Who wrote a picture of Troika author. History of writing the most tragic picture of Vasily Perova "Troika" (5 photos)

Who wrote a picture of Troika author. History of writing the most tragic picture of Vasily Perova
Who wrote a picture of Troika author. History of writing the most tragic picture of Vasily Perova "Troika" (5 photos)

The painting "Troika" is one of the most significant works of the artist V.G. Perov. It depicts the children of the poor who are jugging a barrel of water on an icing road. Since her writing has passed many years. And the contemporaries of the picture, and today's viewers, the work of the master causes tears in his eyes and a high sense of compassion for people. The author of the "Troika" painting with help tried to recreate the atmosphere of gloomy doom that reigned in the world of beggar and disadvantaged. Currently, this work of art is located in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

A few words about the author of the canvas

The painting "Troika" is, perhaps, one of the most emotional and well-known works of the artist Vasily Grigorievich Perov. He was born in the city of Tobolsk. When his parents moved to the future great master, he entered the Arzamas county school. In the same place, he studied at the art school with the breaks, to finish which Vasilia never succeeded. But later, the future artist was educated in the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture. For his life, the master wrote many wonderful paintings. Among them are, such works as "arrival of the storm", "boy-master", "Plach Yaroslavna" and many others.

Picture "Troika": Description

This work was written by the author in 1866. It was a difficult time for Russia. The serfdom has already been canceled, but it did not reconcile the plight of the Russian peasantry. His life was still a bench and disadvantaged. Many art masters then worried the topic of the curence and poor peasants, coercion to pay the "tear of the child" for some life benefits.

This and reflected in his center of her depicted three children (students of craftsmen), carrying a huge garbage barrel. These are two boys and a girl. In the yard of winter, it is fattened, on the road - the Hollyantica. A sharp cold wind swells their poor clothes. Plowing from the barrel water immediately turns into icicles. How cold children should be in such a frost! .. It is clear that they were completely out of their strength. Some helps them to drag the barrel on the hillock. The cart is accompanied by a dog that runs a little right in front of children. The picture is written in gloomy gray brown tones. Even the snow around is dark. Thus, the master wanted to show the viewer all the gray, hopelessness and horror of the situation, when young children are forced to perform such black work. The atmosphere also pumps the searel deserted street. What are the characters of the paintings from the audience? The name itself says that the work of these children can be compared with the work of the horses. The public the work under consideration causes acute pity for poor kids, which fell so difficult fate.

Main idea

The author of the painting "Troika" here refers to the theme of child labor in Russia of those years. Now it is difficult for us to imagine the situation when it was quite legitimate and absolutely normal, from the point of view of the situation that existed then, the phenomenon. How much bitterness and pain in the name of the work! We are more familiar to call the top three rising horses that are carrying at high speed on a wide endless expanse of Russia. And here the poor and exhausted children, forced to pull the unbearable burnt in a frosty day. Many city masters then loaded their disciples like hard work. Children in such hellish conditions often sick and died. Looking at the picture, you can imagine all the hopelessness of the situation. It was for that that wanted to pay the attention of society the artist. The work will not leave anyone indifferent, makesone to be kinder to people and will not allow passing and not to see the area and poverty.


The author of the work has long been looking for simulators for his work. For the girls' shapes and the left left boy, he found them. But for the image of the central hero, the artist could not "look after" a suitable child. The painting "Troika" was already written more than half, when Perov met once on the street in the peasant with his son, who went from the Ryazan village to the monastery. When he saw a boy, he immediately realized that this was exactly the central figure that did not get on the canvas. Talking with a woman, the master learned that the name was her aunt Marya, and her son - Vasya. The fate is not easy. She buried all his children and her husband who died of diseases and needs. Twelve-year-old Vasya is its only hope and consolation. After listening to a bitter story, Perov suggested a woman to draw her son. She agreed. So the picture appeared a new character.

Fate of the main hero

This story has a continuation. Once, four years after writing the picture, the old woman came to Perov in a serum and dirty laps. In her, the master with difficulty recognized the very aunt Marjo. She extended him a small nodule with the testicles. "As a gift," the woman explained so. With tears in his eyes, the peasant told the artist that her Vassenka died last year, heavily ill. Left is completely alone, the woman sold his whole Skarb, worked the whole winter, and, crewing a little money, came to Perov, in order for her simple savings to buy a picture from him, on which her favorite son was depicted. The master explained the poor mother that the painting "Troika" is in the gallery that it is impossible to purchase it. But you can see it. When the woman was in front of the picture, she fell on his knees and, bitterly, began to pray at her. Touched by this scene, the artist promised her mother to draw a portrait of her son. He fulfilled his commitment and sent his work to the village of his work in a gilded frame.

This article describes the picture "Troika" Perov, and also described about the author and facts related to its creation. We hope the information will be interested in a wide circle of readers.

Few people know how the Russian artist Vasily Perov wrote his picture "Troika (students of masters carry water)." He could not pick up the image of the central character for a long time, and after he still managed to choose him, became a member of the real drama in a simple peasant family.

Vasily Perov worked for a long time over the picture. It was written most of it, lacked only the central character, the artist could not find the desired type. One day she walked around the vicinity of the Tver Oblast and considered the faces of the masters, who, after the celebration of Easter, returned from the villages back to the city to work. He was here and saw the artist of the boy who will face the views of the audience to his picture. He was from the Ryazan province and walked with her mother in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.

The artist, excited from what he found "of that very," became emotionally to ask the woman to allow him to draw a portrait of his son. A frightened woman did not understand what was the matter and tried to speed up. Here Perov offered her to go into his workshop and promised overnight, since he learned that the travelers had no place to stay.

In the workshop, the artist showed a woman an unfinished picture. She was frightened even more, they say, sin it is to draw people: some of this gets, and others die. Perov persuaded her as he could. He brought into the example of kings, bishops, posing artists. In the end, the woman agreed.
While the portrait wrote the portrait of the boy, the mother told about her difficult share. Her called the aunt Marya. Husband and children died, only one Vassenka remained. She did not have a soul in him. The next day, the travelers left, and the artist was inspired by finishing his cloth. It turned out so penetrating that he was immediately acquired by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov and exhibited in the gallery.

Four years later on the threshold of the workshop Perov again appeared aunt Marya. That's just she was without Vassenka. A woman in tears told that her son for a year before it fell sick and died. Later, Perov wrote that Marya did not blame him in the death of the boy, but he himself did not leave a feeling of guilt for what happened.
The aunt Marya said that she worked all winter, sold everything that she had, just to buy a picture where her son depicts. Vasily Perov replied that the picture was sold, but you can see. He took the woman to the gallery to Tretyakov. Seeing the picture, the woman fell on his knees and buried. "You are mine! So the teeth are yours embarrassed! " - she caused.

A few hours stood mother before the image of her son and prayed. The artist assured her that the portrait of Vassenki will write separately. Perov executed the promised and sent a portrait of a boy in a gilded frame in the village to the aunt Marya.

Winter twilight. Winter storm. Two boys and the girl harnessed in Sani and with difficulty pulling a huge loose barrel with water in the urban street. Children were out of their strength. A sharp wind blows through their drank clothes. Some kind person helps them to pull the sleigh on the hillock.

Perov called the picture "Troika". How much pain and bitterness in this name! We are accustomed to the songs about the dashing troika, about a rigging troika, and here - the top of the exhausted children. To the title of the picture - "Troika" - Persian attributed: "Pupils of workshops are carrying water."

At that time, thousands of children worked in factories, in workshops, in stores and shops. They were called "students." One person who started his work life with a student, later recalled his religious childhood: "We were forced to carry the boxes weigh three or four of the basement on the third floor. We wore boxes on the back with the help of rope straps. Lifting through the screw staircase, we Often fell and broken. And then the owner rode to fallen, grabbed his head and pounded his head about the cast-iron staircase. All of us, thirteen boys, lived in the same room with thick iron lattices on the windows. Sleeping on the bars. In addition to the latter No bed was not. After work, we shot the dress and boots, dressed in the dirty bathrobes, which were subjected to the rope, and put on the legs. But we were not given to rest. We had to pricking firewood, drown the oven, put samovars, run into bun In the meat shop, in a tavern for tea and vodka, carry the snow from the pavement. On holidays, we were also sent to sing in church choir. In the morning and in the evening we went with a huge tub to the pool for water and brought every th times ten ears ... "

So lived and children depicted in the picture of Perov.

The picture was already started, and feather could not find a middle boy for her. And much depended on it: he immediately attracts the attention of the audience. In the spring, in a walking sunny day, the artist, as usual, wandered near the outpost, looked at the passers-by. Suddenly he noticed a woman with a boy. Came up. The boy is exactly the same as he was looking for. Told. New familiar walked from the Ryazan village to the monastery, got to Moscow, but to spend the night there. Perov led them to the workshop, showed the picture started and asked for permission to write from the boy. The woman agreed.

While Perov worked, the woman told him about his life. Wood a woman aunt Marya. Fate did not indulge. Tetushka Marya experienced hunger and poverty, buried her husband, children. Now she has one consolation - the twelve-year-old son Vassenka. The artist listened to a sad story, and on canvas with every movement of the brush, the face of the boy Vasi was explicitly showed. Hard-harmful, non-danguable sleigh, Vasya will now remind the audience about the difficult share of many children around ...

About four years have passed. The painting "Troika" has long hung in the Tretyakov Gallery. Once Early in the morning, an unexpected guest came to Perov - a rustic old woman in a serum and large, covered with mud noodles. She extended the artist a poor gift - a small nodule with the testicles - and cried. Perov hardly recognized the aunt Marjo. She told that her only son last year fell ill and died, and she sold his whole Skarb, the winter worked, I saved a little money and now it came to buy a picture where Vassenka was drawn. Perov explained to the guest that it was impossible to buy a picture, but you can see. He led aunt Mari to Tretyakov.

My native! So the teeth are yours embarrassed! - screamed the aunt of Marya and dropped on his knees in front of the picture.

Perov left her one. A few hours later, he returned to the hall. Tetushka Marya still standing on his knees and ... prayed. She prayed not to the icon, but on the picture. The artist my art was able to give her son eternal life. Perov promised aunt Marya to write a portrait of Vasi for her. He fulfilled the promise and sent her portrait in the gilded frame to the village.

"Troika (student masters carry water)" - An incredibly emotional canvas created by the Russian artist Vasily Perov. Three babies harvested in Sani, doomed the huge barrel with water. Very often, the picture leads as an example, speaking of the difficult peasant fate. That's just the creation of this painting has become a real grief for a regular rustic woman.

Vasily Perov Already worked for a long time. It was written most of it, lacked only the central character, the artist could not find the desired type. One day she walked around the vicinity of the Tver Oblast and considered the faces of the masters, who, after the celebration of Easter, returned from the villages back to the city to work. He was here and saw the artist of the boy who will face the views of the audience to his picture. He was from the Ryazan province and walked with her mother in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.

The artist, excited from what he found "of that very," became emotionally to ask the woman to allow him to draw a portrait of his son. A frightened woman did not understand what was the matter and tried to speed up. Here Perov offered her to go into his workshop and promised overnight, since he learned that the travelers had no place to stay.

In the workshop, the artist showed a woman an unfinished picture. She was frightened even more, they say, sin it is to draw people: some of this gets, and others die. Perov persuaded her as he could. He brought into the example of kings, bishops, posing artists. In the end, the woman agreed.

While the portrait wrote the portrait of the boy, the mother told about her difficult share. Her called the aunt Marya. Husband and children died, only one Vassenka remained. She did not have a soul in him. The next day, the travelers left, and the artist was inspired by finishing his cloth. It turned out so penetrating that he was immediately acquired by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov and exhibited in the gallery.

Four years later on the threshold of the workshop Perov again appeared aunt Marya. That's just she was without Varenki. A woman in tears told that her son for a year before it fell sick and died. Later, Perov wrote that Marya did not blame him in the death of the boy, but he himself did not leave a feeling of guilt for what happened.

The aunt Marya said that she worked all winter, sold everything that she had, just to buy a picture where her son depicts. Vasily Perov replied that the picture was sold, but you can see. He took the woman to the gallery to Tretyakov. Seeing the picture, the woman fell on his knees and buried. "You are mine! So the teeth are yours embarrassed! " - she caused.

A few hours stood mother before the image of her son and prayed. The artist assured her that the portrait of Vassenki will write separately. Perov executed the promised and sent a portrait of a boy in a gilded frame in the village to the aunt Marya.

You can read yourself in lucky
And with Grozny, you do not want to live?
Do not dream of plague
Florentine and rolling?
Want to go first grade
And not in the truma, in the semi?

Many times this picture at school saved me from despair. Reproduction hung on the wall next to my desk. For several years, Parenyok in the center of the troika was my friend.

"Did you humiliate the teacher? It is not scary, look at us.
Now there will be a pedsovet, and you will be expelled for the third time from school? It is not scary, look at us.
You will be waiting for the three most gangster schools in the porch to make it obey them? It's not scary, look at us "
And I watched. And I got not scary. Thank you, my friends from the past. Thanks to someone who hung the picture next to my desk. After all, my life could go on another way ...

And only a lot later I learned that the picture of Perov is not just a triple, but "Troika. Pupils Masters are carrying water "(1866).
"Which of us does not know the" Troika "Perov," wrote V. V. Stasov, - these Moscow children, who forced the owner to carry in the wilderness of a huge vulgar with water. All these guys, probably, rustic are and only driven to Moscow to fishing. But how much they suffered at this "fishery"! Expressions of hopeless suffering, traces of eternal beatings are drawn on their tired pale leaps; The whole life is told in their rags, poses, in a severe turn of their heads, in the exhausted eyes ... "

Perov did not give an image of a center boy, everything was not that. But one day he met a woman with a child who went from the Ryazan village to the monastery for worship. Her name was Nastya Marya, and Son Vastenka.

Perov hardly persuaded the old woman to allow him to write her son: she could not understand anything for a long time, everything was afraid and said that this was a great sin. After a long sentence, she finally agreed, and feet led them to his workshop, showed an unfinished picture and explained that he needed. The boy sat calmly; Perov wrote hotly, quickly, and the old woman, which was much younger at the clue, quietly told about how she buried her husband, children and she had only her son Vassenka - his only joy.

And the picture turned out! Yes, so that she bought Tretyakov, and Perov gave the title of academician ... The picture "ruined the hearts", as contemporaries said. And I gave me strength!

Four years have passed, and aunt of Marya came to Perov. In the nodule were the money she helped, selling everything: house, livestock, Skarb ... She wanted to buy this picture. Her son of Vassenka died.

Perov took her to Tretyakov.

My native! So the teeth are yours embarrassed! - screamed the aunt of Marya and dropped on his knees in front of the picture.

Perov promised aunt Marya to write a portrait of Vasi for her. He fulfilled the promise and sent her portrait in the gilded frame to the village.

Perov himself remembers:
"Having come to the room where the picture hung, which the old woman was so convincingly requested to sell, I gave her to find this picture, - wrote pen in the story" Tetushka Marya ". - I confess, I thought that she would look for a long time, and perhaps , and will not find dear features at all; Moreover, it was possible to assume that there were a lot of paintings in this room. But I was wrong. She covered the room with her meek gaze and rapidly went to that picture where her cute vasya really was depicted. Approaching the picture, she stopped, looked at her and, splashing his hands, somehow unnaturally screamed: "You're mine! My native, that's, that's your chisel something embarrassed! " "And with these words, like a grass, cropped by a sip of a cossel, fell on the floor."
A long time spent a mother from the paintings, no one disturbed her, and only the duty officer, who was standing at the door, looked at her full of tears. "

Indifferently listening to curses
In the battle with the life of dying people,
Because of them you hear, brothers,
Silent crying and complaints of children?
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. 1860.

In Russia, sang: "Mother crying how the river is poured, the sister is crying, as the stream flows, the wife cries how the dew falls. The sun will be dried up.