the sweat of your face you will have bread, the dock will not return to the ground from which you are taken; For dust you, and in dust come back "(Genesis 3: 17-19).

They could not withstand God's tests. From the owners, they turned into slaves: "Don't you know what you give yourself to slaves for obedience, that you are slaves ..." (Romans 6:16).

Why did God immediately destroy the devil?

Before the uprising of Lucifer against God did not exist a lie, deception. The idea that you can say a lie, never appeared among the angels. When Lucifer began to accuse God, slander on him, other angels could not understand that this was a sin. For the sake of them, the Lord could not destroy the first sinner without showing the very severity of his sin.

God could say that Satan is a deceiver, a liar, the thief, the destroyer and the killer. But the angels created by the Lord should have understood it. The creator determined the time in which the evil should have revealed itself to the end.

His hatred of God Satan showed at the birth of Jesus, affecting the jealous mind of King Herod, encouraging him to destroy the baby in Bethlehem. But Irodu seemed little to deprive the life of one Jesus, he betrayed the death of many babies under the age of two years. This is the handwriting of Satan: hatred, malice, violence, murder ... But the plan of Satan failed: Christ was alive.

Satan does not calm down and continues to look for a convenient moment for his black business. After baptism, the devil, masking under the angel of heaven, approached the wilderness to Christ. Satan could receive an eternal legacy on earth if he managed at least in something to prevent Christ to fulfill his mission to rescue sinful people. But Christ won over all temptations.

A defeated Satan retired, but not long. He returned - followed by Calvary. All his strength was aimed at preventing Christ to restore dominion, lost by man. It was for a person the last chance of survival.

In the end, Satan managed with the help of betrayal to betray Christ in the hands of the bloodthirsty crowd, and he died on Calvary. God gave his son, and the Son gave his life to change our fate with you. Contemporary Calvary Cross, the whole universe saw that Satan was a source of lies and human bike. His essence was revealed, when he led to the death of the innocent Son of God. The cross revealed to everyone and the other truth: Christ is the Savior of our world.

About his death on the cross, which brought the salvation to people, Jesus said: "Now the court of the world is; Now the prince of this world will be expelled; And when I will be ascended from the earth, everyone will attract to himself. Sie said he, giving to intelligence, what death he would die "(John 12: 31-32).

Satan directs all the efforts to exterminate those for whom Jesus took death in the Calval Cross, and Christ died for everyone: "For God alone, the world was loved, that he gave his son of his own, so that he believed in him, did not die, but had eternal life "(John 3:16). The Word of God says: "A devil came up to you in a strong rage, knowing that there is not much time he remains" (Revelation 12:12).

Great hatred of Satan to God, his followers and every righteous law. Without having droplets of love and compassion, he causes a person to endure physical, mental and mental torments.

But God is stronger than Satan - he won. And he gives us assurance: "For I - the Lord God is yours; I keep you for your right hand, I tell you: "Do not be afraid, I help you" (Isaiah 41:13).

To reflect all the attacks of Satan, it is necessary for power, she is hidden in God. You can ask him about help in simple words, for example, as follows: "Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the victory that the Son of God won over Satan in this world. I thank you for the promise that Jesus gives me a victory over the devil and sinful my life. I thank you you hear my prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen".

Thinking out loud:

The source of good is God: "God is love" (1 John 4: 8).

The source of evil is Satan: "He was human bike from the beginning and did not stand in truth, because there is no truth in it; When he says a lie, says his own, for he is a liar and Father Lie "(John 8:44).

The origin of evil happened in the sky: "And the war occurred in the sky: Mikhail and Angels were fighting against the dragon, and the dragon and the angels fought him against them" (Revelation 12: 7). Christ said: "I saw Satan, discarded from the sky" (Luke 10:18).

The reason for the fall of Lucifer is pride: "Your heart has been burned from your beauty" (Ezekiel 28:17).

The devil introduced in the sin of the first people on earth. He is looking for his sacrifices today: "Sober, awake, because your opponent is walking like a fusing lion, looking for whom to absorb" (1 Peter 5: 8).

"Who is the devil?"- The attitude to this question directly affects our life!

The content of the post:
- first introduction,
- then briefly approved theses,
- Then a detailed explanation with reference to sources.


inscription entitled:
"Hellish funny"

Constantly see how modern television tears us to the fact that the devil is some semi comic characterwho wants to take possession of the human soul but a man is always enough for him just wins (as, for example, in the film "Konstantin" or "blinded by desires"). Or the devil, like a dental fairy does not exist.

BUT deal's devil, and he wants us to seriously relate to himIn order to resist his tricks less.


Devil (Satan) - The fallen angel, whom God Schurd from the sky because he, focused on, wanted to take the place of God.

The devil is not equal to God forces. God allows Satan to be on Earth until the day of the court, when he is devoted to eternal punishment along with those who became on his side (these are other fallen angels and people who have not reconciled with God during their earthly life). The outcome is predetermined by the prophecy of the Bible.

At the moment, the devil is trying to harm people so that they as a result also begone with God. The devil can not do more than he is allowed by God.

Detailed explanation with reference to sources

The devil is a creature that tells us , therefore, to figure out who he is, we explore this question in .

1. In the Old Testament of the Bible "The devil" is called "Satan", which means "enemy" (the enemy of God and his people).

Here are some places from the Bible confirming this:

"AND rebelled Satan on Israel, and opened David to do The number of Israelis" (Bible, 1 Paraliamentary Book 21: 1) / God was unagnain, so that David did it.

In another book, the Bible says: " And he showed me Jesus, the Great Ierie, standing in front of the Angel Lord, and satanstanding on his right hand it to counteract him. And the Lord Satan said: the Lord will forbid you, Satan, may Lord forbid you, who won Jerusalem! Is he headed from fire?" (Bible, Book of the Prophet Zechariah 3: 1,2) / We see that God may ban Satan /.

Satan (Devil) - Fallen Angel, who has been ingenected, wanting to be the same as God, for which he was improved from the sky:

"In the underworld, the pride of yours with all the noise of yours; Under you, the worm is littered, and worms - your cover. As you fell from the sky, Dennica, son dawn! crashed about the land, poured peoples. And he spoke in his heart: "Walking on the sky, above the stars of God, I will cast the throne and sit down on the mountain in the gym of the gods, on the edge of the north; go up on the height of the cloud, I will be similar to the Almighty "." (Bible, the book of the Prophet Isaiah 14: 11-14)

Jesus in the New Testament explains that here it is about Satan: " He told them: I saw Satan, discarded from the sky, like zipper " (Bible, Gospel from Luke 10:18).

And in revelation repeats: "And the Great Dragon, the ancient serpent, called devil and Satanoywho seduces the whole universe, is lowered to the ground, and his angels are overtaken with him "(Bible, Revelation Book 12: 9)

Also, the devil is called "Apollion", which means "Destroyer":
"By his king, she had angel abyss; His name in Jewish Avaddon, and in Greek Apollion" (Bible, Revelation Book 9:11).

2. Who did not see a movie or a cartoon where the devil is shown as the ruler of hell, but in the Bible it says that he "Prince of this world" and "God of this world" (We are talking about the current world of living people) / Personally, I wondered: how did the devil be displayed everywhere by the ruler of hell, and in the Bible, which is the original source, says not at all? ". What do you say?)) People often give out the desired for valid /:

"Now the court to the world; now prince of the world of this expense will be"(Bible, Gospel from John 12:31),"I already talk a little with you; because it goes prince of this worldand I have nothing in me "(Bible, Gospel from John 14:30),"On the court, that prince of this world convicted" (Bible, Gospel from John 16:11),

"For non-believers who have god of century this blinded mindsSo that the light of the glory of Christ is not excited for them, which is the image of God invisible "(Bible, 2 Message to Corinthians.4: 4),"In which you once lived, on the custom of the world of this, by will prince, dominant in the air, the Spirit, which is currently operating in the sons of opponent" (Bible, Message to Ephesians 2: 2),"We know that we are from God and that the whole world lies in evil"(Bible, 1 Message to John 5:19).

If you compare with some film, I would compare with the matrix. In it, the Agent Smith looks like a devil. Smith tried to capture every person, but he was stopped as well as the devil stopped.

3. When I read in the Bible that the devil is the father of lies, everything fell into place! He always wants to deceive everyone, and the biggest deception that he promotes: "At the end of life, we will not give God a report for our lives. After death, there will be a second chance. Those who with the devil will be with him in his kingdom - in hell where allegedly even better than in paradise. The devil does not exist, like all the spiritual. " But this is a lie! In fact, everyone at the end of the earthly life will give a report to God for his life, it will be judged and there will be no one chance! The devil is real and will be punished with his followers!

Jesus says to people who do not believe in it: "Your father is a devil; and you want to fulfill your father's father. He was a man from the beginning and did not resist in truth, because there is no truth in it. When he says a lie, says his own, because he is a liar and Father Lie" (Bible, Gospel from John 8:44).

I soothes the fact that the Bible is a prophetic book, and the fate of the devil is predicted: "The Dvil, who sedired them, entrusted to the lake fiery and sulfur, where the beast and false prophet, and will suffer the day and night in the eyelids." (Bible, Book of Revelation 20:10).

4. Knowing everything that is written, I do not have illusions regarding the devil. The Bible shows us the devil, as a cruel false opponent, who seeks to destroy all the good, oppresent God. BUTthink that he is stupid and assertist, like a barbarian, misleading, because like the father of all liars and swells, the devil is sophisticated in the art of deception and can take the appearance of an angel of the world, issuing evil for good,