Brief biography Green Alexander. Alexander Green Interesting Facts Information about the author and with Green

Brief biography Green Alexander. Alexander Green Interesting Facts Information about the author and with Green

Green (real name - Grinevsky) Aleksandr Stepanovich (1880-1932), Proseca.

Born on August 11 (23 N.S.) in the town of Slobodsky Vyatka province in the family of an employee, the Pole, the 16-year-old young men in Siberia for participating in the Polish uprising of 1863. Mother, a Russian woman, died when Green was 13 years old.

In 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka City School, went to Odessa. Since childhood, he loved books about navigators, travels, so hoped to fulfill his dream - to go into the sea on some ship by sailor. However, first of all he had to vouch in search of work. Several times "lucky": took a sailor along the route Odessa-Batumi Odessa. After return, I realized that this "career" was not for him. I tried a lot of professions: I was a fisherman, a chernobia, a logger and the gold detector in the Urals, a soldier. During the service, the reserve infantry battalion joined the Esramen, with the help of which was deserted from military service.

In 1903 in Sevastopol was first arrested for propaganda work among the sailors. For an attempt to escape, it was sitting at strict about two years (released by amnesty). In 1906, in St. Petersburg, he was captured again and sent for 4 years to Tobolsk province, from where he fled to Vyatka, where he was able to get someone else's passport with whom he left his hometown forever. Arrived in Moscow. His first story of the "merit of ordinary Panteleeva" was born (Agit-brochure signed by A.S.G.), written at the request of a party comrades for distribution among the soldiers. The circulation was confiscated in the printing house and burned. Only under the story "case" (1907) for the first time a signature of A. S. Green appeared. In 1908, the first collection "Cap-invisible" with a subtitle "Stories about revolutionary" was published.

Many stories were written with Green, before he found a "his" hero. The writer began to create romantic novels whose events are developing in artificial, often exotic circumstances. He considered the first such novel, "Renault Island" (1909). A series of similar stories followed: "Colony Lantier" (1910), "Zurbagansky arrows" (1913), "Captain Duk" (1915) and others.

In 1917, learning about the February Revolution, Green came to Petrograd with the hope of fast change in the country. His essay "on foot on the revolution" is permeated by this mood, but the following stories speak about his disappointment, annoyance ("rebellion", "Thunder's Birth", "Soul Pendulum").

In 1919, Green served in the Red Army with communication. During these years, the journal "Flame" (editor A. Lunacharsky) was published.

Green believed that everything beautiful on Earth depends on the will of the strong, pure heart of people; About this his works "Scarlet Sails" (1923), "Shine World", "Running on the Waves" (1928).

In 1930, the Roman "Road Nowhere" was written, in 1931 - "Autobiographical Tale".

The real name of Alexander Stepanovich Green - Russian Soviet Prosaika of Polish origin, which created his works in the romantic realism, is Grinevsky. His name is associated, first of all, with the story "Scarlet Sails".

Born in the Vyatka province, Slobodskaya on August 23 (August 11, under Art.) 1880. The tendency to change places, the dream, supported by love for books about other people's edges and travel, he has already had a childhood, he is not Once attempted to escape from the house. In 1896, his studies ended in the four-year Vyatka City School, and Alexander leaves for Odessa, with his stay in which the six-year period of his vagabilities began.

Having settled on the ship, he at first wanted to realize a long-time dream to become a navigator, but he soon cooled to her. Fisherman, loader, excavator, lumberjack, gold detector and even a sword - all these professions tried over Alexander Grinevsky, but he could not get rid of the most severe need, which in 1902 made him sign up to the army volunteer.

His service lasted for 9 months, of which he spent a third in Karzer, and ended with desertion. At this time, it is rapprochement with the ester, which involve him in propaganda work. The agitation of sailors in Sevastopol ended for Green in 1903 by arrest, and an unsuccessful escape attempt turned into two years in a strict regime prison. However, he continued to engage in propaganda work, and in 1905 he should have been expelled to Siberia for 10 years, and only an amnesty helped to avoid such an unenciduous fate.

In 1906, Alexander Green's first story was printed - "in Italy", and those who followed him in the same year "merit of ordinary Panteleev" and "Elephant and Mosk" were subjected to confiscation directly in the printing house and burned. Their author, who was in St. Petersburg, arrested and referred to the Tobolsk province, but the Obligar Beginning Writer managed to quickly run from the place of reference. In 1907, the story "Case" was released, noteworthy the fact that for the first time in creative biography, the author subscribed to the pseudonym A.S. Green. The following year, the first collection of stories "Cap-invisible", which has not remained unnoticed.

In 1910, Green is sent to the link for the second time - this time for two years in the Arkhangelsk province. Upon returning home Green actively writes and printed, his stories, stories, satirical miniatures, poems, poems are published in 60 publications. Until October 1917, Green printed about 350 works. During this period, the romantic orientation of its writings is formed, which is in conflict with harsh reality.

The February Revolution gave rise to hope for change for the better, but they dispelled with the arrival of the Bolsheviks. Their actions were further disappointed with Green in the surrounding reality, he began to create his own world with a new force. Today it is difficult to imagine that the famous story "Scarlet Sails" beloved by all romantics was born in the revolutionary transformations of Petrograd (in the seal came out in 1923). Heroes of works and fictional cities of Green fit into Soviet literature, filled with Paphos to build socialism - along with their author. His essays published less and more and more often criticized.

In 1924 Roman A.S. Green "Shine World", and in the same year his move to Feodosiya took place. Suffering from tuberculosis and poverty, he continues to write, and from under his feather new stories come out, the novels "Golden chain" (1925), "Running on the waves" (1928), "Jessie and Morgin" (1929), in 1930 . I saw the light Roman "Road to Nowhere", permeated by the tragic maidos of the patient and the artist's not understood by anyone. The city of the Old Crimea became the last in Green's biography of Green, where he moved in 1930 and died on July 8, 1932.

Alexander Grinevsky was born in 1880 in the town of Slobodskoy near Vyatki in the Urals in the family of an exiled Polish gentry. He was elder of 4 children.

In childhood, Sasha was inquisitive, read from 6 years. Green was a difficult teenager, even ran away from the house.

In 10 years, the boy was given to the real school, but he behaved badly and devoted to the study time reading. Here he got a nickname Green. In the second grade Sasha was excluded and translated into another educational institution.

Green's mother died when he was 15 years old, his father quickly married again. The young man did not get laid with a stepmother and settled separately, read with Eustion, wrote poems and even worked.


At the end of the Vyatka school, Green decided to carry out a children's dream and become a sailor. He went to Odessa. The 16-year-old young man breaded grief, until he settled the sailor to the ship, but he worked for a short time, he quit with the captain and returned home. A year later, Greene went to Batum. There he tried many professions and continued the search for a loved business, returning to his father.

At 22, Green became a soldier, but after 6 months Alexander deserted. The Bunar Spirit was combined in his personality with humanism, so when he became an Agent of Socialists, then flatly refused to participate in the attacks.

From 1903 to 1905, Green was arrested twice, expelled to the Tobolsk province, but escaped to his father who helped him get a fake passport.

Green becomes a writer

The first stories appear in 1906. Themes - about ordinary people and revolutionaries. Green stories have signed aliases. One of them is a surname on a fake passport ( Malginov). Pseudonym Green appeared in the story "Case" in 1907

In 1908 and in 1910. The collections of the story of the writer came out. These were realistic works.

Since 1912, Green gradually begins to write romantic stories about heroic people and a fictional country. The writer prints stories in newspapers and magazines, meets the writing environment. In 1915, a collection of stories having anti-war topics.

In the Soviet reality, Green was disappointed even faster than in the pre-revolutionary one. He was an opponent of any violence, did not even change spelling and calendar. In 1919, the writer was called up to the Red Army, but fell ill with a typhoid. Gorky overturned the writer and housing for him. In 1920-1922 An extravagator "Scarlet Sails" was written, printed in 1923. In 1922, a collection of stories came out.

In 1924, the first romance of Green "Shining World" was printed, in 1925 - the "Golden chain", in 1926 he was written, and in 1928 the novel "Running on the Waves" was published. In 1929, two more Green novels were published.

"Epoch rushes past"

Green is an uncomfortable writer. He refused to write in the spirit of "socialist realism", so the Edition of the 15-Tonnik of its works stop with the embroilment of NEP. The family is almost hungry, from Feodosia moves to the old Crimea. Since 1930, reprints of Green's books are prohibited. The last romance Green did not finish.

In 1932, the writer died.

Personal life

Alexander Green was married three times. The first time his wife became Vera Abramov, who visited the future writer in 1906 in prison in St. Petersburg under the guise of the bride. The history of their relationship is described in the story of 1912. "One hundred wool on the river". The wife went with him in the link in 1911. The spouses divorced in 1913. Until the end of the life of Green, he had a portrait with him.

Green's second wife stayed with him in marriage for several months in 1919

The third wife, Nina, appeared at the writer in 1921. She dedicated her the most famous work - "Scarlet Sails".

Flight from reality

The main work of A. Grin is an extravaganza "Scarlet Sails". This is a fabulous story that the dream is incarnated in reality, if this is a real dream. The action takes place in the fictional city of Kaperna, the same gloomy and evil, like Petersburg of the beginning of the 20s, in which a fabulous story was written. Assol is not similar to the inhabitants of the city, she believes in the myth of the ship with Alami sails, which sails fortunately. Captain Gray takes the associate, playing for his myth beloved.

Green, Alexander Stepanovich (1880? 1932), Nasty. Surname Grinevsky, Russian Prose, poet. Born 11 (23) August 1880 in the Sloboda Vyatka lips. In the family of the reference Pole, the participant of the uprising of 1863. He graduated from the four-year Vyatka City School. He spent six years in the wandering, worked as a loader, excavator, an artist of a stray circus, railway workers. In 1902, due to the extreme needs voluntarily ("I will be ourselves and dressed") I entered the soldier's service, I spent several months in Karzer. The severity of soldier life forced the Green to desert, he became close to Social Revolutionaries and took up underground work in different cities of Russia. In 1903, he was arrested, sat in a Sevastopol prison, was expelled for ten years to Siberia (came under the October amnesty 1905). Until 1910 Green lived under a stranger passport in St. Petersburg, he was again arrested and sent to Siberia, from where he fled and returned to St. Petersburg. Second, two-year link spent in the Arkhangelsk province.

Years of life under a stranger name was the time of gap with the revolutionary past and the formation of Green as a writer. After the first published story in Italy (1906), the following is the merit of Private Panteleeva (1906) and Elephant and Pug (1906) - they were seized from censorship.

The first collections of the story of Green Hat-invisible (1908) and stories (1910) attracted the attention of criticism. In 1912-1917 Green worked actively by publishing more than 60 publications about 350 stories. In them, the manner of the writer was growing to extract the dream of human happiness from the tragic reality. Invented girny noble people inhabited fictional cities of Lissa, Zurbagan, gel-gue - that "mainland", which will later be called Greenland.

Historically met the February Revolution of 1917, the subsequent events considered the tragedy. Green saw and described "people who closed his face with his hands ... They rushed and fell ... They are in the blood" (note of trifles, publ. 1918 in the magazine "New Satirikon"). In the middle of the wildness and chaos, which wrapped the power of the Bolsheviks, Green wrote such works as a story-extravaganza (1923), the novels of the glittering world (1924), the Golden chain (1925), which runs on the waves (1928) and other works, in which created his own romantic world of human happiness.

Ecky of scarlet sails, one of the brightest and vitality of the works of Soviet literature, was written in the Petrogradsky House of Art. In the hungry and cold Petrograd, according to the original plan of the writer, and the effect of scarlet sails should have been. However, as Green has moved an action to the city of Capern, in the title of which literary criticians subsequently found consonance with Evangelical Capernamum. The story of the love of Assol and Graya, their dreams, was founded on the conviction expressed by Green: "I understood one simple truth. She is to make wonders with her own hands ... "Scarlet sails have become the sign of the 1960s and Romantics of the 1970s.

The real surrounding life rejected the world of Green along with his creator. Increasingly appeared critical comments on the unnecessaryness of the writer, the myth of the "foreigner in Russian literature" was created, Green was less printed. The writer went to the patient with tuberculosis in 1924 in Feodosia, where he was experiencing extreme need, and in 1930 he moved to the village. Old Crimea.

Brief biography A.S. Green - option 2

Alexander Stepanovich Green - Russian Poet, Proseca (1880? 1932).
This name of Alexander - Grinevsky. He was born on August 23, 1880 in the Sloboda Vyatka province in the family of an ordinary reference pole. His father was a member of the uprising of 1863. Alexander's mother was Russian. She died when Alexander turned on only 13 years.

In 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka school, the future poet went to Odessa. Since childhood, he was attracted by stories about navigators and travel, Manila the theme of discoveries and accomplishments.

In Odessa, Alexander Green tried to fulfill his children's dream - go out into the sea. However, he had to straighten a little in search of at least some suitable work. He spent six years in wrapping, working by a loader, a strolling circus artist, railway workers, etc. Several times he was lucky to go to the sea by a sailor along the route Odessa-Batumi Odessa. Upon returning Green realized that this work was not for him.

In 1902, due to the lot of need, he voluntarily entered the soldier's service and spent several months in Karzer. During the service in the reserve infantry battalion, Green joined the Esramen, which helped him to desert from military service. He found common interests with the Social Revolutionaries and began to lead the underground work in different cities of Russia. In 1903, Green was arrested for propaganda work and his "wrong" appeals of society. He served a harsh punishment in a Sevastopol prison, then he was sent for ten years to Siberia. In 1905 he fell under the amnesty. Until 1910, Alexander Green hid himself and lived under his own name in St. Petersburg, then he was arrested again and sent to Siberia, where he fled to St. Petersburg.

Green was written a lot of stories before he found a "his" hero. The writer composed romantic novels in which events are developing in artificial, and sometimes exotic circumstances. In 1908, Green released the first collection of stories. The famous story-extravagania "Scarlet Sails" became one of the brightest works of Soviet literature, was written by Alexander Green in the Petrogradsky House of Art.

In 1919, Green served as a telephone in the Red Army. In 1924, Green had a patient with Tuberculosis in Feodosia for treatment, which over the years brought only a fleeting improvement to his state. On July 8, 1932, Alexander Green died in the village of Old Crimea.

Biography A.S. Green |

Green (Nasty Fam. Grinevsky) Alexander Stepanovich (1880-1932), Russian writer.
In the romantic and fantastic agents "Scarlet Sails" (1923), "Running on the Waves" (1928), the novels "Shine World" (1924), "The Road Nowhere" (1930) and stories expressed the humanistic faith in high moral qualities of a person.
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Green Alexander Stepanovich (Nag. Fam. Grinevsky), Russian writer.
House Museum A. Green
Childhood and youth spent in Vyatka. Father, Pole, was exiled to Siberia after participating in the Polish uprising of 1863-1864, where he became an assistant manager of the beer plant, then worked as an accountant in the Zemstvo hospital; Mother was from the mesh, died when Green turned 13 years old. The boy's upbringing was no one to do, but his primary education was home. He studied at the Alexander Real School (humanitarian objects were given better), from which he was excluded for the poetic satire at the teacher, then in the Vyatka City School (graduated from 1896). Early carried away reading. Especially loved to read about travel related to the sea. His favorite authors were Fenimore Cooper, Edgar by, Alexander Duma, Daniel Defo, Main Reed, Robert Stevenson. By this period include the first youthful poems of Green's experiments. As a dreamer and a passionate adventure lover, the future writer went out of Vyatka to Odessa at the age of 16, where, wanting to become a sailor, got a sailor, sailed to Egypt. Then I tried a lot of other professions, there was a scribe, a buyer, a spray, worked as a prospector in the Urals Golden Peace, in the fishing artel, but I had to vomit. In 1901, in part at the request of the Father, he signed up with a soldier in the 213rd Owovaysky reserve battalion (Penza), from where in 1902, brings together with the Esrami, deserted. As a member of the underground, Southwedic organization, he was engaged in propaganda work in Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Tambov, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. The program of Sherson Green attracted the lack of a tough party discipline, the promise of universal happiness after the revolution. In November 1903, for this activity was first arrested, twice in 1907 and 1910 referred it.
In 1906, his first story of the "merit of ordinary Panteleeva" and the Book "Elephant and Mosk", which begged a campaign character (circulations were withdrawn by censorship and destroyed). The cycle of published works on revolutionary Russia opened the story "In Italy" (1906). Signature A. Green was first put under the story "Case" (1907). In 1908, a collection of "Invisible hat" was released, which reflected the already rethinking attitude of the writer to Esramen, the explicit rejection of some of their ideological positions. During the reference 1910, the Arkhangelsk province Green wrote a number of "northern" stories ("Ksenia Tourpanova", "Winter Tale"), whose heroes, tormented boredom, seek to change their lives, fill it with meaning. Early Green Stories are written in the spirit of realistic literature of the 1900s, the writer only tried to felt his way in the literature. The "scanty" heat and love of Green's life, thrust for adventure, strengthened his desire for the unexplored, ideal. Green was increasingly attracted by the hero, having laid out of the established lifestyle of most ordinary people ("she", 1908), the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a strong romantic hero ("aircraft", 1909).
In 1909 she saw the light of the Novyna Renault Island - the first genuinely romantic work of Green. Sailor Tart, being on an exotic island and imbued with his nature, did not want to return to the ship to his team, because I decided to save the freedom found on the island. But loneliness led Tart to death. Are thematically close to the "Renault Island" works, whose heroes are bright, but lonely personality: "Colony Lanfer" (1910), "Tragedy of the Plogradius Suan" (1912), "Blue Cascade Telluri" (1912), "Zurbagansky shooter" (1913) , "Captain Duk" (1915), "Bitt-battle, bringing happiness" (1918). Gradually, Green's characters changed, not closing in their own world.
In 1910, Green came out of the ECEROVA organization, in 1912 he was adopted by a literary environment, brings closer to A. I. Kuprina, A. I. Svirsky. Began to cooperate in periodicals, before 1917 published more than 350 stories, poems, and stories. During the First World War in the work of the writer, a long crisis caused by the internal oscillations of the author has occurred. Green perceived the modern epoch as an anti-systhetic ("The story, finished thanks to the pool", 1914). In stories 1914-1916, he felt caused by the impact of the aesthetics of Edgar software, the writer to the "mysterious" ("Returned Hell", 1915). In 1916, the writer tried to evaluate his own creativity and on the basis of this assessment to express his attitude to art. Art for the Green has become the basis of personal existence, care for a different, more perfect reality, he considered himself a symbolist. At the end of 1916, for the audacious review of Tsar Green was forced to leave Russia and settle in Finland. Upon learning of the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd (sketch "on foot on the revolution, 1917). The revolution took enthusiastically, but these sentiments turned out to be speedy. Already in the stories of the "rebellion" (1917), "Birth of thunder" (1917), "Soul Pendulum" (1917) Feeling a feeling of rejection by the writer of a new reality. Pamphlet "Blister, or good dad" is dedicated to reflections on socialism - in Him Green writes with irritation that the revolution is not so "beautiful", as expected. In 1919, he was published only in the magazine "Flame" edited by A. V. Lunacharsky. Here he published his poetic story "Factory Drozda and Lark", filled with faith in the beautiful, with which Green began his life and creative path. In the autumn of 1919, the writer was mobilized as an ordinary in the Red Army. During this period, the idea was originated and the first "sketch" of the pest partiery "Scarlet Sails" (1921) appeared, which became one of the most famous works of Green. Heroes of the story - Assol and Gray - have a rare gift of "other" vision of the world, their exclusiveness is that they know how to make wonders on their own. After the hardest tests of the Civil War Green, despite the need, continued to work. In 1923, a novel "The Blinding World" appeared (1923), in which the tragic death of the main hero of his friend - the result of the author's internal doubts about the possibility of achieving the ideal.
In 1925, the writer released the novel "Golden chain", in 1928 - "Running on the Waves" is one of the most complex and signs. In the "Running on the Waves" again sounded the motive of illusion of any dream. Only a creative person, according to the author, one can fully feel the subtle nature of this illusion.
From the mid-1920s, Green was printed more and more often, mainly in little-known editions. From 1924 he lived in Feodosia, in 1930 he moved to the old Crimea. Material disadvantage, severe disease broke the writer. The tragic feeling of hopelessness is filled with his last novel with the symbolic name "Road Nowhere" (1930). Two months after the yield of the novel, Green passed away. In the late 1930s. Several critical articles appeared (K. Zelinsky, M. Shaginyan, K. Powesta), in which the writer's talent was finally recognized, his unique vision of the world. But universal recognition of the work of Green received only in the 1960s.
Some articles of Green ("Scarlet Sails", "Running on Waves", etc.) were well-appointed.
The real surrounding life rejected the world of Green along with his creator. Increasingly, critical comments on the unnecessary of the writer appeared, created a myth of the "foreigner in Russian literature", Green was less printed. The writer went to the patient with tuberculosis in 1924 in Feodosia, where he experienced extreme need, and in 1930 he moved to the village of Old Crimea, where he died on July 8, 1932.