Brief history of the ancient Mayan civilization. Secrets of the history of Maya - Ancient Civilization of Mexico

Brief history of the ancient Mayan civilization. Secrets of the history of Maya - Ancient Civilization of Mexico
Brief history of the ancient Mayan civilization. Secrets of the history of Maya - Ancient Civilization of Mexico

Mayan civilization is unique. Their writing, the system of calendars, knowledge of astronomy is striking even modern specialists in cosmology. Maya Indians are one of the most ancient and mysterious civilizations ever existed on Earth.

The birth of the Mayan civilization

Scientists have identified where the Indians lived. According to the theory, after the end of the last glacial period, the tribes living in the north went south to master the new lands. Today it is the territory of Latin America.

Then, the subsequent 6 thousand years of the Indians created their culture - they built cities, engaged in agriculture.

By 1500, the Mayanians lived on the Yucatan Peninsula, the territory of modern Guatemala, the southern states of Mexico and the Western parts of El Salvador and Honduras.

Maya Indians: History of Development of Civilization

The first major centers were the cities of El Mirador, Nashbo and Tikal. The construction of temples flourished, calendars were widely used, hieroglyphic writing developed.

The photo below is an ancient Maja Cultural Center in the ancient city of Tikal.

Indians created their own system, including architecture with unique buildings - pyramids, monuments, palaces, politics and social hierarchy. The society was divided into masses and elite consisting of rulers.

The Maya tribe believed that their rulers had the gods. The status was emphasized by robes with a mandatory attribute - a breastplate mirror. "Mirror of the people" - so called Maya of their supreme ruler.

The ruling class maya

The ancient civilization of Maya numbered more than 20 million people.

A whole system of 200 cities was created, 20 of them were megalopolis with a population of more than 50 thousand people.

Economic Development of Maya tribes

Initially, the Mayans were engaged in lit-firing agriculture - the forest was cut down on the plot, which planned to process, then trees and shrubs burned, and the ashes fell ashes. Since the land in the tropics is not good, its resources quickly depleted, and the fields stopped processing. They borrowed words. Then the whole process began again.

But with an increase in the population, new methods were required, and the Indians began to use the hills slopes for terraced agriculture. Also, the swamps were also mastered - raised fields were arranged on them by embanking beds a meter height above the water level.

They organized the irrigation systems, water flowed into the tanks on the channels.

Traveling through the water on canoe, wound out of mahogany. They could simultaneously be up to 50 people. I traded fish, sinks, shark teeth and other marine gifts. Salt was as money.

Soloi production

For the manufacture of weapons used obsidian, brought from Mexico and Guatemala.

Nephritis was a ritual stone, he was always in price.

Jade products

Living on the plain traded with edible supplies, cotton, jaguars and feathers of ketzals.

Art and architecture

During the "classic" early and late periods (250 - 600 of our era and 600 - 900 years of our era), a huge number of temples were built, painting walls appeared with the image of the rulers. There is a flowering of art.

Below is the photo of Barelleva with the image of the ruler.

Copan and Palenk become new cultural centers.


Since 900, our era, the southern plains are gradually empty, settlements remain in the northern part of Yucatan. Up to 1000, our era is growing the influence of Mexican culture, the city of Labn, Ushmal, Kabah and Chichen-Itsy flourish.

Below is the photo of the pyramid in the city of Chichen-Itsy

After the mysterious collapse of Chichen-Itsi, Majap is becoming the main city of Maya.

Why the Mayan civilization disappeared

No one reliably know the reason for the disappearance of the Indian people. Only there is only hypotheses. According to the main, in 1441 there was a rebellion of leaders who lived in neighboring Maipan cities. This was the cause of degeneration of civilization and turning it into scattered tribes. Also affected drought and hunger. Then the conquistadors appeared.

Below in the photo is the last cividization center.

In 1517, Spanish ships stuck to an unknown coast. In the battle with Indians, Konkistadora saw gold. From this it began to exterminate the Maya people, as the Spaniards believed that gold should belong to their rulers. In 1547, Maya were conquered, but part of the tribes managed to escape and hide in the center of Yucatan Peninsula, where they lived for 150 years.

Diseases who brought with themselves the Spaniards caused outbreaks of epidemics. The Indians had no immunity to influenza, measles and OPP, and they died with millions.

The culture and religion of the Indians were exterminated by all possible ways: the temples collapsed, the shrines were destroyed, the idolatry was punished with torture.

For 100 years from the date of coming to Latin America, the Mayan civilization was completely eradicated.

See below Documentary BBC Channel on Mysterious Maya Civilization

About culture, life and unusually wide knowledge of the Mayan tribe go rumors and legends. So what is so attractive this mysterious and mystical

Today, the Maya tribe is one of the Indian tribes that lives in South America (on the territory of Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras and Beliza). And since 2000 to AD, it was called an ancient civilization that settled in Central America. Maya conquered all the tribes and peoples who lived there at the time.

Almost for 12 centuries lasted the domination of this civilization. The peak of the heyday is, according to historians, for 900 years already our era, after which there comes a long period of decline, the reasons for which are still reliably unknown.

The Maya tribe, whose history still presents the greatest interest among scientists, inextricably tied his life with heaven. Indians relied on the heritage of Olmekov, earlier civilization, and reached the striking success in the area of \u200b\u200bastronomy, in a hieroglyphic letter and calendar systems. At the same time, the life of these people was very primitive.

The main occupation of these Indians was agriculture for which they used the simplest guns and fixtures. But, despite this, the farmers were excellent - the Maya tribe diligently cleaned large rainforest areas, they built underground storage facilities for rarewater collection. In addition, civilization was also engaged in pottery and weaving craft. And thanks to their purified paths passing through the swamps and jungle, the Indians have established trade relations with other, distant peoples.

The ancient Mayan tribes, according to historians, did not even know what the wheel is. Meanwhile, it remains striking and inexplicable by the fact that during his heyday, this civilization has created temples, palaces, observatory, miracle-cities, tombs and other richly decorated architectural monuments. And all this, by the way, was built without the help of any metal tools of labor.

In those days, when the colonialists of the old light set foot on the east of the coast of South America, the Maya tribe was already in deep decline. Barvars' conquerors reacted to all the architectural monuments and works of art, which were created by this ancient civilization. The colonizers saw in them only the legacy of paganism, which must be ruthlessly destroyed. But even what remains of the knowledge and culture of Maya, and to this day, it becomes an imagination of scientists.

Over time, Maya began to just leave the city built by them in a mass order. To date, there are several theories about this, but no one knows the real reason. And today, for the whole scientist of the world, it remains a mystery - that it was for civilization, from where her representatives came and where they left ...

One of their main and amazing achievements is recognized as a calendar, which was based on astronomical calculations, the accuracy of which continues to admire modern specialists.

In general, the Maya tribe used its observations in the field of astronomy, both to solve various urgent problems (for example, in the field of agriculture) and to explain more global mysteries. So, the priests extremely accurately calculated the life cycles of the Earth, which are confirmed by modern knowledge. Horoscopes, which astrologists make up, focusing on the calendar of the ancient tribe of the Indians, have not yet lost their relevance. Well, the most, perhaps, the popular prediction is the end of the world, which should, according to forecasts and the calculations of this Indian tribe, come in 2012. Believe it or not - everyone's personal case, however, despite the considerable number of skeptics, there are and quite real foundations believe the prophecy.

In Decolumbovy America, there was a civilization of Maya, the rightly recognized as one of the brightest ones. A group of a variety of Indian peoples is about 2.7 million inhabited in Mexico. There is a hypothesis that people settled America thirty thousand years ago, coming there from Asia.

Despite the fact that Maya up to the 15th century n. e. They did not know how to handle the land with a plow and did not use on their activities of man-fate animals, did not have wheeled carriages and ideas about metals, they were constantly improved.

In particular, they mastered the hieroglyphic writing. With the help of Ieroglyphs, Maya wrote codes - books on a kind of paper. They are currently helping scientists in the study of this civilization. For the first time, the codes translated the German scientist E. Ferustemann at the end of the XIX century.

Maja in the movement of the Moon and the Sun - predicted eclipses. Their calculations regarding the movements of Venus were also close to the correct, the difference was only 14 seconds per year. They also earlier than the representatives of the Arab countries and the Indians began to use the concept of zero.

A skillful association of astronomical knowledge and writing helped tribes to fix time. Their accounts called "Zolkin" and "Tonalamatl" had in their base number 20 and 13. The roots of the first of them leave much at an earlier time, which in which Maya lived, however, they would have improved the system.

In this civilization, art flourished: they created excellent sculptures, products from ceramics, the majestic buildings were erected and engaged in painting.

The highest degree of development in antiquity The art of Mexican Indians has reached in the time interval from 250 to 900 N. e., the so-called classic period. The most beautiful frescoes were found by researchers of the cities of Palenk, Copane and Bonampack. Now they are equal to cultural monuments of antiquity, because the ancient Maya images really do not give way to the latter. Unfortunately, many of the values \u200b\u200bhave not been preserved to our years, destroyed or time, or inquisition.


The main motifs in the Mayan architecture are deities, snakes and masks. Religious and mythological themes are reflected in small ceramics, so in sculptures and bas-reliefs. Created their works of Maya art from stone, mainly using limestone.

The architecture of this people is magnificent, for it is characterized by massive, aspiring the facades in palaces and temples, ridges on the roofs.

Research of the people Maya.

The Indians created the cities using only the muscular strength, under the leadership of the kings and priests, temples and palaces were erected, military campaigns. Unfortunately, now most Maya cities turned into ruins. They had their gods, which they worshiped, had ritual sacrifices and rites.

For a long time, scientists believed that no one lived in ceremonial centers, and the buildings were used only to commit rites. But later it was proved that most of their palaces of nobility and priests were built close enough to them.

Thanks to the research of ceremonial centers, there has been enough plenty of information regarding the vital activity of the highest sections of the Maya society. In contrast, it was known about the lower grades. For example, the issue of the life of the farmers was not sufficiently studied, and they precisely containing dominant layers with the help of their work. It is this side of the life of Maya and is currently being studied by archaeologists.

New studies allowed scientists to create a completely different chronology of this civilization. They found out that Maya at least 1000 years older than previously supposed. This was done thanks to the radio carbon study of wooden products found by archaeologists. It has been proven that they were made in the period 2750 - 2450. BC e. Accordingly, the Mayan culture turned out to be older than Olmekskaya, who was considered before that moment on the ancestor of Maya and another number of other civilizations. So eliminated the factor of the influence of Olmek culture and put forward a hypothesis about a possible reverse effect. Thus, further studies of the history of the continent will be required. After all, only one season of excavations was able to add a thousand years to the existence of Maya and more than one and a half to the prehistory of the entire Mesoamerica.

The opening of archaeologists allowed to create more accurate periodization due to a number of reasons, the main of which are two:

  1. In large quantities, ceramic products were found, allowing when using the most modern methods more accurately donate an ancient culture.
  2. Thanks to the hieroglyphic writing of the ancient Indians, it was possible to translate most of their records, comparing with them with them, and then with a modern calendar. It helped to determine up to a month of the date of special for civilization of Maya events, the reign of rulers and simply important for the history of personalities, their names, years of life.

Territory and climate

In an impressive territory (with an area of \u200b\u200b325 thousand square kilometers), which is now occupied by various states of Mexico and where Maya had previously lived, actually allocate some natural zones. Each of them has its climate, its natural conditions, vegetation, relief, etc. That is, each natural zone is a kind of environmental system. The first of the systems - nominated by a peculiar semicircle to the south, capturing the south-west and southeast, plateau and mountain chains of the Central American Cordillera. The second environmental system conventionally attribute valleys and hills around the Petensky Basin in Guatemala, as well as the indoor pool itself and the southern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. The last zone of Maya dislocation is plain in the north of Yucatana. Spacious, covered with grass and shrubs, she was also populated by Indians of antiquity.

Linguistic features Maya.

Until these times, 24 Maya has been preserved, the most important of which are combined into language families, and in turn - in the general linguistic branch.

Whasheksky to this day can be heard in one of the northern regions of Veracruz, and still remains a mystery, why there were native speakers. Emigrated in this place they are about 1200 BC. e. - Even before the Mayan civilization arose. In addition to Wastecks, there were other emigrants far beyond the limits of the Mayan range, but they mainly remained on the same territory what the studies of modern linguistics specialists are talking about. In their opinion, for 2500 years BC. e. In those places there was a community whose members talked in the Language of Promotion. He gradually divided into dialects, and their carriers were forced to emigrate. So it was determined the area of \u200b\u200bthe life of the Peoples of Maya. And directly their history it became possible to divide into specific periods due to the data of archaeological excavations.

Maya today

Today, the number of descendants of ancient civilization on the Yucatan Peninsula is approximately 6.1 million, while in Guatemala, approximately 40% Maya lives, and in Belize - in the region of 10%. Maja's religious preferences have been modified over time and now constitute a combination of ancient traditions and Christian. Each modern Mayan community has its own patron. The form of donations also changed, now these are candles, spices or poultry. A number of Maya groups wishing to stand out among others have special motifs in traditional clothing.

Majandonian Maya is known as the most preserved tradition of the group. Christianity practically did not influence this community, their clothing is characterized by a cotton composition and decorated with traditional motifs. But nevertheless, more and more Maja representatives are subject to progress: they are watching televisions, drive on cars, change clothes into modern things. Moreover, Maya earns money on tourism, talking about the traditions of his civilization.

It is especially worth noting the Mexican state of Chiapas. There, a number of villages controlled by Sapatistami have achieved in the nearby past of autonomy to management.

Civilization Maya. Wanted by multiple secrets and mysteries. To date, the descendants of the Indians - especially not allocated among other races and peoples. But the ancient history of Maya does not give rest to many researchers. Where did the conventional farmers who were the Mayan tribes, appeared amazing knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, writing and physics? How could they make incredibly complex objects or establish huge megaliths? Secrets always captured the minds of people. Let's make an exciting journey to the mysterious the history of Maya..

Stone Head - Almeck Symbol

Archaeologists find artifacts that testify that the territory of Mexico was inhabited over several millennia BC. The opinions of historians about the accurate dating of these finds differ. In any case, it is obvious that the ancient peoples moved to the north-American mainland in ancient times.

An officially recognized story considers the first Indian civilization of Olmekov, who lived on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico from the 2nd millennium BC. 5th century AD They are attributed to the invention of a complex writing, a sun calendar, a twenty-year reference, a sports and religious game in the ball and others. It is also believed that Olmeki was able to build pyramids and outstretten the famous five-meter heads of warriors out of stone.

Indian civilization of breeds is little studied. Historians suggest that it originated in the 5th century BC. The capital was located in Monte Alban, famous for its amazing temple of dancing with unfinished, still inscriptions. The mysterious culture of Isaps, traces of which were found in Chiapas, left historians many artifacts for research. Among them are unusual steles with images of deities and people, monuments, altari.

The culture of Aztec refers to a later period of the history of Mexico, until its conquest of the Spaniards. The capital of the Aztec state was tenochtitlan, which later became the city of Mexico City. Aztec worshiped various deities, the main of whom was the God of Wit Witchilopotley. This tribe was very militant: thousands of people's sacrifices were in the order of things. They constantly begun with their tribes surrounded and committed raids on other people's territories. The last ruler of the Aztecs of the Kuaythemok was overthrown by conquisites in 1521.

Among the many other Indian tribes that inhabited Mexico can be distinguished by Tarasov, Mishtekov, Toltec, Totonakov, Chichimekov. The Mayan civilization tribes earned a special position among their fellows due to incredibly complex historical monuments and highly developed culture, which the official story is attributed to them.

The history of Maya.

Considering the history of the peoples of Maya, it should be noted that there are several theories of the development of this civilization. According to the official one who is taught at universities and publish in textbooks, the Mayan culture appeared about 3 thousand years ago. She had so high level of technology, scientific knowledge and development, which exceeded the current civilization several times.

There is another theory, alternative, but gaining an increasing number of supporters. According to this theory, there was a certain highly developed civilization in antiquity, which disappeared in a few millennia BC. She left after amazing historical monuments, writing and artifacts, testifying to an incredible level of development. This, by the way, is consistent with the biblical chronology of times to the World Flood. It seems that this civilization was destroyed in the flood.

Maya Indians appeared in the territories of an ancient civilization much later. They began to master how the construction found and apply calendars, statues and other objects of prehistoric culture in their everyday life. The Maya itself admit that they received their knowledge from the "gods", and did not acquire them on their own. And what could be expected from civilization, the main occupation of which was the cultivation of corn? Why do the Indians deep knowledge in astronomy, if they have not committed space flights? How could Maya be built huge pyramids if they did not even have the wheels?

What a theory to stick to you to solve you. Let's look at some official dates from Maya's history.

1000-400 years BC - The emergence of minor Maya settlements in the northern part of Belize.

400-250 Before AD. - rapid growth of cities on the vast territories of the Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, Belize and Salvador. Archaeologists find a large number of products from jade, obsidian and precious metals.

250 BC - 600 AD. - People of Maya are formed into the city-states constantly fighting with each other.

600-950 years AD - Dawn and subsequent decay of many Mayan cities. For historians, the reasons for such a neglection are unclear. Some lead as an explanation of some kind of natural disaster, for example, a strong drought. Others argue that it could be aggressive wars or epidemics.

950-1500 Ye.E. - There are new cities in the north of Yucatana, especially attached to maritime trade with Aztecs.

1517 - the first documented contact of the Mayan tribes with Europeans on the Yucatan Peninsula. Then the Indians were defeated in the battle with well-armed Spaniards. But for several decades, they desperately fought for independence from the invaders.

In times of Spanish conquists, the colonizers mercilessly destroyed the cultural features of Maya, seeking to turn them into a Catholic faith. It is known that the Catholic priest Diego de Landa burned the meeting of Maya's books in order to combat shamanism.

Mysteries Maya.

In the territories where the peoples of Maya lived, a huge number of items were found that amazed modern researchers. Some can be considered in Mexico Museums, for example, in the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, other scattered in museums around the world. And how much has not yet received the universal publicity!

According to archaeologists, multi-colored skulls from quartz were not rare among the Treasures of Maya. It is impossible to establish their precise dating. It is even more difficult to determine how they were fulfilled and, most importantly, for what. One of these skulls is the legendary skull of Mitchells-Hejess. He was found according to the Researchers himself, in honor of which he received its name, when excavations in the jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula. Skull is striking lines perfection. It has an amazing property: when the beams of the light at it gets at it, at a certain angle of the felting of the skull begin to glow. Did this skull applied in the worship of the deities with some religious rituals or did he just serve as an interior decoration? There are no exact answers yet, but there are many assumptions.

Modern researchers are similar to African aborigines who found a glass bottle in the desert and try to determine its purpose, directing the rays of the sun. Most likely, the ancients were used crystal skulls as we can not imagine.

In the modern world there are no technologies that could repeat a similar masterpiece. But on the ancient crystal skull there is not a single track from the tools. So while this amazing thing remains one of the biggest mysteries of the past.

In the Mexican state of Chiapas is the famous archaeological complex Palenka. In the temple of the inscriptions located in it, the mysterious sarcophagus was found. Scientists attribute its existence to the ruler of Maya Pokal, who was buried in it. Amazing images on the sarcophagus lid still cause controversy in scientists. Some see in the drawing of Pacale itself, risen from the kingdom of the dead. Others suggest that this is not a pacale at all, but a prehistoric astronaut in the cosmolet cab. It is impossible to argue for sure. Therefore, the sarcophag of Osayan is a secret.

Not only the stone cover is interesting, but the sarcophague itself. He is just huge. Its sizes are 3.8 m per 2.2 m. The sarcophagus extruded from a solid stone weighing 15 tons and has an accurate rectangular shape. The lid weighs 5 and a half tons. How could he be completed? It is difficult to imagine the ancient Indians who break the stone blocks with primitive guns. It is even more difficult to assume how and who installed this giant in the pyramid.

The calendar attributed to the Mayan culture is striking scientists with its complexity and accuracy. According to researchers, it consists of two calendar: solar and sacred (galactic). The first included 365 days, the second - 260. The sacred calendar (Zolkin) is a calculus system of 13 numbers and 20 characters. Many claim to decipher the Mayan calendar. As soon as they do not explain the values \u200b\u200bof its characters and numbers. Someone connects the calendar with predictions of future events. Someone sees in his calculations the movement of the sun around the center of the Galaxy. The secret accurate origin and destination of the Mayan calendar remains. It is obvious that very deep knowledge in mathematics and astronomy was required to create it.
Most Maja Monuments

The Maja culture left behind numerous archaeological monuments: pyramids, temples, frescoes, steles, sculptures, etc. Their research is a very exciting occupation. It is worth the journey itself on them when such an opportunity will be presented. Just the spirit captures from the beauty and the mystery of these structures.

In essence, it is a pyramid with a small building on its top. The pyramid got its name thanks to three plates with hieroglyphs on the walls of the temple. Several groups of scientists were engaged in deciphering the inscriptions, but it was not possible to finally read them. In the pyramid, a tunnel was discovered leading to a secret room. There archaeologists have found sarcophagus with the ruler of Maya Pakall buried in it, about which it was above.

This is a unique pyramid of 30 meters high. At its top there is a temple in which the ancient Maja Priests committed sacrifices to their Supreme Divine Kukulkan. The pyramid is famous with their unusual construction: twice a year in the days of the shadow of the shadow from the ledges of the pyramid falls on the steps, creating the impression of a crawling snake. Surely, for the Indians, this picture looked frightened. Inside the temple is "Throne Jaguar", decorated with seashells and jade. It is assumed that the rulers squeezed on it. The size of this "throne" is small and the exact destination is unknown.

The height of the pyramid is 36 meters. This pyramid is famous for the fact that its base has no square, and oval shape. According to the ancient legend, Maya was built by a sorcerer, who knows the spells to rearrange the stones. The pyramid has several platforms, on the top there is a temple dedicated to the Rain Cabin. The wizard pyramid itself is decorated with images of this deity, as well as snakes and people.

- The only port city of Maya, preserved to the present day. Its name is translated as a "wall". Indeed, part of the city's protective wall testifies to his already magnitude. Here you can also consider several impressive palaces and temples.

- This is the ancient city of Maya, whose territory is impossible to bypass in one day. The city has an area of \u200b\u200b70 square meters. km. For walking on it, you can rent a bike or ride a bike. Coba is famous for huge pyramids, 100 kilometer and many other mysterious buildings.

On the territory of the Archaeological Complex Chichen Itza there is a mysterious sacred senote or a natural karst well. It leads a three-photon road from the Pyramid of the Cukulkan. Maya Indians used Senot during religious rituals. To achieve the favor of your fictional deities, they sacrificed not only precious stones, products from gold and weapons, but also people. They were simply threw on the bottom of the well in the hope that the deity would send long-awaited rain.

History of discoveries and mysteries Mexico

We have reached the very scarce information of Spanish colonialists about the ancient cities of Maya. In addition, they are more similar to fabulous stories about the cities of gold.
For many years, Maja's treasures were lost in impassable jungle. The beginning of a targeted study of the monuments of the ancient culture of Maya was put on American John Stephens in 1839. He was able to detect such cities like Palenque, Ushmal, Chichen Izu, Copan, and others. He described her observations in the book, which made a real exterior in the scientific world of America and Europe. Following Stephenson, Many researchers from different countries, which thirs for new discoveries and funerals of secrets went on Stephenson Dzhunley. A leading role in archaeological excavations have taken on several US research institutions.

Initially, the focus was paid to the study of buildings, inscriptions, bas-reliefs, stele and frescoes, i.e. External attributes. Over time, scientists deepened in the study of small objects and details, as well as what is hidden under the ground.

So, for example, at the end of the 19th century, American E. Thompson arrived on the Yucatan Peninsula. Earlier, the testimony of Diego de Landa was applied that at the bottom of the sacred well in Chichen Ice, unpretentious wealth is kept. An American decided to check this statement and, armed with the necessary tools, took real treasures from the bottom of the well. These were jewels from jade, gold, copper, and the remains of more than 40 people were also discovered.

Another sensational discovery occurred in 1949 in the archaeological complex of Palenk. Archaeologist A. Rus noticed that one of the plates on the floor in the temple of the inscriptions has holes closed by traffic jams. He decided to raise this stove and found an entrance to the tunnel. The tunnel was required to clear from stones and land, which was gone for several years. In June 1952, the archaeologist could penetrate the underground room under the pyramid. There he discovered the famous sarcophagus with the buried in it, according to the ruler of Maya Pacalell. In addition to the sarcophagus, the remains of people, decorations and jewels were found. Scientists are still trying to explain the image value on the five-line sarcophagus lid.

To date, only a small part of the cultural heritage of an ancient civilization has been discovered and studied. In addition, much is simply not available to ordinary lovers of antiquities. Who knows how many ancient treasures are waiting for their discovery ...

The history of the Mayan civilization remains a coated mystery. But science managed to find out that many of the secrets are no more than the myth. Destroyed the legend by the representative of the international publishing house National Geografic Michael Shapiro.

1. The Mayan civilization suddenly disappeared

As the fall in the Roman Empire, did not mean the end of the existence of Roman citizens and the disappearance of the Mayan state, which reached Epoga of its development in the IX century. BC, does not mean that the indigenous population disappeared without a trace.

Today, about 40% of residents of Guatemala, about 14 million people living in southern Mexico and Yucatan Peninsula are descendants of the peoples of Maya.

Maya Straightly survived five centuries of Spanish occupation, while retaining cultural traditions, an anti-agrarian lifestyle and the custom of celebrating festivals.

More than 20 Guatemala provinces are inherent in individual people of Maya. Each of them has its own culture, clothing and language. So thousands of years Maya live beyond their empire.

2. Maya did not believe in the end of the world

In the films about the apocalypse, we are told that Maya propheted. This moment accounted for 5000 years on Mayan calendar. But this is not true.

Representatives of an ancient civilization celebrated the beginning of the next cycle, which will come in 5125 as well as we noted the onset of the new millennium. Not a single record indicating the end of times. In any case, they hoped that with New Era, humanity would enter the era of the highest consciousness, strengthening the world and a deep understanding of other peoples inhabiting the Earth.

3. Ancient Maya invented the concept of zero.

The calendar of the Peoples Maya relies on the value of zero. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bscratch is probably not the mystery of the Mayan civilization. She arose in. And only in IV century. BC. This invention has become associated with Maya's peoples.

Zero in a letter of civilization was represented by a symbol similar to the sink. The Numerical Mayan system was based on 20 factors. These numbers consisted of entire units: 1, 20, 400, etc. To write, for example, the number 403, they used a unit 400, plus zero units 20, and three units 1. So the concept of zero appeared.

4. The city of Maya remained underground

The main attractions built by the peoples of Maya as Palenk in South Mexico and in the north were found during archaeological excavations. Others remain buried underground. In Guatemala, embankments were found under which the great temples may be hidden.

The most relatively visited attractions are located in El Mirandor and Auxactun, north of Tikal in the jungle Guatemala. Belize are open Ruins Altoon Ha 30 km from Belize City

In all these places you can see the pyramids.

5. Peoples Maya came up with saunas

This is really the mystery of Maya's civilization, the existence of which is difficult to argue. The ancient Mayan used the steam room in Stone Sina, known as "Teccal" on the Yucatan Peninsula. Saunas Maya, Sweathouse, is still a popular tourist holiday destination. They are offered guests of hotels and resorts worldwide.

The ancient cities of Peoples Maya were built from raw bricks - mud. They were used for spiritual satisfaction and health. Couples made mixing water with fire. Sometimes the leaves were added to the water. Sweat cleared the skin and mind.

6. The Mayan Empire was destroyed by a volcano

A number of volcanoes in Guatemala remain active. In the city of Antigua-Guatemala, you can see the eruption of the Fuego volcanic, the depth pillars of the smoke and dropping the fiery lava. Especially great spectacle at night. Not far from Antigua, about 1.5 hours of driving, there is a Volcano Rasaua, which is erupted regularly for several years.

In Antigua, the sale of day round tours is organized a few meters from Lava.

7. The Maja's White River Crossed by Boats

The mystery of Maya's civilization about the construction of reliable rafts has long been solved. In Guatemala, the conditions for first-class rods Rio Cahabon were created. During the trip, you can get a lot of impressions and get acquainted with the terrain where the ancient Maya lived, - Jungle on the river bank.

The Usumasinta River passes the border of Mexico and Guatemala. While walking along the river, the group stops for inspecting the ruins Piedras Negrat.

8. The Mayan civilization was popular sports

The cities found the playgrounds for the ball. Competitions among teams were conducted. The soccer ball was made of solid rubber. Some scientists believe that a human skull was placed inside the ball.

Cultural and entertainment events ended with human sacrifices. Probably, this fate awaited losers. Guides in Tikal argue that the victim brought the winner.

"To die in Tikal was considered an honor," says local conductors.

9. Maya Pyramids are built with astronomical events.

It's no secret that Maya was understood in astronomy. Many facilities, such as El Castillo (Kukulkan Temple) and Pyramids in Chichen Iz reflect astronomical events.

This mystery of the Mayan civilization links the history of the people with the neighboring state - ancient Egypt. , along the northern face of Cukulkan, the shadow, similar to the snake. This phenomenon is caused by the passage of the sunshine through nine terraces of the building.

The Church of El Karakol in Chichen Itza is known as a observatory associated with the orbit of Venus. The front staircase is directed towards the northern part of Venus, and the corners of the building correspond to the position of the sun on the day of the summer solstice at the sunrise and the winter solstice at sunset.

10. No one knows what caused the decline of the Mayan civilization

From the end of VIII to the beginning of the IX century. BC. Maya's cities came to launch. People died or went to other settlements. Culture, High Organized Irrigation, Agriculture, Astronomy and Construction Equipment were forgotten. Why, no one knows the answer.

Scientists have put forward several hypotheses in the death of ancient civilization:
The confrontation between the cities-Maya states.
Overpopulation, which led to the deterioration of ecology, soil depletion and climate change.
Strengthening the influence of the dominant class, clergy and the ruling top.

What really was the cause of decline in the developed civilization, archaeologists still find it difficult to say.