The summary of the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life

The summary of the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life
The summary of the work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life

In a number of writers of the 19th century, Lion Tolstoy occupies a special position. Few people can compare with him first of all over the volume of essays - and in the depths of philosophical thought. This writer had an impact not only on the literature of his era, but also to public sentiment, in detail and reliably highlighted the noble estate of Russia at the turn of centuries.

Start of life path

It can be said that Lev Nikolayevich was lucky to be born in the noble family in 1828 - he received a good home education and did not need money. Possessing a living mind, nevertheless, he could not find his calling for a long time - he first engaged in Eastern languages, but was disappointed, then led to jurisprudence, but she also left it quickly. He tried himself even in the role of a farmer - but did not succeed here, although this occupation liked him to the end of his life.

However, in the process of finding a tolstoy, it was possible to open his literary talent. He began with simple personal diaries, then followed the story of childhood, adolescence and adolescence with the names of the same name. During the service in the army in 1855, the writer was inspired to create famous "Sevastopol stories."

Large work

The most famous writers created their own novels in the second half of life, constantly living in the estate of Casual Polyana with his wife and children. Here they were written "War and Peace" and the social novel "Anna Karenina". These works made Tolstoy not only famous, but also rich, because they used tremendous success among the public.

Philosophical views

Throughout his life, the writer actively searched for its highest meaning. These searches led him to the Orthodox Church, but Tolstoy quickly disappointed in the existing church structure, calculating it too secular and corrupt. Over time, he developed his own philosophy, which brighter expressed in the novel "Resurrection". A peculiar and very advanced for that time, the teachings of Tolstoy was the reason for his gap with the church, complicated family relationships - however, the writer had their own followers.

The writer died in 1910, shortly after a pilgrimage trip in Russia. The work of this writer is still highly evaluated both at home and in most countries of the world - it is held in Russian schools, studying at universities. His novels are considered not only artwork, but also good historical works.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy - the Great Russian writer, by origin - a graph from the famous noble family. He was born on 08.28.1828 in the Casual Polyana manor located in the Tula province, and died on October 7, 1910 at Astapovo station.

Childhood writer

Lev Nikolayevich was a representative of a big noble family, the fourth child in it. His mother, Princess Volkonskaya, died early. At that time, Tolstoy was not fulfilled two years, but he was an idea of \u200b\u200bhis parent's parents on the stories of various family members. In the novel "War and the World" The image of the mother represents the princess Marya Nikolaevna Bolkonskaya.

The biography of Lion Tolstoy in the early years was marked by another death. Because of her, the boy remained sill. Lion's father Tolstoy, participant in the war of 1812, as well as mother, died early. This happened in 1837. At that time, the boy was only nine years old. The brothers of Leo Tolstoy, he himself and his sister were transferred to the upbringing of T. A. Ergolskaya, a far-relative who had a tremendous influence on the future writer. Childhood memories were always for Lion Nikolayevich themselves happy: family legends and impressions of life in the estate were steel for his works with rich material, reflected, in particular, in the autobiographical story "Childhood".

Study in Kazan University

The biography of Lion Tolstoy in the young years is marked with such an important event as studying at the university. When the future writer turned thirteen years old, the family moved him to Kazan, to the guardian house of children, relatives of Leo Nikolaevich P.I. Yushkova. In 1844, the future writer was enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Kazan University, after which he was transferred to the legal, where he studied for about two years: the study did not cause a living interest at the young man, so he was offended with passion for various secular entertainment. Submitting a petition about the dismissal in the spring of 1847, due to frustrated health and for "home rectakes", Lev Nikolayevich went to a clear paradise with the intention to study the full course of legal sciences and pass the external exam, as well as learn languages, "practical medicine", history, rural Economy, geographic statistics, painting, music and write the dissertation.

Yuno's years

In the fall of 1847, Tolstoy leaves for Moscow, and then to Petersburg in order to withstand candidate exams at the university. During this period, his lifestyle was often changed: he taught various items for all days, he was given to music, but he wanted to start a career of the official, he dreamed of entering a juncher in the regiment. Religious sentiment reached by asceticism alternated with cards, kits, rides to the gypsies. The biography of Lion Tolstoy during the younger is painted with himself and self-analysis, reflected in the diary, which writer led throughout life. In the same period, interest in literature was born, the first artistic sketches appeared.

Participation in the war

In 1851, Nikolai, the elder brother of Leo Nikolayevich, an officer, persuaded the fat to go to the Caucasus with him. Lev Nikolayevich lived for almost three years on the banks of the Terek, in the Cossack Stanice, leaving Vladikavkaz, to Tiflis, to Kizlyar, participating in hostilities (as a volunteer, and then was adopted by the service). The patriarchal ease of life of the Cossacks and the Caucasian nature struck the writer with their contrast with the painful reflection of representatives of the educated society and the life of the noble circle, gave an extensive material for the Tale of the "Cossacks", written in the period from 1852 to 1863 in the autobiographical material. In the stories of the "raid" (1853) and the "Lowest Ring" (1855) also reflected his Caucasian impressions. They left the trail and in his story "Haji Murat", written in the period from 1896 to 1904, published in 1912.

Returning to the Motherland, Lev Nikolayevich wrote in the diary, which was very loved by this wild land, in which the "war and freedom" are connected, so opposite in their essence. Tolstoy in the Caucasus began to create his story "Childhood" and anonymously sent it to the magazine "Contemporary". This work appeared on its pages in 1852 under the initials of L. N. and, along with later "adolescence" (1852-1854) and "adolescence" (1855-1857), amounted to the famous autobiographical trilogy. Creative debut immediately brought real recognition to Tolstoy.

Crimean campaign

In 1854, the writer goes to Bucharest, in the Danube Army, where the creativity and biography of Leo Tolstoy receive further development. However, soon, a boring staff forced him to translate him into a deposited Sevastopol, in the Crimean army, where he was a battery commander, showing courage (awarded medals and the Order of St. Anna). Lion Nikolayevich during this period seized new literary plans and impressions. He began writing "Sevastopol stories" who had a great success. Some ideas that have arisen at that time make it possible to guess in the artillery officer of a thick and preacher of the late years: he dreamed of a new "religion of Christ", purified from mystery and faith, "practical religion".

In St. Petersburg and abroad

Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich in November 1855 came to St. Petersburg and immediately became a member of the contemporary mug (where N. A. Nekrasov, A. N. Ostrovsky, I. S. Turgenev, I. A. Goncharov and others). He participated in the creation of a literary fund at that time, and at the same time, he was involved in conflicts and disputes of writers, but he felt in this middle a stranger that he had handed over to "confession" (1879-1882). After resigning, in the fall of 1856 the writer went to a clear clearing, and then, at the beginning of the next, 1857, went abroad, having visited Italy, in France, in Switzerland (impressions of this country are described in the story "Lucerne"), and Also visited Germany. In the same year, in the fall, Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich returned first to Moscow, and then in a clear clearing.

Opening of the People's School

Tolstoy in 1859 opened a school in the village for children of peasants, and also helped to arrange more than twenty similar educational institutions in the Red Polyana area. In order to familiarize yourself with the European experience in this area and apply it in practice, the writer Leo Tolstoy went abroad again, Visited London (where he met with A. I. Herzenom), Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium. However, European schools disappoint him somewhat, and he decides to create its own pedagogical system based on freedom of person, publishes teaching aids and works on pedagogy, applies them in practice.

"War and Peace"

Lev Nikolayevich in September 1862 married Sophie Andreevna Bers, an 18-year-old daughter of the doctor, and immediately after the wedding went from Moscow to a clear Polyana, where he was completely given to economic concerns and family life. However, already in 1863, he was again captured by a literary intent, this time the creation of a novel about the war in which the Russian history was to be reflected. Lion Tolstoy was interested in the period of the struggle of our country with Napoleon in the early 19th century.

In 1865, the first part of the work of "War and Peace" was published in the Russian Herald. Roman immediately caused many responses. The subsequent parts provoked hot spores, in particular, developing fat fatalist philosophy of history.

"Anna Karenina"

The work was created in the period from 1873 to 1877. Living in a clear glade, continuing to teach peasant children and publish their pedagogical views, Lev Nikolayevich in the 70s worked on the work of the modern senior to him, building his novel on the contrast of two storylines: the family drama Anna Karenina and homemade idyll Konstantin Levin , close and psychological drawing, and by convictions, and in the lifestyle of the writer himself.

Tolstoy sought to the external accountability of the tone of his work, thereby laying the road to the new style of the 80s, in particular, the people's stories. True, the manzitsky life and the meaning of the existence of representatives of the "formed class" is the range of issues that interested the writer. "The Family Thought" (according to Tolstoy, the main thing in the novel) was transferred in his creation to the social channel, and His self-disabilities, numerous and merciless, his thoughts about suicide - an illustration of the author's spiritual crisis, who was overwhelmed during the work on this novel.

1880 years

In 1880, the work of Lion Tolstoy survived the transformation. The coup in the consciousness of the writer was reflected in his works, primarily in the experiences of the characters, in that spiritual insight, which changes their lives. Such heroes occupy a central place in creatures such as the "death of Ivan Ilyich" (years of creation - 1884-1886), "Creichera Sonata" (the story written in 1887-1889), "Father Sergiy" (1890-1898), drama "Live Corpse" (the remaining unfinished, started in 1900), as well as the story "After Bala" (1903).

Publicistics Tolstoy

Publicistics Tolstoy reflects his mental drama: depicting the pictures of the idle of intelligent layers and social inequality, Lev Nikolayevich put the questions of faith and life before the company and in front of him, put the institution of the state, reaching the denial of art, science, marriage, courts, citizens' achievements.

The new worldview is represented in the "confession" (1884), in the articles "So what do we do?", "About hunger", "What is art?", "I can not be silent" and others. The ethical ideas of Christianity are understood in these works as the foundation of the fraternity of people.

Within the framework of the new worldview and humanistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe teachings of Christ, Lev Nikolayevich spoke, in particular, against the church dogma and criticized her rapprochement with the state, which led to the fact that he was officially excited from the church in 1901. This caused a huge resonance.

Roman "Sunday"

Tolstoy wrote his last Roman from 1889 to 1899. It is embodied by the whole range of worried problems in the years of the spiritual fracture. Dmitry Nekhlyudov, the main character, is an internally close to the Tolstoy, who takes place in the work of moral cleansing, as a result, leading it to understanding the need for active good. The novel is built on the system of evaluation oppositions, which open the unreasonability of the Society Device (False of the Social World and the Beauty of Nature, False of the educated population and the truth of the Menietic world).

last years of life

Lion's life of Nikolayevich Tolstoy in recent years was not easy. The spiritual fracture turned into a gap with his medium and family break. Refusal to private property, for example, caused dissatisfaction with the members of the writer's family, primarily his spouse. Personal drama, experienced by Lvom Nikolayevich, reflected in the diary records.

In the autumn of 1910, at night, secretly from all, the 82-year-old Lion Tolstoy, the dates of the life of which were presented in this article, accompanied by only their doctor D. P. Makovitsky, left the estate. The path turned out to be unbearable for him: on the road the writer fell ill and was forced to land at the railway station Astapovo. In the house belonging to her boss, Lev Nikolayevich spent the last week of life. Behind the messages about his health at that time watched the whole country. Buried Tolstoy in Casual Polyana, his death caused a huge public resonance.

Many contemporaries arrived to say goodbye to this great Russian writer.

Born in the noble family of Maria Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya, and Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy in the manor of the Casual Polyana in the Krapvensky district of the Tula province by the fourth child. The happy marriage of his parents became the prototype of heroes in the novel "War and Peace" - Princess Maryia and Nikolai Rostov. Parents died early. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya, distant relative, education - Gooverners, was engaged in the upbringing of the future writer: German Reselman and Frenchman Saint-Tom, who became the heroes of the Agent and the Novels of the Writer. At the age of 13, the future writer and his family moved to the sisters of the father of Father P.I. Yushkova in Kazan.

In 1844, Lion Tolstoy entered the Imperial Kazan University for the Department of Eastern Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy. After the first year did not pass the transitional exam and was transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for two years, plunging into secular entertainment. The lion is Tolstoy, from nature shy and ugly, acquired a reputation as a "clarifying" about the happiness of death, eternity, love, although he wanted to shine himself. And in 1847, he left the university and left for a clear clearing with the intention to engage in science and "achieve the highest degree of perfection in music and painting."

In 1849, in his estate, the first school was opened for peasant children, where Demidovich was taught, his serf, a former musician. Yermil Basykin who studied there: "We were, the boys, there were a man 20, the teacher was Foca Demidovich, the courtyard. Under father L.N. Tolstoy he performed the position of the musician. The old man was good. He taught us alphabet, account, sacred history. I went to us and Lev Nikolayevich, also worked with us, showed a diploma. Went in a day, two, and even every day. He always ordered to the teacher to offend us ... "

1851, under the influence of the elder brother, Nikolai Lev leaves for the Caucasus, already starting writing "childhood", and in the fall, it becomes a junker in the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade, housed in the Cossack Stanza Starogladovskaya on the Terek River. There he graduated from the first part of the "childhood" and sent him to the magazine "Sovremennik" his editor N.A. Nekrasov. On September 18, 1852, the manuscript was printed with tremendous success.

Lion Tolstoy served for three years in the Caucasus and, having the right to the honorary St. George cross for courage, "gave way" to his colleague-soldier, as a giving life pension. At the beginning of the Crimean War 1853-1856. Translated into the Danube Army, participated in battles at Oltenice, siege of the Silistria, Defense Sevastopol. Then the written story "Sevastopol in December 1854" He was read by Emperor Alexander II, who had commanded to protect the talented officer.

In November 1856, a recognized and well-known writer leaves military service and leaving traveling in Europe.

In 1862, Lion Tolstoy marries seventeen-year-old Sophia Andreevna Bers. In their marriage, 13 children were born, five died in early childhood, "War and Peace" novels were written (1863-1869) and "Anna Karenina" (1873-1877), recognized by the great works.

In the 1880s. Lion Tolstoy survived a powerful crisis that led to the denial of official state power and its institutions, the awareness of the inevitability of death, faith in God and the creation of his teaching - housing. He lost interest in the usual basic life, he began to have thoughts on suicide and the need to live correctly, vegetariant, engage in education and physical labor - he smelled, sewed his boots, taught children at school. In 1891, he publicly refused copyright to their literary works written after 1880

During 1889-1899. Lion Tolstoy wrote Roman "Resurrection", whose plot is based on real trial, and holy articles about the public administration system - on this basis, His Holiness Synod eligible Graph Lion Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church and betrayed Anathema in 1901.

October 28 (November 10), 1910, Lion Tolstoy secretly left the clear clearer, having passed on a journey without a concrete plan for his moral and religious ideas of recent years, accompanied by a doctor D.P. Makovitsky. The road was cold, got sick with a brunt inflammation of the lungs and was forced to get off the train at Astapovo station (now the station Leo Tolstoy Lipetsk region). Lion Tolstoy died 7 (20) November 1910 in the house of the head of the station I.I. Ozoline and buried in a clear glade.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy Talented Man, whose works are read not only adults, but also schoolchildren. Who are unknown by such works, like, or Anna Karenina? It is probably difficult to find a person who would not be familiar with the work of this writer. Let's get acquainted with the writer Tolsty closer, having studied his biography briefly.

Brief biography Tolstoy: Most importantly

L.N. Tolstoy - philosopher, playwright, a talented person who gave us his heritage. Studying his brief biography for children 5 and 4th grade, will better understand the writer, study his life, starting with birth and ending with the last days.

Childhood and Youth Leo Tolstoy

The biography of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy from birth in the Tula province begins. It happened in 1828. He was the fourth child in the noble family. If we talk about the childhood of a writer and his biography, then at the age of two he loses, and after seven years he lost his father, and brought up aunt in Kazan. The first story of the famous trilogy of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood" just tells us about the children's writers.

The initial formation of Lion Tolstoy gets at home, after which he enters the Kazan University at the Faculty of Philology. That's just not had the young men to study, and Tolstoy writes a letter of dismissal. In the estate of parents, he tries themselves in farming, but the undertaking ended in failure. After that, on the advice of the brother, he goes to fight in the Caucasus, and later becomes a member of the Crimean War.

Literary creativity and heritage

If we talk about the work of Tolstoy, then his first work is a story childhood, written in Junkers. In 1852, the story is printed in a contemporary. Already at this time, Tolstoy put in one row with such writers as, Ostrovsky and.

Being in the Caucasus, the writer will write the Cossacks, and then let's start writing that it will be a continuation of the first story. There will be other work in a young writer, because creative activity did not interfere with the serve to serve a hand in hand with his participation in the Crimean War. Sevastopol stories appear from under the writer's pen.

After the war, he lives in St. Petersburg, in Paris. Upon returning to Russia, Tolstoy writes in 1857 the third story, which refers to the autobiographical trilogy.

Marrying on Sofary Burns, Tolstoy stopped in the estate of parents, where he continued to create. The most popular work and his first big novel is war and the world, which was written for ten years. After him, he writes no less well-known work Anna Karenina.

Eighties for the Writer were fruitful. He wrote, comedy, novels, drama, among them after Bala, Sunday and others. At that time, the worldview of the writer was already formed. The essence of his worldview is clearly visible in his "confession", in the work "What is my faith?" Many of his admirers began to relate to Tolstoy, as to the spiritual mentor.

In his work, the writer in tough form set the issues of faith and the meaning of life, criticized state institutions.

The authorities were very afraid of the writer's feather, so they watched him, and also put her hand to get fat from the church. However, people continued to love and supported the writer.

Lion Tolstoy - a unique writer in Russian literature. Describing the work of Tolstoy is brief very difficult. The large-scale thought of the writer was embodied in 90 volumes of works. Works of L. Tolstoy - these are novels about the life of the Russian nobility, military stories, stories, diary records, letters, articles. Each of them reflects the identity of the Creator. Reading them, we open for yourself a fat - writer and man. Throughout his 82-year-old life, he reflected, what is the purpose of human life, sought spiritual cultivation.

We briefly acquainted with the work of L. Tolstoy, reading His autobiographical stories: "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth" (1852 - 1857). In them, the writer outlined the process of formation of his nature, attitudes towards the surrounding world and herself. The main character of Nicholya Irtenyev is a sincere, observant, who loving the truth is a person. Mortification, he learns to understand not only in humans, but also in himself. The literary debut was successful and brought recognition to the writer.

Leaving studies at the university, Tolstoy engaged in transformations in the estate. This period is described in the story "Morning landlord" (1857).

Tolstoy in his youth was also characterized by mistakes (its secular entertainment while studying at the university), and repentance, and the desire to eradicate defects (the program for self-education). There was even a flight in the Caucasus from debts, secular life. Caucasian nature, the simplicity of the Cossack life contrasted with the noble conventions and the fixedness of the educated person. The richest impressions of this period were reflected in the story of the "Cossacks" (1852-1963), the stories of the "raid" (1853), "Riding Forest" (1855). The hero of the Tolstoy this period is a seeker person who is trying to find himself in unity with nature. The story of the "Cossacks" is based on the autobiographical love story. A hero disappointed with a civilized life stretches towards a simple, passionate Cossack. Dmitry Olenin reminds the romantic hero, he is looking for happiness in the Cossack environment, but remains alien to her.

1854 - service in Sevastopol, participation in hostilities, new impressions, new plans. At this time, Tolstoy was fascinated by the idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing a literary magazine for soldiers, worked on the cycle of "Sevastopol stories". These essays became sketching several days leaving among his defenders. Tolstoy used the reception of contrast in the description of the beautiful nature and weekly defenders of the city. The war terrifies its unnatural essence, in this its genuine truth.

B1855 -1856 Tolstoy had a loud fame of the writer, but did not come close to anyone from the literary environment. Life in a clear clearing, classes with peasant children were fascinated by her stronger. He even wrote an "alphabet" (1872) for classes in his school. She consisted of the best fairy tales, epic, proverbs, sayings, Bass. Later, 4 volumes of "Russian books for reading" were published.

From 1856 to 1863, Tolstoy worked on the novel about the Decembrists, but analyzing this movement, the origins saw it in the events of 1812. So the writer moved to the description of the spiritual unity of the nobility and the people in the fight against the invaders. So there was a plan of the novel - epic "War and Peace". It is based on the spiritual evolution of heroes. Each of them goes its own way to comprehend the essence of life. The scenes of family life intertwined with the military. The author analyzes the meaning and laws of history through the prism of the consciousness of a simple person. Not the commander, and the people are able to change the story, but the essence of a person's life is a family.

A family Based on the other novel Tolstoy - "Anna Karenina"

(1873 - 1977) Tolstoy described the history of three families whose members relate differently to their loved ones. Anna for the sake of passion ruins and the family, and himself, Dolly tries to preserve their family, Konstantin Levin and Kitty Shcherbatskaya seek a clean and spiritual relationship.

By the 80s, the worldview of the writer himself changed. He is worried about social inequality, poverty of the poor, the idleness of the rich. This is reflected in the "death of Ivan Ilich" (1884-1886), "Father Sergius" (1890-1898,) Drama "Living Corp" (1900), the story "After Bala" (1903).

The last novel writer is "Resurrection" (1899). In the late repentance of Nehludova, who seduced the pupil of his aunt, is the thought of Tolstoy about the need to change the entire Russian society. But the future may not be revolutionary, but in moral, spiritual updating of life.

All my life, the writer conducted a diary, the first record in which was made at the age of 18, and the last 4 days to death in Astapov. The diary records of the writer himself considered the most important of his works. Today, they open us the views of the writer on the world, life, faith. Tolstoy revealed his perception in the articles on the census in Moscow (1882), "So what should we do?" (1906) and in "confession" (1906).

The last novel and the gogling writer writing led to the final discontinuity with the church.

Writer, philosopher, Tolstoy preacher was firm in his position. Some admired them, others criticized his teaching. But no one remained calm: he set questions that worried all of humanity.

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