Who is suitable for a girlfriend Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac. Who fits a woman Capricorn

Who is suitable for a girlfriend Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac. Who fits a woman Capricorn
Who is suitable for a girlfriend Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac. Who fits a woman Capricorn

Woman-Capricorn is perfectly suitable for all representatives of the earthly element: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. In a pair of Capricorn, a complete harmony reigns with Taurus. Both practical, purposeful, appreciate stability and comfort, possess the same looks for the family and relationships. The only minus of this union is that it is often not too passionate. The same can be said about two other combinations: the relationship of female Capricorn with Virgin or a representative of his own mark is difficult to call passionate and emotional. But both of these sign are for her practical ideal partners, with each of which she can create a happy and durable alliance.

Compatibility Women Capricorn with Water Signs

Among the waters are the best partners for Capricorn, scorpion and cancer are considered. Male Scorpio introduces passion and bright emotions to her life, and she gives him stability. Both partners are committed to serious relationships, so their union can be quite long and durable. The man-cancer is also very well suited to the Capricorn for family life, but the partner may not arrange its financial unavocalcy and low ambitions.

Compatibility of Capricorn Women with Air Signs

The only sign of the air element, with which the Capricorn is good - it is aquarius. He attracts her spontaneity and inner freedom, and she is a purposefulness and excellent organizational qualities. But despite mutual attraction, this union is still considered quite difficult: sooner or later Capricorn will try to establish clear rules and borders for its partner, and the Aquarius with his desire for freedom will constantly break them, which can lead to a rupture.

Compatibility of Capricorn Women with Fire Signs

The best partner among the signs of the fire element for Capricorn is Aries. A woman in this union is able to be a reliable support and a faithful friend, helping the ambitious Aries to seek career heights. He also introduces novelty and diversity in their relationship, which sometimes it is so lacking conservative-maker.

Another suitable zodiac sign for Capricorn among the representatives of the fire element is the Sagittarius. Between them, the real feeling often flashes, but usually the relationship of this pair lasts for a short time, since the Sagittarius is too inconsistent, and the Capricorn woman strives for stable and durable relationships.

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  • Stones, suitable zodiac sign Capricorn

Capricorn man has a sense of duty, he is faithful and correctly refers to love, building an honest relationship. If he put himself a goal to achieve something (or someone), will follow the task set to the end. What sign is the Capricorn man? Who will make it easier for him?

One of their characteristic features of Capricorn Men is ambition. He harsh, calculating and likes to manipulate people. Capricorn man is very conservative, respects only traditional values. In love and family life - a rude pedant. All this is from the fact that the male Capricorn in the soul is extremely injured, so trying to protect the hard "shell". A woman who solves a man Capricorn will be behind him as behind a stone wall.

Many signs apply for the role of the most suitable partners of Capricorn. But the best options are Tales, twins, lions and Capricorn.

Cozy fortress

Woman Taurus and Capricorn male form a very favorable union. Both love stability, security, financial consistency. Both are ready to work for this not to twist the hands. They will be able to become one and live in their home, as in the fortress, extinguishing from the outside world. A friend and comfortable focus will be quite enough for happiness.

Good supplement

Union with a female twins for a male Capricorn is very attractive. Support in any difficult situation and a complete understanding is guaranteed. In addition, the twin female will divide all the convictions of Capricorn about the house and family values \u200b\u200band, with respect, will reaches his ability to earn money and equip life. In women, twins have a young soul and a lot of irrepressible energy. In men, Capricarians are principles and experience. They will certainly complement each other and create a solid happy family.

Excellent Soyuz

Surprisingly, but men Capricorn can create an excellent union with a woman Lv. It would seem how cold, calculating, conservative Capricorn can "contact" with this power, ambitious and wasteful special? And what can she find in it? And he is in it? Capricorn man, having met his "lioness", literally captivated by her grace and temperament. His inability and unwillingness to show emotions are successfully compensated by the emotionality of the royal partner. And his ambition next to this is fully satisfied. It's not a pity for such a woman. This union in some places are "explosive", but the danger comes only from the side of the lion. Capricorn is ready to endure all her ambitions, understand all the movements of her soul and in the first sign to satisfy the needs of the body.

Perfect compatibility

But the most favorable partner for a man Capricorn is Capricorn woman. They are both interested in stable solid relations, they have the same tasks, goals and ways to achieve them. They understand each other with a half-clow and respect the inner world and beliefs each other. This couple may be truly happy all his life.

People of this sign are usually very closed and few of the partners will withstand life with such a partner. What are the signs of the zodiac, suitable Capricorn? It is better to learn about it before the start of relationships, so as not to worry about the painful disappointment.

What zodiac signs are suitable for Capricorn

They subconsciously form a barrier among themselves and other people. In their inner world there is always a place that is not available to close or friends.

By nature, the Capricorn is single. Despite the fact that they strive for intimacy, need communication and family, they themselves repel people with rigor and restraint in relationships, while characterized by severe sensitivity and susceptibility to what is happening around it.

Capricorn is highlighted by a huge sense of duty, loyalty and right relationships in love. If the representative of this sign put himself a goal to achieve the attention of another person, it will be long and stubbornly follow the task.

What signs are Capricorn? It is successfully combined with Aries, Tales, twins, crayfish, lions and devices. Capricorn and Aries can create a financial problem, as Aries are more reckless, and Capricorn will not be able to understand such a relationship. A passionate relationship and many common interests in everyday life are formed between Capricorn and Taurus. Such an alliance will be very long.

In relations with the twins, the Capricorn will fulfill the execution of the second role. Representatives of this sign are too ambitious to look for notes of insincerity in twins. The Capricorn couple has a lot of passion and few words. Capricorn does not consider the need to spend time on trifles, such as attention signs. And cancers acquire complete independence and their security.

Capricorn does not fit the lions. The union may have ambiguous. Capricorn will periodically arrange rebels, and attempts to capture power must be lion. If the partner is able to hold such an outdation, the Union will be very successful and long. Capricorn - Virgo is an excellent couple. They are accompanied by tidy and practicality.

Zodiac signs suitable for a woman Capricorn

Women - Capricorns have innate charm, grace and nobility. Men boring and not ambiguously attract them. The woman of this sign itself is purposeful and ambitious and demands that the man standing next to it.

Zodiac signs suitable for man Capricorn

Capricorn - a man has incredible ambition. It is very calculating, may be excessively calculated and harsh, often observed manipulation by people. In family life and love got used to traditional customs. Quite often, men of this sign may look rude, as they try to cover the vane, gentle nature, rigid shell.

The insight of Capricorn.

Capricorn motto: nothing is impossible! And the Capricorn man in love relationships with women, if desired, can almost always succeed. Attempts by women who tend him to marriage are usually unsuccessful. After all, it is very expensive for Capricorn, it does not tolerate frivolous solutions. And creates a family only when it is confident that his choice is the only right solution. In marriage Capricorn - an excellent husband and a caring father. Who will be this happy? What women choose a male-Capricorn? Compatibility for a happy marriage suggests an astrological horoscope.

Life competition

Woman Aries - Capricorn Male. Compatibility is quite possible. But the relationship is likely to be uneven due to the similarity of characters. These signs, both men and women, have perseverance and purposefulness. Despite sexual harmony, otherwise, sooner or later, partners will compete with each other, wanting to win the championship.

Perfect Soyuz

Just perfect will be compatible Female Taurus - Capricorn man.Both are patient, purposeful and ambitious nature, are capable of overcome the vital obstacles in the Commonwealth. In sexy plan - complete idyll.

Can be otherwise

Capricorn husband - Gemini Wife. It is unlikely that the maritime will be long, although there are exceptions from any rules. Both in the characters, life principles, and in sexual relations, this couple has a little bit. The impulsiveness and pleasure of twins are incompatible with the slowness and caperience of Capricorn.

Complex relations

Difficult will be a relationship in a pair capricorn husband - Wife-Cancer. A timid and sensitive cancer will suffer even more from their insecurity in relations with persistent and demanding Capricorn.

Win principled

Woman Lev - Capricorn Man. Compatibility of Nators is unlikely. Both are very independent, which will affect all aspects of relationships, everyone will stubbornly prove its right point.

Enviable mutual understanding

Woman Virgo and Capricorn man. Relations between partners will be harmonious, despite some misconception of views on sex life. Mutual practicality, calm and conservatism are expressed in perfect mutual understanding.

The most important thing is love

Paired with scorpio Woman and Capricorn Male Compatibility is favorable and there are all prospects for a long and durable union. If Capricorn believes Scorpio, he will allow him to lead in all respects. Capricorn will like the open manifestation of love and liberty of the partner.

Perpendicularity of views

Compatibility capricorn man - Sagittarius woman It is unlikely possible due to the opposite of sights and attitude to life. Capricorn will earn, Sagittarius - to spend rapidly. The conservative and inherited attitude of the Capricorn at all positions is unlikely to arrange extravagant Sagittarius. This pair has more reasons for mutual displeasure with each other, which will constantly relax family bonds.

Two of a Kind

The main thing that threatens pare Capricorovoga In their family union - routine. But they have a lot of common: seriousness, conservatism and economy. And these qualities will affect the duration of the marriage union.

Difficult, but you can

Male Capricorn. - Compatibility S. woman-water It is impossible without mutual compromises. Aquarius is too freedomizing and inventive nature, including in a sexual aspect. Capricorn, on the contrary, is practical in life and restrained in bed.

Emotional harmony

A good pair will become capricorn male woman. Despite the fact that these nature is full of opposites, but the fasciance of fish, their sincerity in love will moist the restraint of Capricorn. In addition, he will play a leading role in the family union than it will be quite satisfied. Partners are able to fill the harmony emotional attitude to each other. Union promises to become durable and long.

Everyone wants to choose an ideal partner. But before doing this, you need to know the general information about the person, with whom, perhaps will be associated with the entire further life. But someone else's soul - dotches, and you can not always find out the character of a person even after several months of communication.

However, it is enough to know what the zodiac sign was born to determine if there was some compatibility if it was possible to hope for something in the future or his zodiac sign predicts only short-term passion? Let's try to figure out which signs of the zodiac are ideal for the "first" people in the year - Capricorn.

Before talking about compatibility, you need to know the positive and negative qualities of a person who is born under the sign of Capricorn. After all, it is the knowledge of deficiencies and advantages to help quite accurately determine whether this person is sent by the fate, or should not even communicate with him because of too much differences in characters and views on life.

The main feature of a man who is born under the sign of Capricorn is the ability to achieve goals, despite any life obstacles. Such a person has a brilliant mind and excellent memory. But what specific advantages have Capricorn?

  • Reliable people who can rely and entrust even the most intimate secrets;
  • High degree of execution and responsibility;
  • Patience. Capricorns are one of the few signs of the zodiac, which is endowed with patience;
  • Justice and honesty have Capricorgov in the blood, so they are very painful react to all attempts by deception or manifestation of injustice.

It would seem almost the perfect person. But no, like everyone else, there are also their limitations:

  • Capricorns have hypertrophied ambition and pride. And in general, the imaginary pride of the people-Capricarians can compete even with pride of Lviv;
  • Capricorn - these are pessimists from nature, which always look at the world through the worst prism;
  • Many representatives of this sign of the zodiac are characterized by cruelty, purposefulness at the level of fanaticism, and even small errors of other people they are not able to forgive. Capricorn - typical conservatives, one of those who are ready to destroy all the innovations for the sake of preserving old traditions.

Now that we reviewed the positive and negative sides of the Capricorn, consider options for compatibility with other zodiac signs.

It makes no sense to separately consider the compatibility of female Capricorn and Capricorn Men. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a lot of similar character traits that do not depend on the floor. What signs of the zodiac are ideal for caperpashers?


There is a large similarity of characters. These are pretty strong and purposeful personality. But, as you know, two leaders are difficult to get along in the same family: sooner or later there will begin a tight competition and a comparison of life success and achievements. Relationships will be compatible if Aries and Capricorn will succeed in reaching agreement and learn to mutually give way to each other.


Capricorn and Taurus is an ideal pair. They have many ambitions, aspirations and plans. Both are patient enough and can together overcome almost any difficulties. In sexual terms, the compatibility of these partners is also at the highest level. There is harmony, mutual interest and prospects for any further relationship between these signs of the zodiac.


The similarity of partners in many character features (conservatism, calm and practicality) allows them to achieve a very good relationship. It is possible that the expectations of Capricors and Devs will not coincide with real facts in their sex life, but it is unlikely to be a hindrance for their relationship. This is a very harmonious couple, which has ideal compatibility and mutual understanding.


Very good compatibility. Scorpio, as in relations with other zodiac signs, will try to dominate the Capricorn. But Capricorn will only promote this, as the partner is more successful in all plans, emotional and can boast of great ingenuity. If Capricorn learn to believe Scorpion, the ideality of the relationship will not cause any doubt. These signs of the zodiac have every chance for long and fruitful relationships.


Ideal compatibility, if you try to get rid of one factor - rudinality. It is not surprising that partners are very similar in all their character traits, advantages and disadvantages. They are representatives of one sign of the zodiac. It is necessary to really try to make interest in each other for a long time, because otherwise they risk becoming a typical "English pair". And if you manage to preserve all the sensuality of the relationship, it will be the perfect combination of two zodiac signs.


Compatibility signs are very high. Despite the complete opposite of views and characters, the fish will allow Capricorn dominate in their relationship. The restraint of Capricorns and the sincerity of fish is exactly what is necessary for a strong union. Partners perfectly complement each other in all respects. Ideal compatibility of signs.

Up to 30 years old, the most appropriate partners for Capricors are Virgin and Tales. All of them are the earth signs of the zodiac, therefore the relationship between them, though passive, but are easy and distinguished by stability.

After 30 years, the Capricorns partially lose their conservatism and become less stringent. During this period, the best compatibility is observed between aquarified and scorpion, and the last sign is the best choice, since it is distinguished by the mind and cunning that it cannot but attract Capricorn.

After 42 years, Capricorns reaches all the goals that set themselves. Then there is a good compatibility with fish, which their sincerity allow to achieve the Capricorn of spirituality.

In conclusion, I would like to note: a horoscope is a universal system in which only the most generalized features of the character of a person can be defined. There is no longer the location of the stars in the sky during the birth of a person, and its upbringing, a circle of communication and character that is formed over time. And if the stars say that signs are bad compatibility, then you should not be upset.

Stars are just stars, and we are all here on earth. Therefore, you need to listen, but do not listen to all that horoscopes say. Try, strive, seek, and only then your compatibility with your loved one will define only you, and not the location of the stars in the sky.

Compatibility horoscope: What zodiac signs are suitable for Capricorn woman in marriage - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In the first half of life there is a chance to build an ideal marriage only with Tales and Devs, "His" Earth Beings! At the same time, the Taurus should not have large material queries, but it is necessary to be economic and hardworking. From the Virgin, you need another - the ability to console in any situation, the ability to take responsibility for the partner! In the second half of life, your ideal partner will rather be scorpion or fish. Scorpio will open for you completely new horizons in sex, and the fish will be taught to fight with its own complexes and tolerant to others.

Best Capricorn Couple

calf: As the compatibility horoscope says, Capricorn and Taurus is an extremely successful combination of zodiac signs. The Taurus inspires the passion for the Capricorn to his business, and Capricorn attracts the persistence of the Taurus. Their relationship will be reliable and permanent. These signs can most optimally uncover each other's sentimentality. As the Horoscope compatibility of Capricorn Taurus predicts, this stray romance can turn with a successful marriage.

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Fish: According to the compatibility horoscope, Capricorn and fish extremely successfully complement each other. The landiness of the Capricorn serves as a reliable support for dreamy fish, and Capricorn fascinates the mystery of his second half. The unusual fish positively affects the conservative Capricorn, which becomes more open for the whole new. This fascinating novel has every chance to turn into a reliable and happy marriage, such a forecast gives a horoscope compatibility of Capricorn fish.

Virgo: This pair is one of the most successful combinations of zodiac signs. They fit each other emotionally and intellectually, and the same life values \u200b\u200bclose to zero the possibility of quarrels and conflicts. Hardworking Capricorn is successfully complemented by the practicality of the Virgin. And for apparent dryness and everydays, each of them can skillfully find tenderness and sincere affection. This novel may continue in a no less successful marriage, such a forecast gives a horoscope compatibility Capricorn Virgo.

The worst couple for Capricorn

Aries: Disputes will be a permanent satellite of these relationships. How predicts horoscope compatibility Capricorn Aries, the novel promises to be bright, although not without stormy scenes. Impulsive Aries will make a variety of Capricorn's living pace of life, and Capricorn's dedication slightly disciplines Aries. However, this idyll will violate the reluctance of both to go at least for some compromise. Without this, sooner or later, relationships will come to no, warns the horoscope compatibility of Aries Capricorn.

Sagittarius: According to the compatibility horoscope, Capricorn and Sagittarius - not the most successful combination of zodiac signs. After the Euphoria of Love will disappear, the Sagittarius will begin to seem to Capricorn too windy and frivolous, he even limit his freedom, but it usually doesn't pass this for a gift: he does not even tolerate the hints of despoty and immediately retreat. Roman if it is long, then marriage still hardly ends, such a forecast gives a horoscope compatibility Capricorn Sagittarius.

a lion: As the compatibility horoscope says, the lion and the Capricorn is too different, but still if they are together, then it is not good. After these opposites are attracted with magnetic power, they also quickly begin to strive in different directions. The calm Capricorn introduces the emotional appearance of a lion into a stupor, besides, he refuses to flatter the powerful lion, which invariably leads to conflicts. As the horoscope compatibility of Capricorn Lion is predicted, most likely, this novel will be short-term.

Strained relations

Capricorn: To appreciate the advantage of one Capricorn can only another Capricorn can. Compatibility horoscope claims that this couple will be a hardworking tandem that will enjoy each other's society. This idyll may prevent such a banal thing like boredom. As the compatibility horoscope assures, the female Capricorn is less susceptible to apathy and always tries to make an element of a pleasant surprise in the ordination than the life of his companion asks.

Cancer: This pair lacks mutual understanding. According to the horoscope compatibility, Capricorn and cancer are waiting for different things from each other. Breakfast Capricorn tired of splashes of cancer emotions, and cancer, in turn, cannot understand Capricorn's Estractions. In addition, Capricorn is trying to take on the role of the leader and it can force cancer to finally climb into himself. These relationships may have a chance for a long existence, only if each in a pair will pay high attention to the desires of the other, such a forecast gives a horoscope compatibility of Capricorn Cancer.

Capricorn man with other zodiac signs

The loving horoscope of female Capricorn, or "death a hundred times - one resignation." Capricorn woman in love. Who fits a woman Capricorn?

While the frivolous girlfriends are shoved by dates, solve the "global" problems in the style of "loves-not loved," and honors their skills in the field of coquetry and intrigue, it prefers to give all the strength and ability to teach.

Capricorn girl already at such a gentle age understands perfectly well, to successfully marry, build a strong family and get a decent household condition that you can rather having a chain mind than a lubricating smile. In addition, possessing a rather calm temperament, a small tendency to melancholy and suspicion, in his youth, it is difficult to compete with more superficial and less prone to reflection by goods, and the true oscillation from young nails does not take something doomed to failure.

Compatibility in Love

The love story of female Capricorn tends to begin and end with one partner. The thing is that in the choice of the satellite of life, the cavalier for one night Caps Zaporzka, just say, does not interest, lady with far-sighted and calculating horn.

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The main task of her female essence is to get married to successfully, but not just for a wealthy person, but also such, so that Holil and cherished, was a good father, who was a common owner and preferably not prone to "left" love adventures. Although, even deceiving in the choice of spouse, the female Capricorn most often does not give reverse, but pulls strap until the end of his life.

As such an intimate side of love, cappicals interests little like Buddhists she impresses her only as a means for the birth of children. And in general, it's quite difficult to touch the emotional string in her soul, the cavalier makes no sense to sing about the stars and feelings, it is better to tell how many floors and the bathrooms will be in their common house - guaranteed, Say of the track to the heart is where the love of the love lyrics is shorter.

In a relationship with the Baryshnya-Capricorn, his non-aggressive perseverance without a sexual context, dear gifts, the ability to support the conversation and a reverent attitude to the house. This tandem, being equally tuned to the acquisition of earthly goods, is able to reach vesting vertices. Taurus feeling in the cavalus of the catwall in the harness, drags the harrow even more more. In addition to concerns about the earthly, Kozakotka and Taurus have a lot of highly intelligent, and sometimes even creative themes for the dialogue.

Relationships with a man-Virgin are built somewhat differently, Dam-Capricorn bribes some chitrim and skill to find favorable projects. Malem-mars are not particularly demanding in bed, he is much more important to talk about the affairs of the urgent and loved one. Family nest of Virgo and Cascalls Sample wealth and coziness, only a cool Dama-Capricorn can with understanding refer to cynicism and pedalistry of Virgo.

Tandem with a soft, cheerful and prone to periodic care to man-cancer will bring fresh air cachek. Despite the fact that the launch of the first time will miss the emotional component of the relationship, quite quickly this couple will find the replacement of passions in the form of dialogues in the style of a psychotherapist visit. The man-cancer is rapidly tied to the Dame-Capricorn, and only with her can fully overcome the fear of tomorrow!

Capricorn + Capricorn - despite the rather large number of Rozhkin the union in the highest degree fruitful. They, as usual, having met once, even thoughts do not have, no matter how much to dispose of their lives. Woman Capricorn Being more emotionally flexible easily adjusts to the difficult character of the spouse, not giving it to roll into the depths of pessimism. He also grants his wife so necessary for her care and a solid financial position.

But with a man-fish lady - Capricorn will have to take the management of a family carriage into his hands. However, he will pay a hundredfold for this step of goodwill with love and creating a feeling of happiness in their family. Male fish, like no one else to support his spouse in her desire to make her career, and he himself would love to remain on the second roles, however, providing all sorts of post support, naturally emotional.

Scorpio and Capricorn - the union is rare, and it would seem hopeless, but no. Despite the lack of mutual understanding in the field of sex, in the whole other they are the perfect couple. And the ibex understanding this, it is quite capable of letting his spouse, knowing that he will return home.

There are extremely rare relations with other signs of the zodiac. Men-Aries without taking their fortress from the first time, they are not solved on the second.

Gemini with ibex boring, weights - lacks romance and laudatory songs.

Aquarius ibex avoids, considering "insane", the Sagittarius getting into the category of "womanists" they are also unavailable.

Capricorn man. Compatibility in marriage

Capricorn motto: nothing is impossible! And the Capricorn man in love relationships with women, if desired, can almost always succeed. Attempts by women who tend him to marriage are usually unsuccessful. After all, it is very expensive for Capricorn, it does not tolerate frivolous solutions. And creates a family only when it is confident that his choice is the only right solution. In marriage Capricorn - an excellent husband and a caring father. Who will be this happy? What women choose a male-Capricorn? Compatibility for a happy marriage suggests an astrological horoscope.

Life competition

Woman Aries - Capricorn Male. Compatibility is quite possible. But the relationship is likely to be uneven due to the similarity of characters. These signs, both men and women, have perseverance and purposefulness. Despite sexual harmony, otherwise, sooner or later, partners will compete with each other, wanting to win the championship.

Just perfect will be compatible female Taurus - Capricorn man. Both are patient, purposeful and ambitious nature, are capable of overcome the vital obstacles in the Commonwealth. In sexy plan - complete idyll.

Capricorn husband - Gemini Wife. It is unlikely that the maritime will be long, although there are exceptions from any rules. Both in the characters, life principles, and in sexual relations, this couple has a little bit. The impulsiveness and pleasure of twins are incompatible with the slowness and caperience of Capricorn.

Difficult will be a relationship in a pair capricorn husband - Wife-Cancer. A timid and sensitive cancer will suffer even more from their insecurity in relations with persistent and demanding Capricorn.

Woman Lev - Capricorn Man. Compatibility of Nators is unlikely. Both are very independent, which will affect all aspects of relationships, everyone will stubbornly prove its right point.

Woman Virgo and Capricorn Male. Relations between partners will be harmonious, despite some misconception of views on sex life. Mutual practicality, calm and conservatism are expressed in perfect mutual understanding.

Paired with scorpio Woman and Capricorn Male Compatibility is favorable and there are all prospects for a long and durable union. If Capricorn believes Scorpio, he will allow him to lead in all respects. Capricorn will like the open manifestation of love and liberty of the partner.

Compatibility capricorn man - Sagittarius woman It is unlikely possible due to the opposite of sights and attitude to life. Capricorn will earn, Sagittarius - to spend rapidly. The conservative and inherited attitude of the Capricorn at all positions is unlikely to arrange extravagant Sagittarius. This pair has more reasons for mutual displeasure with each other, which will constantly relax family bonds.

The main thing that threatens pare Capricorovoga In their family union - routine. But they have a lot of common: seriousness, conservatism and economy. And these qualities will affect the duration of the marriage union.

Male Capricorn. - Compatibility S. woman-water It is impossible without mutual compromises. Aquarius is too freedomizing and inventive nature, including in a sexual aspect. Capricorn, on the contrary, is practical in life and restrained in bed.

A good pair will become capricorn male woman. Despite the fact that these nature is full of opposites, but the fasciance of fish, their sincerity in love will moist the restraint of Capricorn. In addition, he will play a leading role in the family union than it will be quite satisfied. Partners are able to fill the harmony emotional attitude to each other. Union promises to become durable and long.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Capricorn zodiac sign Compatible: What zodiac sign Capricorn in marriage and sex, what zodiac sign is suitable for Capricorn; We solve the problems

What zodiac sign Capricorn in relationships

Capricorns are cold, conservative, and although they strive for harmonious relationships, it is sometimes difficult to understand this. Changes they do not like, because they suffer from the exhausted relationship, surviving the cooling of the partner.

Avoid frank clarification of relations. Immerse yourself in solving other problems - household, financial, go to work, hoping that everything will be worse.

Capricorn sometimes it seems that they have no qualities necessary for happiness, but it is a delusion. It is important and useful for the ability to achieve equilibrium between business and personal life. We must learn to relax, relax, and do not blame yourself for idleness.

A misunderstanding interference can be excessive Capricorn self-discipline, which does not allow to show him feelings at the necessary moments.

Paradoxically, but it is precisely sensible Capricors who are capable of carrying bright, frivolous, even a stupid man. In the satellite of life, Capricorn is even valued, constancy, and the beloved is the complete opposite.

Sex Capricorns are traditional, conservative. If anything is surprised, it is endurance. And they are very gentle. By the way, with those who trusts, Capricorn may forget about self-control, become a playful, charming, frivolous.

The partner for the Capricor family is chosen in slower, patiently, picky, estimating all parties: how can earn money, to lead the economy, to raise children. Capricors love although smart, but dividing their point of view of people. Looking for a like-minded man. A less intelligent partner Capricorn will not be able to trust absolutely.

Favorite satellite life Capricorn usually store loyalty. But by that time there are extensive experience and lung hobbies, and serious novels.

What zodiac sign is suitable Capricorn bad

Capricorn is incredibly dependent on his mood. He is inherent in some coldness, the lack of emotions, feelings. Therefore, the union with the sign of fire ( Lion, Square, Own) In the calculation of a storm of passion - practically unreal.

The lion leaves the brightest emotional impressions in Capricorn's memory, but it is rare to keep it Capricorn.

What zodiac sign is suitable Capricorn good

Capricorn sign feeds the energies of Saturn, Mars, uranium, it is inherent in the internal organization, independence from other people's opinions, the ability to hope only for yourself, to achieve intended goals. He knows how to be friends. Talented, and with male leader. Therefore, choosing a satellite of life, often his eyes stop at the representative of his own - earthy - the elements. Lucky union with the same Capricorn, Virgo and especially with Taurus.

What zodiac sign is suitable Capricorn perfect

For the Earth, the best is water, it feeds, makes fertile and blooming. The land of the Capricarps is a solid land, they are particularly necessary for a watermark: and if the fish is not very suitable, then Scorpio- good, and even better - family Cancer.

Capricorn zodiac sign Compatible: solve problems

Capricorns are very legipped, and often over measures. They have the highest demands, socio-financial as a potential satellite.

Reduced the blind bar may not stand, but waiting for a space-made prince or absolutely perfect beauty is not constructive.

Capricorn creates a certain system and easily highlights the creation of an ideal union that does not fit into it.

Even your own heart Capricorn often does not listen. As a result, marriage by calculation, or the union is stable, but without deep feelings. In such a connection, harmony is very relative.

When in priority is love, - you need to remember the voice of the heart, - intuition will tell more logic.

Attention to others will give Capricorn the opportunity to learn them better, and then he will notice who causing sincere sympathy, people. Trust to his own feelings will open the Capricorn new opportunities, new roads of happiness.

And even falling in love, the Capricorns are not terrible, as well as the feelings of justice, they have even exaggeratedly expressed.

When Capricorn seems that the requests of his partner are overestimated, criticism is excessive, Capricorn has a feeling of the relationship of injustice.

Capricorns are quite selfish, often put their interests in priority, do not appreciate concessions from the separator. Here it is important to constructively discuss everything with a partner.

If the chosen one is a gusty, sensitive person, the partnership will be difficult to establish. Capricorn will have to play the role of a parent, condescendingly placing with the leavings of a capricious child. When patience is bursting, change circumstances will be difficult, and late. It is necessary to gently adjust the actions of the beloved, not offended, but also not sweat.

Relationships are stable, but not harmonious

Often the Capricorn, trying to avoid unnecessary experiences and disappointments, choose who relationships will be predictable, without surprises. Waring from negative emotions, Capricorn and pleasant experiences do not give to penetrate his soul. Usually this is the tactics of those who survived the romance stormy, but ended painfully. Even sometimes I do not know about the strength of your temperament, Capricorn may prefer a person unpretentious, ready for compromise that does not cause strong passion, but cute. And then, instead of the expected joy, boredom comes from a stable relationship, which is a lot of Capricorn.

The concentration of Capricorn plays an important role in financial well-being, while the mental intimacy moves to the side. The chosen one begins to suffer, especially if he is focused on romance and harmony of feelings.

Harmony relationships Inherent in those who are in Lada with them. It is necessary to reduce the internal stress, relax, It is less serious and self-critical.

It is impossible to underestimate the importance sexual Part of the relationship, otherwise both will feel discomfort and dissatisfaction with the Union.

Many Capricorns do not always understand their needs of an emotional nature, do not know how to make it clear what they expect from their loved ones. Capricorps impress the calculating cold-blooded people, not inclined to show tenderness, romanticism. Overly emotional behavior is perceived by Capricorn as weakness.

A partner can quickly assimilate a similar line of relationships and not hurry to demonstrate feelings, not even suspecting how Capricorn suffers from shortness of mentality, heat, attention. Sometimes, the Capricorn themselves, feeling discomfort in relations, still do not realize the importance of manifestation of mutual feelings.

Wanting spiritual proximity in relationships, Capricorn needs to soften, allow the feeling of flourishing and growing, to open the soul - the beloved will appreciate it.

Expect too much

Capricors do not like to promise if they are not sure that they will be promised to fulfill. They do not tolerate manipulation, and if they feel, are stubborn. It is from stubbornness to them it is difficult to recognize that the partner requires not so much, and it is quite fair.

Capricorns are conservative, the habit of a certain image of life is to avoid any change, many chief proposals are found by refusal.

If a relations Roads, Capricorn should be able to give up and comply with chosen expectations in response to his efforts. If, for some reason, Capricorn is not ready to satisfy the desire of a partner, you need to be able to explain the reason for your decisions, compensate, and make a compromise.

The accumulation of discontent, evading the discussion of the problem will be an error. And it is not constructively thinking that, since the requirements of the chosen one seemed unreasonable, unreasonable and exaggerated, it means that you should not be together. It is necessary to listen to the partner, maybe he was simply not surprised, or his behavior is inaccurately interpreted.

Capricorn Sullen sound sensit and composure. It is able to resolve the problems, performing the initiator of the dialogue, will take into account the interests of a partner, considering everything, will propose a compromise option. Relationships are a great field to turn around intellectual abilities.

In relations, Capricorn often plays the role of a "parent", deals with the solution of household problems, is building plans, considers the variation of the development of events. Often it happens an exciting business, sometimes - the only way out, but sometimes - heavily tires. And then Capricorn is waiting for actions equal to one; There is a disappointment if this does not happen.

Capricorn error in the desire to take all a responsibility Only on ourselves, in the non-crack partner on its own decisions. And then the time comes when helping is needed, but the partner is already used to that Capricorn acts itself (one), and therefore in no hurry to participate in solving the problem.

Capricorn should also learn to trust fate, relax: allow themselves to be open, less pedantic, and sometimes even capricious.

Common sense is wonderful, but the fulfillment of his desires and the disclosure of feelings is the path to a happier existence. Seriousness is praised, however, a little bit of frivolity will receive the life of a "stream of fresh air".

Capricorns are incredibly serious regarding material issues. It is sometimes sometimes that they cares only the financial and household side of relations. Therefore, with having other priorities, people from Capricors do not just fold.

Social status, material well-being is undoubtedly very important, but are they valuable more warm relationships?

Disagreements on the issues of life are overcome, it is impossible to allow love to go out due to household trifles. You can not blame each other, you must act together in overcoming any difficulties, be able to negotiate, try to make life pleasant for both.

It is necessary to diversify leisure, decorating life by traveling, unusual holidays, impressions, events. Then care will go to another plan, or will disappear at all. A man with a high intelligence like a osculusion will not "boot" a casual routine, if there is something more interesting in life.

These are only the common characteristics of the Capricarps, and not something concrete for the people of this sign, everything is individually.

Who is suitable Capricorn

Capricorn refers to the earth's zodiac sign, which is peculiar to prudence, a sober mind and a subtle approach to the choice of a partner. People of this sign for the most part are not famous for activity and the desire to know the whole world, respectively, and more souls will be those people who have similar features and views on life.

Fit Capricorn Woman

Outwardly, the woman of this sign can look completely different. It can be found in home stretched "training", and in a strict suit with elegant hairstyle, and incredibly air, romantic and gentle. Who is suitable for a Capricorn-woman in each of these cases?

Capricorn woman on all sides

No matter how it looked outwardly, any representative of this constellation wants to find a worthless man. Which will be the king, and she, accordingly, his queen.

The thought of successful marriage is always in its subconsciously hardly from childhood. And sooner or later she will definitely achieve the desired. What will be the main success in life.

Often, female Capricorn make a brilliant career, but not at all because their personal life is in the second plan. Glory and recognition are also important for them. And in this case for Cascorn, all means are good.

One of the most pleasant features of such women is the ability to own themselves and incredible natural liction. Always flawless in their manners, they reliably hide the origin and social status.

It is restrained, and therefore often the surrounding it seems that she always has a great and raised mood. But it is not entirely true. Planet Saturn, which manages this sign, very often has to pessimism, melancholy and gloominess. And the Capricorn woman has to make a lot of effort, so as not to feed these qualities in itself. Therefore, choosing who is suitable for the Capricorn-Woman is extremely important to take into account that her closest entourage contributes to as rarely visiting such sentiment. No need to tear and mock it, it can drive the problem in the farthest corner. And most importantly - never deceive them.

Cozesia love in female

In love affairs, the female Capricorn often has nothing to do. Especially at the first stage of development of relations, it feels extremely uncomfortable. But as soon as she understands that it is you who are a man of her dreams, she will immediately turn into a gentle, gentle and passionate woman. Such representatives of beautiful sex are never given to recklessly in the power of their hobbies. They necessarily need to know where they can have such relationships. And as soon as she is convinced that the ship is coming by the right course, immediately calm down and can fully belong to you.

Love for Cascorn is a serious thing. To choose chosen, they are suitable thoroughly and, as a rule, simply do not have time for light flirt. Like all representatives of the signs of the Earth, they bloom only in a state of rest and security. Therefore, as any other woman, they need to be completely confident in their chosen.

If you describe briefly, who is suitable for a Capricorn-woman, we can say that she needs adults, partnerships, where her second half will not coal and suppress, and will support and understand. But as a realist, she perfectly understands that such relations are extremely rare, and to find such a person how difficult.

Women of this sign are incredibly feminine and graceful, like real lady. It is worth remembering to all those men who decided to conquer her heart. You will not achieve anything too rude and gusty actions. You should act gently and tactfully. And if you are not ready for a serious relationship, it is better not to choose a female Capricorn woman in companions. At best, you just do not achieve the desired. And generally prepare for a long siege: so just she will not give you away!

Compatible with other signs

No one has canceled such a thing as compatibility. Let's find out who is suitable for a Capricorn-woman from this point of view.

A favorable union will be formed with devices, lions, crayfish, twins, tales and Aries.

Financial problems may arise with the first fiery sign, as Aries are more reckless in this regard, and Capricorn is very difficult to understand and take such an attitude to money.

Passionate alliances arise with calves, in addition, in this case, many common interests in everyday life. Such a tandem is capable of being very successful and long.

If we talk about relations with twins, then Capricorn will have to fulfill the second role in them.

Relationships with cancer is a sensual and passionate union.

With Lvom - a very ambiguous relationship. Capricorn women in them can periodically rebel, taking attempts to capture power. If the chosen is able to forgive such anti-outs, the Union promises to be quite successful.

Relationships with the Virgin can be described as clean. This is probably the best option for a Capricorn woman.