Who is the creator of pencils. How did Color pencils appear? Interesting facts about pencils

Who is the creator of pencils. How did Color pencils appear? Interesting facts about pencils
Who is the creator of pencils. How did Color pencils appear? Interesting facts about pencils

Today in stores you can purchase and colored, and simple pencils. A simple pencil writes with gray, the shade of the written will vary depending on the hardness of graphite.

What did people draw before?

It is curious that the artists had to use "silver pencils", the stationery accessories of the thirteenth century a wire of silver placed in a case or frame. This type of pencil did not allow to erase, and from time to the inscription from the gray became brown.

It is noteworthy that artists often use silver, Italian, lead pencils, in order to achieve a certain effect.

There were in the past and "lead pencils", most often used them for portraits. In particular, Albrecht Durer drew such a pencil. Then a "Italian pencil" appeared from a black slate, after which the production of stationery products from raw materials, mined from a burning bone. The powder was bonded by vegetable glue, the pencil gave a saturated line.

Pencils with a graphite rod began to produce in the fifteenth century, when grate deposits were found in England. But this raw material has become only after a number of experiments showing that the mass leaves clear tracks on. And first time with graphite methyl sheep. However, pieces of graphite dirty hands, so wands of the material for convenience were tied with thread, wrapped in paper or clapped with sprigs from a tree.

When invented a graphite pencil?

The first written mention of pencil dated 1683. In Germany, the production of graphite pencils in a wooden building began in 1719. Graphite was inappropriately mixed with glue, sulfur, though, the rod was not very high quality. That is why the recipe change continued on. In 1790, in Vienna, Joseph Hardmouth came up with mixing graphite dust with water and clay, after burning this mixture, rods were obtained varying degrees of hardness. This master later founded the company KOH-I-Noor, producing world-famous pencils and so-in.

Few people know that a simple pencil can draw under water and in space, but the ballpoint pen is not.

Today, pencils are distinguished by stiffery hardness, marking them with letters M (soft) and T (solid). You can find pencils with TM labeling (firm-soft) marking - these are the most common stationery. By the way, in the United States to determine the hardness of the pencils uses a numerical scale.

The word "pencil" is so much familiar to us that no one has thought about his meaning and origin in Russian. Meanwhile, this word appeared in our great and mighty language several centuries ago. The origin of the word "pencil" is not at all a mystery. Linguists have long decided on its origin. The word itself is not original Russian, but came to us from another language. Where exactly, read on ...

When a pencil appeared

The appearance of this writing accessory is still ancient than the word itself. Such a subject appeared in the thirteenth century. Used in those times exclusively by artists. They attached a thin silver wire to the handle. Erase what was drawn, it was impossible. The lead pencil wrote in those days portraits of noble. This technique used the German artist and chart of Albrecht Dürer.

After a hundred years of the world, the technology of its manufacture was discovered. The rod of such a pencil was made of clay slate!

Etymology words

The origin of the word "pencil" is associated with the Turkic language. It came to the Russian language from the Turkic in the fifteenth century. The word "pencil" is formed by the battle of two bases: "Kara" means "black", and Dash is "stone" or "slate". The root of "Kara" is present in many Russian words. For example: The name of the city of Karasuk means "black water", because it was founded on the banks of the river.

Pencil: meaning words

Another 200 years, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal in his explanatory dictionary made the definition of the word "pencil".

  1. This is graphite or fossil, which consists of iron and coal.
  2. Graphite inserted by a rod into a tube made of wood designed for drawing and other creativity.
  3. Any dry paint in rods for drawing and writing and pastel.


Like any word and pencil in Russian there are synonyms. Their correct use will depend on the context in which you place the replacement word. So, the word "pencil" can be replaced by the words: Avtocarandas, Klauser, wrote, pastel, and so on.

With the word "pencil" in Russian there is a proverb. She says that the pencil is created for the letter, and the hammer for forging.

Pencil in art

The origin of the word "pencil" is already known. And many of us know that paintings are written with paints, pastels and pencils. When the drawing is depicted using a pencil, then this technique in the art of painting is called graphics. But the modern generation does not know that in the era of the Soviet circus in the arena, a good and bright clown pen admission was performed - Mikhail Rumyantsev.

Once he had to speak in Rumyantsev wanted to go to the scene under the scenic pseudonym. A complex search for sound and memorable words transmitting the leitmotif of his miniature began. While in the Circus Museum, Mikhail Rumyantsev considered posters and albums. He caught her hand album with caricatures who were interested in clown. The author of these cartoons was the Frenchman - Karan d'Ash. Then the Rumyantsev thought about this word. Applying this word as a pseudonym, he decided that the subject of this chassis, especially among children. So stopped on this pseudonym clown Mikhail Rumyantsev - pencil.


The story of the word "pencil" is simple. It is borrowed from the Turkic language in the fifteenth century, and therefore it is not original Russian. The first mention of pencils are recorded in the chronicles of the seventeenth century. And the mass production of this typewrition began a century later in Germany. The origin of the word "pencil" you know. But did you hear what the inscription "Cyernur" on it? The company, publishing the pencils, called them in honor of the diamond under the name "Kokhinur", which translated from the Persian means "mountain of light".

Etymology of this word, first proposed in Russia in the second half of the XIX century by Academician Ya. Grotto, was considered indisputable for a long time, and it still prevails in dictionaries. For example:

pencil. From the Turk. * Karadas "Black Stone", Tour. Karatas "Black Slate" (Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language).

Pencil [...] Borrowing of the XVI-XVII century. From the tour. Kara-Daş "Black Stone". Plug-in is explained as in calancha Sound adaptation of the word in the folk speech source (Shaposhnikov A.K. Etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language).

But in this explanation there are two main drawbacks. First, in the Indo-European and Turkic languages, the words for the designation of the pencil occur from words with the meanings 'stone', 'Reed', 'lead', but none of these words contains the meaning of 'black'. Secondly, these etymologists, which adhere to the "black stone" versions, insufficiently explained the presence of sound [H] in the middle of the word. It was generally difficult to do within the framework of the established hypotheses, and Professor N.K. was indicated for this circumstance. Dmitriev in the article "On the Turkic Elements of the Russian Dictionary". The usual etymology of the word was questioned, and the lingules continued to search for the origins of the word pencil.

In the twentieth century (such researchers like N. P. Kolesnikov, Yu. Nemeth et al.) A new version of the origin of the word was proposed penciland it is more justified than the previous one. Along with the former etymology included in the "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by N. M. Shanskoye.

So what is the new version?

In ancient Greece and Rome, they wrote acutely sharpened cane chopsticks that the Greeks were called kalamos., and the Romans - kalamus. ('cane'). This weapon of letters adopted the Arabs, it spread from them all over the east, and the name calam Entered in many languages, partly changing the appearance and value. So, currently there is a word in Kyrgyz calam 'Pen as a weapon of letters', in Turkish - kalem., in Georgian - kalami. With the same meaning, in Bulgarian - calam ('Pencil', feather, 'cane'), etc.

Ancient calam has improved over time, and in hollow tubes from cane stalks, first inserted lead sticks, and then graphite rods. And in Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthere was a new complex word * kalamda.š (from kalam 'Reed' and dAš 'a rock'). In parallel with it, another word was used with another root order and with the same meaning - dAš kalam. The first version in the form was borrowed by the Russian language. pencil.

Why did this word pronunciation in Russian changed so? Etymologists explain this by the fact that in our language (especially in dialects and spacious) replacement of the sound [l] on [p], and [M] on [N] is not such a rare phenomenon. Examples: muus l.b. Basu rmannin, Obminshu l.going - Obmshu rto go m.prute - before n.brow, ka m.fora - Ka n.fora. In addition, such processes took place in Turkic languages, so that the replacement of sounds could occur in their dialects.

Words ascending to form * Kalamdaš With the meaning of the 'pencil', in modern Turkic languages \u200b\u200bit is difficult to detect: there are homonyms with the meaning 'colleague according to Peru, literary activities'. And to designate a pencil, in order to avoid confusion, the word is used kalam. However, in Azerbaijani, the word was used in the early twentieth century galamdash('pencil'). Currently, it is almost submitted by the corresponding word borrowed from the Russian language.

In a number of Turkic languages, words ascending to ancient form are preserved * Daškalam (for example, Uzbek toshkalam).

History of etymological analysis of the word pencil - An example of how even the usual and well-established hypotheses are discarded, if it is proved that they are not sufficiently substantiated.

And finally, a small addition from the main topic. According to modern linguists, the Greek word kalamos. ('Reed') goes back to the same Indo-European root as the Russian word straw. What to say, a lot of amazing can be found about the native language, if interested in scientific etymology ...


Valeev G. K. Penndash: In Search of the Motherland of the Termin // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk University. Ser. 10. Oriental science. Eurasianism. Geopolitics. - 2004. - N 1. - P. 156-161.

Vvedenskaya L. A., Kolesnikov N. P. Etymology: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

Fasmer M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian language. T. 2. - M., 2004.

Shaposhnikov A.K. Etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language. - T. 1. - M., 2010.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. N. M. Shanskaya. - T. 2. - Vol. 8. - M., 1982.

The name of the "pencil" came from the East and translated means "black stone" or "black slate." It is believed that the history of the creation of a pencil began with the XIV century, when the "Italian pencil" appeared, which was a clay black bastine rod wrapped in the skin. Later, the slate was replaced with a powder from a burning bone, mixed with vegetation glue. Lines drawn by this pencil were saturated with color.

But the prauds of the pencil are lead-zinc and silver wands, consisting of a piece of wire, which was sometimes soldered to the handle, they were called "silver pencils." It was hard to write with such tools, since it was impossible to fix it already done, and the lines were not particularly clear.

From the XVI century in the history of the pencil there were changes, it was then that graphite began to use records. In a short time, he became so popular that the European deposits of "Black Chalk" were worked out very quickly. It continued until the opening of the Graphite Department in Cerberland (England). Then the monarch was issued a decree, in which it was forbidden to carry out the production of "Black Chalk" longer than a year and a half per year and take it abroad. Therefore, all the graphite of that time in Europe had smuggling English origin, and the prices of it took off to heaven. At the same time, the French was invented by the Paris Pencil, consisting of black soot and light clay, distinguished by special softness. First, graphite was used in the form of sticks only for drawing, and with the appearance of wrappers, and for writing. In the treatise on the minerals of Konrad Geesner, 1565 is the first description of the pencil from graphite inserted into the tree.

The first mass production of wooden pencils was organized in Germany. Nuremberg manufacturers began to use a mixture of graphite, sulfur and glue. The quality of such pencils was worse than from pure graphite, but the price was declining at times. This also contributed to the inhomogeneity of the composition of the rod, and sometimes in the middle it was also absent.

The story of the pencil has undergone fundamental changes at the end of the XVIII century, when the French inventor of Nicolas Jacques Conte offered to use a mixture for the production of pencil rods, which included, in addition to graphite, soot, clay, starch and water. After combining the components, they should be burned. In this case, the change in the proportions of the clay and graphite of the clay and graphite, made it possible to obtain vulture of different hardness. With increasing graphite, the rod became softer and darker, and with an increase in the amount of clay - harder and lighter. In just half a century there were almost twenty ways to manufacture black rods based on graphite. For example, now there are twenty-one.

Almost simultaneously with the final, Austrian Joseph Gardmouth came up with a mixture of clay and graphite. He had his own factory for the manufacture of ceramic dishes, where crucibles were used from this mixture. In Russia, to the history of the creation of pencils put his hand M.V. Lomonosov, it was he who organized the production of wooden pencils in the Arkhangelsk province. He also brought the daily rate for one master equal to 144 pieces and called Gross, which is also used in our day in all over the world.

In 1869, American A.T. Cross created the first mechanical pencil by placing a graphite rod into a metal tube and creating a device for its extension.

The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by many discoveries in the field of creating pencils. So, in Russia in 1913, Gindelman patented his mechanical pencil, whose stalem was moving with a nut in a metal canal. And after three years, Japanese Hayakawa made a mechanical pencil as we know it now.

During the history of the absence of a pencil, his shell was constantly improved. So that it does not roll from the table, the shape of it made hexagon. Then the elder was placed in the upper end. After the invention of plastics found a decent weather replacement. And the creation of a mechanical pencil in a metal shell tried his appearance.

Tools for letters are known since ancient times, just in that period, how people arose the need to draw up documents, conduct correspondence or simply fix their thoughts.

The creators of the progenitor of the puzzle may be considered ancient Egyptians - in the burial of Pharaoh Tutankhamon, a copper pointed tube was detected, which was filled with dark-colored liquid - ink. They slowly glasses on the fibers of the stem and at the pointed end of the tube accumulated. In the process of writing when pressing, a clear thin line remained on the papyrus.

The Romans used the tin styled style on the scrolls of papyrus and parchment, and letters on wax marks.

Starting from the XIII century, artists used for drawing a thin silver wire, which soldered to the handle or stored in a case. Such a type of pencil was called "Silver Pencil". This tool demanded a high level of skill, as it is impossible to erase the written written. Another characteristic feature was that with time gray strokes applied with a silver pencil became brown. Such instruments used such masters of graphics as Durer, Van Eyk and Bhothichelli.

The story of the pencil begins with the XIV century. Known so-called "Italian pencil", which appeared at this time. He was a rod made of clay black slate.

Then it began to make it from a powder of a grazing bone bonded by vegetable glue. This tool allowed to create an intensive and saturated line. Interestingly, artists and now sometimes silver, lead and Italian pencils are used when they need to achieve a certain effect.

Charcoal continued to use, as in antiquity, but not in the form of a head of the fire, but, for example, specifically treating in the furnace jerk sticks in a pot sealing clay.

The appearance of the word "pencil" is most likely connected with prototypes. It goes back to the Turkic Karadas - "Black Stone" and Turkish Karatas - "Black Slate". Linguists also associate the word pencils - crumb, karapuz, a small person, pointing to the proximity of his meaning with the German word "Stift" - a pencil of Karapuz.

Graphite pencils are known from the XVI century. English shepherds from the Cumberland location opened the dark mass in the ground, which was used to mark sheep. Initially because of the color, similar to the color of the lead, the deposit was accepted for the deposits of this mineral used to cast bullets. But, by defining the unsuitability of a new material for these purposes, they began to produce finely pointed on the end of the sticks and used them for drawing. Such wands were soft, stacked hands and fit for drawing, but not for writing.

In the XVII century, graphite usually sold on the streets. Buyers, mostly artists, clap these graphite sticks between pieces of wood or branches, wrapped them into paper or tied them with a twine.

The so-called "Paris pencil" ("sauce") was made of a mixture of white clay and black soot. He was good the topics, gives a black trail on paper and scratches her less. They still paint artists graphics. In France, in the XV century, pastel was invented by adding pigments and fats to chalk. Used the gumiarabic or sample juice, for example. Leonardo da Vinci belongs to the merit of the opening of Sangina - "Red Chalk". This is natural kaolin, painted iron oxides.

The first document in which the wooden pencil is mentioned is dated 1683. In Germany, the production of graphite pencils began in Nuremberg. The Germans guessed mixing a graphite powder with gray and glue, thus obtaining a rod not the highest quality, but at a lower price. To hide it, manufacturers of pencils resorted to different tricks. In the wooden case, the pieces of clean graphite were inserted at the wooden body, in the middle there was a low-quality artificial rod. Sometimes the inside of the pencil and was empty. It is clear that the so-called "Nuremberg Goods" did not enjoy a good reputation.

Modern pencil invented in 1794 a talented French scientist and inventor of Nicolas Jacques Conte. At the end of the XVIII century, the English Parliament introduced the strictest ban on the export of precious graphite from Cumberland. The violation of this ruling was punishable very strictly, up to the death penalty. But, despite this, the graphite continued to fall into continental Europe smuggling, which led to a sharp increase in its price.

On the task of French convention, KONTE developed a formulation of graphite mixing with clay and production from these materials of high-quality rods. With the treatment with increased temperatures, high strength was achieved. However, the fact that the change in the proportion of the mixture was allowed to make the rods of various hardness, which was the basis of the modern classification of the pencils on hardness (T, M, TM or in English version: H - Solid, in - soft, HV - medium hardness). Figures in front of the letters indicate the further degree of softness or hardness. It depends on the percentage of graphite in the mixture, which also affects the color of the rod (griffel) - the more graphite, the darker and softer the stylist pencil.

At the end of the 18th century, the Czech manufacturer J. Garthmut, which produced laboratory dishes, connected clay and graphite, putting the beginning of the pencil production of the famous Koh-I-Noor.

In modern giffylands, polymers are used that allow you to achieve the desired combination of strength and elasticity, make it possible to produce very thin stylus for mechanical pencils (up to 0.3 mm).

The pencil housing familiar to us suggested that at the end of the 19th century, Graf Lothar von Faberkastle (Faber-Castell), noticing that round-section pencils often roll off inclined surfaces for the letter.

In Russia, rich in graphite and forest, Mikhail Lomonosov, the forces of residents of one village of Arkhangelsk province launched the production of a pencil in a wooden shell and introduced into the world everyday life "Gross" - a dozen dozen. Gross is a daytime pencil formation by one wizard with one apprentice. Until now, in the whole world, the "Gross" unit of measurement of the number of precisely pencils.

With a graphite rod rod to a wooden shell, the view and principle of the action of the pencil no longer change more than two hundred years. Production is improved, the quality is exhausted, the number of produced pencils becomes an astronomical, but the idea of \u200b\u200bfriction of a layered painting substance about the rough surface remains amazingly viable.

The invention of a pencil in a wooden frame, due to the convenience of use, as well as the comparative simplicity and low cost of their manufacture, facilitated the process of consolidating and disseminating information. To assess the advantages of this innovation, it is necessary to remember that writing many centuries was conjugate with such attributes as goose and, later, metal feathers, ink or mascara. Man writing was chained to the table. The appearance of the pencil made it possible to record on the way or in the process of work when it was necessary to instantly fix something. No wonder our language firmly entered the phraseological turnover: "take a pencil."

2/3 of the material component of a simple pencil goes into waste when it sharpened. It across the American Alonso Townsend of Cross (Cross), the pioneer of modern writing tools, to create a metal pencil in 1869. The graphite rod was placed in a metal tube and could easily be extended to the corresponding length.

This modest start influenced the development of a whole group of goods used today everywhere. The most simple design is a mechanical pencil with a 2mm chiffel, where the rod is held with metal clamps (coluins) - a collet pencil. Canggi opens when the button is pressed at the end of the pencil, which leads to a length of length adjustable by the owner of the pencil.

September 15, 1912 19-year-old Tokuji Hayakawa opened a small workshop of metal haberdashea in the center of Tokyo. Then he managed to invent the ever-sharp pencil. So the Career founder of Sharp Corporation, one of the leading electronic companies.

It would seem to be inventing a pencil - it's like to reinvent the bike. But Hayakawa managed to make something simple and usual to all of the subject, something completely new. He came up with the original mechanism that allowed all the time to maintain a pencil edge in working condition, and placed it in a metal case. Griffel put forward from the rotation of the case. "Mechanical pencil Hayakawa" - under the name, he patented the invention - was deprived of the shortcomings of his predecessor, which was made from Celluloid and was terribly uncomfortable, ugly and impractical.

In 1915, Hayakawa released his pencils on sale. They diverged badly: the metal case refrigerated his fingers and looked poorly with Kimono. Hayakawa stubbornly continued to work on the warehouse until it was waited for a large order from one trading company from the port city of Yokohama. It turned out that in Europe and the USA "Parades Hayakawa" won popularity. Large Japanese traders quickly rated the export potential of the new product and began to buy pencils right in the factory. It was loaded to the limit, and merchants demanded more and more. Then, for the production of pencils, Hayakawa created another firm, and he continued to work on their design. In 1916, he developed a head for Gryuchi, and the mechanical pencil took that appearance that preserves it to this day. The product got a new name - "Ever sharp pencil", Ever-ready-Sharp Pencil. Hence, the name of the Sharp corporation is leading its origin.

It is worth returning to the reference of N.-Zh. Konte. At the end of the 20th century, she released a conte Evolution - a pencil, not containing a tree, which is manufactured on one production line in just one minute or even a little less. The recipe is secret. It is known only that it is prepared on the basis of synthetic rubber, the solution of which is pulled in the form of spaghetti, is cut into the section, sharpened from one end, clipped from another (to which an eraser can be added) and the paint can be added.

Modern mechanical pencils are more perfect. Each time you press the button, an automatic feed of a small section of the griffel occurs. Such pencils do not need to be sharpened, they are equipped with a built-in (usually under the feed button) with an eraser and have a different fixed line thickness (0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm, 0.9mm, 1mm).

Fans of statistics were calculated that one ordinary wooden pencil can be conducted a line of 56 km long or write more than 40 thousand words. But Steinbeck, they say, could write to 60 pencils in one day. And Hemingway wrote, too, only with wooden pencils.

There is another curious fact of modern advantages, it would seem, such a freak tool as a pencil. In the US Space (NASA) more than a year, a fountain pen was developed for writing in space (according to the project, the value of which was estimated $ 3.5 million), and Soviet astronauts used reliable pencils.