Who wrote ballet Spartak. Ballet tickets "Spartak" in the Bolshoi Theater

Who wrote ballet Spartak. Ballet tickets
Who wrote ballet Spartak. Ballet tickets "Spartak" in the Bolshoi Theater

Spartak: Spartak Famous slave gladiator. CONTENTS 1 Famous Spartak Names 2 Sport 2.1 ... Wikipedia

Spartak (Roman) - This term exists and other values, see Spartak (values). Spartak Spartaco.

Spartak (film) - Removed several films with the same name: Spartak (film, 1926) of the USSR, 1926, dir. E. Mukhsin Bay Spartak (film, 1960) USA, 1960, dir. Stanley Kubrick Spartak (film ballet) of the USSR, 1977, film ballet IMDB Spartak (film, 2004) USA, ... ... Wikipedia

Spartak (1975) - Spartak, USSR, Mosfilm, 1975, CV., 94 min. Movie ballet. About the uprising of slaves in ancient Rome under the leadership of Spartacus. The roles are performed by the artists of the ballet of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. Choreography Yuri Grigorovich. Cast: Vladimir Vasilyev (see Vasilyev ... Encyclopedia of cinema

Ballet in Filateli - Postage stamp of the USSR (1969): I International Ballet Artists Competition In Moscow The topic of ballet in philateli is one of the directions of the thematic collecting of postage stamps and other philatelic materials dedicated to ballet ... ... Wikipedia

Ballet - (Franz. Ballet, from Ital. Balletto, from Late. Ballo Dance) type of scenic art, the content of which is expressed in dance musical images. The term "B." It serves mainly for the designation of European B., which has established ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Ballet - (Franz. Ballet from Ital. Balletto and Late. Ballo Dance) View of Scenic. Wa, transmitting content to dance and music. Images. Evolved over the course of 16 19 centuries. In Europe from entertainment. Intermedia to contain. performances. In the 20th century ... ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ballet World - Great Britain. Before Toroup Supports, Dyagilev and Anna Pavlova in London in 1910, the ballet was represented in England mainly by performances of individual famous ballerinas on the scenes of Music Halls, such as Danes Adeline Wife (1878 1970) ... Encyclopedia Color

Ballet - This article or section needs recycling. Please improve the article according to the rules of writing articles ... Wikipedia

Spartacus - This article on the leader of the rising rebellion; Other values: Spartak (values). Spartak Spartacus ... Wikipedia


  • Revelations of Balletmeter Fedor Lopukhova (DVD) ,. The twentieth century - century of triumph of the Russian school ballet. Famous Balletmister Fedor Lopukhov, who has lived a long and fruitful life in art, recalls and reflects the fate of the classic dance ... Buy for 493 rubles
  • Spartak, Leskov Valentin Aleksandrovich. The name of the French Spartacus, Roman gladiator and the leader of the most famous rising rebellion in ancient Rome (74-71 BC), has an undoubted attractive force. Immortal Roman ...


Scenes from Roman, Life. Ballet in four actions

Ballet author - Aram Ilyich Khachaturian
Libretto N. Volkov.
Choreographer L. Jacobson.
First representation: Leningrad, Opera and Ballet Theater. S. M. Kirov, December 27, 1956
Spartacus. Phrygia. Aegina. Garmey. Gras. Dying slave. Lentull Batiat. Herack. Egyptian. African. Numidian, Gall. Athenian jester. Etruscan, Gaditan Virgin, Goethers. Mimes. Centurions. Spartak associates.

Roman commander Krass returns from a hike with a victory. An unlawful crowd welcomes the legionnaires glorified in battles.

Captured slaves were pronounced in the golden chariot. Among them are Frakian Spartak. His gigantic figure is full of strength and dignity. Next to him is his beloved, young Fracik Freigia, and the young man of harmony.

In the crowd of Roman nobility of Patriches and senators who meet Crassa, - His concubine, Kurtyzana Eagina.

Market slaves. Bargaining begins the sale of the Egyptian dancer. It is separated from her mother. Spartacus and a chain-shaped chain Garmodya buys the owner of the school of gladiators Lentull Batiat. Before the parting of Frigia and Spartacus. Frigia buys aigin.

The circus. In the center of the Amphitheater - Lodge Crassa and Egina. Fights begin gladiators. Gall, Numidian and African fighting. The wounded numidian asks to give him life, but the crowd demands to kill him. Two gladiator overlook the arena. One of them dies; Dying, he sends a curse of Rome. Universal attention attracted two detachments: gladiators. Boils fierce fight. Miracles of courage and dexterity shows Spartak. He wins, he enthusiastically applies the crowd.

Square in front of the Palace of Crassus. Frigia pours "Spartacus his grief, complains of a heavy life in captivity and separation.

Under the cover of the night, Spartak is construed with their associates about the secret meeting. They notice the anegag. Wanting to reveal their idea, she fascinates one of the conspirators - the young harmony.

Festival in honor of God Saturn (Saturnia). The crowd mines his swollen dances. From the palace on luxury stretchers, Crassa is taken out. One of the slaves carrying stretcher stumbled. Krasya orders to kill him. Crack bodyguard pierces the slave dagger. Everyone is horrified.

At the secret meeting, Spartak calls for their associates to start an uprising. Loyalty to the struggle for the liberation of conspirators fasten the oath.

Spartak penetrates the stone prison of gladiators. And calls the prisoners to raise the uprising: better death on the battlefield, than in the circus arena, on the crowd! Here are already broken chains, the guard is removed. Spartak opens the gate of the prison and takes the rebels behind them.

A wide fiery river is poured in Italy the risks of slaves. The victory for the victory won the troops of Spartacus. The Romans are inclined by "eagles" - the signs of their legions - before the leader of the rebeling slaves.

Spartak military leaders are returning from a hike with prisoner legion meters, dirty good, wines and heterose kegs. Among the hetero is hidden. It leads to a harmony to a tent of the pouring warlords.

Suddenly Spartak appears. He orders immediately drive out the hetera camp. Garmody protests. A quarrel arises between the group of military leaders and Spartak. The long-standing conflict leads to a split camp. A group of disgruntled military leaders, together with their warriors, leaves the Spartak camp. Eagina is fond of harmony. With the Spartak, only the loyal of the freedom of his associates remain.

Crassa feast. Aegina tells the commander that she managed to bring Garmody's sharpened with Spartacus, as well as the split among the rebels. Grasse gives an order to attack the camp of the broken from Spartacus.

Eagina remains alone with harmony. Night passes. The feast resumes. Grasse makes the lead of Garmody. Swipe purple curtains. Garmody with horror sees crucified on the crosses of gladiators, their recent associates. He understands that he was betrayed by a pin, and rushes to kill her, but it is grabbed and chained. Gras and Egygnum leave the feast.

Slaves led by Spartak rapidly break into the palace. Freigia and slaves of Crassa joyfully rush to meet them.

In the battle with the legion meters, the Spartak Crassus suffers and retreats. Freegie blesses him to new battles; She serves Spartacus shield, kisses his sword. She hearts with an impending catastrophe.

Romans are coming. Surrounded by indiscreated hordes, the Spartakovtsians are dying in cruel battle. Perfect and Spartak.

He sounds a penny signal. The troops of the Romans go.

Night. Mongle envelops the battlefield. Sorrowful Frigia appears, finding the body of Spartacus. In ominous silence, she mourns the fallen hero.

Picture 1.

The death of a peaceful life is carried by legions of the Roman Empire, headed by cruel and insidious craft. People captured by him are doomed to slavery. Among them - Spartak.

Monologist Spartak
Spartaka took away freedom, but he could not accept it. Proud and courageous man, he does not think his life in slavery.

Picture 2.

Market slaves
Captive chasing slaves to the market. Male and women are separated by force, including Spartacus with Frigia. Spartak protests against the inhumanity of the Romans. But the forces are not equal.

Monologue Frigia
Freegie hurts about lost happiness, thinking about the upcoming tests with horror.

Picture 3.

Orgy of Kras.
Mimes and curtains entertain guests while driving above Frigia, the new slave Crassa. Kurtizanka Egina is alarming his interest in a young girl. And she involves Crassus in a frantic dance. In the height of orgy, Krass orders to bring gladiators. They need to beat to death in the helmets without a cold, without seeing each other. From the winning removal of the helmet. This is Spartak.

Monologist Spartak
Spartak in despair - he became the involuntary killer of his comrade. The tragedy awakens anger and desire to protest. Spartak makes the decision to fight for freedom.

Picture 4.

Gladiator barracks
Spartak calls for gladiators to the uprising. They answer him an oath of loyalty. Resetting the shackles, Spartak and gladiators flee from Rome.

Action II.

Picture 5.

Appeiyeva Road
On the Appia Road to "Spartakov" the shepherds join. All unites the dream of freedom and hatred for slavery. The people proclaims Spartacus Chief of Rest.

Monologist Spartak
All the thoughts of Spartacus are fixed to Frigia.

Picture 6.

Villa Crassa
The search for Frigia lead Spartacus at Villa Crassa. Great joy of meeting lovers. But they have to hide - the patrician procession led by aein is sent to the villa.

Monologue Egina
She long eager to seduce and subjugate the Crassus. She must conquer him and legitimately enter the world of Roman nobility.

Picture 7.

Pier at Crass
Crassy celebrates her victories. Patricia is famous for him. But Spartak's troops surround the palace. Guests run away. Run in fear and crafts with aein. Spartak breaks on the villa.

Monologist Spartak
He is filled with the joy of victory.

Picture 8.

Victory Spartak
Crassy is captured to gladiators. But Spartak does not want violence. He offers the Crassus in an open honest match to solve his destiny. Crasus accepts a challenge, but tolerates defeat. Spartak chases him away - let everyone learn about his shame. The rebels are famous for the victory of Spartacus.

Action III

Picture 9.

Revenge of Crassa
Eagina seeks to instill courage to Crassa. The uprising must be suppressed. Crason collects legionnaires. Ajagina rustles him.

Monologue Egina
For her, Spartak is also an enemy, because the defeat of the Crassus promises death and her. Ajagina plots a cunning plan - such a discord in the races of the rebels.

Picture 10.

Camp Spartak
Spartak happy with Frigia. But the sudden misfortune fell about the new campaign of Crassus. Spartak offers to take a fight. But many of his commander managers show weakness and leave their leader.

Monologist Spartak
Spartak prefers the tragic end. But freedom is above all. And for her, he is ready to give his life.

Picture 11.

Commissioning to the upstanding gladiators who could still join Spartacus, Eagina, together with the curtains, seduces them and hits a trap, betraying Crasst detachments.

Monologue Crassa
Crasus is filled with thirst for revenge. He is not enough to win. He needs the death of the Spartak who humbled him.

Picture 12.

The last fight
Legionnaires surround Spartacus troops. In an unequal battle, his friends die and he himself. Spartak fights to the last breath.

Frigia finds the body of Spartacus. She mourns him, full of faith in the immortality of his feat.

Action I.
Picture 1.
The death of a peaceful life is carried by legions of the Roman Empire, headed by cruel and insidious craft. People captured by him in captivity on slavery. Among them - Spartak.

Monologist Spartak
Spartaka took away freedom, but he could not accept it. Proud and courageous man, he is not Cape Lit his life in slavery.

Picture 2.
Market slaves
Captive chasing slaves to the market. Male and women, including Spartacus with Frigia, are sorely sick.
Spartak protests against the inhumanity of the Romans. But the forces are not equal.

Monologue Frigia
Freegie jeeping about Ut-fermented happiness, with horror thinking about the testimony tests.

Picture 3.
Orgy of Crassa
Mimes and curtains entertain guests while driving above Frigia, the new slave Crassa. Kurtizanku Egina Alerts - His interest in a young girl. And she is - lifting Crassa in a frantic dance. In the height of orgy, Krass orders to bring gladiators. They need to beat to death in the helmets without a cold, without seeing each other. From the winning removal of the helmet. This is Spartak.

Monologist Spartak
Spartak in despair - he became the involuntary killer of his comrade. The tragedy awakens anger and desire to protest. Spartak makes the decision to fight for freedom.

Picture 4.
Gladiator barracks
Spartak calls for gladiators to the uprising. They answer him an oath of loyalty. Resetting the shackles, Spartak and gladiators flee from Rome.

Action II.
Picture 5.
Appeiyeva Road
On the Appia Road to "Spartakov" the shepherds join. All unites the dream of freedom and hatred for slavery. The people proclaims Spartacus Chief of Rest.

Monologist Spartak
All the thoughts of Spartacus are fixed to Frigia.

Picture 6.
Villa Crassa
The search for Frigia lead Spartacus at Villa Crassa. Great joy of meeting lovers. But they have to hide - the patrician procession led by aegina is sent to the villa.

Monologue Egina
She long wraps to seduce and under-clear the Crassus. She must conquer him and legitimately enter the world of Roman nobility.

Picture 7.
Pier at Crass
Crassy celebrates her victories. Patricia is famous for him. But Spartak's troops surround the palace. Guests run away. Run in fear and crafts with aein. Sparuck breaks on the villa.

Monologist Spartak
He is re-fulfilled by the joy of victory.

Picture 8.
Victory Spartak
Crassy is captured to gladiators. But Spartak does not want violence. He offers the Crassus in an open honest match to solve his destiny. Crasus accepts a challenge, but tolerates defeat. Spartak chases him away - let everyone learn about his shame. The rebels are famous for the victory of Spartacus.

Action III
Picture 9.
Revenge of Crassa
Eagina seeks to instill courage to Crassa. The uprising must be suppressed. Crason collects legionnaires. Ajagina rustles him.

Monologue Egina
For her, Spartak is also an enemy, because the defeat of the Crassus promises death and her. Ajagina plots a cunning plan - such a discord in the races of the rebels.

Picture 10.
Camp Spartak
Spartak happy with Frigia. But the sudden misfortune fell about the new campaign of Crassus. Spartak offers to take a fight. But many of his commander managers show weakness and leave their leader.

Monologist Spartak
Spartak Premerch is a tragic end. But freedom is above all. And for her, he is ready to give his life.

Picture 11.
Commissioning to the upstanding gladiators who could still join Spartacus, Eagina, together with the curtains, seduces them and hits a trap, betraying Crasst detachments.

Monologue Crassa
Crasus is filled with thirst for revenge. He is not enough to win. He needs the death of the Spartak who humbled him.

Picture 12.
The last fight
Legionnaires surround Spartacus troops. In a non-unfortunate battle, his friends die and he himself. Spartak fights to the last breath.

Frigia finds the body of Spartacus. She pays him to him, full of faith in the immortality of his feat.

Eternal stories

  1. The embodiment of the eternal themes and plots in the music of the XX century.
  2. Ballet A. Khachaturian "Spartak": content, some features of musical dramaturgy and means of musical expression.

Feature activities:

  1. Analyze the style of the XX century music manifold.
  2. Understand the characteristic features of the music language.
  3. Perceive and compare the musical language in the works of different semantic content.
  4. Self select historical and literary works to the topic studied.
  5. Use educational network resources to search for artistic sources.
  6. Recognize on characteristic features (intonation, melodies, harmony, rhythm) music of individual outstanding composers (A. Khachaturian).

Planned learning activities:

  1. MetaPered: Understanding Eternity and Modernity of the Scenes in Art, embodying the categories of good, truth, beauty.
  2. Personal: understanding of the ethical meaning and aesthetic perfection of the embodiment of the eternal stories in the art of the XX century. On the example of the myth about the ancient Hero Spartak.
  3. Subjects: familiarity with the work of A. Khachaturian on the example of Spartak ballet fragments.

Form of conducting class: Analytical lesson on Balletu A. Khachaturian "Spartak".

Educational and didactic support:


  1. B. Bellotto. "A view of the Colosseum";
  2. J.L. Jerle. "The death of gladiator."

The photo:

  1. Scenes from the ballet "Spartak".

Music material:

  1. A. Khachaturian. The death of gladiator; Adagio Spartak and Frigia (from Spartak ballet, hearing);
  2. M. Dunaevsky, Poems Y. Ryashintseva. "Song of Friendship" (from the movie "Three Musketeer", singing).

Types of student activities:

  1. Conversation about the life and work of A. Khachaturian.
  2. Learning and discussion of the libretto of the ballet "Spartak".
  3. Participation in conversation about the peculiarities of A. Khachaturian's music connecting Armenian and European traditions.
  4. Conversation about the personality and a feat of Spartacus.
  5. Analysis of two musical examples.
  6. Heading and execution of the song.
  7. View and discuss the reproductions of paintings, a comparative analysis of reproductions and musical fragments.

"Spartak Epoch - an exciting historical erain human life ... "
(Aram Khachaturian)

With the undisputed stability of the technical cult in art - and he existed long enough - still every significant artist sooner or later returned to the pureblands of wildlife and living senses. After all, in art, as in life, there is a kind of fashion that dominates, the knowledge of which is an integral part of the artist's professionalism.

Years later, when the attractiveness of fashion trends is inferior to a calm and mature search for his own way, artists return to the eternal categories of good, truth, beauty. These categories can be expressed in different ways: in circulation to eternal stories, images, to historical legends entering deep wisdom.

Aram Khachaturian One of the best works - Ballet "Spartak" - wrote to the plot about the ancient hero of Spartak, the leader of Roman slaves. "It seems to me that the topic of Spartak is consonant and close to our time," the composer wrote, emphasizing the unity of the past and present, deep instructiveness of historical experience.

Ancient Rome appears in ballet as a magnificent multi-cable city, marked with a majestic architecture (the action unfolds on the area in the Triumphal Arch), and the wealth of human characters.

Gladiators (Gladiator in ancient Rome - a fighter from slaves or prisoners of war, fought in the circus arena with another fighter or with a wild beast), Patricia (Patricia - Aristocrat in ancient Rome), Slaves, Legionnaires (Legioner - Soldier Legion. Legion in ancient Rome - Large military unit.), Pirates, merchants and ordinary townspeople are such a Pencing picture of the life of a slave-owner Rome, this city of contrasts, combining and genuine grandeur, and deep poverty.

"It is necessary to live with straightened wings ..."
(Sergey Konenkov, Russian sculptor 20th century)

The plot based on the libretto, tells about the uprising of slaves against Roman enslavers and his ill-suppression. Through the entire ballet passes the main topic - the rejection of slavery, passionate aspiration to victory.

Here are two opposing forces, characterized by expressive and figurative music. The personification of representatives of the luxurious and powerful Rome we see in the images of the cruel and insidious commander of Crassus and its supervisory curtains of Egina. Another storyline is embodied in the images of captured slaves represented by their leader - the gigner of Spartacus and his devoted beloved Freigia.

Based on the most significant ballet numbers - genuine historical facts. It is with them that the unique atmosphere of the historic era is connected, which permeates all the music of ballet, despite its modernity. And the spirit of time, colorfully and expressively shown in the ballet, marked bright emotionality, alive and diverse feelings.

Hearing: Khachaturian. "Death of Gladiator" from the ballet "Spartak"

The most tragic scenes are transferred to the composer with the help of close and relatives of the people's national-national intonations. Such, for example, the "death of Gladiator", causing the associations from the listeners with folk lyrical music, then an elevated-declamination, then sad-dramatic.

It is noteworthy that the composer concerns not the entertainment at all, so appreciated by the ancient Romans during the battle of gladiators. He draws attention to the other - the price of the patrician in the corrupted city is the life of a person.

Hearing: Khachaturian. "Adagio Spartak and Frigia" from the ballet "Spartak"

Another mood is marked with a scene, called "Adagio Spartak and Frigia". One of the brightest fragments of the ballet, this episode sounds like a hymn bright and sublime love of two main characters, the love of true and therefore the immortal.

So we see that in the twentieth century, composers still appeal to eternal topics that continue to sound in modern music, covering the best pages.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What do you think gives reason to consider the plot about the uprising of Spartacus an eternal storyline?
  2. What do you think A. Khachaturian embodied the legend about the Spartak's uprising in the ballet genre?
  3. Listen to the "death of Gladiator's death" and "Adagio Spartak and Frigia" from Ballet A. Khachaturian "Spartak". With the obvious difference of their content, can we talk about the similarities inherent in it? What are they manifested in intonational or harmonic features, emotional saturation of climps? Argument answer.
  4. Do you know any historical and literary descriptions of the battle of gladiators? Tell us about them. When preparing task, use the Internet Options.


Brief content of ballet


1st picture. "Invasion". Roman commander Krass, famous for cunning and cruelty, with their legionnaires captures neighboring lands and takes into slavery of civilians. Legionnaires destroy all resistance on their path. The fate of slaves shares Spartak and his beloved Frigia. Spartak cannot accept the loss of freedom. His human dignity is poprano, and he will fight.

2nd picture. "Slavery". In the market, ruthless traders sell slaves. Separate people, destroy families. Spartak and Frigia are sold to different owners. Spartak protests violently, but it is useless: Spartak and Frigia are separated.

3rd picture. "Orgy". Aegina worries the interest of Crassa to his new slave of Frigia. Wanting to attract his attention to himself, Eagina suits a grand orgy. The greatest entertainment becomes the sight of the battle of two gladiators - powerless slaves of Crassa, who have blindfold. One of them is Spartak. With horror, Spartak is aware that he was forced to become a killer. He mourns the death of his comrade and worst freedom stronger.

4th picture. "Escape". Gladiators are doomed, as each of them, entertaining the guests of Crassus, must fight to death. Head with Spartak, they discuss the possibilities of their salvation. Spartak will convince them: the only way to liberation is an uprising. Gladiators give each other an oath of loyalty in the struggle for freedom. By knocking down the shackles, they hurry to leave Rome.

II DEM with t in and e.

1st picture. "Insurrection". The uprising of gladiators becomes truly folk. Huge masses of people suffering from Roman invasions are joined by freedom fighters. Spartak recognize the leader of the uprising.

2nd picture. "Love". Spartak does not imagine life without Frigia. He wanted her in the Palace of Crassa. Nothing can overshadow the joy of date. Always are not afraid of any obstacles. They will never separate anymore. Spartak and Frigia disappear in the night. Aegina with patricians hurries on the feast to the Crassus.

3rd picture. "Pyrcy". Crasons in their palace enjoy the consciousness of power and victory. An approximate one is honored, the slaves entertain dancing. In the midst of the pir, the militant sounds of pipes are heard - these are the soldiers of Spartacus broke into the palace. In the turmoil krass secretly run, without taking the battle.

4th picture. "Victory". Gladiators capture Crassus. Spartak offers the Crassus adequately fight him. Crasus accepts a challenge, and Spartak wins. Crasons cannot withstand humiliation and requires death. But Spartak is so despised him that he drives.


1st picture. "Conspiracy". Krass in despair from their defeat, Ajagina is trying to breathe confidence in him. Under its influence, the krass is awakened to life and convenes their troops. Aegina wishes them victory.

2nd picture. "Split". The joy of mutual love illuminates the life of Spartacus and Frigia. The trouble comes unexpectedly - received news about the new campaign. Spartak intends to take the battle. But many of his military leaders do not agree and with their people are unwell leaving Spartacus.

3rd picture. "Betrayal". Mainly penetrate the anegine and her girlfriend curtains in the camp of gladiators and entertain them until the cerase legionnaires capture the rebeling camp.

4th picture. "Merities". Spartak troops are defeated. His friends die. Spartak last takes an unequal battle. He courageously meets death when legionnaires raise him, still live, at peaks.

E P and L O G. "Requiem". With a huge tenderness and love, Frigia escorts on the last path of his beloved. She admires his feat and believes that Spartak's dreams come true.

Aram Ilyich Khachaturian Born in Tiflis, since childhood improvised on the piano, but professionally began to make music only from 19 years old, after moving to Moscow. He graduated from the Music School of Gnesins and the Moscow Conservatory. In his work, united the melon of Armenian folk songs and dances with European composer techniques. Among the works of music to the drama M. Lermontov "Masquerade", Ballets "Gayane" and "Spartak", Symphony, concerts, music for theater and cinema.

Ballet "Spartak" was completed in 1954

B. Bellotto view of the Colosseum

Bernardo Belotto (1721 - 1780) belongs to a number of Venice artists of the XVIII century.

In this picture with the care that meets the requirements of the Epoch of Enlightenment, the artist captured the Colosseum - ancient Roman amphitheater, built in the first century. A huge dilapidated building occupies most of the work, being in it the main acting person.

Bellotto did not adhere to topographic reliability when writing an ancient amphitheater. He placed a number of non-existent structures and revived a peculiar picturesque installation of human figures.

A look at the history of old centuries as something very close was also in the spirit of a challenging era of enlightenment. In the one depicted here, the Time left his mysterious imprint, and everything around, even the air, ispiced by this mystery.

J. Zher. Death of Gladiator

Like many customs of deep antiquity, the fights of gladiators in the arena of the Colosseum, which began as a religious rite, became a public spectacle.

In the middle of the 19th century, Jean-Leon Zherra began to write paintings on historical topics.

In the picture of Zheroma "Death of Gladiator" (has another name "fingers down") depicted an end to the gladiator battle, where the mighty and strong winner, coming down on the defeated enemy, appeals to the emperor and viewers of the Roman Colosseum, waiting for the verdict about the fate of the defeated gladiator, And the gesture of thumb. The defeated gladiator turned his head to the crowd, stretching his hand praying for mercy ...

Often people are misconceptions of history, as well as modern cinema. They led to the fact that many think that the fate of the defeat of the gladiator in ancient Rome actually determined the audience, Make or lowering the thumb. On the Arena Rome really attended the gesture of the thumb, but they used it quite differently. If the priests pointed to them down, it meant to "lower the sword", so that the fighter had the opportunity to continue the battle on another day. People began to believe that gestures with a finger from the crowd during gladiator battles are the meaning of approval and disapproval after a similar episode in his picture handed over the artist Jean-Leon Zherom. He painted as a gladiator with a sword looks at the reaction of the public, which fiercely shows him "finger down", which in this context means disapproval.

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