Who are Skywokes? What happened to Lucky Skywalker in the "Recent Jedi"? Explanation of Luke Skywalker Biography.

Who are Skywokes? What happened to Lucky Skywalker in the
Who are Skywokes? What happened to Lucky Skywalker in the "Recent Jedi"? Explanation of Luke Skywalker Biography.

Tatooin grown on the stubborn planet, Luke Skywalker was the adoptive son of a married couple of farmers. Fate fits him into a long journey and, overcoming unthinkable tests and survived a deep personal tragedy, he eventually becomes a real Jedi knight and the hero of the Union of the rebels.

Luke's childhood passed on his uncle and aunt, Owen and I take Lars. Luke had a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bhis origin - he knew only that his father was a hero who died in the war of clones - but there was a gloomy mystery behind it, which he still had to learn. Working on the uncle's farm, Luke dreamed of becoming a pilot and desperately sought to enter the Academy, where his friend Biggs Darklyer had already studied. But Uncle Luke, Owen Lars, constantly kept him, not holidaying from the farm.

Fate knocks on the door of the house of Skywalker's house in the guise of two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. So the adventures begin, which more than once experiencing his bravery and devotion to the light side of the force, helping him to know himself.

Luke passes the tests that would be tested for durability for any of the mortals: it takes responsibility for the destruction of the super-weapon of the empire, the star of death, takes the lesson of patience and wisdom from iodine, Mentor Knights Jedi; He has to choose between the completion of learning or an attempt to save the captured friends; He faces a terrifying truth about the fate of his father, and at the same moment he has to make a decision, which way to accept. And finally, he ventures the incredible risk, going straight into his hands to his enemies, hoping that in the depths of the dark soul of one of the most terrible villains of the Galaxy, there was still a little kindness.

In the end "Star Wars: the last Jedi" Luke Skywalker dies, whom 40 years later executed Mark Hamill again.

IN "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" Skywalker did not appear on the screen until the last seconds of the film. Everything he did in the final was turned around and removed his hood, and then looked at the light sword for a long time. Rey. He does not even say a word! The scene, no doubt, is one of the biggest "teasers" in the history of the movie, and she forced fans to discuss what would happen when he returns to the episode VIII.

What happened?

IN "LAST JEDAYAH"we learned that Luke went to exile after his student and nephew Ben Solo turned to the dark side and destroyed the Jedi Temple. Although it was a Snoak, who poisoned the heart of Ben, Luke accused himself that he created Kaylo Rena. In the film, we learn how deeply it wounded it. When Rei comes to ask him about helping in the battle with the first Order, he refuses, and when she asks him to teach her strength, he says: "Jedi's time to put an end".

However, in the finals of ribbons, the hatch still uses power to distract the attention of the first order and give a chance to escape resistance. The moment with Kylo Renom became a swivel in the film. Their fight is not similar to any battle on light swords that were in "Star Wars". It was tense, although not so spectacular, but its completion cannot be not called spectacular. The new Supreme Leader understands that the former teacher deceived him, but it was already late - the enemy flew away.

Luke is an illusion projected by force through the galaxy. Also previously communicated Rei and Kaylo. Skywalker uses a blue light sword, and not green that he stayed after "Jedi's Return". After the "battle" with a nephew, the hatch comes out of meditation and simply disappears.

Mirny care

Due to the fact that Luke, who fought with Kaylo, is simply an astral projection, what happens next will certainly be the fact that fans will be discussed for a long time. After the illusion of the hatch disappears, the film returns to Ah, to the real hatch. To project your image on the whole galaxy, the hatch used strength, focusing all its energy at the other end.

He looks with a serene and encouraging expression on his face, looking at the sunset - and sees the sunset of two suns, reminder to him Tatoo. When the hatch is watching the horizon, he slowly disappears, leaving only clothes, and his robe blows away the wind.

Unity with power

When the hatch with horror looked like Darth Vader killed Obi-Vana Kenobi, he was shocked, seeing the body of the old Jedi just disappeared. But, as we have already learned, those Jedi, who are in the balance sheet, when dying and are associated with force, can save their vital energy and still communicate with alive after death. The first Jedi, who studied this ability, was Qui-Gon Ginn, although his studies began only after he had already died, so he returned as a voice, and not a ghost of strength.

It was Kuai-Gon, who then taught Yoda and Obi-Vana this technique, and when they died, they were able to appear in the form of ghosts of strength, communicating with Lyuk. Luke seems to have also learned this. Most likely, we will see him in the form of a ghost of power in the future.

"Long ago, in a distant-distant galaxy ..."

So begins every film of the legendary fantastic epic of George Lucas "Star Wars". The center of the Space Opera Events, where the light forces join the fight against dark, nominated Knight-Jedi Luke Skywalker. The young man was destined to one of the main roles in the victory of the uprising and revival of the Jedi Order.

History of creation

The Space Opera, which, as a result, in eight films, the American director was conceived in the mid-1970s. Inspiration for literary work served as a picture of Akira Kurosava "Hidden Fortress". The Japanese film became the basis for the creation of plot lines, as well as the concepts of the chief characters of the "Star Wars". According to Lucas, in his work, he was repelled from the "dune" Frank Herbert.

The story of "New Hope", shown through the adventures of the whole place of the heroes, turned into a phenomenon of mass culture: fiction lovers, except for the main artistic performances, received animated TV series and cartoons, book publications, including comic journals. Gamers bought video games, and children - toys in the form of characters fucked by Lucas.

The original trilogy of "Star Wars" includes:

  • "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope "(1977)
  • "Star Wars. The Empire shall cause a response "(1980)
  • "Star Wars. Jedi's Return "(1983)

At the end of the Millennium, the light saw the trilogy of the beds:

  • "Star Wars. Episode I: Hidden Threat "(1999)
  • "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack "(2002)
  • "Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of Sith "(2005)
  • "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (2015)
  • "Star Wars. Episode VIII: the last Jedi "(the premiere is scheduled at the end of 2017)
  • "Star Wars: Episode IX" (expected in 2019)

The ribbons already released on the screens unites one feature - all nominated for the Oscar Award, but so far the cherished statuette has only the first two films.


At the heart of the plot of "Star Wars" there are events in a distant galaxy, inhabited by a variety of creatures, where everything is subordinate to the confrontation of light and dark forces. The inhabitants of the fictional universe serve droid robots that help in everyday affairs. Traveling in space between the planets for residents of the Galaxy is in the order of things.

The detail of spiritual and mystical character is the so-called force - the energy field, which is created by living beings and permeates everything around, communicating into a single whole.

But a strong connection with force from birth is not all. The same who was lucky, possess unusual abilities, for example, own telecision, can control the mind, predict the future. Such lucky people are divided into two groups: Jedi (stand on the light side of the strength) and Sith (antagonists).

One of the main positive heroes of the Fantasy George Lucas Luke Skywalker jokes to the ranks of the Jedi, playing a key role in the Galactic Civil War, victory over the Galactic Empire and overthrow Sitchov.

Biography Luca Skywoker

Luke was born together with his twin lei sister in the medical center asteroid asset time during, when the old Republic disappeared and the empire was formed, and the Jedi was destroyed. Mother died immediately after childbirth. Luke Skywalker Anakin, known as Lord Sitchov, shortly before the events switched to Stront Evil. Friends of the Jedi Yoda family and Obi-Wang Kenobi decided to divide the children and hide from enemies.

Luke rose under the guardianship of the uncle and aunt on the desert planet Tatooin, since childhood dreaming to leave their native fenats to get behind the wheel of the spacecraft. The boy until time did not guessed his origin and destination.

Life cool changed when two R2-D2 and C-3PO droids were found in the hands of the uncle with the drawings of the Empire's secret weapon called "Stars of Death". Imperial attack aircraft in the search for documents fell to Tatuene and killed the relatives of the young man. Luke went to the dangerous path to the rebels to give them a super-arrangement drawings.

In this dangerous journey, the young Skywalker under the leadership of Kenobi and Master Yoda learned the azam use of force, met with members of the uprising and his native sister of the princess ledy organ. And Obi-Wang Kenobi contributed to the fact that the young man joined the ranks of the rebels.

Once a member of the insurgent alliance, the hero, together with Lei and Solo, fought against the despotic regime, participated in several battles with the forces of the Empire, who headed Darth Vader. Lord Sith has long hunted Skywalker. As a result, the son fell into the trap, arranged in a cloud city, where a duel was held between Luke and Vader. During the battle on the light swords, Darth left his son without a hand and opened him a mystery of birth.

The fatal battle happened when Vader brought the hatch to the emperor Palpatin. Together they tried to convince the young Jedi to go to the dark side of power. However, Skywalle managed to defeat his father and even awaken bright feelings. In the fight, the young man refused to fulfill the order of the emperor to kill Vader. The Dark Knight dropped the Lord of the Empire into the mine and he died from a deadly wound, but before accepted the redemption and again became Anakin Skywalker again.

After the victory of the uprising, Luke built a new temple and the Jedi Academy, was going to revive the harp of those who stand on the bright side of power. But after the betrayal of the nephew and the student Ben Solo, who preferred the camp of the dark side and destroyed the entire academy, the hero went to unauthorized expulsion.

In the next episodes, Luke Skywalker will again be released on the forefront. According to preliminary comments of the creators of paintings, the character of the character will strengthen and become more hard.

Luke fell in love with a member of the opposing side of Mar Jade, who later became a companion, and then the wife of Skywalker and gave him the son of Ben. After the marriage marriage, Mara devoted the life to the new Order of the Jedi.

Image, strength and ability

The low young man (Luke Doros is just up to 172 cm) from early childhood was distinguished by irrepressible dreamence and twist in the clouds. Over the years, this has been supplied with recklessness, impatience and impulsivity. The young man did not know how to lie at all. Over time learned to patience and restraint, wisdom came. The environment noted that he is not a gentle by age. Skywalker responded to any request for help, even if it shifts his trouble on him.

The character easily learned the skill of fighting on light swords. Sword Luke Skywalker, who got from his father, had a blue color - the shade was associated with jedy guards. Together with hand, losing weapons, Luke collected a new sword, only with a green blade. Usually such swords belonged to scientists, diplomats and speakers.

Skywalker - owner of a strong connection with force. Kenobi learned the young team to manage it and obtain information about the world around. Luke began to feel the approach of his father, independently revealed the secrets of telekinez and began to use the opened opportunities, later I have learned the secrets of influence on the minds of enemies. With the help of power, even made an incredible - destroyed the "star of death".

Actors and roles

In the cinema, the image of Knight-Jedi brilliantly embodied. The same actor will delight the audience with its presence in the expected tapes 2017 and 2019. Khan Solo played, and lei organ.

The character of Luke Obi-Wang Kenobi handed over Alec Guinness. A doll, which made a master of iodine, presented the voice of Frank Oz, he also managed the design. The role of the main anthonist Darth Vader was departed by David Abusive.

  • The total part of the "Star Wars" managed to collect $ 7.5 billion. Such dizzying commercial success was ascended by the Sagu in the third place in the list of the most cash "multi-metering" films in the history of cinema.
  • "Star Wars" may have come to the screen under a different name. Film company "20th Century Fox" did not like the name of the future tape, and among the members of the film crew announced a competition. However, no one dared to go against the idea of \u200b\u200bthe screenwriter and director.

Actors of saga about "star wars"
  • The image of Luca Skywalker did not give rest to the author. At first, George Lucas was going to create a girl-Jedi. Then he thought that it would be nice to make the main character of the gnome, and later visited the idea to turn the character in the elderly General. The name of the Jedi received and at all in the midst of the filming - in the scenario, the hatch was treated as Starkiller.
  • A funny episode is associated with the shooting of the cosmic opera. Planet Tatinun, where the hatch grew, is called the city of the same name in Tunisia. In the same country, a large-scale film was filmed. One day, a conflict of an international scale once happened: the Government of Libya was concerned about the abundance of military equipment at the border and was even going to declare universal mobilization. The authorities of Tunisia appealed to the creators of the picture to move to the center of the state, so as not to embarrass the neighbors.


Cult Saga is rich in life advice. Especially distinguished iodine - his phrases are filled with wisdom. But the quotes of other heroes fans of star saga remember for life.

"There is always a fish anymore."
"Fear will lead to the dark side. Fear gives rise to anger; Anger gives rise to hatred; Hate - the pledge of suffering. "
"When you reach 900 years old, also not young you will look like you."
"Good luck is a chance supported by knowledge."
"Your weakness is in self-confidence.
- And your weakness is faith in friends. "
"Slices of my life scattered storm before I received a chance to collect them together. And every missing piece, which I find, completely changes the picture. "


The farmer-moisture manner who did not know his parents, who at the age of 18 became the Savior of the insurgent alliance. He freed the princess leu from the "Star of Death", after which he destroyed this huge space station in the battle of Javin. Three years later, he led the troops of the rebels into a desperate attack during the battle for hot, and then threatened his life and his future Jedi to save his friends from the Imperials in a cloud city. He also developed a plan for saving Khan Solo from Jabb Hatta. However, the greatest achievement of Luke is that he convinced his father to turn away from the dark side. This feat laid an end to the terrible rule of the emperor and allowed Anakin Skywalle to be restored in the world.

Race: human.

Height: 1.72 meters.

Planet: Tatooin.

Affiliation: Alliance.

First appearance: "New Hope".

Full biography

Past Luke, unlike many of his friends, surprisingly well investigated. The son of Anakina Skywalker, who later became the cruel Darth Vader, the hatch was ruled with his mother and the twin sister immediately after birth. To protect children, Obi-Vanobi entrusted Luke Owen and Berie Lars, Tatutinian farmers-moisturizers, and Sister Luke, Leia, became a reception of the daughter of the Alderanian Senator Baila organs. The next 18 years of Luke worked on a moisture repair farm, not suspecting her origin, nor about the true father or the existence of the sister.

Already in the early years, Luke became an experimental pilot, training at his Hopper T-16 in the cunning canyon of the beggar on Tatooin, where he knocked the VOMP rats from para-gallerizers. He quickly made friends with Biggs Darklight meter and a group of young people, which included a tank (Tank), a fixer (Fixer), Camie (Camie), Windows (WindY) and Dick (Deak). Friends spent together a lot of time at Tosche Station in Anchorchide. Biggs and Tank eventually broke out from Tatooin and enrolled in the Academy - Luke could only dream that she would leave the deserted planet.

However, when he was 18, his life had a radically changed after a meeting with C-3PO and R2-D2 droids. The latter kept the latter with an excellent princess, who was looking for Obi-Vana Kenobi, a powerful knight of Jedi, a famous hatch in the image of a crazy hermit of an old Ben. In the house of Ben, Luke learned that his father was a Jedi Knight, who betrayed and killed Darth Vader. Ben also gave a hatch of Anakina's light sword and suggested to go to the mission to Alderan. Luke refused, not wanting to refuse his obligations to Owen and take.

Unfortunately, returning home, Luke discovered that his receiving aunt and uncle were killed by attack aircraft who were looking for R2-D2 and C-3PO. Luke realized that the fate itself led him to Kenobi, so that he had taught him to handle his strength. Two people and two droids agreed to travel to Alderaana on board "Millennial Falcon", a starship belonging to the smuggler Khan Solo and Vuki Chubakka. However, when they arrived at the destination, they found that Alderaan was destroyed by a huge imperial combat station, a "star of death".

After capturing the "falcon" IMERSKY troops, Luke risked several times his life, saving the princess leu. Unfortunately, he had to see the death of Obi-Wan from the hand of Vader's Darth in a fierce duel on light swords. Kenobi's dedication allowed him to be saved to his friends, and "Falcon" went to Yavin 4. There, Luke joined the insane alliance and met again with Biggs. The drawings stored in the R2-D2 memory were analyzed, and General Dodonna discovered the only weak point of the "Star Death": a small hole of the ventilation miner, which was in one of the recesses on the surface of the combat station. Biggs, Luke, Wej Antilles and other courageous pilots flew to the stars of death.

In the brutal battle of Javin, most of the hatch's friends died. Darth Vader almost killed both the hatch himself, but Han Solo came to the rescue. Approaching the ventilation hole, Luke wanted the words of the Obi-Vana Kenobi's spirit, turned off the point of guidance and, relying on force, released two proton torpedoes that destroyed the "death star".

Over the next few years, Skywalker has become an important member of the insurgent alliance, he fulfilled many tasks and received the title of the Commander. Together with Wuege, he founded the "squadron of the vagrant" and later detained the imperial troops who attacked the hot school base "Echo" until the rebels were evacuated. After the battle for hot hatch went to Dagoba, Masters Jedi Yoda met there and dedicated himself to learning the arts Jedi under his leadership. Training turned out to be difficult, the hatch was required to develop both the body and the mind. Iodine feared that due to its impulsion, the hatch could give in to the dark side.

During training, the hatch had a vision of his friends in danger on the cane, in a cloud city. Despite the warnings of iodine, Luke left Dagoba to save Khan, Leu and Chubakka. As a result, he fell into a trap set up Darth Vader. During the desperate Duele Vader cut off the hatch with a brush right hand and opened him the truth about his parents. Wader suggested a hatch to join him and rule the galaxy, but Luke refused and jumped into one of the apparent bottomless reactor mines of a cloud city, preferring the loyal death to the dark side. Miraculously Luke survived and was picked up by the "millennial idol."

The following year, Luke returned to Tatooin and made a new light sword, guided by the records found in the Obi-Van house. Also, he was committed attempted by Prince Schizor, the head of the criminal organization "Black Sun".

In the same year, Luke developed a plan for salvation of Khan Solo, who was frozen in carbonite and delivered to the criminal lord of Jabbe Hatta Felt Fett. Jabba did not lose reasonable arguments, and Luke and his friends destroyed the criminal cartel Hutta. When Khan was saved, Luke returned to Dagoba to the dying Magista iodine. Iodine confirmed that Vader is his father, but insisted that Luke struck with a dark Lord again. In addition, the Spirit of Obi-Vana appeared told Luka that Leia is his twin sister.

In the end, the hatch surrendered to Vader to save Anakin Skywalker with the dark side. Wader did not give way and delivered the hatch to the emperor on the second "star of death." Wader and Luke grabbed again, and the Dark Lord learned about the existence of Lei. Luc pounced on him and cut off Vader my right hand. However, despite the incitement of the emperor, he did not kill his father. The powered by the power of the will of the young Jedi, the emperor attacked the hatch with blue lightning. In the torment of Luke called his father, and in the end, Anakin Skywalker came to the rescue. Forgetting about your own wounds, Vader threw the emperor to the Death Star Reactor. Vader briefly survived his former lord, but before his death, Luke saw the face of his father in the first and last time.

After the battle of Endor and the destruction of the second "Star of Death", Luke played an important role in transformation of the insurgent alliance to the New Republic. He fought against the invasion of Reptiles SSI-Ruk at Bakura, followed Khan Solo and Lei on the planet Datomir, fought with the forces of the great Admiral Trane, opposed the attempts of the former assistant to Emperor Mary Jade to kill him and, finally, entered into battle with the crazy Jedi clone, Which cloned and hatch.

Ten years after the battle of Javin, Skywalker tried to destroy the dark side of the force from the inside. He agreed to become a student of the reborn emperor, but gradually succumbed to the power of Palpatine on the planet BISS. Fortunately, Leia flew there and saved him from seduction. Together, the twins destroyed the clone of Palpatine. Soon after, the emperor returned again - and again suffered a defeat.

In his numerous adventures, Luke discovered that the galaxy was scattered many predisposed to the power of creatures. He decided to collect and train the new Army of Jedi's knights and for this purpose founded the Jedi Academy in the great temple of Massussi in Javin 4. However, the hatch did not know that in the temple there lived an evil spirit of the Exar of Cana, Dark Jedi Antiquity. Kan killed one of the disciples, seduced by another on the dark side and almost killed Luke, who was saved only by the united forces of his students.

In addition to the fulfillment of numerous tasks of the New Republic, the hatch in vain sought the details about the mother. Once he found Jedi Kallist and fell in love with her, but the Calliste had his own fate. Luke was also close to Mare Jade, his possible murderer, and now - the powerful power of the power.

Luke continues to teach in his Academy of Jedi, teaching the children of solo and the nephew of Chubakki Lubakka. He often goes to the tasks of the New Republic and is always ready to respond to a threat to his friends and allies.

Behind the scenes

Like all the main characters, Luke has undergone numerous changes before it became a farm boy from Tatina. In the early sketches of the "Star Wars" Luke Skywalker - an experienced general, fighting with imperial forces. In this incarnation, the general becomes a defender and teacher Ennikina Starkiller, Skywoker's son, Kane. In this version, Ennikan is very similar to that character, which will become hatch. After several revisions, the young and brush enniclane became known as Starkiller, and his teacher and defender - General Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The hatch character often became more and more clear, with each sketch becoming more and more innocent and unfaithful. At a certain stage, Lucas thought, not to change the floor of the hatch, but the concept of the character remained unchanged. Finally, shortly before the start of the shooting, he revised the name of the hatch again, replacing the Starkiller on the familiar "Skywalker".

Mark Hamill was chosen on the role of Luke in the "New Hope", he also played it in both continuations. During the trilogy, he utters 478 lines in dialogues - more than anyone else (Hana solo has only 360 lines, and lei - only 235). Hamill represented the hatch and in the radio utilities of all three films.

Luke Skyvoker

Luke Skyvoker, probably, the most famous hero of the Galactic Civil War and the outstanding knight of the Jedi of the New Republic. His exploits are legendary, they originate from modest farm sources and end in his role in the fall of the empire. Skawker began to fight with the enemies of the New Republic and founded Prakseum Jedi on Javin 4. His skills constantly forced to revive the adepts of force throughout the galaxy.

Skyvoker's father was afraid of Darth Vader, a respected and powerful lord and at the same time Jedi. The emperor foresaw that the offspring of Vader would destroy it, and therefore, after the birth of Luke and Lei, twins were separated and hidden. Luke was grown by Owen Lars on the planet Tatooin and under the supervision of Ben Kenobi. Ultimately, he found his way to the old Jedi and an ancient teacher of iodine. Iodine was the one who finished his workout and proclaimed him by the Knight of Jedi.

After the last skirmish with his father, Luke continued to raise his level of knowledge about strength. He was looking for young students for his academy, tried to restore the Order of the Jedi, with very low information about him. In addition, he trained his sister, how to use his hidden, but powerful talent for the knowledge of power. Achievements of Luke Skyvoker were awarded in proud traditions of Jedi Knights.

Born on April 11 in the Medical Center Polis mass on the day of the creation of the Empire. After the death of Mother Luche, he was sent to Tatinen to the consolidated brother Anakina Owen Lars to hide from Palpatine. On this planet, under the supervision of guardians and Master-Jedi Obi-Vana Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood.

In his honor, he was called Crater Skywalker on Charon.


Born after the collapse of the old Republic. After his father appealed to the dark side of the power, the mother died, and the sister was committed by Senator Bail organ and taken away to Alderaan, the hatch was brought up by Uncle (a consolidated brother of his father) and herifies on the desert planet Tatuene. Imperial attack aircraft, who flew to Tatooin in search of the stars of death abducted by the rebels, killed a uncle and hatch hatch. Then the young Skywalker, instructed by the old Jedi Obian Kenobi, adjoins the rebel alliance and becomes a significant figure in the Galactic Civil War. Being involved in the secrets of power, he revived the Order of the Jedi, practically destroyed by the Jedi religious antagonist - the Sith emperor Palpatin.

the main galactic, Khattsky, Aqualis, Bokka, Lasatsky, ITORIAN, Robresky, Evoksky, etc.

Screams and lights in the enemy army took place because at the time the order of Napoleon was read by the troops, the emperor Himself traveled around his bivouaks. The soldiers, seeing the emperor, lit up the bunches of straw and shouting: Vive L "Empereur! Failed behind him. The order of Napoleon was the following:
"Soldiers! The Russian army comes against you to ignore the Austrian, Ulm Army. These are the same battleions that you broke with Hollabrune and which you have had been haunting constantly before this place. The positions that we occupy are powerful, and as long as they will go to bypass me to the right, they will give me a flank! Soldiers! I myself will lead your battlements. I will keep far from the fire if you, with your usual courage, bring the enemy mess and confusion into the ranks; But if the victory is at least one minute doubtful, you will see your emperor who is the first strikes of the enemy, because there can be no fluctuations in victory, especially that day, which is about honoring the French infantry, which is necessary to honor your nation.
Under the pretext of the injured wounded, not to upset rows! Each will be completely imbued with the idea that it is necessary to defeat these mercenaries in England inspired by hate against our nation. This victory will graduate from our hike, and we can return to winter apartments, where new French troops will find us, which are formed in France; And then the world, which I will conclude, will be worthy of my people, you and me.
Napoleon. "

At 5 o'clock in the morning it was still very dark. The troops of the center, reserves and the right flank of Bagration were still motionless; But on the left flank of the columns of infantry, cavalry and artillery, the first to descend from heights, in order to attack the French right flank and discard him, on the disposition, in Bohemian mountains, have already stagged and began to rise from their overnight stays. Smoke from the fires, in which they threw everything too much, ate eyes. It was cold and dark. The officers hurriedly drank tea and have breakfast, the soldiers were chewed with a crush, beat off the fraction, warm, and flocked against the lights, throwing the remains of the Balagans, chairs, tables, wheels, risks, everything is superfluous, which could not be taken with him. The Austrian columns were again between the Russian troops and served as precursors performances. As soon as the Austrian officer was shown near the parking lot of the regimental commander, the regiment began to move: the soldiers flew away from the fires, hid in the top of the tube, bags in the wagon, disassembled the guns and were built. The officers were fastened, put on the swords and the worsens and, smoking, went around; Oboy and twins hardened, laid and tied the carts. Adjutants, battalion and regimental commanders sat down with tops, baptized, gave the last orders, instructions and instructions to the remaining messenger, and sounded the one-povered hundred thousand feet. The columns moved, not knowing where and seemingly from those surrounding people, from smoke and from an amplifying mist or the terrain from which they came out nor the one in which they entered.