Who wrote lunar. History of the creation of "Lunar Sonata" L.Betshen

Who wrote lunar. History of the creation of "Lunar Sonata" L.Betshen

Juliet Guichchardi ... Woman whose portrait of Ludwig Van Beethoven kept together with the "Heilenstadi Testament" and an unsent letter addressed to the "immortal beloved" (and it is possible that this mysterious lover was she who).

In 1800, Juliet was eighteen years old, and Beethoven gave the lessons with a young aristocratcher - but the communication of these two soon went beyond the relationship between the teacher and the student: "I became more pleasant to live ... This change was made by the charm of one cute girl," the composer admits in a letter to To a friend, tying with Juliet "The first happy minutes over the past two years." In the summer of 1801, which Beethoven, together with Juliet, spends in the estate of her relatives of Brunsvikov, he no longer doubts that he loves that happiness is possible - even the noble origin of the chosen not seemed to him an insurmountable obstacle ...

But the imagination of the girl seized Wentsell Robert von Gallenberg - a composer-aristocrat, far from the most significant figure in the music of his era, but the young Council of Guichchardi considered him ingenious, which did not fail to inform his teacher. Beethoven This led to a rage, and soon Juliet informed him about his decision to leave "from a genius who had already won, to the genius who still fights for recognition" ... The Marriage of Juliet with Gallenberg was not particularly happy, and with Beethoven, she again met in 1821 - Juliet turned to the former beloved with a request to ... financial assistance. "She housed me in tears, but I despised her," so described this meeting Beethoven, however, he kept the portrait of this woman ... But all this will be later, and then the composer was seriously worried about this blow of fate. Love for Juliet Guichchardi did not make him happy, but presented to the world one of the most beautiful works of Ludwig Van Beethoven - Sonata No. 14 of the Diez Minor.

Sonata is known under the title "Moon". The composer himself did not give such a name - it fixed the work with the light hand of the German writer and the musical criticism of Ludwig Robelstab, who saw her "Moonlight over the Cirodststest Lake" in the first part. Paradoxically, this name was accustomed, although I met a lot of objections - in particular, Anton Rubinstein argued that the tragity of the first part and the stormy feelings of the final do not correspond to the melancholiciness and the "meek light" of the Lunny night landscape.

Sonata No. 14 was published in 1802 along with. Both works were identified by the author as "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia". This implied the retreat from the traditional, the established structure of the Sonata Cycle, built on the principle of contrast "quickly - slowly - quickly." The fourteenth sonata develops linearly from slow to rapid.

The first part is Adagio Sostenuto - written in a form that combines the features of two parties and hencenity. The main topic seems to be extremely simple if it is considered isolated - but the persistent repetition of the quint tone gives it exceptional emotional tension. This feeling is enhanced by a triol figuration, against the background of which the whole first part passes - as an undoubted thought. The bass voice on the rhythm almost coincides with the melodic line, thereby reinforcing it, giving consideration. These elements are developing in a change of harmonic flavor, comparing registers, representing a whole range of feelings: sadness, bright dream, determination, "deadly despondency" - by the expression of Alexander Serov.

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Brilliant work of the Great German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Ludwig Van Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moon Sonata).

Sonata Beethoven, written in 1801, originally had a pretty prose name - Piano Sonata No. 14. But in 1832, the German musical critic Ludwig Relstab compared Sonata with the Moon shining over the Lucerne Lake. So this composition was widely known for now the name "Moon Sonata". The composer himself was no longer binding to that time ...

At the very end of the XVIII century, Beethoven was in the heyday, he was incredibly popular, led an active secular life, it was possible to call him the idol of young people with full right. But one circumstance began to overshadow the life of the composer - gradually fading rumor.

Suffering because of the ailment, Beethoven stopped being published and became practically a rejection. He was defeated by physical flour: constant incurable noise in the ears. In addition, the composer was also experiencing mental torments due to the approaching deafness: "What will happen to me?" He wrote to his friend.

In 1800, Beethoven met Gwichchardi's aristocrats who came from Italy to Vienna. The daughter of the honorable family, sixteen-year-old Juliet, at first glance struck the composer. Soon Beethoven began to give the girl the lessons of playing on the piano, and, completely free. Juliet had good musical data and grabbed all his advice on the summer. She was good, Yuna, sociable and flirting with his 30-year-old teacher.

Beethoven fell in love, sincerely, with all the passion for his nature. He fell in love for the first time, and his soul was full of pure joy and bright hope. He is not young! But she, as it seemed to him, perfection, and could be a consolation for him in illness, joy on weekdays and a muse in creativity. Beethoven seriously thinks to marry Juliet, because she cute with him and encourages his feelings.

True, more and more often the composer feels his helplessness because of the progressive loss of hearing, his financial situation is unstable, he does not have a title or "blue blood" (his father is a court musician, and the mother is the daughter of the court chef), and then Juliet is an aristocrat ! In addition, his beloved begins to give preference to Gallenberg count.

The whole storm of human emotions, which was in his soul, the composer reports in Lunny Sonate. It is a grief, doubts, jealousy, doomed, passion, hope, longing, tenderness and, of course, love.

The power of the feelings he experienced during the creation of a masterpiece show events that have occurred after it writing. Juliet, forgetting about Beethoven, agreed to become the wife of Gallenberg's Graph, who was also an edulous composer. And, apparently, deciding to play in an adult temptation, finally sent a letter to Beethoven, in which he reported: "I'm leaving from one genius to another." It was a cruel "double blow" - as a man and as a musician.

The composer in search of loneliness, torn by feelings of rejected in love, went to the estate of his friend Mary Erdedi. Three days and three nights he wandered through the forest. When he was found in the remotely more often exhausted from hunger, he could not even speak ...

Beethoven wrote Sonata in 1800-1801, calling her Quasi Una Fantasia - that is, "in the spirit of fantasy." Its first edition dates back to 1802 and dedicated to Juliet Gwitchchardi. At first it was just Sonata No. 14 Diez Minor, which consisted of three parts - Adagio, Allegro and the final. In 1832, the German poet Ludwig Robelstheb compared the first part with a walk through a silong Moon Luna. Years will be held, and the first dimension part of the work will be the hit of all times and peoples. And, probably, the convenience of the sake of "Adagio Sonata No. 14 Quasi Una Fantasia" will simply be replaced by the majority of the population just on the "Lunar Sonatu".

Six months after writing Sonata, October 6, 1802, Beethoven in despair writes "Highigenstadt testament". Some BeethovenSeds believe that it is the Countess of Guichchardi that the composer addressed a letter, known as a letter to the immortal beloved. It was discovered after the death of Beethoven in a secret drawer of his wardrobe. Beethoven kept the miniature portrait of Juliet with this letter and Heiligenstad Testament. The longing of unspecified love, flour loss of hearing - all this expressed the composer in the "lunar" sonate.

This was how the Great Work was born: in the flour of love, throwing, ecstasy and emptying. But, probably, it was worth it. Beethoven later still experienced a bright feeling for another woman. And Juliet, by the way, on one of the versions, then understood the inaccuracy of its calculations. And, realizing the genius of Beethoven, came to him and prayed him about forgiveness. However, he no longer forgive her ...

"Lunar Sonata" performed by Stephen Sharpe Nelson to Electrovolone.

The famous moon Sonata Beethoven appeared in 1801. In those years, the composer was experiencing not the best time in his life. On the one hand, he was successful and popular, his works were becoming increasingly popular, he was invited to the famous aristocratic houses. The thirty-year-old composer impressed the cheerful, happy person, independent and despised fashion, proud and happy. But in the soul of Ludwig tormented deep experiences - he began to lose hearing. It was a terrible badge for the composer, because before the disease, Beethoven's hearing was distinguished by amazing subtlety and accuracy, he was able to notice the slightest wrong shade or a note, almost visually imagined all the subtleties of rich orchestral paints.

The causes of the disease remained unknown. Perhaps the case was in excessive hearing straining, or in the cold and inflammation of the ear nerve. Be that as it may, the unbearable noise in the ears tormented Beethoven and the day, and at night, and the whole community of professionals in the field of medicine could not help him. Already by 1800, the composer had to stand very close to the stage to hear the high sounds of the Orchestra game, he hardly distinguished the words of the people who spoken him. He hid his deafness from friends and loved ones and tried to be smaller in society. At this time, young Juliet Gwichchardi appeared in his life. She was sixteen, she adored music, played perfectly on the piano and became a student of the Great Composer. And Beethoven fell in love, immediately and irrevocably. He always saw in people only the best, and Juliet was presented to him by the perfection, an innocent angel to come down to him for the thickening of his anxiety and the seals. It was captivated by the cheerfulness, good nature and society of the young student. Beethoven and Juliet had a relationship, and he felt the taste for life. He began to get into the world more often, he re-learned to rejoice in simple things - music, the sun, the lover smile. Beethoven dreamed that someday would call Juliet to his wife. Filled with happiness, he began working on Sonata, which called "Sonata in the Spirit of Fantasy."

But his dreams were not destined to come true. Windy and frivolous coquette started a novel with aristocratic graph Robert Gallenberg. She became uninteresting deaf, unsecured composer from a simple family. Very soon Juliet became Gallenberg Countess. Sonata, which Beethoven began to write in a state of real happiness, delight and tremendous hope, was finished in anger and rage. Its first part is slow and tender, and the final sounds like a hurricane, sweeping everything in its path. After the death of Beethoven in the box of his written table there was a letter that Ludwig addressed careless Juliet. In it, he wrote about how much she meant for him, and what a long-term melancholy smeared after the treason of Juliet. The world of the composer collapsed, and life lost its meaning. "Lunny" sonatoo called one of the best friends of Beethoven, the poet Ludwig Robelstab, after his death. With the sounds of the sonata, he imagined the quiet smooth of the lake and the lonely boat floating on it under the wrong light of the moon.

... frankly, putting this work in the school program as meaninglessly as an aging composer to talk about the enthusiastic feelings of the girl, which only recently came out of the diaper and not to love, but simply not adequately learned.

Children ... what will you take them? Personally, I did not understand this work at one time. Yes, I would not understand now, if I once did not feel the same thing that the composer felt.

Some restraint, melancholicity ... yes no where there. He simply wanted to cry, his pain was so drunk as the future that the future seemed devoid of meaning and like a chimney - every lumen.

Beethoven has only one grateful listener. Piano.

Or was everything far away, as it seems at first glance? What if it was even easier?

In fact, the "lunar sonaca" is not called the whole Sonata No. 14, but only the first part of it. But from this value of the remaining parts, it does not decrease in any way, since it can be judged by the author's emotional state at that time. For example, if you listen to one moon sonatoo, then you are most likely to be misleading. It can not be perceived as an independent work. Although I really want.

What do you think when hear her? What was the beautiful melody what was it, and what betoven was a talented composer? Undoubtedly, all this is present.

It is interesting that when I heard her at school at the lesson of music, then the teacher commented on the entry in such a way that it became an impression that the author was more disturbed by the approaching deafness than betrayal.

What is absurdity. As if at that moment, when you see that your chosen is to another, something else has the meaning. Although ... if we assume that on "" all the work ends, it was so it was. Allegretto rather sharply changes the interpretation of the entire work as a whole. Because it becomes clear: this is not just a short composition, it is a whole story.

Present art begins only where there is extreme sincerity. And at the present composer, his music becomes the very highway, the means with which he can tell about his feelings.

Very often, the victims of unhappy love believe that if their chosen is their true feelings, she will return. At least from pity, if not from love. Perhaps it is unpleasant to realize, but this is exactly the situation of things.

"Hysterical Nature" - what is it, in your opinion? It is customary to attribute to this expression hopelessly negative shade, as well as its inceptivity to a greater degree of beautiful sex, rather than strong. Like, this desire to attract attention, as well as highlight its feelings against the background of everything else. It sounds cynical, as its feelings ... it is accepted to hide. Especially at the time in which Beethoven lived.

When from year to year actively write music and put into it a piece of yourself, and not just turn your handicrafts in such a kind, then you begin to feel much more sharper than. Including loneliness. Writing this composition began in the 1800th year, and was published by Sonata was in 1802th.

Was this sadness of loneliness because of aggravating ailment, or did the composer just fell into depression exclusively because of the start of love?

Yes, yes, sometimes it happens! About undivided love is more telling the dedication to Sonate than the painting itself. Repeat, the Fourteenth Sonata is not just a melody about the unfortunate composer, it is an independent story. So she can be a story about how love has changed him.

Part Two: Allegretto

"Flower among the abyss." That is how the sheet about Allegretto Sonata №14 was expressed. Someone ... Yes, not someone, but almost all at the beginning note the fermented change of emotional color. According to the same definition, some compare the accession from the drop-down cup of flower, and the second part is with a period of flowering. Well, already flowers appeared.

Yes, Beethoven at the time of writing this composition was thinking about Juliet. If you forget the chronology, then you might think that this or grief of unrequited love (but in fact, in the 1800th Ludwig just began to fall in love with this girl), or thinking about his difficult share.

Thanks to Allegretto, you can judge another scenario: the composer, passing the shades of love and tenderness, talks about the world, full of sadness, in which his soul dated with Juliet.

And in the second, as in his well-known letter to a friend, talks about a change, which happened to him thanks to the acquaintance with this girl.

If we consider the fourteenth sonatu from this point of view, it instantly disappears any shadow of contradiction, and everything becomes extremely clear and explained.

What is the incomprehensible then?

What can be said about the musical critics that wondered about the inclusion of this very schero into the work, and in general having an extremely melancholic shade? Or what they were inattentive, or what they managed to live all their lives, never having survived all the same gamut of feelings and in the same sequence that you had to experience the composer? Establish you, let it be your opinion.

But at some point Beethoven was just ... happy! And about this, happiness speaks into an allegretto of this sonata.

Part Three: Presto Agitato

... and a sharp burst of energy. What was it? Hazard, that the young lamb did not accept his love? This is no longer called one only suffering, in this part they rather overwhelmed bitterness, insult and, where more, resentment. Yes, it is resentment! How could you reject his feelings?! Yes, how did she dare? !!

And gradually feelings become quieter, although it is not calmer. As a shame ... But in the depths of the soul, the ocean of emotions continues. The composer seems like a room back-forward, discovered by contradictory emotions.

It was sharply vulnerable pride, dedicated pride and the powerless rage, which Beethoven could give a way out in one way - in music.

Anger is gradually replaced by contempt ("Yes, as you could!"), And he tears out all sorts of relations with his beloved, which by that time he already stuck with the count of the vesiting Galenberg. And puts the point with a decisive chord.

"Everything is enough with me!"

That's just such a decisiveness can not last long. Yes, this man was extremely emotional, and his feelings were real, although not always controlled. More precisely, that is why not controlled.

He could not kill tender feelings, could not kill love, although he sincerely wanted it. He wandered in his student. Even six months later, I could not stop thinking about her. It can be seen by his Highigenstad Testament.

Now such relationships would not be accepted by society. But then the times were others and others were morals. A seventeen-year-old girl was already considered more than ripened for marriage and even was free to choose the Highup.

Now she would barely graduated from school and, by default, it would be considered a naive child, and Ludwig himself would have thundered under the article "Sector of Juvenile". But again: the times were others.

The "Moon Sonata" Beethoven is a work that is striking the feelings of mankind is more than two hundred years. What is the secret of popularity, unfading interest in this musical composition? Perhaps in the mood, in feelings that invest in their brainchild. And who even through the notes affect the soul of each listener.

The history of the creation of "Lunar Sonata" is tragic, full of experiences and drama.

The appearance of "lunar sonata"

The famous composition was the world in 1801. On the one hand, for the composer, these times - the time of creative dawn: his musical creations are gaining more and more popularity, the talent of Beethoven is estimated by the public, he is the desired guest of famous aristocrats. But with the appearance of a cheerful, happy man tormented deep experiences. The composer begins to lose hearing. For a person who has previously possess an amazingly thin and accurate hearing, it became a huge shock. No medical instruments could save musical genius from unbearable noise in the ears. Ludwig Van Beethoven tries not to upset his loved ones, hides his problem from them, avoids public events.

But at this difficult time, the life of the composer will fill the young student of Juliet Gwichchardi with bright colors. Being in love with music, the girl played perfectly on the piano. Beethoven did not resist the charm of the Young Beauty, her good nature - his heart was filled with love. And with this magnificent feeling returned and the taste of life. The composer is published again and again feels the beauty and joy of the surrounding world. Being painted love, Beethoven begins work on an amazing sonata called "Sonata in the spirit of fantasy."

But the dreams of the composer about the married, family life crash. Young frivolous Juliet makes love relationships with Count Robert Gallenberg. Sonata, inspired by happiness, was completed by Beethoven in a state of deep longing, sadness and anger. The life of the genius after the cheating of the beloved lost every taste, the heart is finally broken.

But despite this, the feelings of love, sorrow, longing from parting and despair from unbearable physical suffering related to the disease, spawned an unforgettable work of art.

Why "Moon Sonata"?

The name "Moon Sonata" This famous musical composition has acquired thanks to a friend of the composer Ludwig Robelby. Sonatai melody inspired him the picture of the lake with a quiet stroke and a boat floating under the Sound Light of the Moon.