Red hill. Ritals, signs and rituals

Red hill. Ritals, signs and rituals

We live in the world, where it depends on the amount of money is not just the standard of living, but the happiness of every person.

Many scold this circumstance.

Yes, what to do with an ordinary person. After all, you will not redo the planet. It is necessary to reckon with objective laws created by humanity.

Do not suffer and do not worry many helps rite for wealth.

These are invented many. But it is necessary to use them with the mind.

Of course, anyone today can do magic, thinking that everything is easy and simple.

We just need not to miss theories, not to retell into practice. Then the results will be such, everything is ash. But is it really?

Here we take a rite for wealth.

  • What do you think, with what frequency it should be done?
  • How to configure?
  • What to expect?

Everyone in his head has a response. Usually, wrong.

In fact, this ritual is not a magic wand.

With it, the magician in the cinema is not immediately turning. Everyone has their own destiny.

Get just what is measured by the highest forces. No more.

Therefore, do not set up money bags.

Do not buy hard hat, thinking that now it will fall on my head. Although, and this happens sometimes.

How does such a rite

The rite of wealth is designed to open human channels.

He knocks those tubes that they interfere with the money coming.

But ask the streams of wealth is the case of everyone's soul. How much will make yourself getting so much and flows.

And we prevent yourself with unnecessary thoughts, envy, disregard, disgust, jealousy and even a bunch of all emotions.

That is, only the one who has no feelings can be rich. These are a note to girls, so as not to dream about multimilliars. They are not as pleasant in communication, as it seems in Gres.

Cash rituals need to practice regularly.

Proceed from the circumstances and your own state.

  • I felt that the flow rate was stopped, put again.
  • And when everything goes fine - haul.

Then it is necessary to clean the energy. Otherwise, the rite is only more aggravated by poverty, add losses.

Let's go to practice.

Below is a few rites, which are carried out at different times.

Choose to begin with the one that will seem most interesting (will cause an inner desire to put).

This ritual is carried out in remembered days.

  1. You need to take a rich treat on the graveyard. Do not greed. Type sweets, sweets, fruits. But do not raise alcohol.
  2. Still a piece of black bread with you.
  3. Walk to those graves that no one visits for a long time.
  4. Leave me everywhere.
  5. Boil, pray for the souls of the deceased.
  6. Last leave a piece of bread on an abandoned grave.
  7. Tell me the following:

"I remember the Lord Slave (name, if it is written on the grave). His fate is hard. He is in rich, not to swim, do not wander on Earth, not to be melted. How the dead man will not rise from under the earth, so not to be me poor on earth. Amen!"

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(SV ****** [Email Protected])

To whom: Responsible site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: a house, work, children, concerns .... and a constant lack of money. Neither children once again toys, not buy new things, you will not please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money.

In general, every month just think-planning how to stretch the budget to make money for current needs.

Of course, we learned to live in the family to live in our finances. But in the shower there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for themselves. Why, I asked myself a question. Won, others have money, bought a new car, the cottage built, it can be seen that there are wealth.

I have already started losing hope for a good life. But one day came across on the Internet.

You just wonder how much positive changes happened to me! I did not suspect that the article would change my life so!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, and really normal income!

Over the past year we made great repairs in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent children to the sea!

But all this was not, if I did not get on this site.

Do not scroll by. Find a couple of minutes for of this information.

When they say these words, go with the graveyard without turning around.

Red Gorka - just as in ancient Russia it was called this day.

Choose an icon on which Jesus is depicted with gold hair. It is very important.

In fact, the ritual is pagan. He was a little converted after the baptism of Russia. But he works great.

You still need:

  • bowl;
  • holy water.
  1. You need to get up at dawn.
  2. Go out to the street.
  3. Stand up to the east.
  4. Water with holy water icon and read a plot.

Water should be collected in a bowl.

The words of the conspiracy are:

"The environment of seven hills cost seven temples. Seven poles are erected in them. Only in one champed the god. Solomon Schoronen, the Lord obded. Who will give God in his hands, his face with the water is mocked, that wealth will cover the cover. Gentlemen Slava (name) GO GOVE POME, I will open his rich fate. Gaze god do not bury, and turn rich wealth! Amen!"

  1. Water immediately should wash the face, and the remains of pouring on the head. It should not be watched. Let the droplets themselves dry themselves.
  2. And Icon will wash and put on the honorary place.

Ritual Repeat several times over six months.

  1. Buy a new mounted castle.
  2. Come out with him
  3. In the right hand, take the castle in the left - the key.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. On the word "key" close the castle.
  6. After hiding it is prettier, so that no one has opened.

And it is better to throw the key to the river or the sea. Then no one will prevent you with enjoying wealth.

Conspiracy words:

"The wolf behind the lamb saddled, yes the casket of the bought him. It is malicious and diamonds. Yes, just not to open, forged the castle in the paws do not cut down. Pains are harnessed under the waters and stones. Do not get a gray wolf, the casket is without a sense. He gave him to his Lord, and that slave his own (name) filed. Milns: Hold and take care, so as not to get his enemies. I will take the key and the constraint, Zlatto the Lord Save! Amen!"

In New Moon

During this period, you should not wise. There is an excellent remedy for rite for wealth.

  1. Take a trifle, which accumulated in the wallet.
  2. Exit under the open sky.
  3. Show each coin the month, but grow it to grow.
  4. Read out loud (for memory):

"Grow, round the moon in the sky, be rich and in the crown! As you arrive, so the money goes to me, you want to be like. Amen!"

The next day, spend a third of coins.

Buy sweet and treat home or colleagues.

Another third is every other day.

But leave one coin until the next new moon.

The rite repeat every month by changing coins.

If the new moon period missed, then another rite can be carried out on a growing moon. He is not worse than the previous one.

  1. Take a handful of cereals. Good wheat. And there is no, so buckwheat or barrier is suitable.
  2. Pour it on a beautiful plate and put on the window to which the moon peers.

"The birds came to visit, with the far road will eat. Heavy bird way, you need to return money to money. I bounced, sat, weakness appeared in the body. All the bags with the crown were left in my wards. Fucking lights, and wealth in the chest. I will store it, bring grain birds! Amen!"

  1. In the morning, grain should be perrange.
  2. And put one in the wallet.

And do not forget to roam the birds. They will bring you money success.

Just keep in mind that after this rite can not be offended by the feathers, to drive out, break the nests, etc.

Rituals for wealth on a red slide

In 2018, the Red Gorka is celebrated on April 15, 7 days after the Great Easter

The rite of pagan roots, although a little redoned under Christianity. Gaze Gaze is god Lady, God-Sun. In Christianity - Jesus Christ - saved.

To fulfill the rite the following icons will be suitable: "Savior in the power", "non-gun saved," at the worst "Almighty". And the most suitable for this icon "saved malic valves." It has the closest way to Dazhibogu, a raincoat with the symbols of the Sun and Golden Kudri.

"Helf God" is not an icon, and so to speak, a group of icons on which the Lord is depicted on the throne or icon of the Lord Almighty.

The rite is performed at sunrise, in the morning dawn, face to the sun. Take the bachership water or holy, if not, then from under the tap, then this will also be consolidated. In one hand, the icon, the other watering the image of water, over the mission, reading 7 times a plot.

After that, the person for whom you told the water, wash it and goes a bath, it pours out it on yourself, no need to wipe.

We wash only one person, for everyone we do our water. It is advisable to do three years in a row.

Speak, then wash.

B seven temples have seven poles,
And in one only there is a god.
By that giving God is the True Word.
Posted to give God himself Solomon.
Who is before giving God touched
From these words with the holy icon,
That rich fate will open
The treasures are exposed.
Zlatto, silver seal
By slave God (name).
True there will be truly, god
Slave God's (name) will not forget the centuries.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to cherished desire.

The rite is very strong. Take "God's god".

I remind you - this is not a icon, and so to speak the group of icons on which the Lord is depicted on the throne or the icon of the Lord of the Almighty.

Look three times with water icon. The icon is kept above the basin. That water that the icons merged and washed.

"Jesus Christ walked from heaven,
Carried the holy miraculous cross
Patients healed, poor helped
Glory and honor erected.
God! God! Help and me too.
Do for the sake of Christ for me (even that).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, confessed and forever. Amen."

Icon will now be your faith

Conspiracy to appeal, on a red slide

Stand on dawn, smear the key water and tell me:
« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. How red the sun rises how all people are rejoiced, so let him be red and flush. Everyone would look at me, did not see if they were glad, did not drage. Everyone I, the slave of God (name) Mila was. My key words. Amen. «

If you pray for health on this day , then health you pour not only for yourself, but for all your relatives.

Red hill Great holiday and rites of their history go roots into the depths of centuries. Traditionally, it is celebrated next Sunday after Easter. On this day, the weddings traditionally coped, people magnificently and richly celebrated this day. On this day, rituals aimed at improving material welfare have special strength. Conspiracies on a red slide on wealth are among the most effective magical rituals to improve material well-being.

On the holiday, a red slide can be held conspiracies for wealth.

Red hill holiday rituals on this day is stronger than in the usual. Many modern people incorrectly understand magic and represent it as in old good fairy tales, where, in the marching of the magic wand, you can find everything and immediately, without applying special efforts.

In fact, everything is not so simple. Yes, and if it were and in reality - think about yourself, you would like to live in such a world, where any passing can get suddenly everything immediately. Therefore, before proceeding to perform any rituals, and even more so for rituals on monetary magic, the basic rules should be understood:

  1. Magic, as the universe does not tolerate emptiness. In order to get something you need to give part of your forces, make efforts, spend time. Ritual exactly as indicated, not simplifying and missing any trifles. Those. It is categorically contraindicated by any manifestation of laziness and neractions in business.
  2. Referring to the highest forces can be relied on their goodness. But the first item is still necessary, at least in the grace of his Lord and pledges the rewards are disproportionally large than those that have earned a person with difficulty spent on the fulfillment of rituals.
  3. Before performing the rite, it is necessary to configure the thoughts correctly, to completely concentrate on the purpose. It is also important to do everything consciously, understanding to whom, you appeal, study the main advice, signs on the question of interest.
  4. Turning to Christian magic and rites is very useful on the eve of his execution to compete in the church.
  5. Do not ask for fabulous wealth due to greed. The Lord will give you as much as you really need, but not surplus that can be harmful. If a young family lives on a removable apartment, then it will be logical to ask and millions of sums, because This is due to a real necessity, and if they simply lack money for the wedding, then the appetites are requested to temper in proportionally reality. You must at least roughly designate how and what are you going to spend money, it is important that it is good.

Washing with icons - Ritual for wealth and wealth

The rite with the icon "Savior Zlagy Vlas"

The most common and efficient rituals on the red hill, attracting prosperity and welfare - wash with the icon.

Ancient wisdom reads: "You will die with icons - you will be rich." And there are reasons and real precedents. To perform such a conspiracy, you will need:

  • Icon "saved malic authorities", it can be bought in most iconic shops;
  • Holy water;
  • Iron pelvis.

Any conspiracy on the red hill for money should be performed at dawn. This ritual is no exception.

Ritual need to be held at dawn

Stand up to sunrise, prepare everything you need. When the sun shows his rays, stand up to him face and, holding an icon over a basin, will be afraid of her holy water. Washing the icon, say:

"B seven temples have seven poles, and in one only there is a god. By that giving God is the True Word. Posted to give God himself Solomon. Who is touched by the god to give, with these words with the holy icon, it will be silent, the rich fate will open, the treasures will be exposed. Zlatto, silver sealed on the servant of God (name). There will be truly true, there will be true, the god of the slave of God (name) will not forget the centuries. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Signs and secret knowledge of wise men and magicians indicate that after that it should be washed with that water that glass from the icon and merged into the basin. During the washout, say a request for wishing loud. After that, you should not wipe the face, wait until it dry itself.

Rite with the Icon "GOD GOD"

Ritual with washing with Icons "Gaze" in general, the ceremony is repeated. Only the icon and text used are different, the conspiracy itself.

Conspiracy for the Icons "GOD" is pronounced in this way:

"He walked Jesus Christ from heaven, carried the holy miraculous cross, patients healing, the poor helped, the glory and honor erected. God! God! Help and me too. Do for Christ for me (speak your request). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, confessed and forever. Amen!".

Icon "GOD GOD" must be left at home, in a prominent place.

Ritual for money using herbs

To fulfill the next ritual, you need to find the grass by John's wort. It is possible to pour it yourself in advance, to dry over the winter and on the holiday of the Red Gorka, already have its own stock of the dried Hypericum, and you can simply buy it in a pharmacy. St. John's wort was considered a special plant, with its help, exorcism was carried out, the premises were fured in order to expel evil spirits.

For ritual, you need to collect the flowers of the Zverkoy

Take a handful of the colors of the Hypericum and put in a comfortable metallic saucer or, more convenient, to tea-site. Then burn the church candle and exhaust the grass with it. Using the resulting smoke, fool the usual glass three-liter jar. The Passs of the Hands "Warter" by her smoke coming from herbs.

Then take the church candle, which was to burn all this time and scream with it wax inside the jar so that the square was formed at the bottom with a point in the middle.

Performing all these prescriptions you need to think about money, about sudden profits, about how everything will be fine when you gain additional funds.

After that, take 4 coins and say a conspiracy to wealth:

"I want to (own FULL NAME) arrived money!".

And throw coins into a jar. Then, in the bank, fall asleep ashes from the burned Zverkoy. Starting with a red roller, we put in a jar on a coin of any dignity and repeat the above text until the bank is full fully. The full coin of the bank should be kept in the house, hide it into a secret place where no one else besides you. The result will not make yourself wait.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova leads such a plot. The ritual is strong and very simple for performance at home.

You will need:

  • small saucer white;
  • warm (but not boiled) water;
  • white handkerchief;
  • wheat grains.

Pour wheat on the saucer and cover the nose handkerchief from above. Put on the windowsill. Take warm water and push a little bit from above, uttering a special conspiracy on the red hill for money:

"Wheat Mother, you feed and young, and old, and beggars, and a bar. From the grain you give ten, and fifteen, and twenty. Give me, God's slave, the money to originate, like this wheat. As it grows in day and night, it does not die with hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. Amen!".

Every third day, pour water and repeat the text of the conspiracy. The result you will notice how soon wheat will start germinate.

Conspiracy on Fitil

This conspiracy can be used on any other day, but he has the greatest strength on the red slide of the custom of the qualifications, according to tradition, require the fulfillment of this rite in this holiday.

From the candle you need to pull the wick

You will need an ordinary wax candle. Gently pull out the wick. Try not to break it, not to damage. After that, google (you need to use matches, the lighter is not suitable for such an operation) wick on both sides, the conspiracy to the red hill on wealth should be very fast:

"The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all kinds of good. Amen!".

As soon as you say text, you immediately need to slightly. It is important to read a plot so quickly that the wick should not have time to burn completely during this time. The unlawful residue from now on will be your money talisman, the customs instructed to always wear it next to the body to improve their wealth and well-being.

Each rite of red hill is on the rich. It has special strength and efficiency. It is better not to neglect the rules and execute them only into the next Sunday for Easter, as recommended by signs and traditions at recommended scenarios.

In your eyes, your life will work out, you will receive unexpected material assistance or your salary will increase. It is important after that not to get carried away in material pleasures, to find time for spiritual growth, for thrust to eternal and bright.

Folk customs and signs on the red slide

If the guy or the girl will be seen at home on a red hill - Happy fate can not be waiting.

In 2018, the Red Gorka is celebrated on April 15, 7 days after the Great Easter

This is a real truth that has formed in such a prompt for preventing guys and girls. The red hill is the time when the walling has traditionally passed throughout Russia. Young people gathered all together, drove away dances, admitted to each other in love. Perhaps before that day, the guy just did not notice. If it remains to sit at home, then her narrowed can pay attention to another girl and make her an offer. But the one who will stay at home, will be pronounced - the man of her fate will be already busy. The same applies to the guys.

Red hill throw a coin into a well - Happiness will attract in your life. Perhaps this is a superstition, but it was always a tradition to throw a coin in the reservoir. If a person wanted to return to the place where he was good, he threw a coin into the river, in the sea, in any other reservoir and then definitely returned to this place again. Red hill - a special day. It is believed that if on this day to throw a coin into the well and make a desire, then it will be fulfilled. Moreover, long to wait.

I will die on the red slide with the icon - we will become rich. This is not a superstition, but pure truth. In the old days it was taken on this day to wash the icons. It goes without saying that the water supply in those days was not. Therefore, the icons were washed over the basin.

But those who knew special words, they could use their welfare using this water. But the water that washed icons can help and without a conspiracy, simply will have to wait much longer. After all, you could not ask about what you wanted the right words. Such water must be washed.

And if you live not alone, then start this water to wash all family members, starting with the smallest.

But those who are older than you - you should not wash, otherwise you will attract poverty into the house. The best option when these manipulations hold the most eldest family member.

The fact that this ritual was held in your house, it is impossible to speak anyone. Especially if you are asking how you managed to get rich so quickly. Lose all, and the money will leave between your fingers.

Who reads prayer on the red hill - he lengthens his life. Let's start with the fact that prayer always helps to get out of the most difficult situations and solve problems. Prayer helps to get rid of diseases and fulfill your cherished desires. But this day is special. In many corners of Russia, a red hill is a day when people go to the cemetery to remember their loved ones who are no longer. Therefore, if a person prays on such a day, not only the highest forces help him, but also all relatives who are no longer, and which you came to spend. Therefore, if you pray about health on this day, then health you exhaust not only for yourself, but for all your relatives.

A red hill is a big holiday, although today it is no longer known about it. But this is the day when you can drastically change your life.

Signs of the Red Gorka must be observed, otherwise you will have to wait a whole year in order to realize your desires.

There are many things and concepts for which people try to make money. But what if there is no money or very little? People have long been conducting magical rituals and rites for money and on wealth on certain days of the year.

Red hill

The holiday is celebrated next week after Easter and called Antipasha, a fomine week or a fomine Sunday. The roots of this holiday go into deep antiquity, to paganism, when Slavs honored Yaril, God fertility and family. Later, when Christianity came, the church tried to challenge the new holiday of old gods. Antipasha appeared as a tribute time when the Apostle Thomas believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In the people of Antipashu called red slide. "Red" means "beautiful" when nature is transformed after the winter captivity. The slide because the snow melted first on the hills.

Modern people mostly forgot the pagan customs, signs and holidays, except for some. One of the preserved ancient rites are rituals for well-being, money, love that spend on the day of the Red Gorka.

How did the rites in antiquity

Pategory rituals demanded quite peculiar objects and places that it is not yet possible to repeat in modern life. For example, a rite for money was held on the red slide. As one of the main elements of the rite was Sokh or Plow. Now these ancient tools of earth farmen remained only in museums, and then not in each. However, the description of the ritual came to this day completely.

At midnight, all women of the village went out to the sideline, where they were waiting for three old women with icons in her hands and three unmarried girls with a dear. As soon as everyone gather, these girls dismissed braids. Married women filmed hats, tried in the hust and went around the village so that the furrows were drawn behind them. The end of the furrow was adjusted before it began, and in this place the procession of girls and women was greeted guys. The hustle was left on the field and all together went on a night feast with painted eggs (dyes) and festive horses up to three nights. As soon as they diverged after the feather, the ban was imposed on the fun.

Healing fluid

The red slide was not only a holiday of the spring awakening of nature, but also time when it was necessary to wash the icons. They were put in the pelvis and neatly washed with water with the words of the conspiracy.

The water remained after washing icons was considered healing. She had to wash the members of the whole family, starting with the kids. Wash according to the rules should the most eldest in the family. If the younger is with water with an older icon, the whole family dismisses sharply. It was a real magic that quickly brought results.

On the day of the Red Gorki, rites were held not only for wealth and money, but also to marriage.

Rules of conspiracy on wealth and money

Rituals, customs and signs for the red slide day are very well recorded in the book of the famous Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. The rite of wealth and money is carried out only on the day of the Red Gorka, at another time it is absolutely ineffective. Find the icon, where Jesus sits on the throne, it is called "GOD GO". Another icon for money ritual is not suitable. It is impossible to report that you will conduct this rite. Provide a complete sacrament of the action, even in the family, do not tell about it. You must have a strong desire of wealth for a certain goal.

Before the ritual, learn by heart the words of prayer, write them down on a piece of paper.

Conspiracies on a red slide for the fulfillment of desire.

Money ritual for a red hill (raininess after Easter) welfare

At dawn, turn the face to the rising sun, take the bucket with clean water and pour it into a clay bowl. Keep the Icon "GOD GOD" in the left hand, and the right gently water it with water and take a conspiracy seven times in a row.

Copying water with icons should be washing a person, but only one. After the ritual, a piece of paper with a plot should be hidden in the wallet.

How many times should you repeat the conspiracy on the red slide on Stepanova to achieve a strong result? Exactly three years in a row with the full compliance with all rules and conditions.

What if the plot failed

At first glance, the rite of wealth is rather simple. However, there are cases when conspiracies on the red slide make a person with a poor or do not affect the financial condition of the family at all. What could be the cause of failure:

  • Chat. As already mentioned, you can never talk about anyone that spend such a powerful rite for wealth on the day of the Red Gorka. After the right rituals there is an improvement in the material situation, and the person is sometimes triggered to friends or acquaintances about the reason for such a change. What happens after changing the secrets? The one who you will report will grow rich, and you are waiting for ruin and full poverty.
  • Frivolity. In order for the rite for sure, you should not only hold it correctly, but also prepared properly. What does it mean? When passionate comes, disobey post, do not eat forbidden products and do not apply to the dump. During the post, follow your behavior. You are forbidden dancing, movies, any type of envelope, badge. The post for you should be a period of amplified prayers. Only such training will bring you success after the ritual for wealth on the day of the Red Gorka. Next year, repeat the preparation with the ritual.
  • Lesson of fate. How to explain this situation that develops negatively even despite the right preparation and ritual? If you have not missed a single rufo, it means that you are given a lesson. Think for what you have such a strong desire of wealth? It's one thing when you need money for the good goal, for example, cure a relative from the disease. And if you want money as a means to achieve great power, you will eventually get this punishment from fate. Conspiracies for money is a rather complicated thing to which you need to approach.